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BraveNudeWorld (talk | contribs)
Created page with "By the time they got home, Sally was in good spirits again. She was, for once, fully aware that she was naked where she really shouldn't be, and actually enjoying it. They'd b..."
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Revision as of 06:47, 19 October 2023

By the time they got home, Sally was in good spirits again. She was, for once, fully aware that she was naked where she really shouldn't be, and actually enjoying it. They'd been talking about it the whole time after all. But since her dad had her back, it just felt like she was getting away with something, not like a problem. No different from how he'd let her have a coke earlier.

Ryan took the truck around back, something he'd planned to do anyway since the alley had closer access to the back yard where they aimed to take the dirt, but it also meant Sally could get out with little to no risk of being seen. So the two hopped out with little concern and no more than a quick glace around; deserted as usual.

"I suppose I'm on my own carrying these to our work site, they're probably way too heavy for you.", said Ryan. He was of course completely aware that this would only ensure Sally would demand she be allowed to try, but watching her try to carry a bag heavier than she was, sounded too fun to pass up.

"Nah-ah, you have to let me try it at least."

"I don't know, Pumpkin, those bags are pretty heavy... but if you're sure you want to try..." He unloaded two bags of dirt, one he hefted on his own shoulders, not without a little effort it's fair to say, and one he left leaning against a rear tire for Sally.

Of course she couldn't lift it, but she wasn't so easily deterred. When Ryan came back from dropping off the first bag he sound Sally still struggling to drag her bag into the yard. She had barely made it past the gate, but he couldn't fault her determination. And damned if she didn't look cute doing it naked. He stopped to watch her until...

"Hey, you're gonna help too, aren't you dad?"

"Of course, hon. Just making sure you could manage..." He hated to stop watching her, but it looked like he would have plenty more time to do that in the future, so he went back to the truck, and once again left one bag on the ground, as he set about carrying the rest into the yard. As he was taking the last bag off the truck Sally came back into the alley, having just finished dragging the first one to where they were working. "One left for you", he said.

Sally had kind of hoped there wouldn't be, but she still wasn't ready to quit and dragged the last bag in, while her father this time had a good excuse to just stand back and watch.

"Well done, Pumpkin. Let's see what we've got on hand for a quick lunch and then we can try and finish this up." Sally was tired from her exertions, and even Ryan was feeling it in his arms a bit, so they were both happy to put off further work a little longer. If only they'd known...

As soon as they stepped into the house, they were greeted by a very unhappy Ava.

"I don't believe you two! Did you actually take her out of the house stark naked? What, were you showing her off to your railroad buddies or something?"

Ryan blanched, and Sally tried to defend her father, but in doing so also cut off any chance to deny she'd been outside the property naked. "No! We only went to Handy's and I waited in the truck. No one even saw me!"

This didn't seem to mollify Ava much. "That's still completely unnecessary, and this has gone on long enough. Get dressed this instant. We need to have a serious talk.", she said.

Now it was Ryan's turn to defend Sally. "She doesn't have to get dressed if she doesn't want to. I think she's serious about nudism and don't see any reason we should stand in her way."

"Then she can go to her room,", she retorted "Last I heard the agreement was naked only upstairs, and if you want to change that we need to talk!" She didn't exactly look like she wanted to "talk" though, so Sally decided making herself scarce indeed sounded like the best course of action. She felt hurt though. Why was her mom so mad all of a sudden? As she remembered it the "upstairs only" thing had been "for now", like a test. It seemed perfectly reasonable that her dad said she could start going naked downstairs and in the back yard. And why did her mom care what happened when she wasn't even there? It was none of her business!

Sally stomped up the stairs, but just because she was feeling contrary, she went into her dad's office instead of her room. That was still allowed within the old "upstairs only" rules, she reasoned. She hated when her parents argued. It wasn't a frequent occurrence, but that only made it more upsetting when it did happen, and the fact they were arguing about her certainly didn't help any. She could hear little snatches of the argument going on downstairs.

"Didn't you say", "don't even care", "hidden enough", "the neighbors could", "that big a deal", "a fucking hardware store", "some respect", "completely crazy".

Her mom hardly ever swore, so she knew this was going to be a bad one, at least by the standards of her normally peaceful household. To distract herself, Sally turned on her dad's computer and started searching for pages about (what else) nudism. But even though it was kind of fun browsing this information on a full size screen instead of her phone, she found it hard to focus, and after several minutes the argument showed now sign of stopping. What did she decide to do?