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!!! WARNING !!!



The Supergirl - Chapter 9d - CRISIS MANAGEMENT

“Gentlemen... thank you for coming on such short notice. We are in somewhat of a predicament.”

“First of all... Dumpty... thank you for shielding me from the radiation. How are your burns?”

“You welkom zir... burns painful, butt I be okay. Me strong man!”

“Indeed you are and you are truly a man of honor!

Speaking of honor... did that BITCH really almost destroy this whole planet... meaning the end of all human life?”

“Yes, sir... we think so.”

“Because she was attempting to create that uh... that uhh... dark hole?”

“Yes, Doc called it a black hole. I really don’t understand what that is. All I know is that it is really really bad. It’s apparently some kind of hole that sucks in all stuff around it and crush it. Doc said that it was some kind of self-destruct mechanism.”

“That stupid bitch is really EVIL!!!”

The men around the table all agree.

“Now... a very important issue... how is my treasure girl doing?”

“Not good, Zir... wwe kiep girl in koma and support-life. Zhe cling to life. Iz schtable for now. It iz mirakl that zhe iz not det.”, David looks at the man shortly. Looks at the center of the table briefly and looks back at him.

“And... who the fuck are you???”

“My name iz doktor Braun, Zir. Pleazed to meet you.”, he extends his hand. David shakes his hand.

“You have a funny accent!”

“I am German.”, David stands up and slams on the table.

“ARE YOU A FUCKIN’ NAZI???!!! WHO THE FUCK AUTHORIZED YOU TO BE HERE???!”, David grabs his gun from under the table and pushes the barrel on Dr. Braun’s forehead.



“Doc recruited him. He said he needed him to keep Isis alive while he’s gone.”

“He recruited this KRAUT??? WITHOUT MY PERMISSION???”

“Sir... you did tell him to do ‘whatever it takes’... YOU gave him carte blanche to do whatever he deemed necessary to fix the girl.”

“I didn’t tell him to hire a NAZI!!!”

“He hired him for good reason!”

“And what the hell could that be???!!!”

“Sir, he is a brilliant doctor. Doc said that if it weren’t for him, Isis would have died already. He saved her life! Besides... he has access to scientific knowledge that could only be obtained by experiments we are not allowed to do on humans... he experimented a lot on... well... let’s say ‘prisoners’ in Germany during the war. So we NEED his medical knowledge.”, David looks Dr. Braun deeply in the eyes. Sweat runs down his forehead.

“Hmmm... well... he didn’t tell me he was leaving. I thought he was just late for the meeting.”

“Do you like to fuck little girls?”, David frowns his eyebrows twice. The smell of urine fills the office.

“Zir... I... weiss nicht... wass...”


“Yez... yez... I like little girlz...”, he pisses himself.

“That’s not what I asked... I’m going to ask you one more time... DO YOU LIKE FUCKING LITTLE GIRLS???”, looking very angry while he shouts the question.

“Sir, he is the inventor of the product Doc likes to call ‘Eruption’...”, David pauzes... thinking...

“Eruption?”, the man nods in an erratically shaking manner due to his fear for his life.

“Yess yess... I invent... e... Eruption... you... you like, or?”, David thinks for several seconds. His anger disappears from his face, pulls the gun away from his Dr. Braun’s head. He extends his hand to Dr. Braun.

“Well... mister Brown... welcome to the Cartel... I really loved your product!”, the gun is put back in the drawer.

“When did you arrive?”

“Yess... I arrive gestern... ach... yessterday... und it iz Dokter Braun... nicht Brown.”

“Yeah, that’s what I said... Dr. Brown... Let’s get one thing straight... don’t you EVER touch my girls inappropriately or you’re dead after you will be castrated slowly, got it? Those girls are MINE!”

“But your Girl Isis Vagina kaput... I must touch her, or?”

“Well, that is obvious. Just no inappropriate touching... only medical necessity!”

“Na klar...”, he nods quickly.

“Kann I go now?”

“Yeah. Go and check on my girl after you cleaned yourself. I will give you a tour around town later.”, Doc nods and slowly walks away. The dark stains clearly visible in his pants. The men wait until he’s out the door.

“Guys... I know I said ‘whatever it takes’... but a God damn Nazi... really??? I mean...”

“Yeah... I don’t know what to say, sir... at least he loves raping little girls! He apparently showed Doc some photos of nasty stuff he did back home with girls.”

“Hmmm... yeah... okay... anyways... I still want to try to have Kara fix her daughter. She’s probably the only possibility to repair her body completely. I just can’t keep her like this. There’s almost no decent skin left on her body, she has only one eye, half a face, no womb, not even a vagina! She’s useless like this... trash! I want the girl back that I fell in love with!”

“No, sir... Supergirl is beyond control. She would rather destroy this whole planet than having her daughters live as your toys. We may not be able to stop her next time.”

“So, how are we going to fix my Isis then? Isn’t there any cutting-edge technology for healing burns? You think mister Brown can do anything with his experimental medical knowledge?”

“Unlikely... I’m sorry, sir... you have to consider the probability that she will be like this forever.”, David slams on the table with both fists.

“NO!!! I WILL NOT ACCEPT THAT!!! WE WILL FIND A WAY!!! DOC WILL FIND A WAY!”, his eyes somewhat teary after the reality crossed his mind of potentially losing the best thing that ever happened to him.

“Very well, sir.”

“Now, give me the rest of the status.”

“Three emitters were destroyed. The power levels to which they were set, combined with the heat coming from Supergirl set them on fire. Two others were damaged, but we were able to repair those with salvaged parts. We’re out of spare parts. One emitter came out unscathed. So, we are down to only three emitters, sir.”

“How many do we need to keep her powerless?”

“Two, sir. One if we limit her movements to be within five meters of the emitter. If we lose one more we are at the bare minimum before total disaster!”, David taps his finger on the table rhythmically while frowning his lips and holding his chin.

“How soon can we get new ones? Or spare parts?”

“We can’t...”

“Why not?”

“We don’t have the money to buy these exotic technological components directly from the supplier, if they would even consider selling to us. That makes black market prices way out of reach. The second problem is that this technology uses Helium-3. It is almost non-existent on the planet. Now if you could borrow an Apollo rocket to go to the moon we could get all we needed, but even if you could arrange the use of a rocket, it would take at least a year to prepare a moon mission. They stopped trips to the moon several years ago. And then again... financial constraints...”

“Okay... so... what do we do?”

“We have to kill her! She MUST die! It is the only way!”, David smiles as he finds the remark humorous.

“Haha... and just how do you suggest we do that? We tried... many times... she just won’t die... it looks like we can’t kill her. Maybe if we could get our hands on enough Kryptonite. And we don’t have operatives in place that can give us access to it. Lex Luthor isn’t returning my calls. The agency suspects him to be responsible for the disappearance of Supergirl.”

One of the men drops a stack of newspapers on the table.

“Sir, maybe, when you have time, it would be entertaining to read through these. There are many articles about Supergirl’s disappearance. Now, half a year later, it’s no longer headline news, but they are still looking for her.”

“Thanks for that, but let’s focus on the matter at hand... how do you suggest we kill her?”

“Well, I have been deciphering ancient texts for quite a while now. I’m missing bits and pieces, but I believe I’ve put a lot of the puzzle together. Looks like she wasn’t the first Kryptonian to visit our world. If my deciphering is correct, there was one Kryptonian who fled Krypton after being sentenced to the Phantom Zone. He took refuge amongst early humans. The people saw him as a God. That’s quite logical with him having the same powers as Supergirl. He loved being worshiped by humans. The Inca called him Viracocha. In other cultures they called him Ra, Zeus, Odin. They’re all the same guy, just different eras. He helped shape early human civilization. He is responsible for teaching them how to build certain things. He moved most of the monoliths in place.

He lived as a God on this planet for over a thousand years until Kryptonians eventually tracked him down. He was prepared for the day that they came for him and made a weapons with Kryptonite as its core. However, he didn’t expect Kryptonian technology to have advanced as quickly as it did. During a fierce battle he lost his weapons and was taken back to Krypton as a prisoner. That was the last humans ever heard from him.”

“Yeah yeah... nice story for a campfire, but we’re not here to tell stories. Get to the point!”

“The main weapon is believed to have been found and stored in the Ark of the Covenant. It was hidden and protected for a very long time by the Templar Knights and I have traced it to a location in Europe. That is the only weapon that I know of with which we can kill her!”

“What do you need?”

“I need a team of competent men and a bag of cash to fund the expedition to find the Ark and retrieve the weapon.”

“You think it will still work after being buried for centuries?”

“I think so. It is, after all, very advanced alien technology. Even if it doesn’t work anymore, it should contain enough Kryptonite to weaken her enough to kill her like any normal girl.”, David taps on the table again... thinking for a minute or so. Then nods.

“That sounds great... I would love to torture her to death publicly... actually... I would love to show it to the entire world!”, David is visibly daydreaming for a moment.

“Okay... take ten men who are not on the most wanted list and carry out the mission! Go find the Ark of... the Ark of the Knights!”

“Yes, Sir!”

“Then the next point... we need more girls to sell, because we’re out of cash! Anybody got any suggestions?”

“How we send some of our new recruits into the USA and grab us a few dozen?”

“Seriously? Those clowns have not even gone through half of the training. We have to supervise them in the field during real operations first! Next idea!”

“Sir, I know how to make a killing fast.”

“Tell me.”

“I know this janitor at an all-girls school. He is willing to work with us.”

“What’s his price?”

“He just wants to have a few girls for himself and join our group.”

“How many are we talking about?”

“Uh... at least fifty girls... I’ve seen the pictures... there are so many high quality girls at that school! It’s a girl-only school.”

“Interesting... set up a meeting with him!”

“Right away, sir!”


“Dr. Brown... I do apologize for the harsh welcome earlier today. I hope you understand that I carry a great responsibility for the safety of the men, women and girls at this facility... I have to be very careful about who enters my hidden fortress.”, David extends his hand.

“Yez, zir... I understand, butt pleaz dont do das again...”, the men shake hands.

“You have my word... now... how is my girl? Will she live?”

“Ja... doch doch doch... girrl wil life. But she will be no-sex girrl... vagina kaput... you destroy... skin... destroy... ugly...”

“Yeah... well... at least she will live. I’m still hoping that I can somehow restore her to the way she was. It wouldn’t be the craziest thing I’ve seen happen in the past few months. At least there's some good news.

I will give you a tour of the fortress. You know, I’m actually very glad you’re here. We haven’t been able to recruit a good medical doctor here and you know... because of the nature of our core business... having a medical doctor around is kind of essential. I was really impressed with your cock-enhancing drugs and I loved exploding... sorry... erupting inside her mouth yesterday!”

“Yez yez... is amazing, or? Makes fick littil Girrl viel besser!”

“FUCK YEAH!!! How many girls did you rape so far?”

“Oh... keine Ahnung... maybe... hundert?”, David nods in appreciation.

“And you?”

“Couple of hundred for sure.”, Doc Braun puts his hand over his mouth in awe.

“Yeah... and I killed hundreds too!”

“You like kill Girrl?”

“Like??? I LOVE torturing them to death!”

“Ahhh... yezzz... me too. I love torture Girrl!”

“Mr. Brown... we’re gonna get along just fine!”

“But it’s Doktor Braun...”

“You know what... I’ll just call you Brownie from now on...”, that doesn’t make Doc Braun very enthusiastic.

“Come... I have a lot to show you. This will be the area where you live and work for the next few years I hope. Where you will enjoy many more girls to come!”

The men go all over the complex. Starting on the surface, which there really isn’t all that much to see anymore, other than the stage, some houses, sheds and storage complexes. Then they go below the surface. Dr. Braun is very impressed with what was built.

“How did yoo built dis Tunnel Zystem?”, David smiles.

“Well, let’s just say we had access to some unusual, but incredible help with that.”

They continue the tour.

“Now, we have one more dungeon to cover... where you will meet our super tunnel-digger.”, the door opens.

The two men walk in. Kara is sitting behind her desk in a satin robe, facing away from the door.

“Hey, Kara... I’d like you to meet someone. Kara... Brownie... Brownie... Kara...”, she remains seated.

“Zhe dig Tunnelz? Und Kara... das ist eine unuzual Name, or?”, he looks like his brain is working. He softly speaks out her name multiple times, thinking.

“I know zis Name... I hear before... Kara...

Nise to met you, Fraulein.”, he walks over to Kara and extends his hand. Kara turns around, looks at David and shakes Dr. Braun’s hand after David nods gently to give her permission to shake his hand.

“Danke schön... Sie auch, Doktor.”

“Ah... Die schöne Dame spricht Deutsch?”, just before she answers, David interrupts.

“Oh... and just so you know, we speak only English around here! We’ve got a team of many nationalities and it would become chaotic, so English it is. By the way, Kara used to be Supergirl.”, the Doctor’s mouth drops open.

He didn’t have much of a chin to begin with as his neck is almost one piece from the chin to the base of the neck, but with the mouth open it looks really weird. He alternates looking at David and Kara. He drops his suitcase and kneels before Kara.

“Ach so... meine aufrichtigen Entschuldigungen, meine Göttin. Ich habe dich nicht erkannt!”, tilting his head forwards as he bows in utter respect. Kara looks slightly embarrassed at David. After having been treated like dirt for many months his words actually lift her spirit. Even making her blush.

“DUDE!!! Enough with the German!!!”

“He apologized to her for not recognizing the goddess.”, Kara’s guard volunteers to translate.

“THE FUCK!!! STAND UP!!! REAL MEN NEVER KNEEL TO ANY FUCKING GIRL!!! SHE'S NOT A GODDESS... NOT ANYMORE! LOOK...”, David stands behind her, opening the robe, exposing her breasts. He grabs them from the back, squeezes them very hard, badly wrinkling her skin, making her flinch. Then he slaps her face hard several times. Her face turns to a different shade of red from blushing to just-been-slapped-in-the-face kind of red. Beats the breasts hard too. Doc feels uneasy about how she is treated by David. She’s also blushing from shame, sitting in front of the man who just kneeled before her to now being beaten like a toy for sadists.

“See... she’s harmless!”

“Zo now I know... what happen with Zupergirl! You konquer the great Zupergirl!!! Zis iz UNGLAUBLICH!!!”, he corrects his glasses, walks over to her.

“Zhe is even more prettier in reel life!”

“Yeah... she’s definitely a stunner. Quite popular with the men during reconstruction of this place after she almost burnt it to the ground. She swallowed gallons of sperm during the reconstruction. But if you think she's pretty... you should see her daughters!”, Dr. Braun turns his head and looks at David.

“Daughters? Zhe has Daughters? How old?”

“Seven, eight and nine...”, Dr. Braun suddenly has a tent growing in his pants.

“Das ist... wonderful... are they Magen... ach... Virginz?”

“Two of them still are virgins, but don’t get any funny ideas... they are mine and mine alone! The oldest one... well, you saved her life from what I did to her... and... for what THAT WOMAN did to her.”, his mouth gapes open again.

“Zo das war also her Daughter...”

“Yeah, I raped her yesterday and I got a bit carried away and then... well... then we ended up in an ‘end of the world’ kind of scenario where Kara here decided that it was better to destroy the whole world to keep me from enjoying her girls. Talk about evil... yeah. Brownie, you may not have realized it, but... you almost died yesterday... together with the rest of the planet. Doc told me that the whole planet would’ve been reduced to the size of an atom. She was creating a Dark Hole or something.”

“Ach so... a Black Hole... aber das isst doch unmöglich... impossible... does not exist!”

“Well, yesterday you almost was part of a... eh... Black Hole... The energy radiating off of her was so intense, that is what caused the girl’s intense burns. You should’ve seen how the space around her started to bend... I think you would be convinced!”

“Bending space... wirklich???”

“By the way, Doc left me a note with some items he would like you to study. He says that the documents contain advanced Kryptonian medical knowledge, but of course, you would have to learn how to decipher it first. I suggest you study it while tending to my girl.”

“Yez, of cors... but zhe iz Kara’s Girl, no?”

“No no no, you’re mistaking the person that gave birth to the girl with the person who owns her. She gave birth to Isis... I am the owner so that makes her MY GIRL. I decide what happens to her. Kara has no say in that!”

“Here are the most important items.”, the guard gives David a bag that he then hands over to Doc Braun.

The plastic bag makes a specific sound. Some items are inside. Hard items. It’s getting Kara’s attention due to the very specific sound the items make when moving around in the bag. She looks at the bag. Focusing on it. It is a familiar sound.

“Go ahead, take look.”

“Doc pulls out a white crystal object.”, Kara’s face turns white in disbelief.


“Oh... nothing special... just a collection from a museum some associates of mine had access to. They had a special display of mountain crystals. Don’t worry, we replaced them with other mountain crystals. Nobody will ever notice.”


“Heheh... yeah... I know...”

“What are theze?”

“These are Kryptonian information storage devices. The documents that you now have is only a small part of their knowledge. I want you to figure out how to access their knowledge crystals. The highest priority task I have for you is to find a way to kill this bitch... to kill Supergirl.”, Doc looks at Kara with a worried face.

“Kill the Zupergirl? Warum?”

“Well, you see those emitters there and there? Those inhibit her powers. That is the reason why we were able to capture her and keep her as our slave. Those are our last emitters. And she already tried to blow up the world yesterday, we don’t want her to try it again.”

“You mean implode?”

“What? No, she almost made the world explode yesterday...”, Doc stares at David... thinking if he should explain...

“Or... you could set me and my girls free... and I will give you 48 hours head-start to hide from me. I'll even let you take the little girls you still have... you can still live a happy couple of years until you die...”

“No... no, that’s not a good option... not a good option for me... at all! I NEED YOUR daughters, now that I know how it feels to fuck them... I haven’t even fucked the other two yet. I’m trying to work out if I should do Celeste tomorrow or wait. Which brings me to your second task.”

“What iz my zecond task?”

“I need you to figure out how the Kryptonian healing technology works. I’ve seen Kara heal wounds in a matter of minutes or even seconds. I want to be able to do that too. Plus... I want to stop ageing so that my girls will stay so young forever!”

“Why, zir?”

“Why? First of all... I want my little girl back! As beautiful as she once was.

Second... let me ask you... you’re an experienced little-girl-fucker, right? How do you prefer to fuck those girls? Do you enjoy holding back to prevent her pussy wearing out or... do you want to fuck her brains out?”

“You want fuck brains?”, Doc doesn’t understand the specific English slang.

“No... I don’t want... dude... it’s American slang... it means you wanna fuck her very hard! I don’t wanna fuck... shit man... that’s fucked up shit! I know some men who like fucking a girl’s brain, but that’s really messed up stuff!

I just want to fuck a little girl like there’s no tomorrow and then repair her body again so that she will be physically virgin again. You know... make it hurt like the first time... every time... forever... or at least until the owner gets bored with the girl. Who can then sell her in pristine condition...”

“Ach so... Ja... I study data...”

“You think you can make that happen?”

“Ja... that can be happen ja...”

“I know it can be done. Just figure out how to do it. Shouldn’t be too difficult... I gave you the alien information to do it.”

“David... you have no idea what you’re dealing with!”

“Kara... I don’t give a fuck... all I want is to be happy and I want my customers to be happy. I want men to have the freedom to beat a girl to pulp and repair her right after. I want to liberate deserving men from the bounds of Mother Nature. Preventing us from enjoying girls in a way that we really want. Is that too much to ask? I mean... everybody deserves to be happy, right?”

“Please don’t go down this path!!!”

“Well, at least I'm not killing everybody by turning us all into a Black Hole?! I only make thousands of victims... not billions!”