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!!! WARNING !!!



The Supergirl - Chapter 10c - THE BIG GUNS

The door of Kara’s dungeon opens. David is holding the door for another man. The man that looks like a gentleman walks into the room. He looks at Kara for a second who us bound to the X for this occasion. The man takes his glasses off... then drops his suitcase.

“OH MY GOSH!!! It is TRUE!!! It IS SUPERGIRL!!!”, the fact that he cannot believe it shows in his eyes.

“And... and... she... she is powerless???”, he asks somewhat afraid of her still. Even though she is naked and tied to a wooden cross that would normally pose no obstacle for Supergirl.

“Don’t worry. She is harmless. You can stop calling her Supergirl. The only thing remaining from when she was ‘Super’ is her ability to heal extremely fast... oh... and her beauty of course. But other than those points... she’s now basically just-a-girl for all intents and purposes.”

“So... are you sure it’s safe to be around her?”

“Sure thing bro. She would not have allowed us to restrain her naked like this! If you only knew all the things we’ve done to her! How we’ve humiliated her... raped her, tortured her! I’ve decimated Supergirl! I’ll show you some footage of countless rapes, humiliation and torture I put her through. All the men in town have raped her! She’s milked gallons and gallons of sperm out of all the men in town with her mouth. She would not have allowed us to do the things we did to her... not even as part of a mission mission to catch us. She would’ve killed us all after what we did to her if she only could! Look...”

David slaps her in the face very hard one way. Then beats her face with his fist the other way. Grabs both her breasts, squeezes really hard. Sinking his nails into her tender soft skin to maul her boobs in utter disrespect for the impressive female parts that they are.

“See... she’s harmless...”, as amazed as Shawn is to see his brother treat the powerful female being in such a manner, he’s not convinced.

“How... how did you capture her? How... what... how...???”, David puts his arms around his brother’s shoulders.

“We used special radiation somewhat similar to Kryptonite emissions to weaken her temporarily. I’m sure you have many questions. Let’s go to my office where Doc will explain everything he knows. I will show you some footage rape and torture footage and then you can talk to the Doc about all the scientific mumbo jumbo.”

“Yes of course... but... please let me look at her up close.”, David nods. Shawn approaches The former Supergirl.

“Hey... you wanna rape her later? I know you’re into mature girls like her.”

“I wish I could.”, he looks at David somewhat sad.

“Waddaya mean?”

“I’m old, little brother... I can’t get it up anymore. I haven’t had an erection for years.”

“Oh... shit bro...”

“Yeah... first I could still get it hard if I tortured a girl... eventually even that didn’t work anymore. I’ve slaughtered dozens of girls in hideous ways trying to get an erection, but at some point I had to accept it. It was an expensive lesson. It cost me more than a dozen girls.”



He puts his glasses on again. He admires her perfect skin.

“Hmmm... interesting...”

Moves his hands towards her skin.

“Can I?”

“Yes of course... touch her anywhere you like.”

“DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH ME!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!”, Shawn jumps backwards and looks at David.

“Just ignore her... she’s still feisty, but it’s an act... she’s just bluffing... totally harmless.”, David sees the fear in his brother’s eyes.

David grabs a knife, slowly cuts one breast in half. Kara screams as he pushes his finger deep into the breast tissue, grabs the fatty tissue inside and pulls it out. With the knife he completely scrapes out the breast, throwing the contents on the floor, leaving only the breast skin flaps hanging empty. Looks at Shawn who is really impressed with the blatant display of humiliation of the goddess.

Shawn watches in awe of a mere mortal performing such torture on the goddess. After cutting off the clitoris and labia, Shawn witnesses his brother triumphantly gobble it up while disrespectfully throwing the labia on the floor.

“See?!! Do you believe me now? She’s no different than any other girl in that respect... oh... don’t worry about removing any body part, they always grow back very fast. I must’ve eaten her clitoris hundreds of times.”

“Only those parts?”

“Uhm... to be honest... I’ve eaten just about all of her body parts. Even her brain! Our cook has a great recipe for stuffed uterus. The cooking of it is fun to watch. It involves cooking it while still attached inside the body. Pain is a major part of the recipe... it adds flavor to the end-product! I’ll serve you her slow-cooked uterus later this week if you like.”

“That sure sounds like fun to watch! So... you did all that to her... how is she still alive???”

“She keeps healing from any wound. Time after time. Even beheading or removing her brain didn’t do it. We blew her up with explosives, we ran her complete body through a mincer... didn’t kill her either. She re-appears every time we kill her...”

“How does her healing ability work?”

“No fuckin’ clue man! We were hoping that you would figure that out. We thought the emitters would take all her powers away. And here’s the thing, I’m running out of emitters. When there are no more... she will be Supergirl again. We need to figure out a way to kill her!”

He touches her the wound where the left breast used to be. Moves his hand over the wound gently. Moments later he presses his hand into the wound, moving his fingers. Shawn tries to inflict as much pain as he can with his eyes closed. Enjoying the screams of the young woman.

“It’s been years since I tortured a girl. It’s just not the same without the ability to have an erection. It only makes me feel like an inferior male. She... she is perfect though! As if she was genetically engineered to perfection.”

“You mean somebody made her?”

“No that’s not what I mean. Well... sort of... her genetic code has been engineered to make her the way she is. They sculpted her body to perfection through her genetic codes. That’s why she’s so perfect!”

Shawn moves his hand down her torso to touch her between the legs. Two of his fingers enter her vagina.

“Oh my gosh! Like I said... perfection!!! She’s still so tight after giving birth to three children...”

“Do you want her to give you a blow-job? Can you still orgasm with a blow-job?”

“Thank you, brother... I can, but I’d rather save that for a later time.”

“You know what??? I think it’s time for you to try a little girl... you know... maybe start with a twelve year old girl and see if you like blow-jobs from little girls.”


“No? You wanna try a younger model? I’ve got several available if you want to give it a try.”

“I don’t know... I’m not like you... I’m not a pedophile...”

“Ah... I remember getting mad at you when you called me that. I’ve learned to accept what I am... I’m feeling very good about myself nowadays. I even feel proud of calling myself a pedophile. A sadistic one even. I’m a very successful one. God meant for me to be this way.

Shawn... I’ve seen you looking at very young girls... I think you’ve been in denial. Maybe you just need a little persuasion.

Come... let’s go to my office”, David puts his arms around his impotent brother’s shoulders. I’m glad that you’ve come and hope that you’re back in my life permanently.”

“Yes, I’m so glad you reached out. I actually never expected to hear from you again. Lead the way, brother!”

The men take their seats in the office.

Shawn is introduced to Doc.

“So, you already have a physicist on your team... what do you need me for?”

“Well, Doc is very good, but not as good in the area that you find mostly interesting. You were very interested in a special kind of physics, right? Wasn’t it physics with quotum?”, Shawn smiles.

“Sort of... Quantum Physics actually. The physics of subatomic particles.”

“YES... that’s it! That is what we need.”

Why in the world would you need Quantum Physics? It is highly theoretical and barely experimental and has no real-world applications. Why would a supplier of sex-children want to have anything to do with Quantum Physics???”

“Why indeed... you see... we’ve got full access to the Krytonian Codex. It’s like a library of almost all of the Kryptonian scientific knowledge and technology, but we can’t make any sense of it. What we see as magic seems to be performed almost entirely using this special small physics. And you are one of the experts in the world.”

“But what do you hope to gain from it?”

“I hope to find a way to kill Supergirl once and for all! Because it’s otherwise a matter of time that she regains her power and I don’t think she will forgive the things we’ve put her through.

“Yeah... that kind of seems unlikely.”

“I’ve sent some of my men to find the Ark of the Covenant. I’ve got some intel that it might contain a Kryptonian weapon with which I hope to kill her. There seems to be evidence that she was not the first Kryptonian to have walked this planet.”

“The Ark... isn’t it just a myth? You risked your men to go and look for an item from fairy tales?”

“It’s not a fairy-tale, bro... it’s even mentioned in the Bible.”

“Just another fairy-tale, brother. You still believe in that shit?”

“Yeah... how else do you explain an ordinary man defeating a super being like her?”

“Okay... let’s not go there... the last conversation we had about religion didn’t end well, huh?”, David leans back slowly, his head tilted slightly upwards, while looking slightly down at his brother. Showing disappointment, but agreement at the same time.

“I have more faith in you decoding the Codex than in those goons finding the Ark, but they might surprise me. At least I don’t want to bet on one horse, you know?”

The men talk for hours on end. The conversation starts with how the The Supergirl declared war on David’s Cartel. How she almost destroyed it. The cutting off of supply lines of fresh new girls. The collaboration of rivaling cartels to find a way to get rid of the female super power. How she was lured into the trap where her powers were inhibited. The technology that allowed her capture.

One of the guards brings a device into the room. Shawn looks puzzled.

“What the hell is that? A Sonny TV? Why is there such a large container around the small television?”

“It’s a prototype. From Japan. It’s a Sony, not Sonny. Be very careful with it. I only borrowed it from my colleague of the Inagawa-Kai... Yakuza... dangerous people!”

“Sony? Haven’t heard of them.”

“Maybe you know them better as Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo.”

“Looks like Japanese crap!”

“Well... they’ve learned a thing or two. They are improving their products at impressive speed! I think soon they will lead the world in many technological fields!”, David just grins a little.

“Hehe... yeah... sure...”

Then David turns on the device.

“GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!! IT’S IN COLOR???”, David grins at his older brother.

“I told you those little Japanese fuckers were learning fast!”

“MAN... that’s AMAZING!!! So, you have a color camera as well???”

“That’s right! Cool isn’t it? And if I insert this Beta tape in this thing right here and then close it... and then press this button right here... watch in awe!”, seconds later gentle pops and cracking sounds are emitted by the device and the screen shows an empty hallway.”

“So... is the sound also on that tape?”

“Yes yes...”

“But how is the sound synchronized with the...”

“SHHHHH... don’t worry about it... it works fine... just watch!”, David waves off his brother.

The video shows a hallway. About half a minute into the video the lighting in the hallway changes subtly, but visibly. Then Supergirl is walking down the hallway towards the room where the little girl was being tortured by a customer. She seems to be walking somewhat unstable. Like she’s a bit dizzy. Looks puzzled... a bit lost... unfocused. After melting the lock on the door she disappears into the torture room.

“Where did she go? What’s in that room?”

“Oh... just one of my customers torturing a girl. I used him as bait.”, shortly after the screen shows the torture room from the inside.

“YOU SICK FUCKING BASTARD!!!”, is heard on the tape in clearly Supergirl’s voice. There is more said, but it’s not possible to understand what she’s saying.

One minute later, the footage shows the recordings from another camera.

“So... the timeline isn’t entirely correct. My apologies, but my editing guy still has to figure out a lot about this new system. It’s not like you cut the tape and reattach it at another point anymore. It’s all done electronically now.”

The door lock glows red and pops after which the door opens violently. Supergirl enters the room. She is visibly shocked by the scene.

“YOU SICK FUCKING BASTARD!!!”, Supergirl says.

Quite a bit of action enters the room. The man is killed. She runs to the girl.

“OOOOHHH... SORRY!!! I didn’t mean to... I’m sorry... I’m so sorry...”, Supergirl says to the girl after unintentionally pulling part of her vagina out while removing the soldering iron from her genitals.

A green glow is visible at the bottom left of the screen. At least, it is clear that it is emitted in that corner of the room. The footage doesn’t show what it is.

“The girl’s vagina was damaged beyond repair by soldering iron! Yet, she healed the girl’s pussy with her magic... or technology... whatever.”

“She healed a destroyed pussy??? HOW???”

“SHHH... here it comes...”

Two men with David behind them enter the room.

“Well... well... well..., what the fuck do you think you’re doing Supergirl?”, David’s voice clearly audible.

There is some conversation back and forth before Supergirl walks over to the men and tries to punch one in the face, but the man easily stops her fist mid air. Followed by a pause.

“GOD I wish I had another camera showing her face! MAN!!! The utter surprise and disbelief. The ultimate arrogance turning to despair... the look in her eyes... PRICELESS!!!”

Supergirl takes another swing which is stopped just as easily by the strong man. Some Russian words are spoken, some English was spoken. Supergirl is chloroformed and tied up.

David lifts her miniskirt up, puts his hand down her underwear to explore her pussy.

“DAMN!!! Not bad for an adult... she’s fuckin’ tight and completely hairless... if I didn’t know any better I’d say it’s a tween pussy! And fuck... those lovely tits!!!”, David exposes her breasts and sucks on her nipples.

“That has to be the only thing I miss fucking little brats... proper breasts!!! And these... they just don’t get any better than this. These are FUCKIN’ PERFECT!!!”

“Sirr... you must kiell gherr! Zzat isz yor miszion...”, David looks up at him.

“I know... but I’m not going to kill her just yet!!! I want to take my revenge on her. Without her powers she’s just a girl. We can do whatever we want with her. We’re gonna have a lot of fun with her before we kill her...”

Some guards enter the room.

“Guys... clean up this mess here and you... make sure the emitters in the van are turned on and working. You... take Supergirl...”, the men leave the room and white noise is on the screen.

“What happened to her powers? Did you have Kryptonite?”, Shawn asks with great interest.

“Nah... we couldn’t get our hands on it. The only piece large enough to hurt her is heavily guarded. We were only able to gain access to a micro fragment. Not much larger than a dust particle. Doc analyzed it and studied the radiation. He was able to synthesize the radiation well enough to weaken her tremendously.”

“So, then what did you do?”

“We transported her here. My mission was to trap and kill her on the spot. I just couldn’t do it at the time. I really felt the need to tear down her stature... there’s just something special about taking down a girl of great power and treat her with utter contempt, humiliate her, abuse her and make her suffer. I thought of a new term for it... I decimated her! It’s a very rewarding process!

I needed to make her pay... to take revenge for all the things she did to me and my organization. Not that it would have mattered in the end. Killing her proved to be a lot more difficult than we thought!”

Sooooo... how about you two continue working while I look for a tape to demonstrate the difficulties in killing this girl. We can watch the degrading and humiliating videos later. I’ve got loads of them. You’ll love them!”