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Latest revision as of 17:06, 5 February 2024

Knowing it might take her some time to recover I picked her up, my right arm under her knees and the other just below her shoulders. I carefully carried her to my room I set her down on the unmade bed then climbed in and covered us up, as I slid next to her she turned to her side and pushed her back into me, putting us into a spooning position, her head resting on my left arm, while I slowly moved my right hand up her belly coming to rest over her left breast.

We must have stayed that way for at least half an hour before she stirred, stretching her legs and softly saying, “Can we do that again?” I responded “Well you probably can, but I’ll need some time to recharge. Girls are just lucky that way”. I caressed her breast before beginning to slowly move my hand down her belly, stopping just below her belly button before returning to the other breast then repeating. She let out a soft purr as I continued the pattern for about five minutes before I lifted my head slightly and noticed tears on her face. “Are you ok, princess? I asked, stopping the motion of my hand and resting it on her breast.

“Why are you nice to me?” she asked, after a pause.

“Because everyone deserves to be treated nicely, especially someone as smart and kind as you. And because you have been nice to me.” I responded “I was always nice to my dad, but he was never nice back?” she sighed. “I don’t know every answer but I do know that you are a wonderful girl and if your dad couldn’t see that it's not because you are broken or flawed, it’s because he is” I said pulling her tighter as if I could squeeze the pain out of her. “He’s dead, the asshole he was trading me to killed him” She said before covering her mouth. “Sorry I’m working on my language,” she said through her hand. “You can swear here it’s fine sometimes it’s the best way to express what you feel” I said, giving her a squeeze. I just held her for a few minutes.

Finally she spoke again, “You know how we talked about my report the whole drive here?...I always wanted my dad to look at my school stuff, to say good job…he never did.” she said as she turned onto her back and looked painfully in my eyes for a moment before closing her eyes, squeezing out more tears, then continuing. “I remember one time when I was in like third grade, I had tested into the highest reading level in my class, my teacher said I should show my dad so I ran into the house off the bus with the paper in my hand to show him. But when saw him, he didn’t even look at it, he just lifted me up by my backpack and laid me face first on the table, pulled my skirt up and fucked me in the ass…He did that alot, he said it was what I owed him for leaving him alone while I was at school…I used to think all dads did that,” She said matter of factly. “I think I hate him, but I can’t even tell him that. So I guess he still won” she said defeated “I don’t think he won, he was mean because he wanted you to be sad, miserable and broken like him. But you aren’t any of those things, sure you are sad sometimes we all are but you still know how to be happy, and you are still amazing in school. I think you are winning against him everyday.” I said hoping to comfort her somehow. “I don’t know, I don’t always feel like I’m winning, sorry I’m a crybaby,” she said, wiping her tears away. “It’s ok to cry” I said with squeezing her breast.

Suddenly I was aware of our nakedness and my hand on her breast. Was this really a moment for sexuality? “Maybe we should find some clothes, and be done with sex for the night. I don’t want to push you too far or keep reminding you of your dad.” I said filled with guilt. “Not you too now, why does everyone think sex stuff will hurt me, everything reminds me of my dad, sex, school buses, soccer, I can’t stop all of it. And in group they say we need to learn to let the pain out in the right places, for me this is the most right place. My dad always forced me to do sex things, Dr. Peterson wants to force me not to do them. I just want to be the one to decide no one else.” she said, filled with frustration. “Sorry I wasn’t trying to tell you what to do, I just don’t want to hurt you…ever. I said repentantly “I know, sorry I snapped at you, sometimes I feel like everyone wants to tell me what to do, just like my dad. I just want to be in control of something sometime” she said, turning to face me and putting her hand on my chest.

I stared into her wet pleading eyes. “Well I can’t give you control of much but I guess I am your sex therapist, so if being in control of sex helps you then you can have control of it until you need to go home. We can do whatever you want, just remember I might not be able to get hard again before you have to go home, sorry” I offered, it must have been the right thing to say because she perked up and smiled.

“Really anything I want…Even if it's silly?” she asked

“Anything means anything” I replied hoping I wasn’t digging my grave.

“Just don’t laugh at me, I’ve always wanted to know about boy’s things, I mean penises, like I know how to make one squirt but I want to know what they are like the rest of the time, and play with one when it is little.” she said

She sat up and crossed her legs and threw the covers off of both of us, re-adjusting her glasses. She scooted directly across from my crotch in the bed and reached out tentatively toward my soft penis. Grabbing it lightly and lifting it up.

“Does it hurt when I move it like that? She asked slowly moving it side to side

“No, when it’s soft and small it can move all different ways without hurting. The balls, testicles are the easiest to hurt but you still have to push hard so you can move them gently.” I answered She gently poked one of my balls with her other hand as she continued to manipulate my penis in all directions. “They are just so weird, girls don’t have anything like it” she said, continuing to handle them like they were toys. Then she started to talk in voices, creating a conversation between “Mr. Penis” and herself, sometimes asking me a random question when it came up. “Why doesn’t your’s have hair like other guys?” “When does a boy get hair?” “Will I get hair?” “Why is the bag so wrinkly?” and so on. All the manipulation was making me get a little excited despite the recent performance. “Oh are you ready to be done Mr. Penis” she said, in a baby talk voice.

She shivered as if suddenly noticing the chill, she grabbed the covers and hopped on top of me pulling them over both of us. She was laying with her chest pressed on mine, her legs tucked at my sides, straddling me. She propped her head in hands with her elbows on my shoulders. “What should we do now?” she asked, stroking her chin before answering herself “I know what I want to do, I want to learn how to french kiss…but first you have to tell me what it is.” She commanded.

I smiled. She knew how to give a blowjob that good before even knowing what a french kiss was. “Well really all a french kiss just means a kiss involving the tongue, usually it lasts a lot longer than other kisses there are a lot of ways to approach it everyone goes about it a bit differently” I explained.

“So kinda like a movie kiss?” she said.

“Yeah I guess so,” I replied.

“I want to try it, how do we start?” She asked innocently.

“Well you start with your head tilted and kiss with your lips just slightly open, then you kiss, from there you start to use tongue and suction while holding each other” I offered, struggling to explain the concept, while she obviously struggled to understand. “Perhaps it’s best if we just do it,” I offered, she moved her arms to her sides and moved in closer to me. I put my arms around her, my left hand behind her head. I pulled her in until our lips met, her’s were open a bit too much but I aimed for her bottom lip, sucking it in and running my tongue across it. As we continued she eventually got the hang of it and sucked my tongue into her mouth twirling it with hers. Her body fully sunk into mine. I moved my right hand down her back to her perfect small cheek, grabbing firmly and massaging it. She put an arm under me reaching down, I rolled us to the side and arched my back to make it easier for her to reach, massaged my ass with her small hand. Just then I heard my phone ringing. I pulled away “That's probably your Aunt, I have to go get it” I said, stepping out of bed and covering her up before heading to grab my phone.

It was Dr. Peterson, but it was only 9:30,“Hello,” I answered very glad she didn’t use facetime.

“Yea, Hi this is Debra Paterson,” she said slurring every word, “I had car-r trouble and can’t make it back. Can you keep her for the night? She finished with a burp.

“Of course Dr. Peterson don’t worry about it I’ll call you tomorrow don’t worry about rushing,” I said trying not to laugh.

“Thanks,” she said the line didn’t disconnect, “Bring me another….” I heard in the background Well at least she knew how to have fun.

I gathered our clothes and headed back to my room. Laney was sitting up in the bed, looking forlorn. “I have to go back now?” she said sternly.

“I have bad news, I forgot to put your clothes in the dryer,” I said with a fake frown.

“I can’t leave like this, what will I wear…” she said, panicking.

“But the good news is your aunt asked if I could keep you for the night,” I said with a smirk, she threw a pillow at me. I dropped the clothes, and hopped on the bed and grabbed a pillow of my own using it to push her over, she armed herself and we battled until we had destroyed the bed and fell down next to each other laughing.

“So what do you want to do now?” she asked.

“I’d say that is up to you, I haven’t had a sleepover in a long time, anyways you’re the one in control,” I said poking her in the belly.

“Nah I only control the sex, and right now I declare a sex break!” she said, poking me back.

“Well let’s get dressed and head downstairs.” I said, grabbing her clothes from the floor and tossing them at her while I slid into my boxers.

She put the NASA shirt on but left her bra on the bed, and I put on a plain white t-shirt. “Do I still have to go pantless, boss?” I asked, turning to her I noticed she was holding her panties with a pensive look.

“Sure whatever you want,” she said, obviously lost in thought then adding after a short pause, “Is it ok if I don’t wear these, my dad never really let me. I hated that. I was so excited when Dr. Peterson bought me so many… but now it just feels weird to wear them. Does that make any sense? I feel like I’m crazy, I don’t understand my own brain.” she said, still deep in thought. “I don’t think you're crazy, and it does make sense, you hated it with your dad because he used it to control you. Now you feel safe and in control so you just want to do what you are used to. It's totally fine and normal. It’s kinda another way you are beating your dad, and dropping his control of you” I said as I walked to her and gave her a hug.

“Maybe,” she said unsure.

“Why don’t we head downstairs, you can either choose a movie or playstation game while I switch laundry and find us some junk food,” I offered, grabbing her hand. We went downstairs hand in hand, then she headed to the couch and I moved her clothes to the dryer. I went to the kitchen, put the pizza away and dug out some ice cream. I found Laney sitting cross legged on the center section of the couch with the playstation controllers out, and gave her her bowl. Trying not to get distracted by her uncovered crotch.

“Thanks,” she said, grabbing the bowl. “Can we play Call of Duty? Dr. Peterson doesn’t let me,” she admitted.

“Well she didn’t say anything to me about rules you needed to follow. Let's play,” I said, grabbing a controller.

We played five or six games, she preferred Zombies and wasn’t bad.

“I need to pee, you can play a round alone if you want,” I said standing up and heading to the guest bathroom.

“Uncle Bruce?” she said hesitantly.

“Yes, princess,” I responded, turning back around.

“Umm, do you think I…umm I…could watch” she said unable to look at me “You can say no, I know it’s weird” she finished blurting it out as fast as she could.

“It’s not weird to be curious, it’s fine with me,” I said, motioning for her to follow me.

We walked into the bathroom together, the toilet was just the other side from the sink, she leaned against the counter staring as I pulled it out. It was a bit strange trying to do it with an audience, especially such a sexy one, I had to focus to not get an erection. Finally my stream started Laney exclaimed, “Wow, I don’t think I would have made it, isn’t it hard to aim?”

“Not really, I guess when you are young and first learning but now I don’t even think about it,” I replied.

“I kinda like watching…it feels naughty. I really am weird,” she said, glancing away.

“Not at all, lots of people have a pee fetish, including me,” I confessed.

“What's a fetish?” she asked starring again as finished and shook off.

“A fetish is something that you really like, sexually usually something that is less common but shared with others, there are alot of different types,” I explained as I walked to the sink to wash my hands.

“And you have a pee fetish?” she asked, cocking her head at a slight angle.

“Yea, not everyone is the same even within a fetish, I mostly like to watch a girl pee and sometimes smell it, I even kinda like to wipe them after. Some people like to pee on someone or be peed on, I’ve never tried that so I don’t really know.” I said hoping not to freak her out. “It's common enough they even make porn videos of it,” I added, as I finished washing, “You want to head back to the zombies?” I asked, walking to the door.

“Actually, I kinda need to go too,” she said shyly.

“I don’t have to stay, I didn’t tell you about my fetish to try to get you to let me, I was just explaining” I said standing in the doorway

“That’s not the problem…” she murmured dogging my gaze. I walked back into the room and sat on the stool by the sink.

“Tell me what is then, you know I won’t be mad” I advised, trying to catch her eyes as she stared at the floor.

“Well…you know the other people with pee fetish? I think I might be one…or I’m just a mean person” she said slowly pausing for a while before continuing “you see my dad he was like the opposite of you, he hated pee he wouldn’t touch it…like he would hit me if I forgot to close the door when I went potty. So I kinda had this daydream all the time about climbing in his bed when he was sleeping and peeing on him.” She said still not looking up.

“And do you want to do the daydream with me?” I guessed

“Kinda, but isn’t that mean, I wanted to do it to hurt him, I shouldn’t want to hurt you” She blurted out finally looking up at me

“I don’t think it’s mean, you didn’t even bring it up until I told you about my fetish. I think you just saw an opportunity to act out your daydream and want to try. It's ok with me, like I said I’ve never tried it. Now I can find out if I like it. If that's what you want to do?” I reassured her.

“I do, are you sure its not mean” she asked with pleading eyes

“I’m sure, how do you want to do it? We could just do it in the shower if you just want to pee on me, or I can try to cover a bed in plastic and towels if you want it closer to your daydream.” “Really? That room is a lot like my dad’s old room. Could we do it there?” She asked, perking up and pointing to the room across the hall.

“Of course I’ll get some stuff to contain the mess” I said

I grabbed a stack of towels and trash bags and brought them to the bedroom. The true guest room was fairly sparsely decorated with tan walls and black IKEA furnishings: the queen sized bed in the center with a nightstand on each side. We worked together to cover the bed first in bags then two layers of towels. While we worked she coached me in how it should go:

“You can wear your shirt, my dad always slept in just a t-shirt, no sheet the house was always really hot….And you need to snore, he snored a lot…and stay ‘asleep’ until I start peeing, then you need to freak out like its super gross…and you have to swear at me, he swore more than you do.” She really had every detail planned, when the bed was ready she left the room.

I shut the door and turned off the light, removing my boxers before laying on my back as instructed. I began to softly snore, hearing the door open about a minute later, letting a bit of light in from the hall. I cracked one eye slightly to see Laney sneaking in, slowly crawling onto the bed before carefully straddling my chest without touching me. She waited about thirty seconds then started with a fast hard stream screaming “Take that you Son of a Bitch” The room filled with the smell of dilute urine. I was almost instantly erect, I forgot what I was supposed to do for a moment then came to and jumped “awake” “What the Fuck!” I yelled “What are you doing little bitch…” I trailed off as the light hit Laney’s face illuminating her deep brown eyes. Eyes filled with rage, more rage that seemed should fit in someone that size. My erection receded as fast as it had appeared. “I hate you, I hate you, mother fucker, I hate you…” She continued over and over sitting on the end of my rib cage as her stream ended and pounding my chest with her clenched fists. “I’m not your little cum slut anymore” she screamed, winding up her right fist and bringing it down on my bottom lip.

It hurt a lot more than I expected; I could taste blood as she collapsed onto my chest, laying her head on my urine soaked shirt as she shook uncontrollably. I put a hand on her head and one on the back, she was laying fully spread on top of me now her waist landing over my crotch, I tried to adjust the best I could but with her shaking could help but develop a friction erection. I would just have to hope it didn’t bother her or make it worse. I don’t know how long we laid there, but I began to feel a pulse in my lip as it swelled. At some point the shaking stopped and the tears let up, she was asleep. I let her sleep until she naturally stirred, allowing me to move my head enough to see the alarm clock on the nightstand, 11:30. She lifted her head slightly and yawned.

“...what…why I’m wet” she mumbled, pushing herself up and looking at me dazed.

“You seemed to have exhausted yourself so I let you sleep, do you feel better now?”

“Yea, I think so..” she said rolling off of me

“Sorry, I guess I got a little to into it didn’t I” she said as she looked around in the dim light “Its fine, I think you just had a lot of trapped feelings that needed to get out, why don’t we both shower, then we can go to bed for the night” I said as she yawned and slid off the bed.

I took my shirt off, she followed suit and I bundled them in with the towels and dropped them in the laundry. She was coming out of the room rubbing her eyes when I turned around.

“Do you want the upstairs or downstairs shower, princess”

“Whichever one you’re in Unc,” she quipped as she turned to face me.

“Ohh my God…did I do that…I’m sorry” she said rushing toward me and reaching up to feel my lip

“You have a mean right hook girl, but it’s fine, you needed to let that out” I said with a simile grabbing her hand

“Not on you, I really am sorry…what if Dr. Laura finds out she’ll make me get a new therapist”

“I think Dr. Laura would find it as funny as I do, but if you are worried I won’t put it in my report she said they should be short anyway. Let's head upstairs, I’m assuming you meant you want to shower together?

“Yea if you are ok showering with a bully”

“Tell you what you wash me in the shower and we’ll call it even”

“Ok” she said half heartedly.

To the Shower