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Note: This story is an entry in the ATF Story Writing Contest 2023-II.

Island Seduction: A Dinosaurian Adventure

Tags: M/b, b/dinosaur, twins, oral, anal, drama, adventure, fantasy, dinosaurs, contest

Synopsis: Austin and Nick, eleven-year-old twins from the UK, find themselves dragged along on their mother’s research voyage in the Pacific Ocean. An unexpected weather disturbance causes the boys to be swept off the ship and stranded on a mysterious island. There, the brothers encounter a lost civilization of people and dinosaurs living in harmony. In a short time, the boys embrace the island’s culture and succumb to their sexual appetite.

Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional. Names, characters, governments, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Each aspect or scene of the story and its characters are completely fictitious. Certain long-standing institutions, agencies, and public offices may be mentioned, but the characters and situations involved are wholly imaginary. This work is intended for entertainment value for a mature audience only. All of the artwork that may appear in connection with the story was AI-generated using free online AI tools.

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Island Seduction Cover.jpg

“Boys!” Holly Armstrong yelled at her sons. “Get out of the car and grab your things!” Once she saw signs of movement from the back of the rental car, she turned back to the group of people standing near the dock. Of the four of them, she was the tallest. "I am sorry about dragging my kids along at the last minute with such short notice."

“It is a bit unorthodox, but we understand,” replied Captain Howard. “We have the space for them, and it is your expedition, Dr. Armstrong.”

Holly snorted. This was supposed to be the expedition that propelled her career to the next level. Now, she was forced to babysit her kids as well. Under her breath, she said, “Too much space… that’s what I am worried about.” Her sons needed to be watched; she only wished it wasn’t by her.

Beau, one of Holly’s two twenty-something graduate students, said, “At least this way you won’t be away from them for a whole month.”

“Trust me,” Holly replied to the red-haired guy. “You won’t be saying that a week from now. Both you and Piper are going to be bunking with one of my sons.”

Beau and Piper exchanged glances.

Captain Howard furrowed his brow. “I don’t presume to tell you how to arrange the sleeping arrangements for your team, but the Sea Scout has extra cabins. Both your boys could share, or have their own room, if you wish.”

The Sea Scout, a formidable research vessel for oceanographers, was being chartered under her grant. The ship was 54 metres long, fully furnished with equipment, and had a total expedition crew of 12, plus her team. Holly had gone to great lengths to keep outsiders away from her expedition, and now her eleven-year-old sons were joining them. At this point, it wasn’t clear if this was a punishment for them or her.

“No. Under no circumstances are my sons to share a room or be left alone.”

“Troublemakers?” asked Captain Howard, squinting in the sunlight.

“Yeah, like my ex-husband,” Holly said. As she said it, her twin sons came up to the group with their luggage. They looked similar, but they were worlds apart. “The one in yellow is Austin, and the other one is Nick.” The group acknowledged the boys with a nod. “They know we are here for work, so they will be on their best behaviour. And they will stay at least 4 feet apart from each other at all times.” The boys shuffled a little further apart.

Austin eyed the white vessel moored on the dock. “I wish we didn’t have to go. It is summer holiday, after all.”

“It’s your own fault you’re here,” Holly said. “That, and your father’s fault.” Both boys looked at the ground. "Besides, how many of your friends back in the UK get to come to New Zealand and cruse around the Pacific Ocean for a month?" No answer. She put a hand on Austin’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “You will be bunking with Piper, and Nick will be with Beau.” Holly gave a nod to the two graduate students. “Show them to their rooms.”

As the boys were led aboard the Sea Scout, Captain Howard said, “If you are set, I think we are ready to set sail.”

“By all means,” replied Holly. She ran a hand through her short brown hair. “Mark my words, I will be a famous woman after this.”

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Aboard the ship, Nick followed Beau to their cabin, which was directly below the main deck. The ship had four levels in total. Each of the cabins were a tight fit. There were two bunk beds, two chairs, no window, and only a blue curtain for privacy. Beau had already taken the lower bed, so Nick was left with the top.

“It’s not much, but it will do,” Beau said. “We share a bathroom and shower. Most of the time, I will be in the lab, so I will only be here to sleep. We can knock before entering the room for, umm, privacy.”

Nick dropped his things. “I plan to read.” As soon as he got lost in a book, it wouldn’t matter if he was stuck on a boat. “It’s better if I stay in here,” he said.

“There is a library on board with a TV on the main deck. And meal times are at 7:15 a.m., 11:15, and 5:15 p.m. in the mess.”

Food, his one weakness.

The redhead noticed his items scattered around from unpacking. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting a roommate.” He crouched and opened one of his luggage cases. “You know, you can’t spend the whole trip locked up in this room.” Beau looked up from the floor. “I get you and your brother are being punished for something. It happened to me and my brothers when I was your age.”

“Did she tell you why?”

“No,” Beau replied. “Dr. Armstrong never talks about her family. Except for the occasional jab at your father. I get having separated parents is hard, but this trip is important to her career AND my thesis. So go easy on her.”

Nick doubted Beau knew his mother well. Career always came first with her, family second. He secretly considered whether he had been adopted, though that didn’t explain Austin. She and Austin were similar at times. Sometimes they were too similar. Regardless, he was relieved his Mum didn’t tell everyone she caught him and Austin in bed together—something brothers apparently should never do, even if they were identical twins.

Over the PA, the captain’s voice interrupted them. “If everyone could come to the lab, Dr. Armstrong is going to discuss the details of the expedition.”

Beau turned to Nick and said, “Coming?”

Nick shrugged and followed Beau. He was not the only one. His brother and several of the crew members also made their way to the lab. It was a large room on the main deck filled with equipment Nick didn’t know the first thing about. Everyone was gathering around a large table headed by his mother. Some of the crew, including the captain, were present. His mother waited tentatively for everyone to settle; she was not known for her patience.

Austin leaned over to Nick and said, “I got the top bunk, so I won’t have to smell any trumps.”

“Except for your own,” Nick replied. He doubted his brother’s logic was sound, but Austin quickly responded with a jab of his elbow.

“Right,” Holly said as she gave Piper a nod. The graduate student went to a freezer, pulled out a grey tray, and brought it over to the table. It was covered with a lid, so everyone had to wait in suspense until it was removed. Holly lifted off the lid, and underneath was a fish on a bed of ice. It was not a particularly good-looking fish, and it appeared to have a large bite missing from it. “Do any of you know what this is?” she asked.

“I hope it’s not dinner,” Austin said. The comment got a smirk from a few of the people, but his mother was not amused.

“This is a rare coelacanth species, thought to have been extinct with the dinosaurs 65 million years ago,” Holly explained. “However, since 1938, there have been 30 confirmed sightings of this fish near South Africa.” Her eyes lit up. “But this one was found north of here, roughly 7,000 miles away from the others. And I believe there are more. What's even more interesting is that the bite mark is believed to match an extinct shark called Xenacanthus. We know this from the unusual V-shape tooth marks in this specimen.”

“So, are we after the fish or the shark?” Captain Howard asked.

“I want to find the habitat,” she said. “The sharks were freshwater creatures, and Coelacanth’s left freshwater aeons ago. What we are looking for is an island with fresh water supporting a population of prehistoric creatures.”

“This specimen was found by a fishing boat,” Piper added. “We don’t know exactly where it’s from, but it was found floating in the ocean. Based on everything we know, there might be an island north of here with fresh water and untold aquatic life.”

Captain Howard said, “Ah, so that explains the course you and your team filed, Dr. Armstrong. It will take us about 50 hours to reach the first point on your destination and begin the search.”

“Then don’t delay,” Holly said. “The sooner we can start taking samples, the better. They are out there; we have to find them. First.”

Captain Howard leaned over to Beau and said, “She does know the search area is large, right?” Beau shrugged.

“What do ‘we’ do?” Austin asked, referring to him and Nick. Nick already had a fairly good idea—nothing.

“You and your brother will stay out of everyone’s way,” she replied. “Austin—you can stay here in the lab and play games on your phone. Nick, well, I figure you will go read someplace. As long as the two of you stay apart, there won’t be any issues.”

“I should point out that there is a data limit out at sea,” Captain Howard said. “You won’t have much internet access.”

“Seriously?” Austin said. “That blows.” Holly gave him a look, and he didn’t say anything else.

Nick was content. He didn’t need the internet to be entertained—like if he were at home. The ship had a library of books, so he wasn’t worried. Who knows, spending time away from his brother might be a good thing.

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The first couple days on board the Sea Scout were uneventful. Nick spent most of his time cosied in the top bunk of the windowless cabin, lost in a book, while the others worked. The only time he saw his mother or brother was during meal times, and sometimes his mother skipped meals. Nick hadn’t been talking to Austin since their mother wanted them to stay separate. In a way, it was like going to camp. His roommate, Beau, was hardly in the cabin, so he had plenty of time to himself. When Beau was around, Nick fought the urge to sneak peeks at the guy—no need to upset his Mum further.

Midday on day four, he was lying in bed reading when a rolling sensation broke his concentration. It took Nick a moment to realise the whole ship was rocking. The trip had been so smooth until now he forgot they were on a boat. Curiosity propelled Nick out of the cabin. He went up the nearest stairwell to the main deck, directly into the research lab.

People moved about the lab, making sure everything was secure as the ship continued to sway. Nick could tell the skies were becoming cloudy and grey. And there was enough wind to cause significant waves. There was no sign of his mother or Austin anywhere; he doubted they would be in their cabins. There were still two decks above him, so he went up another level.

He reached the second-floor research lab, and one of the crew members handed him an orange life vest. The guy said it was a precaution, and Nick immediately fastened it on. He had been on a boat before, but not like this.

On the stern of the second-story deck, Nick saw Austin outside, standing alone by the ship’s crane. He was holding onto the chain fence as he watched the rolling waves—getting wet from the ocean spray. Austin was often doing foolish things. At least this time, he was wearing a life vest.

Nick paused with his hand on the door to the deck. Was it safe to be outside? What would his Mum say? He wanted to bring Austin in right away. The moment the door creaked open, a crashing wave sent salty seawater splattering all over him. The entire upper deck was wet, even though it wasn’t raining. With caution, he shuffled across the deck towards Austin. Despite the cold and wet, his brother had an amused smile as he stood there. Nick asked, “Where’s Mum?”

“The Bridge,” Austin replied. The Bridge was one floor up.

Another wave crashed into the stern and washed over everything on the lower deck. The spray splashed them in the face, and Nick gripped the railing. The sloshing sea tossed the boat into a rising swell. It was a bit too close for comfort. “You should come inside,” Nick said, being the voice of reason.

“Are you kidding? It’s like a roller coaster with water!”

The dark clouds, the ominous waves—Nick didn’t share his brother’s sentiment. The loud beating of the waves against the boat forced him to yell. “I think you should listen to me!” Was it his imagination, or were the waves getting higher?

“If you remember, we are on this boat because I ‘listened’ to you!”

“That’s not fair! You know what we did was your idea too!” Nick was only willing to accept half of the blame after all. And talking about it now on a swaying ship hardly seemed like the best time. Nick heard a creak and turned; Piper was at the door.

“Are you boys crazy?!” Piper yelled over the crashing waves. “Get in here now!”

The swelling of the ocean had gotten worse; that was obvious. Nick pulled at his brother’s arm, and Austin reluctantly turned around. It was about 15 feet to the door. Holding onto Austin’s arm for balance, Nick started shuffling across the deck towards the door. The boat was rocking, and the deck was slippery.

“Look!” Austin said, diverting Nick’s gaze to the side.

There, in a state of disbelief, Nick witnessed a towering mountain of water swelling above the height of the ship. The wall of water could be seen for miles. It made his stomach tighten. Nick froze as it approached.

The furious ocean wave came crashing down, tipping the boat sideways as the world spun out of control. Before he knew what had hit him, Nick was no longer on the boat.

— ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ —

Austin awoke to find his face planted in the sand. His front was soaked, and his back was warm. Every muscle in his body was sore. He turned over and rubbed the sand off his face, but was hindered by something orange hugging his chest. It wasn’t like him to fall asleep from exhaustion. It seemed as if he had been playing too hard and fell asleep. It took a few moments to realise how absurd that idea was.

Looking around, it was clear he was on a beach. There was blue water lapping at the shoreline, and the sun was shining on an empty expanse of sand. He didn’t remember being on a beach. In fact, he couldn’t remember what he was doing or where he was. He was alone.

Austin expected to find his family. Right—maybe not his mother and father together because they were seperated. But, at the very least, one parent and Nick. As brothers, they never went anywhere without each other. They were inseparable… at least until his mother became involved… “Ah, the boat,” he said out loud. It also explained the orange life vest around his chest.

He vaguely recalled a wave hitting the ship and nothing after that. It was a mystery how he got from the boat to this beach. At least he had his phone to call for help. Austin reached into his pocket and dug around. To his dismay, his pockets were wet and empty. Somehow, he had lost his phone. His mother was going to be upset. He had broken three phones so far, and she swore he would never get another.

Yanking off the life vest, Austin stood to survey the beach. Quiet and empty. In the distance, on either end of the beach, were tall rock formations. Before him was a seemingly endless ocean, and behind him was a forest of trees. He didn’t know where to begin. What does someone do without a phone?

A pile of seaweed 40 feet away moved and caught Austin’s eye. It made a noise—not the sort of noise seaweed should make—it groaned. Austin approached it with caution. As he got closer, he realised something living was tangled in the seaweed. Watching the moving mass, a human hand and an orange vest appeared; Nick had washed up on the beach along with some seaweed.

Austin was immediately relieved to have the company. “Nick! Where is everyone?” He ran over, bent down, and yanked the tangle of plants away from his brother.

His brother looked dazed and filthy. “Huh?”

“One minute we are on the boat, and now we are on a beach. What gives?”

Nick looked around. “We fell off, and washed up on an island by the look of it.”

“So what now?” Austin said.

Nick thought for a moment. “Now we find treasure, battle pirates, and live happily ever after.”

With a snort, Austin said, “Without a phone? I don’t think so.”

Nick stood and shrugged as he pulled the remaining seaweed off. “Then we wait for Mum to find us.”

“She’s going to be mad when she learns you are spending time alone with me.”

“We wouldn’t be here if ‘you’ stayed inside the ship. If anything, she is going to be mad at you.”

Austin crossed his arms. "Yeah, well, at least I am not covered in ocean rubbish."

Nick shook his head clean from the seaweed. “We should look for food and build a fire.”

Typical Nick, changing the topic. Austin said, “Have you ever made a fire before? Nooo. And it’s the middle of the day.”

“It’s what they do in books and movies.” Nick started walking towards the trees.

Austin followed; he wasn’t going to be left alone. “Fine. But if we see pirates, I am trading you for food.” His comment was ignored.

They approached the edge of the greenery. There were different tropical ferns, mosses, and trees ranging from green to blue. It was similar to what they saw briefly in New Zealand. Austin said, “Maybe we are back where we started?”

Nick kept walking. “New Zealand? Right… You saw the ship’s course; we were at least 600 miles away from there after day two.”

“Then where are we?” Austin asked.


Sometimes he hated his brother. “Not helping.”

They walked further into the trees until they heard a throaty, vibrating growl. They both stopped in their tracks. Austin whispered, “What was that?”

“A boar?” Nick replied. His voice didn’t sound too confident. “With a New Zealand accent?”

It did sort of resemble a boar’s grunt.

“I think it came from over here,” Nick said, and he turned to walk in a different direction.

Austin furrowed his brow. “You want to find it?”

“We need food, right?”

They walked for a bit and slowed when they heard the same noise again. Nick pointed to something in a small clearing. Austin moved around Nick to get a better view. It was not a boar. It was, in fact, a large bird. “An ostrich?”

“I don’t think so,” replied Nick.

Austin stared at it closer. It had a long beak, a colourful body, white feathers running down its back, and four legs. It was the size of a large dog, and it was eating a small rodent. “Okay, so some kind of dog-bird then?”

“Which doesn’t exist.”

“Well, if a dog and bird ‘really’ like each other…”

Nick gave him a gentle jab. “You don’t know anything, do you?”

The dog-bird lifted its head and looked in their direction. It gave a loud, vibrating growl at them. “Oh, it’s pissed!” Austin said. “Let’s run!” Something the size of a large dog should not be messed with. He led the retreat in the opposite direction, with his brother running to keep up. It was hard to go fast in the dense foliage, but Austin did his best.

He kept going towards a clearing up ahead. Austin pushed past a large fern and saw the reason for the clearing: a small pond. Something in the water splashed up near the edge of the pool. Austin yet out a yelp and tried to turn around quickly, but fell on his butt. There was no time to dwell on the impact with the ground. He was sure it was another dog-bird in the water. The ruckus disturbed some colourful birds gathered around the pond, and they took flight around them.

As he scrambled to get back on his feet, Nick arrived at his side. “It’s another dog-bird!” Austin said.

"Umm no, look," Nick said, and he pointed towards the water.

Island Seduction Benji.jpg
Austin stood and turned back to the pond. Sure enough, it was not an animal. It was a guy with long brown hair… bathing? The guy looked a little stunned. Not as stunned as he was, though. “Oh,” Austin said as he looked at the guy. “You just about scared me to death.” The guy was maybe college-aged.

“Hello,” Nick said to the guy. “Sorry, but I think we are lost.”

“Yeah, if you had a phone, that would be helpful,” Austin added. The guy looked at them for a moment, still waist-deep in water. During the awkward silence, Austin wondered if the guy didn’t speak English.

With an accent Austin couldn’t place, the guy said, “Are you new to the island? You speak strangely.”

Austin thought the same of him. “We sound strange? What—”

Nick cut him off. “I am Nick, and this is Austin. Can you tell us where we are?”

“You are on the island of Aequdaris,” the guy said. “It’s been a while since there have been new arrivals. But it does happen.”

Leaving was the only thing on Austin’s mind. “We will be happy to go as soon as we can borrow a phone.”

The guy stood there, considering his words. “I don’t know what that is.”

Outrageous. “How do you not know what a phone is!?”

The guy smirked. “I gather things are different here compared to where you are from. My name is Benji.”

Benji walked towards the edge of the pond, and Austin realised the guy was completely naked. The guy was good-looking, but that didn’t change the fact that he should own a phone. Being attractive was no excuse. A glance at Nick told him his brother was quite taken with the guy’s nudity.

At the edge of the pond, Benji gathered his clothes and belongings. They waited silently until the guy dressed. It didn’t stop them from watching. The elephant in the room, located between the guy's legs, had left his brother lost for words. Benji smiled at Nick, who turned a bright shade of red.

When Benji finished dressing, it looked like he had walked off the page of some ancient Roman textbook. The exposed chest and arms made this guy look like some kind of model. “Is this a kind of resort island or amusement park?” Austin asked. The creature from before could have easily been a robot to amuse guests.

Benji tilted his head. Both boys stared at him, expecting answers. “This is the island of Aequdaris. Nothing more.”

“What about the robo bird-dog thing?” Austin asked.

Benji snorted. “You use some strange words. I will take you both to my city. Are there more of you?”

It was a question Austin hadn’t considered yet. What happened to the ship? Was their Mum searching for them? If she was dead, could they go back home and live with their father? Every question came with more questions.

While Austin was lost in thought, Nick answered the question. “We were on a ship with others, but we don’t know where they are. I am sure our Mum is searching for us.”

“Then let’s go. My people will be eager to meet you and hear your story. They can keep an eye out for others.” Benji started making his way through the jungle, closely followed by Austin and Nick.

All the plants and trees looked the same to Austin—this guy clearly had a better sense of direction than he did. As they emerged from the trees back onto the beach where they woke up, a brown rodent squealed as it raced across the sand. A few seconds later, the dog-bird creature from before burst out of the foliage, chasing its prey. The thing was fast.

“There it is again!” Austin said.

“Daptosaurus,” Benji said, as if it were common. “Mostly harmless.”

“Wait, is that like a dinosaur?” Nick said.

“Yes. Aequdaris is populated with dinosaurs. Some are worse than others.”

“Dinosaurs aren’t real,” Austin said. Realising his mistake, he said, “I mean, they died a long time ago. Everyone knows that.”

Nick watched the Daptosaurus hunt the furry rodent. “Hmm. Maybe you should go tell it that.”

“You have to be kidding,” Austin said. “No way, we are stuck on some island with dinosaurs, right?”

Benji stared at Austin for a moment. “You will meet more.”

To Austin, Nick said, “You know what this means?” He gave Nick a blank stare. “This must be the place Mum is looking for.”

“Oh,” replied Austin. “So she can’t be too mad at us because we found her research thing.” He could definitely envision getting a new cellphone now—best son ever! "Right, let’s go find a phone or something to tell her." The sceptical look on Nick’s face made him realise he was missing something. “What?”

“Well… Isn’t it a bit weird that there are people living here with dinosaurs and no one told us? I think that is something they would mention in school if they knew. I bet no one leaves the island.”

Austin glanced at Benji. Whispering, he said, “You mean, they eat people?”

“What!?” Nick replied. “No, how did you come up with that? I think they have no contact with the outside world. I see it all the time with lost civilizations in my books.”

Benji cleared his throat as he engaged with the boys. “Your brother is right. No one has ever been able to leave the island. Many have tried and failed. Let us walk and talk," he said, placing a hand on Nick’s shoulder, "unless there was something of mine you wanted to devour first.” Benji glanced between his legs.

Nick turned red again.

“Oh, he made a dick reference because you were staring at him before,” Austin said.

“What-t, no! We should go.” Nick brushed Benji’s hand off. He took a few steps, but stopped when it was obvious he didn’t know where they were going.

“Come, there is a path up the rocks,” Benji said as he nodded towards the imposing rock face at the end of the beach.

Following Benji’s lead, they came to the end of the beach and found there was a concealed path up to higher ground. It may not have been a secret, but a large outcropping of rocks had hidden it from view.

Austin was glad it was a trail and not some vertical mountain they had to climb. A well-maintained path meant civilization, and civilization gave him hope. He should be on a couch with his cellphone, not on some weird island. Chips would be good too…

— ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ —

Nick wasn't sure how long they had been walking, but he was getting tired. They had followed the path up, and it was uneventful. Things started to get more interesting when the path became a road, and the road took them to a stone bridge over a deep canyon. In the distance, there was a city built from stone. He had expected anything from straw huts to wood buildings—not so here.

“We are arriving at Whitespire,” Benji explained. “My home.”

Something bright flashed at the top of a structure in the city. It caught Nick’s eye, and he assumed it was something reflective in the sunlight. “Are there more dinosaurs here?”

“Plenty. It’s their city too.”

They crossed the bridge and continued towards the city. The lush green landscape gave way to a white-stone, brick-built civilization. It was an unfamiliar style of architecture; if London and ancient Rome got together and gave birth to a city, this would be it. Primitive but orderly.

The first dinosaur Nick saw in the city, he guessed, was a triceratops. It resembled pictures he’d seen, but this was all too real. Nick quickly nudged his brother to point it out. The dinosaur was clearly being used, like a horse, to pull a cart. If it hadn’t been standing there in the road, drinking from a fountain, Nick would not have believed it.

“Is it real?” Austin said.

Benji glanced over. “Yes. Come on.”

It was hard for Nick to keep going. He wanted to stop and stare, but forced himself to keep walking.

Benji appeared to be leading them to the city centre. The farther they went, the more interesting things got. There were more types of dinosaurs, and people were walking side-by-side with them like it was normal. Everyone was dressed similar to Benji. If anything, he and Austin stood out in their clothes. But that was not even the weirdest part. Some of the dinosaurs were wearing clothes and walking around as people did.

“Umm, Benji… Why are some of the dinosaurs dressed up like people?” Nick asked.

“You mean the dinosauroids? You want to see them naked?”

Nick’s face was turning red again. “That’s not… Never mind.”

“You can study their anatomy later in the Hall of Knowledge. There’s not much to see since they keep it all inside most of the time. Their mating organs, I mean.”

“Umm, right.” Nick was dangerously close to being wrongly labelled ‘that boy’ who wanted to stare at genitals. “I have a lot to learn,” he said.

They arrived at the city's main complex. It was the tallest structure, with a tower at the top—a formidable and official-looking building. The giant wooden doors were large enough for even dinosaurs to enter the place. Inside, Benji approached a creature he referred to as a dinosauroid; it appeared to be standing there waiting.

Talking to the creature, Benji said, “Tell the Magistrate I am back and found two new arrivals to the island.” The creature nodded and turned to leave.

“Wait, it understands you?” Austin said.

“Yes, Treye speaks both English and Etfari.”

Austin glanced at Nick, and all he could do was shrug. Nothing here made sense, so there was no point in dwelling on it. They didn’t have to wait long before an ornately dressed woman appeared with several other people behind her. With all the posturing of the people around them, it was clear she had some importance.

The woman opened her arms and went straight to hug Benji. “Welcome back!” she said.

Benji let her hug him. “Mother, you should meet Nick and Austin. I found them near Troval Bay on my way back from Blago. They washed up on the shore from the outside world.”

The woman, clearly Benji’s mother, as well as the magistrate, turned to study them. “This is a surprise, but not completely unexpected. The scholars say new arrivals coincide with the crystals blinking.” Nick looked at her, not quite sure what to make of the situation. This was not the kind of place he expected. Also, there were no phones or computers in sight. “Ah, forgive me,” she continued. “You are both so young and know nothing about our concerns.” She moved closer. “I am Cayan Dawn, this city’s magistrate. I wish to officially welcome you to your new home. We haven’t had new arrivals in more than a generation. Rest assured, we will help you find a place in our society.”

“How about going home?” Austin asked.

She glanced at Benji. Her hair flowed much like his as she turned. “Haven’t you told them no one is able to leave?”

“He did,” Austin replied, “but that was an exaggeration, surely. Like when my Mum asks me if I was touching myself, I say no when really it's yes, because I am a boy.” Everyone looked at him. “What? Boys have to do it.”

Cayan turned back to her son. “Can you and Zyre watch over them until other arrangements can be made?”

“Yes,” Benji said.

“So, you’re saying we are stuck here?” Nick asked. The idea of staying on the island didn’t seem real.

Cayan's face was not optimistic. “Many have died trying to leave. The rest of us find our place in society. It’s lucky you even made it ashore alive.”

Nick didn’t want to dwell on that thought.

“I was thinking they might like to visit the Hall of Knowledge,” Benji added. “I am going there to drop off the scrolls I retrieved.”

She nodded. “Good idea. The boys are in your care. Try not to let the scholars wear them out. It is their first day here after all.”

— ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ —

The Hall of Knowledge appeared to be the second-largest building in the city, and it smelled of paper. They had entered massive wooden doors and found row after row of scrolls in tall racks. The scrolls were cylindrical, so the wooden shelves were reminiscent of wine racks. Humans and dinosauroids alike occupied the building. Without electronic devices, it made sense to Nick. This place was their hub for sharing knowledge. A pre-internet remnant from a different era.

“All the city’s scholars, classes, and history are contained within these walls,” Benji said. “We have things written in English, Etfari, and a few other languages. Right now, what I want to show you is a map of the island.” Benji led them towards the end of the room where a metre-wide map was on the wall. The boys studied it.

Island Seduction Aequdaris.jpg

“Here is the entire island of Aequdaris. We have three major cities, and we are here.” Benji pointed to the symbol of Whitespire on the map. “One thing to remember is to stay away from the Dark Jungle. That’s where most of the really dangerous predators live.”

Nick had no plans to venture anywhere with dinosaurs on the loose—he’s watched the Jurassic Park movies. The shiny thing at the top of each city centre was illustrated on the map. “What are the shining points on each city?”

“Those are the Nulous crystals. They protect the island from the outside world… and keep the island above water.”

“Protect how?” asked Austin.

“They form a barrier around the island, preventing ships from entering or leaving. It’s probably what got your ship.”

The solution sounded simple to Nick. “So if we get rid of the crystals, everyone can leave?”

“Ha. If it were easy, people would have done it. No. If the crystals are removed, the island will sink back into the ocean. There would be massive tremors, and even boats would get swallowed up.”

“Surely crystals aren’t capable of keeping the island above water,” Nick said. “How would you even make the island to start with?”

“That is a matter of much debate,” said a raspy male voice from behind them. They turned to find a dinosauroid looking at them. Dinosauroids were taller than an adult human, covered in green scales, and had a fitting tail. The rudimentary clothing made them look more human-like. Still, speaking was unexpected.

“Did it talk to us?” Austin said. The dinosauroid eyed him.

“Zyre,” Benji said, “This is Nick and Austin. They just arrived at the island.”

Zyre studied them. “Just arrived? They look freshly hatched.”

“They are young, yes. They will be in our care.”

“Fucking hell,” Austin said. “When did dinosaurs start talking?”

“Dinosauroid,” Zyre corrected him. “We are descendants of common dinosaurs. And yes, fucking and mating were involved.”

“You’ll have to excuse my brother,” Nick said. He had never talked to a non-human being before. “This is all too new and weird for us. We don’t have dinosaurs—especially ones that talk—or things like magic crystals back home.”

“I am eager to learn about your world,” Zyre said. “Everyone will be.”

Benji placed his hands on Nick’s shoulders. “My mother warned me not to wear them out on their first day. There will be plenty of time to ask them questions later.”

“Should we have dinner then?” Zyre said.

Nick was hungry at the mention of food. When had they last had food?

“I have scrolls to drop off, then we can head home,” Benji said. He left the boys with Zyre and disappeared somewhere.

It wasn’t clear to Nick what one should say to a dinosauroid, and now they were alone with one. Things were much too different around here. Austin was fidgeting constantly. It didn’t help that Zyre’s large eyes were watching them. Nick figured Zyre was curious, but he stayed quiet.

Nick glanced around the room and saw something unexpected. “Hey, is that an aeroplane?”

Zyre didn’t even have to look. “Yes. It belonged to Amelia Earhart. Her arrival on the island years ago caused quite a stir. If you ask me, if humans were meant to fly, they would have wings.”

“That name sounds familiar,” Nick replied. “But if that’s a plane, maybe it has a radio?”

Zyre snorted. “They tried. They all try at first. The barrier surrounding the island is strong. Only a few, like you, sneak through the cracks when the crystals blink. Nothing gets out.”

“Seriously?” Austin said. “There has to be a way home. Who would want to stay here?”

A quiet animistic growl came from Zyre. “This is ‘our’ home.”

Austin had hit a nerve. They had to remember they were outsiders, relying on the pity and good nature of strangers. Zyre’s display of subtle aggression didn’t relax Austin at all, who was still fidgeting.

Benji returned, aptly timed. “Ready to go?” he asked.

“Totally,” replied Austin. His voice sounded a bit too eager.

Benji didn’t notice how tense they were. Instead, he said, “Our scholars will be eager to ask questions about you. Do your people still have moving pictures?”

Nick furrowed his brow. “Moving pictures? Umm yeah…” He didn’t plan on explaining things like the internet to people who lived without electronics. Being a kid, no one expected him to know how things actually worked. When in doubt, he figured the phrase ‘modern magic’ would be fine…

— ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ —

Benji and Zyre shared Whitespire’s equivalent of a stone-built flat. It was dinosauroid-friendly, meaning everything was a bit larger to accommodate the city’s scaly reptilian inhabitants; chairs, tables, doors, and so on could be used by either species. The house had an odd collection of items—the kind of things only a young guy and dinosauroid would collect over time. The main room appeared to be the eating area, with adjoining halls leading to more rooms.

Benji and Zyre prepared food for dinner as Nick and Austin were left to sit and look around. At one point, a member from the city centre came by and dropped off clothes for the new arrivals. Word had spread fast, and people were already curious about the boys and their world. Benji politely dismissed people as they came by, asking that the boys be given a chance to adjust. Meanwhile, Austin remained unconvinced that they were trapped on the island. It was still more like a waking dream than reality.

The four of them finished the evening around the table. Austin wasn’t sure what they ate, but it was food, and that was all that mattered. He didn’t realise how hungry he was until the food appeared. It might have been his first meal in a day.

Austin relaxed into the oversized chair. To Benji, he said, “Why do you live here and not in the capital with your Mum?”

“Someday I will be called upon to be the next magistrate,” Benji said. “I want to live among the people to know how to best serve them.”

“Sounds like a lot of pressure,” Nick said.

Benji shrugged. “I have always known it would be my responsibility.”

“So that’s why you live with Zyre?” Austin asked. Nick rolled his eyes.

“Zyre and I are good friends. He’s always been like my older brother.”

“In London, when two guys are living together, it means they are gay, but I guess that would be weird in this case.”

“I am not sure I understand,” replied Benji.

“Ignore my brother,” Nick said. “He’s being dumb again. Just because two guys, um, people, err males, are living together doesn’t mean they are together romantically.”

“I comprehend,” said Zyre. “Dinosauroid and human pairings are quite common here, even if unproductive.”

Austin’s jaw dropped. “Seriously? Why would a person want to do that?”

Benji shrugged. “Humans and dinosauroids have been living together for so many generations; it is natural that they mate.”

“But you guys aren’t fucking, right?” Austin blurted out.

Nick blushed. “Austin! You can’t say things like that. We are guests, remember? They don’t have to tell us anything private.” He turned to Benji and Zyre to say, “Sorry about him.”

“It is fine,” explained Zyre. “Sex is not a private topic here. If one desires a mate, they merely ask them to share a nest. If both parties agree, they mate.” Benji nodded in agreement.

“Sounds painful,” Austin added. The dinosauroid’s claws, teeth, and scales hadn’t escaped his attention. Not to mention, he had no idea what something like Zyre had between his legs.

“Stick to dinosauroids, and you will be fine,” Beja said. “The bigger dinosaurs are more difficult to handle. The males are especially aggressive during mating season.”

Austin’s face turned red. “Oh, I wasn’t thinking about that. Truly. Never.” Nick giggled.

Benji shrugged. “You’re young, it’s normal.”

“I’m way too young for that,” Austin said.

“Not here on Aequdaris.”

— ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ —

Night fell, and Nick found himself sharing a room with his brother. They changed into Aequdaris-style clothes for bed, and it was like wearing a costume. He was starting to look like a local, and it was only day one.

The beds were large, and the room he shared with Austin had one for each of them. He had shared a bed with Austin before, especially when his Mum wasn’t around, but that always had disastrous results. Sure, Nick loved his brother—a bit too much according to his Mum—but that wasn’t the problem. Austin was not a calm sleeper. He would move a lot in the night, stealing all the cover, and sometimes flop on top of Nick for no reason. That was the part Nick didn’t like. The other stuff he did with Austin while he was awake in bed actually felt great.

Later, as Nick laid in bed, he could hear Austin snoring. Somehow, his brother fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. Nick was not so lucky. He was tired, but his mind was still going even as the moon light filled the room. The idea he and Austin might never go home, or see their parents again, was difficult. Plus, from the moment he woke up on the island, nothing made sense any more.

Austin flopped around in bed, and Nick sat up to sigh. A creek in the floor drew his attention to the doorway. He could make out the figure of a human in the shadows, and he assumed it was Benji checking on them. The figure entered the room and came closer to his bed.

“Nick?” Benji whispered, “Trouble sleeping?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Come with me then.”

Nick had nothing better to do, so he got out of bed. His brother was still sleeping, nosily. Austin could sleep anywhere. Without phones, internet, or TV, it was a mystery what people around here did when they couldn’t sleep. His Mum swallowed pills, but that seemed unlikely here. He followed Benji to another room, a bedroom.

“Umm, is this your room?” Nick asked.

“Yeah,” replied Benji, “sleep with me.”

Alarms went off in Nick’s head. Did that mean the same thing here as it did back home? “Umm, what?” he asked.

“I want you in my bed.”

Nick stood there in the dark. He couldn’t read the guy’s facial expression. “Umm, when people say stuff like that back home, they are talking about sex.”

“Isn’t that what you want?”

“Yeah, err, I mean no.” His heart started racing. “Guys-s aren’t supposed to do that with younger boys.” Nick wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince, him or Benji.

“When a boy looks at a guy the way you do, it’s obvious what they want. Have you not mated before?”

“Well, umm, sort of. Mostly messing around with Austin.” He couldn’t believe he admitted that, especially to a stranger. It was wrong, wasn’t it?

Benji walked closer to where Nick was standing. In the moonlight, he realised the guy’s chest was exposed. He did have a lower garment on, but Nick already knew what was down there. In a soft tone, Benji asked, “You’d rather be with your brother?”

That wasn’t what he meant. His brother was safe, like him in many ways. There were no surprises when their clothes came off. But this was basically a man. No man had ever openly asked him to have sex. Benji was hot, college-athlete hot. “I-I umm don’t know.”

Benji let out an amused snort in the dark. “Don’t they teach you about mating where you are from?”

Internet, movies, books, school… not really. Benji’s tone was suggesting a more ‘hands on’ approach to learning. “Umm, I know it’s bad to do,” Nick replied.

“Bad?” Benji asked with surprise in his voice. “If you come willingly to my bed, how can it be bad?”

Nick shrugged. “It just is.”

“Hmm. You are a citizen of Aequdaris now, and in my care. I don’t know what people do where you are from, but mating is a part of life here. You’ll need to learn.” Benji paused. Nick still hoped they would find their way home eventually, but Benji’s ‘when in Rome do as the Roman’s do’ attitude had some appeal. Nick was a healthy boy, after all, with certain desires. Benji said, “Why not do it with me?”

“This is just awkward, and everyone says kids shouldn’t do it.”

Benji let out an annoyed grunt, and placed a hand on Nick’s shoulder. “I will teach you what to do, otherwise we will be here all night.” His hand guided Nick towards the bed. “You can decide later if you want to mate with me again in the future.”

Something big was going to happen. He faced the bed as Benji’s hands expertly undid his Aequdaris’s clothes. The clothes were at his ankles and he was standing there in is underwear within moments. What exactly was Benji going to do with him? When did is dick get so stiff?

Benji’s hands pulled Nick’s underwear down and gently pushed him towards the bed. “Lay down, face up.”

As Nick got into bed, he instinctually used the cover to hide himself. The sound of Benji’s clothes hitting the floor followed, along with the guy jumping into bed next to him. Nick covered his penis as Benji also got under the cover. There was nothing separating their bare bodies as Benji positioned himself over Nick.

“Aequdaris boys your age know all about their body. You’ll have to learn how to enjoy it before you can please others.” Benji leaned down to lick Nick’s neck up to his cheek.

Nick had not been licked like this before—not in a serious way. Benji was civilised but primitive. The guy’s masculine body hovered over Nick as his tongue traced parts of his face. Nick resisted the urge to uncover his dick and wipe the wet saliva from his cheek. His dick firmly resisted being hidden by his hands. Somehow, his cock knew what was going on and was desperately trying to stand at attention.

Benji moved his mouth lower on Nick’s chest to suck on his nipple. Benji’s lips and tongue pulled at the boy’s sensitive zone. The tongue slide over the little nub of his nipple and sucked. The guy released it and moved to the other nipple to do the same thing. He was a boy; is this what guys did to girls?

The guy moved even lower on Nick’s chest. The man’s tongue tickled his belly button. Alarms when off in Nick’s head. The guy’s face was close to his privates, which he continued to cup tightly. Beneath his hands, his dick was harder than it should have been. So far, only Benji’s tongue had made contact with his body. Would he stop there?

Benji tugged at Nick’s hands. “Don’t hide it,” he said. His tongue tried to slide past Nick’s fingers, wiggling around to find his boyhood. Nick resisted and Benji persisted.

Slowly, Nick released his tight grip. Benji seized the moment to engulf the hairless eleven-year-old shaft. He sucked a lot harder than Austin ever had. Benji moved his tongue on the shaft too. As the guy settled between Nicks legs, Benji’s hands ran up Nick’s chest and over his forearms. Nick’s dick loved what was happening in the guy's mouth, and he wasn’t going to stop it.

“Yeah, that's pretty good,” Nick admitted.

Benji pulled his mouth off Nick. “Enjoy it, but pay attention. You’ll need to do this too.”

“Seriously?” Nick said. The memory of Benji’s cock flashed in his mind, and the guy returned to sucking on him. Benji was a lot bigger than him or Austin. How was he supposed to manage that? The strong tongue massaging his shaft sent a wave of pleasure through his body. This was fun. Suck on a guy’s massive cock? Yeah, why not…

This wasn’t like his brother and him messing around. Benji was serious about sucking him. He didn’t take breaks, and he didn’t pause to say something dumb. All he wanted was to send waves of joy through his body. No wonder boys did it with men. They know what to do.

Nick held Benji’s head with his hands as his cock was sucked. “Oh, yeah. It’s good.” The guy made noises while he worked. It was more than sucking, it was magic. “Oh, I think it’s happening.” Nick gripped Benji’s hair as his body tensed and he held his breath. Lightening fired from his dick and he moaned in response. Benji’s hands held his chest against the bed. His body had only one purpose at that moment, and it was to explode in Benji’s mouth. Nick managed to fire a drop or two of liquid pleasure as it happened.

The pleasure passed after a moment, and Nick sighed in relief. He was light as a feather. His hands released Benji’s head, and his chest rose and fell as he caught his breath. Being a boy was the greatest thing ever. “So good…”

Benji kissed Nick around his dick as his hands ran over his young body. “Ready to give it a try?”

This wouldn’t be like playing around with Austin. “I might not be good at it.”

Benji moved up towards Nick’s face and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You can’t improve if you don’t try.” The guy laid beside him and tossed the cover aside.

Nick did want to do it, and do it well. If Austin were here, he’d probably dive headfirst between the guy’s legs. That is, if he ‘wanted’ to do it. His brother liked doing dirty things because it felt good.

He moved cautiously between Benji’s legs. He knew what he was going to find there, and it was scary and amazing. The idea of being with an older guy was a lot different from touching his brother. And he had to do a lot more than mere touching. In the shadows he was aware of the enormous outline of the shaft. It seemed Benji was eager to have fun too.

“Go on,” Benji said. “Grip the base with your hand and start licking the tip.”

Nick forced his hand to reach out and find the base of the shaft. His fingers rubbed through the coarse hair around the enormous manhood. It was like taking a meaty bat into his hand. “Is this normal-sized or huge?” he asked.

He heard Benji give an amused snort. “It’s normal for a guy my age. Now where’s that tongue of yours?”

“Right.” Nick bent his head down and his body tensed. He had done this for Austin, sort of, so he could do it for Benji. He extended his tongue and pressed in on the tip of the cock. It was warm and spongy against his tongue. This wasn’t so difficult to do.

“Good,” Benji said, “get it wet all over and then take it into your mouth. But don’t bite it.”

Nick licked down the guy’s shaft. His tongue wetted around the ridge of the cock head, and over the sides. There was hardly enough spit in his mouth to coat the whole thing, but he kept going until Benji was satisfied. Being told what to do helped.

“Open wide,” Benji said, as he used a hand to point the cock head towards Nick’s mouth. “Let's see how much you can fit comfortably. See the crown of the tip, start with that much.”

Nick opened his mouth and let the tip slide past his lips. It was huge in his mouth, filling the space. His lips engulfed the crown, pass over the ridge, and he knew that he had done in it. The massive hunk of flesh sat on his tongue while he waited for the next instructions.

“Good. Believe it or not, it’s not about swallowing the whole thing. You’ll need to move your mouth forward and backward, over and over again. Each time you do, press your tongue into my cock. While you are doing that, rub the remaining shaft you can’t swallow with your hand. Master this, and you will be swallowing my seed in no time.” Benji paused for a second. “You do know what happens when this is done correctly, right?”

Nick nodded with the guy’s cock still pressed between his lips. Every boy knew about spunk—why else do this?

“Let’s see what you can do.”

He took in a breath through his nose and found a comfortable grip with his hand around the shaft. Nick pushed his lips forward, taking more of the cock into his mouth. Remembering his tongue, he pressed it into the hard flesh. His hand gingerly caressed the remaining shaft until the tip of the cock made his mouth want to gag, and he let out a muffled gasp. He pulled back and breathed around the shaft. This was going to be impossible.

Benji’s hands moved to hold Nick’s head. “Not bad, but you will get better.”

“It’s too big.”

“You did fine, don’t go as far. You can grip it tighter too, it won't break.” Benji’s hand guided Nick’s mouth back over his cock.

Nick had his doubts. He positioned his lips back around the crown. The enormous length of flesh still before him. The hands on the side of his face pulled him further down onto it. It was a short jab forward; the fleshy sword threatened to go deeper but stopped before he gagged, and Benji pulled him back.

“Like that, but you have to keep moving your tongue and hand. Suck a little too, and you will be golden.”

It was a lot to remember, but Nick figured he could manage for a bit. Benji released Nick’s head, and he gave it a try for himself. He made a short trip down and up the shaft. He gripped the base and swallowed the excess saliva. Nick only had to do this a few hundred times, and the guy would be good. Doing this for Austin had been much easier, but this was a lot more exciting.

Nick took control of the cock in his mouth and bobbed his head up and down, finding a rhythm to it. It was hard keeping his mouth stretched wide over the shaft, but he did it. The fleshy tube was at home in his mouth, and he would be doing this again in the future.

“You're doing good,” Benji said after a while. “I’m going to need to help you a bit if I am to finish.” Benji moved his hand over his shaft, replacing Nick’s hand. “Keep using your mouth, I’ll take care of stroking.” His other hand went behind Nick’s head.

They found a new rhythm. With each stroke, Nick’s nose bumped into Benji’s hand. It was much easier sucking while Benji did everything else. The pace was much faster, and Nick figured Benji was approaching the best part.

The hand on the back of his head tightened. Nick realised he couldn’t move his head any more. The flesh in his mouth grew stiffer. Benji’s hand on his head was trying to push the cock in deeper. Nick tried to pull back as the other hand vigorously started to bump into his lips.

“Oh, you’ve got this Nick, you’ve got this.”

Benji stopped stroking as the massive flesh tube throbbed in Nick’s mouth. A jet of hot liquid fired into Nick as Benji held him down on his cock. Nick didn’t have time to react as the salty essence from Benji’s balls was filling his mouth. Nick gagged, Benji moaned, Nick swallowed. His eyes had started to water. It was a flood of spunk Nick never saw coming.

The guy’s cock continued to pulse with each wad of spunk. Nick gurgled around the invading member as a sticky mess escaped his lips. Benji relaxed his hold on Nick, much to his relief; he had no desire to drown in some guy’s cum.

Benji’s wet cock then slid victoriously from Nick’s conquered mouth. The guy sighed in satisfaction as Nick tried to recover. Benji’s ending was far grander than anything he had experienced with his cock. “Bloody hell,” Nick said with a sore mouth.

Benji sat and pulled Nick into his arms. He gave Nick a brief kiss. “I am proud of how well you did.”

“That was intense.”

“It was basically perfect.” Benji kissed him again. This time, his lips parted, and his tongue invaded Nick’s mouth.

Nick pulled back. His mouth wasn’t ready for more. “Was-s all that normal?” The flood of jizz still coating his tastebuds.

“Better than normal,” Benji said, pulling the boy on top of him as he laid back in bed.

Nick soon found himself laying on the guy’s chest, being held. It was clear Benji was happy with him. If the amount of spunk was any indication, Benji had a thousand times more pleasure than he ever had playing with himself. Most of it had been fun, but the ending was a bit rough.

Benji ran his hands over Nick’s body. “I could see you becoming my mate from now on.”

— ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ —

Austin was alone in the jungle. Every direction looked the same. A branch snapped, and he turned to look. There was a large dinosaur standing there with massive fangs. It was Jurassic Park, and he was the prey. Austin turned and ran. This was all Nick’s fault. If they hadn’t been caught together by their Mum, he would still be back in England and not running for his life on some weird island.

The ground shook, someone yelled, and Austin fell out of bed.

It had been a dream, except for the part where he fell on the ground, but in the darkness, Austin shook with the room. It was an earthquake. As he untangled himself from the cover, something lifted him up, and it had teeth. Austin screamed louder than before.

“Quiet,” Zyre said, “It’s an earthquake.”

Austin had forgotten he was staying with a dinosaur. It took a moment for him to realise Zyre was there to help him instead of eat him. As he tried to calm down, he saw a flashing light penetrate into the room from the night air. It was odd, and he wasn’t sure why.

“It’s the crystal,” Zyre said. “It blinks from time to time and shakes the entire island. It will pass soon.”

It was hard to imagine that a crystal could cause an earthquake. Then again, he was being held by a talking dinosaur, so there was no point to dwell on it. Instead, Austin glanced at Nick’s empty bed.

“What happened to Nick?” Austin asked.

“He is with Benji.”

Figures. It was just like his brother sneaking off and leaving him to die alone in his bed. “I knew he liked Benji, but seriously, he chose him over me?”

Zyre sniffed the air. “They appear to be finished mating.”

“Really? You can tell?”

“I smell human sperm—it does have a distinct smell.”

“Fucking hell…”

Zyre stared at him with reptilian eyes. “You wish to mate?”

“Fucking doesn’t mean… well it does, but not how I meant it.” Austin sighed. “I have to get off this island.”

Zyre turned and carried Austin out of the room.

“Umm, you can put me down now.”

“You appear to be too young to sleep alone. I will keep you in my nest.”

“What?! No. I can sleep by myself.” Austin tried to wiggle free, but Zyre had a good grip on him.

Despite his attempts to get down, Zyre took Austin to his room. “When hatchlings try to leave the nest too early, they get hurt,” Zyre said. “Look what happened to you tonight.”

“Oh sure… Nick can wander off with Benji and have sex, but I need a babysitter. You must be kidding me.”

The bed in Zyre’s room wasn’t too different from the one Austin was sleeping in before, except it was larger and lower to the ground. Zyre was humanoid, but the scales, tail, and other dinosaur features made him seem completely alien to Austin. And sleeping with him was not on Austin’s to-do list. He planned on escaping the first chance he got.

Zyre got into the bed and pulled Austin against him. It wasn’t altogether unpleasant, but Austin wasn’t a child, and he didn’t want anyone to treat him like one. He wanted to leave as soon as Zyre let down his guard. Sure, the dinosauroid was holding him firmly in his arms, and Zyre’s tail was wrapping around his leg, but Austin could wait it out. He had to stay awake long enough to wiggle away.

Austin was asleep again before he ever got a chance…

When Austin did open his eyes, he was surprised that he was still in bed with Zyre. His great plan to leave never happened, and light was starting to enter the room. As he lay on his side, Zyre was still holding him close. The dinosauroid’s tail was like a leash still around his leg—Austin never had a chance of leaving without Zyre knowing it.

Something stiff twitched between his legs. Hunting around with his hands, he found it—it was likely a part of Zyre’s tail, awkwardly protruding between his legs. It was warm, stiff, and rounded at the tip; surprisingly not at all what a dinosauroid’s tail should be… Austin pushed it and a sticky goo coated his hands. It was Zyre massive dinosaur cock. The fleshy club was thicker than his wrist.

Its size was impressive. How Zyre walked around with this thing between his legs was a mystery. Austin traced his fingers along the curvature of the shaft, and the cock throbbed against his belly. It was obvious what the cock wanted, but Austin wasn’t going to play that game. He folded his arms and ignored it.

Eventually, Zyre stirred and released Austin from his grip. Austin sat and took another look at Zyre’s cock—the dinosauroid didn’t have balls. That was one of a hundred things he wanted to ask about. Somehow, the shaft shrank down and snaked back inside Zyre. “Where does it go?” Austin asked, nodding to Zyre’s cock.

“Like all dinosaurs, it goes back inside when it’s not in use.” Zyre said it like it was obvious.

“That’s really weird,” replied Austin.

“You have much to learn. I have decided you will come with me to a hatchery today.”

“What? I have better things to do.” Like getting off the island.

Zyre got out of bed. “As long as you are living here, you will learn our ways. We will start in a hatchery since you know so little. Go get prepared for the day.”

“What now?” Austin asked, “So early?” Zyre gave him a scowl, or the dinosauroid equivalent. It wasn’t clear how far he could push Zyre. He knew little of dinosauroids; for all he knew speaking was the only similarity they shared with humans. “Fine, I will go get dressed.”

Later, dressed like a native of Aequdaris, Austin found Nick and Benji eating breakfast. Food was always welcome, even if it was weird island stuff, but he sat at the table to eat. Nick was looking pleased with himself, like he did after getting a present.

“Thanks for abandoning me last night,” Austin said to Nick. “I could have died in my sleep.”

Nick looked at him confused. “What are you talking about?”

“Your brother woke up during the earthquake last night,” Benji explained. “But he spent the night with Zyre.”

“You were probably too busy doing, you know what, to notice,” Austin said as he grabbed what appeared to be sweet bread.

“Nick was asleep by then,” Benji said. “He didn’t even hear you yell when you fell out of bed.” Austin wasn’t sure if Benji was trying to imply something or not. He continued by saying, “But it is good you are going with Zyre today. I believe he’s taken an interest in you.”

“All we want to do is get off the island, and I am not here to make friends. Nick and I should be looking for a boat or something.”

If Benji was annoyed, he didn’t show it. “Today, I am taking Nick with me. It makes sense that you shadow Zyre, and learn about our way of life. It will be good for you and Zyre I think.”

“I’ll resist.”

“Hmm. You are stubborn, like Zyre. I can see why he likes you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Austin asked.

“You will be spending a lot of time in his bed from now on.”

“What!? That’s insane.”

Benji leaned in closer to Austin. “Zyre hasn’t been with anyone in a while, and you are his type, I can tell.”

Austin grumbled to himself. He was not there to make friends with a creature he didn’t even know existed last week. And his brother was no help. Nick seemed smitten with Benji. The three of them finished breakfast while Austin quietly plotted a way off the island. Soon after eating, Nick set out with Benji. It wasn’t long after that Zyre dragged Austin out of the city to the nearby farmlands. Zyre packed food for later, but made Austin carry it. He was unsure what torcher was in store for him at a so-called hatchery.

Later they arrived at a large stone structure. It was a stone barn, of sorts, by the look of it. It had large wooden doors and stood adjacent to fields of some crop. Austin was never much for plants and nature, so he didn’t know what was growing. Food came from a store, and that was the end of it as far as he was concerned.

Zyre pulled open one of the large doors and ushered Austin inside. He was immediately hit by moist air that was 10 degrees warmer than outside. There were also many good-sized nests, each of which were empty.

“This is a Hadrosaurs hatchery,” Zyre explained. “The nests are empty and it's mating season. Today, you will help them fill the nests.”

Austin envisioned a large chicken; he had no idea what a hadrosaur was. “Don’t they lay eggs whenever they want to?”

Zyre snorted. “You have not seen a hadrosaur, so you don’t yet know how challenging it is. Come.”

They left the barn and went around to a pond where a group of duck-billed dinosaurs were gathered. When they stood, which the dinosaurs did at the sight of them approaching, they were around 8 metres (~26 feet) long. They made Zyre look small. Their scales were brown with white underbellies. The dinosaur's back legs were more formidable than their front, but they walked on all four legs. Their heads had a crest protruding from the top, but otherwise there were no horns or anything to watch out for.

“That is a Haddra-sore-us?” Definitely not a large chicken. “Are they safe?”

“Of course.” As Zyre said it, several of the dinosaurs approached them.

“Why are they coming over?” Austin said, as they closed the distance swiftly.

“They know it’s mating season and that we are here to help. These are the males eager to get started.”

One of the male dinosaurs came over and nuzzled Austin in the chest. “Umm, now would be a good time to tell me what I am supposed to do here.”

“We will start with him, since he has taken to you,” Zyre said. “See the railing over there? Bring him there; I will get a female.”

Austin glanced at the railing. It looked like a wood fence someone started to build and gave up after making one section. “How do I ‘bring’ him over there?”

“He is clearly going to follow you.”

Austin started walking, and the Hadrosaurs followed, nudging him to go faster. “Why is he bothering me and not you?”

“They are smart. They know why you are here, and that you are the perfect size.”

“I am not liking the sound of this.” Austin waited by the fence as Zyre coaxed a female of the species over. The male Hadrosaurs made a grunt which sounded impatient to him, though he was no expert on dinosaurs.

Zyre got the female to the fence, and without hesitation, she stood to rest her front legs over it. It was like a leaning post for dinosaurs.

“In order for the female to lay eggs,” Zyre explained, “she needs to be impregnated. For that to happen, the male Hadrosaur will have to shove his penis into her.”

“I figured that out on my own,” Austin said. How clueless did Zyre think he was?

“As you can see by their size and shape, mating is a bit of a challenge. They aren’t flexible, and the tails get in the way… so it's difficult for them to mate. That's why you will help guide the male Hadrosaurs cock into the female’s breeding orifice.”

“Come again?”

“They may,” Zyre replied, “but let’s try to get each one mated once before they go for a second round.”

“I mean the part of me guiding his cock into her hole.”

“It’s quite simple. You stand behind the female, under her legs, and when the male approaches, you guide him in and hold him in place until he is done. It’s easy for someone your size.”

“Seriously?” Austin said. “Shouldn’t I wear gloves or something?”

“He won't mind you touching his cock, but the more you delay, the more likely he will get annoyed and bite.”

Hadrosaurs did have teeth, and Austin didn’t want to push his luck with something the size of a car. “Fine, but I am not happy about this.” He moved behind the female, who shifted her tail to one side. Austin was more worried about getting stepped on at this point.

The male Hadrosaurs wasted no time. With the female in place, he stood on his back legs and approached to mount the female. Austin watched as the dinosaur’s massive pinkish appendage made an appearance. It emerged from between the Hadrosaurs’ legs and was the largest penis he had ever seen. And this was after seeing Zyre’s cock that morning; Austin didn’t expect to confront an even larger cock today. It could have been a metre or more in length, and it continued to grow. The triangular-shaped cock-head flared and came directly at him.

“Grab it, and guide him in,” Zyre said from the sidelines.

“Umm, which hole does it go in?” Austin asked.

“They only have one hole for everything.”

Austin wasn’t sure what to make of that. He took the massive, warm cock in his hands and turned to look at the female. Sure enough, there was only one orifice. The cock throbbed in his hands. The shaft was ribbed with a row of bumps. Austin couldn’t believe what he was doing. The eager Hadrosaurs gave powerful thrusts into his small hands, and he quickly aligned the cock with its target. Probably the only thing harder than helping the dinosaur mate would be to try to give him a handjob.

The cock-head found its target and the female’s orifice spread wide to take it. Austin was trapped beneath them with a direct view of everything. Inches from his face, one massive dinosaur was ploughing another. He held onto the part of the shaft with remained exposed, reminding the horny dino that he was still under there. The shaft slid and pulsed in his hands, doing everything in its power to complete its task. Austin got a huge boner of his own as both Hadrosaurs started moaning in pleasure.

“You are doing great,” Zyre said. “They will go quick.”

The huge cock shaft stiffened and pulsed in his hands. Austin could hear a lewd rush of liquid as the dinosaur’s cock pumped litres of spunk into the female. It was like holding onto a powerful hose. For all Austin knew, it could have been enough cum for a trillion eggs. There were five good-sized pulses of cum fired before the shaft started to shrink in his hands. Austin wasn’t going to forget this experience anytime soon, that was for sure.

The male started to slide out of the female and dismount. Austin let the cock leave his hands as he waited for the male dinosaur to move away. Looking up at the female’s once-tight orifice, it was now glistening and puckering from the recent exchange. Austin was quite horny himself after that.

“You may want to look out,” Zyre said.

Austin turned to look at Zyre and said, “For what?” As he did, a massive load of hot jizz exploded out of the female’s hole. The slimy white goo hit Austin’s head, neck, and back. “Oh, nasty!” It was like a bucket of cum was dumped over his head, and it was quickly soaking into his clothes. All he could smell was spunk as he stumbled away aimlessly.

“Sometimes there is blowback,” Zyre said.

“Fuck, I didn’t need that.” Austin tried to wipe it from his face, but it was going everywhere.

Zyre came over. “Hold still and close your eyes.”

Austin did his best to comply, and Zyre took hold of him. A large tongue licked his face. He tried to turn away, but couldn’t. It wasn’t clear what was worse—Zyre licking him clean or being drenched in dinosaur spunk. This continued for a while, and Austin had no choice but to let it go on. Zyre’s tongue visited many places on his upper body, often more than once.

“Are you almost done?” Austin asked, his eyes still closed.

“Yes, the Hadrosaur cum is gone.” Zyre gave Austin’s face another lick.

Austin opened his eyes and pushed Zyre’s face away with his hand. “Okay, that's enough of that then.” Zyre licked his hand, and Austin realised how large of a tongue the dinosauroid had. “So, umm, are we done now?”

“No, that was the first of the males. And each male has three females to impregnate.”

“Seriously? You expect me to do this all day?”

Zyre smirked and released his grip on Austin. “Now you know to move once they are done. And the blowback doesn’t happen every time. You did well for your first time.”

“I can’t believe you licked it all off of me.” Austin was still wet, but mostly from saliva now.

“It tastes good,” Zyre said. “Didn’t you notice?”

Austin had tasted worse things, but that wasn’t the point. “No, I didn’t notice. Now, which one is next?”

— ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ —

After half a day helping a number of Hadrosaurs mate, Austin had quite the boner of his own. Whether it was from the constant smell of cum and sex in the air or the first-hand view of the large cocks ploughing holes all day, he wasn’t sure. But he was eager to get some alone time where a boy could do what boys did best.

“So was that all of them?” Austin asked Zyre. “Are we done now?”

“There is still a male who needs to be taken care of.” Zyre pointed between Austin’s legs.

“What? You’re joking.”

“Helping the Hadrosaurs to mate would arouse anyone. And I noticed you grope your mating tool several times today.”

Austin shook his head. “No, you couldn’t be more wrong.” His cock was still hard as he spoke.

Zyre pulled his garments to the side and revealed that his cock was aroused. It was so much more lewd for Zyre to expose his penis to him now, outside in public while wearing clothes. Sure, he saw Zyre’s cock while he was naked in bed, but that could have been an accident. This was on purpose, and Austin couldn’t help but stare at it. It was clearly larger than any adult human cock.

“It seems fitting that we mate here before going home,” Zyre said.

“You mean like jerk off?” Finding a hidden spot in the barn to pump a load out was a good idea.

“I was referring to you and me mating together, like the Hadrosaurs have been doing all day.”

“What!?” Austin pointed to the massive phallus between Zyre’s legs. “You want to put that in me? Are you crazy? It would never fit!”

Zyre came a little closer to Austin. “I have mated with a boy before. It’d be quite pleasurable for both of us.”

“That thing is like the size of my arm!”

“All the more to pleasure you with.”

“It’d never work. It’s impossible!”

Zyre ran a hand down Austin’s front, loosening his clothes and exposing more of his smooth chest. “You won’t know for sure until I show you.”

Austin’s top fell to the ground, and his resistance was wavering; the boner tenting in his underwear was calling the shots now. “Shouldn’t we at least go in the barn?”

“The Hadrosaurs don’t mind. We watched them mate all day. And it’s not like you are going to be the first Aequdaris boy to be fucked by a dinosaur, especially outside on a nice day like this.”

Austin wasn’t an ‘Aequdaris’ boy, but he was a horny boy. He had watched cocks going into holes repeatedly all day. Zyre had a cock, and he had a hole, so the idea wasn’t as farfetched as he might have once thought. “If I get hurt, you will be in a lot of trouble.”

“I will take good care of you. Turn around, and I will prepare your breeding hole.”

Austin turned around and faced the railing the dinosaurs had been using. He was small compared to them, but he held onto the fence as Zyre pulled his pants and undergarments down. He was nude outside on a farm, and Austin’s stiff boner showed how excited he was. Being fucked for the first time was a thrilling turn of events, dinosaur cock or not.

Zyre bent lower and inhaled deeply between Austin’s butt. A moment later, Zyre’s large tongue licked his butt, pressing his cheeks apart as a warm trail of saliva coated his rear. The tongue was so long, he guessed Zyre could lick his entire butt at one time. Zyre even got Austin’s balls with the tip of his tongue. Zyre spread Austin’s legs wider with his hands before his tongue made another pass. Austin did his best to give the dinosauroid full access.

After a few more causal licks, Zyre got more serious. Not only did the tongue press into him harder, but the tip centred in on his hole. The full butt licks turned into something else. Austin tensed as the big tongue applied pressure to his anal ring. The tongue was trying to push in as it rocked from side to side. The reality of the situation became much more real to him, and his butt was having second thoughts.

“I am not sure about this,” Austin said.

Zyre stopped and said, “Relax. You will feel much better once I am inside.”

The tongue returned to his butt, and Austin tried his best. He relaxed, and the tongue pressed on. His anal ring widened, and the warm tongue’s tip squeezed inside. Zyre held Austin’s thighs firmly as the tongue moved around. Unable to break free, Austin had the urge to push out with his anal muscles. As soon as he did, the tongue slid in even further. It was a strangely enjoyable to have it in his butt.

“Oh, that’s unexpected,” Austin said.

Zyre kept going without stopping. Austin tried to push the tongue from his bowels, but it only sank deeper. He let out a little whimper as it reached new depths. It was clear that pushing out only helped Zyre get in further. He was very full, and the wiggling tongue wasn’t taking a break. As the long tongue moved in mysterious ways, Austin kept pushing out, with no success. Within a moment, Zyre’s nostrils were breathing warm air against his butt. He had taken the entire length of Zyre’s tongue.

It was like getting his stomach licked from the inside, and Austin started to enjoy it. Despite lodging the huge tongue inside Austin’s butt, Zyre was not being overly rough. Sure, Austin couldn’t move in the dinosauroids strong grip, but he was happy to let this continue. He never expected to get this far.

As the rimming continued, Austin was thankful for the railing to hold on to. Occasionally, the tongue inside him would move a certain way and send a powerful wave of pleasure through his body. If he wasn’t careful, his knees could buckle, and he’d be face down on the ground.

A new sensation occurred, and it took a moment for Austin to realise what was happening. The tongue was making its way out of his butt. As Zyre pulled out, a great void was left inside him. “No, put it back in,” Austin said. “I am so empty now.”

Zyre stood upright. “Your belly will be full soon enough. You are ready to be mounted.”

Austin had forgotten about the monster cock Zyre was eager to stuff him with. If it was anything like the tonguing, he was going to enjoy it. He gripped the railing, half bent over. His butt was sorely empty, puckering and wet from the recent invasion.

Zyre stood over him as the helmet tip of the enormous cock found its way between Austin’s butt cheeks. The tip pressed forward, and he realised how much harder and wider it was than Zyre’s tongue. Austin let out a gasp as his hole was trying to be pried open.

“Do as you did before,” Zyre said. “You can ease back onto it.”

As Austin pushed out, his anal ring passed the crown of Zyre’s cock. The smaller diameter shaft behind the cock head was only a small bit of relief. “I can’t take any more,” Austin said, overwhelmed.

Zyre grunted above him and gripped his sides. “I can feel myself sliding in deeper. I’ll stop halfway.”

A part of Austin’s butt welcomed the massive invader, once again filling a void he never knew he had. And Zyre was right, his cock was slowly going deeper. The shaft was not a constant diameter and his anal ring flexed with the changing diameter. Moments of larger widths gave way to segments of smaller diameters. It was doing wonders for his hole.

Austin dropped his hand to pull on his cock, but Zyre quickly shoved his hand away. “Not yet,” he said.

Zyre started feeling Austin’s stomach, causing him to question how far the dinosauroid had got. He tried to stand a little straighter, and a lump in his belly resisted. Upon looking where Zyre was touching him, there was a new bulge inside of him, under his belly button. “Fuck, is that what I think it is?” Austin asked.

“Yes, it’s me.” Zyre rubbed the outline of his cock in Austin’s stomach.

The shaft throbbed as the lump in his stomach expanded for a moment. He expected more pain than there actually was. Instead, there was a moment of pressure building as the cock expanded inside him. “Oh, that's a lot.” Austin sighed as the cock relaxed a bit.

Zyre repeated the same thing again by rubbing the start of the bulge in Austin’s stomach and running his hand all the way down to the boy’s hairless cock. Once again, the massive cock inside Austin swelled, causing him to lose his breath. The huge cock relaxed, and Austin could breathe again.

“That is as far as I dare go for today,” Zyre said with an air of satisfaction. “I will try more next time.”

“Ugg! Let’s cum already.” Austin was quite eager to empty his balls. This was a lot more waiting and enduring intense sensations than he was used to. The massive cock pulled back slightly, and it was like his insides were being sucked out. “Fuck!”

“I am,” Zyre said, and he pushed forward again. Upon returning, the cock head flared as the shaft stiffened.

“Gaaaggg! It’s too much!”

Zyre felt Austin’s belly again, and it made his cock throb inside Austin. “You want me to stop?”

“I-I think you need to go slower. Maybe not so far in and out.”

Zyre lowered his head closer to Austin, and he made his cock throb again. “I’ll never cum if I do that, and I think we both want me to cum.”

Austin whimpered. It was a lot to take, and he desired to cum more than anything himself. “Fine, but I get to jerk off.”

“As you wish.” Zyre lowered Austin to the ground so he could lay on the grass with his butt in the air, very much still impaled. “This is not how I planned to mate with you, but this might be easier.”

It was, in-fact, easier for Austin. Sure, his face was in the grass, but it was a lot less effort. And he could focus on the cock he had control over—his own. Zyre was over him on all fours, and he started to thrust in and out of his hole. Austin couldn’t tell how much cock was inside of him, but it was a lot.

Rubbing his cock in the new position helped Austin relax his butt muscles. The duel pleasure inside and out started to combine into a single sensation of bliss. He watched the bulge moving inside his belly, but most of the sensation was near his cock, and it was good. Having his face in the grass while getting ridden like some animal didn’t bother him—he was an animal.

Zyre started grunting as the pounding in his stomach quickened. Austin whimpered as he kept stroking his cock. He was about to cum and had no control. There was no time to say anything as the moment rushed over him. Watery bliss fired from his stiff cock as his body tensed. The massive dinosauroid above him didn’t even slow down. Austin’s ass muscles clenched down, but were no match for the thing within him. The dino cock continued to pound him like nothing else was happening.

Waves of his orgasm washed over Austin repeatedly as it continued much longer than he thought possible. The massive member inside him had something to do with it. He was out of breath from the orgasm of the century and didn’t know what to say to the horny dinosaur fucking him. Somehow, his body relaxed more, and the bulge moved further inside of him, which seemed impossible. It wasn’t clear if Zyre knew or was paying attention to the new depths he was reaching.

Zyre dug his claws into the grass and rammed his cock in deep. Austin gasped as a deeper budge formed inside of him. The cock throbbed and flared to a larger size. The dinosauroid grunted. A gurgling of liquid was heard inside his stomach. He knew he was getting Zyre’s cum. Austin rubbed the foreign bulge in his stomach with his hand—Zyre was truly inside of him. A few more rapid throbs of the shaft and liquid started squirting out of his hole and onto the grass—it oozed straight from Austin’s butt.

This continued for a while until Austin sensed Zyre relax. The cock stopped throbbing with great intensity, and he knew it was winding down. Zyre had been right; he could take it and enjoy it too. Austin waited; how long would Zyre stay in him? He rubbed his belly. It seemed weird to still be impaled on the dinosauroid now that they had their fun.

Austin tried to crawl forward, but Zyre quickly stopped him. “Wait. You won’t like it if I leave your hole too quickly.”

“I bet it will be fine,” Austin replied.

“Are you in a hurry to get somewhere else?”

“Not really, but…”

Zyre lowered some of his weight onto Austin. “Then stay where you are.”

“It's a little weird to stay like this.” Austin was fully aware of Zyre’s cock still deep within him.

“You will get used to it the more we mate,” Zyre replied. “In the meantime, we can stay and talk.”

— ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ —

On the way back to Whitespire, Austin had some difficulty walking normally. He found new a meaning to the phrase, a pain in the ass. Zyre was, as he found out, right about staying lodged in his butt. The new empty void within him was quite noticeable, especially after he dispelled the massive load of spunk delivered to his belly. The dinosauroid offered to carry him, but Austin thought that would make things even weirder. He could handle a sore ass, but he didn’t know if his rear would ever be the same again.

They returned to Benji and Zyre’s home, and Austin found his brother there helping to fix dinner. While Zyre went to his room, Austin watched his brother with Benji. He had never seen his brother help prepare food before, so it was a surprise. Even more surprising was the amount of touching going on between the Aequdaris guy and his twin. Austin knew they had messed around, but this was now bordering on movie-level flirting.

“You guys seem… to be getting along,” Austin said.

“I had the best day ever,” Nick replied. “You would have thought it was boring, but it was great. Benji helped an ankylosaur, and I even got to ride it.”

Austin eased himself into a chair, still sore from his adventures. “I did some riding too, and now I am sore.”

Benji smirked and said, “We have ointment for that, if you want.”

“Hell yes! I mean, I would like that.”

Benji fetched a jar from another room and returned promptly. “Here, you can keep it. Rub some on your ass, and it will help.” Austin immediately took the container.

“What were you riding?” Nick asked, puzzled.

To Austin, Benji said, “I’ll explain it to him if you want to go take care of that.”

“Good idea,” Austin replied. If the ointment worked, he’d be using it a lot. As he turned to leave, there was a knock at the front door. Austin ignored it as Benji went to see who it was; he had more important matters to attend to.

When Austin returned, the other three were gathered, talking. “What is it?” he asked.

“It seems more people have arrived on the island,” Benji replied. “The Magistrate wants to see me and the two of you.”

“I am not feeling up to it,” Austin said. The idea of walking to the city centre was more than his body could take.

“But it might be Mum!” Nick said.

Austin grimaced.

“I doubt it, but you never know,” Benji said. “I’ll take Nick, and it should be fine if you want to stay here.”

Austin shrugged. He started the day hoping to find a way off the island. But now, after getting fucked like an animal in the countryside, he wasn’t sure what he wanted. He hoped it wasn’t his Mum. The last thing he wanted to do was face her. She was disappointed when she caught him and Nick together; imagine what she’d say about him and Zyre.

“Really Austin?” Nick said. “You're not going to come and see who it is?”

“Nah, I’ll go take a nap.” Austin had no energy to argue or explain. He went to collapse in bed while the other three eventually headed out.

— ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ —

Nick nearly skipped as they walked to the city centre. He was at home in the city as they went. If it was his Mum who arrived on the island, this could in fact be the best day ever. Benji followed close by, with Zyre trailing behind.

They arrived at the main building, and Benji led the way from there. They passed a few large areas and entered a room with multiple people and dinosauroids standing around. It took Nick a moment to recognise three of the people. It was his Mum, the Captain, and a crew member from the ship.

Nick yelled, “Mum!” and raced between the people and dinosauroids to see her.

“Oh,” Holly said in surprise as he hugged her. “Umm, Austin or… ?”

“Nick,” he replied. Normally, she could tell them apart, but he hadn’t given her a chance.

Cayan, the Magistrate, stepped closer as Benji and Zyre moved forward. “That solves one mystery,” she said, watching Nick.

“I hardly recognise you in those clothes… is Austin, around too?” Holly asked.

“Yeah, he’s fine,” replied Nick. “He was too lazy to come.”

“You look so different wearing those clothes. Have these savages been mistreating you?”

“No, it’s great here. They have talking dinosaurs and everything!”

“I get the feeling there is a problem,” Benji said.

No one else was as excited by this turn of events as Nick. Several of the dinosauroids were dressed as warriors, with armour on.

“Yes,” replied Cayan. “The newcomers have attacked our residents and used firearms. We managed to capture these three.”

“I am sure it’s a misunderstanding,” Nick said. “Right Mum?”

“It’s complicated,” Holly replied.

“Then we should talk about it and make it simpler,” Nick replied.

“If you and your beasts don’t release us,” Captain Howard said to the magistrate, “it’s only a matter of time before my crew will come looking for us. And they will bring more guns.”

Cayan stood there, unwavering. “We can forgive ignorance, but not malice.”

“Maybe someone should go tell the crew you are safe,” Nick suggested.

“Safe!?” Captain Howard said. “These beasts have eaten some of my crew. I reckon they’ll eat us all soon enough.”

It was easy to forget that the island could be hazardous. So far, Nick has seen none of the dangers. He and his brother had been lucky.

“As far as we can tell, they came ashore near where the carnivores live,” replied Cayan. “The island is not without its dangers, but not every dinosaur attacks humans.”

“And now we are prisoners for defending ourselves?” asked Holly.

“You're being held for attacking our citizens,” replied Cayan. “But if it resolves this conflict, you can send a messenger back to your people and explain the situation to them. You are all citizens of Aequdaris now, and you will have to adapt.”

“I am sure Nick would like to spend time with his mother,” Benji added.

“Fine,” Cayan said. “But these three newcomers stay under guard until this is resolved.”

— ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ —

Captain Howard sent his crewmate back to the ship with Aequdaris escorts. Nick hoped this would be the end of the misunderstandings. Benji took time to speak with his mother, and Zyre had decided to return home. Nick figured Austin would regret not coming with them to the city centre in the first place. In the meantime, they were shown to a room where Captain Howard and his Mum could be kept under guard by some dinosauroids at the door… but not locked behind bars. It was more of a sitting area with several couches and fresh fruit.

“I didn’t think you survived,” Holly said to Nick. “Especially in a place like this.”

Nick said, “It’s been great so far. There doesn’t seem to be any danger in the city.”

“What have you learned about them?” Holly asked.

“All sorts… dinosaur species, about their culture, how to ride an ankylosaur.”

Captain Howard dug through the pile of fruit on a metal platter. “I think what she was asking about was more about these people’s ships, weapons. How to escape.”

Nick shrugged. “They don’t use ships because of the barrier. It keeps everyone trapped here on the island.”

“Barrier?” Holly said. “What we experienced was a severe storm, nothing more.”

“It damaged the ship and messed with all our electronic equipment,” said Captain Howard. “It was a bit more than a storm that brought us to a place like this. Hell, if I am being honest, I am not even convinced we survived. Talking dinosaurs, really?”

“At least you found the island you were looking for,” Nick said. “Pity we won’t get to tell anyone back home.”

“Oh, we are going home,” replied Holly. “You can bet I am not staying on this island. And I’ll be damned if I leave without the head of one of those dinosaurs.”

“Mum, here in the city, they are like people. You can’t talk about killing them like they are animals.”

“Our ship is ready to leave,” said Captain Howard. “But we can’t if these savages keep us under guard.”

Nick sighed. “Everyone is stuck here because of the barrier. And it’s not that bad.”

Captain Howard leaned back onto the couch. “For all I know, this is an island of genetic mutants gone wrong. But I can tell you one thing, none of those mutant beasts are going to chew my face off.”

Nick glanced at Holly. She said, “Piper. He survived the storm, but was the first to get killed when we came to shore.”

“Sorry,” Nick said. It was unsettling to hear.

“He was a loyal student,” Holly said. “I won’t forget his contribution.”

The room got quiet, and Nick wasn’t sure what else to say. He had such a great day, but unbeknownst to him, everyone else hadn’t been so lucky.

A while later, Benji entered the room to find everyone sitting quietly. He came over behind where they were sitting, and put his hands on Nick’s shoulders. “I am sure Nick is happy you both made it.”

“And who exactly are you?” Holly asked.

“Benji. The Magistrate’s son.”

“He has been taking care of us since we arrived on the island,” Nick said. “He’s probably why Austin and I didn’t get hurt.”

“I see.”

There was a long pause.

“Well,” Benji said to Nick, “I was going to head home. I wondered if you were ready to go.”

“Wait, you’re taking my son away?” Holly said.

“He can stay here if he wants, but I figured he would be more comfortable going back with me. He does have a bed there.”

“My son would rather stay here with me than go with some stranger.”

Nick preferred to leave, but that would be mean to say to his Mum. “I don’t mind going, but if you want me to stay, I will.”

“You’re staying.”

So much for a comfortable bed for the night. “Okay,” Nick said.

“Alright, as long as you are sure.” Benji leaned down and kissed Nick on the cheek.

“Now what the hell was that!?” Holly said. “He’s a kid. What have you savages been doing to him?”

“Mum, it’s okay,” Nick said. “He was being nice.”

Holly stood. “Guys his age don’t kiss boys your age without trying to get in your pants. Those guards should be locking him up for what he’s thinking about doing to you.”

Benji furrowed his brow. “Why? Because your son enjoys sharing a bed with me?”

“What kind of insane place is this?” Holly sat on the couch. She turned to Howard and said, “You're right, I don’t think we survived that storm.”

“Mum, things are different here. And nothing bad happened to me.”

Holly sighed. “I am sure that is what ‘he’ wants you to think. I know from what you forced Austin to do that you have certain tendencies. And yes, a lot of this is your father’s fault, but you have to start making better choices. You need to start being more like your brother.”

It wasn’t clear why she always took Austin’s side. However, Nick was certain Austin was into everything they did, just like he was. When in doubt, she always blamed his father; nothing new there. “Alright then,” Nick said, “I’ll go with Benji.”

“That’s like the opposite of what I was saying,” Holly said.

Nick stood and shrugged. “You told me to be like Austin, and he chose not to even come here. I’m following ‘your’ advice.”

“That’s not what I meant,” Holly said. “He makes mistakes too.”

“I think you have the wrong idea about this place,” replied Nick. “Maybe after a few days here, you will realise you made a mistake.”

“Fine,” Holly replied. “I am too overwhelmed to deal with this now anyway. Go if you want.”

“Alright, we will.” Nick nodded goodbye to Howard and left the room with Benji.

While leaving, Benji asked Nick, “Are you sure you don’t want to stay with your Mom?”

Nick shrugged. “This morning, I assumed I would never get to see her again. I can afford to spend one more night away from her.”

When they arrived back at the house, they were in time to witness Zyre carrying Austin to his bedroom. Austin was asleep despite being carried, so Nick realised his brother must have been tired for real.

Benji leaned in and said, “I told you, Zyre liked him.”

“Yeah, I’d say so,” Nick said. He paused and channelled his inner Austin. “You know, we could race to see who can get to your bed the fastest.”

Benji smirked. “You’re on.”

The two of them raced across the room and down the hall, dropping bits of clothes as they went. There was no way Nick would have had this much fun had he spent the night with his Mum.

Nick jumped into bed first, wearing only his underwear, while Benji was still trying to pull his pants off. Neither of them cared about winning because sex was in the air. Benji grabbed hold of Nick’s underwear and pulled them off. Nick was giggling excitedly as the naked guy moved to lay over him, followed by a kiss.

“I am going to breed your butt tonight,” Benji said, before sucking on Nick’s ear.

Nick wanted it. “About time.” His stiff cock was pressing up into the guy's stomach as he spoke. “Let’s do it.”

“You're a bit more eager tonight; I like that.” Benji leaned over the side of the bed and rummaged around for something. He found what he was looking for—a container. “This will make it easier.”

“Is that like what you gave Austin?”

“What I gave him was for after. This we will use now.” Benji sat between Nick’s legs. “Lift up.” Nick knew he was talking about his butt, so he did. He folded his arms around his legs and gave Benji full access to his hole. Benji opened the container and spread something over his middle finger. “Relax, and this will be great.” A moment later, the wet fingertip was directly on his hole.

Nick had played with his butt before, but this time it was a guy doing it. He tried to relax, which is hard when you’re excited, and Benji pressed into his anal ring. Nick let out a little coo as the finger slipped inside. Benji didn’t stop until his middle finger was completely buried in him.

“Good,” Benji said. “I thought I might be going too fast, but you took it.”

“I’ve done a little of this before.”

Benji smirked. “Is that so? So you know about this special spot then?” He twisted his finger in Nick’s ass and pressed around in the anal cavity.

The finger hit something inside of Nick, and an intense wave came over him. He shuttered. “Oh! W-What is that?”

“That’s the place my cock wants to kiss over and over again inside of you. Let’s hurry up and get your hole loose.”

Nick did his best to open up, but Benji was doing most of the work. The guy applied more goo, and then it was two fingers moving around inside him. An extra finger was quite noticeable. The weird and wet sensation on his butthole took some getting used to, but the end reward seemed worth it. If a single finger was good in his butt, Benji’s manhood might take him to a new plane of existence.

“Try pushing out,” Benji said. Nick did as he was asked. “Oh nice. You are doing good.”

Nick would push out, the fingers would push in, and Benji would try to stretch his hole wider. If Benji was pleased, so was Nick. “Are you really going to fit?” Nick asked.

“You’re tight, but I’ll manage.” Benji pulled his fingers out. “Let’s give it a try.” He spread some of the goo on his cock, which was fully erect, and aligned the tip with Nick’s hole. “Push out as I push in, and it will work. Ready?”

Nick nodded. A new pressure was applied to his anal ring, and he pushed out. Nothing this big had ever entered his hole before. The head of the cock sank in, and Nick gasped.

“You’re doing well,” Benji said. “I promise it will feel better soon.”

Nick was full, and his body said something was going in the wrong direction. He pushed out, and the hard cock only sank in deeper. Benji looked determined, so Nick kept going; he reminded himself he had wanted this. “Almost there?” he asked.

“Halfway. Keep going; it feels great.”

With a grunt, Nick pushed out as Benji impaled him with his manhood. Every bit of cock seemed to be three times longer as it entered. It was a slow process, but Benji looked quite satisfied when the last few bits of his cock disappeared into Nick’s hole.

Benji leaned over Nick. “See, you did it.” He gave Nick a kiss as he put his hand on either side of him. “The hard part is over. Now I get to make us feel good.”

No longer needing to hold his legs, Nick wrapped his arms around Benji’s shoulders, and his legs wrapped around Benji’s waist. There was intense pressure inside his butt… until Benji moved his hips. Nick gasped and threw his head back as the cock pulled back and came forward again. “That’s insane! I have no control over my butt.”

Benji smirked. “I haven’t started yet. Try and relax, or push out.” Nick nodded, and Benji leaned in to suck on his ear.

Benji moved his hips in short bursts. Each sensation left him breathless, as his butt had no choice but to accept the fleshy invader. The thrusts started to become longer, and Benji’s cock started hitting something special inside him. The sensation was intense. Moments of discomfort turned into waves of pleasure. Torcher one second and fireworks the next. Any doubts Nick had about letting Benji do this were melting away. Nick held onto Benji tightly as the guy continued to ramp up the speed.

As Benji fucked him, Nick was subtlety aware of the change in his anal ring. It went from trying to strangle the life out of the invading cock to letting it slide in and out as much as it wanted. It must have been the goo Benji used—Nick couldn’t explain it otherwise.

More importantly, Nick’s hard cock was pressing into Benji’s stomach. With every thrust of Benji’s hips, the guy's abs massaged Nick’s dick. Between what was happening between his butt and cock, Nick wasn’t sure which was better.

Benji was sweating and breathing heavily, working hard to keep the machine that was them going. In Nick’s ear, he said, “Stroke yourself, then I will cum inside you.”

Benji lifted slightly, and Nick grabbed his shaft. His cock was already approaching the finish line, but his hand caused him to sprint ahead. A jet of spunk fired from Nick’s balls as his body seized up. The orgasm may have started in his cock, but it continued deep within him to where Benji’s cock was squeezed by his anal muscles. Nick was speechless as it happened. It was unlike anything he had experienced before, and Benji paused to let Nick enjoy it.

As Nick’s hole stopped clenching, Benji said, “I’d need you to let me keep going and cum, alright?” Nick nodded breathlessly with approval. Benji retuned to fucking and said, “You’re a hot boy, and I’m going to cum deep inside you.”

No one had ever called him ‘hot’ before. If Benji wanted to cum deep inside of him, Nick wanted to do his best to make it happen. He held on tightly as the guy fucked him. Now, after cumming, small things like the bed creaking and Benji’s balls slapping on his ass were apparent. Benji was grunting, and Nick considered if Austin and Zyre could hear them from their room—it was exciting to do adult things.

Benji wrapped his arms around Nick and slammed his cock in as deep as it would go. He moaned loudly as Benji’s cock pulsed within him. The guy was shooting spunk within him, and Nick gladly accepted it. Benji was panting heavily and started to ease more of his weight onto him. Benji was strong, a lot stronger than Nick—there was no way he could move as the guy bred him. Exhaustion must have caught up with Benji, as his hold on Nick did relax. The cock in his ass slowed its pulsing, and Benji rested his forehead against his. By Benji’s half-closed eyes, he appeared to be using the last of his strength to keep from collapsing on top of him.

“You can lay on me if you want,” Nick said.

“You sure?”

Nick nodded, and Benji did. The guy wasn’t as heavy as he imagined, but he was definitely pinned under him—it was worth it after what they did.

As they lay there, it seemed as though Benji was going to fall asleep on top of him. The thought quickly vanished at the sound of a loud bell ringing in the distance. It was a new sound for Nick, and strange this late in the day. It caused Benji to stir.

“Alarm bell,” Benji said as he pulled himself away from Nick. His cock slipped from Nick’s hole, with some fluids gushing on the bed. The void within him immediately apparent, but he shifted focus to Benji’s unease while he dressed. “Sorry, but I should go see what’s happening. You should stay here.”

Nick scooted to the edge of the bed. He wanted to go, and he wanted to stay. Whatever the bell meant, it gave Benji renewed energy. As Benji ran to the door, Nick followed until he reached the hallway. They weren’t the only ones roused by the commotion. Austin and Zyre were there as Benji left.

“You're naked,” Austin stated to Nick.

That seemed unimportant at the moment. “What do you think is going on?” The question was directed to Zyre more than his brother.

“Could be a fire, maybe a disturbance at the bridge,” Zyre said.

“Or Mum?” Nick asked.

Zyre snorted. “They would not sound an alarm if she disappeared. This is for an immediate problem; calling able-bodied people to help.”

“We should go see what it is then,” Austin said.

“This is a task for adults,” Zyre said.

Nick knew Austin wouldn’t like the sound of that.

“Now I’ve got to go see,” Austin said. He had the advantage of still being dressed and made a beeline to the front door.

Zyre sighed as Austin left. “Hatchings… Enjoyable to mate with, but reckless.” He turned to Nick and said, “I will keep an eye on him. Stay here, for Benji’s sake.”

Nick watched Zyre leave and went to clean up. He had experienced enough for one day. Besides, he was still naked and leaking cum on the floor. Unlike Austin, he didn’t need to be at the centre of the action.

— ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ —

Austin stepped out into the evening air. There was still a glimmer of sunlight lighting the quiet streets of Whitespire. Quiet, except for the bell ringing in the city centre. The streets were otherwise empty of people. Above the buildings, there was a glow of light at the edge of the city. His instinct told him it was perhaps a fire. He had never seen one up close, so he ran in that direction. The simple city layout meant he wasn’t worried about getting lost.

After a few blocks, there were others headed in the same direction. A few more blocks, and he came upon the building that was burning. People and dinosauroids were there, forming a line between a water fountain and the fire, passing buckets from one end to another. Austin kept his distance and stood by the side of a building. He was there to watch; there was nothing else he could do.

The building itself was on the edge of the city, and the flames were reaching high into the night air. He never expected to find a stone building burning, resembling a demonic face, with flames leaping out of the windows like burning eyes. Coming here was worth it.

As Austin stood there, he heard someone yell “Nick,” and he turned. Maybe his brother was around. The name was, after all, uncommon here. He saw a group of people and realised they were referring to him. Being a twin, it does happen.

The people approached, and he explained, “Actually, I am Austin.”

“Even better,” the woman said. It took him a second to realise it was his Mum and crew from the boat.

“Mum?” He wasn’t expecting them. Austin realised he must have missed something. No one told him they were here. “How are you here? Are you helping with the fire?”

“No, we are going back to the ship and leaving,” Holly said.

At second glance, Austin realised her clothes were stained with something. “Are you bleeding?”

“No, but I got what I needed.” She held up a rolled-up shirt soaked in blood as if it meant something. “Now, let’s go.”

“What about Nick?”

“You're here; he’s not. And we have the only boat out of here.”

Captain Howard interrupted and said, “Now is not the time for discussions. We have to go while everyone is distracted.”

Austin blurted out, “I was fucked by a dinosaur and I like it!” It wasn’t planned, and he had no idea why he said it. The adults looked at him.

“Yes… well, we can deal with that later,” Holly said. “It’s going to be a hike back to the boat, and it will be completely dark soon.”

“I think I want to stay,” replied Austin.

“You have lost your mind?” Holly said.

“Look,” Captain Howard said, “if he is staying, then we should go. I am not about to get caught trying to drag him along, kicking and screaming with us.”

Holly glanced at the bloody shirt in her hand. “You know, with this, I am coming back to the island, and I will bring the entire navy if I have to. There will be scientists and soldiers all over this place. This is the biggest discovery in human history, and I am not keeping it a secret.”

All Austin could say was, “Good luck with that.”

“Fine,” Holly said, “but I am coming back.”

Austin watched them turn to leave. He had no idea if his Mum would manage to leave the island and come back. If she did come back, it wasn’t because she left him here. Once they were out of sight, Austin made his way back—chances were that Nick would agree with him about staying here.

Zyre found him on his way back; it seemed dinosauroids could track smells as well as any dog. Austin relayed the unexpected encounter he had with his Mum and the ship crew.

After a moment of thought, Zyre said, “This island was clearly not meant for them. I doubt they will make it off alive.”

“What, why?” asked Austin.

“I understand their ship was near Crescent Cove. That’s a lot of jungle to cross at night, covered in blood. It will attract attention.”

“Oh, I hadn’t thought about that.” Austin’s decision to stay seemed a lot wiser in that light.

“Neither did they, it seems,” replied Zyre. “Come on, let’s go home.”

— ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ — ⚦ —

In the days that followed, it became obvious to everyone that the fire had been started as a distraction. No one blamed Nick or Austin for what happened. For the most part, everyone was relieved to know the group from the Sea Scout had gone. It wasn’t clear if the crew returned to the boat or if they ran into something in the jungle on their way back. Either way, people believed it was the last they would hear of them—the barrier around the island often made sure of that.

As for Nick and Austin, they were quite happy with their new way of life with Benji and Zyre. It wasn’t all fun and sex, but the boys had a great time all the same…

The End.