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==General recommended approaches==
==General recommended approaches==
Despite May's sudden boldness in her siblings' "peeing game," her sexuality is also starting to develop along with the concept that certain things are a little inappropriate. As such, a more gradual approach would be necessary with her generally. She will be a little more hesitant to the idea of just telling her the penis is supposed to go in her vagina and then getting her to do it.

==Recommended approaches and relationship levels for specific acts==
Despite this, the most effective way to get May to open up sexually if you have lower relationship stats with her is actually borderline rape under the exact right conditions. You would need to get brought into the "club" by someone else, have her ask you to join your urine stream with hers, actually go farther with it than she's asking by touching your dick to her slit somewhere before, after, or during the process and start fooling around like that, and then shoving her down (or convincing her to lay back so you can rub your penis on her more) and sticking it in, all without actually telling her your intentions or explaining anything about what to expect. If you do it under these exact conditions, she will find she actually enjoys it and get into it, and then will be very at ease with almost anything else sexual you try to do with her. Short this exact method though, she will be the most resistant to sexual activity out of the group. If she knows anything about the concept of penises going into a girl's vagina she will be more guarded to this sequence of events and it will not have the same kind of good results.
A list of specific sex acts including details on how she views them, witch approaches are likely to work with her, and witch approaches are least likely to work. It also notes witch relationship stat is most influential in getting her to perform this act, as well as whether it needs to be high or low. As stated before, it is always possible for them to refuse depending on circumstances even if your score is high enough, and with just the right approach it is also possible to get them to allow a certain sex act even if the score is lower than the noted recommendation.

For the sake of giving people attempting to interpret these slippery "high, low, medium" type ratings a little grounding, here are the definitions used and the range of stats the rating could be referring to. Please note the bleed over with the above and below categories. This is to reflect the level of wiggle room a writer has in interpreting a stats score in the game, and also so that the writer does not have to really stress about the exact numbers.
If you have very high trust with May, she ultimately wants to do all sorts of sexual things but is limited by her social concerns. If you have very high trust then it will be high enough for her to place the responsibility on you if you "give her permission" to do something that would normally be not allowed. She may resist for a moment, but after insistently telling her it's alright she will consent to absolutely anything so long as she does not know about the impregnation consequences. If she does, then she will need high romantic love scores as well.
(Note: May will be experiencing her first ovulation at the start of the story, and is weak to her hormones. If you start up some form of gradual foreplay or other forms of sexual activity with her such as bringing the typical peeing game a little farther than normal, she will likely get lost and accept anything you do with her so long as she accepted the first thing you did.)
==Her reaction to specific sex acts==
While the above can help you to predict how she might react to sex generally, below is how she will react to specific acts.
At the heading of each act, there will be a recommendation on witch relationship stat(s) will be most effective in getting her to lower her guard against this specific sex act if they cross a certain threshold. This threshold will be given a "low/medium/high" rating rather than a specific number. Although, there is a rough number each rating is meant to represent, as outlined by the table below.

*Non-existent = approximately 0-10% (you are not going to see this designation appearing much.)
*Non-existent = approximately 0-10% (you are not going to see this designation appearing much.)
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*Extreme = approximately 90-100%
*Extreme = approximately 90-100%

As a final note, submissiveness can always act as a wild card. Unless submissiveness is actually specified as one of several stats that are looked at for that act, submissiveness can replace any 1 score listed so long as it is high enough relative to the recommendation. This will be judged as an act of psychological dominance, witch is listed under fetishes farther down. Each person will react a little bit differently to being psychologically dominated, so it may be a good idea to reference this section before counting on this tactic.
Note: The categories do overlap. This is to represent the wiggle room given to the writer in a case by case basis in interpreting their current score. Also, it is entirely possible to achieve consent for a sex act while falling short of the threshold with exactly the right approach, and it is also possible to have them reject you while you have far exceeded the threshold with the wrong approach.
Final note: Submissiveness is a wild card for achieving non-resistance to a sex act. However, non-resistance does not mean they will like it.

===Benign sex acts===
===Benign sex acts===
Acts such as hand-holding, hugging, and having her sit in your lap. Things that are more or less non-sexual, but can be construed in a sexual way to some extent.
Acts such as hand-holding, hugging, and having her sit in your lap. Things that are more or less non-sexual, but can be construed in a sexual way to some extent.

*'''Hold her hand:'''
May has a slight crush on Xander, but then that goes the same for every male who is older than her in her life so that does not buy you much with her. This is also balanced by her raising sense of boundaries. If you have a little bit of trust with her though (low trust,) she will allow you to do these things, and with a medium level of trust combined with a medium romantic love score she will let you get pretty into it to a level that is borderline inappropriate.
*'''Play with her hair:'''
*'''Pick her up off the ground:'''
*'''Have her sit in your lap:'''
*'''Kiss her cheeks or forehead:'''

===Dismissable sex acts===
===Dismissable sex acts===
Acts that can just as easily be seen as sexual as they can non-sexual or unintentional. Examples include holding her ass, being shirtless around one another, or oggling her crotch.
Acts that can just as easily be seen as sexual as they can non-sexual or unintentional. Examples include holding her ass, being shirtless around one another, or oggling her crotch.

*'''Be shirtless around her:'''
Overall, with the exception of a few specific actions, she will not take much issue with anything of this nature. The fact that you are practically part of the family due to your close friendship with her older brother will cause her to accept anything you do the same way she would from one of her actual siblings.
*'''Comfortable around you in her pajamas:'''
*'''Oggle her clothed groin or breasts:'''
The few items of consiquence are as follows.
*'''"Accidentally" oggle her bare groin or breasts:'''
*'''Fondle her fully clothed ass while hugging or other such activity:'''
*'''Change cloths in presence of each other, not going naked:''' Medium trust
*'''Change cloths in presence of each other, not going naked'''
The Holiday kids are not supposed to do any co-ed changing of cloths, but if it is not stripping naked then she might not personally see this as something there is a major problem with since you are more or less part of the family.
*'''Make sexually charged or sexually related banter with each other'''
*'''Wear only shirt and underwear around her'''
*'''Make sexually charged or sexually related banter with each other:''' High trust and previous experience
*'''"Secretly" dry-hump leg, hip, or ass (either direction)'''
She is not very certain about this subject, having only recently started experimenting with it, and she doesn't know a lot about sex anyway. However, once you have done something with her, her biggest hold back will be the nervousness she might be overheard. If this is not a risk, she might be convinced into participating in this activity.
*'''"Secretly" dry-hump leg, hip, or ass (either direction):''' Medium trust and friendliness
This will get May a little uncomfortable if you are the one doing it to her, but if you get her doing it to you she will still feel it is inappropriate but she will enjoy it. If you give her an excuse not to worry about it she will enjoy doing it.

===Mild sex acts===
===Mild sex acts===
Acts that would not be regarded as sex but cannot be seen as anything but sexual, such as kissing, groping, dry-humping, or revealing privates.
Acts that would not be regarded as sex but cannot be seen as anything but sexual, such as kissing, groping, dry-humping, or revealing privates.

*'''Kissing:''' Medium trust
May will likely not expect for you to kiss her. If you do, then it will surprise her and throw her mind into a loop as she tries to process it, and it will cause her to become a lot more submissive to anything else you do and any act she submits to will be counted as though it was achieved through romantic love. (getting her to submit like this will also slowly raise her actual romantic love for you.)

*'''Grope breasts and/or genitals over cloths:'''
*'''Grope breasts and/or genitals over cloths:''' Medium trust and submissiveness
This will raise a concern from May regardless of the conditions under witch you do it, however she is likely to uncomfortably allow it under all scenarios. If you have not done anything sexual with her before, she will get very stiff and likely not say anything for a while, likely eventually uttering that you are not supposed to do that. She will seem as though she does not like it and wants you to stop, but if you continue after she says this she will actually start to relax a bit and seem like she is enjoying it more. She will be more at peace with the idea if she has done her part and said you shouldn't be doing this, but keep going anyway. If it is done with observers, she will look about for their reaction to what you are doing. If you have already done something sexual with her, she will be a little bit looser and likely be quicker to state that you are not supposed to do that. If it is done with the "peeing game" group, unless she is highly submissive she will likely bat your hand away and then begin taking her pants off to pee as though it never happened. (Only medium submissiveness required to get a different reaction if you have caused her to orgasm under some set of circumstances.)

*'''Show privates to each other for no reason other than to just look:'''
*'''Show privates to each other for no reason other than to just look:''' High trust (Very low trust if part of the peeing game)
May is strongly of the opinion that this sort of thing is inappropriate, but she wants to do it anyway. As such, she needs someone she trusts a great deal (and some submissiveness helps too) to give her a form of permission to reveal her privates to another person. The peeing game Via her younger brother August is one thing that fills this purpose. In order for you to fill this purpose yourself though, she would have to trust you personally a great deal.

*'''Use toilet with other present in bathroom:'''
If it is part of the peeing game, she only needs to see that you do not plan to get them in trouble for what they are doing. Once she trusts you that far, she will go about all her usual activities, but will be a little cold toward you and gravitate preferentially toward her siblings if you do not at least have a medium level of trust with her. However, approaching her with your dick out under these circumstances and peeing close to her are a good way to break the ice and raise her trust with you rapidly. Asking to watch her pee though, especially if you ask her with your cloths still on, is an approach that will be met with suspicion by her. The comradere of seeing that you are all in on this peeing game as well is something that will gain major points with her.

*'''Reference or discuss moderate or hard-core sex with each other:'''
*'''Use toilet with other present in bathroom:''' Very high submissiveness
To May, you being in the bathroom with her and you watching her pee outside are two completely different things. She will be strongly against you coming in the bathroom with her unless she is submissive enough to you for you to flat out demand it of her. After getting in, she will be a little bit stiff and will need some encouragement to start thinking of this as no different from the peeing game. (She will have a somewhat easier time with it if some of the other kids from the game are with her in the bathroom in addition to you. 2 or 3 of them for optimum results.)

*'''Crotch to crotch clothed dry-humping:'''
*'''Reference or discuss moderate or hard-core sex with each other:''' Medium trust
She will meet any comment on what adults do with their privates with initial disbelief, but with enough insistence she can be won over. Simply discussing the act before hand, especially if you are participating in a lower intensity sex act with her already, will make her more accepting of it if you follow up talk with action.

*'''Be casually naked with one another:'''
*'''Crotch to crotch clothed dry-humping:''' Medium friendliness.
While she has made the association that nudity and touching with a hand are both taboo, so long as her cloths are on she will have far less of an issue with rubbing her crotch on your leg, arm, or even your groin. She simply has yet to build the association that this is in the same category as touching with the hand.
*'''Be casually naked with one another:''' Medium trust and submissiveness.
Convincing her to take her cloths off in the first place is the only hard part. Once you get that down, she will have far less of a problem with keeping them off for a while. The lowest relationship stats this can be accomplished with is via the peeing game. For anything else, use the score requirements for another act higher on the list that seems the most appropriate.

===Moderate sex acts===
===Moderate sex acts===
Sex acts that most would consider sex, but would not get the "hard-core" label if filmed and put on a porn site.
Sex acts that most would consider sex, but would not get the "hard-core" label if filmed and put on a porn site.

*'''Touch each other's bare genitals with hand'''
*'''Touch each other's bare genitals with hand''' Medium trust and low submissiveness.
If you have convinced her somehow to pull down her pants already, she will begin to get lost in the euphoria of doing "naughty things." Once the ice is broken like this, she will be more accepting of other things like touching than she would if she had her cloths on still. However, she will still resist. She will mostly act the same as she would if you were tickling her arm-pits, even demanding that you stop in about the same fashion.

*'''Rub your bare genitals together:'''
*'''Rub your bare genitals together:''' Low trust and the right approach.
There are two approaches that will cause her to accept this. The first is to get close to her and actually pee on or near her groin, possibly peeing on the ground with your penis inches away from her groin, and then move on to rubbing it against her slit after or during this. The second way is to somehow get her without her cloths and just do it without asking permission or explaining, and then immediately start using calming language to coax her into accepting once your genitals are in contact with one another.

*'''Masturbate partner to orgasm'''
*'''Masturbate partner to orgasm''' Medium trust and low submissiveness (for you on her. High submissiveness to get her to do it to you.)
As mentioned with the procedure for touching her genitals with your hand, she is going to start resisting and calling for you to stop long before you are able to get her to orgasm. The way you get her to accept masturbating her to orgasm is to simply ignore her protests but not be too mean or aggressive about it. Simply laugh along and soothe her as you refuse to stop stroking her pussy.

*'''Ejaculate on her body, anywhere between her stomach and her knees, while she is not aware semen makes babies:'''
*'''Ejaculate on her body, anywhere between her stomach and her knees, while she is not aware semen makes babies:''' Medium trust and the right approach.
May has something of a peeing fetish, but this really results from her misinterpreting her hormonal demands that she let a boy ejaculate inside of her. She is more comfortable around urine than semen though, so she will be a bit more hesitant about having the real thing shot at her. There are a variety of ways you can get her used to the idea of shooting semen instead of pee at her in the way she wants, and none are necessarily better than any of the others in terms of the final result, but she will take the process easier if you shoot it on the ground as she watches first since this is what she is used to seeing done with pee.

*'''Ejaculate on her head, hair, chest, or face:'''
*'''Ejaculate on her head, hair, chest, or face:''' High submissiveness
May thinks of semen very similar to the way she thinks of pee. As such, she will think it is disgusting for you to shoot it near her face. You will have to mentally dominate her in order to get her to accept this, and she will not like it much.

*'''Ejaculate on or near her groin while she is aware semen makes babies:'''
*'''Ejaculate on or near her groin while she is aware semen makes babies:''' Medium submissiveness and low trust.
If May finds out that semen makes babies if it gets inside her vagina, she will consciously resist the idea more and verbally express she does not want to do it. However, subconsciously, she will be ruled by her hormones and her primitive instincts will demand she let you do this to her. So, as she expresses verbally she doesn't want you to do it, she will actually become a lot more relaxed and permissive of this and other related sex acts after she finds out. She will also be a lot easier to mentally dominate, and any resentment she feels will be directed at herself for letting it happen instead of at you for doing it.

*'''Perform oral sex on her:'''  
*'''Perform oral sex on her:''' High submissiveness
May will be fairly disturbed by this and think it is disgusting. Her view of how disgusting it is will wipe out any thought of whether or not it is proper, and she will just refuse to let you do it on the basis of her pussy being the place she pees from so you shouldn't put your mouth there. If she is submissive enough to you though, she will accept that you want to do it and just think that you are weird.

*'''Have her perform oral sex on you:'''  
*'''Have her perform oral sex on you:''' High submissiveness
May will think it is unusual to suck on Xander's penis so long as he does not pee, but will find Lexi's pussy to be totally disgusting due to the fact that it is slightly wet. While Xander can probably demand oral from her verbally, especially if he just performed oral on her or on someone else in front of her, Lexi might need to use a little bit of physical force. If Xander ejaculates in her mouth, she will likely take it out of her mouth immediately and prefer getting blasted all over the face than have it go in her mouth.

===Hard-core sex acts===
===Hard-core sex acts===
Sex acts that involve semen and/or the penis going into a vagina or anus.
Sex acts that involve semen and/or the penis going into a vagina or anus.

*'''Girl on girl homosexual sex:'''
*'''Girl on girl homosexual sex:''' Medium trust
Since May does not know much about sex yet, she also has not learned much about her religion's taboo against homosexuality. As such, she actually views it as more acceptable to be naked with a girl and can be more easily coaxed into letting her touch her privates and vice-versa. Since she is confused about her developing body, she will eagerly absorb any kind of sex lessons that come from Lexi so long as she considers Lexi a trusted person.
*'''PIV sex while she is ignorant to its role in impregnation:''' Trust requirement varies greatly by approach.
In all cases, May is actually more likely to accept PIV sex if you just push her down and stick it in Vs. attempting to get her permission first. Getting her to agree to it ahead of time will require her to have a high or very high submissiveness score with you. As for just sticking it in, even against her protests, so long as you do not get too aggressive or "mean/scary" with it she will just take it as play wrestling that happens to involve you doing something a little disgusting, but she will also be fairly excited by you doing it so she will resist but she will actually be enjoying it a lot.
If you do this with her once or twice, without giving much explanation, she may even come up to you later and ask if you and her can "do that thing where we wrestle naked and you try to put your penis in my privates," revealing that she actually does want to do it. However, as soon as you start grabbing her and making good on this she will start resisting and saying things like "No no no! Don't do that!"

*'''PIV sex while she is ignorant to its role in impregnation:'''
*'''Vaginal sex with condom''' High submissiveness
The use of the condom will make your intentions quite clear, and so even taking the route of sticking it in against her protests will require her to have pre-consented to the vaginal sex before you even touch her. However, wearing something special over your penis that is just for sex will solidify the idea in her mind that adults do this sort of thing and it is probably not as bad as she was lead to believe, witch will cause her to get a little more curious. She will still be hesitant about the idea, but she is more likely to agree if you are wearing the condom.

*'''Vaginal sex with condom'''
If she has not been informed about sex making babies, then she will also be more agreeable to bare-back sex once you have done it with the condom once or twice. If she has been informed that sex makes babies, she will become a bit more enthusiastic about sex but only if you are wearing the condom. This will allow her to identify her primal urges for what they are, and she will correctly identify this as a way to safely satisfy them at the same time.

*'''Anal Sex'''  
*'''Anal Sex''' Very high submissiveness
May will very much not like the idea of something being stuck up her butt, especially a penis as she will be afraid of the idea of having someone pee up her butt.

*'''PIV sex while aware that it makes babies:'''  
*'''PIV sex while aware that it makes babies:''' High romantic love and submissiveness
May will actually be surprisingly agreeable to this if she has a high level of romantic love with you. She will put two and two together and figure out that this is what married couples do, and so she will see it as an act of love. However, she will also realize she should probably not be having babies at her age, but if she is submissive enough to you she will let it happen anyway.

*'''Intentionally impregnate her:'''
Lacking this, knowing that there are consequences for a boy sticking his penis inside her and ejaculating will make her a lot less accepting of being wrestled down by a boy doing exactly that. It will not be fun wrestling with a disgusting yet exciting loose condition anymore. However, it will not be 100% guaranteed she will treat it as full blown rape either. Her primal urges will be demanding she let this happen, so if you give her the right excuses and get her riled up enough before doing it she will still accept it.
*'''Intentionally impregnate her:''' High submissiveness, romantic love, and an official declaration you two are in a relationship.
As was mentioned in the first paragraph about PIV sex knowing it will make her pregnant, she will make the association between sex and romance once she knows it will make her pregnant but she is still of the opinion that she shouldn't do it. She will be hesitant to the idea of letting you get her pregnant, but if you declare that she is your girlfriend, even if it is secretly, she will feel it is a bit more appropriate.

===Fetish sex acts===
===Fetish sex acts===
Peculiarities to her sexuality, including desires that do not have strictly to do with reproductive sex as well as what her response would be to physical or psychological force being used to perform a sex act with her. (Note: Relationship recommendations are not given at the beginning as these are things that simply manifest at the appropriate level of sex act. Feeding the fetish is more of a good approach than anything.)
Peculiarities to her sexuality, including desires that do not have strictly to do with reproductive sex as well as what her response would be to physical or psychological force being used to perform a sex act with her. (Note: Relationship recommendations are not given at the beginning as these are things that simply manifest at the appropriate level of sex act. Feeding the fetish is more of a good approach than anything.)

*'''Childish rape fantasy'''
May does not know enough about sex to grasp the concept of rape, but she will like being forced to have sex "against her will" for all of the same reasons as someone with a rape fantasy. Those reasons being that she wants to do it but needs to have the responsibility for it taken off of her because she was forced to do it. Since she does not have a real concept of rape though, she will be against any form of hitting or yelling or anything to really make it scary. The form she will accept it in is something that looks very similar to the wrestling she sometimes does with her siblings, except that you are stripping off her cloths (or you and her already have your pants off) and you are trying to stick your penis in her.

As May is just hitting early puberty, she is dealing with strange urges that she can't explain. A primal urge that demands that she have a boy squirt something out of his penis and into her vagina. Since she does not know about semen, and the idea of a boy sticking their penis inside of her is pushing things a bit, this culminates in her wanting a boy to pee on her vulva. If you pee on her slit, she will be very pleased and this will easily open her up to allow more. She can be made to accept semen the same way she does pee, but she will be more comfortable with the idea of getting her crotch peed on than ejaculated on since she is more familiar with pee and semen is something completely new to her.

*'''Results of physical force in sex acts:'''
*'''Results of physical force in sex acts:'''
Physical force couched as innocent wrestling except you are trying to have sex with her will feed into her childish version of a rape fantasy, and she will probably wind up laughing and giggling through it as though you are tickling her. However, if you get more rough than that and she gets scared she will likely freeze up and let you finish but will come out of it having very much not enjoyed the experience.

*'''Results of psychological force in sex acts:''' (Using partner's submissiveness to demand sex even when they don't want it)
*'''Results of psychological force in sex acts:''' (Using partner's submissiveness to demand sex even when they don't want it)
The only form of psychological manipulation May will accept is for you to ignore her pleas for you to stop while saying something along the lines of "it's Ok." Any more harsh demands than that will scare her and cause her to provide physical resistance and even possibly start crying as you proceed to rape her.

[[Category:Life Hacks|May's Sexuality]]
[[Category:Life Hacks|May's Sexuality]]

Latest revision as of 16:04, 16 March 2017

This is the new format for showing what the individual character's reaction will be to sexual advances with them depending on their sexual history, sexual knowledge, sexual quirks, and their relationship with you. It contains some of the information from the old system, and also goes into detail about how they might react to individual sex acts giving various ways you might approach them. Please note that there will always be a chance they might reject you regardless of relationship score depending on your approach and their mood at the time due to other factors. Also note that the scores say a "recommended" relationship score before pursuing a sex act. It is possible to get them to agree with a lower score if you use the best approach (especially if you have high social skills.)

Sexual history

May has entered into precocious puberty, but has not yet hit menarche. In fact, as of the start of the story, she is ovulating her first egg and if she has sex then she will get pregnant having skipped her first period.

Due to her early puberty, May has just recently started to get a crush on older boys, but she does not think of this in terms of anything sexual. She really doesn't have much of a concept of sex at all, and has not even thought about the idea of a boy's penis touching her pussy. However, she has found herself becoming more and more thrilled about her younger siblings' "game" of going out to the woods behind their house and watching each other pee. She has recently become a lot more eager to join in and is even becoming a little dissatisfied it does not progress much beyond just peeing. She knows she wants something more, but she is not sure what. She has begun having her brothers come very close to her as she pees like this, and trying to join their urine streams, they wind up having to get their penis within 6 inches of her young pussy to accomplish this since she is squatting while this is happening. This excites her a lot more than just peeing. She has not consciously admitted yet that she wants their penis to touch her there, but on the subconscious primal level that is very much the goal.

While she does not think of her older male crushes in terms of anything to do with sex or even what she does outside with her younger siblings, she does have a crush on and thus mild romantic feelings for just about any older male that shows her positive attention, including family members. She has envisioned herself getting married to her dad, her older brother, Xander, and one of her Sunday school teachers at the church (not in her actual class at the catholic school, since her teacher is a woman.)

May remembers from a few years back when Octo was 3 that Jan and Febby used to strip him and play with his little penis while she watched in awe. She has debated doing the same thing to Octo now, but does not want to possibly get in trouble for it.

Sexual Knowledge

May has no knowledge what so ever about the actual act of sex, despite knowing that babies come from mommy's belly. She thinks women simply start spontaneously getting pregnant once they are married, and doesn't really think about why boys and girls are different down there. All she knows is that she starts to feel excited when a boy's penis gets close to her privates.

  • Knows what male genitals look like?: Yes
  • Knows how babies are made?: Sort of
  • Knows what sex is?: No
  • Knows what semen is?: No

General recommended approaches

Despite May's sudden boldness in her siblings' "peeing game," her sexuality is also starting to develop along with the concept that certain things are a little inappropriate. As such, a more gradual approach would be necessary with her generally. She will be a little more hesitant to the idea of just telling her the penis is supposed to go in her vagina and then getting her to do it.

Despite this, the most effective way to get May to open up sexually if you have lower relationship stats with her is actually borderline rape under the exact right conditions. You would need to get brought into the "club" by someone else, have her ask you to join your urine stream with hers, actually go farther with it than she's asking by touching your dick to her slit somewhere before, after, or during the process and start fooling around like that, and then shoving her down (or convincing her to lay back so you can rub your penis on her more) and sticking it in, all without actually telling her your intentions or explaining anything about what to expect. If you do it under these exact conditions, she will find she actually enjoys it and get into it, and then will be very at ease with almost anything else sexual you try to do with her. Short this exact method though, she will be the most resistant to sexual activity out of the group. If she knows anything about the concept of penises going into a girl's vagina she will be more guarded to this sequence of events and it will not have the same kind of good results.

If you have very high trust with May, she ultimately wants to do all sorts of sexual things but is limited by her social concerns. If you have very high trust then it will be high enough for her to place the responsibility on you if you "give her permission" to do something that would normally be not allowed. She may resist for a moment, but after insistently telling her it's alright she will consent to absolutely anything so long as she does not know about the impregnation consequences. If she does, then she will need high romantic love scores as well.

(Note: May will be experiencing her first ovulation at the start of the story, and is weak to her hormones. If you start up some form of gradual foreplay or other forms of sexual activity with her such as bringing the typical peeing game a little farther than normal, she will likely get lost and accept anything you do with her so long as she accepted the first thing you did.)

Her reaction to specific sex acts

While the above can help you to predict how she might react to sex generally, below is how she will react to specific acts.

At the heading of each act, there will be a recommendation on witch relationship stat(s) will be most effective in getting her to lower her guard against this specific sex act if they cross a certain threshold. This threshold will be given a "low/medium/high" rating rather than a specific number. Although, there is a rough number each rating is meant to represent, as outlined by the table below.

  • Non-existent = approximately 0-10% (you are not going to see this designation appearing much.)
  • Very low = approximately 5-20%
  • Low = approximately 10-40%
  • Medium = approximately 30-70%
  • High = approximately 60-90%
  • Very high = approximately 80-95%
  • Extreme = approximately 90-100%

Note: The categories do overlap. This is to represent the wiggle room given to the writer in a case by case basis in interpreting their current score. Also, it is entirely possible to achieve consent for a sex act while falling short of the threshold with exactly the right approach, and it is also possible to have them reject you while you have far exceeded the threshold with the wrong approach.

Final note: Submissiveness is a wild card for achieving non-resistance to a sex act. However, non-resistance does not mean they will like it.

Benign sex acts

Acts such as hand-holding, hugging, and having her sit in your lap. Things that are more or less non-sexual, but can be construed in a sexual way to some extent.

May has a slight crush on Xander, but then that goes the same for every male who is older than her in her life so that does not buy you much with her. This is also balanced by her raising sense of boundaries. If you have a little bit of trust with her though (low trust,) she will allow you to do these things, and with a medium level of trust combined with a medium romantic love score she will let you get pretty into it to a level that is borderline inappropriate.

Dismissable sex acts

Acts that can just as easily be seen as sexual as they can non-sexual or unintentional. Examples include holding her ass, being shirtless around one another, or oggling her crotch.

Overall, with the exception of a few specific actions, she will not take much issue with anything of this nature. The fact that you are practically part of the family due to your close friendship with her older brother will cause her to accept anything you do the same way she would from one of her actual siblings.

The few items of consiquence are as follows.

  • Change cloths in presence of each other, not going naked: Medium trust

The Holiday kids are not supposed to do any co-ed changing of cloths, but if it is not stripping naked then she might not personally see this as something there is a major problem with since you are more or less part of the family.

  • Make sexually charged or sexually related banter with each other: High trust and previous experience

She is not very certain about this subject, having only recently started experimenting with it, and she doesn't know a lot about sex anyway. However, once you have done something with her, her biggest hold back will be the nervousness she might be overheard. If this is not a risk, she might be convinced into participating in this activity.

  • "Secretly" dry-hump leg, hip, or ass (either direction): Medium trust and friendliness

This will get May a little uncomfortable if you are the one doing it to her, but if you get her doing it to you she will still feel it is inappropriate but she will enjoy it. If you give her an excuse not to worry about it she will enjoy doing it.

Mild sex acts

Acts that would not be regarded as sex but cannot be seen as anything but sexual, such as kissing, groping, dry-humping, or revealing privates.

  • Kissing: Medium trust

May will likely not expect for you to kiss her. If you do, then it will surprise her and throw her mind into a loop as she tries to process it, and it will cause her to become a lot more submissive to anything else you do and any act she submits to will be counted as though it was achieved through romantic love. (getting her to submit like this will also slowly raise her actual romantic love for you.)

  • Grope breasts and/or genitals over cloths: Medium trust and submissiveness

This will raise a concern from May regardless of the conditions under witch you do it, however she is likely to uncomfortably allow it under all scenarios. If you have not done anything sexual with her before, she will get very stiff and likely not say anything for a while, likely eventually uttering that you are not supposed to do that. She will seem as though she does not like it and wants you to stop, but if you continue after she says this she will actually start to relax a bit and seem like she is enjoying it more. She will be more at peace with the idea if she has done her part and said you shouldn't be doing this, but keep going anyway. If it is done with observers, she will look about for their reaction to what you are doing. If you have already done something sexual with her, she will be a little bit looser and likely be quicker to state that you are not supposed to do that. If it is done with the "peeing game" group, unless she is highly submissive she will likely bat your hand away and then begin taking her pants off to pee as though it never happened. (Only medium submissiveness required to get a different reaction if you have caused her to orgasm under some set of circumstances.)

  • Show privates to each other for no reason other than to just look: High trust (Very low trust if part of the peeing game)

May is strongly of the opinion that this sort of thing is inappropriate, but she wants to do it anyway. As such, she needs someone she trusts a great deal (and some submissiveness helps too) to give her a form of permission to reveal her privates to another person. The peeing game Via her younger brother August is one thing that fills this purpose. In order for you to fill this purpose yourself though, she would have to trust you personally a great deal.

If it is part of the peeing game, she only needs to see that you do not plan to get them in trouble for what they are doing. Once she trusts you that far, she will go about all her usual activities, but will be a little cold toward you and gravitate preferentially toward her siblings if you do not at least have a medium level of trust with her. However, approaching her with your dick out under these circumstances and peeing close to her are a good way to break the ice and raise her trust with you rapidly. Asking to watch her pee though, especially if you ask her with your cloths still on, is an approach that will be met with suspicion by her. The comradere of seeing that you are all in on this peeing game as well is something that will gain major points with her.

  • Use toilet with other present in bathroom: Very high submissiveness

To May, you being in the bathroom with her and you watching her pee outside are two completely different things. She will be strongly against you coming in the bathroom with her unless she is submissive enough to you for you to flat out demand it of her. After getting in, she will be a little bit stiff and will need some encouragement to start thinking of this as no different from the peeing game. (She will have a somewhat easier time with it if some of the other kids from the game are with her in the bathroom in addition to you. 2 or 3 of them for optimum results.)

  • Reference or discuss moderate or hard-core sex with each other: Medium trust

She will meet any comment on what adults do with their privates with initial disbelief, but with enough insistence she can be won over. Simply discussing the act before hand, especially if you are participating in a lower intensity sex act with her already, will make her more accepting of it if you follow up talk with action.

  • Crotch to crotch clothed dry-humping: Medium friendliness.

While she has made the association that nudity and touching with a hand are both taboo, so long as her cloths are on she will have far less of an issue with rubbing her crotch on your leg, arm, or even your groin. She simply has yet to build the association that this is in the same category as touching with the hand.

  • Be casually naked with one another: Medium trust and submissiveness.

Convincing her to take her cloths off in the first place is the only hard part. Once you get that down, she will have far less of a problem with keeping them off for a while. The lowest relationship stats this can be accomplished with is via the peeing game. For anything else, use the score requirements for another act higher on the list that seems the most appropriate.

Moderate sex acts

Sex acts that most would consider sex, but would not get the "hard-core" label if filmed and put on a porn site.

  • Touch each other's bare genitals with hand Medium trust and low submissiveness.

If you have convinced her somehow to pull down her pants already, she will begin to get lost in the euphoria of doing "naughty things." Once the ice is broken like this, she will be more accepting of other things like touching than she would if she had her cloths on still. However, she will still resist. She will mostly act the same as she would if you were tickling her arm-pits, even demanding that you stop in about the same fashion.

  • Rub your bare genitals together: Low trust and the right approach.

There are two approaches that will cause her to accept this. The first is to get close to her and actually pee on or near her groin, possibly peeing on the ground with your penis inches away from her groin, and then move on to rubbing it against her slit after or during this. The second way is to somehow get her without her cloths and just do it without asking permission or explaining, and then immediately start using calming language to coax her into accepting once your genitals are in contact with one another.

  • Masturbate partner to orgasm Medium trust and low submissiveness (for you on her. High submissiveness to get her to do it to you.)

As mentioned with the procedure for touching her genitals with your hand, she is going to start resisting and calling for you to stop long before you are able to get her to orgasm. The way you get her to accept masturbating her to orgasm is to simply ignore her protests but not be too mean or aggressive about it. Simply laugh along and soothe her as you refuse to stop stroking her pussy.

  • Ejaculate on her body, anywhere between her stomach and her knees, while she is not aware semen makes babies: Medium trust and the right approach.

May has something of a peeing fetish, but this really results from her misinterpreting her hormonal demands that she let a boy ejaculate inside of her. She is more comfortable around urine than semen though, so she will be a bit more hesitant about having the real thing shot at her. There are a variety of ways you can get her used to the idea of shooting semen instead of pee at her in the way she wants, and none are necessarily better than any of the others in terms of the final result, but she will take the process easier if you shoot it on the ground as she watches first since this is what she is used to seeing done with pee.

  • Ejaculate on her head, hair, chest, or face: High submissiveness

May thinks of semen very similar to the way she thinks of pee. As such, she will think it is disgusting for you to shoot it near her face. You will have to mentally dominate her in order to get her to accept this, and she will not like it much.

  • Ejaculate on or near her groin while she is aware semen makes babies: Medium submissiveness and low trust.

If May finds out that semen makes babies if it gets inside her vagina, she will consciously resist the idea more and verbally express she does not want to do it. However, subconsciously, she will be ruled by her hormones and her primitive instincts will demand she let you do this to her. So, as she expresses verbally she doesn't want you to do it, she will actually become a lot more relaxed and permissive of this and other related sex acts after she finds out. She will also be a lot easier to mentally dominate, and any resentment she feels will be directed at herself for letting it happen instead of at you for doing it.

  • Perform oral sex on her: High submissiveness

May will be fairly disturbed by this and think it is disgusting. Her view of how disgusting it is will wipe out any thought of whether or not it is proper, and she will just refuse to let you do it on the basis of her pussy being the place she pees from so you shouldn't put your mouth there. If she is submissive enough to you though, she will accept that you want to do it and just think that you are weird.

  • Have her perform oral sex on you: High submissiveness

May will think it is unusual to suck on Xander's penis so long as he does not pee, but will find Lexi's pussy to be totally disgusting due to the fact that it is slightly wet. While Xander can probably demand oral from her verbally, especially if he just performed oral on her or on someone else in front of her, Lexi might need to use a little bit of physical force. If Xander ejaculates in her mouth, she will likely take it out of her mouth immediately and prefer getting blasted all over the face than have it go in her mouth.

Hard-core sex acts

Sex acts that involve semen and/or the penis going into a vagina or anus.

  • Girl on girl homosexual sex: Medium trust

Since May does not know much about sex yet, she also has not learned much about her religion's taboo against homosexuality. As such, she actually views it as more acceptable to be naked with a girl and can be more easily coaxed into letting her touch her privates and vice-versa. Since she is confused about her developing body, she will eagerly absorb any kind of sex lessons that come from Lexi so long as she considers Lexi a trusted person.

  • PIV sex while she is ignorant to its role in impregnation: Trust requirement varies greatly by approach.

In all cases, May is actually more likely to accept PIV sex if you just push her down and stick it in Vs. attempting to get her permission first. Getting her to agree to it ahead of time will require her to have a high or very high submissiveness score with you. As for just sticking it in, even against her protests, so long as you do not get too aggressive or "mean/scary" with it she will just take it as play wrestling that happens to involve you doing something a little disgusting, but she will also be fairly excited by you doing it so she will resist but she will actually be enjoying it a lot.

If you do this with her once or twice, without giving much explanation, she may even come up to you later and ask if you and her can "do that thing where we wrestle naked and you try to put your penis in my privates," revealing that she actually does want to do it. However, as soon as you start grabbing her and making good on this she will start resisting and saying things like "No no no! Don't do that!"

  • Vaginal sex with condom High submissiveness

The use of the condom will make your intentions quite clear, and so even taking the route of sticking it in against her protests will require her to have pre-consented to the vaginal sex before you even touch her. However, wearing something special over your penis that is just for sex will solidify the idea in her mind that adults do this sort of thing and it is probably not as bad as she was lead to believe, witch will cause her to get a little more curious. She will still be hesitant about the idea, but she is more likely to agree if you are wearing the condom.

If she has not been informed about sex making babies, then she will also be more agreeable to bare-back sex once you have done it with the condom once or twice. If she has been informed that sex makes babies, she will become a bit more enthusiastic about sex but only if you are wearing the condom. This will allow her to identify her primal urges for what they are, and she will correctly identify this as a way to safely satisfy them at the same time.

  • Anal Sex Very high submissiveness

May will very much not like the idea of something being stuck up her butt, especially a penis as she will be afraid of the idea of having someone pee up her butt.

  • PIV sex while aware that it makes babies: High romantic love and submissiveness

May will actually be surprisingly agreeable to this if she has a high level of romantic love with you. She will put two and two together and figure out that this is what married couples do, and so she will see it as an act of love. However, she will also realize she should probably not be having babies at her age, but if she is submissive enough to you she will let it happen anyway.

Lacking this, knowing that there are consequences for a boy sticking his penis inside her and ejaculating will make her a lot less accepting of being wrestled down by a boy doing exactly that. It will not be fun wrestling with a disgusting yet exciting loose condition anymore. However, it will not be 100% guaranteed she will treat it as full blown rape either. Her primal urges will be demanding she let this happen, so if you give her the right excuses and get her riled up enough before doing it she will still accept it.

  • Intentionally impregnate her: High submissiveness, romantic love, and an official declaration you two are in a relationship.

As was mentioned in the first paragraph about PIV sex knowing it will make her pregnant, she will make the association between sex and romance once she knows it will make her pregnant but she is still of the opinion that she shouldn't do it. She will be hesitant to the idea of letting you get her pregnant, but if you declare that she is your girlfriend, even if it is secretly, she will feel it is a bit more appropriate.

Fetish sex acts

Peculiarities to her sexuality, including desires that do not have strictly to do with reproductive sex as well as what her response would be to physical or psychological force being used to perform a sex act with her. (Note: Relationship recommendations are not given at the beginning as these are things that simply manifest at the appropriate level of sex act. Feeding the fetish is more of a good approach than anything.)

  • Childish rape fantasy

May does not know enough about sex to grasp the concept of rape, but she will like being forced to have sex "against her will" for all of the same reasons as someone with a rape fantasy. Those reasons being that she wants to do it but needs to have the responsibility for it taken off of her because she was forced to do it. Since she does not have a real concept of rape though, she will be against any form of hitting or yelling or anything to really make it scary. The form she will accept it in is something that looks very similar to the wrestling she sometimes does with her siblings, except that you are stripping off her cloths (or you and her already have your pants off) and you are trying to stick your penis in her.

  • Peeing

As May is just hitting early puberty, she is dealing with strange urges that she can't explain. A primal urge that demands that she have a boy squirt something out of his penis and into her vagina. Since she does not know about semen, and the idea of a boy sticking their penis inside of her is pushing things a bit, this culminates in her wanting a boy to pee on her vulva. If you pee on her slit, she will be very pleased and this will easily open her up to allow more. She can be made to accept semen the same way she does pee, but she will be more comfortable with the idea of getting her crotch peed on than ejaculated on since she is more familiar with pee and semen is something completely new to her.

  • Results of physical force in sex acts:

Physical force couched as innocent wrestling except you are trying to have sex with her will feed into her childish version of a rape fantasy, and she will probably wind up laughing and giggling through it as though you are tickling her. However, if you get more rough than that and she gets scared she will likely freeze up and let you finish but will come out of it having very much not enjoyed the experience.

  • Results of psychological force in sex acts: (Using partner's submissiveness to demand sex even when they don't want it)

The only form of psychological manipulation May will accept is for you to ignore her pleas for you to stop while saying something along the lines of "it's Ok." Any more harsh demands than that will scare her and cause her to provide physical resistance and even possibly start crying as you proceed to rape her.