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From All The Fallen Stories
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(Pat is a boy. Pat is a girl. All boy. All girl. Just not all the time. It's weird)
(No difference)

Revision as of 17:12, 14 October 2023

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Pat 1

My name is Pat. Stories like this are supposed to start by saying “I’m Pat and I’m 16 and a girl, or a boy, and I like sex with …” However, I’m different. I’m Pat and I’m 16, all right. I’m a boy, and a girl. Not transgender. Not a boy pretending to be a girl, or a girl pretending to be a boy. Some days I’m a real boy, with penis and testicles, short hair and the best beard a sixteen-year-old can grow. Other days, I’m a real girl, with nice full breasts (for a sixteen-year-old), a vagina, and long hair.

Every so often I go to bed as one sex and wake up as the other. I don’t know how, or why. It just happens. I can’t even predict when it’ll happen. Sometimes I switch after a single day; sometimes it’s as long as two weeks between changes. I don’t feel anything during the night to alert me to a change taking place. And it’s a big bunch of changes. My cock appears, or disappears. My boobs pop up, or shrink to nothing. Even my hair goes from short to long, or vice-versa, as required. My beard vanishes when I become a girl, and comes back when I’m a boy. I’m weird.

I’ve been like this since I was born, my parents tell me. No one paid close attention when I popped out of Mom. I guess for most babies, there’s lots of time to look to see if it’s a boy or a girl. Not for me. The doctor made his call, one of the nurses said he was wrong, another said he was right. Dad was there and couldn’t tell either. I kept changing sex every ten or fifteen seconds, apparently. They threw out the original birth certificate; it was so covered in erasures, scribbles, white-outs, and things crossed out that it was unreadable. Dad saved it from the trash, and it’s framed on my bedroom wall now, a nice souvenir.

My parents decided to call me Pat because it was a nice gender-neutral name. If I settled down and stayed a boy for the rest of my life, Pat was a good boy’s name. And it worked just as well if I stayed a girl. No one expected me to not settle down as one or the other. Pat still worked, though.

My parents took me to doctor after doctor when I was a baby, trying to find out why I kept changing sex. No one knew. There wasn’t anything like it in the medical books. I wasn’t a hermaphrodite, since I only showed one set of sex organs at a time. They just kept switching around. When I was five some doctors wanted to do some definitive tests. They had me sleep naked and uncovered all night with cameras filming me from every angle. They wanted to get a proper record of how I changed.

They didn’t. I had to sleep without a sheet or blanket so they could take pictures. I was too cold that way, so they had to push the thermostat way up so I could be comfortable. I was supposed to sleep on my back, but some cameras were set to cover me if I turned onto my side. For ten days nothing happened. Then I changed one night, after I had turned onto my stomach. The back side of a five-year-old is the same, male or female. The front side, which they were interested in, was flat against the bed, the only place they didn’t have any cameras.

They wanted to run the experiment again, but for the first time I revolted. I told them as forcefully as a five-year-old can that I was through with their silly games. I didn’t want to be poked and prodded any more. I certainly didn’t want to be treated like a freak any longer.

Of course, I was a freak. My parents didn’t treat me as one and actually did all they could to help me understand myself and how different I was from other children. We talked all the time about my changes and they answered all my questions as well as they could. What they didn’t know, they learned. They let me have a voice in how I was going to live, too. I was the one who decided I wanted to dress as a boy all the time, at least while I was young. Before puberty no one could tell a clothed boy from a clothed girl anyway.

Fortunately, considering the money we spent on doctors over the years, Dad had a really good, well-paying job. When I was seven, he got a big promotion and we moved to another town. We had a nice house before, now we had an even nicer one. I had a big bedroom, with a big closet. When I was a girl now, I was starting to get interested in wearing girl’s clothing sometimes. Mostly at home, or if we went out to dinner someplace nice. Girl Pat was beginning to like being a girl.

Our new home meant I had to meet new kids, and make new friends. Doctors and therapists had worried incessantly about me having all sorts of mental problems because I kept changing sex. But my parents had helped me understand what was happening so well that I just refused to go crazy. I was actually rather out-going and made friends easily. Up till then, though, all my friends thought I was just a boy.

There were four boys and three girls in our little “gang.” Jack, Paul, Tom, and Sam were the boys. Marcy, Lucy, and Jane were the girls. And me, Pat, as the eighth. We were all around seven years old, and our birthdays all fell within a two month period in the summer. Some of them had older brothers or sisters, but they were all much older, already in high school or college. We were all young and needed kids to play with, and we all fit in well together.

My new friends all lived near us, on the edge of a small forest. In the forest was a pond, and in the pond all these kids used to go skinny dipping whenever the weather was decent. Their parents knew, but didn’t worry about seven-year-olds going naked together. My parents didn’t know about the skinny dipping until after I’d gone swimming, and then told me if I didn’t have any problem with the other kids, it was OK with them.

We called ourselves the Pond Club, just to have a name. I was a boy when I first joined the other kids in the pond. It was fun to swim naked, and also fun to look at the naked girls. No one was turned on because of the nudity; we were all too young to get aroused. Three days later, Girl Pat showed up at the pond. Everyone recognized me from the shorts and t-shirt I was wearing. Then I stripped naked and shocked them all.

“What the heck!” shouted Jack. “You had a willy yesterday! What happened to it?”

“Yeah, my mom says guys’ willies don’t fall off and make them girls,” Marcy informed us. “That’s just a myth. So, where’s yours? You are Pat, aren’t you?”

So I had to tell them my life story. I hadn’t thought about the need to do that earlier, or I might have skipped going to the pond. I had misjudged my new friends. They listened intently and politely, then welcomed my new shape into the club. I was a freak, but I was their very own private freak. I was so happy. I had friends who could take me as I was.

In some ways, we were all weird. Tom’s oldest brother got married when we were eight. No one was going to invite us kids to the wedding, but all of our parents got invited, and we went along. It was a happy time for everyone there, and everyone kissed everyone else. Us kids joined in on the kissing, because it seemed to be the thing to do. Not sexual kissing, of course. Not for the adults, and certainly not for us kids.

But kissing became our way to show we liked someone. And we never stopped kissing. Boys kissed girls, naturally. But at the wedding, everyone kissed everyone. Not necessarily on the lips, but men were kissing men on the cheeks, women were doing the same. We kissed on the lips because it seemed more kiss-like. Girls kissed girls, boys kissed boys. It didn’t mean anything except we liked each other. Totally platonic. Of course, because we were only eight. Or nine. Or ten. Well, we never stopped because we never stopped being friends.

As soon as the weather got warm enough, we headed for the pond and skinny dipped. We stayed out there well into autumn, too. We didn’t just swim. We played tag, hide and seek, and other kid games. We explored the woods and sailed toy boats in the pond. We had the best all-over tans in the state because we went naked all day from spring until fall.

Then we started to get older. The summer we all turned twelve our parents began telling us about the approach of puberty and that our bodies would be changing. The talks were somewhat premature. None of us showed signs of puberty for months after turning twelve. Well, I already knew all this; my parents had given me lots of sex-ed talks over the years.

Puberty also meant visits to a gynecologist for me. It was awkward making an appointment not knowing which day I might be a girl, but we managed. I had always said I was 100 % girl when I was a girl. Turns out I was wrong. I had all the external parts of a girl, but not all the internal ones. I had no ovaries, no eggs. This meant I couldn’t get pregnant, or need birth control. It also meant I could never have children. I had sometimes thought about having my own children, even though I didn’t know what would happen to the fetus when I became a boy. This settled the matter.

I was also making some changes of my own. I told my mother that I didn’t want to get a short haircut when I was a girl. That was fine when I was always wearing boys’ clothing, but now I wanted look like a girl when I was one. That meant long hair, girls’ clothes, jewelry, and make-up. Mom vetoed the make-up because I was too young. I also changed my name. Girl Pat was now Patty; boy Pat became Patrick.

By the next April, things had changed. Boys now had real testicles, girls were getting the start of their breasts. Some of us hesitated going to the pond on the first warm day, concerned about their new bodies. I went because it was a warm day, and my body was always changing anyway. One or two other kids showed up, and I had to call the others. A little prodding got them all to show up. A couple were a little shy about getting naked again, but after a few minutes, all timidity disappeared. We were the Pond Club after all. We were friends and couldn’t be embarrassed by each other.

The start of puberty didn’t lead to sex, however. Testicles seemed to need time to get used to making semen. Girls had to get used to having periods. Desire took its own sweet time showing up as well. It wasn’t until summer was going strong before we discovered sex.

We had already noticed that kissing was more pleasurable than it had been. Kissing a girl gave a nice twinge to a guy’s cock. Strangely, so did kissing a boy. We still didn’t really pay attention. Then someone brought an old game to the pond for a pass-time.

We had all played Twister when we were younger. Someone always brought it out for birthday parties. We had always played it fully clothed before. Now we played it the way we did everything, naked. Naked Twister was amazingly arousing, as we soon discovered.

Contact between arms, legs, and torsos when clothed wasn’t interesting. The same contact between naked arms, legs, and torsos was suddenly very interesting. Brushing up against a bare leg, looking at someone’s pussy or cock up close, touching a naked ass. Wow! We were quickly aware we were naked and that it meant something new and enjoyable.

Patty was there that day. I kind of expected to enjoy rubbing up against a boy’s body. I was surprised to find it was just as nice to touch a naked girl. All of us were learning how much fun it was to touch a naked body of any sex. I saw Paul’s cock start to get stiff as he leaned over Sam’s back. My nipples weren’t the only ones getting stiff. Or my clit. Another shift found me looking at Marcy’s aroused clit. I couldn’t restrain myself and stuck my tongue out and licked her. She shrieked with joy and almost fell over.

All of us fell over a moment later when Jack stuck his cock in my pussy. I hadn’t noticed how I was standing, and he was bent right over my ass. His cock just barely touched me, then he leaned over a little more, and it poked into me. He added a little push to make sure it went in, and I toppled over, pulling the whole lot of us onto the ground. My tongue was still licking Marcy’s pussy, Jack’s cock was all the way into my pussy, and the rest of us were groping whatever body parts were at hand.

Paul found his stiff cock near Sam’s ass and, in a haze of lust, pushed his cock into Sam’s rear end. Sam cried out, but didn’t pull away. He began shouting out how good it felt to have his ass fucked. Tom pulled Lucy to him and stuck his cock into her pussy. Any other time it would have been rape, but she was practically raping him too. Jane, seeing me licking Marcy, sat on Lucy’s face and begged her to lick her. Our whole way of looking the world, and each other, changed in that instant.

Once everyone had finished having our first orgasms, we just lay there, panting and embarrassed.

“I’m sorry I stuck my cock in your ass, Sam,” Paul apologized. “I just got carried away.”

“Don’t apologize, Paul, it was great!” answered Sam. “I can’t believe how good that felt. I’d like to do it again, in fact.”

With those words, Sam guaranteed that our world had indeed changed. That morning we were just eight kids going through the early stage of puberty, aware of sex but ignorant of the what and how. Now we were eight kids who didn’t see any reason not to have sex with anyone, regardless of sex. Boys could bugger boys, girls could eat pussy. By extension, boys could also suck cocks. Anyone could do anything to anyone else. We no longer had any restrictions.

We did of course have one limit. We made a solemn promise to each other that we would never hurt one another. Anything that might hurt or cause injury was forbidden. Anyone could say “No” to any sexual request and that was a command to stop. We really couldn’t imagine doing anything to hurt one another, but we wanted to make it official.

It became a long and tiring day. Every girl got fucked and buggered. Every boy got buggered. Everyone ate pussy, and everyone sucked a cock. From straight virgins to full scale bisexuals in less than a day. Some new record I guess.

I found out Sam was right about getting fucked in the ass when Tom stuck his cock in mine. We didn’t know about lube, so our asses got real sore by the end of the day. We didn’t care, it was too much fun to do perverse things. Sam’s cock was my first blowjob, and I swallowed all his cum. It was delicious, too.

It was the beginning of a great summer of unrestrained sex. Patrick got his chance to experience sex directly, instead of through Patty’s memories. I needed to feel my cock fucking pussies and asses. We had the most unbelievable fun. And then it ended.

Patty didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant, but the other girls did. And they were all too new to periods to know if they were late or not. Jane got worried and told her mother. Everything. Her mother spread the word, and all of our parents banned our meetings at the pond. Except mine, but I couldn’t have any fun there alone. It was a shame, because we had no other place to fuck without someone seeing us.

We couldn’t even disobey our parents because Jane’s father set up a surveillance camera to watch the whole pond area. Jane felt rebellious and wanted to hold a no-holes barred orgy right in front of the camera just to spite her dad. Jack pointed out that she would get grounded for life, and the rest of us probably would too.

We managed to have sex at home when our parents were out. Some of the kids had mothers who worked, so we could fuck at their houses after school for an hour or so. But no one had room for more than two couples, so we needed at least two spots. We figured out the best way to beat the clock and get fucked, but we were always afraid we’d be caught.

Jane’s mother had told my parents along with the others, of course, but my folks weren’t too upset with me. I think they figured life had dealt me a difficult enough hand they didn’t need to make it harder by forbidding sex. Anyway, they made me understand that I should always treat my lovers kindly, as if I really loved them dearly, and not just for the sex. They weren’t happy about Patrick fucking boys or Patty fucking girls, but the only alternative was to ban sex. I did ask, since they were going to be so permissive, if we could move our orgies to my house. Mom’s response was: “Don’t be silly.”

We had all turned thirteen over the summer, and were now in the seventh grade. Junior high in our town. Three grade schools dumped their sixth graders into it, so we got to meet a lot of kids from other parts of town. We all had classes together all day. The only exception was gym, which separate sections for girls and boys. Of course, I was in both sections, depending on what I looked like that day.

All the teachers had to be told about me so they could treat Patty and Patrick as interchangeable. I told some of the other students, but some didn’t seem to notice my changing bodies. If anyone asked, I filled them in on my life, but I wasn’t going to put a sign up in the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was where things began to change for the Pond Club, though. We all sat at one long table, and were obviously a group to ourselves. But there were lots of people we didn’t know, and everyone was trying to make new friends with everyone else. A guy came up to our table that first week with two other guys and a couple of girls.

“Can we sit with you guys?” he asked. “I’m Joe, this is Pete and Ralph, Betty and Ann. We went to PS 23. Where did you go?”

“PS 14,” replied Jack.

“We’d really like to make friends with you,” said Betty. “Having a lot of friends can be really nice. My sister’s in high school and says the more friends you have, the better parties you can have, and the more likely someone you know can help you with studying for tests.”

“Oh, that might be a problem,” mentioned Lucy. “We’ve known each other for years. We’re really tight, and we have, um, sort of a secret club.”

“What sort of secret? Can you tell us?” asked Ann.

“If we told people, it wouldn’t be a secret,” replied Sam. “You can sit with us today, so we can get to know you. We’ll tell you tomorrow if we want to be friends long-term. Sorry.”

We had a long discussion after school about these kids. We didn’t want to be rude and tell them to leave us alone. On the other hand, we couldn’t see any way to tell them we were sex fiends and fucked all the time. Marcy finally hit on the solution; let them be our friends at school, but not in bed. They didn’t have to know about our sex lives, and friends at school would be good.

Paul made the final adjustment to our agreement. They had to join us in couples, just in case we wanted to add them to our lovers. Couples wasn’t a problem; even in seventh grade, even kids who weren’t sex fiends, were finding it nice to have boyfriends and girlfriends. The three guys and two girls soon became four boys and four girls.

“I don’t know why we didn’t just say ‘yes’ yesterday,” I commented when I told them our decision. “We want new friends as much as you do. As Lucy told you yesterday, we’ve been friends for a real long time. If we don’t invite you to all our social gatherings, it’s not to be mean. We just need to get to know you better.”

“That’s fine,” said Joe. “Say, where were you yesterday? There were four boys and four girls here then, and now there’s five boys and three girls. What about wanting couples?”

So I had to tell them the story of Pat. I was getting tired of telling every new friend my life story, but these kids needed to know about me. We all got introduced. The other new kids were Randy, Carol, and Dixie. None of us, the Pond Club or our new friends, were hard to look at. Jack, Sam, and Pete were actually handsome. Marcy, Lucy, Betty, and Carol were very attractive. I was good looking, male or female, but not especially good looking.

By October we were all getting along pretty well. The School Club didn’t know what the Pond Club did for fun, but we shared a lot of non-sex fun with them. Betty decided to make us better friends, at least the girls, by having a sleepover. She told us it was something girls did all the time at PS 23. I knew girls at PS 14 did them as well, but none of us had ever been invited to one.

When she invited the girls, I was Patrick. The sleepover was set for Friday night, so the girls could stay up late, sleep late, and not worry about school. On Wednesday, Patty showed up. Betty immediately invited me.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t think to invite you when you were Patrick,” she apologized. “Oh, that sounds stupid! I mean, I didn’t see a girl, just a boy, and didn’t think about you as a girl. I mean…”

“I know what you mean, Betty,” I reassured her, “and I’m happy you think of me as a boy when I’m a boy, and as a girl when I’m a girl. I know it’s confusing for you, because it’s sometimes confusing for me, too.”

I had to get a nightgown for the sleepover, because I usually slept naked, and a sleeping bag. I was a little worried about what might happen at the sleepover, mainly because I had read porn stories about wild parties. I was concerned about nothing. We played some board games, watched TV, talked about the prospects of dating (none of us did, but we all looked forward to it), and boys. I was really pleased they acknowledged my dual nature, a girl who knew about boys from the inside. My knowledge of how boys felt about girls was limited to the what the Pond Club did, so I couldn’t give them really good answers, but it was nice to be asked.

Mrs. Miles, Betty’s mother, checked up on us, very discreetly, once or twice. She suggested we shower before going to bed, and supervised the two shower rooms. Betty said she was something of a clean freak, and wanted to be sure we washed up before sleeping. Anyway, she saw us all take our showers. Being naked didn’t bother any of us Pond girls, and I didn’t think about her watching us.

We all settled in to sleep with a chorus of ‘good nights’ in a dark room. The house was very quiet all night long. I slept long and hard, as I usually do. Everything was fine in the morning until the other girls noticed that Patrick had awoke, not Patty. They were a little confused, not having seen my sudden change before. They did realize what had happened, it just surprised them.

Betty noticed my short hair and was the first to know I had switched. She peeked under my nightgown to see my cock. Yep, it was there. She looked like she was going to touch it, licking her lips as if she wanted to suck on it. I wasn’t sure if I wanted that or not. I liked Betty a lot, and would have been happy to have her, or any of the girls, suck my cock. But what would happen if her mother came in?

That wasn’t an idle question, either. I had hardly thought it when we heard a tap on the door. I pulled my nightgown just as Mrs. Miles came into the room. She gave us all a hearty “Good morning, girls!” and then saw me.

“Who are you?” she yelled. “How did you get in here? What have you girls been up to tonight?”

“MOM! Please,” begged Betty. “This is Patty, um, Patrick. I told you about him. Patty changed last night. It happens sometimes. He didn’t mean to. Honest.”

Betty had told her, but she may not have paid enough attention, or just thought it was a joke. Now she led me off to her bedroom to see if I was a boy. She had seen Patty naked the night before, and now saw Patrick naked. She was confused, but apologized for the inspection. I explained everything to her, and this time she caught on.

She gave us all a good breakfast, and me a pair of Betty’s shorts and a t-shirt to wear home. I really didn’t want to wear a dress home. It had been a nice night, and a somewhat embarrassing morning, but no harm was done.

Not then, at least. Betty had seen my cock and began to obsess about it. At school on Monday, she confessed she had wanted to suck it that morning. She still did, and maybe let me fuck her. She had figured out that all us Pond Club kids were sexually active and said maybe she could join us.

“I’d like to fuck you,” I told her, “but if you start having sex, some of the other Pond boys will want to fuck you, too. You better be on the pill before fucking them. I’m sterile, but they’re not.”

I should have kept my mouth shut. Pregnancy could only happen with vaginal sex, and only on certain days. The Pond girls were now better at calculating those safe days. On other days, there was always oral and anal sex. No one had to do without sex.

But no, I had to warn Betty about unprotected sex. By the end of the week, she had worked up the nerve to ask her mother if she could go on the pill. Joe, who lived next door to Betty, says he heard the “NO” through his closed window. Worse, Mrs. Miles overheard some women talking at the beauty parlor about “those awful Pond kids” who were sex fiends, with girls fucking girls, and boys fucking boys. Totally depraved. True enough, though I don’t think we were actually depraved.

On Monday, at lunch, the storm broke. Betty hadn’t been aware of just how upset her mother was, so she couldn’t warn us. Mrs. Miles strode into the lunchroom, up to our table, and began yelling at us. Everyone in the room could hear her, so the entire seventh grade heard her tirade. The eighth grade ate later and had to hear about it second hand.

She called us every sort of bad name: perverts, homos, dykes, lots of other things I hadn’t heard of before. She was especially harsh on me, calling me some sort of sex-changing freak and a monster. She forbade Betty from ever again seeing or talking to us, even in class. She swore she’d get us expelled as degenerates. Some teachers came near, thinking they might calm her down. One look from her and they backed off.

On Wednesday it got worse. The school had a bunch of bullies, as many schools do. Ours had never bothered any of us before. Now they had a target, parentally approved, for their venom. They came at us Pond Club kids as we were going into the lunchroom, a dozen of them against eight of us, three of us girls. We fought back, and then were rescued by the School Club. Joe led them straight into the fight without hesitation.

Before anyone could get seriously hurt, some teachers arrived to break things up. Lots of kids saw us being attacked, so all my friends and I got off with a generic warning about fighting at school. The bullies got detention.

It seemed to be over, but it wasn’t. On Friday, Patty came to school and was immediately attacked by all the bullies at once.

“That’s the boy that dresses like a girl. He’s a fag. Get him!”

“Rip his wig off!” That was painful, because Patty’s long hair is real.

“Tear his girl clothes off!” They started ripping my clothes. My blouse was shredded, my bra torn off very roughly. My breasts weren’t any bigger than any other thirteen-year-old girl but they were now on display. They tore off my skirt and then my panties.

Seeing no cock, but a girl’s pussy, they didn’t stop. It just changed their anger. “Rape her!” became the cry now. I was scared. Sex was fine, but I didn’t want to be violently raped. Just in time, Jack and Sam showed up. They jumped into the fray at once. As more of the Pond Club arrived, and the School Club, the battle changed. The boys hadn’t had to fight all that hard on Wednesday, but the cry of “Rape!” made a difference. This was more serious. Even the girls jumped into the fight.

We were all scratched and bruised, with some bloody noses. The bullies were beat up even worse, kicked in their balls all around. And it wasn’t teachers that broke up the fight, but some policemen. A couple of cops were driving by and were stopped by a teacher outside. They hauled all the bullies away for attempted rape, and a big list of other things.

The principal gave me some spare gym clothes to wear home. My parents were outraged, and we went to the police station to press charges. Some of the bullies had prominent parents, which is how they had gotten away with so much over the years. Not this time. Starting a fight can be brushed off as “youthful exuberance.” Not attempted rape. They were all expelled and sentenced to juvy.

Next Monday in the lunchroom. Mrs. Miles came in again, timidly, shyly. She fell on her knees by our table and apologized for her previous outburst.

“I didn’t mean for any of you to be attacked or hurt,” she wept. “I am so sorry for what I unleashed. Please forgive me. I don’t deserve it, but please forgive me for Betty’s sake. I take back all those evil things I said about you. Betty can be your friend, I won’t mind. I’d like to invite you all to our house whenever you want to visit.”

She spoke quietly. This was an apology, and hard for her to make, not an angry tirade. Most of the students in the lunchroom couldn’t hear her this time, but those who could repeated it to everyone else. When she was done, we cheered her, and so did the rest of the students there.

Patrick went to Betty’s house that next Saturday. Betty had invited me then because her parents were away for a friend’s wedding out of state. We had all of Saturday, and a lot of Sunday to ourselves. I kind of assumed that Betty wanted to have sex, though she hadn’t said so. Even so, I was surprised when she answered the door.

“Come on in and strip,” she ordered, standing stark naked in the doorway. I did, of course. She led me up to her room, threw herself on the bed, and said, “Fuck me!”

“Not just like that,” I explained. “First, I have to lick your pussy to get you fully aroused. You think you’re aroused now, but I’ll get you even more aroused. And you need to suck my dick to get me as hard as possible. If sex is to be any good, it has to take time.”

We took lots of time, so it was very good. I had licked lots of pussies, as Patrick and as Patty. And I could teach her cock sucking from both sides. She got me hard and stiff, and I finally popped her cherry. She winced when I tore it, but smiled through it, and then began moaning in ecstasy. We rested, hugging and kissing, then fucked again. This was even better for her, and her orgasm was fantastic.

She shyly whispered to me, “I’ve heard about anal sex. Patty tells me it’s great. Would you do that to me, please?”

I was overjoyed. I love anal. Patty loves getting buggered. Patrick loves giving and getting anal. We were using oral and anal sex as a way to avoid pregnancy, so I had lots of practice. It was fun, too, and we all loved it.

I always had some lube with me, just in case. Betty blushed when I began licking her anus, but began panting when I poked my finger into it and started thrusting with it. By the time I put the lube in and got my cock ready, she was urging me to hurry up and fuck her ass. I still took my time, more important for buggery. I eased my cock into her asshole, then slowly fed it in deeper and deeper. Her ass seemed tighter than any other I’d ever fucked. Just my imagination, since all asses are naturally tight. But it was Betty’s ass, and that somehow made it special.

I had asked my parents if I could spend the night with Betty, just in case she asked me to. They thought I was too young for sleeping with a girl all night, but they merely grumbled before giving me permission. I’d fucked lots of girls, and boys, but this was the first time I was spending the whole night with a lover. Betty’s sleepover doesn’t count because there was no sex.

We did lots of sex this time. We fucked and sucked and buggered until after midnight. We were both totally exhausted. Hours of sex, hard, passionate sex, just wore us out. We finally just kissed, hugged, and fell asleep.

In the morning, Betty woke up to find Patty next to her. Naked, of course. She’d been there when Patty had changed to Patrick at the sleepover, so she knew it could happen again, in reverse. She just wasn’t expecting it.

“Patty! How did you get here? No, no, I remember. You changed overnight. Damn! I wanted a morning fuck. Now what do we do?”

“Have you ever licked another girl’s pussy?” I asked. I’d been eating the other Pond Club girls for months now, and almost assumed every girl did.

“You mean, like lesbians do? Why would you think I did that?”

“I don’t think you do, just wondering. I do, and it’s a lot of fun, for both girls. I was thinking we could have a morning cum by eating each other.”

“Really? You have sex with other girls? Does Patrick know? Oh, damn, that’s so stupid a question! You’re Patrick, too. How do you keep this straight?”

“It’s not easy for us, either. We both share all our memories and experiences. If I suck a guy’s cock, Patrick knows what it feels like. We’re actually both bisexual. So is everyone in the Pond Club. If you really want to join, you’ve got to have sex with both boys and girls. It just happened, but that’s one reason we don’t try to recruit new members.”

“So, if I eat your pussy, can I join? I never understood until now why you wouldn’t let us join you. I thought maybe you were secretly snobs.”

“Not snobs, just afraid to offend people by telling them they had to be bisexual to join. It’s not something most seventh graders think about. We all like you, Betty, and if you are willing to eat pussy, and fuck lots of boys and girls, we’d be happy to bring you in. And we do fuck a lot of boys and girls, all of us. We’re all practically nymphos.”

“Wow! Lots of sex? Lots of boys? I won’t mind sex with girls if I can get lots of boys. How do I eat you? Will you teach me?”

Well, of course I would, and did. I taught her cunnilingus, and tribbing, and would have introduced her to dildos, except why would Patrick bring a dildo with him? If she was willing to go bi, then we would naturally want her to join us. We really wanted to admit a couple, male and female, at the same time, just to keep the numbers of each even. But I figured we’d find a boy to balance things out soon enough.

Little did I know how right I was. Patrick was dating Betty, one of the School Club girls. Patty was dating Pete, one of the School Club boys. He had shown interest in joining the mysterious Pond Club, as well. And just like Betty, we kept putting him off.

Pete invited Patty to his house one Friday night for dinner with his parents. Safe, normal. The meal was barely over when Pete’s dad got a phone call from his own father. His mother had taken ill suddenly and was going to the hospital. Could he come and help care for them both? Pete’s parents left immediately to go to the hospital. Normally, this would have been a simple journey across town, but Pete’s grandparents lived half a state away. They told him they’d spend the night with his grandpa.

All of a sudden, Pete and I were alone. Pete was worried about his grandma, and I held his hand and comforted him as well as a thirteen-year-old could. Then he answered a second phone call. This told him two things: 1, his father had left his phone behind when he left; and 2, his grandmother was not in great danger, after all. Pete tried calling his mother to let her know, and we heard the phone ring in the upstairs bedroom.

Well, anyway, Pete was feeling much better to hear his grandma was doing OK. So much better, we decided to fuck. Doesn’t everyone want to fuck after hearing good news? So we went to Pete’s room and began some serious sex. Sucking, fucking, buggering (I’d recently taught him that). Lots of sex, lots of energy spent. By midnight, we were worn out. And I fell asleep next to him.

He woke up next to Patrick.  Betty may have been perplexed by waking up to Patty.  Pete was scared silly waking up next to Patrick.  He knew Patty and Patrick shared one body at an irregular schedule.  Like Betty, he forgot.  Even more than Betty, he was totally freaked out.

“Where’s Patty? How did you get here? Why are you here? What are you going to do to me?”

“Take it easy, Pete,” I told him. “You’ve known for some time Patty and Patrick have only one body between them, and they switch possession randomly. The switch happened last night, when I was asleep. I can’t control it, it just happens.

“I shouldn’t have stayed here and fallen asleep last night. The same thing happened when Patty woke up next to Betty recently. It’s embarrassing for both of us. I’m not here to rape you, seduce you, or fuck you in any way. I’ll get dressed and go home.”

“No, wait. I’m sorry. I should have remembered. How many weird friends do I have that I can’t keep track of your weirdness. I really am sorry, Patrick.”

“Not a big thing,” I tried to console him.

“What did Betty do?”

“I shouldn’t tell you.”

“Why not? How embarrassing could it be? Oh, wait. Did she and Patty…?”

“Yeah. Don’t tell anyone, okay? It should be their secret.”

“Were you thinking of doing the same with me?”

“No. I have nothing against having sex with guys. You’ve probably heard people talking about the wild Pond Club kids. We’re all bisexual. We just don’t advertise it. We got in trouble with our parents over the stuff we did at the pond. That’s why everyone thinks we’re wild and depraved. And that is the reason we didn’t want to let you other kids from school join us. To protect you and your reputations.”

“Then, you do fuck boys? Crazy. You seem so normal. Well, except for the changing body thing. You’re not a flaming fag. None of you are. All bisexual, huh? Wow! That makes for a pretty exclusive club, all right. At one time, I wanted to join so badly, too. I’d have to fuck a guy to join, huh? That’s a steep admission fee.”

“You’re still our friend, Pete. Patty wouldn’t be dating you if you weren’t. We stick close together, but you School Club kids are just as much our dear friends as the Pond Club kids. All you’re missing out on is having sex with all of us. And since you’re fucking Patty, you’re only missing some of that.”

“Look, I know this is impertinent. If you want to tell me I’m out of line to ask this, say so. But what exactly am I missing out on? Sex with a lot of girls, yeah I can see that. Sex with guys? What’s with that? I mean, what do guys do for sex?”

“We suck each other’s cocks. We fuck each other in the ass. The girls fuck our asses with dildos, too. Early on we realized oral and anal sex were two good ways to avoid getting the girls pregnant. Fucking guys in the ass was an accident, but one we enjoyed. We don’t force anyone to do anything, another reason we haven’t asked anyone from school to join in. If we asked you to join, and only then told you you had to fuck a boy, you’d be upset. More so if we insisted. So, only those who are willing are allowed to join. I’m sorry if that excludes you. You’re still our good friend.”

“How would I know if I wanted…. I mean, is there a way to tell you might be bisexual? A test? A trial version?”

“If you’re curious, the simple way is to try some easy sort of sex with another guy. Even kissing a boy will give you a clue about liking boy sex. Find someone who’ll keep it secret, and go all the way with him. If you like it, fine. If you don’t, trust him to keep the secret and never mention it to anyone else.”

“Could I kiss you now? I mean, just to see, as you said, if I’d like it.”

“I promise I won’t say a word about this if you don’t like what we do. I’ll go along with whatever you want to try out. Kissing, blowjobs, anal sex. Whatever.”

“Let’s just start with a kiss, all right?”

We kissed. Just lip contact at first. Like two ordinary seventh graders, boy and girl, trying out a first kiss. Except we were two boys, and both of us had some serious experience with kissing. Still, kissing his first boy was a new thing for Pete, and I didn’t want to scare him off by being too impetuous.

Lip contact moved on to tongues and open mouths. He reached for my cock, thinking he was going to finger Patty’s pussy. He found my cock, instead, hesitated, then grabbed it strongly and began jerking me off. At least, as a masturbating boy, he knew how to do that.

He stopped stroking my cock, bent over, and took it into his mouth. He’d never sucked a cock before, but he used his memory of girls sucking his to do a decent job. As he started sucking me, I leaned over and sucked his cock, too. We both came. I swallowed. He tried and missed most of my cum.

“That was, um, interesting,” he finally said. “I, um, I actually enjoyed that. I don’t know why, but I did. You had my cock way into your throat.”

“Yeah, with practice we’ve all learned to deep-throat cocks. It takes a while to master it. You did a fine job for your first time.”

“I could see doing that regularly. That’s what you guys do, then? Cock sucking all the time?”

“A lot of the time, but we also do anal sex often. We bugger the girls a lot, and each other, too.”

“Isn’t that painful? A cock going up your ass? How can it not hurt?”

“We lube the cock and the ass to begin with. After the first time or two each day, the ass is loose enough we can skip the lube a bit. We also don’t force our cocks in, just ease them in carefully. We don’t want to hurt each other, after all. The feeling is wonderful, but it’s something you only realize after you’ve been buggered.”

“It’s not like something else? You can’t tell me about something that feels like it?”

“If you were a girl, I’d say it’s like getting fucked in your cunt. But you don’t have a cunt. It’s just different. Don’t worry about it. If you don’t want to try it, that’s fine. I told you I wasn’t going to seduce you.”

“What if I want to try, though? I’d like to join the Pond Club, you seem so much closer friends than with the rest of us. Must be the sex binding you closer together. I’d like to be part of that. If it means getting fucked in the ass, maybe I’d like that. So, please, could you do it now?”

“Seriously? Right now?”

“Yeah, before I change my mind. Please?”

So I turned him around and started licking his anus. He was surprised, but I told him why, and explained every step in getting his ass ready for its first fucking. He had buggered Patty the night before, so he knew all this, but I wanted to reassure him. He enjoyed the licking, and the fingering, and the lubing. I placed the head of my cock against his asshole and began to press it forward very gently. Slowly but surely it slipped inside. He gasped, then sighed, then began moaning in pleasure.

“Oh, that’s so good! Deeper! More! Oh! Oh, yes! Oh, my God! Oh, fuck my ass! Yes!!!”

He came, all over the sheet. I came, filling his ass with my cum. I pulled out and we kissed. He was thanking me for a wonderful new sort of fuck.

“Your turn to bugger me, now,” I told him. “You fucked this ass last night when it belonged to Patty. Fuck it again when it’s Patrick’s.”

He did, willingly, eagerly, passionately. He was just as good fucking my ass this morning as he had been the night before when it was a girl’s ass. I knew we had another member of the Pond Club, one to match with Betty.

The last test for both of them was to see how promiscuous they were. All of us in the Pond Club fucked everyone else in it. We weren’t possessive, or jealous. If the partner you wanted was fucking someone else, you chose another partner. A boy who wanted a particular girl who was already being fucked could always just bugger the boy who was fucking her.

Betty and Pete had to learn that sort of sexual freedom, that carelessness about who they were fucking. Not just same sex, but any sex, any person, any hole.

Finding a good place to fuck was always a problem. The pond had been perfect, but Jane’s father’s spy cam was still there and still working. I thought about that for a while and realized it had been there for several months already. I wondered if Jane’s father still checked out its video.

So I went to the pond one night, dark enough the camera might not show my face well. I had a flashlight to find my way, then I saw where the camera was. It was on a pole stuck in the ground. I went up behind it, its blind side, and pushed the pole over. It didn’t fall to the ground, but now the camera was only pointing two feet down, showing nothing but dirt and leaves. The pond was free again!

The next step was to wait for Jane’s father to fix the camera. I asked Jane to tell us her father’s reaction. He apparently had given up looking at the video feed some time earlier.

I led Betty and Pete there as Patrick. It didn’t matter which body I used, I just wanted to get them to fuck each other as soon as possible. They were a little shy about stripping and fucking at first. They were long time friends, but they weren’t romantically involved. I told them that didn’t matter. This was about sex and lust, not romance.

Soon they were fucking away. I let them fuck for a while, then I buggered Pete. Betty was thrilled to see two boys fucking. It was the first time for her. Then I fucked her and Pete buggered me. Then we did a double penetration of Betty. I had brought Patty’s dildo, and she pegged both Pete and me. It was a wild day, and at the end I told them they were both in the Pond Club.

We were just about to declare victory and tell our friends, when Jane’s father thought about it again. He spent several hours viewing the thousands of pictures the camera had taken. More than he had really imagined. Then he saw the last pictures, showing nothing but ground.

He went to the pond and saw three deer bounding away from the pond. He found the camera, with the pole bent over. He didn’t know how that happened, until he noticed the grass all matted down near the pond. We had smashed the grass as we fucked. He thought the deer had been resting there and flattened it. And if the deer were hanging out there, they probably knocked over the camera. So he brought it home and gave up the spy business. Now, indeed, the pond was free.

We called the rest of the Pond Club and told them the good news. By late afternoon we were all there fucking away. Betty and Pete were welcomed by all the other members, and got all the bisexual attention they could handle. No one ever bothered us there again, and life was good.

We kept going there every chance we had, after school, on the weekend, school breaks, all summer long. We turned fourteen and went to eighth grade. In time, the School Club disappeared because everyone was now a member of the Pond Club.

The girls of the School Club were more willing to try girl sex than the boys were to try boy sex. But Pete told them how nice it was to be buggered, and to suck cocks. They liked him from way back, and didn’t think of him as a fag. It took a while, the same way I had persuaded Pete to have sex with me, only slower. More stages, more hesitancy. But eventually, everybody in the School Club had become bisexual, just like the Pond Club.

Sixteen teens fucking each other in every possible way, every possible combination, every weekend at the pond. Heaven!

“I don’t know which I like better,” Ralph said as he pulled his cock out of Patrick’s ass, “fucking your ass, or Patty’s.”

“You do remember, don’t you, that my ass is Patty’s ass, too,” I reminded him. “One body, two appearances and personalities. What you mean is, you like fucking boys as much as you like fucking girls. That’s what bisexual means. It means you enjoy giving sexual pleasure to your friends, no matter what sex they happen to be.”

“Yeah, I do. Funny, I would never have thought I’d like fucking boys. I’m glad I changed my mind about it, though. I like fucking you and the other guys. I even like a cock in my ass, or a dildo. Ann and I fucked at her house the other night. We each plugged the other’s ass. Man, what a thrill! Getting buggered while fucking someone is great, too. Thanks for letting me join the Pond Club.”

“Thanks for being willing to join,” I told him. “We liked the idea of having more people to fuck, boys or girls. Patrick and Patty both like having more lovers of both sexes.”

“Yeah, Pete was telling me how flustered he felt the first time he woke up and found Patrick where he expected to see Patty. Now, he doesn’t care who’s next to him in bed. Neither do I. I like fucking you under either name.”