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(Created page with ""I'm not!" you blatantly lie, frozen in the entryway, your skin crawling. "Yeah you are. These are my panties." She turns the book around to show you and you snatch it away...")
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Latest revision as of 16:01, 27 June 2024

"I'm not!" you blatantly lie, frozen in the entryway, your skin crawling.

"Yeah you are. These are my panties."

She turns the book around to show you and you snatch it away from her, simultaneously mad that she would snoop like that and freaking that she saw it. "No! That's a coincidence. It... I... I just had to make her wear something, okay? So yeah, I copied your underwear. But it's not you. Don't make it a big deal. Jesus. It's just a picture."

"Oh." She says in an oddly flat affect. You were worried that she would freak (you sure did) or be creeped out seeing herself - or at least her underwear - sketched in the pages of your book, but she doesn't seem bothered. You're not sure if she noticed you copied her hairstyle as well. But if anything she's surprised you denied it so strongly. At the very least she's curious and is willing to ignore your reaction to keep asking questions. She's always been nosy like that.

"So why are you drawing girls in their underwear?"

"I'm not! Um... I mean... It's just, like, anatomy stuff I have to practice, okay?"

"Oh? What's that? Isn't that bones and stuff?"

"Yeah, but if you're drawing it's about practicing what people look like."

"You mean what they look like naked?" she adds with an immature little smirk.

"No. Erm... kinda. That makes it easier. To make sure I'm drawing all the... parts right."

"So why is she wearing my panties?"


"If it's easier if she's naked, why'd you make her wear panties?" You're so frazzled you hardly notice Em slip her own panties out from under her nightie a moment later, starting to get changed.

"I don't want to draw her naked," you stress, glancing at your work.

"Why not? Aren't you supposed to?"

"I... I, uh..."

Stumbling a little, you look down at your work hoping to find the answer there. Of course you've been bullshitting yourself as much as your sibling. This isn't just "a" girl. It is definitely Emma. And part of you isn't sure why you want to draw Em at all. At first you were sorta processing what happened after she was fighting on top of you the first night, but after what happened last night... you could see yourself drawing more of her.

"You can't draw parts if they're covered, right?" she helpfully points out. "That's cheating."

It's true that the sight of Em clamoring onto you in her underwear is what captured your imagination (so to speak) but you can't tell her that. Maybe a half-truth will do.

"I guess..." you start, hesitant to say it aloud. "I just don't know what that would look like."

"Really?" she says with a funny cock of her head. A second later she gets it, as if she forgot boys don't have the same parts as girls. "Oh! I guess that makes sense. Haven't you seen...?"

The conversation is getting awkward quickly. You turn away, stash your sketchbook next to your bunk, and sit down to chew at your nails. Your sibling just stands there, staring at you for a moment, eerily silent. Maybe she feels bad for embarrassing you, but she stands all weird, looking at you and thinking through something.

Eventually her eyes meander around the room while she rocks on her heels and softly swings her arms. She is only halfway through getting changed, having stepped into a fresh pair of panties and switching her nightie for a tank top. She had been brushing her hair a moment ago, but with the way she's standing now, hands at her sides, it's almost like she forgot why she came out here in the first place.

After a painful 30 seconds of awkward, your sister manages to shock you. Without warning, she drops her panties to her ankles. Then she steps out of them, after which she continues to look about and casually swing her arms.

You've got to do it. She's just standing there. So you allow yourself to peek, but stare much longer than you should at your kid sister's supple, bald, pale, narrow pussy lips before finally shaming yourself into looking away from her crotch.

"Geez, Em," you grumble under your breath. You're not mad to see vaj - that's kinda crazy, even if there's not much to see - but you still can't help but be annoyed that it's your sister's.

She either doesn't hear you or doesn't care, perfectly content to stand there doing nothing with her girlie snatch out. No wonder she defended Uncle Willy.

You sit down on your bunk facing the door, your sibling on your right, staring and picking at your nails. You're waiting for her to do something about her lack of bottoms, but she's in no rush. She gives a stretch and a yawn, scratches her shapeless hip, and eventually dawdles forward. Except that she dawdles toward you.

"Ah-ha! C'mere Bluey!"

You look up as she reaches past you and retrieves a ziplock bag of slime that's just visible between your sleeping bag and the cabin wall, one of the many things that were tossed from her duffel that she never bothered to clean up.

After fixating on the waist-down flashing of skin occurring within arms reach directly ahead, you steadfastly keep your head facing forward as Emma moves out of your direct line of sight and retreats to her side of the cabin. That's a far less tempting place for her to be and you diligently pluck, pick and chew on your nails for several minutes until your nail bed and cuticles get sore. It only then occurs to you that you don't have to be inside the cabin while she gets changed. That alone would solve this.

But... it's also your cabin. It's not as if you have to cater to her constantly. If she wants privacy she can go change in the bush. And yet, oddly, she doesn't even seem interested in changing anymore.

Looking over at your sister after anxiously waiting for her to hurry up, you spot her laying atop her sleeping bag stretching her blue slime above her face. She's still totally bareass naked from the waist down.

"Aren't you getting dressed?"

"Nah. I wanna play with Bluey for a bit."

"But... without pants on?"

She looks down at herself with a subtle smirk before shrugging and turning her attention back to her slime.

"Okay. But... when are you gonna get dressed?"

"I dunno," she replies with another shrug. Her smugness is palpable, inexplicably pleased with herself. Lulling her head to one side, she gives you a sassy valley girl expression, like you're suddenly the dumbest creature on the planet, before delivering what has to be a poorly rehearsed line. "Is that, like, a problem?"

Your eyes travel down her body as you try to come to terms with the fact that your little sister has randomly decided to lounge about in your shared cabin wearing nothing besides a tight blue tank top. Her skinny little hip bones are more pronounced while she's on her back, as is her smooth rounded pubic mound which looks mostly featureless from your current angle slumped low against the wall. Only the faintest cleft between her lips is apparent to you from where you're sitting, but the curve of her mons is blatantly on display.

"No," you eventually reply with a similarly indifferent shrug as hers. She might be fucking with you, but if your sister wants to sit around naked you're not going to stop her, even if it's kinda weird. It is her cabin too.

Silence lingers for a moment, both of you wordlessly acknowledging the weirdness. Of course she has to go and make it weirder.

"You could draw some more if you wanted. If you're bored or something."

That's a very specific suggestion. "You want me to draw?"

"Sure. If you feel like it. If there's something you want to, y'know... practice?"

Is she serious? Did she really go bottomless so you can...? What a fucked up offer. Buuut...

"Umm... oooh... kaay..."

You're not going to pass it up either. Lazily pulling out your sketchbook, you crawl across the tiny room and lean into the corner of the cabin at the foot of your bunk. That gives you a better angle of your sister's bottomless state without going full creeper, allowing you to peer up between her legs ever so slightly. Meanwhile she starts pretending you aren't even there, or at least pretending she isn't baring her privates for you, humming to herself and pulling her slime into long strands that stretch down toward her face.

You pause as you bring your pencil to the page. Your ears are burning, your cock is swelling, and you can feel the sweat trickle from your temple. It's then you notice how stuffy it gets in this cabin during the day. That or you're extra nervous.

Maybe you're being weird about this. Maybe your dumb sister isn't offering what you think she is. Maybe she's just trying to relax. And maybe your brain should shut up and draw already.

Jerkily marking out the top of one of Em's skinny thighs sends your hand flying, racing to capture the rest of her. Transferring her slim girlish figure is both so much easier and so much harder with her laying right in front of you. It's easier because you aren't just going from memory, but it's harder because you want to capture everything with great precision, like the way the curve of her flat little butt is barely visible from the side, and how her hair spills out past her shoulders while on her back.

You're so focused on capturing her in her entirety that ten minutes go by, then fifteen, and you almost forget that she's still laying there with her cooch out, so focused on capturing every other inch of her that you don't even touch the space between her legs.

"Can I see?"

You're far from done. You've added oddly specific detail in random places, but it's still a very rough sketch. That doesn't much matter to Em. She crawls over and takes your pad right out of your hands.

"Oh... that's so good! Wow! Do I look like that?"

"Yeah, um, thanks."

"You made me look so pretty!"

"No I didn't," you insist, unintentionally defensive. "I mean... I guess. I only drew what I saw."

Hearing your sister gush over how well you've drawn her only makes you more self-conscious about what you've captured. You take your pad back, embarrassed to have sketched your half-naked sister so enthusiastically, and weirdly proud that she likes it. And Em definitely likes it. She's beaming.

She's happy, put your pencil down

Try to finish the sketch