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Created page with "Geez, what are you doing? You shouldn't be staring at your sister! With that thought, a pang of guilt hits you that you cover up with a scowl. It's all your sister's fault th..."
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Revision as of 18:22, 21 June 2024

Geez, what are you doing? You shouldn't be staring at your sister!

With that thought, a pang of guilt hits you that you cover up with a scowl. It's all your sister's fault that you're feeling so weird all of a sudden. It's not like you wanted to see your stupid little scrawny sister without her clothes on. But now she's parked herself right in front of you, her bag on your legs, trapping you in place.

With a moody huff you twist your body to one side to face the wall, forcing yourself to look away from your sis in dramatic fashion. The sharp twist of your hips as you throw one leg past the other kicks your sister's bag out of her hands and against the wall. That angry kick shocks your sister, and you as well, neither of you expecting that to happen.

"Wh-... Justice!"

"What? That wasn't my fau-".

"You kicked my bag!"

"No I didn't."

"Yah-huh! You did!"

Okay, okay, so you kicked her bag, but it was her fault that she put her bag on your legs to begin with. But like she would ever admit she's to blame for anything. You know there's no point in going there.

"Ugh. Go away, sis! You're just being annoying."

You feel something hit your butt. It's your sister's foot, swiftly connecting with your rear now that you're facing away from her. What a little brat! Sure, it's not a hard kick, but it's not a playful one either. And it's totally uncalled for.

You immediately resolve not to let her kick you again and flash the light up at her face. Em, looming over you with a frown, tries to shield her eyes from the beam that's blinding her.

"You're being a jerk!"

"Good for me. That doesn't make you not annoying."

You're ready for her to kick you again and at the first sign of movement you spin toward her. Only problem is Em starts to squat rather than kick. But you're already in motion and throw your hand at her to block her from attacking you again. This puts her off balance as she teeters backward onto her bum, her feet going up into the air as she fails to catch herself against your defensive strike. It's only after she hits the floor that you realize she probably wanted to retrieve her bag. That doesn't matter now that she's on her ass. She doesn't care one iota about her bag anymore.

Emma throws out a leg and puts her heel into your side. You don't quite catch it, forced to drop your flashlight as you try, but you do snag her ankle before she can pull away. Her other heel joins in then, grinding against your hand trying to break your grip, but she's a bit of a weakling. She's going to have to do a lot more than that to best you.

"Stop kicking me," you warn her coldly, trying to sound in charge. It doesn't work. It certainly doesn't stop her.

After a few more flying heels she twists away from your grasp and, for a moment, you figure she's done fighting since she retreats out of sight. With the only light pointing toward the wall behind you it's hard to see much. But out of the darkness she leaps on top of you a second later and starts slapping you in the face like some pissed off undressed gremlin.

"Ow! Quit it!"

You had been going for your flashlight but abandoned that the moment she landed on you, putting your hands up to defend yourself. The light is annoying because it's aimed in the direction of your face, partially blinding you, but being forced to squint isn't so bad as it might help keep your sister's skinny fingers from poking you in the eye. She's not swinging with enough force to do any real damage, but the last thing you want is her fingernail gouging out your eyeball, which is one good reason to focus on blocking her over retaliating.

All that said, the truth is that Emma's sudden attack is disorienting. It takes you a moment before you get one arm up to better protect one side of your face and then reach out to find her body before you can push her away from you. But this moment is the same one that your squinting finally brings your sister's form into focus.

There's a scrawny almost naked little girl sitting on top of you, throwing wild flailing limbs while telling you how dumb you are... and that's weirdly kinda hot. More the sitting on top of you part than the dumb-hitting part, but either one doesn't sound so bad when the girl in question is topless and straddling you. You even forget she has her panties on for a second and that really makes your brain seize up; the notion that a completely naked girl would be on top of you in your bunk, regardless of the reason, makes you blink in disbelief and stare a little harder.

Your outstretched hand became useless once it made contact with Em's soft skin. Your thumb landed next to her bellybutton, your fingers lightly gripping her side, her bare petite midriff distracting you as her weak slaps continue. You can feel her slender core firm up slightly before each half-hearted swing and your eyes can't help but trace the outline of her lithe pale figure against the darkness behind her. While you can't escape the fact that it's your sister, her hair hangs forward slightly and bounces provocatively as she swings, acting to both shadow and frame her frustration and dainty features, all of which blurs reality a little.

This shouldn't be getting you so worked up, but your horny teenage brain can't help but see your sister as a cute naked girl bouncing on your dick while roughing you up a little. It's the kinda thing dreams are made of. And as such, you give yourself permission to let this go on for much longer than it should.

The slaps slow down soon enough, Emma perhaps wondering why you aren't fighting back. That break in the action gives you a moment to notice your growing erection. Another pang of guilt forces you to act, your sister now staring down at you suspiciously. You readjust your hand, which makes your sister start to squirm. You fight her again briefly before pushing her off of you, eliciting a squeak before she tips over onto the floor.

"Eeee! Ew!"

"Huh? Sh-shut up!"

What was the ew for? All you can think of is your boner, which you're plenty self-conscious about. But that's not what Emma noticed.

"Whydya wanna touch my belly button?"

"What? I didn't!"

"Yeah you did. Just now with your thumb."

"What are you even talking about?"

"Don't pretend, Justice. I felt it. You put the tip in and wiggled and everything ya weirdo."

"Good grief... well... I didn't mean to."

"Good. Cuz belly buttons are gross and it feels weird."

"Whatever. Go away."

Emma huffs and scoffs and brushes herself off but she finally stops trying to fight you. She gets straight into her sleeping bag, giving up on any attempt to continue with her bedtime routine. But her last comment makes you pause as you retrieve your flashlight.

"Hold on. Weren't you and Asha licking each other's belly buttons for like an hour one time?"

You're not sure if you hear a giggle, but there's just enough light trickling through the window to spot a disgusted open mouth grin creeping onto her face as she tries to zip up her bag.

"Uh, no! You're remembering things... I mean, imagining!"

You sure do remember. At the time Mom was the one who had said it was gross but your sister and your cousin flopped around on the couch undeterred for an hour going back and forth tonguing, fingering, slurping cola out of, and being real degenerates with their belly buttons. You would know, because you pretended to watch that stupid Hannah whatsherface movie with them after getting curious about the giggles coming from the living room. Spying Emma making out with Asha's midriff guaranteed you were going to "watch" the entirety of that movie.

You calling Emma out doesn't shut her up unfortunately. She starts rambling about all the gross things she's seen you do before forgetting she's even mad at you and sharing other gross things she's seen. After 20 minutes of that, realizing you're never going to be able to focus on your sketchbook, you declare you're going to go to sleep in the hope that will shut her up. It took about that long for your boner to go away anyway, bouncing up and down as the thought of Em on top of you stubbornly stuck in your mind. At least you can feel safe about taking off your shorts now.

"Must be nice to get ready for bed. I wonder what that's like?" Okay, maybe she didn't completely forget she's mad. You merely sigh.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"No, I'm serious! I'm super jealous. I've always wondered what it's like to wear pajamas and brush my hair and my teeth and put on lotion an-"

"I don't even wear pajamas," you retort. It isn't the biting rebuttal you were hoping for.

"Oh, riiight! You want your penis to touch your sheets!"

"What? I do not!"

"That's what you told mom when we were vacationing with Aunt Becky."

"No! I never said that! I said I don't like it when my pajamas bunch up!"

"Yeah, cuz of your boy junk."

You let out another sigh. That might be what you'd insinuated. You want to shoot back that you don't want to get naked anywhere near her, even if that's usually how you sleep, but it doesn't matter. You're never going to win a war of words with Em, not when she's motivated. But you can give her less ammunition by not engaging her.

You turn off your flashlight before stripping down, pointedly stopping at your boxers, then slip into your bunk, ready for the day to be over.

Of course your sister keeps running her mouth. She's totally trying to get under your skin, but when she gets on a roll she doesn't know when to stop. It feels like an impossible task to tune her out even if she really isn't saying all that much, randomly bragging about something one minute then asking about ghosts the next.

"...And Andy said that in some forests the ghosts live in the treetops and shake the branches when they move. And if there's enough of them they can knock over whole trees."

"No, that's after they kill you."


You can't help but smirk. She buys into the dumbest crap. "Forest ghosts will knock a tree down after they kill someone so they can hide the body."

"No they don't. There's, like, 3 big trees on the ground just outside."

"Yep. Exactly. Probably who used to stay out here. Why do you think they call it deadwood?"

"You... you're saying those are from ghosts?"


"N-no. That's not true."

"Alright then... Oh, hey, if you have to go out to pee, don't go near the deadwood, okay?"

That shuts her up. Not completely. She mumbles under her breath about how stupid you are, just loud enough for you to hear, which can't be an accident. But after a while all that's coming from Em's side of the cabin are quiet exhales. That lets you finally relax. You no longer have to listen to the sound of her voice, but that doesn't mean you're not thinking about your idiot sister as you fall asleep. It's the sight of her sitting on top of you that keeps running through your mind. What a cruel injustice. Now you're not even angrily glancing at her and you can still see her.

So much for trying to look away...


"Justice? Justice, wake up."

It's pitch black, hardly any light coming in from the moon or stars. But your sister is kneeling beside you gently shaking your shoulder.


"I'm scared."

"What?" You sit up, annoyed and groggy. "What's wrong?"

Emma sits next to you hugging herself, her voice choked. "I'm scared."

"Why? What is it?" She doesn't respond, looking pitiful and afraid in the dark. "Was it a dream or something?" Em slowly nods, something you barely pick up on thanks to the scant amount of light coming through the window from her side of the room. "Ugh. Just go back to be-"

"I can't! I can't sleep."

"Okay, well, geez. Whaddya want me to do about it?"

"Can you protect me?"

Let your sister bunk with you

Kick her back to her own bunk