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Chapter 23

I felt so pretty now that I had my ears pierced. It was the best! And getting to spend the night at Hannah’s without her daddy around was even better.

Mommy packed my new red dress and shoes and I got to put on clothes. I picked out a pair of black spandex pants and a striped spaghetti strapped shirt. But then my daddy walked in and told me he wanted to fuck me goodbye.

“Awe, I just got dressed,” I said, but it wasn’t that big a deal and we both just laughed.

“I’ll go put your clothes by the door for you so they’re ready when you leave,” Mommy told me.

“Okay,” then I started taking my shirt off again. Daddy started licking my chest before I even got it over my head. He must have wanted to fuck me real bad. I pulled my pants and panties off and handed all my clothes to mommy while he kept kissing me. She went to put them downstairs and Daddy pushed me into the bed.

When she came back to finish packing my overnight bag, I was underneath him and he was inside me. He went too fast to make me cum, so it wasn’t much fun for me. But that way okay. I’d get to leave and go to Hannah’s sooner anyways

“Which swimsuit do you want to bring?” Mommy held up three of them for me and I looked over.

“The blue one,” I pointed right when Daddy kissed my cheek. My whole bed was shaking. I felt him moving really fast and hard on top of me. Mommy had me pick out my pajamas and I told her I wanted to bring a few stuffed animals and pointed while Daddy kept fucking me.

“Don’t forget my iPad!” I looked at it sitting on my dresser.

“Shut up and kiss me,” Daddy turned my head and kissed me on the lips. I opened my mouth for him and felt his tongue wriggling around my teeth. Then he moaned as we kissed and started to cum.

When Daddy pulled his cock out of me, he grabbed panties out of my underwear drawer and put them on me. I asked him not to but he said I had to keep his cum inside me and wear them otherwise he wouldn’t let me go and he’d make me have a sleepover in his bed instead. So I stopped complaining. But I didn’t like the feeling if his cum leaking into my panties as I walked down stairs to put on the rest of my clothes. I was glad my brother’s weren’t home, otherwise they probably would have gotten to fuck me, too. . .

Mommy took me to Hannah’s house after that. It was still early enough that we got to swim for a while before dinner. And then, we went up to her room and built a big fort in her room before her mom made us get ready for bed. We asked her if we could sleep in our fort, though and were excited because she said yes!

We piled pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals in our fort to make a place to sleep. Then we both curled up near each other. But we both decided we were going to play longer instead of going to sleep. We played with our stuffed animals, but her mommy heard us.

“You girls had better get to sleep,” she peeked in the room to tell us. “You’ve both got a big day tomorrow.”

“What are we doing tomorrow?” I asked. But she just told us we needed to go to sleep and shut the door again. We stopped playing after that, but decided just to talk and tell stories instead.

She was telling me about something that happened at school and about how her third tooth was loose, but I think I got a little distracted playing with my new earrings. That’s when I decided to ask her about hers. They were gold studs with little jewels on them and I really liked them.

“Your earrings are really pretty!” I told her. “I can’t wait until I can get some like that.”

“Thanks, Mommy got them for me when we went to Italy in the summer,” Hannah touched one of them.

“I want to go to Italy, what’s it like there?”

“It’s really pretty and there are lots of beaches,” she answered. “My parents liked the wine but they let me try some and it was gross.”

“Ew, Jim gave me a…” I couldn’t remember what the orange juice drink was called. “MooMoosie and it was really nasty! But maybe he can take me to Italy!” Going to Italy with Jim sounded like a lot of fun.

“I don’t think I’d like going somewhere with a stranger so they could do stuff with me,” Hannah said.

“Oh—it’s not very fun sometimes,” I said, honestly, “But sometimes it is. And Jim isn’t a stranger anymore. Plus going on that yacht was a lot of fun, even though I didn’t like all the stuff they did with me.” I looked up at the top of our fort.

“I don’t like any of the stuff Daddy does with me!” Hannah started to sound sad. “He likes to put his thingy in my bottom now. And he usually makes me put it in my mouth before I go to school if he’s home.” It sounded like Hannah might cry talking about it, so I snuggled closer and put my arm around her. Then I decided to change the subject and asked her more about Italy.

She told me more about all the sites she’d visited and how pretty the cities are. After a little while longer, we both fell asleep in our fort.

Hannah’s mom woke us up the next morning and had already made waffles. I think we woke up kind of late because we'd stayed up. We both went downstairs in our pajamas to eat and right as we were finishing, the doorbell rang. I was kind of worried it would be Hannah’s dad or something. But when Hannah’s mom walked back in the room, I was really surprised when my mom was right behind her.

“Hey, mommy,” I knew she wasn’t supposed to pick me up this early. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, I came to help you girls get ready for your big event!” She answered.

“You mean the event we bought the dresses for?” I asked. “Are we going to a wedding!?”

“Not exactly, but that is why we got you the dresses,” Hannah’s mom answered.

“Where are we going?” Hannah asked.

“It’s a surprise, honey,” Her mom answered us, again without telling us anything. “Finish up and then we’ll get you girls in the bath.”

“I can’t wait to see them all dressed up together,” my mom started talking to Hannah’s. She was dressed more like Hannah’s mom with a really low-cut top that showed off her boobies. And she even sounded like her when she talked. It was really weird, but I didn’t say anything. Pretty soon, we were upstairs in the big bathroom and our moms took off our nightgowns so we could get into the bath together. They washed us all over and even made sure to clean in between our legs really good. It was usually only stuff that Daddy did with me.

“Lean your head back and I’ll rinse off your hair,” my mom had just rubbed shampoo all through my hair, so I leaned back. Hannah was sitting at the other end of the bath, so our legs were touching the whole time. I had to be careful not to kick her when I leaned my head back.

When I my mom was done rinsing my hair, I came back up and was really surprised when I saw Hannah’s mom feeling in between her legs. She didn’t have soap in her hand or anything and I could tell she was fingering her kitty. Then suddenly, I felt my mom put her hand in between my legs, too!

It started to feel really good. I just closed my eyed and let her keep going. I could feel Hannah moving her leg against mine, so she must have felt good, too. She started making moaning noises at the other end of the bath and her legs started to move more. I think I started wriggling mine, too.

“That feels good, mommy,” I said, leaning into her arm. I grabbed her wrist hard and I knew my orgasm was coming soon. The water was splashing around us with both Hannah and me wriggling so much. Eventually I relaxed and my mommy pulled her hand away. Hannah was already done by then and her mom had left the bathroom and come back with a camera.

"Here Hannah, go sit by Naomi and I'll take your picture," she said. So Hannah moved around and we put our arms around each other and smiled for the camera.

"Perfect," Mrs. Cole said once she'd taken the picture. She showed it to my mom who agreed.

"Can I see?" Hannah moved toward the side of the bath and I followed her. Mrs. Cole turned her camera around and let us see the picture. Our hair was wet and you could see both of our nipples just above the water. We both looked really happy, so it was a nice picture.

“Alright, it’s time to get you girls ready!” My mom grabbed a towel and soon we were both being dried off and getting out hair plow dried. Our moms styled both of our hair in pigtails and then we got to put on our matching dresses.

They still wouldn’t tell is where we were going, but Hannah and me both thought it was fun to wear the same dress and matching necklaces, earrings, and shoes, too!

We were kind of anxious and at least a little excited when we got in the car. Mrs. Cole drove and we went across town to a really fancy looking building.

“What are we doing here?” I asked when we pulled into the parking lot.

“We’re dropping you girls off!” My mom said.

“Why?” Hannah and I were confused.

“Don’t worry, it will be fun,” Hannah’s mom said it in a weird voice as she pulled her car up to the font of the building.

“But you’re not coming?” Hannah asked.

“Nope, we’re just dropping you girls off and we’re going to have some mommy time,” my mom answered.

“But don’t you girls worry, you’ll be in good hands. And you’ll have each other!” Hannah’s mom didn’t park the car, but drove up to the curb by the building.

“What are we going to be doing!?” I asked, but nobody answered. Hannah’s mom put the car in park under a big shaded entryway and got out of the car. She started talking with a few of the people on the sidewalk, but I couldn’t see what she was doing. There were two men dressed in uniforms like they worked at a hotel. Then one of them opened the car door and motioned for us to get out.

“Bye girls, have fun” my mom said from the front seat. We undid our seatbelts I said bye and gave my mom a kiss before I got out of the car. Hannah said bye to her mom, too and the next thing we knew, one of the men told us to follow him inside.

He led us into a fancy entryway with shiny floors and pretty chandeliers. Then we went down a long hallway that had red floors and bare white walls. It seemed like the place to have lots of fancy art, but the walls were bare. There were even places where it looked like statues were supposed to go, but the spots were empty.

Hannah and I held hands and she asked him why we were there. I really wanted to know, too, but he just told is we’d find out soon. I was getting tired of adults not answering our questions.

“What is this place?” I asked as we passed several closed doors.

“It’s a clubhouse,” he answered.

“What kind of club?” Hannah wondered. But he ignored her.

A little further down the hallway, there were a row of empty chairs and the man told us to sit down. He went inside the door next to the chairs and just said he’d be back. So we just sat there really confused.

“This place is weird,” Hannah said. “Why did our mom’s just leave us here?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know. . .” But Hannah was right. Being there felt really weird. We didn’t have to wait there very long before the door opened again. We saw the man step out into the hall and a woman followed him. She had on a red dress and had short curly hair. On her feet, she wore high red stilettos and had a gold bracelet around her wrist. She wore a big necklace too with shiny white gems all around. It looked very expensive.

“This is lot number 5,” he told her. I didn’t know what that meant.

“Perfect, thank you.” The woman said. Then the man walked back the way we’d came and didn’t say another word to us.

“Well, you girls have very pretty dresses,” the woman crouched down in front of where were sitting. “In fact, we all match—but I think your dresses are prettier than mine.” She grabbed each of our hands.

“So, you must be Naomi,” she looked at me and I nodded.

“What are we doing here?” I asked her.

“And you must be Hannah,” she ignored my question and looked at her. Hannah nodded and didn’t say anything.

“Perfect, I’m Melonie. I think the audience is really going to love you girls!”

“What audience? Where are we?” Hannah almost yelled. “Why won’t anyone tell us anything?”

“No need to get angry, you’ll find out soon enough,” the woman replied.

“Why does everyone keep telling is that?” I joined in.

“Because it’s the truth,” she said. “I am the hostess here. I’m going to take you girls inside and you’ll need to be on your best behavior. Just smile and look cute okay!? I can tell you girls are good at that!”

We both nodded and she took our hands and led us through the door. It was dark inside, but then I realized that we were backstage somewhere and I could hear a voice coming from the other side of the curtain.

“And next up we have lot number 5, eight year old Naomi and six year old Hannah,” the voice said. Then Melanie led us on stage. We could see the announcer standing there with a microphone. Then we stepped out into the bright lights. Out in the room, I could see a lots of tables. People were sitting around eating and they were all dressed up in suits and dresses.

Melanie stopped us near the front of the stage and I got a better look at the crowd. The room wasn’t very big and it was pretty well lit. So I could see all the way in the very back there were pictures of kids on a long table. Most of them looked like they were our age. And then I realized one of the pictures looked like Hannah and me in the bath. It looked like the exact same picture her mom had taken earlier.

“Is that our picture back there?” I leaned over and asked Hannah.

“Hush, girls,” Melonie scolded us, so Hannah didn’t answer.

“As you can see ladies and gentlemen, these girls are absolute knockouts,” the announcer went on. “Girls, why don’t you give the audience a nice twirl in your pretty dresses.” Melonie lifted our hands and twirled us one at a time.

“Very beautiful give them a hand. . .Naomi here has quite a bit of experience but Hannah’s innocence is still in tact where in counts,” the announcer explained. “For twenty four hours these girls can be all yours. There is no reserve on this lot ladies and gentlemen, so be sure to head on over to the bidding tables if these kids tickle your fancy. Lot number five!”

I shuddered when I realized what was happening. We had finally gotten the answers to our questions from the announcer on stage. We were at an auction and the worst part—we were being actioned off!

I felt a pit in my stomach, but mostly for Hannah. I was used to it by now, but I didn’t know how Hannah would take it, especially after what she’d told me last night.

The announcer said a little more before Melonie led us off stage again and back out into the hallway. Then she took us to another room. It had a big long table in the middle and one off to the side with a bunch of food. But the first thing Hannah and I noticed was the other kids. There were 12 other kids in the room, all different ages. I knew these must have been the rest of the kids from the photos.

“Here you are, girls, Melonie said. “Feel free to have fun and get aquatinted. You’d better both grab a bite to eat, too!” Then she left us in the room and I thought I could hear the door lock behind us.

Nobody seemed to he talking much, except for a few like Hannah and me that seemed like they knew each other. We grabbed some food and sat down next to a boy that looked close to Hannah's age.

"So, do you think whoever wins us is going to do stuff with us like you do when Jim takes you places?" Hannah asked me, looked worried.

"Whoever wins me is going to fuck me in the ass again!" the boy nearby us sounded mad and spoke up before I could think of something to say. "My aunt made me come here last year and an old man took me home and I had to spend the whole weekend with him." Hannah started to look more scared. I think the realization was just starting to sink in…

"It's okay, I'll be with you," I remembered Hannah's mom had told us that when she dropped us off. Hannah leaned over in her chair and hugged me. I hugged her back.

“It’s not THAT bad!” an older girl a few seats away said. “I get to come here once a month and my foster parents buy me stuff with the money I make them.”

"We should probably eat," I suggested to Hannah. I wasn't very hungry and I figured she wasn't either. But we both ate a little. The room was mostly quiet after that. There were other kids at the far end of the table, but they didn’t say much.

After a while, one of those men dressed in uniforms came in and took one of the younger girls away. I guessed she was going to her winning bidder. The boy who’d spoken to us was taken next, and then a boy and girl at the end who looked like siblings.

Then finally, one of the men came in and called our names. We held hands again as the man led us back down the hallway. Soon, we were back at the entrance where we'd been dropped off and there was a big white SUV waiting for us. The man opened it and helped us climb in.

"Hi there, girls!” A man in the driver’s seat turned around to greet us. I said hi back, but Hannah didn't.

"My name's, Larry. I'm really excited to meet you girls," He looked pretty young and had brown curly hair. His suit was white and he had a red rose in his lapel.

"I like your suit," I decided to say.

"Why thank you," he answered. "You girls are looking quite pretty in your little dresses, too."

"Thanks," I replied.

"So, you're name is Naomi, right?"

"Yes, and this is Hannah," I motioned at her. She was looking down and didn't seem interested in talking.

"Well, you girl's get comfortable," Larry said. "I'll take you girls back to my place and then we'll have some fun!" Hannah and I both buckled in and his car started moving. I was glad that he seemed pretty nice so far. He turned on the radio and we didn’t say much as we drove to his house. Hannah looked nervous, but I grabbed her hand and gave her a reassuring look. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but at least neither of us would be alone!

Continue to Chapter 24