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Latest revision as of 15:01, 10 April 2024

This is an entry in the ATF Story Writing Contest 2024/I. The story is posted by the organizer. The actual author of the story will remain anonymous until at least the end of the contest.

Taylor's Surprise Education

(m/g, consensual, impreg, contest)

Synopsis: In an alternate timeline of our earth after the passing of the Childhood Liberation Act kids are given more freedoms. Young Taylor is part of a Traditionalist Family that doesn't believe in some those freedoms. Her ignorance combined with her precarious puberty might both just lead to some real trouble when she takes Sex Education into her own hands one afternoon....


The room that Taylor Reed walked into was comforting in the same way that her house was too. It was almost like a living room in a house. There was a couch to sit on against one of the dark blue walls. A table sat in the center of the room with what appeared to be a game laying on top of it. There was a large window with the blinds open that looked out onto a grassy field that had trees and flowers in it. Against one of the blue walls a large bookshelf sat with rows upon rows of books. The young preteen girl walked up to that shelf her eyes scanning across the books that were on display at her eye level. There was one called: Healing Touch, another called: The Truth about Sex. Now that one caught her eyes, was there a truth about sex? Didn’t she already kind of know about that one!? But maybe the book had another idea on the truth of sex!

A strange twisty feeling in her stomach made Taylor look down at it. She wore this frumpy large dress that went all the way past her knees. It didn’t fit right on the shoulders, her mom had needed to tie it at the back then secure that so it wouldn’t keep falling down. Taylor really missed her own clothes instead of these big frumpy not stylish at all dresses. All the other girls in her second grade class still got to wear all the latest styles. Well not Taylor, and it was really a shame because she really missed wearing all those clothes! She missed how Drew had looked at her in those clothes too! Now she didn’t get to even see Drew.

Which Taylor really didn’t get! She’d been so depressed since her big brother had been out of the house! She’d cried telling her parents over and over again that it wasn’t Drew’s fault, and how much she loved her big brother! Yet they didn’t listen to her, just like always! She’d even told them more than once that she’d been the one to play with it not her brother! If it was anyone’s fault it was her fault! The strange fluttering feeling in her stomach made Taylor wonder if she was hungry, or if it was the other thing. The other thing was constantly moving in there now, it was why she had to wear the big frumpy dresses. Why her parents were so angry at Drew, but it wasn’t his fault!

The sound of a door closing made Taylor turn away from the books to look at the person coming into the room. This was Doctor Jackson, and she was very pretty. Taylor knew she was pretty too, her parents, other kids at school, and Drew especially had all told her so many times. She loved wearing pretty things, and doing things to make her look even more pretty. Even now Taylor still kept up on her skincare, and other things though she missed the main reason why she’d always done it. This though was supposed to be the answer to all of that! All she had to do was sit with Doctor Jackson and tell her the truth of what had happened.

“Hello Taylor, how are you doing this afternoon?” Doctor Jackson asked. She wasn’t a tall woman, she was actually about the height of Taylor’s mom, so shorter than both her brother Drew and her daddy. Unlike Taylor or her mom Doctor Jackson had dark brown hair that was cut short. Taylor had the same light strawberry blonde hair that her mom had. She even had the same heart shape to her face where the doctor’s face was more rounded. Drew always said that she was the most beautiful little sister in the world. Then she’d sit on his lap while he read her a story. Sometimes they’d play princess, or other games that she wanted to play. She like playing with Drew more than her mom or dad!

“I’m okay, I just really want to see Drew again!” Taylor was quite mad that her parents and everyone else who wouldn’t listen to her!

“I know you do sweetie. Maybe you will get to, but only after we talk okay?” Taylor gave a small grunt while Doctor Jackson said, “Why don’t you come sit down with me on the couch. I’m going to ask you some questions.”

“I guess. If it means I get to see Drew again!” Taylor said with a defeated sigh of her own. This was all so unfair. “Drew didn’t do anything wrong, he’s the best big brother!” She grumbled while sitting down on the couch. In her tummy again she felt that weird fluttery feeling that was most definitely not her being hungry.

Doctor Jackson patted her leg, “I’m sure he is, but we need to make sure.” She stopped for a moment then continued, “There’s some things about you that I want to know before we talk about your brother okay?” Taylor nodded, “Good.” Doctor Jackson grabbed her tablet from the table opening it up then she did something so that it started recording while they talked. “Now, can you tell me how you learned about rubbing your privates for pleasure?”

Taylor shrugged, “I didn’t learn it, I just knew it felt good. I remember realizing it felt good when I was three, while in the tub. Mommy always told me to stop rubbing it.”

“But you kept rubbing it anyway didn’t you?” Taylor gave a small nod. “Did your brother Drew ever see you rubbing it?”

“Sometimes, he never told me to stop though. He’d um just leave the room really quickly most of the time. I liked how funny it feels to rub it!”

“Funny feels?”

“Yeah, tingles that go all over!” Those were the best feelings ever! Though until this past summer she’d never known someone else could give you tingles all over!

“I see, and did Drew ever help you with the rubbing?”

Taylor shook her head, “No, he always left the room when I started doing it. Like I said. Sometimes he’d stay longer than other times.” Doctor Jackson didn’t ask, so Taylor didn’t tell her about the one time. There was one time when she was four and Drew was twelve that he’d done something really strange. Taylor had been sitting on her Squishy in just her panties and Princess Crown tee-shirt. She’d started rubbing her kitten against the big stuffed animal. At the same time she’d seen her big brother put his hand in the pocket of his shorts. She’d seen movement there, but had no idea why he was moving anything! Then Drew had left the room very quickly, when Taylor had started gripping really hard at her stuffy. All those good tingles hitting her made her forget about that part of it.

“Well that’s a good sign.” Doctor Jackson said bringing her out of her thoughts. “So your brother never showed you his penis, or tried to touch you when you did this?”

“Nope.” She hadn’t even known that boys had such a fun thing until this past summer! Or that it could make your kitty get all kinds of really crazy tingles! Of course the end result she wasn’t so sure about, it had taken Drew away from her and given her tummy flutters that weren’t from being hungry!

“Well then what I want you to do for me Taylor is tell me exactly how you first saw Drew’s penis, and what happened after that.”

“You’ll just say it’s Drew’s fault!” Taylor said crossing her arms.

“I will not, I promise. I’m here to find the truth Taylor. That’s what a Advocacy Judge does.”

“I thought you were a doctor.”

“I am a doctor, but that’s my title not my job.”

“oh.” Taylor had to admit that was confusing. She looked at the woman then having so many more questions, but knowing that what she wanted was for Taylor to tell her exactly how she’d learned about boys special toys! Well that was easy enough. “I didn’t mean to spy, but I was so bored that day…”

Taylor was sad, mostly because her favorite person to play with wasn’t able to play today. Lately she had all of these weird feelings inside of her that Taylor really didn’t get. The closer she got to turning seven the stranger they got. Then there was the doctor visit after her mom found blood in her panties four weeks ago. They’d had to do tests, and the doctor told her mom something that her mom didn’t agree with. They’d left that day, but they were supposed to go back sometime after she started second grade. Ever since then Taylor had needed to take a pill, but she didn’t want to take the pill because it made her feel loopy weird inside! So she hid the last two pretending to take them instead of actually taking them. Her mom didn’t pay really close attention to that kind of stuff anyway.

What Taylor really wanted was to play with Drew, but her big brother was really sick right now. He’d gotten a really bad cold from his weekend scouting trip. Lots of times Taylor would go exploring in the woods around their house with her big brother, but not always. Sometime Drew wanted to go by himself, to be by himself. Though Taylor never felt like he was mad at her, lots of times he’d just have to be alone after being with her for awhile. That included how he sometimes went into his bedroom for a long while after they played games in her playroom.

Sometimes Drew would have to do it before they even played games! Last week he’d gone into the bathroom for awhile then come out looking flushed. Taylor wasn’t sure why he’d gone to the bathroom twice that afternoon. All she’d been doing was trying on all of her new outfits for the summer and fall! She always liked modeling them for Drew because he complimented her so nicely. Her parents basically just said it was cool or nice looking. Drew gave real compliments, though is disappearances after her changes were annoying somewhat!

Taylor stood up in the bathroom after wiping her kitten. That was her moms word for a girls private area. Taylor had learned the real names in school, it was required when you were in Kindergarten to learn such things. Even so her mom insisted that Taylor call it a kitten, not a vulva, or vagina depending on the parts of it she was talking about. Taylor didn’t argue with her mom, that was just a good way to get into trouble. That was the last thing that Taylor wanted to do, getting in trouble with her parents was never fun.

She moved to the bathroom sink where she pushed her step-stool over to it so that she could stand up on it. At nearly seven Taylor was still small for a girl her age. She grabbed her hair brush while looking at her face in the mirror. She felt sad because Drew couldn’t play with her today, he was not just the bestest big brother ever, but also the best friend a little sister could ever ask for! It sucked that he’d gotten a cold on his scouting trip. She’d tried to help her mom take care of him yesterday, even offered to cuddle with Drew. Her mom though had said the last thing she needed in the house was two sick kids. She’d kicked Taylor out of the room!

Taylor studied her face, she could still see the sleep in one of her blue eyes. She rubbed it out of the eye, before she started to brush her long strawberry blonde hair. Drew said that her eyes were the color of the sky! Her big brother always had the best compliments. About a week ago he’d helped her get ready for church by standing behind her when she was on her stool. Like now she’d been in her nightgown. The long gown had ruffles on the sleeves, and Princess Ariel in the center of it. Taylor finished getting the tangles out of her hair, then pulled the gown over her head very quickly. Just like she’d done for Drew last week.

She could remember seeing how her big brother looked when he stood behind her in the bathroom. His big hands had rested on her shoulders, Drew was about seven years older than her, so he was much bigger than Taylor. He was already almost as tall as their dad, their mom often said that he just kept sprouting like a weed. Drew had been as tall as their mom two years ago! Meanwhile Taylor was just below average in height for a girl of almost seven. Drew had squeezed her shoulders once before moving to brush her hair a few more times. Then he’d gone into his room to get ready for church.

Today Taylor brushed her own hair, wondering why Drew had looked at her so strangely in just her pink panties that day. Today she wore the same pink Princess Crown panties that she’d had on that day too. It had been her favorite show as a toddler, now at seven though she’d mostly grown out of it. She still liked the panties though! Taylor studied the panties, her kitten was inside of them. With how the panties were designed she could just make out the small puffy lips. There was a light itch to it, one that maybe one of her stuffies could help with later. Those itches always came on at strange times. She could remember how they’d started shortly after her third birthday.

Her eyes went up from the panties over her skinny frame. Taylor really liked how small she was, because Drew said it made her look cute! She had a outwards little bump for her belly button on her otherwise flat tummy. When she breathed Taylor could make out her ribs. Last week though it had been higher up where Drew’s eyes had kept going. To her chest, that was the other strangeness that was different since that blood stuff. Before four weeks ago her nipples had been flatly pressed to her chest, now they were puffier, like a bit of flesh had sprouted under them! That was what Drew had been looking at over and over again, while brushing her hair.

Taylor touched one of them after putting her brush down. They felt a little sore, but she didn’t know what that meant. She shrugged then went to brush her teeth. Currently she had one missing front tooth, it had come out last week quite by surprise! So far the bigger adult tooth hadn’t come in yet. Though that did mean that Taylor was growing up. She finished brushing her teeth, rinsing her mouth afterwards. Taylor jumped down from her stool going over to the light switch. She turned the switch off, then walked from the bathroom in just her panties to her bedroom.

In her bedroom Taylor picked one of her new favorite summer dresses! Her mom often said that girls wore dresses, and boys wore pants. Taylor thought that was pretty silly, but she also really liked wearing dresses. Mostly because Drew always said how pretty she looked in them. This was a pink summer dress that had very small straps on the shoulders. Usually she’d wear dresses like this so that Drew would tickle her armpits when he saw them! Today though her big brother was sick so they weren’t going to get play any games at all. Thinking about that again depressed her. Maybe she’d go check on Drew, see how he’s feeling!

Taylor headed out of her bedroom determined to go check on Drew, but she’d barely gotten to his door when her mom was there. “No way missy, you’re not going to get sick too!”

“I just want to say hi!” Taylor pouted crossing her arms on her chest. Sometimes she thought her mom purposely tried to make sure that she left Drew alone! Even though he never said she was a bother to him!

“I’ve got breakfast for you, go on.” Her mom said patting her bottom, while directing her that way. Her parents were never really mean to her, they were actually quite nice. Though lately Taylor had seen that they were both worried about something. They wouldn’t talk with her about it, but she was smart enough to know it was related to that doctor visit! With a sigh Taylor headed down the stairs then into the kitchen. Breakfast was indeed already made. The bacon smelled wonderful, as did the eggs, best of all there was biscuits with jelly! Taylor went over to her seat taking a seat like a proper little lady while going to grab a biscuit with jelly.

“Morning pumpkin!” Her dad said coming in to kiss the top of her head. Her dad and big brother really looked nothing alike. Her mom said that it was because while he was Taylor’s dad, he wasn’t Drew’s dad. Sometimes Drew would go visit his dad, but he was only ever gone for a day or two at the most when he did that. He liked it better here at their house, and Taylor knew it was because she was here!

“Mom won’t let me see Drew still!” She said with a small pout.

“Well that’s because your brother is really sick pumpkin. He’s got some flu that’s been going around. He needs to be in his room alone for another few days, doctor’s orders.” Taylor sighed, but didn’t argue with her dad. That was a good way to not get her two jelly biscuits. Taylor put jelly on both, setting them down on her plate next to the two slices of bacon and cheesy eggs. She went to work eating it all enjoying the taste of all of it. It really did suck that Drew was sick, usually on Saturdays he’d take her to the park after breakfast. There he’d push her on the swing, or go down the slide with her. Her dad really didn’t do that kind of stuff, mostly because Saturdays were when her dad and mom spent time together. Her dad worked during the week, he was a Sargent at a firehouse. It was pretty amazing that her daddy fought fires, but he was always gone for forty-eight to sixty-two hours a week. She’d seen where he slept at the fire house before, it was pretty cool, but fire fighters sure did work a lot just like doctors!

Her mom coming into the kitchen kissed the top of her head once, “I know it’s hard to not see Drew right now princess, but it’s better you don’t get sick too.”

“I know mom…” It still sucked and she was still sad about it. Her dad smiled at her while she said, “There’s no one to take me to the park today either…”

Her dad finishing his plate said, “Well as long as the rain holds off, I’ll take you to the park this afternoon. If you promise to not bother anyone for a few hours after breakfast.”

“Okay daddy! I’ll just watch some cartoons on TV.” Now that sounded like a really good deal. Her dad wasn’t quite as good as Drew at pushing on the swings, but it could still be fun. The best part with Drew was that he’d make her go really high. When she was super high he’d have her jump off for him to catch her. He always caught her, then tickled her while telling her how awesome she did. Drew had always been that way. Though Taylor had to admit that he’d gotten more into hugs or cuddles starting around her fourth birthday.

Her dad took the plates once they were all done with breakfast, while her mom headed for the back of the house. Taylor figured that her mom was getting out of her pajamas to get ready for the day. Watching her mom go Taylor could tell that her mom was her mom very easily. They both had the same strawberry blonde hair, though her mom cut hers to just below the shoulders. Taylor liked hers really long, because Drew said it was pretty that way. She’d do anything to make her big brother happy. She really wanted to make him happy right now, but she didn’t know how to when he was sick.

Taylor went into the living room where she went searching on the television for something to watch on Metaflicks. There were tons of cartoons from all kinds of years to stream on the service. Taylor clicked on one loading it up. There was an advertisement for another show before it began, which was always super annoying. This one though was for a new show coming out called Little Sisters. It looked pretty cool! There were three sisters in the show. In the brief spot she saw they mentioned wanting to get on Girltok. Taylor wanted to get on Girltok, but her parents didn’t allow her to have a Cell, so she couldn’t get Social accounts. It really sucked! Except that none of the girls in her private school had them either. Her mom said she could get a Cell when she was ten. That was so far away!!

When the show started Taylor saw her dad head for the back of the house as well. Most every Saturday at this time she was already heading out to the park. Taylor had always figured that her dad sat on the couch to watch something, while her mom got ready. Were they getting ready together? She had promised to stay on the couch, but this really bugged her little mind. Did moms get to see dads naked? Taylor knew enough to know that somehow that was how babies were made. She had taken the required class on sex education. What she hadn’t really understood was how they got made. All the teacher had said was that it was related to the vagina, but also something called a penis. She’d also stressed that it was something only adults did after marriage.

Taylor curiously jumped off of the couch, were here mom and dad going to try and give her a baby brother or sister? Now that would be so very cool indeed. She started thinking about all the fun things she could do with a baby brother or sister. They would be so much more fun than a baby doll. She could put her little brother or sister in fun cute clothes. Teach them how to play games like baby doll, house, or hide and seek. Among so many other things that she could teach a little brother or sister if she had them. She bet that Drew would even help, they could pretend to be mommy and daddy together! That would be super fun.

Taylor walked to the back of the house, letting her curiosity be her guide. Her parents bedroom sat directly across from the living room, down a short hall which also included a half-bath. The hallway was dark, which was perfect for spying! It would be so cool if she could actually see her baby brother or sister getting made. If only Sister Thatcher had explained it better to her, then Taylor wouldn’t have to spy to figure it out. Well that was okay she’d just know the answer all on her own. The other kids in her former first grade class hadn’t really seemed to care. Taylor was just curious about it, to the point that she really did want to know. The sex education program had come in the last month of the school year, right before they graduated first grade.

Taylor stopped before the door to her parents bedroom, moving to put her ear up to it. There was no sound for a moment, other than the sound of her own heartbeat. Then she heard a strange sound, like someone was moaning. That was strange indeed, it had sounded like her mom was moaning, then another softer voice. Through the door the voice was muffled, so Taylor opened the door a crack to hear better. She was not surprised that her parents hadn’t locked the door, they had probably even forgotten that she was on the couch watching cartoons.

Taylor peeked through the door just as she heard her dad’s voice, “tell me what you want again!” She had no idea what her dad was talking about, but she could see the bed with her one eye. Her parents were both up on the bed, and totally naked. Taylor could tell because she could see her dad’s naked backside. Even his butt which was really hairy for some reason! Well the rest of her dad was kind of hairy too really. A hand appeared on her dad’s back as he moved on top of her mom in some strange rocking motion.

“I want you to fuck me harder baby!” Her mom talked like she was out of breath.

“You’ve got such a dirty mouth for a woman of god!”

“That’s why you love me!” Her mom responded.

“That and this sexy body of yours!” Her dad replied back. This was a strange turn of words that Taylor really didn’t get. You could have a sexy body? Her mom moaning again made Taylor lean in more cracking the door open a little wider. In that moment her dad stopped moving with after a quick set of thrusts, her mom gripped at him harder too. Then Taylor’s eyes widened as far as they could go. Her dad slipped off of her mom breathing heavily, while falling down onto the bed. In that moment Taylor saw it all, her dad’s willy had been between her moms legs. That was where the kitten was, which meant that Taylor saw her mom’s vagina fully and her dad’s penis too! Taylor knew the proper words, but her mom insisted on her calling them kitten and willy in the house. At Saint Redeemer Private School you weren’t even allowed to talk about them, except in the sex education course at the end of the year.

Taylor’s eyes stayed wide as she looked at her mom and dad on the bed. Her mom’s kitten had hair all over it, which was different than Taylor’s kitten. There was also something white leaking out of it. It was her dad’s willy though that really drew her eyes. It was big, but now it looked really floppy too. A moment earlier it had looked really really hard. The head was like a big mushroom, and nearly halfway down the length it seemed to change color, almost like it was scarred. There was hair all around it too. Movement from her mom made Taylor pull back slightly for a second. Her mom sat up looking sweaty.

Taylor took in her mom’s slender petite frame, she was a small woman barely over five feet in height. She had small breasts each topped with a very dark large pink nipple. Her mom moved to slide over to where her dad laid on his back. “We’re not done yet you dirty old man.” Her dad grunted when her mom slipped on top of him. Taylor felt her eyes widen again when her mom moved down to touch her dad’s willy. She started kissing it, putting the head of it in her mouth, and it started to grow! Then her mom was sliding up to put it between her spread open legs. In that moment Taylor got it, the willy went into the kitten!

She closed the door to her parents room, when she realized this, because it made her kitten very itchy. It wasn’t seeing her parents that made her kitty itchy, they were not interesting beyond helping her figure out how babies got made. If her mom and dad did this every Saturday morning how come she didn’t have more brothers or sisters? Taylor didn’t quite have the answer for that, maybe it took a long time to make a baby. Drew had been born about seven years before her, maybe her mom had to wait that long to give her a sibling.

Leaving her parents door behind, Taylor decided that she really needed her squishy, because the little itch between her legs was getting a lot stronger. She squeezed her legs together, while thinking about how much fun it would be to scratch her kitten with the squishy stuffed animal that she had upstairs. Last month right before she finished first grade Taylor had stayed over at her friend Maggie’s house. She’d gotten the itch there too, and had tried to make it go away by rubbing against Maggie’s stuffed teddy. When she’d explained it to Maggie her friend had looked at her strangely. Saying that girls didn’t get itches in their kittens. Well Taylor sure did!

Upstairs she started down the hall then stopped remembering something. Her parents never came out of the bedroom until well after she was back from the park with Drew. That meant that they wouldn’t be coming upstairs to check on her big brother for awhile. Someone really should check on Drew if he was sick. That seemed like something that a good sister would do. If she ever got a little brother or sister she would do the same for them too! She was a very good sister after all. Plus she loved Drew so much, sometimes she thought she loved him even more than her parents!

She turned the knob to his door saying, “Drew?” While slowly peeking into the room. The overhead fan was going at as fast of a speed as it could. The lights in the room were off, so the only light coming in was from the window in one corner. Drew’s bed sat in the middle of the room, it was a large bed that was high up off of the floor. Even now at seven Taylor had to work to climb up it. “Drewy?” She used her toddler nickname for her big brother sometimes still even now. Her eyes flickered around his bedroom. Everything was where it always was when she came in here. Drew’s gaming desk was set up in a corner, his hoodie slung over the top of the gaming chair. His headphones hung from one of the arm rests.

There were posters on his wall above the gaming chair, the one that always caught her eyes was the one in the center. It was from a cartoon for older kids, at least that was what her brother said to her when she asked about it. The name was Fairy Break, it was written in really stylized letters at the top of the poster. What always interested her in the poster was that the main character in the center was a little girl with wings. The girl looked to be about Taylor’s age too, if not a little older. Drew said that she was the main character of the show. His nickname for her had come from the show too.

She wore this outfit that was so cool! She had purple hair, and large blue eyes on her round face. The girl wore a blue half top that showed off her stomach. With the shirt she also had this cool dark black half jacket that with little spikes running down the arms of it. Her entire stomach was exposed showing off the girls belly button, which was a small indent in the drawing. She also wore a pair of very small jean shorts and fishnet stockings that went under the shorts. Last Halloween Taylor had wanted to go as her for Halloween, her mom had said no. Even though Drew had thought it would be really cool. Taylor was not allowed to dress like the girl in that poster, she had to wear dresses or skirts and blouses. She was as her mom always said a proper lady, not some hussy.

Taylor looked back over at her brother’s bed when she heard movement. A small rustle of bed sheets was her brother moving. She could just make out Drew’s face on the pillow. Taylor walked over that way after closing the door to Drew’s bedroom. His dark blue bed spread was down by Drew’s feet, so the only thing covering her brother was a thin sheet. Taylor decided that he probably needed the comforter if his fan was going this fast. She moved up to the edge of the bed looking up at it. From the side she could see Drew’s head now fully. Looking at Drew she felt really happy seeing him, it’d been three days since she’d even seen her big brother.

She gripped at the side of the bed then used her strength and skill to climb up the side landing up on the soft mattress. Drew rested in the middle of his bed, on either side of him there was more than enough room for a girl who had yet to turn seven to lay down. Now up on the bed Taylor sat up on her knees looking down at her sleeping brother. Drew was very tall for a boy of fourteen, she knew this because her mom had said it more than once. He wasn’t big tall though like her dad. Drew was really skinny, and he didn’t look like his two friends in the face. Where Sam and Tim had, well, more grown up looking faces Drew didn’t.

Her brother’s face looked very much like he hadn’t grown into his height yet. One time she’d heard her dad make a joke that Drew could still pass for eating off the kids menu if not for his height. Taylor thought her brother’s soft facial features, with his small thin nose, large green eyes, and full lips made him really nice to look at. She also liked that Drew was so much taller than her, and unlike her dad he’d give her piggy back or shoulder rides anytime she asked for them. Drew really was the best big brother that a little sister could ever ask for.

Taylor moved more to lean over Drew until her face was very close to his. “It’s me Drew… Taylor.” She wasn’t sure what to say.

Her brother’s eyes partly opened, “Tay…” he often shorted her name to just Tay when he was happy to see her. His lips looked really cracked and dried, and his voice sounded off because he was sick. “Don’t want to get you sick my little fairy princess…” That was also what her big brother always called her!

“It’s okay Drew. I just want to make sure you’re taken care of. Mom and dad are busy right now.” She moved to kiss his cheek once, before seeing that Drew’s eyes closed again. He was clearly very tired. She looked over at the nightstand by the bed. There was a bottle of pills on it, along with a glass of water, and a box of tissues. The floor had some on it around a trashcan that Drew had missed, when he went to blow his nose. Taylor knew that being sick really sucked, but she was willing to risk it to take care of her brother. The bottle of pills had some really long name on it, “Do you need some water Drew?”

There was no response, so Taylor figured that he had fallen back to sleep. She could tell that his breathing was very even in this moment too. The sheet that Drew had covering him only covered his stomach down. The top part of his chest was exposed, it was flat with barely any muscle definition, but Taylor knew her brother was strong even if he was skinny for fourteen. She touched his chest once in the center to feel his heart beating, it was going good so Drew was okay! That was about the extent of doctoring that Taylor knew.

The light blue sheet matched the dark blue bedspread that was laying at Drew’s feet. Taylor shook her head, he had to be covered or he’d never get better. She moved to get the bed spread, shifting on the bed to where it was. Doing so meant that she pointed her bottom at her brother’s face, which she didn’t even think about. Taylor worked to grab the bedspread, but in doing so she scooted on the bed pulling the sheet instead. Realizing this Taylor dropped the sheet. When she manged to find the end of the bedspread, she’d also tugged at the sheets from down at his ankles, which pulled them down too. When Taylor turned back to pull the bedspread over her brother she stopped.

Sitting there now on her knees, Taylor held a clump of the bedspread in her hand, her eyes becoming saucers. Drew didn’t have any undies on at all! She’d tugged the blanket so much that it had pulled down to his knees. Taylor was now staring at her brother’s naked middle area, and it looked totally different than what she’d seen earlier. Drew’s willy was this tiny floppy looking noodle thing resting at an angle on his area below his tummy. There was no hair around it, and just a few light brown hairs on the sack below it. Taylor knew that was where a boys balls were, those hurt if they got hit, a warning she’d gotten from Drew before.

His willy wasn’t as big as her dad’s had been earlier, it was also a lot more floppy looking. Taylor dropped the sheet, feeling that itch return in her kitten. Looking at Drew’s willy definitely did something to her kitten that seeing her dad’s had not. A vague memory from a few weeks ago trickled up into Taylor’s consciousness in that moment. Staring at Drew’s noddle like willy Taylor’s mind managed to pull the memory out somehow. Drew had been tickling her after chasing her around the upstairs. They’d wrestled some, then Taylor tried to ride her brother like a stuffy. Drew had pulled her off of him almost immediately. For a brief moment though she’d thought she felt a rod of some kind in her brother’s jeans. He’d disappeared after that for about an hour too.

Taylor studied Drew’s willy trying to figure it out. His willy looked different than her dad’s for more reasons than just the size or hair. The top of it was different, there was no skin color differences, and there seemed to be a cover over the head of his willy, it looked interesting because it was different. Taylor reached out to touch it. When she touched the willy it moved, which made her pull her hand back. She almost giggled at herself for being silly. Of course willies could move boys held them to go potty after all. That much Taylor did know from school.

She reached out again to touch his willy, finding that it was surprisingly soft. She remembered what her mom had done. She’d put her mouth on it, which had made her dad’s willy grow bigger. Maybe Drew’s would grow bigger too if Taylor put her mouth on it. She shifted to sit on Drew’s legs straddling them, while looking at his willy. When she touched it again Drew shifted his head, but he didn’t wake up. Taylor had a feeling that if he did Drew would tell her to stop. She scooted a little closer, moving her hands down from the skinny floppy willy to her brother’s sack. Inside of it Taylor could actually see the two balls that Drew had told her about.

She couldn’t remember the word that Sister Thatcher had called them on the diagram she’d shown all the girls in class that day. It really didn’t matter, they had a very ball like feeling to them, that much Taylor knew for certain. She moved her hand back up again, Drew’s willy was about three inches long, and really floppy she realized when she lifted it up. The head of it was thicker than the length, but only barely so. Her dad’s had looked way thicker more like a mushroom, plus it’d had that weirdness to it with the different colors. Almost like someone had maybe snipped at it? Taylor wasn’t sure.

She leaned in closer to look at Drew’s willy, it felt soft in her hand, and very squishy actually. Taylor squeezed it once trying to judge how she was supposed to do this. Drew shifted his head again, “Taylor…” She thought he was calling her name, but instead she realized he was dreaming. In that moment something strange did happen to his willy though! She squeezed it again without thinking, but it was harder to squeeze now. His willy was getting longer too Taylor suddenly realized. She leaned in closer to look at it. A smell of sweat and teen boy hit her nose, but it didn’t make Taylor pull away. Instead it made her kitten itch more again.

She was determined now to figure this discovery out. She kissed the top of Drew’s willy where the skin closed up over it. That was kind of strange too now. As his willy got bigger the skin seemed to be pulling more tightly to it. Taylor kissed the head again right at that end of the skin, while holding onto his willy, keeping it up right as best as she could. It was getting harder to hold it though with her one hand. It had gotten a little thicker, but that wasn’t the real problem. The real problem was that it had gotten so stiff! It kept getting stiffer too the longer she held it in her hand. The softness was fully gone now, as the willy grew in size, until it was at least twice as big as it had been!

Taylor stared at it in amazed wonder as she held the willy up in her one hand still. She could get her hand almost all around her brother’s willy, but not quite. Taylor let go of his willy watching as it thumped back to land on Drew’s stomach. Well not quite, it landed, then ticked once. Before it had been kind of floppy, now it was hard like a rod. The head of his willy pointed up at Drew’s belly button, and it was doing this little ticking movement every now and then. Taylor studied it, wondering what had happened to her brother’s willy. Then she remembered how her dad’s had gotten kind of like this. Though not exactly.

Drew’s willy still didn’t have that strange skin discoloring. While the head was more obvious now too, it wasn’t as big either. Drew’s willy also didn’t look like it was that thick either, but it was thicker than it had been! Looking at it Taylor moved to rest her hand on Drew’s willy, she ran her fingers along it feeling how stiff it was. Then she kissed the head again, it tasted kind of saltier than it had before. She held the side of the willy pulling it up while looking at it. The skin was different at the head now, there was something underneath it! She could see something dark pink just barely peeking out from the opening in the skin. It made sense that there was an opening in the skin, how else would a boy go pee?

Taylor tapped her cheek with a finger from her other hand, trying to remember what she’d seen her mom do once her dad’s willy had gotten thick like this again. Maybe willies all looked different from one another, but they did the same things. Taylor let go of Drew’s willy again, watching it bounce up to point at her brother’s tummy again. It was kind of funny how it did that! So she grabbed it again then let go making it bounce and twitch once more. This time she did giggle at the sight, before leaning down to kiss the middle of it.

Shifting from Drew made her stop kissing the middle to look up at her brother. For a moment she thought he was awake. That would ruin her fun, he’d send her away. Again he said her nickname, “Tay,” Then in a near whisper, “I’m going to be so gentle my princess fairy…” When he said that his willy twitched all on it’s own. Taylor realized then that Drew was having some kind of delirious dream about her! She looked at his willy, did Drew want to put his willy in her kitten? Like how she’d seen her mom doing with her dad? That was how babies were made, she now realized exactly what Sister Thatcher hadn’t quite explained fully.

Taylor suddenly wondered if Drew dreamed about her all the time or not? She looked up at his cute face. Taylor knew that Drew was her favorite person ever, and if he wanted to try making babies with her then she’d be okay with that! Plus thinking about it made her itchy like when she rubbed against her squishy. Armed with how babies were made, all of the sex education class really kicking in, Taylor made a decision. She sat up on the bed again and reached behind her to undo the zipper on her sundress. Taylor pulled the dress off tossing it onto her brother’s floor, before she stood up to pull her pink Princess Peach panties off too.

Standing up Taylor looked down at her big brother, Drew was a lot bigger than her. He might always be really, that would be nice because he’d keep her safe always. She moved to sit down on his legs again straddling them while trying to figure out her new problem. Drew’s willy didn’t look like it was as big as her dads had looked. Of course she hadn’t seen her dad’s up close, but that didn’t matter so much. Taylor was a really good judge of sizes. Even if it wasn’t quite as thick or as long as her dad’s boner Drew’s teenage one was lots bigger than her kitten! Taylor was pretty sure that it couldn’t go inside of her kitten. Maybe it wasn’t supposed to at her age, but she really wanted to try!

Taylor studied Drew’s willy, it was starting to soften slightly as he kept dreaming. Taylor leaned over to kiss it again, this time figuring that her kissing made it stay hard. Her hands resting on it also helped, they squeezed it while Taylor tried to figure out a solution. Her kitten itched something fierce now too. By this point she would have been rubbing it against a squishy lost in the feeling that it made her have. Drew would have left the playroom or her bedroom telling her that he’d see her later when she was done playing with herself. Taylor now realized that it was playing with Drew that usually gave her the itches. Him tickling or cuddling her did it! Maybe her itches were there for Drew to play with them too. He always left though instead of doing so.

Taylor tapped his hard willy with a finger still thinking. Then realized that it might not be able to fit in her kitten, but that didn’t matter. She didn’t put her squishy in her kitten, she just rubbed her kitten against it, until she got too tired to keep doing it. Taylor could just rub her kitten against Drew’s very hard willy! That seemed like a super awesome idea. She shifted to move up onto Drew’s willy She landed her kitten right on it, the outer lips pressing down to the middle of the shaft. In that moment when she touched his willy with her kitten Taylor felt little flutters go up through her whole body. She shifted to rub her kitten against the willy.

When she did this Drew shifted on the bed, “Taylor…” He said her name in a near whisper. Taylor figured that her brother was still dreaming about her. She moved to rest her hands on his stomach gripping at the sides of it while sliding her kitten along the shaft of her brother’s very hard willy. Now that felt nice, it felt even better when Drew’s willy twitched pressing more to her kitten. Like this Taylor could feel that itchy feeling getting satisfied, it was making her tummy flutter too. Taylor’s breathing increased now too, with her working to rub her kitten against Drew’s very hard willy. That was when Drew’s eyes halfway opened, “Taylor… I-I c-can’t… I have to…”

She thought the was awake which scared her, but Taylor carried on, “It feels nice Drew. I’m just trying to make you feel better!” There! She was doing what she needed to do to help her big brother get over his cold.

“I-I shouldn’t… you’re so beautiful…” One of his hands touched her cheek, but then fell back. Taylor suddenly realized that her brother thought he was dreaming. He was so sick, and out of it, from the medicine that he must have thought he was still asleep. More than that though he’d called her beautiful. That combined with the feelings in her lower tummy made her warm all over, which in turn made Taylor want to keep doing what she was doing. Drew’s hard willy twitched under her kitten again. She could feel it doing this with each press of her kitten down onto his willy. Taylor though was quickly realizing that her kitten pressing to Drew’s willy was too scratchy feeling. It was making the outer lips of her kitten sore.

She shifted to try and figure out the problem, doing so made her slid her kitten up to the tip of Drew’s hard willy. The lips of her kitten now rested around the head of his willy pressing it down onto her brother’s lower stomach. Taylor slipped a little more, which slid her kitten down to the tip of the head. In that moment when she shifted she had to catch herself from fully falling on top of Drew by resting her hands on his shoulders. She really wasn’t sure what she was doing, but she got a huge surprise in the moment, when Drew’s willy twitched again! The head of his willy pressed right between the lips of her kitten. She could feel it pushing them open, but also feel it hit the area in her kitten that made her itches get stronger.

Something wet and warm seemed to hit those areas while Drew said, “Tay…” In this really soft breathless voice. One of his hands rested on her back now too in this moment. Taylor realized that she could squirm down which would press the head of her brother willy more to her kitten. She was halfway up on her knees, her pert little bottom in the air, her teenage brother’s willy pressing to the center of her kitty like this. Something wet and warm suddenly shot out onto her kitten in that moment, shocking Taylor totally. Her brother in his delirious half awake state gripped at her sides more, with both of his hands too.

Taylor held onto Drew’s shoulders barely staying up off of him, while also keeping her kitten angled and pressed to his hard willy. That spurt of wetness shocked her, for a moment she thought Drew had started peeing! Then that thought went away, because the feeling of the stuff hitting her kitten in the itchy spot made all thoughts disappear. The head of Drew’s willy was pressing to her kitten very tightly, she could feel the tip of it pushing right into those delicate areas where the itching came from.

“Taylor… I-I’m sorry I-I can’t stop it… I love you so much my little fairy princess…” Again Drew’s voice was filled with love for her, worry, but also very delirious showing that he was still in that half dream half awake state. His larger hands holding at the sides of her waist were keeping her kitten right against her brother’s hard willy. Her own hands on his shoulders along with her knees bent on her brother’s waist were keeping her balanced. This was how his willy was able to stay pressed to her kitten almost perfectly. It was the happiest accident because those itches in her kitten were now making Taylor warm all over!

More wet stuff shot over her kitten, each time it happened she could feel Drew’s boner twitch, while pressing more to her kitten. She felt it coating all of her kitten now because there was so much of her brother’s pee. At least that was what Taylor though it was. She didn’t really worry about that right now, she just kept pressing her kitten to her brother’s willy wanting to feel how the twitches made her whole body swim with those good feelings.

Then Drew’s hands gripped at her sides one more time tightly before they fell off as he said, “I’m such a bad brother…” Well that wasn’t true at all! Taylor though had no idea what was going on in her brother’s dream. She did realize though that his boner was no longer hitting her kitten with twitches or wet stuff. All those fuzzy good feelings going on inside of her were fading away, but not in in a bad way. She sat up shifting to land her kitten on her brother’s tummy. In that moment Taylor got another surprises, her brother’s pee was pearl white in color! That was strange. Did being sick make you pee white?

Taylor studied some of it by dipping her fingers into the stuff that had landed on Drew’s tummy. She sniffed it, then licked it. She shook her head, it tasted kind of like snot only a lot more salty than that. Taylor stood up, when she did, she felt some of it dripping from her kitten. She looked down at her kitten, then used Drew’s bed sheet to dry it off. Whatever the pee had been it had made her kitten feel better than even a squishy! Drew’s willy was getting soft now too, which was kind of disappointing. Taylor looked up at her brother’s face.

She moved to touch his cheeks with her hands holding him while she said, “you’re the best big brother in the world Drew! Don’t call yourself bad ever!” Then she kissed his cheeks, and lips before jumping off of the bed. Taylor quickly put her dress and panties back on not wanting to let her parents catch her visiting with her big brother. She hurried from his room after giving Drew one last kiss on the cheek telling him, “I love you.” She was downstairs before her dad came out of the back of the house to take her to the park. A few days later Drew was all better, and he was as loving of a big brother as he always was!

“...and then after the doctor visit mom and dad sent Drew away saying it was all his fault, but it wasn’t!” Taylor said crossing her arms while going quite in the doctors office. She had told the entire story, about her spying and her just trying to take care of her big brother while he was sick. No one had really explained to her what the white pee was. Sister Thatcher’s teaching had been very incomplete, and her mom was even worse as far as Taylor was concerned. She hadn’t even told her why she had to take the pill, or what it did to help with her condition. She’d just made Taylor take it, but the pill always made her feel funny so she’d stopped taking it!

Doctor Jackson looking over at her said, “A curious mind is a curious mind.” She put the tablet she’d been using down. There were notes on it, and their conversation had clearly been being recorded as well. The doctor gave a soft shake of her head before continuing, “If you had been raised outside of a religious Traditionalist colony, you would have gotten a much clearer understanding of sex education. Your early puberty would have been explained to you, as would the reason for the hormone blockers being necessary.” Doctor Jackson sighed before saying, “This is why the Advocacy Board is pushing for all kids, no matter their religion, to have an Advocate starting at age six, if they live within the United States.”

“What’s an advocate?” Taylor asked curiously.

“That’s what I am. Well I’m one of the judges that monitors the Advocates. An Advocate is a child’s voice, they speak for the child in instances when they are still too young to speak for themselves. Advocates help kids figure out who they are, we’re trained in teaching kids how to take care of themselves. There’s more to it than that of course, but that’s the basic principal. For some kids, those that are special like you, we’re needed at younger ages. It’s why most kids outside of a Traditionalist colony gets paired with an Advocate between three and six.” Doctor Jackson smiled at her once almost sadly, like she was saying that Taylor had been denied something important.

“Would they have said I couldn’t see Drew anymore?”

Doctor Jackson’s sadness didn’t go away, “They would have done what was needed to protect you by teaching you and Drew both. Your brother needed and Advocate as well, instead he was getting through his issues on his own. Your mom and dad did you both a disservice there.”

“Can I see Drew again?”

This time Doctor Jackson really smiled as she gently squeezed Taylor’s shoulder, “After what you’ve told me today your parents will have no choice in the matter. You might not know it Taylor, but you have the right to your own choices. You don’t have to be what your parents want you to be. Now I’m going to talk with your parents. Go over the choices they can make legally, then before you know it you’ll be seeing Drew again.”

“Thank you!” Taylor said going to hug Doctor Jackson as tightly as she could. Again when she did so Taylor felt those flutters in her stomach that were not hunger or itches from her kitten. They were the wonderful surprise that Drew had given her that morning when he was really sick. It’d been the only time that she’d even gotten to see Drew’s willy. She’d tried to ask him to see it a week later, but he’d refused to even talk about it. Well maybe she could see it again now, it was only fair!


Drew ran fingers through his short cut curly brown hair trying to calm the nervousness that was gnawing at him. It had been two weeks since the doctor’s visit that had changed his entire life. Before his mom had taken Taylor to the doctor after she started gaining too much weight, things had been as normal as the could be. Drew adored his little sister, she was the light of his life, but it was more complicated than that too. Ever since around his eleventh birthday Drew had found himself unable to tear his eyes away from his little sister. He’d started puberty that year, and as such Drew had gotten a lot more freedom. Including access to things that were required to be given to a boy his age, even in a Traditionalist colony.

Taylor had been four when Drew was eleven. Lots of times she’d run out of her bath in just her panties. Seeing her slender little body had always tickled that part of his mind, making his dick harden at the sight. There had been something about seeing Taylor’s skinny toddler legs, her cute little belly, flat chest, and even her pert little bottom in the panties. Drew’s fantasies of Taylor had started that year, with them came many instances of him jerking off to those fantasies. Always in the privacy of his own bedroom.

Since turning eleven and going into fifth grade he was granted privacy of his own bedroom, including a lock on the door. His parents weren’t crazy like the Children of Christ cults that Drew had learned about in school. They believed that their kids should have freedoms, they were just Traditionalist when it came to religion and sex. As such as long as Drew didn’t discuss it they all ignored that he was going to his room to jerk off most every afternoon. It got worse too as Taylor got a little older. The most difficult part was when she started grinding her body against her squishy at four. The deeper Drew got into puberty the more complicated it all got.

He wanted to be around Taylor as much as possible because he adored his little sister. She was simply the best thing that had ever happened to him in his life. Just seeing Taylor would make him feel ten times happier than before. But it was a double edged sword. Seeing her also awoke a monster of desire within him. She was so beautiful, that at times the teenage boy ached to touch her all over. How many times he’d dreamed of pulling her off of the squishy, to take charge and pleasure her himself. Drew knew though that wasn’t allowed. It wasn’t even because of them being raised in a Traditionalist colony. It was what you were taught by sex education teachers starting in fourth grade. Unlike Taylor, Drew went to a public school. His mom and stepdad had been the ones to put Taylor into an all girls religious private school, when the opening had been there.

Drew had jerked off to Taylor more times than he could count. He’d thought so many times about telling her to stop grinding her squishy in front of him, but he couldn’t. First he didn’t want to hurt Taylor’s feelings. Secondly it was a bad idea to tell a kid that they couldn’t pleasure themselves in the privacy of their own bedroom. Maybe he could have told her to do it when he wasn’t in the room, but Drew knew the drives that were driving his little sister. Thirdly he didn’t tell his parents about it because they would have stopped it. Lastly, Drew had to admit that seeing her doing it did make his fantasies all the stronger. He was pretty sure now that Taylor suffered from childhood hyper-sexuality. It was kind of like going through puberty early, but she was also doing that too! Not all kids with hyper-sexuality also had precarious puberty. Taylor was unique like that.

Drew looked up from his cellular when the doorbell went off. Since the doctor visit Drew hadn’t been living at home. He had doubted that his mom would let him move back in with them ever, but there was another solution. An Advocacy Judge had been at the meeting two weeks ago. The four of them sat together going over the options that were available. His parents had settled upon the second idea that Doctor Jackson had given them. Drew had been put into a teen living complex called Blue Lake. It was where troubled teens went to work through their issues. Places like this were why there was so little crime now. It was twenty-fourteen, and crimes of all types were way down. Not everything was fixed, but the country was working to figure it all out.

Drew had been put here when his parents and sister’s pediatrician had all thought he’d raped Taylor. The very thought of harming his little sister disgusted Drew, he’d yelled at his mom that day. Telling her that he loved Taylor too much to ever hurt her. A vagueness of that afternoon was still in his head. It had been the most intense dream that Drew had ever had, and he’d thought it was the cold medicine, combined with the flu that caused it. In reality it had felt so real because it had been real, his nearly seven-year-old sister had been playing with his dick until he came while he slept. In his dream he’d felt so guilty about giving into his desires. In reality he felt bad about it too, even though it hadn’t been his fault.

Drew pushed those thoughts away while putting his phone down on the table. Each teen had their own cubicle style room in the complex. It included a small living space, and an even smaller bedroom. He had a mini-fridge in the living area, along with a television, and his gaming set up. Food was served in a cafeteria that was located on the first floor. It was almost like living in dorms when you were in college, but each teen got their own smalls space, no roommate. Drew actually liked the freedom that it gave him. Plus he’d met a couple of teen boys that were just like him. It turned out that being raised deeply traditionalist could create issues for teens with their unique attraction.

Drew opened the door to see Doctor Jackson standing there, but he was only vaguely aware of her. His eyes were instead focused fully on the little girl standing next to her. Taylor didn’t look any less beautiful than she had two weeks ago, when he’d last seen her. His sister was only a few inches above three and a half feet, a little on the smaller size for a girl tat had just seven four weeks ago. Her strawberry blonde hair was kept long, far longer than their moms had ever been. She had this cute heart shaped face that really made her large sky blue eyes stand out.

Every day since she’d been about three Drew hadn’t been able to not fall into those eyes. He’d get lost from time to time in the beauty of his sister’s face. He loved the slight curve of her soft cheeks, down to the point of her chin. Taylor’s small upturned nose went so perfectly with the full lips that even without gloss on them were a bright red in color. She was simply the most beautiful girl that Drew had ever lain his eyes upon. Now seeing her standing before him with Doctor Jackson, Drew knew that what he felt for Taylor wasn’t quite brotherly, that perhaps it hadn’t been since at least sometime around Taylor’s fourth birthday.

His eyes went further down, taking in the rest of his little sister’s tiny frame. She had the handle of a suitcase in her left hand, where the pink and white bracelet he’d gotten her when she was five rested on her wist. It had one letter of her name on each of the different beads along with a small heart at the end. The dress Taylor wore was blue in color, and very frumpy, looking far to big on her tiny frame, as she stood there before him. Her light blue eyes flickered up to his meeting them. When the huge smile broke across her face Drew felt his own happiness return too.

“Drewy!” She was there, coming in for the hug. All Drew could do was pull her into his arms wile bending down to hug her back. He smelled Taylor then, that sweet soft delicate smell that was his little sister. If he could he’d marry her tomorrow, then never ever look back! He’d take care of Taylor forever and ever.

Drew kissed the top of her head, “Hey there my princess fairy.” she did sort of resemble the girl in that show. How he would have loved to see her dressed like that. Maybe one day she could. Drew pulled back from the hug looking at Taylor. He softly kissed her nose, “How are you feeling?”

“Better now that I get to see you!” Taylor said hugging him again. “Mom said I get to stay all weekend, then every weekend after if it goes good!”

“Well then we’ll make sure it goes good.” Drew said stroking his sisters back. His eyes flickered to Doctor Jackson, “How do we do that?”

Doctor Jackson moved to rest her hands on Taylor’s shoulders, “It all depends on a few things. The first is that you finish your sister’s sex education starting this weekend. The second is that as long as Taylor’s moods improve, and she focuses on school again she’ll be allowed to keep seeing you. If she has school issues she might not be able to see you that weekend.”

“I won’t!” Taylor said confidently, which Drew knew she would keep that promise. “I’m just happy you’re not in trouble Drew!”

“I’m happy you’re not in trouble either.” Drew said while hugging her again. His mind in that moment though went back to two weeks ago. Back to that shock of his mom slapping his face, of him being forced out of the house. Then finding out after all of that the reason why, the reason why this was even being allowed by their parents now. Taylor was sixteen weeks pregnant with their baby, that morning in his bedroom had not been a dream. He had cum in Taylor’s pussy, not while buried inside, but still with enough force that his sperm had gone for a swim. They had found an egg because of Taylor’s early puberty, and her hiding the fact that she hadn’t been taking the puberty blockers. Right now his barely seven-year-old sister carried their sixteen week old unborn baby in her womb!

“I’ll leave you two to visit. Remember what we discussed Drew. Go slowly, and don’t forget to use the Relaxer when you get to that point.” Drew gave a small nod, while Doctor Jackson bent down to hug Taylor, “Have fun with your brother this weekend.”

“I will!” Taylor said with a big giggle before the doctor left. Drew led Taylor into the small apartment feeling his own desire growing at the sight of her. Doctor Jackson, and the pediatrician had both said it was safe for him to proceed. Though rare this kind of thing had happened in the past, perhaps not in the same way. But there were four documented cases since the rise of the CLA of girls as young as six or seven becoming pregnant. They always had hyper-sexuality combined precocious puberty, just like Taylor. Most kids with hyper-sexuality though didn’t have precarious puberty, Taylor was unique that way.

Drew watched as his little sister walked more into the small one bedroom apartment. He took in her backside while Taylor walked over to the living room area. The dress she wore was not one of the typical dresses that Taylor usually wore, and Drew knew why. Even though he hadn’t been fully aware of what had happened, it was his fault it had happened. If he’d just had underwear on that morning more than likely none of this would have happened. He’d taken it off just like he had everything else. because he’d been so sweaty from the fever.

The blue dress she wore had been tied in the back to hold it up, it was clearly a dress designed for girl about a foot taller, and more developed than the seven-year-old that wore it. Taylor’s light strawberry blonde hair flowed down her back in the same lush strands that it always had. Drew loved running his fingers through that hair. He loved holding Taylor close to him when he did it, hearing her giggles, while smelling her usually freshly washed hair. When she stepped up to the window to look out at the city Drew moved more into the living room area. He could still feel his dick betraying him despite how he’d taken care of it earlier this morning before this meeting.

“D-do you want something to drink Tay?”

His sister turned back then to look at him, once more Drew was awestruck by how beautiful she was, when she smiled at him, “Nope.” She said it in that simple way that a girl around her age would talk, not bothering to explain more.

“H-how are mom and dad?” Drew asked, while moving to sit down on the small two seat couch that was part of his living room. It was soft and comfortable, like the rest of the furniture, other than his gaming desk, it had come with the apartment.

“They’re pretending to be happy.” Taylor said with a small shrug before coming over to where he was. When she stopped to stand before him Drew wanted so badly to just pull her into his arms. He wanted to cuddle Taylor, to feel her smaller body once again in his arms. Then he remembered what was going on, how Taylor was probably different than she had been. There was a look in her sky blue eyes that was familiar to Drew. “You’re angry at me too…”

Drew moved then to touch her cheek, “No way princess fairy. I could never be angry at you. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

“It’s better when you hug me.” Taylor said softly looking down a bit of sadness clearly hitting her face. Drew broke then, he took Taylor by the sides pulling her up onto his lap all in one quick movement, she was heavier than she had been just ten weeks ago even. Drew had noticed her putting on the weight, but figured it was an after effect of those pills she had to take. Taylor moved to sit facing him, her smaller hands going to rest on his skinny shoulders. Even now at fourteen almost fifteen Drew often wished that his shoulders were like the rest of him were wider or thicker. He didn’t want to be some muscly body builder, but he did want to not be quite as skinny as he was.

When Taylor was on his lap Drew touched her chin turning her face up to his, “I want to take care of you Taylor. From now until forever, I love you.”

Taylor’s bottom lip trembled then she was there hugging him, “I love you too Drewy!” He pulled her more into his arms, when he did so Drew felt it. At first he wasn’t aware of it, but the biggest change to his sister’s tiny preteen frame was hard to miss. With her body pressing to him in a deep hug, her head buried on his chest Drew could really feel it. Her stomach wasn’t flat like it had been sixteen weeks ago. It had definitely added some curve to it though how much Drew couldn’t tell with the thick dress that Taylor wore. Still in his embrace Taylor said, “I’m going to have our baby, does that mean that you can marry me?”

Drew felt his dick surge at the word baby, then the word marry too. The thought of marrying Taylor, of waking up with her in bed with him every day made Drew feel tingly all over. She’d grow up of course, but that didn’t matter. He wasn’t really enticed by other preteen girls like he was Taylor. It was something about her, about his little sister that made him so hot inside. Looking at Taylor, touching her, cuddling with her, all of it drove his fantasies. He’d only rarely jerked off to the thoughts of other girls or women since his eleventh year. Most of the sex dreams he remembered had also been about Taylor, not any other girl.

Drew pulled Taylor back just enough for her face to look up at his. Her sky blue eyes drew him to her face. He traced her jawline gently with a finger, “Whenever you’re old enough Tay we’ll get married I promise. You’re the only girl I love, you’re my princess fairy…”

“Our baby can be the flower girl.” Girl? A daughter, what if she was like her mother. Drew pushed that thought away. “She’s getting really big Drew. I went to the doctor yesterday, she said that everything looks nice. Then she gave me this too.” She went into one of the front pockets of her dress to pull out a small injector device. “I don’t know what it’s for.”

Drew took it from her putting it down on the couch, “I do.” It was a Relaxer, or Inhibitor, it was designed to make a first penetration painless for a little girl. Drew’s dick throbbed at the thought of what might happen this afternoon if they got that far. “We can talk about that later. There’s something else I need to tell you Taylor. Do you know what us being together means?”

Taylor nodded, “Yup. I talked about it with Doctor Jackson over the last week. She explained lots of things to me. About how you had that dream because you want to be with me like mom and dad are with each other. I want that too Drew!”

“You do?” Drew asked wanting to feel this out, to make sure. He’d talked with one of the Councilors here about this very thing. About how he had to feel this out not rush headlong into it. Though Doctor Jackson had said that Taylor’s hyper-sexuality would mean that she was far more open to trying things that scratched her itch.

“More than anything ever!” Taylor said with the confidence of a little girl. “It makes me feel all itchy when I think about it… like when I rubbed against your willy…”

“Willy?” Taylor nodded yes in response, “That’s a cute word, but it’s a penis, or a dick…”

“Dick?” When she asked Drew felt his dick surge at the word coming out of her cute mouth in her soft voice.

“That’s what a lot of adults call it instead of penis. It’s um called dirty talk. Just like lots of adults call a vagina a pussy.”

Taylor giggled, “That’s silly!”

Drew smiled. “Yeah I suppose it is.” He shifted to rest his hands on her waist while looking at her, “If you want me to take care of your itches from now on all you have to do is ask Tay. I’ll do it every weekend until I can’t, or you don’t want me to.”

Taylor’s eyes met his, “I want you too. Doctor Jackson said that if I wanted you to that you would.” A pause then, “Do you want to see the baby in my tummy?”

“In a moment.” His dick ached at the thought of seeing Taylor naked, of actually touching her, with her permission. “Do you remember how you saw my friend kissing his girlfriend back in the summer?” Taylor nodded, “I’d really like to kiss you like that Tay.”

“That seems like fun!” That was her giving permission. Drew had to remember that Taylor had gone to that all girls Traditionalists private school for a reason. Her mom had wanted to keep Taylor’s virtue, her innocence, as it was. Drew touched her chin, keeping her sky blue eyes on him. He leaned down to lightly touch Taylor’s lips with his own. This kiss with it’s intent of more sent the teenage boys blood boiling. He lightly played with Taylor’s lips, letting his meet hers for a few moments, while he also rested a hand on the back of her head.

Drew had never had a girlfriend, he’d noticed that some girls in his school liked him. But his eyes had only been for Taylor. He’d only ever wanted to be with his little sister, ever since he was eleven and she was four. At times his desire to be with Taylor had been so strong that it was nearly all consuming. Right now was like those times. Only this time he actually had the girl he desired in his arms. His tongue touched her lips, delicately pushing between them, when it did Taylor pulled back in surprise.

“Your tongue was on my lips!”

“I know, trust me Tay.” Taylor nodded then leaned into the kiss again when Drew brought her lips to his. This time when his tongue tired to push between her lips Taylor parted them. It had to be part instinct, but also part listening her big brother. The dip into her much smaller mouth sent another pulse through Drew’s body. His dick ached in his jeans, already Drew could tell that he was near cumming just from this touch of his tongue to Taylor’s. He pulled back after a moment though, when Taylor let out a long breath from her parted mouth. “You okay?”

“Uh huh, it’s making my kitten all itchy.” Kitten, just hearing her call it that word made Drew’s dick throb again. It was so cute sounding, so innocent yet dirty too at the same time.

“Can I help with the itches?”

“With your wi-uh dick?” Her hand moved to rest on the middle of his jeans almost right where his dick was. The feeling of that small hand touching there made him ache again.

“Eventually. First though I want to touch you with my hands, while I undress you. I think you’ll like how it feels. It’s like our cuddles only more powerful.”

“I’d like that! Plus you’d get to see the baby.”

“Right.” Drew agreed, every time she mentioned the baby his dick twitched in his jeans. Taylor had no idea how hot it actually was that she was pregnant with their baby at seven. Yes it had been a total unexpected accident, but it was a good one. “Here stand up for me.” Taylor stood up before him in the living room. Drew touched her shoulders, stroking them once, “Are you scared or nervous about me touching you?”

Taylor shook her head very quickly, “No, you’re the bestest brother so I know you won’t hurt me!”

“Never Tay.” Drew said softly while leaning over to kiss her cheek again. “Here turn around for me.” Taylor turned around so that Drew could see how to undo the back of the dress. He found the tie that was holding the back together by being scrunched up and tied around a big portion of the dress. Even so it still kept Taylor’s incredibly sexy body hidden. Drew undid the tie watching as the dress loosened up. The sleeves both came down leaving her delicate shoulders totally bare. Drew could also see down the back of the dress all of Taylor’s tiny back, including the pair of light pink panties that Taylor wore.

He turned her back around to face him, his hands gently resting on the shoulders. He stroked both of them once, then tugged at the dress just enough to help it slide down. It did so easily first bringing his little sister’s chest into view. It had changed, the two puffy nipples had become more the size of two very small strawberries topped with tiny pink nipples. Each rising mound had the look of a small peak that was just barely pressing out from her tiny chest. The dress fell down the rest of the way of it’s on accord. It was just too large to stay on once it got past her shoulders.

Drew’s eyes went down from the two small bumps on his sister’s chest. Her soft light pinkish skin enticing him to touch, but all he did was rest his hands on her sides. His eyes went lower taking in how Taylor’s stomach started to curve outwards. The curve went down below the pink panties she wore, curving in a bump that was smooth and perfectly round. Her sixteen week pregnant belly looked surprisingly big compared to other baby bumps that Drew had seen before. He moved his hands to touch it, sliding them over Taylor’s smooth skin, tracing the baby bump.

When eh did this very lightly Taylor giggled with a shiver, “that tickles…”

“Sorry, you’re just so beautiful Taylor.” His eyes flickered to her face then back to her chest. “I’m going to try something Tay, if it doesn’t feel right let me know okay?” Taylor gave a nod telling him that she would. Drew kept his hands on the slight bulge of his sister’s pregnant stomach. He leaned over to put his lips to one of those small barely budding breasts. The little mound popped easily into his mouth like Drew was suckling on a small strawberry. When it did Taylor giggled, but also breathed in really deeply the moment that he sucked on the mound. The little nipple at the tip quickly became erect, and Taylor rested one of her own hands on her panties, like she wanted to scratch an itch. Seeing this made Drew’s dick again surge, he nearly lost his load this time. He did feel a nice spurt of pre-cum shoot out, but he ignored that.

Drew broke with the small breast, letting his tongue slide over the now erect nipple. He shifted his hands to rest on Taylor’s sides at her waist stroking gently. His eyes flickered down to the rounding belly where their baby grew. The sight of the second grader’s belly getting round with child impossible as it seemed was so hot. He moved his hands to slide them over the bump, when he did this time he felt something which made his dick throb even more. The baby within very clearly moved, Taylor was so small that kicks could already be felt at sixteen weeks? Everything he’d read about pregnancies said it was week twenty or later most of the time.

“My tummy flutters like that all the time now…” Taylor said moving to put her own hand on it, “Doctor Reed says it’s our baby moving.” Doctor Reed must have been the pediatrics OBG/YN doctor that was helping Taylor through the pregnancy.

Drew leaned down to kiss the center of her stomach, “hello I’m your daddy.” Saying the words made his dick throb even more. He still couldn’t believe that he’d actually knocked Taylor up in that fever dream. True Taylor had basically done things to him without his permission that morning, but it hadn’t really been against his will. He’d wanted to touch her, to have her touch him since he was eleven and she was four. He kissed her stomach again right at the belly button before looking back up at Taylor, “I’m going to take care of your itches now Tay. Would you like that?”

Taylor gave a small nod with a smile on her lips, “Yes!” Drew only knew about how to do it, he’d never actually eaten pussy. All he’d ever done was fantasize about it, read about it, and heard other boys in his freshman class talk about it. He put his hands on the sides of Taylor’s panties, a little peach sat in the center of them as if saying that this was her peach. Drew had seen Taylor in just her panties countless times, even seen her rub her kitten against a squishy in just panties and a tee-shirt a few times. Now he got to actually touch her, and undress her.

He slid his hands away from the panties, “It’ll be easier if you lay down on the bed for me.” Drew stood up taking his sister’s smaller hand in his to lead her to his bedroom. It was a much smaller room than the one at their house. The bed though was big enough for the two of them, with how much smaller than him Taylor was. Drew led her over to the bed, watching as she moved to climb up onto it. His eyes roamed over her nearly naked backside when she climbed up onto the bed. For a moment Taylor was bending over, this gave him a shot of her pert little bottom, the area between her legs still in the panties, but also the bottom part of her swelling stomach.

When she saw that he was standing by the bed tugging his own tee-shirt over his head Taylor sat up on the edge of the bed instead of laying down. “My new friend Erin says that I should undress you too!”

“Your new friend?”

“Uh huh we met at Doctor Barn’s office, she’s nine.”

“Do you want to take my jeans off for me?” Taylor nodded, so Drew stepped closer to the edge of the bed for her. His eyes though rested on her body again. When Taylor was sitting up nearly naked he could more clearly make out how round her stomach was getting. As she got more pregnant it would only get bigger. The feeling of Taylor’s small hands undoing the button on his jeans was like a dream becoming reality. He felt her working the zipper open then slowly her small hands were tugging his jeans open. Here Drew helped her pull them down, when he stood back up he realized that his hard dick, while still trapped in his red boxer-briefs was right in front of Taylor’s face.

Taylor’s eyes widened when she saw it trapped in there, “Your willy is really stiff Drewy…”

“It’s because you’re so pretty Tay.” He’d worry about correcting her on the words later, she sounded so cute calling it a willy. Thinking about that made it twitch in his undies.

“It moved!” Taylor excitedly said around a giggle. Her little hand shot out to touch it through his boxer-briefs. The feeling of her touching there sent warmth rushing through his whole body. Her hand was so small compared to his own. How many times Drew had dreamed of Taylor taking hold of his hard dick. Of her fingers wrapping around it to jerk him off. Her mouth on it, her pussy surrounding it. Emptying his spend inside of her tightness? He knew from things he’d learned that he was long for his age, but not very thick. In a girl of seven’s hand though he was plenty thick.

“Do you want to touch it Taylor?” His little sister looked up at him with a nod. “Here I’ll help you take my undies off.”

“I got it!” Taylor said pulling his hands away. Drew smiled at how insistent his little sister was. She looked up at him once then leaned over impulsively to kiss his tummy like he’d kissed hers. Her small hands went to the waistband on his boxer-briefs. Looking down Drew felt his own anticipation growing at the sight of his sister tugging. It was like his dreams were all slowly becoming reality. Taylor tugged having to really work to get his underwear around the trapped head of his dick. When she did, it popped out, while Taylor pulled them down to the middle of his thighs. With her bending over to do this his freed dick ran through Taylor’s strawberry blonde hair, the bottom of the erect dick touching her head gently. The silky softness of her hair around the shaft of his dick felt incredible!

Taylor giggled when she felt it then sat back up indicating that Drew could take his undies off the rest of he way himself. He left them for now at just above his knees watching Taylor’s reaction to his hard dick. It stood straight up just shy of six inches when hard. Drew had measured it one time to get a feel for how long and thick it was compared to his sister. It had helped in his fantasies of Taylor sucking on his dick, knowing how much of it might fit in her mouth. As he’d gone from eleven to fourteen it had gained two inches. Taylor at seven was only about a foot taller than she’d been at four, she was so small compared to him.

Taylor’s eyes got wider when she looked at his boner, Drew didn’t ask her to do anything he just watched his sister’s curiosity grow. She reached out to touch it. When her little fingers played along the length Drew felt his dick twitch at the feeling. He also felt his seed churning in the base, threatening to overflow into the world with each light touch. What he’d dreamed of for three years was becoming reality today. Her fingers moved down the length touching every inch before arriving at his balls. Her light touch of them nearly drove Drew insane, it for sure made his need to cum grow faster.

“Will it fit in my kitten Drew?” Taylor asked looking up at him. The way she asked made him throb even more.

“You’ll need to take the Relaxer, but yeah um it’ll partly fit.” He’d talked with his councilor about this. About what Taylor may or may not want. In the past two weeks she’d learned a lot more about how sex worked. Mostly she’d already figured it out, but not how to get the dick to go in the kitten. That was Drew’s job as the big brother, and the boy that had knocked her up. Taylor had hyper-sexuality she would seek it out now that she knew about it. Who better than the boy who loved her so deeply that he’d do anything for her. There was no way though that more than a couple of inches would fit in that tight tiny pussy. Thinking about it made Drew’s boner twitch again.

Giggling Taylor said, “It moves a lot!” Then she leaned over to kiss the head right below where the foreskin was closed over it. “I saw mom kiss dad’s willy like that! I tried to kiss yours, but it was more fun to rub my kitten against it until all that messy white pee shot out.”
“I-it’s um called cum…” Drew said bringing her more into the world of naughty words. “It’s what made the baby…”

“I know. Cum… not white pee?” Drew nodded, “That’s silly!” Then Taylor leaned over to kiss the head of his boner again. “Can I see the uh cum again?”

“You want to?” Drew asked actually surprised. Taylor nodded, “Um here…” He took hold of both of her hands guiding them to rest on his throbbing dick. The feeling of her tiny hands circling around the middle of it made him twitch again. He was so dangerously close to exploding right now. Drew could still hardly comprehend that he was in this moment. This wasn’t some fever dream, Taylor was really here with him. Taylor could actually old the entire thing in one hand, but stroking it would be more difficult. Both of her hands resting on it gave the seven-year-old far more control. “I’m going to show you how to move your hands…”

“Okay!” Taylor said excitedly, she wanted to learn. Drew had to remember that. His little sister wasn’t like other girls her age. Early Onset Hyper-sexuality along with precarious puberty made her more in line with older girls going through puberty. Drew held his sister’s hands showing her how to rub them along the sides puling at the foreskin, dragging it back. When the head of his dick popped out Taylor said, “What’s that!”

“That’s the head… um it comes out when the foreskin is pulled back.” Like most boys born after 2003 Drew had not been snipped, it was actually illegal to snip a baby in the new America that had risen up because of the passing of the Childhood Liberation Act of 1995.

“It’s like a surprise!” Taylor giggled then leaned over to kiss the exposed head of his boner. “Salty.” She said while licking her lips.

“Sorry that’s um… some of my cum leaked out when I was touching you.”

“Oh. Why?”

“Because I like touching you Taylor. You’re so pretty.” Taylor giggled again, “If you keep stroking it, and kissing it, my cum will shoot out again. Unless you don’t want to see that.”

“I do!” Taylor squeezed his boner with both of her hands, it felt incredible having those two small hands on his hard teenage dick. Her hands began stroking it, while she giggled, “Up and down it pops back out!” When it popped out the second time Taylor leaned over to kiss the head. She did it one more time then said, “I saw mom do this too.” Then Drew felt all his head get dizzy at the sight before him. Taylor sitting on the edge of his bed holding his dick in her hands leaned over. At first Drew thought she was going to kiss it, instead she opened her small mouth, and brought it around the first part of the head. The feeling of those tiny lips sliding around the head while drawing it into her mouth did it.

“C-careful with your teeth Tay, don’t um bite it…” Taylor’s blue eyes flickered up to him. Drew did feel her teeth scrap against the head just barely, while Taylor opened her mouth wider. The entire head popped into her tiny mouth in that moment. Drew knew that more could go in, but this feeling was more than enough for the teenage boy. His balls ached to release his seed, but Drew held back not wanting to scare Taylor. “P-pull off Tay.. I-I don’t want scare you. My cum is about to happen…”

Taylor pulled her mouth off of his boner, “It is?” Drew managed a nod while panting with his struggle to hold back. Taylor squeezed on his boner again, “I want to see it!”

“I know you do.” Drew said getting an idea. “Um lean back on the bed for me use your arms to hold you up.” Taylor let go of his boner, she shifted to lean back on the bed with her arms holding her up. Like this Drew could see all of her body again. Her legs hung over the side of the bed, her small feet still in the pink ankle high socks that Taylor wore swinging back and forth. His eyes went up over her skinny thighs, then those panties between her slightly parted legs. Up over the rounding belly where their baby girl grew, to those two small puffs of firm flesh that were her growing breasts.

Drew took hold of his own dick, taking in the beauty of his little sister while he stroked it a couple of times. “Is it going to happen Drew?”

“Y-yeah r-right now Tay… y-you’re so b-beautiful!” He groaned with the words struggling to get them out. Drew directed the head of his dick to Taylor’s rounding preteen stomach filled with life he’d put in there on accident. He felt the surge of his arrival, the release a burning sweetness when he finally let his cum fly free. Drew pressed the head of his dick to Taylor’s tummy just as the first load shot out. He watched as it spurted out in a ribbon up to land between the girls barely sprouted tits. The next spurt landed on her pregnant stomach, filled with their daughter. Drew gasped a breath, trying to keep himself standing on his weak knees, while cumming so strongly.

Taylor giggled at the sight of his cum spurting out to coat her rounding stomach. Some of it rolled down onto the preteen’s panties getting them wet. Most of it just rolled over the sides of her belly while Drew kept stroking his dick. The sight of coating Taylor’s pregnant belly and chest, with his spend, made his dick stay fully erect even after he was done spurting. It was one of the hottest things that the teenage boy had dreamed of doing. Of course in his fantasies Taylor hadn’t been sixteen weeks pregnant with their baby girl at the age of seven!

“It’s real warm Drewy!” Taylor said her fingers going to touch the stuff that was on her stomach.

“Yeah. Um here…” He picked his shirt up from the floor moving to clean her with it. He wiped the spend off of her chest first, then slid it down over her rounding belly to clean it too. Again Drew felt the baby move inside. He tried not to think about how hot that was, but the thought of his little sister pregnant at seven by him, was to hot for the teenagers mind. “I’m um going to take your panties off now okay?”

“Are you going to put your willy in my kitten now?”

“Soon princess fairy.” He said while taking hold of her by sliding his hands under her armpits. Drew pulled Taylor fully onto the bed laying her head gently on his pillow, while he leaned over her. There was no fear in Taylor’s eyes just excitement that Drew knew matched his own. He kissed her lips once, letting his hands slid down over her body again. Feeling that rounding tummy was so enticing. With Taylor on her back it was much smaller, and the tiny sprouts on her chest disappeared too. Taylor slid down with his mouth kissing the middle of Taylor’s chest. Then down over the rounding stomach. He took hold of Taylor’s legs gently pulling them open, sliding his hands along the silky soft skin of her inner thighs. Desire pulsed through his body achingly so, but Drew didn’t rush this. He’d dreamed so many times of eating Taylor’s pussy.

His eyes rested on the pink panties. A little peach rested right where her peach was located on the center of the panties. Drew ran fingers over it lightly touching barely feeling the lips of Taylor’s pussy under the cotton. With a giggle Taylor said, “That makes my kitten itchy!”

“I’m going to take care of that.” Drew said leaning in closer. When his warm breath hit her pussy through the panties Taylor giggled again. That sound of her giggles made him throb between his legs. Drew took hold of the panties, slowly tugging them down Taylor’s legs. The sight of her pussy made his dick ache even more. The lips were more plump than Drew would have expected, but that plumpness made the cleft between them even more enticing. The beauty of his sister’s still bald pussy sent his mind racing once more. Drew got Taylor’s panties off, along with her socks. His hands gently massaged Taylor’s feet feeling how tiny they were before he moved up more.

“I’m getting tingly all over Drewy!”

“I know, it feels nice huh?” Taylor nodded yes, so Drew continued. He slid his hands over her now closed legs taking in the sight of her plump preteen pussy. He stroked a couple of fingers over the length of the lips that he could see, shocked at how soft and warm they felt. He’d read about touching pussy, but had never done it himself. Drew spread Taylor’s legs again, his hands rubbing over the inner parts of her thighs, while his eyes feasted on the bald pussy before him. With her legs spread it nearly bared all of it’s secrets.

Drew could see Taylor’s opening to her tunnel, the way that the plump lips curved down when spread open to barely reveal it along with the inner folds. He could see the little strip of skin that was at the top of the lips, the hood that kept her clit hidden from view. Drew ran a finger over that hood making Taylor giggle, but also press up to meet him. It was very clear that his little sister rubbed this part with her squishy when she got those itchy feelings. Drew leaned in closer inhaling the scent of his little sister. It was heavenly strong, yet sweet in a surprising way as well. Drew kissed her pussy which made Taylor giggle again.

He used two fingers to spread the plump lips open more revealing all of the inner delicate areas of Taylor’s pussy. That was when he saw the clit it was bigger than Drew had expected for such a tiny pussy. The little button looking clit enticed, he ran a finger across it. Taylor gave an intake of breath like Drew had seen her do on her squishy before. He leaned down sliding his tongue across the button, using it to rub at her clit. Taylor pressed up to meet him, and Drew actually got a full taste of her sweet preteen nectar in that moment.

Tasting his sister made his dick ache, the thought of actually penetrating this pussy hitting him in that moment. He moved to slid a finger across the small opening it pulsed when he licked her clit, almost like it was inviting him to it. Drew teased the hole with just the tip of his finger, Taylor pressing up to meet it. He pressed gently feeling the tip of his finger slide into her pussy. When it did Drew looked up at Taylor. She was laying there with her eyes closed, her lips parted. He pushed his finger in a little deeper, then stopped when he felt resistance. It was still there, the other reason why they needed the Relaxer.

Drew pulled his finger back not going in any deeper, his dick throbbed at the thoughts sliding through his head. He wanted to penetrate Taylor, to cum inside of that tight little hole. His eyes flickered up to his sisters face again. Then he went back to work, rubbing her clit with his tongue once more. She tasted so incredible that he didn’t want to stop pleasuring his sister. Taylor was getting wetter too Drew realized. The stimulation of her button was doing what it always did when she rubbed against her squishy.

Drew pulled back after licking one more time when Taylor said, “Are you going to put it inside now Drewy?”

“Do you want me to?” Taylor nodded. Drew again moved up to kiss her lips, “I’ll be so gentle my fairy princess.” Taylor giggled then leaned up to kiss him too. Drew took the injector that had the Relaxer in it. He undid the cap, “This might pinch a little.” He moved to rest the head of the injector against one of the plump lips of Taylor’s pussy. Taylor gave a small yelp at the pain of it shooting a tiny needle into her kitten. “That’ll help it not hurt, the first time hurts a little without that.”

“That’s what Doctor Barns said too.” Of course Taylor had been told about all of this stuff. She was with child, that meant their parents couldn’t hold stuff back from her anymore. Drew vowed that when he grew up he’d work to fight to require Traditionalist to submit to the Advocacy program. Right now though all he cared about was being with his little sister. Drew looked down at Taylor laying on the bed, again he ran his hands over that small bulge of her baby bump. He’d had these fantasies of Taylor having their babies, but when she was older not seven. It was already done though, there was no stopping it.

Drew sat up looking down at his little sister with her legs spread open. Her pussy looked so impossibly small, but everything said that he’d fit. One of the other teen boys here had a girlfriend Taylor’s age. Drew looked down at his hard dick realizing that he needed Taylor up more at an angle. He grabbed the extra pillows on his bed, “Lift your butt for me Tay.” He slid the pillows under her bottom and lower back giving Taylor more of a rise. Then Drew took hold of her thighs spreading them open more. Like this the baby bump was more obvious again. He could see how it was rising from her pubic region into that round globe growing new life.

Drew took hold of his dick feeling the aching desire, his dreams had often been filled with thoughts of doing this. Sitting up on his knees Drew scooted up to his sister, with her up on the pillows it put her pussy even with the middle of his dick. Drew gripped it angling the head down to point at the bald lips of his sister’s pussy. The sight and feeling of the head pressing to those lips made Drew’s cum churn again in his balls. He studied the differences between him and his little sister. This wasn’t possible was it? He pressed to the lips feeling them press around the head of his dick, until it was nestled between them parting them even more.

Drew felt the entrance then, he’d never actually penetrated it that morning sixteen weeks ago. He looked up at Taylor who was watching from the pillow she had her elbows on. The preteen girl was curious about this. “Its making my kitten all itchy.” When she said those words Drew realized that a part of Taylor was anticipating this. Her hyper-sexuality really was at play here.

“I-I’m going to push in now Tay…” She only gave a nod, still watching how his dick was pressing to her pussy. Drew still wasn’t sure if he could do this or not. The Relaxer should be fully working by now. He angled himself moving to put his hands on Taylor’s bent up knees, while keeping the head of his dick docked to her tiny tunnel. In this position Drew could actually feel the tip of the head pressing into the tight tiny tunnel. He looked back up at Taylor, taking in the beauty of his little sister. Then he pushed, using his hold of her legs, and his dick already docked, to thrust inside.

The feeling was intense, for a moment Drew thought he would bounce off of the entrance. The slick wetness of Taylor’s pussy along with the tiny hole making it impossible. Instead the Relaxer did it’s job. Taylor breathed in while Drew felt the head of his dick pop into her tightness. Blood coursed through him as white hot heat the moment that he felt that tight tunnel press around the head of his dick. It was so tight it felt like it was cutting off all circulation for a moment. Drew gasped with the feeling, while Taylor laying back on the bed said, “It went in Drew!”

Catching his breath, “I-it sure did.” Drew shifted feeling the urge to push in deeper. Already he knew what he had felt beyond the popping in was the breaking of Taylor’s cherry. All she’d probably felt was a moment of mild discomfort, but clearly the feeling of his dick stretching her pussy was more pleasurable than hurtful. “Y-you’re so tight Tay… I-I think I’m going to… c-cum soon.” He was trying to hold it at bay, he’d only gotten the head into her pussy so far. The earlier explosion meant that there was still control. He was driven to push in more, shifting to put his hands on the bed at either side of Taylor’s body. Doing this pressed Taylor more up at an angle too. Looking down Drew could see how her pussy was spreading around his dick, the angle making the scene look quite obscene in a hot way.

Drew was driven to push by the walls of Taylor’s beyond tight pussy. They pressed all around the head of his dick. “I-it feels so good Drewy…” Taylor panted those words, her sky blue eyes shown brightly making Drew realize that his dick invading her pussy was pleasurable because of how stuffed Taylor was. Sliding in deeper he no doubt was sending more pleasure up through her body, because she liked the feeling of being stuffed so completely. Drew struggled trying to keep himself from tipping over that edge. He could feel his seed churning now, building up in the base of his dick, with each small thrust he could manage.

Between breaths as he used his leverage to push Drew panted, “I-its so- so tight Taylor…” The walls pressed around the two inches that had managed to get inside. Drew wasn’t sure if he could get more in there it was so tight! They were pushing against his dick so hard that the walls were practically strangling it. Drew looked down at how he and his sister were joined together, his eyes taking in the unreal sight of it. It was like her tiny pussy was spreading around the shaft of his teenage dick. The thickness clearly being twice as much as his little sister’s pussy. Yet the tunnel was taking him, pulsing around the length.

“D-Drew…” The way she said his name drew Drew’s eyes back to his sister.

“Here put your arms around my neck Tay, hold onto me.” His sister was breathing heavily, each movement of his dick in her pussy was clearly pushing Taylor ever closer to the edge. The problem with that was it brought Drew to the boiling point. His sister’s pussy was so tight, and with her getting closer to her own cum it was squeezing even harder on the nearly three inches inside of it. Taylor moved to put her hands around his neck. Drew could feel her threaded fingers resting on the back of his neck while he leaned over her more. Thrusting again Drew let out a groan of his own. The walls of Taylor’s pussy strangled his dick even tighter.

“Drew!” The groan of his name was followed by the most intense squeezing that Drew had ever felt. He’d tried to imagine before what it would feel like to penetrate his sister’s pussy. To feel those walls surrounding even an inch of his dick. It was nothing like this, he had three inches buried in the tightest little hole. It should have probably not been possible, yet somehow it was. The Relaxer combined with Taylor’s own sexual need had done it.

“I-it’s going to h-happen Tay…” Stopping the flood was impossible, the strangling sensation of Taylor’s pussy surrounding his dick was to much. Combined with his sister’s pants and groans, as she went through an orgasm of her own, was what lost him. Drew had seen Taylor cum before when she rode her Squishy. This was even more intense than that cum, her whole body tensed up, her pussy squeezed his dick like it was a vise tightening. For a moment Drew only heard blood rushing through his ears. He looked down again at their bodies joined. He clearly saw Taylor’s swelling stomach where his child grew. Then he saw where his dick was entering her pussy.

The surge was strangled, the first load got caught in the head of his dick. A burning release building within Drew that he couldn’t stop. When it shot out like a tightly controlled jet of water Taylor under him let out a panting guttural groan that he’d never thought a little girl could give. Her whole body tensed up, the tight tunnel surrounding his dick squeezed harder again. His load was stuck unable to escape, each spurt so intense that Drew felt like he was getting more and more lightheaded as it happened. His whole body screamed and ached as each spurt happened.

Taylor under him was panting, while gripping at Drew’s neck tighter. Her tiny hands slipped, falling off of his neck to the bed. Drew leaned down feeling his weight nearly giving as he kissed Taylor’s spread lips. His sister’s sky blue eyes were glazed over, the intense pleasure of each of his spurts driving his sister into another cum of her own. It was the most intense feeling of release that Drew had ever felt. He had a feeling as he admired the beauty of his sister’s face that it was the most intense for her too. Drew pumped into his sister, feeling his dick slid in just a bit further as it released the last spurt the teenager could manage.

Then he just stayed there not moving for a moment looking down at Taylor. His sister’s entire body looked flushed, still her pussy still squeezed around his dick. Drew felt exhausted, he couldn’t stay like this. He shifted pulling out of her pussy slowly, the tight walls not wanting to give up his dick for a moment. Then when it popped out Drew watched as one last surprise spurt of his seed shot out coating the middle of his sister’s swelling stomach. Some of his spend leaked out of the tunnel that he’d just been inside of. Tomorrow Taylor would be sore, and so would Drew, but it would also be totally worth it.

He fell onto the bed beside Taylor catching his breath, feeling the utter exhaustion of what they’d just done. Drew breathed in and out a few times before shifting on the bed to look over at his little sister. Taylor’s eyes were closed now, her breathing still coming quickly. He took in how her chest rose and fell, then that slight curve of her pregnant belly where their daughter grew. His dick gave a halfhearted rise, when he thought about the fact that he’d gotten his seven-year-old sister pregnant with a baby girl. Drew stroked her stomach softly with his hand then leaned over to kiss Taylor on the lips. He kissed her nose next, her cheeks, then last her eyelids. After he kissed those Taylor opened her beautiful sky blue eyes.

“I love you Tay.” Drew stroked her rounding belly, “And our baby too.”

“I love you Drew!” She softly said, “Are we married now?”

“We’re engaged, we’ll get married when you’re old enough I promise.” Taylor smiled while Drew leaned over to kiss her lips gently. He wasn’t going anywhere, Taylor was his everything she had been from the moment she was born. He’d loved holding her then when she was a baby, loved cuddling with her as a toddler, and a young girl. It wasn’t either of their faults that she’d been born hyper-sexual or had precarious puberty. All that mattered was that Drew took care of her, that he loved her as deeply as she loved him. She a more than his little sister, she was his everything. Gently Drew gathered Taylor into his arms pulling her under the covers with him. He cuddled his little sister, while feeling the baby bump where his daughter grew. This was happiness….