Life Hacks/Mods Guide/Adjust Rewards/List of Rewards: Difference between revisions

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===Relationship cheats===
===Relationship cheats===

*'''Everybody's friend:''' All lifies treat you as a friend from the moment you meet (500 points)
*'''Everybody's friend:''' (500 points)
All lifies treat you as a good friend from the moment you meet (friendliness will not go lower than a level witch you set, default 50%) (500 points)
*'''Hated by everybody:''' (500 points)
All lifies hate you from the moment you meet (enemy stat will not go lower than a level witch you set, default 50%. Note, lifies who both hate you and are your friend at the same time will act as though you just pissed them off, but they will want to "bury the hatchet." Being permanently in this state due to this cheat may cause some erratic behavior.)
*'''One big family:''' (500 points)
All lifies treat you as though you were a close member of the family from the moment you meet (family love stat will not go lower than a level witch you set, default 50%)
*'''Infamous:''' (500 points)
All lifies are terrified of you (Everyone's fear stat of you will not go below a level witch you set, default 50%. Note, fear becomes awe if a lifie fears and trusts you at the same time.)
*'''Everybody's bitch:''' (500 points)
All lifies feel they can boss you around (Everyone's dominance stat over you will not go below a level witch you set, default 50%. Note, a lifie who registers as submissive and dominant at the same time may act in erratic ways when you interact with them.)
*'''Casanova:''' (1000 points)
All lifies are romantically in love with you from the moment you meet (Love stat will not go lower than a level witch you set, default 50%. Note, will be interpreted as romance, not lust. Applies to both genders and all ages by default. Can manually set an age range and limit gender affected.)
*'''Highly trusted:''' (1000 points)
All lifies automatically trust you from the moment you meet (Trust stat will not go lower than a level witch you set, default 50%)
*'''Highly respected:''' (2000 points)
All lifies will defer to you, treat you with respect, and mostly do what you tell them to do from the moment you meet (Submissiveness stat will not go lower than a level witch you set, default 50%)
*'''Everyone wants to bang you:''' (5000 points)
Romantic love is interpreted as lust for everyone. Even children who do not know what sex is will want you doing sexual things with them, and if lust is at 80% or higher they will feel a carnal need to have your dick or fingers in their pussy or anus and may attempt to insert it themselves unprompted if given the chance even if they are only 18 months old and just achieved motor control. (By default this applies to everyone regardless of age or gender, however you can set it to be limited to one gender and specify an age range. Limitations on this cheat are treated as separate and independent from the limits on the Casanova cheat. You can also use advanced settings to make it selectively apply or not apply to only certain lifies.) The amount of love that gets re-interpreted as lust is set by default to 100%, but it can be lowered.

===Crime Cheats===
===Crime Cheats===

*'''Crime pays:''' No one ever notices or cares if you commit a misdemeanor or other mild crime such as stealing. (Note, crimes like indecent exposure will be noticed, but not registered in anyone's mind as criminal or even improper if you are the one who does it.) (1000 points)
*'''No locked doors''' (Base rate 100, area purchase only)
Doors are not locked, at least for you. The lock immediately disengages for any door in the affect area. (Base rate = 1 house. See Lifie cheats for area scaling by points. Single door = same as single lifie)

*'''Getting away with murder:''' (Requires: Crime Pays) No one seems to care if you commit a serious crime like rape or murder. Onlookers who do not know the victim will completely disregard it, onlookers who know the victim will notice but not seem to be too bothered by it and will act as though they completely forgot about it after it is done unless you bring it up yourself or repeat the same act. If this is done, they will indicate they remember it, but will still not be very bothered. The victim will actively resist and do everything they might do normally but no one else will try to stop you. The victim, if they survive the crime, will fully remember what was done to them and act accordingly in their interactions with you, to the confusion of those around them at the change in their behavior, but they will not report you or tell anyone about it. If you reference what you did to them to someone confused at their behavior the listener will consider your victim's reaction to be completely inappropriate. (5000 points)
*'''Stealth assist''' (500 points)
Hiding, even hiding badly, makes you impossible for lifies to find.

*'''Interest barrier (low power version:)''' (3 points per cubic foot of area, or 500 points per portal)
*'''Hide evidence''' (500 points)
Designate an area or a portal that grants entry to an area. Anyone who tries to enter that area or pass that entrance without you inviting or accompanying them in will suddenly remember that they have something else to do or lose interest. Will not function if they hear screams or other suspicious noises from inside the designated area, or are able to see into it and can clearly see something suspicious is going on. (area can be temporarily deactivated, but not moved.)
Causes lifies to be unable to find items or evidence of your misdeeds, either by having them overlook things such as documentation, bruises, or things of that nature, or by repairing minor damages or cleaning incriminating fluids of any nature. Can also be used to clean up after more depraved kink activities such as WS or Scat activities.

Acceptable areas include the entirety of an enclosed room of 200 cubic feet or less (the average bedroom is 60-100 cubic feet, and the average master bedroom is 80 to 150 cubic feet,) an area in a larger space with clearly defined boundaries 500 square feet or less (yes, the square is intentional,) such as an ally way witch has the edges of the buildings as its defined boundaries, or a spherical area up to 100 cubic feet in an outdoor area with no defined boundaries.
*'''Effective stealth invisibility''' (1000 points)
Simply thinking that you don't want to be seen makes you invisible so long as you do not interact or change the environment. Cheat will also be effective on players for double the normal price.

*'''Interest barrier (Intermediate power version:)''' (6 points per cubic foot of area, or 1000 points per portal)
*'''Effective blindness''' (2000 points, requires effective stealth invisibility)
Designate or expand an already existing low power version of this barrier. Anyone who tries to enter that area or pass that entrance without you inviting or accompanying them will suddenly remember that they have something else to do or lose interest, and they will dismiss any suspicious noises that come from that area so long as they can dismiss it with an alternate explanation. (Gunfire would not be ignored, and listeners must be prepped in advance to ignore calls for help, especially if they include descriptive details of what is going on.) Does not function to prevent entry if a noise that would not be dismissed by the effects of the barrier gets out, or if they can see inside and clearly see that something is wrong. (area can be temporarily deactivated, but not moved.)
Lifies will not see actions going on right in front of them if you don't want them to. If the action was performed on a lifie, this cheat will not be effective on that lifie.

Acceptable areas include the entirety of an enclosed space of 1000 cubic feet or less, possibly including multiple rooms or a number of adjacent rooms within a larger enclosure (the average detached home is 700 to 1200 cubic feet.) an area in a larger space with clearly defined boundaries 5000 square feet or less (yes, the square is intentional,) such as an ally way witch has the edges of the buildings as its defined boundaries, or a spherical area up to 400 cubic feet in an outdoor area with no defined boundaries.
*'''Effective deafness''' (2000 points, requires effective stealth invisibility)
Lifies will not hear actions going on in their earshot, including the screams of other lifies, if you don't want them to. If the sound is made by a lifie you are attacking in some way, this cheat is not effective on the victim lifie.

*'''Interest barrier (High power version:)''' (10 points per cubic foot of area, or 2000 points per portal)
*'''Friendly intruder''' (2000 points)
Designate or expand an already existing intermediate power version of this barrier. Anyone who tries to enter that area or pass that entrance without you inviting or accompanying them will suddenly remember that they have something else to do or lose interest, and they will dismiss any and all sounds that come from inside, including blatant calls for help or gunfire. Sounds that have an alternate explanation that can be applied will be explained away, and sounds like gunfire that cannot be explained away will go completely unnoticed. (area can be temporarily deactivated, but not moved.)
Lifies will act as though you were invited in when you enter their house or space without permission.

There is no size limit for acceptable areas for this version of the barrier, but the defined boundaries are still an enclosed space (up to an entire building or a designated portion of a building,) a space with clearly defined barriers (such as a city block or the city limits of a city,) or a sphere up to the size you wish to specify. The only limitation is the number of points you are willing or able to spend.
*'''Privacy zone:''' (300 or 1000 points)
You can designate an area upon buying this cheat. It can be a single room, or a 500 X 500 foot area outdoors. For 300 points, people you have not given permission to enter your "privacy zone" will be aprehensive or afraid to enter it, however they will still hear and-or see everything going on inside it and act accordingly. For 1000 points, they will simply not feel any interest in entering your "privacy zone" and also not notice or disregard anything they see or hear coming from your designated "privacy zone." Once purchased, the privacy zone cannot be moved (except with the life-hack,) and once you give a lifie permission to enter your privacy zone the permission must be revoked verbally or in the settings for this cheat or else they will be able to freely enter it afterward.

*'''Fear barrier (low, intermediate, and high power versions:)''' (1/3 the cost, rounded down, of the corresponding level of interest barrier.)
*'''Crime pays:''' (list price 500 points, see "purchase for lifie" section for details on scaling affected area)
The poor man's interest barrier. All levels are the same as "Interest barrier" except that instead of the lifies losing interest in entering the area for various reasons, they feel a sense of fear or dread that prevents them from entering. Furthermore, they will still hear and register any and all sounds that come out of the designated area, the strength of the barrier determines what acts will and will not allow them to overpower their fear if they know something that is going on inside of it. Further, this sense of dread will give them a more profound impression of the area. It is good for keeping yourself from being interrupted, but not so good for avoiding consequences once outside the barrier. Further, even lifies who are let in will feel very uneasy inside the barrier.
Affected lifies will not notice or care if you commit a misdemeanor or other mild crime such as stealing. (Note, crimes like indecent exposure will be noticed, but not registered in anyone's mind as criminal or even improper if you are the one who does it.) (Note: Intersects minimally with kinky sex cheats, PDA pass specifically. PDA pass only functions on public nudity if you are actively engaging sexually with someone else.)
*'''Taboo downplay:''' (Requires: Crime Pays. list price 1000 points, see "purchase for lifie" section for details on scaling affected area)
Will have non-violent and non-monitary crimes (so, essentially drug-use and consensual sexual contact with children,) in the affected area no longer considered criminal if you do them. However, they will still be considered socially taboo and you are likely to get a reaction from disapproving people about it.
While they are still considered taboo, all taboo actions you perform will also have a significant downgrade in how they are reacted to for you. Sex with children will be considered the same as pre-marital sex or teen sex (both parties being the same age,) and drug use will be considered the same as alcohol consumption. No other taboo action will exceed or even equal these actions in terms of how they are reacted to. In fact, they will all be pushed down so far as how people will react to them, so teen on teen sex, for instance, will be regarded the same as sex in college, something that is acceptable but maybe a little early and ill-advised. Also, public groping even under clothes will be regarded the same as public kissing. However, the reaction for publicly groping a child will be exactly the same as if you kissed a child on the lips without this cheat. It will generally not be accepted well, just not as bad as the thing you are really doing. (Note: You will be treated exactly as you would for doing the downgraded action with your current relationship scores with the people involved, so having high relationship scores can further diminish the reaction.)
(Note: Moderate interaction with various kinky sex cheats. Will double up with most of the incest, homosexuality, and underage cheats, as well as the PDA cheat, although the ones under the kinky sex acts are more powerful as those get the acts completely accepted while this cheat more generally only makes people less adverse to all of them.)
*'''Getting away with murder:''' (Requires: Taboo downplay, list price 3000 points, see "purchase for lifie" section for details on scaling affected area)
Affected lifies will not seem to care if you commit a serious crime like rape or murder, and all social taboos will be similarly overlooked. Onlookers who do not know the victim will completely disregard it, onlookers who know the victim will notice but not seem to be too bothered by it and will act as though they completely forgot about it after it is done unless you bring it up yourself or repeat the same act. If this is done, they will indicate they remember it, but will still not be very bothered. The victim will actively resist and do everything they might do normally but no one else will try to stop you. The victim, if they survive the crime, will fully remember what was done to them and act accordingly in their interactions with you, to the confusion of those around them at the change in their behavior, but they will not report you or tell anyone about it. If you reference what you did to them to someone confused at their behavior the listener will consider your victim's reaction to be completely inappropriate. (Note: all acts that would be covered under Taboo downplay will similarly be 100% accepted as though they are normal and acceptable. Also gives everyone who does something with you the normal effects of taboo downplay.)
(Note: The kinky sex cheats interacting with this one will serve only to make people notice you doing those sex acts again as they will no longer be regarded as wrong. This cheat is also more powerful as it will let you get away with kidnapping, injuring, or killing someone.)

===God mode cheats===
===God mode cheats===
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*'''Immortal:''' Your character cannot be permanently killed.  If killed the character will re-spawn in 30 minutes at the location of your choosing. (5000 points)
*'''Immortal:''' Your character cannot be permanently killed.  If killed the character will re-spawn in 30 minutes at the location of your choosing. (5000 points)

===Male Reproductive Cheats===
===Intercourse/ease of penetration cheats===
*'''Slick vagina''' Female characters only. (50 points) The vagina lubes itself up to receive any object inserted into it, minimizes rubbing and irritation.
*'''Slick anus''' Either gender. (50 points) The anus can produce a slick viscous fluid much like pre-cum or vaginal lubricant and will do so upon any prospect of sticking an object inside it.
*'''Increase pre-cum volume''' Male characters only (50 points) Your pre-cum increases in volume, a few pumps of your hand while the pre-cum is leaking can easily coat your entire dick from tip to root.
*'''Superlube pre-cum''' Male characters only (200 points) Your pre-cum becomes the perfect lube allowing you just the right grip on your cock to line it up without it sliping out of your hand and to maintain pressure on a tight hole but slippery enough that no artificial lube is ever necessary. This slipperiness however actually decreases your chances of fitting into a hole that is too small for your size.
*'''Goldilox Cock:''' Male Characters only. (2000 points)
Penis becomes 5 inches long, but will completely satisfy anyone who has it in them. Vaginas or anuses too small will stretch to fit.
*'''Perfect fit cock:''' Male Characters only. (3000 points, requires Goldilox cock)
Penis transforms to become the exact right size to snugly and perfectly fill the vagina or anus you are considering putting it into (without scaring the person getting the penis inserted if too large of a penis would put them off.) All lifies will remember it as having always been whatever size it became.
*'''Goldilox pussy:''' Female Characters only (2000 ponts)
Pussy will stretch or contract to firmly grasp and snugly fit any penis that goes into it, allowing for optimum pleasure for both parties from a 1 inch cock, and avoid any injury or any discomfort from a 9+ inch cock.
===Birth controll cheats===
*'''No Consequences:''' Either gender (100 points)
Sex will not result in pregnancy.
*'''Birth controll''' Female characters only. (300 points)
The female with this cheat can choose not to get pregnant, even if they have the "Guranteed pregnancy" cheat active. Upon deciding they don't want to get pregnant, any sperm that enters her uterus or has entered her uterus in the last 20 minutes will fail to get her pregnant until she decides she wants to get pregnant again. If purchase for a lifie is used, this cheat is activated or de-activated from the purchaser's terminal. (Or on the life hack menue.)
*'''Perfect birth controll''' Female characters only. (700 points, requires birth controll)
The female with this cheat can choose a specific male they want to be impregnated by. No other males sperm can impregnate her even if 50 guys copulate with her and only a drop of the chosen male's sperm manages to land in the river of semen flowing out of her. (Note: If "Purchase for a lifie" is used, the male who's sperm can impregnate her is determined by the purchaser.)
*'''Male children only:''' Either gender (1000 points)
All the children you produce will be male. (Note: You will be prompted to select the child's gender upon conception if both this cheat and the female children only cheat are active at the same time)
*'''Female children only:''' Either gender (1000 points)
All children you produce will be female. (Note: You will be prompted to select the child's gender upon conception if both this cheat and the male children only cheat are active at the same time)
*'''Condom breaker:''' Either gender (100 points)
All condoms you use will break during insertion into the vagina, thus allowing the semen to be fired without even coming into contact with the spermicide.
*'''Stealth condom breaker:''' Either gender (500 points, requires condom breaker)
Some of your sperm will escape the condom, witch will have developed a mysterious small hole, upon ejaculation. Thus, there will be semen inside the condom and it will look like it worked, but there will also be semen inside the girl's vagina. (requires spermicide resistance for the sperm to be viable)
*'''Invalidate birth control:''' Female characters only (100 points, 10 points for a lifie)
The only form of birth control that will function for the female this cheat is purchased for is condoms. Birth control will be as useless as it would be if they had a fertility score of 200. (however, they would not ovulate at the same rate as a 200 fertility woman. Note, the 10 point price for a single lifie is the standard lifie rate for all cheats. It can also be scaled up at the standard lifie rate.)
*'''Birth control invalidating semen''' Male characters only (1000 points)
Seminal fluid contains hormone blockers that stablize the uterus, thus invalidating the effects of hormonal birth control. This will have no effect on an IUD.
===Ejaculation cheats (male or intersex characters only)===
*'''No male refractory period:''' Male characters only. (200 points)
*'''No male refractory period:''' Male characters only. (200 points)
Male characters can orgasm repeatedly in the same way as female characters.
Male characters can orgasm repeatedly in the same way as female characters.
*'''Infinite semen:''' Male characters only. (800 points)
*'''Infinite semen:''' Male characters only. (800 points)
Male characters never run out of semen and can ejaculate repeatedly. Every ejaculation has a sperm count as though they have not ejaculated in 3 days.
Male characters never run out of semen and can ejaculate repeatedly. Every ejaculation has a sperm count as though they have not ejaculated in 3 days.
*'''Ejaculation scaler''' Male characters only (300 points, requires infinite semen)
Allows you to determine the size of your ejaculation, give or take 20%. The default is 5ml. With maxed out reproductive stats, you can get it as high as 50ml. This allows you to potentially set it even higher than that to levels that defy physics and biology. This cheat will be set to match whatever your current ejaculation size was upon purchase, but you can use the settings here to increase or decrease it to absolutely any amount you want. (However, you do still have to deal with the size of your urethra to determine how much fluid can move through your penis at once and thus how long it will take for your ejaculation to finish. You have the ability to consciously make yourself stop ejaculating after 10 seconds. Upon triggering this option, about 2 or 3 more full pulses will come out before beginning to taper off.)
*'''Deathless sperm:''' Male characters only (5000 points)
If you want to ejaculate into a pool and impregnate every girl there, sperm will not die until they find an egg. (NOTE: Effective for only 1 month or until the next ovulation of the girl they are inside if the find their way into a girl. Also, only effective if suspended in a fluid medium, and will only affect 10 billion sperm cells per female body, the ones furthest from the ovaries losing the effect first. These limitations are in order to prevent unforeseen complications.)
*'''Oral impregnation:''' Male characters only, requires deathless sperm (2000 points)
Oral sex or eating food you ejaculated in can get a girl pregnant. The deathless sperm can survive the digestive tract and can find their way through the walls of the small intestine in order to find the egg.
===Ovulation cheats (female or intersex characters only)===
*'''No cycle''' Female characters only. (50 points)
Female with this cheat will not menstruate or ovulate, thus will not risk pregnancy while under the effect of this cheat.
*'''Weekly cycle''' Female characters only. (100 points)
Will ovulate every week, resulting in 4 days out of the week where impregnation is possible and a 1 day period.
*'''No period:''' Female characters only. (500 points)
The lining of the uterus never deteriorates and thus does not need to be renewed through menstruation. The female will no longer experience her period, but will still ovulate regularly as before.
*'''Ovulate at will:''' Female characters only. (300 points)
Female characters can choose when and when not to ovulate, and can even choose the number of eggs ovulated at once. If she chooses not to ovulate, she will not menstruate either.
*'''Double ovulation''' Female characters only. (1000 points)
The female with this cheat will ovulate 2 eggs every cycle, allowing for sexual intercourse to have a good chance at producing paternal (non-identical) twins. (it is not guaranteed unless combined with guaranteed pregnancy, can be combined with "ovulate at will" to choose to ovulate 1 or 2 eggs)
*'''Triple ovulation''' Female characters only. (1000 points, requires double ovulation)
The female with this cheat will ovulate 3 eggs every cycle, allowing for sexual intercourse to have a good chance at producing paternal (non-identical) triplets. (it is not guaranteed unless combined with guaranteed pregnancy, can be combined with "ovulate at will" to choose to ovulate 1 or 2 or 3 eggs)
*'''Set ovulation''' Female characters only (1000 points, requires triple ovulation)
The female with this cheat can set the number of eggs ovulated each cycle, default 3 (cannot be set for 3 or more without dimensional litter uterus,) allowing for sexual intercourse to result in paternal (non-identical) multiples of the set number.(it is not guaranteed unless combined with guaranteed pregnancy, can be combined with "ovulate at will" to choose to ovulate up to the set number of eggs)
===Sex intercourse/orgasm cheats===
*'''Remove/restore hymen''' Females only (5 points, not redeemable with life hack, same price for players or lifies.)
Causes hymen to be completely not present or restored to as though it was never damaged. Restoring hymen does not remove the experience of having had sex.
*'''Temporary restore virginity''' Female lifies only (20 points, not redeemable with life hack after restored virginity is lost again)
Restores a lifie's hyman and has them act in a manner as though they have never had sex until the next time they "loose" their virginity. Memories of previous times they have had sex are restored after lifie and sex partner have finished having sex after this cheat has been bought.(Does not work on lifies who are currently more than 10 weeks pregnant)
*'''Did I say you could cum?:''' Either Gender. (500 points)
*'''Did I say you could cum?:''' Either Gender. (500 points)
You can control when your sexual partner has an orgasm. Press the button that appears while you are having sex in order to make them cum.
You can control when your sexual partner has an orgasm. Press the button that appears while you are having sex in order to make them cum.
*'''Guaranteed pregnancy, male version:''' Male Characters only (500 points)
*'''Orgasm triggering ejaculation''' Males only. (200 points)
Your semen instantly stops a post-pubescent woman's menstruation and triggers her ovulation when you have sex, and the sperm are 100% guaranteed to find the egg. Does not work of pre-pubescent girls.
Ejaculating into a girl's vagina or a sex partner's anus will cause them to immediately orgasm.
*'''Puberty triggering seminal fluid Lv. 1''' Males only. (500 points)
*'''Semen triggered orgasms''' Either Gender (200 points)
Your seminal fluid (the fluid medium, not the sperm,) making undiluted contact with a 10+ year old girl's vagina will trigger her to go into precocious puberty. Will not enable pregnancy until a week later unless guranteed pregnancy is also activated.
Freshly ejaculated semen coming into contact with the inside of the vagina (for females) or anus of the individual with this cheat will immediately orgasm every time, allowing them to even get pleasure from a man who prematurely ejaculates.
*'''Puberty triggering seminal fluid Lv. 2''' Males only. (1000 points, requires Lv.1 version.)
*'''Pressure Seal cock:''' Male Characters only. (500 points, penis size must snugly fill orifice without it feeling loose)
Your seminal fluid (the fluid medium, not the sperm,) making undiluted contact with an 8+ year old girl's vagina will trigger her to go into precocious puberty. Will not enable pregnancy until a week later unless guranteed pregnancy is also activated.
*'''Puberty triggering seminal fluid Lv. 3''' Males only. (1500 points, requires Lv.2 version.)
Your seminal fluid (the fluid medium, not the sperm,) making undiluted contact with a 6+ year old girl's vagina will trigger her to go into precocious puberty. Will not enable pregnancy until a week later unless guranteed pregnancy is also activated.
*'''Deathless sperm:''' Male characters only, if you want to ejaculate into a pool and impregnate every girl there, sperm will not die until they find an egg. (5000 points)
*'''Goldilox Cock:''' Male Characters only. (2000 points)
Penis becomes 5 inches long, but will completely satisfy anyone who has it in them. Vaginas or anuses too small will stretch to fit.
*'''Perfect fit cock:''' Male Characters only. (3000 points, requires Goldilox cock)
Penis transforms to become 3 inches, 6 inches, or 9 inches to snugly and perfectly fill the vagina or anus you are considering putting it into (without scaring the person getting the penis inserted if too large of a penis would put them off.) All lifies will remember it as having always been whatever size it became.
*'''Pressure Seal cock:''' Male Characters only. (500 points, penis size must comfortably fill orifice)
No semen or other fluids can escape the hole that your cock is inside of. (will still dribble out after cock is removed)
No semen or other fluids can escape the hole that your cock is inside of. (will still dribble out after cock is removed)
*'''Directed pheromones''' Either gender. (500 points)
*'''Pressure seal pussy:''' Female Characters only (500 points)
The aphrodisiac pheromones trait will only make those affected sexually desire you.
No semen ejaculated into your pussy will dribble out during ejaculation or after the penis is removed. Saves on cleanup.
*'''Purchase for a lifie:''' (1/2 cost for self)
*'''Bottomless Cumhole:''' Female Characters only (10 or 200 points)
Any reward for male reproduction except for "Did I say you could Cum?" can be purchased for a designated lifie. The lifie will not question having these extraordinary abilities. (Note: Xander is considered a player for the purposes of this reward.)
Prevents damage due to the effects of the "Pressure seal pussy" cheat in cases where a ridiculously excessive amount of semen or urine are forced into the vagina without an opportunity for the body to absorb and deal with it. With the 10 point version, any quantity of fluid that would overflow from the reproductive tract will instantly vanish inside the body. With the 200 point version, the owner of this cheat can allow their abdomen to distend somewhat under the internal pressure of the semen or urine, the exact amount can be determined in advance settings (default setting allows for inflation to equal that of a late 3rd term pregnancy)
*'''Modest leak:''' (Either gender, 10 points)
A fetish cheat for those who like seeing the cum leak from a girl's vagina, but don't like the amount that is associated with infinite semen and an extended ejaculation. If a large volume of cum is ejaculated into a girl with the pressure seal pussy cheat, a small amount will still leak back out.
*'''Long-term modest leak:''' (Either gender, 200 points)
A modification to the modest leak cheat that will allow the semen to come back out for an extended duration up to and including the full amount ejaculated inside the girl (minus the one sperm cell that manages to fertilize an egg). The default duration is 24 hours, and the default settings include a maximum of 1 table spoon of semen leaking into any pair of panties or 1 teaspoon onto any seat the girl is sitting on without panties

===Female Reproductive Cheats===
===Impregnation cheats===
*'''Ovulate at will:''' Female characters only. (300 points)
*'''Trigger puberty''' Either gender (25 points/year under puberty.)
Female characters can choose when and when not to ovulate, and can choose not to have a period if they don't ovulate.
When purchased for a pre-pubescent child, female children will instantly ovulate their first egg and male children will immediately become capable of ejaculation. (Note, this is for players only. See the lifie equivalent cheat under the purchase for lifie section if you want this effect for a lifie.)
*'''Guaranteed pregnancy, male version:''' Male Characters only (500 points)
Your semen instantly stops a post-pubescent woman's menstruation and triggers her ovulation when you have sex, and the sperm are 100% guaranteed to find the egg. Does not work on pre-pubescent girls, and girls who already have another man's semen where the egg should be have an advantage.
*'''Dominant sperm''' Male Characters only (500 points) The sperm of any male that is already inside a female you have sex with becomes inert, thus making you the only one who can impregnate her unless she has already conceived. (will not work on the sperm of players who also have the "dominant sperm" cheat)
*'''Dominate egg''' Male Characters only (2000 points) Exposure to your semen can re-wind a 5 week or younger pregnancy by another male to before conception and cause the egg to eject the sperm of the previous male. The egg will then be ready for instant re-fertilization by your semen. (will not work if the mother is a player who has the perfect birth control cheat)
*'''Guaranteed pregnancy, female version:''' Female characters only. (500 points + 25 to start precocious puberty per year under puberty)
*'''Guaranteed pregnancy, female version:''' Female characters only. (500 points + 25 to start precocious puberty per year under puberty)
Semen instantly stops menstruation and triggers ovulation when you have sex, and the sperm are 100% guaranteed to find the egg.
Semen instantly stops menstruation and triggers ovulation when you have sex, and the sperm are 100% guaranteed to find the egg.
*'''Did I say you could cum?:'''Either Gender. (500 points)
*'''Gurantee maternal twins''' Either gender (1000 points)
You can control when your sexual partner has an orgasm. Press the button that appears while you are having sex in order to make them cum.
After impregnation, the fertilized egg will split in two, creating identical twins.
*'''Goldilox pussy:''' Female Characters only (2000 ponts)
*'''Gurantee maternal triplets''' Either gender (1000 points, requires gurantee maternal twins)
Pussy will stretch or contract to firmly grasp and snugly fit any penis that goes into it, allowing for optimum pleasure for both parties from a 1 inch cock, and avoid any injury or any discomfort from a 9+ inch cock.
After impregnation, the fertilized egg will split in three, creating identical triplets.
*'''Pressure seal pussy:''' Female Characters only (500 points)
*'''Gurantee set maternal multiples''' Either gender (3000 points, requires gurantee maternal triplets)
No semen ejaculated into your pussy will dribble out during ejaculation or after penis is removed. Saves on cleanup.
Allows the buyer of this cheat to specify a number, default 3. After impregnation, the fertilized egg will split into that many zygotes creating that many identical multiples in the pregnancy. (The female must have the dimensional litter uterus cheat in order to hold 4 or more.
*'''Puberty triggering seminal fluid Lv. 1''' Males only. (500 points)
Your seminal fluid (the fluid medium, not the sperm,) making undiluted contact with a 10+ year old girl's vagina (ejaculated into her or scooped up and pressed into her, deathless sperm in a pool does not count,) will trigger her to go into precocious puberty. Will not enable pregnancy until a week later unless guaranteed pregnancy is also activated.
*'''Puberty triggering seminal fluid Lv. 2''' Males only. (1000 points, requires Lv.1 version.)
Your seminal fluid (the fluid medium, not the sperm,) making undiluted contact with an 8+ year old girl's vagina will trigger her to go into precocious puberty. All other limitations of Lv. 1 still apply.
*'''Puberty triggering seminal fluid Lv. 3''' (1500 points, requires Lv.2 version.)
Your seminal fluid (the fluid medium, not the sperm,) making undiluted contact with a 6+ year old girl's vagina will trigger her to go into precocious puberty. All other limitations of Lv. 1 still apply.
*'''Immaculate Conception:'''
*'''Immaculate Conception:'''
Female characters only, a female character can reproduce asexually to have 1 child. (100 points)
Female characters only, a female character can reproduce asexually to have 1 child. (100 points)
*'''Directed pheromones''' Either gender. (500 points)
*'''Sperm resurrecting vagina.''' (1000 points)
The aphrodisiac pheromones trait will only make those affected sexually desire you.
Dead sperm cells that enter your vagina will be resurrected, thus allowing them to impregnate you. Thus, you could easily become pregnant simply by getting into a swimming pool some boy ejaculated in. (Note, the chances are not as great as with a boy with deathless sperm ejaculating into the pool as live sperm move and can more easily get into the crotch of the swim suit where as it will be only random chance with this cheat.)
*'''Purchase for a lifie:''' (1/2 cost for self)
Any reward for female reproduction except for "Did I say you could Cum?" can be purchased for a designated lifie. The lifie will not question having these extraordinary abilities, and "Ovulate at will" will be under the purchaser's control, not the lifie. (Note: Lexi is considered a player for the purposes of this reward.)
===Pregnancy/delivery cheats===
*'''Complication free pregnancy(male version):''' Male characters only (1000 points)
Girls you impregnate will not experience ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages with your child. (3rd trimester complications such as breech birth and the umbilical cord getting wrapped around the neck can still occur.)
*'''Complication free pregnancy(female version):''' Female characters only. (200 points)
100% immunity from miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, breech pregnancy, and other complications that endanger the mother and/or the baby such as the umbilical cord getting wrapped around the baby's neck. Purchasing this reward will also immediately fix any such complication if it exists so long as death has not already occurred as a result of the complication.
*'''Complication free delivery''' Female characters only (300 points)
Nothing will go wrong during the delivery of the baby. This applies mostly to things the mother's body is doing wrong, where as the complication free pregnancy applies to things that are wrong with the baby. Most issues will be handled by the complication free pregnancy cheat. The most significant thing about this is that it will reduce the amount of time you will be in labor to where it will not exceed 2 hours under any circumstance, and could be as short as 30 minutes under ideal circumstances.
*'''Pain free delivery''' Female characters only (500 points)
You will not feel any of the typical labor pains while delivering a baby. The delivery will be little different from pooping so far as the amount of strain it puts on your body goes.
*'''Controlled delivery''' Female characters only (1000 points)
Once you hit the end of the 3rd trimester (any time after 37 weeks) you can decide consciously when your water breaks, and subsequently how long labor will take. (Recommend the pain free delivery cheat if you want to make it any shorter than 60 minutes, otherwise this may result in extreme pain well beyond that of a normal delivery.)
*'''Expedited gestation''' Female characters only (200n points, n = 1 + number of times this cheat has been purchased, max = 9 times)
Reduce the number of weeks you are pregnant from conception to delivery by 4 for each time this cheat is purchased. (default is 38 weeks, can be reduced to 2 weeks with this cheat and no less.) (Note: controlled delivery can be used only in the last 10% of the time in the pregnancy)
*'''Dimensional litter uterus''' Female characters only (2000 points)
Multiple children can gestate in the womb with no negative effects on space or nutrition. Regardless of how many children the mother is pregnant with at once, abdominal swelling and neutritional demands on the mother will be the same as if it was only 1 child.
===Lifie cheats===
*'''Player cheats for lifies'''
Player cheats can be purchased for a single lifie at 1/10 the rate for a player, or for a single specified group or area.
*'''Prices by Group.'''
*Single family: 1/2 cost
A single family is defined as all lifies in the purchaser's immediate family, however that's defined, or in the case it is purchased for a family not connected to the purchaser it is all spouses and dependent children under the care, authority, and support of a single specified matriarc or patriarc.
*Friend group: Standard list cost.
All lifies who share frequent contact with and socialization with the purchasing player, if purchased for a friend group unassociated with the player it can refer to the nucleus of a friend group, the 3 to 6 individuals at the core of the group, for 1/2 cost or the extended friend group for 2X the cost.
*All sex partners: X2 cost, cannot specify lifies unconnected to the player in this regard.
Applies to all lifes the purchasing player performs sexual intercourse with. Only player cheats applied to lifies may be applied to this scope.
*Acquaintance group: X4 cost, cannot specify a group unassociated with the purchasing player.
All lifies who the player exchanges names with and who have an opinion about the player.
*Contact with player: X10 cost
All lifies purchasing player comes into contact with and registers as more than just a passing stranger who will be forgotten and disregarded seconds after leaving their field of awareness.
*Members of a rigidly definable group: X1 cost per 10 members, rounded down for numbers greater than 10.
All lifies who are members of a rigidly definable group. Rigidly definable means it can be definitely defined in some concrete way that would require some significant event in order to change the numbers in the group, and the numbers are expected to remain the same under normal conditions. The method of defining the group can range from as formal as members of a sports team to being as informal as people who are sitting at a specified table at a given time, although in a less formal case such as the latter example the lack of formality would have to be compensated for by tactics such as specifying an exact date and time along with the location. This can also include people whos' names are on a list the purchasing player just made (again having to specify a time due to the informal nature of the group, the cheat must be re-purchased in order to effect additional names on such a list added after the purchase.)
*'''Prices by area.'''
*Single household: 1/2 cost
All lifies who live in or are visiting a single specified house.
*Single street or block or large building: Standard list cost.
All lifies who live on or are visiting a single specified street or block of houses, or a building large enough to take up approximately a city block such as a super market or K-12 school, or one single building in a college campus.
*Radius around purchaser: X2 cost
All lifies who are within sensory distance of the purchasing player and their activities. (Note: No cheats under this heading "life cheats" are compatible with this level. Most cheats outside of this heading, unless noted otherwise, are compatible with this level.)
*Single neighborhood or district: X3 cost
All lifies who live in or are visiting a single residential area cordoned off by major streets or adjacent non-residential zones, or a single non-residential zone defined as a district of a town or city for which all the buildings conform to a single purpose such as industrial manufacturing, office buildings, or commerce (stores).
*Small town or single school district: X5 cost
All lifies who live in or are visiting one small town with a single school district, or a single area of a larger town for which the property taxes all pay into a single elementary, middle, and high school.
*Medium town or single buro: X8 cost
All lifies who live in or are visiting a medium town with multiple school districts, or a single area of a larger town or city for which the property taxes all pay for a single fire department or police station.
*Large town/small city, or single city district: X10 cost
All lifies who live in or are visiting a large town or small city that does not divide itself into multiple named districts or attract sub-urban satlites recognized as part of the city, or a single named district of a larger city.
*Medium city: X20 cost
All lifies who live in or are visiting the city center (excluding suburbs) of a mult-district city.
*Large city:X30 cost
All lifies who live in or are visiting the city center (excluding suburbs) of a city large enough to have international name recognition by means not related to a scandal and based on its size alone.
*Medium metropolitan area: X50 cost.
All lifies who live in or are visiting a medium size city or its suburbs.
*Large metropolitan area: X100 cost.
All lifies who live in or are visiting the urban sprawl surrounding a large city that takes up close to half the state or province.
Special cases, the "Did I say you could Cum" cheat cannot be purchased for a lifie. Cheat that are consciously controlled by the buyer such as "Ejaculation scaler" and "Ovulate at will" are under the control of the one who purchased the cheat, not the life it applies to. The lifies will never question or think it is unnatural that they have the extraordinary abilities given to them by the cheat. Any cheat purchased at the "personal sphere" level or higher can be specified to apply to only one gender. There is no change in cost for this.
Note: Lifies affected by a group cheat are affected until they have spent a full in-game month outside of the group. Lifies affected by an area cheat are affected so long as they regard an address inside the area as their primary home, and also affects any outside lifie who enters the specified area. The outside lifie or a life who gives up their residence in the specified area remain under the effects of the cheat for 1 month after leaving so long as issues pertinent to the cheat that were in effect while they were at the location persist during that time, the same applying to the group effect. (For instance, if you purchase the no complications pregnancy cheat and have sex with a lifie affected by a mass cheat, their pregnancy will have no complications for 1 month after leaving. However, if the cheat was for them to regard rape as Ok, they will only continue to do so if you follow them home from the location and continue to rape them or comit rape in front of them continuously for up to a month afterward.) Residual effects, such as memories of the event in the case of a "sexually improper event" while they are under the effects that they are made to accept through cheats, will continue to be accepted as though they are under the effects of the cheat.
*'''Negate area cheat''' (Standard list cost: 10 points)
Negates an area of effect cheat purchased by another lifie, the purchaser of the original cheat can override this at any time and their override takes precidence if they are currently logged in. Can be set to negate a single cheat or all cheats purchased by other players, and the override effects the area specified upon purchase of this cheat which may be larger or smaller than the cheat or cheats it is negating.
*'''Early puberty''' (Standard list cost: 50 points/year, max 10 years)
Members of the specified group of both genders or 1 gender reach puberty 1 year earlier on average for each time it's purchased, 11 for girls and 12 for boys on a single purchase to 2 for girls and 3 for boys at max purchase, can be earlier if they were going to be precociously pubescent in the first place. (cannot be purchased at the "area around purchaser" area level.)
*'''Sexual non-compete''' (Standard list cost: 400 points.)
Lifies under the effects of this cheat will not pursue sex with each other. They will still accept your sexual pursuits and may pursue you if they are so inclined.
*'''Impotence''' (Standard list cost: 100 points.)
Lifies under the effects of this cheat will not produce viable eggs/sperm. They will not be able to impregnate or be impregnated when they have sex.
*'''Sexless''' (Standard list cost: 200 points.)
Lifies under the effects of this cheat will not become aroused or seek to have sex with others. They will try to deflect attempts at sexual pursuit, and consider any sexual contact non-consensual unless relationship scores are high, and will not enjoy the encounter if they do consent.
*'''Pheromone Focus''' (Special, 500 points and affects all lifies globally.)
If you activate the aphrodesiac pheromones trait, lifies who smell your pheromones and become aroused as a result will not desire other lifies. They will focus their attention on the source of the pheromones, you.
*'''Restore Virginity''' (special, 1000 points, targets single lifie)
Restores a lifie's virginity and removes all memory of previous sexual experiences. Other lifies who are aware of previous sexual experiences the lifie has had will remember but act as though it never happened. (Note, points spent are non-redeemable, even with life-hack)
*'''Forgiving (minor level)''' (Standard list cost: 500 points)
Lifies under the effects of this cheat will immediately forgive or overlook minor social infractions such as name-calling or cheating in a board game. They will also fail to see a pattern in individual small behaviors that add up such as things that could be considered sexual harassment. All affected lifies present will still respond as they normally would at the moment of the behavior, but the second you stop they will act as though it never happened and relationship scores will not be negatively affected.
*'''Forgiving (medium level)''' (Standard list cost: 1000 points)
Lifies under the effects of this cheat will immediately forgive or overlook medium social infractions such as committing crimes against them that they can recover from such as stealing, assault, minor sexual assault, (unwelcome kissing, or groping,) battery (so long as no permanent damage is done,) or witnessing or being told you did any of this to a friend of theirs. All affected lifies present will still respond as they normally would at the moment of the behavior, but the second you stop they will act as though it never happened and relationship scores will not be negatively affected.
*'''Forgiving (major level)''' (Standard list cost: 3000 points)
Lifies under the effects of this cheat will immediately forgive or overlook major personal social infractions such as criminal acts that will permanently affect them and cannot be taken back via normal means available to lifies, such as raping, sexually molesting, or performing major sexual assault (forced or unwelcome non-penetrative sexual activities that go beyond unwelcome kissing or groping) against them or a friend or family member, physical assault that results in permanent damage to them or a friend or family member, or killing one of their friends or family members. All affected lifies present will still respond as they normally would at the moment of the behavior, but the second you stop they will act as though it never happened and relationship scores will not be negatively affected.
*'''Forgive and forget (upgrade to forgiving)''' (Standard list cost: 500 points, requires forgiving at any level.)
Lifies affected by the "Forgiving" cheat will also forget and never reference the behavior they have forgiven you for. This applies retrospectively to things that happened before either cheat was purchased, but will not raise relationship scores. It can, however, free up grudges that may be preventing you from raising relationship scores.
*'''Ignorance''' (Standard list cost: 500 points)
Lifies affected by this cheat will act in every way like they have never been exposed to knowledge or information on a subject specified when buying this cheat. (Note: Popularly used for the sexual ignorance effect.) Affected lifies who perform in a field requiring them to know about this subject (such as a surgeon knowing anatomy) will perform up to their usual standard when in that field, but will begin acting as though they don't know the subject as soon as they leave that context. This cheat can apply to any subject, but some of the more popular options include...
*Male/female anatomy
*Stranger danger
*Scam awareness
*Situational awareness (ability to recognize subtle signs of things going on around you, or that are about to happen.)
The level of ignorance can have 2 settings upon purchase, unaware or oblivious. The oblivious setting means zero knowledge on the subject and surprise that it could even be a possibility when informed, whereas the unaware setting means they have not been exposed to the information but they had enough of the pieces on the fringes that it starts clicking together quickly when they are informed. The subject and the setting make no difference to point cost. There are also 3 settings for the lifie regaining the knowledge they are made ignorant or oblivious to.
*1. Gain it back normally from anyone who informs them on the subject.
*2. Gain it back only if informed on the subject while in the purchaser's presence.
*3. Gain it back only if informed by you personally.
All gaining of the knowledge that does not fit the setting will be forgotten as soon as they stop interacting with the lifie or other player who is teaching them. There is also an option to re-set their knowledge back to the baseline for the cheat or to remove a piece of knowledge they learned you didn't want them to learn.
*'''Knowledgable/informed''' (Standard list cost: 500 points)
Lifies affected by this cheat will act in every way like they have had a certain specified level of knowledge or exposure to a subject specified upon purchasing this cheat. This cheat can apply to any subject, but some of the more popular options include...
*Academics (specific academic subject must be specified)
*Combat/martial arts
*Weapons handling
*Sexual performance (how to give your partner a better sexual experience)
The level of expertise can have any one of a total of 6 settings.
*Exposed: Knows the subject exists and has some base-level common knowledge about it.
*Informed: Knows a fair amount of information about the subject, but doesn't actually have much skill in performing it.
*Practiced: Has some skills in performing tasks involved in the subject-area of knowledge, but their skills are not note-worthy.
*Skilled: Has some note-worthy skills in the subject-area equal to anyone who has dedicated themselves to the subject.
*Expert: Can perform exceptionally within the subject-area selected to a point that is on par with famous professionals in the field.
*Masterful: Is among the best in the world in the subject-area, can perform every skill involved as easily as breathing and with a level of perfection no normal person can ever usually hope to achieve in their lifetime.
This cheat sets the affected lifies to have the specified level of expertise as the minimum in the subject any affected lifie can have. Greater levels of skill can still exist. The "Ignorance-oblivious" setting cannot be purchased at the same time and at the same level on the same subject as this cheat, however the "Ignorance-unaware" setting can be combined with this cheat to make all affected lifies have precisely the level of knowledge/skill in a subject that is set by this cheat an no more.
*'''Misinformed''' (Standard list cost: 500)
Lifies affected by this cheat will express some form of error in their knowledge on a specified subject. This error will not negatively impact their ability to perform at certain tasks, but it could leave several gaps that can allow a player to take advantage of them.
This cheat is most popularly used for sexual purposes, and these are some of the most popular subjects.
*X method is an effective birth control.
*You can't get pregnant under X conditions.
*There is an additional X requirement to getting pregnant aside from just semen in vagina.
Another popular use of this cheats is for those wishing to scam a lifie or get away with something. However, the exact nature of such entries are varied and situation specific.
This cheat can be toggled to overlap with "Knowledgable" or "Ignorance" cheats. If it overlaps with "Knowledgable," they know everything they should know except they have this error in their knowledge. If it overlaps with ignorance, then the error in their knowledge represents the entirety of their knowledge on the subject.
*'''Common Condition''' (Standard list cost: 500)
Lifies affected by this cheat all share some form of condition or trait. This cheat can also be set to only affect a certain percentage of lifies in the designated area for a proportionately reduced cost. (adjusts by 20% increments only) It can also be applied to only individuals in the area that meet certain criteria (such as only males, only females, only adults, or only children,) but there is no associated drop in price.
(NOTE: Same as the "adjust traits" feature under the Life module, except applied to large numbers at once)
*'''Common physique''' (Standard list cost: 500)
Lifies affected by this cheat all fall within the same margin for one of the physical, mental, social, or appearance attributes. As with the "common condition" cheat, the scope of effect or the % affected can be adjusted. In addition though, the variance in scores can also be adjusted.
(NOTE: Same as the "adjust attributes" of Life module, except applied to large numbers at once)
Variance adjustments and prices adjusted accordingly.
*Precise number = double cost
*15 point variance = normal cost (500 standard list cost)
*30 point variance = 1/2 cost
*45 point variance = 1/5 cost
*'''Common outlook''' (Standard list cost: 500)
Lifies affected by this cheat all have a similar characteristic within their personality or outlook on life. As with the "common condition" cheat, the scope of effect or the % affected can be adjusted.
(NOTE: Same as the "adjust personality" of Life module, except applied to large numbers at once)
NOTE: There is no "common skill" cheat due to such a trait being redundant with the "knowledgable" cheat.)
===Lifie social cheats===
These cheats affect the way lifies around you react, causing them to ignore certain social rules for your benefit. They are regarded as "lifie" cheats, so they must have a range specified. See "lifie cheats" for information on the range categories.
*'''Pass awareness''' (special: 200 points)
Lifies you are attempting to perform a sex act with will act in a manner that suggests they know it will be regarded as just fine in public if you have the appropriate corresponding "pass" cheat already purchased for that act. Without this cheat, they would be paranoid about being caught. Affects any lifie you are attempting to do something sexual with.
*'''Talking dismissal''' (special: 500 points)
Affects lifies in earshot. Affected lifies will dismiss any talk about sexually illegal or socially unacceptable acts as not being serious, and acts that you have a "pass" cheat for as perfectly normal and non-interesting subjects to talk about. (Note: without this cheat, even with the "pass" cheat you will get strange looks for talking about it. When hearing about it, they will think about it in the same way they normally would without the "pass" cheat, but will not take action based on what they hear.)
*'''PDA pass''' (Standard list cost: 250 points)
Any sex act in public will be ignored, mildly appreciated, or otherwise treated as a perfectly natural and common thing to be doing in a public area. (Does not keep people from reacting to sexual taboos such as homosexuality and sex with children, and family members who disapprove of the sexual relationship may still object. They will still react to a rape, but they have to recognize it as rape first.) NOTE: Having this cheat without "Exposure pass" will render all exposure of genitals acceptable so long as you are actively engaging in sexual activity with your partner, people who saw you doing this will give you a friendly reminder to put your clothes back on if you take too long to do so yourself, people who did not see this occurring may be a little less friendly about it.
*'''Exposure pass''' (Standard list cost: 250 points)Exposing your genitals in public in ways that do not directly affect others will be considered perfectly acceptable. Other activities such as public urination will be regarded the same as if it were done by a dog. It would not be considered all that appealing a thing to see and nobody would like getting peed on, but it will not be regarded as 'indecent' in any manner. Peeing or defecating indoors will not be considered acceptable due to the mess it makes, and defecating outdoors must be cleaned up after it's finished.
This cheat has a very limited application to sex acts. It will mitigate the severity with which they are viewed, but will not be regarded as a complete pass. Touching genitals with hands will, once again, be regarded as the same as if it was a dog. It would be considered lewd and inappropriate, and most definitely not the sort of thing to be done in public, especially where children are involved either as observers or participants.
Actual sexual intercourse in public will also get a fairly negative reaction, but only to the level of people actively trying to break it up and criticizing participants for the public indecency, but it won't be to the level of something anyone thinks is arrest worthy.*'''Sex exposure pass''' (Standard list cost: 50 points)Sexual intercourse or sexual touching with an acceptable partner, or the visible signs of recent sexual intercourse or activity are regarded as perfectly acceptable in public. However, this cheat does nothing to shield the purchaser from negative attentions for public nudity and also does not protect the purchaser's partner.
This cheat is only effective on the observing population, not the one being observed.
*'''Sex exposure pass''' (Standard list cost: 50 points)
Sexual intercourse or sexual touching with an acceptable partner, or the visible signs of recent sexual intercourse or activity are regarded as perfectly acceptable in public. However, this cheat does nothing to shield the purchaser from negative attentions for public nudity and also does not protect the purchaser's partner.
This cheat is only effective on the observing population, not the one being observed.
*'''Shared exposure pass''' (Standard list cost: 250 points)
Grants the effects of "exposure pass" to any lifie you expose, convince to strip, or have engaged sexually within the last 4 hours. (double price to increase to 24 hours)
This cheat is only effective if both the lifie exposed and the lifie who is observing are both included in the population the cheat was purchased for. You must have exposure pass also purchased for the same population or greater that the shared version is purchased for.
*'''Shared sex exposure pass''' (Standard list cost: 50 points)
Grants the effects of "sex exposure pass" to any lifie who you engage sexually with or have recently engaged sexually with in the past 4 hours. Observers who see signs of recent sex such as disheveled clothes or hair and smell the scent of cum or female arousal and are aware of what those things indicate will recognize it but pay it no mind and find it acceptable for them to be in such a state.
This cheat can be upgraded for X2 the list cost to increase the duration of the effect from 4 to 24 hours.
This cheat can be upgraded for X2 the list cost to prevent observing lifies from recognizing visible semen for what it is. This effect may either be interpreted as the observer not recognizing it as semen, or thinking it is a different liquid ranging from urine to water, or possibly some kind of frosting.
These upgrade effects can be combined for X4 the list cost.
This cheat is only effective on the observing population, not the one being observed.
*'''Sadist's stable:''' (Standard list cost: 500 points)
All lifies experience pain you inflict on them as sexual pleasure.
*'''Rape fantasyland''' (Standard list cost: 500 points)
Everybody affected will actually like you raping them. They will still fight you off and say all the things they normally would, but after you finish raping them they will treat it like it was fun.
*'''Rape shield''' (Standard list cost: 500 points)
3rd party unrelated onlookers who see, hear, or hear about you raping someone (including from a very distressed victim) will regard it as no different from normal sex. (Does nothing to affect pedophilia or public sex taboos, friends and family of your victim will protest what you are doing to about the level they would protest a dog peeing on their belongings.)
*'''Incest pass''' (Standard list cost: 250 points)
Society will not have a problem with you having sex with a close family member. (Age and gender-related taboos still apply)
*'''Bigomy pass''' (Standard list cost: 250 points)
Society will find it acceptable for you to have multiple romantic or sexual partners so long as they all would be acceptable partners for you individually in the first place.
*'''Bigomy acceptance''' (Standard list cost 50 points)
Your romantic or sexual partners will see no issue with you having other romantic or sexual partners aside from them.
*'''Homophillia''' (Standard list cost: 50 points)
Society will not have a problem with you having sex with someone of the same gender. (Note, points reduced from 250 due to some societies in the world having largely accepted homosexuality recently)
*'''Age pass 1''' (Standard list cost: 250 points)
Society will accept you having sex with partners 1 age category below you (Or above, if you are a child.)  The age categories are infant(0-1), toddler(1-5), child(5-10), tween(10-15), teen(15-20), and adult(20+) (Note the 1 year overlap, those who are the age at the overlap are considered to be in both categories wherever that would grant the most freedom) (Categories are determined according to developmental landmarks, not legal precedents in the world beings AOC laws tend to varry from region to region, although most tend to fall between age 15 and 18.)
*'''Age pass 2''' (Standard list cost: 500 points, requires age pass 1)
Society will accept you having sex with partners 2 age categories below you (Or above, if you are a child.) (2.5 if you/your partner is/are at the bottom of your own age category)
*'''Age pass infinite''' (Standard list cost: 500 points, requires age pass 2)
Society will not see a problem with you having sex with partners of any age, including infants.
*'''Positive pass''' (Special: 1000 points)
Affects all lifies who are also affected by a "pass" cheat. Will cause all lifies to regard you doing something you have a "pass" cheat for as a normal or even positive thing to be doing, the same as they would regard a married couple of an appropriate age having a baby. (Without this cheat, anything normally looked down on by society you have a "pass" for will be accepted in a manner similar to how homosexuality in the 21st century is accepted by western religions. Basically, a "that's good for you, I'm not going to interfere, I'm not going to judge" external attitude as they are trying to convince themselves out of the deeply held convictions it's a bad thing. Note, friends and family will regard it as natural but may not approve without the "instant approval" cheat.)
*'''Above the law''' (Special: 2000 points)
Regardless of society, no sex act based strictly on what is done sexually will get you in trouble with the law. This means public sex, rape, and child sex or molestation all get a pass, but kidnapping and snuff do not. Injury caused during a rape is regarded on a case by case basis depending on how severe it is, how deliberate it is, and whether or not it was really necessary in order to allow you to complete the rape. (In cases where you have a cheat such as "rape shield" but you do not have this cheat, sexual acts, such as rape in this example, will be seen as legal crimes that people who are not law enforcement officers will not be very interested in reporting, it will be placed in the same department as drug use and underage drinking.)
*'''Instant approval:''' (Standard list cost: 250 points, not compatible with "perceptual range" level)
All lifies will approve of you having a consensual sexual relationship with one of their friends or family members that are otherwise socially acceptable for you to have such a relationship with.
*'''Cuckland:''' (Standard list cost: 50 points, requires "Instant approval", not compatible with "perceptual range" level)
All lifies will not only approve, but actually be excited (and aroused if post-pubescent) by you having sex with their partners, parents, siblings, children, or friends. (Note: They may take some issue if you are having sex with a child more than 4 years younger than you if pedophilia is a taboo in your area unless you have taken other measures, such as the "weird world" or "taboo downplay" cheats, that will make them Ok with it. Does not apply to rape unless you have "vindictive approval." In cases where they would like to have sex with you themselves but would also like to see you cuck them, the priority goes Children > Younger (child) Siblings > Partner > Friend = Self = Older (underage) Sibling (or same agegroup younger sibling) > Parent > Adult Sibling (younger or older))
*'''Vindictive approval:''' (Standard list cost: 50 points, requires "Instant approval," not compatible with "perceptual range" level)
All lifies will approve of you having non-consensual sex with one of their friends or family members that are otherwise socially acceptable for you to have a consensual relationship with. The purchase price may be doubled in order for this cheat to be effective even without it being a socially approvable relationship. (NOTE: Possessing this cheat without the "rape shield" cheat will result in the immediate friends and family members accepting it, but the wider public's reaction will be as expected if it gets out. As for the reverse case, having rape shield without this cheat, the immediate friends and family can react as they typically would to the individual being raped, but their second-order friends will give them no support and  not find it a big deal.)
*'''Illegal approval:''' (Standard list cost: 50 points, requires "Instant approval," not compatible with "perceptual range" level)
All lifies will approve of you having a consensual sexual relationship with one of their friends or family members that would normally be considered unacceptable legally or socially (and that you do not have the proper "pass" cheats for)
*'''Weird world:''' (Standard list cost: 1500 points)
Any lifie who would consent to the closest related sex act will consent to and enjoy a fetish related act that tests the same boundaries. For instance, someone who will consent to being ejaculated on will consent to being urinated on. Also, any sex act they would consent to in private will also be consented to in public. This can include involving children in your sex, and go as far as both of you having sex with the child even in sick and twisted fetish ways, even if they are otherwise against pedophilia. They will only be opposed to you performing a sex act on the child or the child performing a sex act on them if they would have resisted you doing it to them personally, and if they don't resist then they will get very turned on by it. Also, the consent status of a 3rd party brought into the sex will not matter, and even be a turn on to them if you are raping the 3rd party (such as the child in the previous example. Note: If this cheat and the "getting away with murder" cheat are both active, your partner will notice you raping the involved child in the same way they would notice you are naked with the "crime pays" cheat. If Cuckland is active too, anyone with a relationship to the victim will also notice it in this manner. This cheat only counts with people you are in an established sexual relationship with. It does not fully interact with rape fantasyland. This one will make them like rape role-play while rape fantasyland will make them regard actual rape as rape roleplay instead.)
===Kinky Cheats===
*'''River of gold:''' (250 points)
You can make yourself pee a full steady stream at any time you want and make it continue for as long as you want. If you do not have the "no need for toilets" cheat, your bladder will be considered to always be 25% full at minimum, but can fill more from normal human physiological activity. Once your bladder gets full above 50%, you will feel the urge to go as normal and must expel whatever you have in excess of that minimum 25%. With the "no need for toilets" cheat, this just means you only urinate when you want to and do so for as long as you like.
*'''Infinite gold mine:''' (250 points)
You can specify up to 10 lifies in the same general vicinity as you to have the same effects as "river of gold" until either you leave or decide to cancel the effect. They will not find it strange that they can pee more than they usually would, or have any confusion about choosing to pee or not pee. However, they will typically pee in 15 second intervals (the typical maximum amount of time it takes to empty a full bladder,) unless put into a situation that would convince them to do otherwise.
*'''Waste factory:''' (250 points)
You can defecate infinitely. Conditions are similar to that of "River of gold"
*'''Wasteland:''' (250 points)
Similar to "Infinite gold mine" applied to "Waste factory"
*'''Emergency #1''' (50 points)
The player purchasing this cheat can, at any time, designate a lifie to have an urgent need to pee, or immediately loose control of their bladder. This can only be done once per 6 hours per lifie unless you also have the "Infinite gold mine" cheat. The player can also designate themself as the target if so desired, except that the "River of gold" cheat is required for multiple activations in a 6 hour time period.
*'''Emergency #2''' (50 points)
Identical to emergency #1, except that it applies to the need to defecate.
*'''Eurethra expansion''' (200 points)
Allow your eurethra to expand. Can be used to increase the volume of fluid that can be expelled at once, or to allow for eurethral insertion of a foreign object such as a penis. The default is for the eurethra to expand automatically if you would be passing an artificially large amount of fluid courtesy of "river of gold" or "Ejaculation scaler." (for river of gold, you will gain conscious control over the size of your eurethra and thus the size of your urine stream if you have purchased both cheats at once. For ejaculation scaler, you will gain either conscous control or the ability to set how many pulses it will take to expel the amount of semen you set, and your eurethra will expand accordingly to let out that amount of semen in that number of pulses.) Otherwise, it stays in its normal state. If you wish to insert a foreign object, it will expand to accommodate the object. If you wish to have your eurethra expand and remain in that state, you may set it from this terminal.
*'''Eurethra expander''' (200 points)
Allow you to expand a lifie's eurethra in order to insert foreign objects, such as a penis. By default, their eurethra will expand to accomodate an object that you are inserting. If you wish to have it expand and stay expanded, you will need to change the settings here.

[[Category:Life Hacks/Writers|List of Rewards]]
[[Category:Life Hacks/Writers|List of Rewards]]

Latest revision as of 13:09, 9 February 2024

There are all types of rewards you can buy and they involve every facet of the game. Most rewards are points that can be redeemed for resources, stat increases, boosts to relationships or even cheats that will REALLY break the game. In order for the Life Module to redeem points for resources, it requires that an identical amount of that resource be spent to get the points back. This transaction can only happen as many times as that resource has been bought.


Resources purchased from this section will simply appear in your pocket, near your person if you have no pockets or the object is too large, or in your infinity pocket if the infinity pocket hack is active.

  • Increase Allowance: $10 x number of times this reward has been bought appears in your possession every week. (Cost 10 + 10n, n = number of times this reward has been previously bought, so 20 points to increase it to $20 for a total of 30 points spent overall, 30 points to increase it to $30 for a total of 60 points spent overall.)
  • $1,000: $1,000 simply appears in your possession. (Cost = 100 points)

Relationship bonus

  • Instant friend: One lifie instantly becomes your friend. (cost 20 points)
  • Instant lover: One lifie instantly becomes romantically interested in you. (cost 100 points)
  • Improve relationship: Modifies one area of your relationship with a selected lifie by +5 points (cost 10 points)

Stat bonus

  • Raise attribute: Raises one of your attributes by +5 (Cost 5 points)

Trait bonus

  • Raise trait: Raised one of your traits by +5% (5 points)
  • Lower trait: Lower one of your traits by -5% (5 points)
  • Genetic Perfection: Removes all deleterious genetic traits from your character (1000 points) Note: it is impossible to have a child with birth defects once this is taken, even from incestuous relationships.


Relationship cheats

  • Everybody's friend: (500 points)

All lifies treat you as a good friend from the moment you meet (friendliness will not go lower than a level witch you set, default 50%) (500 points)

  • Hated by everybody: (500 points)

All lifies hate you from the moment you meet (enemy stat will not go lower than a level witch you set, default 50%. Note, lifies who both hate you and are your friend at the same time will act as though you just pissed them off, but they will want to "bury the hatchet." Being permanently in this state due to this cheat may cause some erratic behavior.)

  • One big family: (500 points)

All lifies treat you as though you were a close member of the family from the moment you meet (family love stat will not go lower than a level witch you set, default 50%)

  • Infamous: (500 points)

All lifies are terrified of you (Everyone's fear stat of you will not go below a level witch you set, default 50%. Note, fear becomes awe if a lifie fears and trusts you at the same time.)

  • Everybody's bitch: (500 points)

All lifies feel they can boss you around (Everyone's dominance stat over you will not go below a level witch you set, default 50%. Note, a lifie who registers as submissive and dominant at the same time may act in erratic ways when you interact with them.)

  • Casanova: (1000 points)

All lifies are romantically in love with you from the moment you meet (Love stat will not go lower than a level witch you set, default 50%. Note, will be interpreted as romance, not lust. Applies to both genders and all ages by default. Can manually set an age range and limit gender affected.)

  • Highly trusted: (1000 points)

All lifies automatically trust you from the moment you meet (Trust stat will not go lower than a level witch you set, default 50%)

  • Highly respected: (2000 points)

All lifies will defer to you, treat you with respect, and mostly do what you tell them to do from the moment you meet (Submissiveness stat will not go lower than a level witch you set, default 50%)

  • Everyone wants to bang you: (5000 points)

Romantic love is interpreted as lust for everyone. Even children who do not know what sex is will want you doing sexual things with them, and if lust is at 80% or higher they will feel a carnal need to have your dick or fingers in their pussy or anus and may attempt to insert it themselves unprompted if given the chance even if they are only 18 months old and just achieved motor control. (By default this applies to everyone regardless of age or gender, however you can set it to be limited to one gender and specify an age range. Limitations on this cheat are treated as separate and independent from the limits on the Casanova cheat. You can also use advanced settings to make it selectively apply or not apply to only certain lifies.) The amount of love that gets re-interpreted as lust is set by default to 100%, but it can be lowered.

Crime Cheats

  • No locked doors (Base rate 100, area purchase only)

Doors are not locked, at least for you. The lock immediately disengages for any door in the affect area. (Base rate = 1 house. See Lifie cheats for area scaling by points. Single door = same as single lifie)

  • Stealth assist (500 points)

Hiding, even hiding badly, makes you impossible for lifies to find.

  • Hide evidence (500 points)

Causes lifies to be unable to find items or evidence of your misdeeds, either by having them overlook things such as documentation, bruises, or things of that nature, or by repairing minor damages or cleaning incriminating fluids of any nature. Can also be used to clean up after more depraved kink activities such as WS or Scat activities.

  • Effective stealth invisibility (1000 points)

Simply thinking that you don't want to be seen makes you invisible so long as you do not interact or change the environment. Cheat will also be effective on players for double the normal price.

  • Effective blindness (2000 points, requires effective stealth invisibility)

Lifies will not see actions going on right in front of them if you don't want them to. If the action was performed on a lifie, this cheat will not be effective on that lifie.

  • Effective deafness (2000 points, requires effective stealth invisibility)

Lifies will not hear actions going on in their earshot, including the screams of other lifies, if you don't want them to. If the sound is made by a lifie you are attacking in some way, this cheat is not effective on the victim lifie.

  • Friendly intruder (2000 points)

Lifies will act as though you were invited in when you enter their house or space without permission.

  • Privacy zone: (300 or 1000 points)

You can designate an area upon buying this cheat. It can be a single room, or a 500 X 500 foot area outdoors. For 300 points, people you have not given permission to enter your "privacy zone" will be aprehensive or afraid to enter it, however they will still hear and-or see everything going on inside it and act accordingly. For 1000 points, they will simply not feel any interest in entering your "privacy zone" and also not notice or disregard anything they see or hear coming from your designated "privacy zone." Once purchased, the privacy zone cannot be moved (except with the life-hack,) and once you give a lifie permission to enter your privacy zone the permission must be revoked verbally or in the settings for this cheat or else they will be able to freely enter it afterward.

  • Crime pays: (list price 500 points, see "purchase for lifie" section for details on scaling affected area)

Affected lifies will not notice or care if you commit a misdemeanor or other mild crime such as stealing. (Note, crimes like indecent exposure will be noticed, but not registered in anyone's mind as criminal or even improper if you are the one who does it.) (Note: Intersects minimally with kinky sex cheats, PDA pass specifically. PDA pass only functions on public nudity if you are actively engaging sexually with someone else.)

  • Taboo downplay: (Requires: Crime Pays. list price 1000 points, see "purchase for lifie" section for details on scaling affected area)

Will have non-violent and non-monitary crimes (so, essentially drug-use and consensual sexual contact with children,) in the affected area no longer considered criminal if you do them. However, they will still be considered socially taboo and you are likely to get a reaction from disapproving people about it.

While they are still considered taboo, all taboo actions you perform will also have a significant downgrade in how they are reacted to for you. Sex with children will be considered the same as pre-marital sex or teen sex (both parties being the same age,) and drug use will be considered the same as alcohol consumption. No other taboo action will exceed or even equal these actions in terms of how they are reacted to. In fact, they will all be pushed down so far as how people will react to them, so teen on teen sex, for instance, will be regarded the same as sex in college, something that is acceptable but maybe a little early and ill-advised. Also, public groping even under clothes will be regarded the same as public kissing. However, the reaction for publicly groping a child will be exactly the same as if you kissed a child on the lips without this cheat. It will generally not be accepted well, just not as bad as the thing you are really doing. (Note: You will be treated exactly as you would for doing the downgraded action with your current relationship scores with the people involved, so having high relationship scores can further diminish the reaction.)

(Note: Moderate interaction with various kinky sex cheats. Will double up with most of the incest, homosexuality, and underage cheats, as well as the PDA cheat, although the ones under the kinky sex acts are more powerful as those get the acts completely accepted while this cheat more generally only makes people less adverse to all of them.)

  • Getting away with murder: (Requires: Taboo downplay, list price 3000 points, see "purchase for lifie" section for details on scaling affected area)

Affected lifies will not seem to care if you commit a serious crime like rape or murder, and all social taboos will be similarly overlooked. Onlookers who do not know the victim will completely disregard it, onlookers who know the victim will notice but not seem to be too bothered by it and will act as though they completely forgot about it after it is done unless you bring it up yourself or repeat the same act. If this is done, they will indicate they remember it, but will still not be very bothered. The victim will actively resist and do everything they might do normally but no one else will try to stop you. The victim, if they survive the crime, will fully remember what was done to them and act accordingly in their interactions with you, to the confusion of those around them at the change in their behavior, but they will not report you or tell anyone about it. If you reference what you did to them to someone confused at their behavior the listener will consider your victim's reaction to be completely inappropriate. (Note: all acts that would be covered under Taboo downplay will similarly be 100% accepted as though they are normal and acceptable. Also gives everyone who does something with you the normal effects of taboo downplay.)

(Note: The kinky sex cheats interacting with this one will serve only to make people notice you doing those sex acts again as they will no longer be regarded as wrong. This cheat is also more powerful as it will let you get away with kidnapping, injuring, or killing someone.)

God mode cheats

  • No need for sleep: Your character does not require sleep. (1000 points)
  • No need for toilets: Your character does not urinate or defecate (1000 points)
  • No need to eat: Your character does not require food or water (1000 points)
  • No need to breathe: Your character does not require air (2000 points)
  • Unaging: Your character ceases to age. (1000 points)
  • Resurrect: Bring your character back to life. (500 points) Note: this is not useful for Xander as he has no way to activate it. Being dead, he can't squeeze the duck.
  • Immortal: Your character cannot be permanently killed. If killed the character will re-spawn in 30 minutes at the location of your choosing. (5000 points)

Intercourse/ease of penetration cheats

  • Slick vagina Female characters only. (50 points) The vagina lubes itself up to receive any object inserted into it, minimizes rubbing and irritation.
  • Slick anus Either gender. (50 points) The anus can produce a slick viscous fluid much like pre-cum or vaginal lubricant and will do so upon any prospect of sticking an object inside it.
  • Increase pre-cum volume Male characters only (50 points) Your pre-cum increases in volume, a few pumps of your hand while the pre-cum is leaking can easily coat your entire dick from tip to root.
  • Superlube pre-cum Male characters only (200 points) Your pre-cum becomes the perfect lube allowing you just the right grip on your cock to line it up without it sliping out of your hand and to maintain pressure on a tight hole but slippery enough that no artificial lube is ever necessary. This slipperiness however actually decreases your chances of fitting into a hole that is too small for your size.
  • Goldilox Cock: Male Characters only. (2000 points)

Penis becomes 5 inches long, but will completely satisfy anyone who has it in them. Vaginas or anuses too small will stretch to fit.

  • Perfect fit cock: Male Characters only. (3000 points, requires Goldilox cock)

Penis transforms to become the exact right size to snugly and perfectly fill the vagina or anus you are considering putting it into (without scaring the person getting the penis inserted if too large of a penis would put them off.) All lifies will remember it as having always been whatever size it became.

  • Goldilox pussy: Female Characters only (2000 ponts)

Pussy will stretch or contract to firmly grasp and snugly fit any penis that goes into it, allowing for optimum pleasure for both parties from a 1 inch cock, and avoid any injury or any discomfort from a 9+ inch cock.

Birth controll cheats

  • No Consequences: Either gender (100 points)

Sex will not result in pregnancy.

  • Birth controll Female characters only. (300 points)

The female with this cheat can choose not to get pregnant, even if they have the "Guranteed pregnancy" cheat active. Upon deciding they don't want to get pregnant, any sperm that enters her uterus or has entered her uterus in the last 20 minutes will fail to get her pregnant until she decides she wants to get pregnant again. If purchase for a lifie is used, this cheat is activated or de-activated from the purchaser's terminal. (Or on the life hack menue.)

  • Perfect birth controll Female characters only. (700 points, requires birth controll)

The female with this cheat can choose a specific male they want to be impregnated by. No other males sperm can impregnate her even if 50 guys copulate with her and only a drop of the chosen male's sperm manages to land in the river of semen flowing out of her. (Note: If "Purchase for a lifie" is used, the male who's sperm can impregnate her is determined by the purchaser.)

  • Male children only: Either gender (1000 points)

All the children you produce will be male. (Note: You will be prompted to select the child's gender upon conception if both this cheat and the female children only cheat are active at the same time)

  • Female children only: Either gender (1000 points)

All children you produce will be female. (Note: You will be prompted to select the child's gender upon conception if both this cheat and the male children only cheat are active at the same time)

  • Condom breaker: Either gender (100 points)

All condoms you use will break during insertion into the vagina, thus allowing the semen to be fired without even coming into contact with the spermicide.

  • Stealth condom breaker: Either gender (500 points, requires condom breaker)

Some of your sperm will escape the condom, witch will have developed a mysterious small hole, upon ejaculation. Thus, there will be semen inside the condom and it will look like it worked, but there will also be semen inside the girl's vagina. (requires spermicide resistance for the sperm to be viable)

  • Invalidate birth control: Female characters only (100 points, 10 points for a lifie)

The only form of birth control that will function for the female this cheat is purchased for is condoms. Birth control will be as useless as it would be if they had a fertility score of 200. (however, they would not ovulate at the same rate as a 200 fertility woman. Note, the 10 point price for a single lifie is the standard lifie rate for all cheats. It can also be scaled up at the standard lifie rate.)

  • Birth control invalidating semen Male characters only (1000 points)

Seminal fluid contains hormone blockers that stablize the uterus, thus invalidating the effects of hormonal birth control. This will have no effect on an IUD.

Ejaculation cheats (male or intersex characters only)

  • No male refractory period: Male characters only. (200 points)

Male characters can orgasm repeatedly in the same way as female characters.

  • Infinite semen: Male characters only. (800 points)

Male characters never run out of semen and can ejaculate repeatedly. Every ejaculation has a sperm count as though they have not ejaculated in 3 days.

  • Ejaculation scaler Male characters only (300 points, requires infinite semen)

Allows you to determine the size of your ejaculation, give or take 20%. The default is 5ml. With maxed out reproductive stats, you can get it as high as 50ml. This allows you to potentially set it even higher than that to levels that defy physics and biology. This cheat will be set to match whatever your current ejaculation size was upon purchase, but you can use the settings here to increase or decrease it to absolutely any amount you want. (However, you do still have to deal with the size of your urethra to determine how much fluid can move through your penis at once and thus how long it will take for your ejaculation to finish. You have the ability to consciously make yourself stop ejaculating after 10 seconds. Upon triggering this option, about 2 or 3 more full pulses will come out before beginning to taper off.)

  • Deathless sperm: Male characters only (5000 points)

If you want to ejaculate into a pool and impregnate every girl there, sperm will not die until they find an egg. (NOTE: Effective for only 1 month or until the next ovulation of the girl they are inside if the find their way into a girl. Also, only effective if suspended in a fluid medium, and will only affect 10 billion sperm cells per female body, the ones furthest from the ovaries losing the effect first. These limitations are in order to prevent unforeseen complications.)

  • Oral impregnation: Male characters only, requires deathless sperm (2000 points)

Oral sex or eating food you ejaculated in can get a girl pregnant. The deathless sperm can survive the digestive tract and can find their way through the walls of the small intestine in order to find the egg.

Ovulation cheats (female or intersex characters only)

  • No cycle Female characters only. (50 points)

Female with this cheat will not menstruate or ovulate, thus will not risk pregnancy while under the effect of this cheat.

  • Weekly cycle Female characters only. (100 points)

Will ovulate every week, resulting in 4 days out of the week where impregnation is possible and a 1 day period.

  • No period: Female characters only. (500 points)

The lining of the uterus never deteriorates and thus does not need to be renewed through menstruation. The female will no longer experience her period, but will still ovulate regularly as before.

  • Ovulate at will: Female characters only. (300 points)

Female characters can choose when and when not to ovulate, and can even choose the number of eggs ovulated at once. If she chooses not to ovulate, she will not menstruate either.

  • Double ovulation Female characters only. (1000 points)

The female with this cheat will ovulate 2 eggs every cycle, allowing for sexual intercourse to have a good chance at producing paternal (non-identical) twins. (it is not guaranteed unless combined with guaranteed pregnancy, can be combined with "ovulate at will" to choose to ovulate 1 or 2 eggs)

  • Triple ovulation Female characters only. (1000 points, requires double ovulation)

The female with this cheat will ovulate 3 eggs every cycle, allowing for sexual intercourse to have a good chance at producing paternal (non-identical) triplets. (it is not guaranteed unless combined with guaranteed pregnancy, can be combined with "ovulate at will" to choose to ovulate 1 or 2 or 3 eggs)

  • Set ovulation Female characters only (1000 points, requires triple ovulation)

The female with this cheat can set the number of eggs ovulated each cycle, default 3 (cannot be set for 3 or more without dimensional litter uterus,) allowing for sexual intercourse to result in paternal (non-identical) multiples of the set number.(it is not guaranteed unless combined with guaranteed pregnancy, can be combined with "ovulate at will" to choose to ovulate up to the set number of eggs)

Sex intercourse/orgasm cheats

  • Remove/restore hymen Females only (5 points, not redeemable with life hack, same price for players or lifies.)

Causes hymen to be completely not present or restored to as though it was never damaged. Restoring hymen does not remove the experience of having had sex.

  • Temporary restore virginity Female lifies only (20 points, not redeemable with life hack after restored virginity is lost again)

Restores a lifie's hyman and has them act in a manner as though they have never had sex until the next time they "loose" their virginity. Memories of previous times they have had sex are restored after lifie and sex partner have finished having sex after this cheat has been bought.(Does not work on lifies who are currently more than 10 weeks pregnant)

  • Did I say you could cum?: Either Gender. (500 points)

You can control when your sexual partner has an orgasm. Press the button that appears while you are having sex in order to make them cum.

  • Orgasm triggering ejaculation Males only. (200 points)

Ejaculating into a girl's vagina or a sex partner's anus will cause them to immediately orgasm.

  • Semen triggered orgasms Either Gender (200 points)

Freshly ejaculated semen coming into contact with the inside of the vagina (for females) or anus of the individual with this cheat will immediately orgasm every time, allowing them to even get pleasure from a man who prematurely ejaculates.

  • Pressure Seal cock: Male Characters only. (500 points, penis size must snugly fill orifice without it feeling loose)

No semen or other fluids can escape the hole that your cock is inside of. (will still dribble out after cock is removed)

  • Pressure seal pussy: Female Characters only (500 points)

No semen ejaculated into your pussy will dribble out during ejaculation or after the penis is removed. Saves on cleanup.

  • Bottomless Cumhole: Female Characters only (10 or 200 points)

Prevents damage due to the effects of the "Pressure seal pussy" cheat in cases where a ridiculously excessive amount of semen or urine are forced into the vagina without an opportunity for the body to absorb and deal with it. With the 10 point version, any quantity of fluid that would overflow from the reproductive tract will instantly vanish inside the body. With the 200 point version, the owner of this cheat can allow their abdomen to distend somewhat under the internal pressure of the semen or urine, the exact amount can be determined in advance settings (default setting allows for inflation to equal that of a late 3rd term pregnancy)

  • Modest leak: (Either gender, 10 points)

A fetish cheat for those who like seeing the cum leak from a girl's vagina, but don't like the amount that is associated with infinite semen and an extended ejaculation. If a large volume of cum is ejaculated into a girl with the pressure seal pussy cheat, a small amount will still leak back out.

  • Long-term modest leak: (Either gender, 200 points)

A modification to the modest leak cheat that will allow the semen to come back out for an extended duration up to and including the full amount ejaculated inside the girl (minus the one sperm cell that manages to fertilize an egg). The default duration is 24 hours, and the default settings include a maximum of 1 table spoon of semen leaking into any pair of panties or 1 teaspoon onto any seat the girl is sitting on without panties

Impregnation cheats

  • Trigger puberty Either gender (25 points/year under puberty.)

When purchased for a pre-pubescent child, female children will instantly ovulate their first egg and male children will immediately become capable of ejaculation. (Note, this is for players only. See the lifie equivalent cheat under the purchase for lifie section if you want this effect for a lifie.)

  • Guaranteed pregnancy, male version: Male Characters only (500 points)

Your semen instantly stops a post-pubescent woman's menstruation and triggers her ovulation when you have sex, and the sperm are 100% guaranteed to find the egg. Does not work on pre-pubescent girls, and girls who already have another man's semen where the egg should be have an advantage.

  • Dominant sperm Male Characters only (500 points) The sperm of any male that is already inside a female you have sex with becomes inert, thus making you the only one who can impregnate her unless she has already conceived. (will not work on the sperm of players who also have the "dominant sperm" cheat)
  • Dominate egg Male Characters only (2000 points) Exposure to your semen can re-wind a 5 week or younger pregnancy by another male to before conception and cause the egg to eject the sperm of the previous male. The egg will then be ready for instant re-fertilization by your semen. (will not work if the mother is a player who has the perfect birth control cheat)
  • Guaranteed pregnancy, female version: Female characters only. (500 points + 25 to start precocious puberty per year under puberty)

Semen instantly stops menstruation and triggers ovulation when you have sex, and the sperm are 100% guaranteed to find the egg.

  • Gurantee maternal twins Either gender (1000 points)

After impregnation, the fertilized egg will split in two, creating identical twins.

  • Gurantee maternal triplets Either gender (1000 points, requires gurantee maternal twins)

After impregnation, the fertilized egg will split in three, creating identical triplets.

  • Gurantee set maternal multiples Either gender (3000 points, requires gurantee maternal triplets)

Allows the buyer of this cheat to specify a number, default 3. After impregnation, the fertilized egg will split into that many zygotes creating that many identical multiples in the pregnancy. (The female must have the dimensional litter uterus cheat in order to hold 4 or more.

  • Puberty triggering seminal fluid Lv. 1 Males only. (500 points)

Your seminal fluid (the fluid medium, not the sperm,) making undiluted contact with a 10+ year old girl's vagina (ejaculated into her or scooped up and pressed into her, deathless sperm in a pool does not count,) will trigger her to go into precocious puberty. Will not enable pregnancy until a week later unless guaranteed pregnancy is also activated.

  • Puberty triggering seminal fluid Lv. 2 Males only. (1000 points, requires Lv.1 version.)

Your seminal fluid (the fluid medium, not the sperm,) making undiluted contact with an 8+ year old girl's vagina will trigger her to go into precocious puberty. All other limitations of Lv. 1 still apply.

  • Puberty triggering seminal fluid Lv. 3 (1500 points, requires Lv.2 version.)

Your seminal fluid (the fluid medium, not the sperm,) making undiluted contact with a 6+ year old girl's vagina will trigger her to go into precocious puberty. All other limitations of Lv. 1 still apply.

  • Immaculate Conception:

Female characters only, a female character can reproduce asexually to have 1 child. (100 points)

  • Sperm resurrecting vagina. (1000 points)

Dead sperm cells that enter your vagina will be resurrected, thus allowing them to impregnate you. Thus, you could easily become pregnant simply by getting into a swimming pool some boy ejaculated in. (Note, the chances are not as great as with a boy with deathless sperm ejaculating into the pool as live sperm move and can more easily get into the crotch of the swim suit where as it will be only random chance with this cheat.)

Pregnancy/delivery cheats

  • Complication free pregnancy(male version): Male characters only (1000 points)

Girls you impregnate will not experience ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages with your child. (3rd trimester complications such as breech birth and the umbilical cord getting wrapped around the neck can still occur.)

  • Complication free pregnancy(female version): Female characters only. (200 points)

100% immunity from miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, breech pregnancy, and other complications that endanger the mother and/or the baby such as the umbilical cord getting wrapped around the baby's neck. Purchasing this reward will also immediately fix any such complication if it exists so long as death has not already occurred as a result of the complication.

  • Complication free delivery Female characters only (300 points)

Nothing will go wrong during the delivery of the baby. This applies mostly to things the mother's body is doing wrong, where as the complication free pregnancy applies to things that are wrong with the baby. Most issues will be handled by the complication free pregnancy cheat. The most significant thing about this is that it will reduce the amount of time you will be in labor to where it will not exceed 2 hours under any circumstance, and could be as short as 30 minutes under ideal circumstances.

  • Pain free delivery Female characters only (500 points)

You will not feel any of the typical labor pains while delivering a baby. The delivery will be little different from pooping so far as the amount of strain it puts on your body goes.

  • Controlled delivery Female characters only (1000 points)

Once you hit the end of the 3rd trimester (any time after 37 weeks) you can decide consciously when your water breaks, and subsequently how long labor will take. (Recommend the pain free delivery cheat if you want to make it any shorter than 60 minutes, otherwise this may result in extreme pain well beyond that of a normal delivery.)

  • Expedited gestation Female characters only (200n points, n = 1 + number of times this cheat has been purchased, max = 9 times)

Reduce the number of weeks you are pregnant from conception to delivery by 4 for each time this cheat is purchased. (default is 38 weeks, can be reduced to 2 weeks with this cheat and no less.) (Note: controlled delivery can be used only in the last 10% of the time in the pregnancy)

  • Dimensional litter uterus Female characters only (2000 points)

Multiple children can gestate in the womb with no negative effects on space or nutrition. Regardless of how many children the mother is pregnant with at once, abdominal swelling and neutritional demands on the mother will be the same as if it was only 1 child.

Lifie cheats

  • Player cheats for lifies

Player cheats can be purchased for a single lifie at 1/10 the rate for a player, or for a single specified group or area.

  • Prices by Group.
  • Single family: 1/2 cost

A single family is defined as all lifies in the purchaser's immediate family, however that's defined, or in the case it is purchased for a family not connected to the purchaser it is all spouses and dependent children under the care, authority, and support of a single specified matriarc or patriarc.

  • Friend group: Standard list cost.

All lifies who share frequent contact with and socialization with the purchasing player, if purchased for a friend group unassociated with the player it can refer to the nucleus of a friend group, the 3 to 6 individuals at the core of the group, for 1/2 cost or the extended friend group for 2X the cost.

  • All sex partners: X2 cost, cannot specify lifies unconnected to the player in this regard.

Applies to all lifes the purchasing player performs sexual intercourse with. Only player cheats applied to lifies may be applied to this scope.

  • Acquaintance group: X4 cost, cannot specify a group unassociated with the purchasing player.

All lifies who the player exchanges names with and who have an opinion about the player.

  • Contact with player: X10 cost

All lifies purchasing player comes into contact with and registers as more than just a passing stranger who will be forgotten and disregarded seconds after leaving their field of awareness.

  • Members of a rigidly definable group: X1 cost per 10 members, rounded down for numbers greater than 10.

All lifies who are members of a rigidly definable group. Rigidly definable means it can be definitely defined in some concrete way that would require some significant event in order to change the numbers in the group, and the numbers are expected to remain the same under normal conditions. The method of defining the group can range from as formal as members of a sports team to being as informal as people who are sitting at a specified table at a given time, although in a less formal case such as the latter example the lack of formality would have to be compensated for by tactics such as specifying an exact date and time along with the location. This can also include people whos' names are on a list the purchasing player just made (again having to specify a time due to the informal nature of the group, the cheat must be re-purchased in order to effect additional names on such a list added after the purchase.)

  • Prices by area.
  • Single household: 1/2 cost

All lifies who live in or are visiting a single specified house.

  • Single street or block or large building: Standard list cost.

All lifies who live on or are visiting a single specified street or block of houses, or a building large enough to take up approximately a city block such as a super market or K-12 school, or one single building in a college campus.

  • Radius around purchaser: X2 cost

All lifies who are within sensory distance of the purchasing player and their activities. (Note: No cheats under this heading "life cheats" are compatible with this level. Most cheats outside of this heading, unless noted otherwise, are compatible with this level.)

  • Single neighborhood or district: X3 cost

All lifies who live in or are visiting a single residential area cordoned off by major streets or adjacent non-residential zones, or a single non-residential zone defined as a district of a town or city for which all the buildings conform to a single purpose such as industrial manufacturing, office buildings, or commerce (stores).

  • Small town or single school district: X5 cost

All lifies who live in or are visiting one small town with a single school district, or a single area of a larger town for which the property taxes all pay into a single elementary, middle, and high school.

  • Medium town or single buro: X8 cost

All lifies who live in or are visiting a medium town with multiple school districts, or a single area of a larger town or city for which the property taxes all pay for a single fire department or police station.

  • Large town/small city, or single city district: X10 cost

All lifies who live in or are visiting a large town or small city that does not divide itself into multiple named districts or attract sub-urban satlites recognized as part of the city, or a single named district of a larger city.

  • Medium city: X20 cost

All lifies who live in or are visiting the city center (excluding suburbs) of a mult-district city.

  • Large city:X30 cost

All lifies who live in or are visiting the city center (excluding suburbs) of a city large enough to have international name recognition by means not related to a scandal and based on its size alone.

  • Medium metropolitan area: X50 cost.

All lifies who live in or are visiting a medium size city or its suburbs.

  • Large metropolitan area: X100 cost.

All lifies who live in or are visiting the urban sprawl surrounding a large city that takes up close to half the state or province.

Special cases, the "Did I say you could Cum" cheat cannot be purchased for a lifie. Cheat that are consciously controlled by the buyer such as "Ejaculation scaler" and "Ovulate at will" are under the control of the one who purchased the cheat, not the life it applies to. The lifies will never question or think it is unnatural that they have the extraordinary abilities given to them by the cheat. Any cheat purchased at the "personal sphere" level or higher can be specified to apply to only one gender. There is no change in cost for this.

Note: Lifies affected by a group cheat are affected until they have spent a full in-game month outside of the group. Lifies affected by an area cheat are affected so long as they regard an address inside the area as their primary home, and also affects any outside lifie who enters the specified area. The outside lifie or a life who gives up their residence in the specified area remain under the effects of the cheat for 1 month after leaving so long as issues pertinent to the cheat that were in effect while they were at the location persist during that time, the same applying to the group effect. (For instance, if you purchase the no complications pregnancy cheat and have sex with a lifie affected by a mass cheat, their pregnancy will have no complications for 1 month after leaving. However, if the cheat was for them to regard rape as Ok, they will only continue to do so if you follow them home from the location and continue to rape them or comit rape in front of them continuously for up to a month afterward.) Residual effects, such as memories of the event in the case of a "sexually improper event" while they are under the effects that they are made to accept through cheats, will continue to be accepted as though they are under the effects of the cheat.

  • Negate area cheat (Standard list cost: 10 points)

Negates an area of effect cheat purchased by another lifie, the purchaser of the original cheat can override this at any time and their override takes precidence if they are currently logged in. Can be set to negate a single cheat or all cheats purchased by other players, and the override effects the area specified upon purchase of this cheat which may be larger or smaller than the cheat or cheats it is negating.

  • Early puberty (Standard list cost: 50 points/year, max 10 years)

Members of the specified group of both genders or 1 gender reach puberty 1 year earlier on average for each time it's purchased, 11 for girls and 12 for boys on a single purchase to 2 for girls and 3 for boys at max purchase, can be earlier if they were going to be precociously pubescent in the first place. (cannot be purchased at the "area around purchaser" area level.)

  • Sexual non-compete (Standard list cost: 400 points.)

Lifies under the effects of this cheat will not pursue sex with each other. They will still accept your sexual pursuits and may pursue you if they are so inclined.

  • Impotence (Standard list cost: 100 points.)

Lifies under the effects of this cheat will not produce viable eggs/sperm. They will not be able to impregnate or be impregnated when they have sex.

  • Sexless (Standard list cost: 200 points.)

Lifies under the effects of this cheat will not become aroused or seek to have sex with others. They will try to deflect attempts at sexual pursuit, and consider any sexual contact non-consensual unless relationship scores are high, and will not enjoy the encounter if they do consent.

  • Pheromone Focus (Special, 500 points and affects all lifies globally.)

If you activate the aphrodesiac pheromones trait, lifies who smell your pheromones and become aroused as a result will not desire other lifies. They will focus their attention on the source of the pheromones, you.

  • Restore Virginity (special, 1000 points, targets single lifie)

Restores a lifie's virginity and removes all memory of previous sexual experiences. Other lifies who are aware of previous sexual experiences the lifie has had will remember but act as though it never happened. (Note, points spent are non-redeemable, even with life-hack)

  • Forgiving (minor level) (Standard list cost: 500 points)

Lifies under the effects of this cheat will immediately forgive or overlook minor social infractions such as name-calling or cheating in a board game. They will also fail to see a pattern in individual small behaviors that add up such as things that could be considered sexual harassment. All affected lifies present will still respond as they normally would at the moment of the behavior, but the second you stop they will act as though it never happened and relationship scores will not be negatively affected.

  • Forgiving (medium level) (Standard list cost: 1000 points)

Lifies under the effects of this cheat will immediately forgive or overlook medium social infractions such as committing crimes against them that they can recover from such as stealing, assault, minor sexual assault, (unwelcome kissing, or groping,) battery (so long as no permanent damage is done,) or witnessing or being told you did any of this to a friend of theirs. All affected lifies present will still respond as they normally would at the moment of the behavior, but the second you stop they will act as though it never happened and relationship scores will not be negatively affected.

  • Forgiving (major level) (Standard list cost: 3000 points)

Lifies under the effects of this cheat will immediately forgive or overlook major personal social infractions such as criminal acts that will permanently affect them and cannot be taken back via normal means available to lifies, such as raping, sexually molesting, or performing major sexual assault (forced or unwelcome non-penetrative sexual activities that go beyond unwelcome kissing or groping) against them or a friend or family member, physical assault that results in permanent damage to them or a friend or family member, or killing one of their friends or family members. All affected lifies present will still respond as they normally would at the moment of the behavior, but the second you stop they will act as though it never happened and relationship scores will not be negatively affected.

  • Forgive and forget (upgrade to forgiving) (Standard list cost: 500 points, requires forgiving at any level.)

Lifies affected by the "Forgiving" cheat will also forget and never reference the behavior they have forgiven you for. This applies retrospectively to things that happened before either cheat was purchased, but will not raise relationship scores. It can, however, free up grudges that may be preventing you from raising relationship scores.

  • Ignorance (Standard list cost: 500 points)

Lifies affected by this cheat will act in every way like they have never been exposed to knowledge or information on a subject specified when buying this cheat. (Note: Popularly used for the sexual ignorance effect.) Affected lifies who perform in a field requiring them to know about this subject (such as a surgeon knowing anatomy) will perform up to their usual standard when in that field, but will begin acting as though they don't know the subject as soon as they leave that context. This cheat can apply to any subject, but some of the more popular options include...

  • Sex/reproduction
  • Male/female anatomy
  • Stranger danger
  • Scam awareness
  • Situational awareness (ability to recognize subtle signs of things going on around you, or that are about to happen.)

The level of ignorance can have 2 settings upon purchase, unaware or oblivious. The oblivious setting means zero knowledge on the subject and surprise that it could even be a possibility when informed, whereas the unaware setting means they have not been exposed to the information but they had enough of the pieces on the fringes that it starts clicking together quickly when they are informed. The subject and the setting make no difference to point cost. There are also 3 settings for the lifie regaining the knowledge they are made ignorant or oblivious to.

  • 1. Gain it back normally from anyone who informs them on the subject.
  • 2. Gain it back only if informed on the subject while in the purchaser's presence.
  • 3. Gain it back only if informed by you personally.

All gaining of the knowledge that does not fit the setting will be forgotten as soon as they stop interacting with the lifie or other player who is teaching them. There is also an option to re-set their knowledge back to the baseline for the cheat or to remove a piece of knowledge they learned you didn't want them to learn.

  • Knowledgable/informed (Standard list cost: 500 points)

Lifies affected by this cheat will act in every way like they have had a certain specified level of knowledge or exposure to a subject specified upon purchasing this cheat. This cheat can apply to any subject, but some of the more popular options include...

  • Cooking
  • Academics (specific academic subject must be specified)
  • Combat/martial arts
  • Weapons handling
  • Sexual performance (how to give your partner a better sexual experience)
  • Housekeeping
  • Bookkeeping/finance

The level of expertise can have any one of a total of 6 settings.

  • Exposed: Knows the subject exists and has some base-level common knowledge about it.
  • Informed: Knows a fair amount of information about the subject, but doesn't actually have much skill in performing it.
  • Practiced: Has some skills in performing tasks involved in the subject-area of knowledge, but their skills are not note-worthy.
  • Skilled: Has some note-worthy skills in the subject-area equal to anyone who has dedicated themselves to the subject.
  • Expert: Can perform exceptionally within the subject-area selected to a point that is on par with famous professionals in the field.
  • Masterful: Is among the best in the world in the subject-area, can perform every skill involved as easily as breathing and with a level of perfection no normal person can ever usually hope to achieve in their lifetime.

This cheat sets the affected lifies to have the specified level of expertise as the minimum in the subject any affected lifie can have. Greater levels of skill can still exist. The "Ignorance-oblivious" setting cannot be purchased at the same time and at the same level on the same subject as this cheat, however the "Ignorance-unaware" setting can be combined with this cheat to make all affected lifies have precisely the level of knowledge/skill in a subject that is set by this cheat an no more.

  • Misinformed (Standard list cost: 500)

Lifies affected by this cheat will express some form of error in their knowledge on a specified subject. This error will not negatively impact their ability to perform at certain tasks, but it could leave several gaps that can allow a player to take advantage of them.

This cheat is most popularly used for sexual purposes, and these are some of the most popular subjects.

  • X method is an effective birth control.
  • You can't get pregnant under X conditions.
  • There is an additional X requirement to getting pregnant aside from just semen in vagina.

Another popular use of this cheats is for those wishing to scam a lifie or get away with something. However, the exact nature of such entries are varied and situation specific.

This cheat can be toggled to overlap with "Knowledgable" or "Ignorance" cheats. If it overlaps with "Knowledgable," they know everything they should know except they have this error in their knowledge. If it overlaps with ignorance, then the error in their knowledge represents the entirety of their knowledge on the subject.

  • Common Condition (Standard list cost: 500)

Lifies affected by this cheat all share some form of condition or trait. This cheat can also be set to only affect a certain percentage of lifies in the designated area for a proportionately reduced cost. (adjusts by 20% increments only) It can also be applied to only individuals in the area that meet certain criteria (such as only males, only females, only adults, or only children,) but there is no associated drop in price. (NOTE: Same as the "adjust traits" feature under the Life module, except applied to large numbers at once)

  • Common physique (Standard list cost: 500)

Lifies affected by this cheat all fall within the same margin for one of the physical, mental, social, or appearance attributes. As with the "common condition" cheat, the scope of effect or the % affected can be adjusted. In addition though, the variance in scores can also be adjusted. (NOTE: Same as the "adjust attributes" of Life module, except applied to large numbers at once)

Variance adjustments and prices adjusted accordingly.

  • Precise number = double cost
  • 15 point variance = normal cost (500 standard list cost)
  • 30 point variance = 1/2 cost
  • 45 point variance = 1/5 cost
  • Common outlook (Standard list cost: 500)

Lifies affected by this cheat all have a similar characteristic within their personality or outlook on life. As with the "common condition" cheat, the scope of effect or the % affected can be adjusted. (NOTE: Same as the "adjust personality" of Life module, except applied to large numbers at once)

NOTE: There is no "common skill" cheat due to such a trait being redundant with the "knowledgable" cheat.)

Lifie social cheats

These cheats affect the way lifies around you react, causing them to ignore certain social rules for your benefit. They are regarded as "lifie" cheats, so they must have a range specified. See "lifie cheats" for information on the range categories.

  • Pass awareness (special: 200 points)

Lifies you are attempting to perform a sex act with will act in a manner that suggests they know it will be regarded as just fine in public if you have the appropriate corresponding "pass" cheat already purchased for that act. Without this cheat, they would be paranoid about being caught. Affects any lifie you are attempting to do something sexual with.

  • Talking dismissal (special: 500 points)

Affects lifies in earshot. Affected lifies will dismiss any talk about sexually illegal or socially unacceptable acts as not being serious, and acts that you have a "pass" cheat for as perfectly normal and non-interesting subjects to talk about. (Note: without this cheat, even with the "pass" cheat you will get strange looks for talking about it. When hearing about it, they will think about it in the same way they normally would without the "pass" cheat, but will not take action based on what they hear.)

  • PDA pass (Standard list cost: 250 points)

Any sex act in public will be ignored, mildly appreciated, or otherwise treated as a perfectly natural and common thing to be doing in a public area. (Does not keep people from reacting to sexual taboos such as homosexuality and sex with children, and family members who disapprove of the sexual relationship may still object. They will still react to a rape, but they have to recognize it as rape first.) NOTE: Having this cheat without "Exposure pass" will render all exposure of genitals acceptable so long as you are actively engaging in sexual activity with your partner, people who saw you doing this will give you a friendly reminder to put your clothes back on if you take too long to do so yourself, people who did not see this occurring may be a little less friendly about it.

  • Exposure pass (Standard list cost: 250 points)Exposing your genitals in public in ways that do not directly affect others will be considered perfectly acceptable. Other activities such as public urination will be regarded the same as if it were done by a dog. It would not be considered all that appealing a thing to see and nobody would like getting peed on, but it will not be regarded as 'indecent' in any manner. Peeing or defecating indoors will not be considered acceptable due to the mess it makes, and defecating outdoors must be cleaned up after it's finished.

This cheat has a very limited application to sex acts. It will mitigate the severity with which they are viewed, but will not be regarded as a complete pass. Touching genitals with hands will, once again, be regarded as the same as if it was a dog. It would be considered lewd and inappropriate, and most definitely not the sort of thing to be done in public, especially where children are involved either as observers or participants.

Actual sexual intercourse in public will also get a fairly negative reaction, but only to the level of people actively trying to break it up and criticizing participants for the public indecency, but it won't be to the level of something anyone thinks is arrest worthy.*Sex exposure pass (Standard list cost: 50 points)Sexual intercourse or sexual touching with an acceptable partner, or the visible signs of recent sexual intercourse or activity are regarded as perfectly acceptable in public. However, this cheat does nothing to shield the purchaser from negative attentions for public nudity and also does not protect the purchaser's partner.

This cheat is only effective on the observing population, not the one being observed.

  • Sex exposure pass (Standard list cost: 50 points)

Sexual intercourse or sexual touching with an acceptable partner, or the visible signs of recent sexual intercourse or activity are regarded as perfectly acceptable in public. However, this cheat does nothing to shield the purchaser from negative attentions for public nudity and also does not protect the purchaser's partner.

This cheat is only effective on the observing population, not the one being observed.

  • Shared exposure pass (Standard list cost: 250 points)

Grants the effects of "exposure pass" to any lifie you expose, convince to strip, or have engaged sexually within the last 4 hours. (double price to increase to 24 hours)

This cheat is only effective if both the lifie exposed and the lifie who is observing are both included in the population the cheat was purchased for. You must have exposure pass also purchased for the same population or greater that the shared version is purchased for.

  • Shared sex exposure pass (Standard list cost: 50 points)

Grants the effects of "sex exposure pass" to any lifie who you engage sexually with or have recently engaged sexually with in the past 4 hours. Observers who see signs of recent sex such as disheveled clothes or hair and smell the scent of cum or female arousal and are aware of what those things indicate will recognize it but pay it no mind and find it acceptable for them to be in such a state.

This cheat can be upgraded for X2 the list cost to increase the duration of the effect from 4 to 24 hours.

This cheat can be upgraded for X2 the list cost to prevent observing lifies from recognizing visible semen for what it is. This effect may either be interpreted as the observer not recognizing it as semen, or thinking it is a different liquid ranging from urine to water, or possibly some kind of frosting.

These upgrade effects can be combined for X4 the list cost.

This cheat is only effective on the observing population, not the one being observed.

  • Sadist's stable: (Standard list cost: 500 points)

All lifies experience pain you inflict on them as sexual pleasure.

  • Rape fantasyland (Standard list cost: 500 points)

Everybody affected will actually like you raping them. They will still fight you off and say all the things they normally would, but after you finish raping them they will treat it like it was fun.

  • Rape shield (Standard list cost: 500 points)

3rd party unrelated onlookers who see, hear, or hear about you raping someone (including from a very distressed victim) will regard it as no different from normal sex. (Does nothing to affect pedophilia or public sex taboos, friends and family of your victim will protest what you are doing to about the level they would protest a dog peeing on their belongings.)

  • Incest pass (Standard list cost: 250 points)

Society will not have a problem with you having sex with a close family member. (Age and gender-related taboos still apply)

  • Bigomy pass (Standard list cost: 250 points)

Society will find it acceptable for you to have multiple romantic or sexual partners so long as they all would be acceptable partners for you individually in the first place.

  • Bigomy acceptance (Standard list cost 50 points)

Your romantic or sexual partners will see no issue with you having other romantic or sexual partners aside from them.

  • Homophillia (Standard list cost: 50 points)

Society will not have a problem with you having sex with someone of the same gender. (Note, points reduced from 250 due to some societies in the world having largely accepted homosexuality recently)

  • Age pass 1 (Standard list cost: 250 points)

Society will accept you having sex with partners 1 age category below you (Or above, if you are a child.) The age categories are infant(0-1), toddler(1-5), child(5-10), tween(10-15), teen(15-20), and adult(20+) (Note the 1 year overlap, those who are the age at the overlap are considered to be in both categories wherever that would grant the most freedom) (Categories are determined according to developmental landmarks, not legal precedents in the world beings AOC laws tend to varry from region to region, although most tend to fall between age 15 and 18.)

  • Age pass 2 (Standard list cost: 500 points, requires age pass 1)

Society will accept you having sex with partners 2 age categories below you (Or above, if you are a child.) (2.5 if you/your partner is/are at the bottom of your own age category)

  • Age pass infinite (Standard list cost: 500 points, requires age pass 2)

Society will not see a problem with you having sex with partners of any age, including infants.

  • Positive pass (Special: 1000 points)

Affects all lifies who are also affected by a "pass" cheat. Will cause all lifies to regard you doing something you have a "pass" cheat for as a normal or even positive thing to be doing, the same as they would regard a married couple of an appropriate age having a baby. (Without this cheat, anything normally looked down on by society you have a "pass" for will be accepted in a manner similar to how homosexuality in the 21st century is accepted by western religions. Basically, a "that's good for you, I'm not going to interfere, I'm not going to judge" external attitude as they are trying to convince themselves out of the deeply held convictions it's a bad thing. Note, friends and family will regard it as natural but may not approve without the "instant approval" cheat.)

  • Above the law (Special: 2000 points)

Regardless of society, no sex act based strictly on what is done sexually will get you in trouble with the law. This means public sex, rape, and child sex or molestation all get a pass, but kidnapping and snuff do not. Injury caused during a rape is regarded on a case by case basis depending on how severe it is, how deliberate it is, and whether or not it was really necessary in order to allow you to complete the rape. (In cases where you have a cheat such as "rape shield" but you do not have this cheat, sexual acts, such as rape in this example, will be seen as legal crimes that people who are not law enforcement officers will not be very interested in reporting, it will be placed in the same department as drug use and underage drinking.)

  • Instant approval: (Standard list cost: 250 points, not compatible with "perceptual range" level)

All lifies will approve of you having a consensual sexual relationship with one of their friends or family members that are otherwise socially acceptable for you to have such a relationship with.

  • Cuckland: (Standard list cost: 50 points, requires "Instant approval", not compatible with "perceptual range" level)

All lifies will not only approve, but actually be excited (and aroused if post-pubescent) by you having sex with their partners, parents, siblings, children, or friends. (Note: They may take some issue if you are having sex with a child more than 4 years younger than you if pedophilia is a taboo in your area unless you have taken other measures, such as the "weird world" or "taboo downplay" cheats, that will make them Ok with it. Does not apply to rape unless you have "vindictive approval." In cases where they would like to have sex with you themselves but would also like to see you cuck them, the priority goes Children > Younger (child) Siblings > Partner > Friend = Self = Older (underage) Sibling (or same agegroup younger sibling) > Parent > Adult Sibling (younger or older))

  • Vindictive approval: (Standard list cost: 50 points, requires "Instant approval," not compatible with "perceptual range" level)

All lifies will approve of you having non-consensual sex with one of their friends or family members that are otherwise socially acceptable for you to have a consensual relationship with. The purchase price may be doubled in order for this cheat to be effective even without it being a socially approvable relationship. (NOTE: Possessing this cheat without the "rape shield" cheat will result in the immediate friends and family members accepting it, but the wider public's reaction will be as expected if it gets out. As for the reverse case, having rape shield without this cheat, the immediate friends and family can react as they typically would to the individual being raped, but their second-order friends will give them no support and not find it a big deal.)

  • Illegal approval: (Standard list cost: 50 points, requires "Instant approval," not compatible with "perceptual range" level)

All lifies will approve of you having a consensual sexual relationship with one of their friends or family members that would normally be considered unacceptable legally or socially (and that you do not have the proper "pass" cheats for)

  • Weird world: (Standard list cost: 1500 points)

Any lifie who would consent to the closest related sex act will consent to and enjoy a fetish related act that tests the same boundaries. For instance, someone who will consent to being ejaculated on will consent to being urinated on. Also, any sex act they would consent to in private will also be consented to in public. This can include involving children in your sex, and go as far as both of you having sex with the child even in sick and twisted fetish ways, even if they are otherwise against pedophilia. They will only be opposed to you performing a sex act on the child or the child performing a sex act on them if they would have resisted you doing it to them personally, and if they don't resist then they will get very turned on by it. Also, the consent status of a 3rd party brought into the sex will not matter, and even be a turn on to them if you are raping the 3rd party (such as the child in the previous example. Note: If this cheat and the "getting away with murder" cheat are both active, your partner will notice you raping the involved child in the same way they would notice you are naked with the "crime pays" cheat. If Cuckland is active too, anyone with a relationship to the victim will also notice it in this manner. This cheat only counts with people you are in an established sexual relationship with. It does not fully interact with rape fantasyland. This one will make them like rape role-play while rape fantasyland will make them regard actual rape as rape roleplay instead.)

Kinky Cheats

  • River of gold: (250 points)

You can make yourself pee a full steady stream at any time you want and make it continue for as long as you want. If you do not have the "no need for toilets" cheat, your bladder will be considered to always be 25% full at minimum, but can fill more from normal human physiological activity. Once your bladder gets full above 50%, you will feel the urge to go as normal and must expel whatever you have in excess of that minimum 25%. With the "no need for toilets" cheat, this just means you only urinate when you want to and do so for as long as you like.

  • Infinite gold mine: (250 points)

You can specify up to 10 lifies in the same general vicinity as you to have the same effects as "river of gold" until either you leave or decide to cancel the effect. They will not find it strange that they can pee more than they usually would, or have any confusion about choosing to pee or not pee. However, they will typically pee in 15 second intervals (the typical maximum amount of time it takes to empty a full bladder,) unless put into a situation that would convince them to do otherwise.

  • Waste factory: (250 points)

You can defecate infinitely. Conditions are similar to that of "River of gold"

  • Wasteland: (250 points)

Similar to "Infinite gold mine" applied to "Waste factory"

  • Emergency #1 (50 points)

The player purchasing this cheat can, at any time, designate a lifie to have an urgent need to pee, or immediately loose control of their bladder. This can only be done once per 6 hours per lifie unless you also have the "Infinite gold mine" cheat. The player can also designate themself as the target if so desired, except that the "River of gold" cheat is required for multiple activations in a 6 hour time period.

  • Emergency #2 (50 points)

Identical to emergency #1, except that it applies to the need to defecate.

  • Eurethra expansion (200 points)

Allow your eurethra to expand. Can be used to increase the volume of fluid that can be expelled at once, or to allow for eurethral insertion of a foreign object such as a penis. The default is for the eurethra to expand automatically if you would be passing an artificially large amount of fluid courtesy of "river of gold" or "Ejaculation scaler." (for river of gold, you will gain conscious control over the size of your eurethra and thus the size of your urine stream if you have purchased both cheats at once. For ejaculation scaler, you will gain either conscous control or the ability to set how many pulses it will take to expel the amount of semen you set, and your eurethra will expand accordingly to let out that amount of semen in that number of pulses.) Otherwise, it stays in its normal state. If you wish to insert a foreign object, it will expand to accommodate the object. If you wish to have your eurethra expand and remain in that state, you may set it from this terminal.

  • Eurethra expander (200 points)

Allow you to expand a lifie's eurethra in order to insert foreign objects, such as a penis. By default, their eurethra will expand to accomodate an object that you are inserting. If you wish to have it expand and stay expanded, you will need to change the settings here.