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!!! WARNING !!!



The Supergirl - Chapter 9c - PLUNDER AND PILLAGE


“What the fuck is this, Doc?”

“It’s a special milkshake.”

“Nah... I’m good... not feeling like one.”

“Sir, I think you want to try this one. It’s not an ordinary shake.”

“No? What’s unordinary about it?”

“It’s a new product that I got my hands on. The inventor hasn’t decided on a name yet. He’s thinking about calling it ‘Eruption’, ‘Volcano’ or even ‘Niagara’. I understand you are about to claim Isis this evening, this will come in handy to enhance the experience for the both of you.”

“Okay... what does it do? You’re being vague!”

“It forces the penis to become erect and stay erect for hours. The erection is much more powerful and increases stamina. A man could fuck the whole day if he would drink sufficient shakes.”

“Interesting, but I don’t see the link with any of those names.”

“Yes yes... there’s more. It makes the testicles grow significantly so you can ejaculate so much sperm that it’s apparently comparable to that of a donkey or horse.”, David’s eyes grow wide.

“A horse? It sounds painful to have my testicles grow so big.”

“I don’t know, I haven’t tried it myself yet and didn’t ask about those kinds of specifics. But he did say that the orgasms being out of this world!”

“Hmmmm... whatever... gimme that. I’ll give it a try.”

“Excellent, sir!”


The time has come... family quality-time... is over.

Kara is summoned to the dungeon. When she enters the room, her posture becomes more submissive, her demeanor changes as she walks past Isis. Who is naked, tied to spikes, laying on a white mattress on the floor with David standing next to the mattress. Kara lets the men suspend her in the air with chains.

“Where are the others?”

“Somewhere you will never find them in time before being being gang-raped by a hundreds of horny sadistic pedophiles and then tortured to death. So, don’t try anything stupid!”

“Why is that needed?”

“Well, we’re going to turn the emitters off, because you’re gonna have to heal her.”

“Heal her? Why? She has augmented healing.”

“Let’s just put it this way... in my experience with girls her age and size... when I don’t hold back... when I go all-in... the vagina will be in dire need of medical attention... or... some superheroine healing power... and just so you know... I don’t intend to hold back... I intend to enjoy her first time as much... as... possible! I probably won’t need your help, but you never know.”

“David... please... don’t do this... you don’t have to go through with this... she’s just an innocent girl... just torture me as much as you like...”, David smiles.

“Sweet Kara... I know you think I don’t HAVE to do this, but I just cannot pass on the opportunity of a lifetime to rape a daughter of Supergirl... to rape such an angelic little Goddess. For a guy like me... who’s had hundreds of girls before this one... I HAVE to... I’m sure you’d understand for a man in my position... I just HAVE to be the guy ingrained into her memory... in history... as the guy who took her virginity! The first man to push his penis into her vagina... the first guy to rape her... the guy that she will never forget... that honor MUST be... MINE! Have I not EARNED to be that guy! I deserve to be! Don’t you think?”

David grabs the girl by the shoulder. Caresses her arm, then her chest. After massaging her small budding breast his hand moves down her belly. Grabs her pussy gently before sticking his finger inside.

“Please mister... please don’t hurt me!!!”

“DAVID... please don’t do this! I beg you... please show mercy to my daughters. I will do anything... anything!”, he ignores Kara’s pleas to spare her girls.

“Oh Isis... you beautiful... beautiful girl... you’re such a precious little thing, aren’t you?! You are so special... you have no idea how special! I bet your mommy said that many times... and you know what... she was absolutely right!

Having you in my possession makes ME special. It’s like winning the jackpot in some kind of pedo lottery. Maybe even... like a twisted kind of fairy-tale becoming reality... for me...

I initially thought of you as a Kryptonian princess, but Doc tells me your name is that of an ancient Egyptian goddess... that suits you... you’re like a child Goddess.

I noticed you keep calling me mister. Despite you are a child Goddess, you are still my property... my slave... you will not address me as mister... you will call me MASTER.”

I love rape... especially little girls... it is a joyful experience only few men ever get to experience. It... gives me a sensation that... that is probably what real love must feel like to ordinary people... but I only feel it when I violently rape special little girls!!! Girls like you... and... we all deserve to feel that love, don’t you think???

While I was little, other kids used to call me ‘Pig’. Especially girls... they always laughed at me. That was so painful... it messed me up really bad! I was depressed... felt weak... broken...

Then I raped one of those mean girls when I was sixteen. It made me feel so powerful... a REAL MAN... to just take what I wanted. Forcing myself onto her. Killing her made me feel even more powerful. I had my revenge on her. I had to do the same to the rest of the mean bunch. But after I exhausted all the girls the urge didn’t go away. I couldn’t stop anymore. I kept raping and killing... it didn’t take long to reduce the age of the girls. I noticed that the younger they were... the better it felt... physically... mentally...

I realised then what I had become. At first I was repulsed by the monster I had become, but I’ve embraced myself since. Even the way I look... it makes the experience of being raped even worse.

Every rape... every kill... made me heal a little bit. I think I will never stop the healing process. I need to rape... I need to kill... I’m proud of what I’ve become... a self-made man who takes what he wants. People no longer dare to call me ‘Pig’... but I’m sure you see the resemblance.

You are about to get ‘porked’ by this repulsive, ugly, fat man. People always say to enjoy the little things in life... in my case that means ‘porking’ little girls... if that makes sense...

The contrast is so great... you are so beautiful, thin and small... I’m so repulsive, fat and big. You are so young... I’m so old... my cock has raped hundreds of girls... your pussy is brand new.”

“Please mister... I didn’t do anything to you... I have been a good little girl... please don’t hurt me and let us go.”

“Aren’t you just the most precious little thing? Begging me not to hurt you with those cute eyes. Don’t be stupid! You might be stunning to look at, but maybe not too smart in that area, huh?

Just remember, whatever happens to you from now on... it’s all your mother’s fault. Her actions dragged you and your sisters into this!

“MOMMY MOMMY... PLEASE... HUH... MOMMY... PLEASE DON’T LET THIS BAD MAN HURT ME!!!”, David smiles at Kara who is firmly held in place by the threat of her other daughters suffering a horrible death. She’s dressed as the Goddess she once was. Dressed up to make what’s about to happen even more shameful. The Goddess unable to save her own daughter from eternal shame.

“David... please... haven’t you punished me enough already?”

“Kara... there is nothing you can say or do that will stop me... the time has come for me to consume this girl!”, David grins like a predator about to devour its prey.

“Kara... you MUST watch me having sex with your child! If you don’t, I will hurt her much more. It’s your decision... you two are lucky in a sense, you know... not many mothers get to see their daughter’s devirgination. Especially not at a preteen age! Oh... you will refer to me as ’that nice man’ if you’re talking about me!”

David explores the child’s body... amazed by her soft perfect skin. Not a single flaw. No freckles, no birthmarks or any other imperfections. He strokes her butt, holding one cheek in his hand, squeezing it. Holds the other cheek in his other hand to squeeze both while he kisses her mouth. Sticking his tongue deep into her mouth.

“The best little-girl butt ever!”

She shivers when he pushes his hand between her legs from behind touching her vulva. He presses one finger between her labia to play with her girly part intimately. Her whole body shivers at the touch and the unexpected, sudden sensations her vagina is sending through her body.

“MOMMY... HE... he’s touching me inside my... inside... ah... uhh...”, she looks at Kara for some form of support.

“I know honey... just... just let him... let the ni... the nice man touch you...”, David looks at Kara with a big smile giving her a wink.

“Kara... will you give me your permission to use your daughter? To claim her virginity?”

“NO... yes... no...”, David grabs a hunting knife.

“You get one chance to make the right choice, Kara... her virginity will be taken right now either by my cock... or the knife... which is it going to be? Now I ask you one more time. Make it clear. Who or what will devirginize your little girl...”, David frowns his eyes.

“No... please...”

“Please WHAT???!!!”

“You... David... you can use your powerful cock to fuck my daughter. Do what you want with her... her pussy and the rest of her body is your property...

Isis... do whatever the... nice... man... wants...”, Kara knows just what to say to appease him, but starts crying after the first sentence.

“MOM!!! NO!!! WH...”, David slaps her face. Grabs her chin firmly, deforming her pretty face.

“NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU SNARKY LITTLE BRAT! YOU HEARD YOUR MOMMY! You are MINE!!! YOU are MY PRO-PER-TY. I FUKKIN’ OWN YOU. I CAN do WHATEVER I want with you! I OWN YOU... YOU SNOTTY, STUCK UP, LITTLE CUNT!!! Think you’re too good for me? Think I’m too ugly for you? Looking like a pig? Don’t like my bad skin? I put a lot of effort into building this body in order to make this experience as degrading as possible. You’re going to get porked by this filthy, old, ugly fat guy.”, he unties her arms and legs, puts her upright on the knees.

“You feel this... you think this is your pussy??? WRONG!!!... this right here is mine... these budding breasts... mine... these fantastic legs... mine... these perfectly thin arms... ALL MINE!!! You are living inside a body that I own... it is no longer YOUR body!!! Your soul lives inside my property.

Thanks for making that absolutely clear, Kara. I knew you’d have my back on this...”, he looks at the devastated mother who has no other choice but to play along with David’s wicked mind-game.

“Heheheh... Kara... I can only imagine the torment in your brain right now.”

The facial expressions on Isis’s face can’t hide her mental horror feeling the hostile intrusion inside her defenseless pussy. The horrible man makes her feel physically pleasurable sensations with his raw, fat fingers. She tries to think about his fungus infested nails inside her to fight the feelings, but she can’t help it. She is outclassed by this man who has so much sexual experience with little girls. Even though he is mostly about hurting pussy... he knows very well how to show a girl a good time. He knows how to make a little girl’s pussy feel really good.

“I can’t wait to stick my cock in there... Look at how big it is... here... wrap your fingers around it... just like this... squeeze it... feel how hard it is. Now feel this part of it. It’s called the cock-head. It’s very slippery and slimy now, because you make me very horny. Why don’t you give the head a little kiss, huh?”, she shakes her head.

“Please... I really don’t want to ki...”, David grabs her hair firmly and squeezes hard.

“Isis... now is NOT the time to act like a spoiled little brat. Now is the time to show me that you know your place. Show me that you know you are my SEX SLAVE. I wasn’t asking!”, she still refuses.

“We can do it the nice way or we can do it my way! Which way do you prefer? You want me to hurt you?”, she shakes her head again.

“Then just give me a kiss down there!”, she reluctantly gives the slimy dick-head a little very short kiss.

“Well... it’s a start. You’re a very lucky girl, you know... you get to see my mighty cock up close. I haven’t seen it for years except in mirrors and on video. It’s my belly getting in the way. Good thing I have so many little girls to lick it clean or it would become quite difficult to keep it clean. From now on... it’s one of your tasks.”

The grip on her hair is tightened to force her closed lips to make firm contact with the slime-covered dick-meat before smearing the slime around her mouth. He turns her head toward mommy.

“Hey, mommy... look at how cute she looks with my dick-slime all around her mouth. This should go into the family album, don’t you think? Guys, make sure to film this and take pictures of the little cock-sucking goddess.”, Kara just stares with tears in her eyes while watching her first-born taste her arch-enemy’s penis and cock-slime.

“Now... there you go... open up and lick it!”, she shakes her head again.

“You know... you can save yourself a great deal of suffering! In the end you’re going to do exactly what I want anyway so if you just do it and make me happy it will be so much easier on you! There are very few men like me. I am what people call a sadist. That is someone that enjoys hurting people. Kara... a little help please... you know she really doesn’t want to piss me off! I’m in a good mood right now!”

“Isis... please... do as he says!”


“Please do as the... nice man... says...”

“That’s better...”, winks at Kara.

“There you go, girl... that’s it... press your tongue against the bottom to make it feel good. Let me spread my slime all over your tongue and mouth. I want you to taste me... taste my cock... taste my cock-slime... experience how your master tastes. Better get used to it. Now... swallow my slime... don’t worry... it’s perfectly safe!”, David makes it hard for the girl. He grabs her little hand, puts it on his scrotum and squeezes one testicle with her hand to squeeze as much slime as possible into her mouth.

“There ya go... swallow my filthy slime! I know... it’s gross... I’m really glad I don’t ever have to swallow cock-slime coming out of a guys balls! Damn... the thought alone... YUCK!!!

Do you feel how large my testicles are? They’re much larger than normal. Doc gave me a new product to enhance men in bed. He says you and I are in for a surprise.”, then he puts his hand on her throat.

“Just swallow the slime from this old pig...“

It takes a couple of seconds for the girl the think about what she is about to do, but decides that it is in her best interest to accommodate this ‘nice man’ as much as possible for the moment.

“Oooooh... I can feel my slime go down your throat. These are the little things in life that I enjoy so much. It’s special when it’s a girl’s first time... first taste... first touch... first swallowing of a my dick-juices. YOU are special, my dear Isis. People say that to children all the time, but you really are very special. You’re so special that having you as my property makes me special!

“It... it’s YUCKY...”, David just smiles at her complaint. It’s what he was hoping for.

“I know it is... but I like making you lick and taste my yucky stuff. It’s normally not this bad, it’s just that I haven’t washed myself for three days... and the weather was kind’a hot, you know... plus... I think I have a bacterial problem. There might be some puss here and there, but it’s fine... you won’t die from it...

You know what sperm is? No? Well, it is white sticky gooey coming from a man’s testicles. Here... feel this right here...”, David takes her little hand and makes sure she grabs his scrotum again.

“You feel that? This is my scrotum... or ball-sack... that’s because... feel this here... there are balls in there... called testicles...

This is where sperm is made... also called cum... the white sticky stuff... You will drink a lot of that... You’re gonna be an expert cock-sucker. Just like your mother. It will be one of your purposes in life from now on... until the day you die. You will live to please men. That will be me for the foreseeable future, but at some point the ownership may be transferred to another man. It doesn’t matter who, but you will live to serve cock. Don’t you worry too much about it for now... I’m not going to share a precious little thing like you with other men. I will keep you to myself... You won’t have to swallow the goo of over fifty different men, a dog, horses, pigs and a bull. That is what your mother had to go through. Yeah... she was thoroughly enjoyed by many males of different species that enjoyed her body very much.”, David makes her kneel before him while he sits down leaning backwards in the sofa.

“You better make your master happy or you will suffer... I mean REALLY suffer. You’ve seen the girls suffer on stage. You don’t want to become one of the girls on stage! Let’s see if you know your place now, little girl... who am I?”, he asks with his face slightly upwards and his eyes looking down on her in a threatening way.

“Da... David... right?”

“That is my name... but who AM I to you?”

“My abduct...”, her hair is clamped even tighter yet.

“I am your MASTER! I am your OWNER!!! You WILL do ANYTHING I want!!! Let’s try that again... WHO... AM... I???!!!”, his fingers again on her little clit.

“OWWW... You...OW... are my... OW ow... OWNER!”, the fingers start to rub the little clit gently.

“Good girl...”

“AaAAAhhh...”, Isis utters when David unexpectedly rubs her vagina in ways he knows that makes little girls feel extremely good.

“Feels good doesn’t it? I know how to make little girls feel very good down there. I just almost never do it, because it’s not something I take pleasure in. Only in exceptional cases, but I will make goddesses like you feel good from time to time. Let this be a lesson... if you obey... I will be less brutal, but if you disobey or don’t put the effort in... I will make your suffer... most of the time, punishment means making your vagina hurt.”, David grabs some more dick-slime, transferring it to her clit.

She can’t help but moan at the overwhelming unwanted vaginal sensations that her master is causing her to have.

After about a two minutes David grabs his penis and pulls her head to his crotch again.

He rubs his slimy dick-head over her lips, presses it against her snobby nose. Making her smell the unwashed cock. Squeezing his penis from base to head maximizing the goo flowing onto her cute lips, smearing it all over the top and the bottom. Then completely around the mouth again before pushing himself into her mouth.

“Now, taste me again... have an even better taste of my slime... swallow it... accept it... let it become part of you... hmmmkay. Lick my dick-head, be careful with your teeth. I don’t want to feel your teeth on my dick or I’ll have to knock them out. Keep licking and try to suck as much slime out of me as you can... swallow whatever comes out. Just go with the flow... Don’t worry, I won’t piss in your mouth... not yet...”, David holds the sides of her head gently, closes his eyes to enjoy the little tongue of the girl gently licking his unwelcome cock.

“Oooooohhhh yeah... that’s it girl... keep doing that... stick your tongue between the cock-head and the foreskin... lick it inside... lick it all over... clean it real good... top... bottom... left... right... oh... yeah... like that... that is soooo goooood...”, she is shocked at the sudden rancid taste when she sticks her tongue inside the foreskin. He wasn’t kidding about not washing himself. She makes sounds that leave little to the imagination about how repulsed she is by the horrible sensation in her mouth. David holds her head firmly in place when the girls tries to pull back.

“ISIS ISIS... DON’T YOU DARE... keep your mouth where I want it... just clean it... it will get better soon... a little bit better... many little girls have made it through this part... don’t worry... you can do it too! I believe in you, Isis! Yeah... that’s it... there you go... just a bit more...”, Kara, who knows the rotten taste all too well, sheds tears watching her precious daughter going through this extremely degrading cock-cleansing ritual. David smiles at Kara. Seeing the mother looking at her daughter being immensely humiliated like this is a new, surprisingly satisfying, experience for him.

“Oops... felt your teeth a little bit there... it’s still okay... just watch it, sweet little Isis... don’t worry... I will make you a great cock-sucker! You’ll see... You’ll become so good it will make seasoned prostitutes jealous.

Don’t pull back... just let it flow into your mouth... keep your lips closed around my penis... yeah... that’s great... keep doing that... yes... oh yeah... YEAH... ISIS... THAT’S GREAT... OOOHHH... AAAHHH... YES... YES... OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH...”, he tightens his grip on her hair, preventing her from pulling her head back and pins her lips between his fingers and his cock, creating a very effective sperm-seal. Normally to force the girl to keep all the sperm in her mouth, but he has no experience with the building eruption caused by the drugs.

“ISIIIIISSSSS... HERE IT COMES... AAAHHHHHH...”, he tilts his head back... opens his mouth wide... moans loud as his body convulses and his cock erupts into her mouth.

The torrent of sperm floods her mouth almost instantly. He looks down at her. Watching her cheeks balloon. This never happened before. Her eyes grow wide as she’s totally unprepared for the copious amount of liquid suddenly coming out that has a very different taste, thickness and texture. She gags and convulses, but she does her best to inhibit it. She tries to swallow as fast as she can gulp it down, but she can’t keep up.

She coughs, causing a large splash of sperm making it past the seal of her lips. Snot sprays from her nose. With every cough... more sperm sprays out even though David keeps the seal as tight as possible. After about twenty seconds, the stream subsides, but doesn’t stop yet. It allows the girl to catch up swallowing the sperm. After almost a minute, the throbbing of the penis and the flow of sperm stops completely.

“OH... girl... your cheeks... I... I love it! It’s the drugs... it surprised me too! Don’t worry, I’m not going to punish you for wasting so much sperm. But whatever you have in your mouth right now... you need to swallow!”, he puts his hand on her throat.

“Don’t worry... look at me... I’m not going to strangle you... I just want to feel you swallow my cum while looking in those magical eyes. Eyes are the windows to ones soul so keep your eyes open. Let me feel your disgust while you swallow the rest of my sperm.”

The girl is reluctant. She’s swallowed so much already. She doesn’t know if she can swallow more. The idea alone of what it is she will be gulping down even more of. She finds it hard to find the strength within to gulp down the fluid coming from the testicles of this ugly, fat, old, stinking man.

“Come on, Isis... you can do it... you’re a big girl...”, Kara offers her some mental support. Fearing she will otherwise be punished for failing. David looks at her surprised.

“Thanks, mom... I like how you encourage your daughter to be the best she can be!”, he looks deep into her eyes. She reluctantly takes a small first gulp without losing eye-contact with her master. He feels her disgust... he feels her torment... he sees her soul.

She gulps again... it’s a slow process, but David doesn’t mind. He likes to drag out this moment... it’s so precious. There’s only one first time. He wants to savour this moment!

“If only I could only stay in this moment forever...”

After a minute or two, her mouth is empty.

“She did well, huh? Aren’t you proud of her at least? She’s a snotty one, though.

Oh... hold on... wait a minute... HAHAHAHAAAaaa!!! THAT ISN’T SNOT!!! THAT’S CUM!!! SHJJJJIIIIITTTT... MY SPERM GUSHED OUT OF HER NOSE!!! That’s... PRICELESS!!!”, Kara almost looks away. Catches herself just in time. Crying from seeing her little girl’s mouth and nose overflowing with the filthy dick-fluids of that filthy pig of a man.

“Guys... did you get all that? Tell me you got all of it on camera!”, the guys nod.

“FUCK MAN!!! This is one of the hottest things I’ve EVER SEEN!!!

David disrespectfully throws the girl onto the mattress.

“So... I fucked your mouth... by law it already counts as rape... still... it’s not enough to claim your virginity... it’s time for me to take what’s rightfully mine to claim... as your owner...

This big dick right here... is going to go balls-deep in that little slit of yours...”

“Please don’t hurt me...”

“Hurt? Oh girl... it’s gonna be more than painful for you! Your cunny will stretch, but I will go beyond what it can stretch... I will be going into your womb... where babies are made... that will be very very painful!”, she starts to cry. Afraid of the pain.

“Guys... hold her down!”, Dumpty grabs her arms to hold her down on the mattress. She kicks David almost in the nuts when he tries to mount her. Humpty was just in time to catch her foot. Then she tries to kick with the other foot, which David catches.


David punches her hard in the belly.

“NOOOOOOO... PLEEEAAAASSSEEE...”, Kara pleads for her girl.



Then he punches her face.



BAM!!! Hitting her chest on a budding breast.


BAM!!! Hitting her stomach.


BAM!!! Hitting her face again. A little blood splatters on the mattress.

“A SWEET...”

BAM!!! Hitting her face yet again. More blood splatters. One tooth is ejected from her mouth.


BAM!!! Another blow to the chest, hitting the other budding breast.

“Goes to show... you’re all nothing but BITCHES... ALL OF YOU!!!”

“I actually was going to take somewhat easy on you today, but now... NO MORE MR. NICE-GUY... I’ll make it as painful as possible!!! Fukkin’ little CUNT!”

While he was going to take his time to gradually enter her pussy, he now plunges hard and deep immediately. Making the girl scream in pain while her vagina is tearing to accommodate the invading adult penis.

He’s halfway in. Knocking at the entrance to the uterus. That is where he longs to be. He uses his special fucking technique, pounds the cervix in different ways and with varying force and...

There it is... the distinct squeal... defining the surrender of the cervix... giving way to the intruder’s cock. Giving passage to violate the inner sanctum of the girl. The squeal marking that the womb has been conquered, caused by the tearing of the cervix. Much more painful than the tearing of the vagina.

The girl is in unfathomable agony. Desperately wanting her ordeal to stop, but there is no end in sight to the relentless pillaging and plundering of all that the little girl’s body has to offer to a sadistic child-rapist. Resulting in the destruction of the pristine treasure that her child-vagina used to be only moments ago. The robbery of her virginity.

The ugly, repulsive, fat man is taking from her all he wants... all he craves... needs... mentally feeding off of her suffering... feeding his insatiable need to conquer... to hurt... to inflict... to degrade...

Being able to always indulge in his rather unusual and depraved sexual needs at his leisure without consequence makes him feel extremely powerful... Nobody stops him from tearing child-pussy apart. Those moments give him intense happiness... emotional bliss... a momentary feeling of being omnipotent.

The destruction of the daughter of the great Supergirl makes it even better... overwhelming him with a level of emotional charge he never thought possible. Resulting in a sadistic rapist high like never before.

He grabs her hair with both hands, pulling it, giving her even more pain to endure.

“Come on girl... make me cum!”, while he keeps pounding the screaming girl. David grunts.

“You can do it... make me cum!”, she has no clue what to do.



He lifts his upper body away from the girl before pounding her pretty face with his fist. Her already damaged delicate face is no match for his fist. She screams in pain. He beats her face again. Humpty hands him his brass knuckles. He doesn’t hesitate to put his fingers into the weapon. The first blow with the knuckles breaks her jaw while tearing her skin. His balls tighten.

“Ohhh yeah... that’ll make me cum!”, he fucks her for a bit before hitting her again.

The second blow breaks her cheekbone, tearing her skin even more. Creating a bloody mess. The pressure is building.


The third blow pops her eye out of its socket. Seeing this, David is pushed over the edge.

“WHOOOAAAWHOWOWOWOWOW.... AAAHHHHH... OOOOHHHH...”, his mind wonders off into the magical realm of heavenly bliss.

He feels like his entire being erupts into her tiny body. He drools out of his mouth, crossing his eyes while they roll backwards. He cannot control them since he’s having the most powerful orgasm in his life. The recharged, throbbing sperm-volcano erupts once more. Deep inside her womb, pumping a torrent of cum into this little girl’s uterus.

After half a minute, he collapses on top of the little girl. The screaming stopped seconds ago. Not in the least because it’s difficult for her to breathe with almost the full weight of the ugly fat man crushing her. He lays there, savoring the moment, for over a minute. Dragging out the orgasmic throbbing of his cock, still buried deep inside her womb. With each throb still injecting a small amount of sperm into the poor girl. He gently strokes her hair with his eyes closed. Smiling in fulfillment. Whispering...

“Isis... that... was... phenomenal!!!... I love you... you might be a whiny little bitch, but... I love you!!!”, the first time he’s ever said those words in his life... to anyone! She just looks at the ceiling with her one eye, without emotion. Her other eye dangling down the side of her head, looking pretty much at her ear.

David tries to pull out of her, but to his surprise realises that he’s still very stiff.

“I think it must be the drugs... normally my cock becomes soft very quick after ejaculation... hold on... I need to pull myself out of you... don’t worry... I’ll pull myself out.”, David isn’t being gentle about it. Knowing that Kara can heal her. After a few attempts he pulls harder. Humpty pulls her arms away from David. The girl screams loud while her pussy is being damaged even worse.

“OOOOHHHH BOY... THIS SHIT’S CRAZY... FUCK MAN... THIS IS... OOOOOHHHHH... DAMMMNNNN!!! AAAAAHHHH... SHIIIIITTTT... THIS HURTS!!! OOOHHH SHHJJJIIIIIITTTT IT’S COMING... OUCH... OWWW... IT’S COMING OUT!!! AAAAAHHHHH”, as much as it hurts David’s penis, he is determined to pull himself out of her. Pulling her uterus on the way out. After a final shriek by the girl, David is finally free. A big gush of sperm and blood flows out of her.

“Oooohhh... damn... that never happened to me before... I’ve never pulled a pussy inside-out with my dick... that was AMAZING!!!”, he holds the tiny womb in his hand, admiring his hard work. He looks at the girl... degraded... humiliated... defiled... depredated... destroyed... merely for the sexual pleasure of one man.

David walks over to Kara. Dripping her daughter’s vaginal blood from his penis along the way. The formerly white mattress makes the damage look extra dramatic now that it is stained red over quite a large area.

Dumpty grabs little Isis by the hair, drags her behind him over the concrete floor, like bag of dirt, to her mother. There, he pulls her up with only one arm to hold her in front of Kara to be eye-level. The girl stares into oblivion with her one eye while the other dangles from the socket on her cheek, still held by the optical nerve. Breathing erratically. Doesn’t react at all. Not even when Dumpty squeezes her small budding breasts hard.

“She no reakt... you did good djob witt girril!”

“You’re not just saying that just because I’m the boss, right?”

“No, sirr... I reellee... you fukk up littil girril good! Ferry good djob!”, David grabs his shoulder, nods appreciatively at his remarks.

“Thanks, man... it’s really nice when a man’s hard work is noticed and appreciated!”, both men laugh as Kara weeps for her girl.

Standing before Kara, David looks at her triumphantly.

“Kara... look... look at your precious little girl... I messed her up... she’s a spent piece of fuck-meat. I didn’t plan for this to happen, but she brought this on herself. I suggest you have a good talk with Celeste before it’s her turn tomorrow.

But... you should be proud! You produced such a wonderful little girl that gave me the most fantastic sexual experience I’ve ever had! And that’s saying something... of all the hundreds of girls I’ve raped... she was the most FABULOUS... AMAZING one!!! Actually, words cannot do justice to your little angel. Your daughter is something special. You can take my word for it.

I feel so lucky... no... I am so blessed that I... got to be the first man to experience her! It’s a historical moment. Even more significant than being the first man to defile the great Supergirl.”, he has a big grin on his face. His face radiates immense happiness.

“It is done... I am the owner of her virginity now. It’s one of my life’s accomplishments. Isn’t it ironic how it works? It’s a one-time transfer. I stole it from her, but her virginity can never be stolen FROM ME. It is MINE... FOREVER! Even if I die right now... or whatever happens in the future... I will always be ‘the one’ that took this child’s virginity. I took it in a fitting way... brutal... merciless... RAPE!!!

But I broke her... she’s a worthless piece of meat now... worthless to a man of my stature and preferences... as you can imagine! Just look at her face. It’s an ugly, bloody pulp. I pulled her reproductive system inside-out. That was an experience I’ll cherish for the rest of my life!

Look... see her tiny little womb in my hand? It’s so cute... look at how small it is. Who, in the right mind, would stick his dick into this broken sack of cunt-flesh like this?”

“Look... right here... I can feel an ovary here... and here...

This is what gives me the most pleasure... not the mouth, throat or pussy... it’s this little sack of cock-heaven right here...

This... is the place to be for a man’s cock!”

He takes a close look to admire the damage he inflicted for a few moments. With a jagged knife he slowly cuts off the tiny womb. The girl screams in agony as her entire reproductive system is painfully removed... slowly...

After an agonizing matter of a dozen seconds or so, he holds the baby-sack above Kara’s head.

“Come on... look up... open your mouth...”, Kara is taken by surprise. Surely he can’t mean... she slowly does as she’s told.

David squeezes the last globs of cum out of the little organ above Kara’s mouth.

“There you go..., now suck the rest out...”

He brings the cervix to her lips.

“That’s it... suck it... yeah... stick your tongue in... don’t feel grossed out... it’s your daughter’s... it’s your own flesh and blood...”

Then he hands the severed organ over to Doc.

“Clean it... preserve it.”, Doc nods after carefully accepting the precious piece of girly meat in his hands.

“Wait...”, Doc turns back towards David who grabs the dangling eye to snap it off. Puts it into Doc’s hand as well.

“I’d like to keep that too... she has really beautiful eyes...”

“Of course, sir.”, nods again and disappears into the next room to clean the body-parts.

David turns back to Kara. Holds little Isis’s broken jaw, turning the head so Kara can see the extensive facial damage of her little girl.

Look at your precious little angel... not so innocent anymore. She had rough sex... she gave a blow-job... thoroughly cleaned a dirty cock with her tongue and gobbled up... I think a pint... of sperm. Yeah... that innocence just went out the window...

Having you, the mother, watch the whole thing was the icing on the cake! The look in your eyes when I penetrated her cunt... that moment... that irreversible moment... from which there was no return... the moment that you realized... that her virginity was transferred to me... priceless!

But I broke my favorite toy... I know she has enhanced healing now, but I have a feeling the inflicted damage is a bit much, right? I need you to fix it for me! I think I’m in love with it.”

“SHE IS NOT AN THING!!! SHE IS NOT A TOY!”, she shouts angrily.

“Well... she is to me... that’s exactly what she is to me... a sex-toy... my personal fuck-toy! One of many items I need to live a happy life. Now fix that little bitch before she dies!”, Kara puts her head down... emotionally defeated...

Kara reaches in between the girls legs, cups her vulva.

“Oh no... Isis... we don’t deserve this!!!”, she has a face full of tears. Starts to cry profoundly.

“Don’t get all sentimental on me. Just fix my toy! So I can do it all over again in a couple of days. You know... this is one of the perks of having a superheroine as a slave. I can damage her and the other girls as much as I want and you can heal them again! I was starting to think that I was over the hill, but you know what... now that I have a superheroine as a slave and her super-daughters as my torture-rape-toys that can infinitely heal by your hand... I think the best part of my life just started!”

Kara is just holding the girl’s vulva. Nothing is happening. She has an angry look on her face. Her eyes start glowing.

“Come on... go on... heal the little bitch!”

No light from her hand... no healing...

“What’s the matter, stupid CUNT! Heal this toy! THAT’S AN ORDER!!!”

The light from her eyes becomes brighter... becoming red.

“Sir... I think something’s happening...”, one of the guards says.

“GUYS!!! MOVE AWAY FROM HER!!!”, somebody shouts at David and Dumpty.

“THIS ENDS NOW!!!”, Kara shouts.

Kara whole body starts to glow. The room behind her starts to become distorted. Steadily, the distortion grows, moving to the front. Heat is radiating from her.

Doc walks into the room again.

“OH SHIT!!! OH SHIT!!!”, he runs to the emitters to turn them on. Heat starts to radiate from Kara. She start to glow

David and Dumpty run towards the door. The intense heat prevents them from reaching the door. They roll into a ball on the floor, David taking shelter behind Dumpty’s. He, in turn, uses Isis’s body to shield him from the heat radiation. Since she’s so small, he can’t completely shield himself from the heat. David starts praying when he sees the exposed skin of Dumpty starts smoking.

Doc turns the emitters to 200% power.

The heat suddenly stops, the men look at Kara. The room seems to bend the other way now.

“OH NO... WE’RE TOO LATE... I’M SO SORRY... THIS IS THE END!!!”, Doc shouts with intense fear in his eyes. His pants turn dark between his legs.

Small objects start to be pulled towards Kara like she’s a magnet, except all kinds of objects are being pulled, even non-magnetic items. The objects seem to stick to some kind of invisible force-field around her. Inside the shield everything is dark... darker than the darkest black.

Then... much faster than the phenomenon manifested itself, the shield collapses, the objects fall to the ground, Kara is visible again and drops to the floor, crying.

Two emitters have caught fire. Doc instantly puts the last remaining emitters to 50% to cool down a bit. Humpty and Dumpty put extinguish the fires.

“Almost... almost...”, she says almost inaudibly.


“Sir... she was doing to turn into a black hole...”

“A what hole??? And what did she want to accomplish with digging a dark sink-hole?”, David looks at Doc.

“No... sir... a “Black Hole’... she was going to destroy the whole world!”, David looks utterly flabbergasted.

“YOU WERE GONNA DO WHAT, KARA??? Didn’t we have a deal??? I could fuck your girls as much as I wanted, right?”

“YOU BASTARD!!! Every time I think you cannot be more evil, you prove me wrong! I did not agree to let you torture my daughters like that.”

“And for that you were going to destroy an entire civilization??? I mean... REALLY!!! Have you become so selfish? HOW DID YOU BECOME SOOOO EVIL???”

“OOOOHHHHH... NOOOOOO... FUUUUCCCCKKKK NOOOOOO... LOOK AT HER!!! LOOK AT MY PRECIOUS GIRL!!!”, he hovers over little Isis. A large portion of her skin badly burnt by the radiation, her hair gone after having caught fire.

“NOOOO... MY LITTLE ANGEL!!! NO GOD... PLEASE NOOOO!!! WHY??? WHYYYYYYY???!!!! MY PRECIOUS CHILD!!!”, tears run down his cheeks for the loss of his beloved new toy.


“Sir... I’m so sorry for your loss, but we cannot risk giving her back her powers... she would only destroy everything! Everything we’ve worked for would’ve have been in vain.”

“Just a few minutes... to repair her daughter! What kind of a mother would...”, David can’t finish his sentence when he starts crying. Doc puts his hand on David’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry, Sir... we cannot allow her to gain that power... ever again!”

“Doc... please... save her... SAVE THIS GIRL!!! I LOVE HER!!!”

“With all due respect, Sir... even if I could save her life... she will never be beautiful anymore... she will always be ugly.”, David stands up, turns around to grab Doc by the throat, pushes him against the wall.


“I’ll do my best, sir. It will be difficult. Her vagina is extensively damaged next to the intense burns to her body. I don’t know if I can save her.”

“Whatever... it... takes, Doc... she dies... you die!!!”

“YES, SIR!!! I’m on it!”