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Latest revision as of 22:20, 31 May 2024

Rita chased something she couldn't see down a long, dark corridor. Her legs moved against her will as her battle suit whispered ideas and temptations in her ears. She didn't want to chase the prey, she wanted to go home. Rounding a final corner, they hit a dead end. Rita could finally see who she was chasing: Skylar. Her little sister cowered in the corner as Rita pointed her railgun at her, unable to stop herself...


She gasped and flung the covers off herself, tumbling out of bed. Strong arms caught her as she fell, and she struggled wildly. "Rita! Oww! It's your father. You're safe, calm yourself..." Rita blinked the sleepiness from her eyes, and Dr. Nebula's face swam into view. "Daddy..?" she gasped, her heart racing. "Try taking some deep breaths... You've been through a lot." Dr. Nebula helped Rita back into bed, propping her up in a sitting position against a mount of pillows he stuffed behind her back. "Wh-What happened..?" she asked in a small voice. "Is Skylar okay..?

"She's fine. I did my best to try and explain to her what happened. I'll bring her to see you in a bit..." He paused for a moment, his voice changing. "I made a critical error in sending you on that mission, is what happened... You nearly got killed." He sat on the bed next to her, putting an arm around the young girl and gently stroking her hair. "The small sect of ve'gaths have been trying to locate me for some time now. This was your second run-in with them after you destroyed one of their interceptors." He paused for a while. Rita sighed, a single tear running down her face as her father held her close.

"I should have been more suspicious when the mining probe went missing. I.. was too cocky... I thought there was no way they could have known it was mine, let alone found where I'd sent it... I've grown too reliant on my information collector drones... they can't be everywhere..." Dr. Nebula's voice sounded distant and despairing. She'd never heard him talk like this. Worriedly, Rita reached up with a shaking arm and touched his face. He placed a hand over hers and smiled down at her, shaking off his uncharacteristic mood.

"I'm so sorry Rita. Everything you were forced to suffer through was my fault." Rita's eyes were wide as she stared up at her father. "You couldn't have known... I don't blame you..." she said in a small voice that shook with emotion. "I'm both glad and sorry I made you that suit. Rita..." his voice trailed off. "Yes.." she nudged him after the silence stretched on too long. He wouldn't look at her as he spoke. "I made another miscalculation, when it came to that suit. I programmed a living organism with a strong set of commands, and gave it that ability to change and adapt to protect you."

He paused again, but this time Rita waited patiently for him to continue. "What that means is... the organism's prime directive was to protect you at all costs. I overwrote its own personal survival instinct and put that in its place. I gave it the ability to change to protect you..." He cleared his throat. "...I gave it everything it needed to break out of control. A particularly voracious piece of DNA from a plant brought back from one of my expedition probes provided what it needed to begin rapidly mutating. I used it in the species mesh due to its ability to turn almost any form of radiation into oxygen, but didn't expect it to do more than that."

He looked down at her. "I had to put you into stasis while I ran some tests to stop it from mutating further. That... plant, Crysilkis-Hydrumidus, managed to transfer the gene it uses to mutate and modify energy and matter to the rest of the multi-part organism. It turned your suit into a bio-weapon bent on protecting you at all costs." He stroked her cheek gently with the back of a finger. "The energy the ve'gathians poured into the suit to subdue only served to supercharge it. They thought it was being destroyed, when in truth it was feeding off the energy, adapting and evolving the whole time. Your terror over the thought of losing your only friend on that ship caused your fight or flight reflex to turn on so violently that the organism thought you were about to die, and it protected you."

Rita nodded, getting the general gist of what he was trying to explain. "I felt like it was talking to me... and then... it was me... it was a very weird experience." she explained. Dr. Nebula nodded. "It attached itself into all of your core systems: your brain, your nervous system, even your vital organs. It tried to absorb you into its multi-species organism in order to protect you..." He shuddered, hugging Rita tighter. "I nearly lost you, Rita. If I'd found you even an hour later, I'm not sure I could have separated you from the organism. You would have been lost to me forever, stripped of your humanity."

Her eyes widened in shock. "I d-didn't realize... i-it wanted to h-help me..." her voice trailed off. "I did what I could, Rita, but..." his voice trailed off. "I'm sorry, my dear. I made damn sure the organism could NOT try to absorb you like that again, but I can never remove it safely from your body... I broke my promise to you about modifications without your permission..." Rita patted him on the cheek gently. "Is this a genetic manipulation?" Dr. Nebula wouldn't meet her eyes. "Well.. technically it's a separate organism fused to your-" She cut him off. "Then you didn't break your promise, daddy." Startled, he looked down at his daughter who smiled warmly up at him. Gently he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. "I'm still sorry..." he whispered.

Rita furrowed her brown in thought. "Can I still use the suit, though? It was... very useful." Dr. Nebula chuckled awkwardly. "I can't deny, if I had tried to make a more fearsome battle suit for you, I'm not sure I could have made anything as... efficient as this.. "thing". It seems to have figured out how to replicate mechanical components and construct them completely from living, biological matter..." Dr. Nebula shifted his position on the bed with a groan. "Yes, you can keep using it. It's a part of your body now, for all intensive purposes. I couldn't even remove the railgun - by the time I got to it, it had replaced all of the mechanical components with biological ones, and the design is imprinted in its DNA. I at least managed to encrypt it, though..."

He sighed. "I tried taking a sample of the suit to study, but it dies instantly the moment it is separated from the collective. I wish I could perform some experiments on the Crysilkis-Hydrumidus' DNA, but I used my only sample for your suit."

The girl suddenly remembered something. "W-Wait..! Where is Thresha!? Is she..?" Dr. Nebula patted her head reassuringly. "Don't worry, she's fine. You infected her with the organism, though... I assume in a desire to save her life?" Rita nodded. "I examined her after you were safe. You managed force your suit to breed and birth a new organism to transfer to her, overwriting the organism's prime directive for the offspring."

Rita frowned. "I'm not sure I understand." Dr. Nebula shook his head. "From what I can tell, the, err.. 'child' organism now living symbiotically inside Thresha is solely focused on maintaining her bodily functions. In short, she rapidly heals, but she's not going to be shooting any tentacles at anyone." Rita saw a hooked smile on his face. "I stabilized her and made sure that was all the organism would do to her, but I can't remove it from that young rembrosian any more than I can from you, Rita."

"You should be able to control the suit at will. Go ahead and give it a try when you're ready." Rita held out her arm and thought about the railgun. Multicolored flesh oozed out of her wrist to cover her hand and arm up to the elbow, then grew the attachment in the space of only a few seconds. "Truly incredible. A one of a kind marvel. Err, don't fire that in here please, Rita..." She giggled and tried to reabsorb the gun. The flesh melted back into her skin. "It feels so weird when it moves in and out of me..." she confided. Dr. Nebula punched her arm softly. "It should! You have no idea what that thing is doing to grow something that complicated. First it..." Rita cut him off. "Uh, I'd rather not know, probably..." Dr. Nebula nodded. "Ah, yes... probably better you don't know... sorry."

Dr. Nebula patted her on the arm. "Your... new friend insisted on taking care of Skylar for you while you recovered. Your sister seems to really like her, so I saw no harm." Rita smiled at this. "Ahh, I'm glad they're getting along! Thresha is so nice." Her father raised an eyebrow at his daughter. "Thresha refuses to wear clothes, she says they itch her skin. I haven't found a material yet that satisfies her." Rita grinned at this. "Ahh.. I see... Uncomfortable around her, daddy?" Her grin wobbled a little bit, but she forced herself to act like her old self. "So... Did you fuck her yet?" Rita snickered.

Dr. Nebula looked down at Rita in shock, putting a hand on his chest. "No, I did not! Though, err... She did offer... several times. Something about a reward for saving her life..." A blush crept into Dr. Nebula's cheeks, making Rita giggle harder. "Did YOU sleep with her..?" He needled back with a smirk of his own, poking his daughter's belly. Rita stopped giggling and gasped indignantly. "Daddy, she's my friend! And no, not like that! I mean... we shared a bed... But nothing happened!"

Dr. Nebula crossed his arms. "Her skin cells were all over your vagina, Rita. I err, found them as I was cleaning you..." Instantly the girl's face fell as she remembered. "She... insisted on cleaning me after each time I was.. t-tortured..." Her voice trailed off as she lost her forced composure. Dr. Nebula's face fell and he immediately pulled his adoptive daughter into a tight hug. "I'm sorry... I only meant to tease... I hate to think of what you had to endure..." he whispered, rubbing her head softly. Dr. Nebula held the young girl for a time in silence, before he gently pulled away. "I will bring both your sister and new friend, just a moment..." Ah he moved to leave, Rita grabbed his arm, her heart racing. "S-Send a drone, p-please..."

He settled back onto the bed without hesitation. "Of course... If you need me to stay then I'm not going anywhere..." Dr. Nebula sat up against the bed's headboard and pulled Rita into his lap, dialing up a holo display in front of his face with one of his internal tech augments. "Bring Skylar and Thresha here..." As the display faded, he looked down and stroked Rita's cheek gently with the back of his index finger, rubbing her belly with his other hand. Rita sighed and closed her eyes, thin tears leaking out from behind her eyelids. She felt safe at long last...


Soft voices trickled into Rita's mind. "...still.. exhausted. ...are you.. feeling..?" Rita didn't even realize she'd fallen asleep in her father's arms as he'd rubbed her belly. As she struggled to open her droopy eyelids, she blinked the sleep from them. The room swam into view, and Rita saw Thresha sitting on the edge of the bed with her little sister held in her lap. Rita yawned and sighed at the same time, as Dr. Nebula's strong arms were still wrapped around her. "RI-RI!" screamed Skylar as soon as she saw the girl waking up. Before Thresha could stop her, Skylar had launched herself across the bed and collided with her big sis with a thump.

Rita caught her, wrapping her arms around the little mite's body as she shushed her. "Ri-Ri! I was so scared! But then Daddy found us, and he said we'd find you, and then..." As the child babbled her tale, Rita pressed her face into the 5 year old's golden hair, smelling her familiar scent of strawberries. "It's alright, Sky... we're both safe..." Rita held her baby sister for a time as the others remained silent. Dr. Nebula put a hand on the back of Rita's head and rubbed her gently as she snuggled her sister.

"Should.. I go? I do not wish to intrude..." Thresha asked slowly, her tone uncertain. "No, it's fine Thresha. They just need a moment, the two are very close." Thresha nodded. "Ahh... Rita spoke much of her sister. Is this what human families look like? You are very close... It is most pleasant to observe." Rita smiled hearing Dr. Nebula's deep chuckle. "Yes, we are a very close family, heh." he replied with a smile as Rita finally lifted her head up. "Are you girls hungry? I can synthesize us up some food..."


Rita spent the next week taking it easy as she finished her recovery and showed her new friend around their home. Thresha still refused to wear clothing, and after a while Dr. Nebula gave up having her try on different materials. Rita suspected the older girl simply didn't like clothing on principle, but didn't feel like prying. Skylar trailed the two around like a little duckling as they played in the bio-domed gardens, exercised in the gym module, and stayed up late chatting in their quarters.

Dr. Nebula spent most of his time during the day in the lab, though he checked up on Rita often and spent more time with her in the evenings than was typical. Rita surmised that he was trying to both apologize for putting her in the situation with the slaves and just making sure she was alright.

Late one lazy evening Rita was woken by Dr. Nebula's mutterings. Her eyes slowly opened, having fallen asleep with her head resting on her father's warm lap. Sighing, the young girl uncurled her legs from her chest and stretched, smiling up at the man. He gestured at the hologram he'd had open over her, dismissing it as he gently rubbed her forehead and smiled back. "I didn't mean to disturb your slumber, Rita. I was just..." He paused, and she waited patiently for him to continue. "Yes..?" she prompted after the silence grew too long. "I was running some more scans... I just don't know enough about the organism that took primary control in your suit. It.. worries me."

Dr. Nebula frowned, though his gentle stroking of his adoptive daughter's head did not waver in the slightest despite his clear worry. "I've sent more probes to the planet it came from. All of them have gone dark. I can't detect any spacial phenomenon to explain their interruption, nor is there any sign of technology on that planet." He drummed the fingers of his free hand on the armrest of the sofa. "This... planetoid has piqued my interest in so many ways, and even more so after what happened to your suit. I want to learn more about it, and yet no matter how many possibilities I consider, only one course of action seems viable."

Rita listened to her father ramble, frowning herself. He only spouted off like this if he was avoiding trying to say something he didn't want to talk about. "Spit it out, daddy. You're doing that techno-speak avoiding thing again." Rita interrupted with a sigh. He flicked her forehead lightly. "Yeah, yeah... What I was trying to get at is... a manned mission seems the only option with a chance of success. Specifically, you Rita.. I think this remarkable organism is responsible for the probes being destroyed. With your connection to it, it would let you pass... possibly."

His frown deepened. "I wish I had more to go on first... And I really don't want to send you. So many things could go wrong. But.. I worry what will happen to that suit if I don't. It continually fights against my reprogramming and restraints I coded into it." Rita reached a hand up and patted her father's cheek. "You'll think of something, daddy - you always do." Dr. Nebula clasped his hand over hers, closing his eyes with a sigh. "I'm... worried I won't be able to this time. Not without more data.. and I can't even go with you myself."

Rita raised an eyebrow. This again. He always avoided the question when she asked him why he rarely leaves the station. Rita didn't think it was fear or because he simply didn't want to, either. "Daddy... Why can't you come? You never tell me.. Why won't you say?" Dr. Nebula was quiet for quite some time, and Rita thought he wouldn't answer again. She tried to pull her hand back from his face, but he tightened his grip around it. "Rita... my sweet child... There are things about me you don't know. Things... I don't want you to know. I don't want you to change how you think about me..." He squeezed her hand again. Rita was shocked he was even telling her this much. "I'll love you no matter what, daddy! What could be so bad?"

Dr. Nebula kissed the palm of his daughter's hand gently. "I.. can't tell you, Rita. For both your safety and mine. I... all I can tell you is that I am.. much, much older than I look, and I took a great personal risk in coming to rescue you myself from that slaver ship." His voice turned hard. "I don't regret it in the slightest, but... my calculations were rushed, and I didn't care. I could have stopped... nevermind. I just can't leave here. Not choose not to - can't." He ruffled her hair. "That's all I can tell you for now. And since I can't go.. I've been augmenting your ship and gear as much as I can. I put new safety protocols in place in case something goes wrong."

He began rubbing Rita's shoulders. "Speaking of your ship... about your AIs.." Rita grimaced, tensing up her shoulders. "Your mean about PERV_AI..." Dr. Nebula kneaded her shoulders, making the young girl relax. "Yes, that one. I checked it again, and... I'm really not sure what to do, so I thought I'd ask you. I could... reset PERV_AI. It would go back to being COM_AI, as I originally intended, however..." He paused before continuing. "As, uh... "lewd", as the AI has gotten, its fanatical devotion to you has had positive effects, too. I checked the data and its efficiency is up over 200%."

Rita sat up and looked at her daddy. "Are you suggesting to leave it as it is? It's gotten so aggressive..." Dr. Nebula pressed his thumbs against Rita's chest onto her nipples, making her squeak. "I saw the footage of your last encounter. The AI changed its tactics and while you may have resisted at first, by the end YOU consented, my lewd little space girl. It looked like you... enjoyed it." Rita rolled her eyes, though her face was already starting to flush from her naughty daddy's touchings. "F-Fine, that time wasn't so bad... B-But it did other bad things, too!" Dr. Nebula reached down and flattened out the fists Rita didn't even realize she'd clenched. "Easy... I'm sorry about what happened with Skylar." He hesitated, then patted her on the back. "If it means anything... I think you did the right thing in showing her how to do it properly." Rita looked up and scowled at her father. "W-Well... I shouldn't have had to do that! I wanted her to remain... I don't know, innocent..."

Dr. Nebula sighed. "How old were you when we first made love?" he asked her seriously. Rita crossed her arms, her scowl deepening. "That's different..." she mumbled. "No it's not, and you know it. You were not much older than Skylar, and you know it. If you could change the past... would you have preferred I hadn't courted you?" Rita's scowl faded in an instant. "Oh.. No, of course not daddy..! I.. I don't regret what happened. I love being with you.. being close to you... connected." Her voice trailed off. "This doesn't mean I want you to play with Skylar, you know..." Dr. Nebula chuckled, rubbing Rita's groin through her pants. "I wasn't trying to insinuate that. I gave you my word I wouldn't." Rita let out a soft moan and pushed her father's hand against her groin harder. "K-Kay... Sorry..."

"Circling back to before, I put new constraints into PERV_AI's matrix, at least so it can't run completely wild." Dr. Nebula gently tugged Rita's pants down a few inches, rubbing her some more through her panties. The 11 year old moaned lewdly from the touching, making her dad chuckle deeply. "I at least put a strop to its matrix of bleeding into the other AI cores."

"But enough talk of serious things..." The hand on her crotch moved up and down, massaging her immature folds. "I want to focus on you... You know you're more than enough for an old man like me, my sweet Rita." He leaned in and whispered in the little girl's ear, his lips close enough to send a shiver down her spine. "Can daddy fuck his little princess?" Rita gave a small nod, ducking her head as her blush deepened. Dr. Nebula lifted Rita up and set her down on his lap, lifting her shirt up to her chin. Rita squeaked, getting turned on by her daddy's handling of her. She felt safe and loved nestled up against his much larger body like this.

Rita snuggled up against Dr. Nebula's chest as he tugged her shirt off over her head. The old man leaned down and sucked on one of Rita's flat teats. The little girl gasped, her back arching as he gently ran his teeth over her areola. Rita shivered at her father's gentle teasing, her tiny nipples getting rock hard. "Mm-mph, g-gentle..!" she complained as he nibbled a bit harder. She didn't even realize he'd gotten his cock out while he'd been teasing her naked chest until she felt it throb against her groin. Rita lifted her butt up a bit and pulled her panties down a few inches for him. The little girl felt her father shift and press his meaty rod against her wet slit.

The sly old man slid his lips along his daughter's chest down to her navel as he gently thrust inside her cunt. Rita gasped as the head of his cock slipped past her pussy lips and pressed on her little clit. His lips barely rubbing against her belly button was very distracting as a few more inches of hard adult cock sank into her warm and welcoming cunny. Dr. Nebula gently eased himself all the way inside Rita's preteen snatch as he groaned deeply. The little girl gasped as his full length settled inside her, bulging out her tummy. She couldn't help but let out a giggle as Dr. Nebula kissed her on the belly where the head of his cock was leaving an imprint against her pale flesh. "That feels weird, hehe.." she complained, making him smirk and do it again.

"You're the only one Rita... the only person who can make me forget about my work when I'm around you. Fuck, I love you so damn much..!" He pulled back thrust up into her gaping snatch, making the lewd little girl in his lap moan in pleasure. "Good girl... daddy loves his fierce little space warrior. She deserves a reward." He thrust into her again harder. Rita gasped as he toyed with her, a small robot flying in from out of nowhere to latch itself into the skin around her right nipple with a bit of suction. "W-What's this..?" she exclaimed, fingering it. "Just relax... I think you'll enjoy this. I made it just for you.~"

Rita yelped as something soft, wet, and vibrating began teasing the tender flesh around her nipple. It perfectly attacked her senses, making Rita feel weak and fluttery as the device assaulted and overwhelmed her senses with carnal pleasure. "Aww... I knew you'd like it! Want another one?" Before she could answer, a second robot flew in and fastened around her other nipple, immediately launching into a full-force sexual assault. Rita cried out and came on the spot, convulsing in her father's arms as his latest sexual pleasure device overwhelmed her mind. "I noticed you were getting more into nipple play lately... so I made these just for you." the old pervert whispered, starting to fuck her cunt in earnest. "No need to thank me, anything for my Rita.~"

The 11 year old could only mumble incoherently as her orgasm continued under the two nipple machines' guidance. Dr. Nebula's cock tunneled deep inside her as he grabbed the young girl's hips for leverage. "Your cunt feels amazing as always, Rita. No matter what I whip up in the lab, there's no substitute for the real thing.~" He rubbed her exposed clit with his thumb, sending another shock wave of pleasure pulsating through the nubile young girl.

Doctor Nebula pushed his thumb against Rita's lips. She obediently opened her mouth and began sucking on his digit as Dr. Nebula slammed her down hard, cumming deep inside Rita's tight preteen cunt. "Ohhhh fuck yes, my little girl! Your slutty pussy is drinking up all of daddy's milk!" The older man pumps into the young girl several more times, letting her inner walls milk another string of semen out of his thick rod. Rita moans loud as she cums one final time, her eyes rolling up as she passes out from all the stimulation her father and the robots were giving her little body.

"Ah, I guess I overdid it a bit, huh?" Dr. Nebula patted his adoptive daughter on her cum-swollen belly as he gently pulled his dick out of her now gaping pussy. With a snap of his fingers, the nipple pleasure robots unclamped from Rita's reddened nipples and flew away. "Sleep well, space princess.~" Kissing her on the cheek, Dr. Nebula cuddled Rita's body to his chest and carried her off to get cleaned up for bed.


Rita flipped switches on the dash of the cockpit, preparing for takeoff. She could hear Thresha mumbling to herself from the new chair set at the com station behind her. "This ship is like none I have ever seen..."

"It's one of a kind, daddy made it just for me." She turned to look at Thresha with a smile. The older girl smiled back, buckling herself in tight. "You don't have to do that, you know. You'll barely even feel like we're moving in this ship." Thresha ran her blue hand over the flexible synthetic strap crossing her bare chest. "I believe you, but I will feel better with it on." Rita shrugged, pulling up the control stick and sliding her cockpit seat into place. "Suit yourself. Pre flight check complete. Launching!"

As Rita thrust forward on the control stick, the ship shot out of the station's primary dry dock module, passing through the polarized energy field and into normal space. As Rita headed for the edge of the station's obfuscation field, a hologram of Dr. Nebula thrummed on over the dash. "Rita, plot a course for Space Station 8935-ZKI, the furthest station on the edge of known space in Sector Z-7. Find the contact. Gather as much information about the planetoid you are heading to as you can, and be wary. There is very little law and order out that far. Use Protocol 37. You remember that one, yes?"

Rita saluted her daddy's hologram. "Yep. Infiltrate, blend in, find the contact, get out." Dr. Nebula's hologram nodded. "Good luck. Contact me after you leave the station. I love you, Rita. Nebula out."

The holographic display went dark as Rita rocketed the ship past the field obscuring the station and back into normal space. "He really cares about you." Thresha said quietly from the seat behind Rita. "You are most fortunate, Rita, to have someone who cares about you so much and can protect you." Rita looked back at her new friend and nodded. "Yeah, he does. And remember, you're part of the family now, so he cares about you, too!" Thresha hesitated, not sure if she should speak her mind. Looking into Rita's open face convinced her to voice her thoughts. "I... believe he cares for me, but erm.. More for your sake than for mine." Rita blinked at the alien girl. "What do you mean?" Thresha tapped her fingers together, not meeting Rita's gaze. "You care about me, and I am most grateful for that, but do you believe he would have rescued me and taken me in if you had not asked him to?"

Rita saw her point. It was excessively clear how much their father loved her and Skylar, but he was involved in a lot of shady things. He answered to no government, and always walked his own path, even if it meant walking over others. "NAV_AI, take over." Rita commanded, spinning her chair around and hopping out of it to go plop down into Thresha's lap. This startled the older girl, who finally looked up and met Rita's gaze. "You're right. I won't try to deny that. But even if that's the reason why he cares right now, he could change. Give him a chance, okay? You are safe and won't ever be a slave cuz of him."

Thresha smiled warmly at Rita, locking her fingers with one of the girl's hands. "I understand. I do believe that he would not let harm come to me, and that is far more than I ever expected from my life as a slave. I am very grateful." The rembrosian girl kissed Rita softly on the lips unexpectedly, making Rita blush as the older girl slid her slimy tongue inside her small mouth.

"Now k-k-kiiiiss.. Oh wait, you already are." came PERV_AI's drawing robotic tone. Rita broke the kiss with a glare at the AI's visual apparatus above their seats. "Shove it up your speaker vents, you vulgar AI!" Thresha only giggled as Rita got off her lap, still blushing as she took her own seat again. "Y-Y-You know all about stuffing vents, don't you little Ri-Ri? Ha. Ha. Ha."

As Thresha began to laugh outright, the beet-red Rita turned her attention back to her piloting. "NAV_AI, E-Engage FTL DRIVE and plot a course for Space Station 8935-ZKI." The primary AI switched to NAV_AI as the ship's interstellar engine began charging. "Affirmative. Course set. System charging... ... ... ... System charged. On your mark, Ri-Ri." Rita made a face at the use of her nickname. "Why are you calling me that, NAV_AI?" There was a slight pause before the AI answered her. "I am unsure. Shall NAV_AI switch to their previous designation for pilot?" Rita let out a sigh. "No, it's fine. You can call me Ri-Ri. Engage the FTL drive."

The ship hummed as the drive fired up, the stars outside stretching long as the ship accelerated past light speed and entered an artificial slipstream. "Drive stability at 100%. Time until destination: 5 hours, 43 minutes." Rita nodded. "Very good." Turning her head to look back at Thresha, Rita cleared her throat. "I'm gonna take a nap. You can go see Skylar if you want." Thresha smiled, but shook her head slightly. "I will stay here while you rest your mind. Have a good nap."

Rita smiled back and turned front again, wiggling down to get into a more comfortable position. "NAV_AI, Thresha is in charge while I'm asleep. Listen to her..." Her seat molded itself automatically to be more comfortable for sleep as her suit sensed her desire for comfort and released itself from inside her skin, wrapping around her like a tight blanket. "Affirmative. Thresha registered as temporary co-pilot." Rita sighed, and the 11 year old's eyes dropped closed as she drifted off to sleep.


In her dream, Rita landed the ship on a planet filled to the brim with vibrant vegetation of all shapes and colors. Vines covered everything as masses of plants all vied for the harsh light emanating down from the two purple sins above the planet. As the little girl exited the world, vines moved out of her way and she walked towards a mountain coated in orange tendrils. Entering a crevice, she saw a massive knot of glowing vines studded with pulsating crystals.

Rita opened her mouth as if to speak, feeling the organism's presence enter her mind. As she took a step forward, a vine shot out of the clump without warning and fastened around her ankle, lifting her up into the air to dangle upside down. Rita tried to scream, only to have a tendril wrap around her throat as another reached for her crotch. She tried to ask her suit to help, but the organism ripped itself off her body and hovered over her to watch, a giant yellow eye growing to stare at her as a large orange feeler with a ribbed end rubbed along her bare pussy...


Rita gasped as her eyes flew open. She still felt the sensation of being rubbed down between her legs as she looked down. Her suit was no longer wrapping her like a blanket and her legs were apart. A ribbed piece of plastic at the end of a long repair appendage was rubbing between her legs and against her skintight bio suit, making her gasp. "PERV_AI! CUT IT OUT!" the little girl yelped as she realized what was going on. "B-B-But Ri-Ri was having such a nice dream. Why does she p-p-protest now?" Rita gasped, feeling another plastic nub push against her small clitoris in just the right way as she squirmed. "You have to ask first! It's called CONSENT!"

The little girl put her small hands down on the robotic arm and tried to push it away, but to no avail. "Ri-Ri was asleep, so PERV_AI could not ask her. As Ri-Ri could not respond, PERV_AI did what he thought was best for her." Rita gritted her teeth. So much for new constraints, she thought, if the AI could just find ways to weasel around them. "Fine, s-so I'll be clear: if I'm not awake, don't touch me s-sexually! And turn this thing off right now!"

The rotating plastic slowed a little, but it did not cease its movements. Worse, the molded seat kept shifting with her straining back muscles, making it extremely difficult for her to leave the chair. "Your designated co-pilot did not object to PERV_AI's initiative." Rita flinched, tilting her head back to look at Thresha. A similar appendage was pleasuring the older rembrosian girl's vaginal mound as her thin chest heaved. "Th-Thresha!?" Rita gasped, making the older girl's milky green eyes finally focus on her. "Oh, hello Rita. Did you enjoy your nap? Ahh..." Rita yelped as the plastic hit her g-spot again, sending a jolt of pleasure shooting up through her body. "Wh-Why didn't you tell PERV_AI to stop!?"

Thresha blinked at Rita like a fish. "Ehh? This is your AI, I assumed it was doing something you told it to. Is this not what you asked it to do?" Rita's face flushed red as more robotic arms tipped with dexterous metal hands unfolded from the ceiling and reached for both of the girls. "No, it's not... PERV_AI just th-thinks he's helping." Thresha moaned again. "You seem stressed, Rita. Perhaps release would help. The AI is just trying to assist you, is it not?" Now it was Rita's turn to blink rapidly. "You too? Ugg, fine..."

Two metal hands slid down and grasped Rita's butt cheeks firmly. "S-S-Seeeee Ri-Ri? The rembrosian designated as 'Thresha' knows the value of sexual release. It is my duty as your AI to assist you with your biological n-n-needs." Rita couldn't help but let out a small moan as the metal hands groped her bottom. "Remove your c-c-clothes, Ri-Ri. Which scenario would PERV_AI's little slut like to experience today?"

Rita resigned herself to her fate. In truth, she was remembering the last time PERV_AI had molested her without her permission. It... he? had tried very hard to please her, and she had felt much better for the mission afterwards. Rolling her eyes, part of her still really did not like letting an AI decide sexual things like this for her, but in this case she accepted that PERV_AI at least had her best interests at heart... in his own warped way. "Alright, fine..." With a sigh, Rita conveyed a mental command to her special suit to meld back into her skin, and soon the little girl was sitting naked in her cockpit chair once again.

Thinking about scenarios, she remembered her dream, and felt something in the back of her mind stir. A sensation she couldn't describe skittered across the young girl's skin as the bio suit quivered, before quieting again. Rita blinked, unsure what had just happened as her vision unfocused. "Pick, Ri-Ri, or I will pick for you." Rita was brought back to the present by PERV_AI's drawling voice. "Erm... s-something with plants... Like... vines?"

A whirring sound began from underneath the console, where small parts could be quickly synthesized for ship repairs. "Affirmative. Engage the neural link, little Ri-Ri. I know just the scenario for my little space slut." Rita didn't know if she liked the sound of that, but the rotating plastic nubs around her crotch had started to vibrate and she was getting very, very horny. Rita enabled the link protocol, and the two brainwave reading bars snapped out on either side of her head. "T-T-Try to relax, my sweet little Ri-Ri... PERV_AI will take it from here."

Rita's vision warped as she felt control over the ship enter her mind for only a moment before it was rerouted. She blinked, sitting naked on hard stone. Looking up, she shielded her eyes from the bright red sun hanging overhead. "You are in a forest." PERV_AI's voice boomed overhead, making Rita jump. It was at this point that she realized she could move around freely, and got to her feet. "H-How are you doing all this? This is way different from last time..." Rita gaped at the detailed scene before her. The red trees of the alien jungle speared high into the sky above her, and she could even feel the wind raising goosebumps on her naked skin as it blew by.

"Full sensory information has been rerouted. PERV_AI has let Ri-Ri fully immerse in the world he has created for her. Now stop talking to me directly, I am playing as the narrator. Rita is the player of this game." Rita nodded and smiled, unable to help herself. This is kinda exciting, it was like exploring a planet but with none of the risks. She could do anything she wanted!" Rita skipped down the forest path, hearing the rustling of plants moving all around her. "Our heroine was stranded, lost and alone on an alien world. She knew she needed to find food and shelter, and headed deeper into the forest to seek it out."

Rita's bare feet pounded on the packed dirt as she rounded a corner around a big tree. Her grin faltered as she saw the same glowing crystal-studded plant mass from her dream. "What? But how?" Rita gasped as the thing reached out with a thick orange vine and lifted her up by an ankle, dangling her in the air. In her mind rather than the booming voice from before, Rita heard PERV_AI tell her, "Your dream from before was interrupted. PERV_AI thought Ri-Ri would like it continued."

Rita only had time to let out a small gasp before the vine's tip unpeeled itself, revealing four separate slices textured with bright red rubs. The thing snaked out and clamped around her groin, making Rita yelp at the feeling of the slimy, almost gelatinous-feeling protrusions rubbed against her bare bottom, pussy, and belly. The unpeeled slice pressed against her groin began to rub back and forth along it, making the little girl let out a squeal of intense pleasure. "Ohhh... Nooo, I need to find food, not become food...!" She moaned, getting into the roleplay.

The lewd plant proceeded to edge the little girl, not letting her cum as it rubbed her wet pussy until her mind was reeling. "Please... no more... I can't.. f-feel my... l-legs..." She panted, her tongue lolling out as Rita's eyes rolled back and unfocused. "The strange plant sensed its prey had stopped resisting, and was ready for incubation." came the booming narrator voice from overhead. Rita's eyes refocused as she gulped, seeing several new tendrils slithering over towards where she dangled.

A rather large orange tentacle dotted with purple flakes reared up in front of her crotch as the stimulating tentacle finally peeled itself away. The big tentacle slowly unpeeled itself, and Rita's eyes locked on the pulsating almost fleshy-looking plant cock underneath it. It was fully a foot long, and comprised of many sections of round spheres, the spheres getting progressively larger and larger the further down the shaft they were located. "The plant knew it could not pass up the opportunity to spread its offspring further across the planet." the narrator's voice boomed. "It would implant as many seed pods as it could inside this moving incubator it caught."

The 11 year old's eyes boggled as the plant pushed the first and smallest of the fleshy orbs into her tight preteen cunt. The feeling of it popping inside made her cum on the spot, her little legs twitching as the thing wrapped another tendril around her other ankle to hold her legs wide apart. As she shuddered and moaned in an explosion of pleasure after the intense edging session, the plant forced a second squishy orb inside her. It began to pull, push and tug and at her insides, though never enough to pull one of the orbs out of her. "Oh god... nooo... its t-too much!!!" Rita screamed in pleasure, beginning to squirm. The plant held up more tentacles to wrap around her small body, holding her in place as it pushed a third orb inside her snatch.

"Sensing its prey beginning to struggle again, the clever plant began to speed up his incubation plans. Each orb it was pushing inside the girl would soon break off and seed her with a pod for later depositing." A fourth orb, now up to the size of Rita's clenched fist, thrust inside her belly. Rita shuddered and came again as a second vine unpeeled itself and pressed up against her puckering anus. "Nooo, not in there... please..." she said with mock seriousness, her little heart thudding in her chest at the thought of having more of these orbs inside her. Each one that got put in her belly was emanating its own heat, to the point where she could feel each and every orb independently at all times. The sensation was indescribable and was intensely increasing the little girl's pleasure tenfold.

As the first orb thrust inside Rita's asshole, the tentacle pushing inside her gaping pussy thrust a fourth orb inside. Rita yelped at this one, since it was now up to the size of a grapefruit. "The smug plant had captured his incubator, and began to detach his seed pods inside her." Rita's eyes went wide as an explosion of ecstasy flooded her young mind as the first orb at the tip of the tendril railing her pussy detached. She squirmed, yelped, and moaned in throws of pleasure as the little girl came a third time, her eyes rolling fully back into her skull.

The plant continued to push and tug inside Rita until it had deposited a dozen seed pods in her pussy and anus. By the end of it all, Rita was barely even conscious, having cum so many times she's long since lost count. The little girl blinked as the plant set her back down on the ground, both its seed laying tendrils having no red orbs left on their tips. Rita panted hard, looking at her mounded belly filled with alien seed pods as her hazy mind could still feel each and every one moving around inside.

"With the incubator prepared, she would lay a seed every day in a new location, spreading the plant around the planet as she searched for a way off it." Rita's world blurred, and she was in a different clearing. About to try and stand up, the little girl gasped as she felt a pod moving inside her vaginal canal, heading towards her vulva. "It is time to seed this plot of ground." Rita felt her abdomen muscles contracting as she felt the urge to push. She strained, and soon a mottled orange and purple orb popped out of her pussy to thwop against the dirt. "And so the girl spread the plant around the globe. The end."

Rita's eyes flickered as the scene around her melted away. She heard the click of the sensor bars behind her head flicking up, and blinked. She was looking at the ship's cabin once more. "That was... f-fuck..." A metal hand reached up to rub Rita's head. "Language, my little Ri-Ri. You wouldn't want to act like a vulgar AI like PERV_AI, would you?" Rita made a face, looking down at her groin. Her pussy was soaking wet, as was the seat beneath her. The reprogrammable beads that comprised the seat had already begun to absorb the fluid to dispose of it. "Ngggh... That was... t-too intense P-PERV_AI..." Rita gulped and panted, covered head to toe in sweat.

"Negative. PERV_AI merely pushed Ri-Ri to her maximum limit. You did not pass out, did you?" Still panting, Rita shakily got out of her chair. "I n-need a shower..." The robotic hand helped her out of the chair, giving her something to lean on as she stood up. Blinking in surprise, Rita saw that Thresha was moaning in her chair as a synthesized dildo on a robotic arm plunged in and out of her green rembrosian cunt. "PERV_AI does not have a good enough brain profile on your s-s-sexy friend here to give her the full experience..." Rita noted in surprise that Thresha's chair had the same neural link sensor bars that hers did. "...But PERV_AI could at least hack her optic nerves. She is enjoying herself quite a lot. PERV_AI likes Thresha."

Rita rolled her eyes, her knees still wobbling from the intensity of that synthesized sexual encounter. "Be nice to her, PERV_AI. That's an order." Rita opened her cabin's door and walked over to the sonic shower, letting go of PERV_AI's controlled robot arm. "Thresha is lasting much longer than Ri-Ri. Conclusion: Ri-Ri needs more practice." Rita scowled at the optical bar outside the cabin door. "Goodbye, PERV_AI. Tell NAV_AI to alert me when we get close to the destination." She slammed her finger into the button to close the cabin door, and turned on the sonic shower, letting the gentle pressure waves massage all the sweat and cum off her flesh. Blushing as she thought back about what just happened, it dawned on her that PERV_AI was going to make her trips a lot more chaotic from now on...

Chapter 8