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Depending on their personality and their values, they may even actively cover for or even facilitate you in doing things that would be considered outright morally reprehensible, including the most detested crimes in society such as murder and child rape. It is only when it gets into new levels of depravity such as cannibalism or other things that stretch the imagination that they may not support you. (They still will not obstruct it in any form. They will just choose not to be involved.)
Depending on their personality and their values, they may even actively cover for or even facilitate you in doing things that would be considered outright morally reprehensible, including the most detested crimes in society such as murder and child rape. It is only when it gets into new levels of depravity such as cannibalism or other things that stretch the imagination that they may not support you. (They still will not obstruct it in any form. They will just choose not to be involved.)

(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)
How generally negative a person's reaction is to you. Enemy scores of around 10% are natural for anyone to reach at various times of their life for certain events. Anything higher, unless the target did something horrible, usually denotes some form of mental instability in the person feeling this level of hatred.

*'''10%''' Irritated
===Interactions and abnormal presentations====
Has some minor beef that causes them to behave unfavorably toward the target of their irritation, this irritation will usually fade with time.
Abnormal ways that friendliness, especially at the highest ends of the high range, might present itself. In order for friendliness to present in this way, they will need to have a bit of a screw loose, and they will usually also need to have at least one more relationship stat at max.

*'''30%''' Animosity
*'''Obsession''' Friendliness and romantic love.
A long-term feeling of general distaste for a person. The person feeling the animosity toward the other usually cannot put a finger on the reason they feel this way, but when psycho analysis reveals what it is it usually turns out to not justify the treatment they were giving out 80% of the time.
They become attached to you in such a way that they may actually become violent to others or even to you if you if their ability to be with you is threatened.

*'''50%''' Superficial Hatred
*'''Blind trust''' Friendliness and trust.
Has a real strong dislike for the person that justifies all manner of torment, torture, and general bad treatment. Will usually spend more energy thinking up ways to make the other person's life miserable than the target does dealing with the things they do. The person feeling this hatred usually has an instigating factor they can point to that most people would identify with as being understandable, but a critical and wise person with a grown-up way of looking at things will see it as a childish reason to go after someone like this.
They will reject clear and obvious evidence of you having done something morally wrong or even directly harmful to them. For instance, if you rape their daughter they will automatically assume their daughter to be a lier even if she shows them your fresh sperm dripping from them and you are the only (other) male within a mile radius. If presented with something (such as that) that really pushes their ability to disbelieve it, they may even become violent in their active rejection of it.

*'''70%''' Deep Hatred
Hates a person enough to become obsessed with making the other person's life miserable to the point they wind up harming themselves in trying to harm their target. May even attempt to kill the target of their hatred. Usually have an identifiable reason for their hatred. 50% of the time, anyone would agree this is a good reason to hate someone. The other 50% of the time, the person who has this much hate is that way because they are mentally unstable. It is possible for a mentally unstable person to also have a good reason.
How generally negative a person's reaction is to you. Enemy status is essentially the exact opposite of friendliness. They do kind of horse-shoe in effect though in that greater levels of enemy status will have them obsessing over you more and more in the same way friendliness would. The true opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. In much the same way, to be an enemy toward you they will have to have you actively in their thoughts. (Note: It is actually not possible for someone to naturally reach the high range of enemy status without having a mental defect of some sort that causes them to become absolutely obsessive about you in their disgust.)

*'''90%''' Gevious Hatred
*'''Low range'''
Hates someone enough to want them dead or tortured in gut-turningly grotesque ways. A person usually has to be mentally unstable to reach this level of hatred, although that level of mental instability 10-20% of the time may have been triggered by the manner in witch the target wronged them that may be every bit as egregious as the torture they want to put back on them.
At the low end, they will mostly do small things that involve actively denying you basic common courtesies. They will attempt to avoid you or exclude you from their social circle, and they will refuse to lift a finger to help you when you need someone to help you. So far as active antagonism goes, they will mostly stick to high-school level insults and biting remarks. However, if some form of severe misfortune did befall you they would still have some level of common human empathy for you. It may even cause them to feel bad about how they have been treating you.

*'''Medium range'''
Feels it is their right to tell another person what to do. (Note: someone with a dominance score may take issue with the one they are dominant over initiating a sex act even if their romantic love meter is filled appropriately.)
They will actively wish harm upon you. If their values prevent them from harming you, they will just revel in it if something bad actually winds up happening. They are likely to scheme against you in order to make your life more difficult, although they will not go too far out of their way if doing so will cause them to loose social standing themselves. (They will do more to hinder you the greater your crime against them is, the greater your crime the more their social circles will be to understand their hatred of you.) Their activities to hinder you and make life more difficult for you can include spreading false rumors or watching you like a hawk and amplifying your legitimate screw-ups. They may make severe negative and de-humanizing remarks about you, and may become physical at the higher end of this range. Also at the higher end of this range, they may attempt to vandalize your personal property.

*'''10%''' Speaks their mind
(Note: for a mentally stable person, this is the cap for how severe their enemy status can become naturally. Even if you tortured and murdered every one of their friends and family members they will not move above this level unless they have a severe mental defect, although if you did do those things then killing you is within the extents to witch their social circles may allow them to go witch will make that a reaction that is perfectly justifiable in this range.)
Will feel confident in saying how they think things should be, does not necessarily mean they expect their will to be carried out but they do feel they have the right to be heard.

*'''30%''' Up on the pecking order
*'''High range'''
Expects to be given first say on how coveted resources are divided (above the people they are dominant over anyway.)
They will do anything to make you suffer. A person at this level is absolutely unhinged and they will not care about the consequences to themselves so long as you are harmed in the process. They will not care if others are hurt by their aggression toward you, and at the higher end they may even go to the extent of killing or torturing your loved ones. Their self-destructive hatred is so great that if you and them were in a desert and you found a large container of water, they would race ahead and dump it out so that you wouldn't even have the chance of snagging it from them in the time it would take them to get a drink for themselves.

*'''50%''' Lead
(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)
Will take the lead in terms of determining what activities are done and attempt to take final say on the subject.

*'''70%''' Boss/Authority figure
Will feel it is their place to give the person they are dominant over commands or punishments where appropriate.
Feels it is their right to tell another person what to do. (Note: someone with a dominance score may take issue with the one they are dominant over being the initiator of a sex act, even if they are in a sexual relationship. However, it is also entirely possible for the dominance and submissive roles to reverse the moment things become sexual. If this is the case, consider their sexual submissive score to be a complete reversal of their dominance score. See the sexual submissive section for details as this will only cover dominance both in a general and also in a sexual sense.)

*'''90%''' Master
*'''Low range'''
Will see the person they are dominant over as being out of order for even attempting to dispute an order they are given.
Will feel they always have the right to lead the conversation, and that they should naturally have control of any activities that are being performed with the person or people they are dominant over. They may be willing to cede control in certain situations where it seems appropriate. They are not likely to give orders to the people they are dominant over. Rather than being a task master, they are more likely to be a task controller. For instance, if they are cooking a meal, they will either relegate the person they are dominant over to sue-chef duties (chopping vegetables or grating cheese,) or just kick them out of the kitchen entirely. If they do tell the person they are dominant over to do something, it will usually be in the form of a request, although they might become a bit incensed if the request is refused.

In the case of being dominant to this level in a sexual relationship, they will accept their partner initiating sex acts, however they will feel the need to change the pace after a short time of doing what their partner wants in order to regain control.
Feels compelled to bend to the will of another.

*'''Medium range'''
Will feel more comfortable in actually ordering the person they are dominant over to do things. They will actually start to actively think of themselves as the dominant member of the relationship, and that their orders are expected to be followed. They will not be too domineering, the people they are dominant over are allowed to have their own lives, but attempts at going against their wishes had better come with a good reason. Active attempts at going against their demands will become a power struggle. This doesn't mean it will turn ugly, it is more that a verbal joust will begin in witch they will force the person who is disobeying to justify themselves in order to either correct their disobedience or at least get the message across that their behavior is unacceptable.

*'''10%:''' Non-dominant
In the case of being dominant to this level in a sexual relationship, the most they will allow their partner to do in terms of initiating sex is to express in some way that they are horny. It will be the dominant partner that gets to set the time and place where the submissive partner will be satisfied though. However, the expression of their partner's horniness will make them feel somewhat obligated to state it sooner rather than later.
You must actively assert your dominance. They will try to take control if you do not take control first. Will cede the floor to you if you attempt to have the first word and will accept your place to determine what is being done if you happen to speak first.

*'''30%:''' Defers to you
*'''High range'''
Will habitually back down if you contradict them effectively. Will still stick up for themselves if you don't give them good reason to do what you say. You may have to persuade them, but you only have to shoot down their off-the-cuff objections. They will not dig deep to come up with something to win the argument unless it is over a subject they are absolutely sure they are in the right on due to research and familiarity with the subject, or the ridiculousness of your stance.
Will demand that their word be treated as the ultimate authority in the relationship. They will take to micro-managing the life of the person they are dominant over, not permitting them to take any significant action without their permission. Hanging out with their friends will be one of these significant actions, and they may even attempt to say what friends they are and are not allowed to have. They will not tolerate dissent, even if the person they are dominant over has a perfectly reasonable objection.

*'''50%:''' Submissive
In the case of being dominant to this level in a sexual relationship, they will not even view the partner they are dominant over as having the right to refuse sex.  Their requirements for the other partner initiating sex is the same as in the medium range, however they will not feel so obligated to oblige their partner's sexual desires and might even refuse them sex on the basis of putting them in their place by causing them sexual frustration. It is highly likely that they might get into BDSM just for the sake of further asserting their dominance in the sexual relationship.
Regards you as being their superior in the pecking order. Simply accepts that you get priority for things like speaking order, getting food, or having the front seat in the car.

*'''70%:''' Subservient
(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)
Allows you to give them orders witch they will unquestioningly carry out unless it is something that conflicts strongly with their moral compunctions.

*'''90%:''' Unquestioning Submission
Will go along with your will without protest even if it is something they dislike. They will still be opposed to certain things, but they can be persuaded to do literally anything so long as the correct steps are taken.
A tendency in a person to bend to another person's will. Submissiveness is a natural subservience, and it is a surrendering of the job of decision making to the person they are submissive to. There is not quite as big a difference between being generally submissive and sexually submissive as there is with dominance, but there is still the likelihood that someone who is generally submissive could become dominant in the bedroom. However, the ways a generally submissive person communicates the desire for sex may be different.
===Subordinate status===
Submissiveness due to position or other superficial feature. It is submissiveness that has been appointed rather than developed. Level of submissiveness is a result of the level of respect the submissive party has for the person artificially instated over them.

*'''10%:''' Defiant submission.
*'''Low range'''
Regards the person appointed over them to be in some way inappropriate for their position. Will follow non-objectionable orders, but will need to have some form of social, formal, or physical force used to make them submit to their superior when (not if) they decide they don't want to do what they are told.
At the low range, the submissive person will prefer to go with the flow rather than attempt to direct activities within a group that includes someone they are submissive to. This will usually be at a subconscious level. They will still fearlessly speak their mind if the opportunity happens to come up, but they will not make the effort to muscle their way in and push for that chance to speak. In terms of following orders, they may push back if they are blatantly told to do something, but they are more likely to comply with reasonable requests.

*'''30%:''' Hesitant submission.
Sexually, someone who is submissive at this level is likely to make their desire for sex known by touching and getting affectionate with their partner, but unless they are really sexually frustrated they are not likely to actually initiate the sex themselves. Rather, they will make their desire known and leave it up to their partner to notice and act on it. If they do not desire sex and their partner does, they might be persuaded go along with it if it is an established sexual relationship and their partner comes in with the right approach, but if they have not had sex before then they are likely to refuse.
Is forced despite themselves to hold the person with authority over them with respect. This is usually due to mentally registering that the person with authority over them knows better than they do, and are usually right when they say something. Doesn't want to follow the orders, but knows (or at least believes, justly or unjustly) deep down that the orders are correct and to not obey them would invite natural negative consequences in addition to whatever artificial consequences the person they are supposed to obey can add on.

*'''50%:''' Fair-weather submission.
*'''Medium range'''
Will gladly and happily do what they are told so long as they think what they are being told is a good course of action to the best of their knowledge. Disagreements will be settled with rational discussion rather than acts of defiance.
At the medium range, the submissive person will be more clearly deferrent to the person they are submissive to. They will not take abuse from them, but they are not likely to resist if they are outright ordered to do something. They may also start to think preemptively in terms of how to accommodate the person they are submissive to, and in terms of acting according to the wishes of the person they are subservient to they will behave as though they are always in the room and refuse to do something they don't like at any time.

*'''70%:''' Willing submission.
Sexually, someone who is submissive at this level will do most of the things in the previous category to make their desire for sex known, but they will not initiate a sex act even if they are dying of sexual frustration. Rather, they will just make their desire for sex more clear but leave it up to their partner to decide whether or not to act on it. If they do not desire sex and their partner does, if there is an established sexual relationship then they will submit to it even if it would make things inconvenient for them. If they do not have an established sexual relationship then the approach is key to whether or not they will submit to it. They will have to be put in a place where they feel like sex is expected and required of them in this sort of situation. (It is easier to manipulate a sexually inexperienced teen or young college student in this manner. Children with no sexual knowledge in the first place cannot be manipulated in this manner, but other approaches might be possible if their nudity and sexual touching taboo is not too strong.)
Has a good deal of respect for the person with authority over them and considers it a genuinely pleasant thing to follow their orders. Will even follow a bad order without complaint so long as it does not have particularly bad foreseeable consequences.

*'''90%:''' Absolute submission.
(Note: There is some wiggle room as to what can be considered the upper end of this level of submissiveness depending on how naturally submissive the person in question is.)
"Yes men" and "ass kissers." Will hardly even disagree with the person they are submissive to if they give a bad order. All sorts of things can lead to this mental state, but for whatever reason they will not even make much effort to resist something they know is wrong just because the person in authority said so.

*'''High range'''
Will submit to the sex acts that another they are submissive to wants to do with them. Their own will is irrelevant. They will always allow sex acts of the appropriate level to be done to them by the person they are submissive to whether they want to do it or not, but other factors such as context and scores in other areas will determine how they react internally in their own minds to being made to submit to these sex acts.
(Note: it is not possible for a mentally stable adult to naturally reach this level of submissiveness. They will have to have their will broken in some way (or game hacks or relationship modifying reward could be applied) A child can easily reach this range of submissiveness though with the right grooming, and having been groomed to this level of submissiveness as a child is a way to have an adult become susceptible to this level of submissiveness. Other means of breaking an adult in this way are occasionally hap-hazardly used by abusive domestic partners and more frequently used in a calculated way by slave traders.)

Note: dismissable sex acts and higher require grooming to break down their defenses. If any grooming level is skipped, score requirements are raised by 20 points cumulatively for each grooming level that has been skipped in the requirements for that sex act. (for instance, a submission score of exactly 100 will allow mild sex acts without any grooming, or moderate sex acts skipping one of the three required levels of grooming.)
At the high range, the submissive person will submit to almost anything the dominant partner wants of them, and this does not only include things that could be considered abusive to them. At the higher end, they will even stand idly by and permit their friends and loved ones to be abused by the partner they are submissive to and not do a single thing to intervene. It may even be their opinion it is the dominant partner's right to be doing that and that the friend or loved one should just submit as they do.

(Sex act thresholds are measured in groups of 20 without a top-end buffer zone. This is because there is a break-down of inbetween values for each act, but these increments of 20 are the top ends of each category.)
Sexually, someone who is submissive at this level no longer thinks about whether or not they want sex. The only question is whether or not their dominant partner wants sex. At the higher end they will even allow themselves to be pimped out by their partner if that is what is desired of them. There is no question of them not wanting sex if a sexual relationship has been established. If a sexual relationship has not been established, a sexually mature and aware person may resist being pimped but they will not resist sex from their dominant partner. A sexually ignorant child will not resist their partner either, although the exact reactions may differ a little.

Note: This only measures scores for convincing them to perform a sex act they were not ready to do before hand. If they initiate the sex act, they can initiate it with a score of 0.
(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)
Will accept any benign sex acts without complaint, even if it is non-consensual.
If appropriately groomed (early grooming has been achieved with this partner,) they will accept any dismissable sex acts without complaint even if they catch on it is being done intentionally for sexual or naughty reasons and do not consent to this.
If appropriately groomed (grooming and early grooming have both been achieved with this partner,) they will accept any mild sex acts without complaint even if the act is non-consensual.
If appropriately groomed ("Involved with each other" and all lower grooming achievements have been reached with this partner) they will accept any moderate sex act without complaint even if it is non-consensual.
If appropriately groomed (Raunchy couple and all lower grooming achievements have been reached with this partner) they will submit to vaginal or anal sex even if it is non-consensual. Once they have had consensual or non-consensual sex 10 times with the individual they are submissive to, they will not complain about fetish style sex acts either.

A comfort that you will not do something to hurt them or feeling that you have their best interest in mind.
Trust is how comfortable a person is with the idea/how much they believe that you will not do anything to harm them or their loved ones, and that you have their best interests in mind. This trust allows them to drop their guard and not worry about the things that you might do.

*'''Low range'''
At the low range, they trust that you are not a dangerous person. You probably have the same basic values and decency as any other normal person, and they do not have to worry about you doing something horrible to them or their loved ones. There may be a little bit of concern in their mind when it comes to giving you sensitive tasks such as babysitting their children, but if they are in a pinch then they will trust you with such a task.

*'''10''' Familiar
If they become suspicious of you while you are trusted at this level, rumors and whispers that you might be untrustworthy and might do something in the future will prevent you from raising to the next tier in levels of trust, but they will not accuse you without evidence.
Is over the general distrust afforded to strangers

*'''30''' Comfortable
*'''Medium range'''
Does not feel you will intentionally do something negative toward them, except for some light teasing.
At the medium range, their trust of your character may improve and they will also come to trust your capability. They are more likely to give you tasks to do, and once you are on the job they will stop worrying about it as they will be sure you will get it done right. However, if the task they are trusting you with involves a skill, you must have demonstrated in the past at some point that you possess that skill. You may be trusted with more sensitive stuff as well. In the example of babysitting, they will not even hesitate to trust you with their children. You are also more likely to be trusted with sensitive information to the family if they have a secret that could cause some social problems with their friend groups. At the higher end, you may even be trusted with things that could get them in some minor legal trouble if such a thing exists.

*'''50''' Trusted
If they become suspicious of you while you are trusted at this level, they will not accept rumors of your possible future actions. There has to be evidence that something has already happened and a reasonable line of logic to say it is possible you were the one who did it. If this comes up, they will need actual evidence stating that you were in fact the one who did it, but even if there isn't the fact that suspicion is cast on you will prevent you from raising to higher levels of trustworthiness.
Feels they can trust you with a secret.

*'''70''' Reliable
*'''High range'''
Feels they can count on you to stick up for them when the chips are down.
At the high range, they will really not even think of the possibility you might do something to violate their trust, either in terms of betrayal or in terms of failure. If they are going to trust you with a task that requires a skill, they will take your word for it if you tell them you have that skill. If there is a secret in the family that could cause them to be arrested or worse if it is revealed, they will trust you not to spread that information if you were to find out.

*'''90''' Absolute
It will be hard for them to become suspicious of you having done something to violate their trust. They will have to be presented with evidence, and the evidence would have to come from someone who they at least trust to a medium range. That evidence would also have to be to a level that it would hold up in a court of law. (themselves being the judge.) For instance, if their daughter tells them you raped her, the daughter would either have to be highly trusted by them as well or they would need a DNA test proving it was you before they fully accepted this accusation.
Their first automatic reaction will always be disbelief if they hear you have done something bad, and will need a lot of convincing to be persuaded you did what they say.

(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)
Trust substitutes for the "romantic love" stat when having sex with a child or young teen 14 or under, and also is required for fetish sex in addition to the primary (romantic love) stat meeting the requirement for the actual sex act that goes along with the fetish activity. Trust will also allow you to avoid suspicion when having sex behind someone's back provided enough plausible deniability, and is the stat used in cases of surrogate sex where a parent or guardian willingly and knowingly allows you to engage in sexual actions with their child (must obtain permission, witch may or may not be granted according to personality.) See romantic love for the child's reaction to sex or for permission for sex from a guardian. The numbers covered here will refer to fetish sex and covert sex only.

Note: In the case of fetish sex, this is the required level to talk them into the fetish sex when they do not hold the fetish themselves. Lower levels of trust are possible if they are the one with the fetish.
===Interactions and abnormal presentations===
Abnormal ways that trust, especially at the highest ends of the high range, might present itself. In order for friendliness to present in this way, they will need to have a bit of a screw loose, and they will usually also need to have at least one more relationship stat at max.

For a child engaging in sex, scores can be lower, but not less than 30 below the requirement, for them to initiate the sex act themselves if they have some form of interest in that particular act, such as wanting to touch the opposite gender's genitals.
*'''Blind trust''' Friendliness and trust.
They will reject clear and obvious evidence of you having done something morally wrong or even directly harmful to them. For instance, if you rape their daughter they will automatically assume their daughter to be a lier even if she shows them your fresh sperm dripping from them and you are the only (other) male within a mile radius. If presented with something (such as that) that really pushes their ability to disbelieve it, they may even become violent in their active rejection of it.

For parents or guardians allowing you to have sex with their children or charges, this only counts situations where you are a normally acceptable sex partner for them under normal circumstances (such as you both being teenagers and dating.) Abnormal situations incur modifiers unless the parent or guardian has an unusual view on sex with children, and levels can be lowered in situations like the parents pimping out their children or the parents having a stupidly liberal view on child sex and having decided a particular sex act is no big deal.
*'''Awe''' Trust and fear
If unnatural means are used to have trust and fear both on the scale, and they are filled to a point where the bars overlap (for instance, 50% trust and 51% fear) then so long as the fear is not presenting as fear of self harm then it may manifest as awe. Awe is a state where they trust you will not harm them or their loved ones despite an animalistic visceral fear response that they have. Awe usually presents in a religiously worshipful manner, and it is possible for someone with god status to naturally trigger awe in their worshipers or especially in people who become new converts upon witnessing a miracle.  

*'''0%''' Suspicious/untrusting
*'''Stockholm syndrome''' Submissiveness, Fear, love, and trust.
Fetish: Will not engage in any fetish sex.
Someone who is submissive and fearful of someone who abuses them may begin to identify with their abuser. Once they start identifying with their abuser, they may start to love them and then trust them. (The trust is not a requirement for Stockholm syndrome to manifest, rather it is something that appears after the victim begins to get Stockholm syndrome. There is nothing to prevent the love from having existed before hand, but it is part of Stockholm syndrome that it will appear afterward.)

Covert sex: Will be alert and suspect even the slightest inconsistency, may even suspect without evidence if their mind has reason to go that direction in the first place.
The trust that appears in Stockholm syndrome is a bit odd. They are certain they are going to get beaten or perhaps even raped by their abuser, and there is nothing to keep them from thinking that they might do so to their loved ones as well. However, they will act in a manner that says they trust their abuser anyway. The level of trust someone with Stockholm syndrome has does not necessarily mean they genuinely don't think they will be betrayed in that manner, rather it means they will behave as though they trust them even when they are sure they will.
*'''10%''' Hesitant
Fetish: Will permit someone with a non-threatening fetish such as a foot fetish to, in that case, touch and/or manipulate their feet or paint their nails(or whatever the equivalent would be for a different non-threatening fetish,) but may or may not draw a line at licking.
Covert sex: Will be alert and suspect even the slightest inconsistency that leads them to believe you are having secretive sex.
*'''30%''' At ease
Fetish: Minimum for swinger or cuck sex or any sex based on having sex with someone generally perceived as dangerous.
Covert sex: Will feel they don't have to watch you that closely, but not that this behavior is beyond you. Will become suspicious if they get strong evidence such as one of the usual signs one might use to express their suspicions to another.
*'''50%''' non-suspicious
Fetish: Minimum for the majority of fetish sex, does not include any form of sex that would require a "safe word."
Covert sex: Default position in their mind is that you will not have illict sex behind their back, but can be persuaded easily if they find evidence. Will only suspect you if they see multiple suspicious signs (those used to typically describe suspicious activity of this nature) adding up. (minimum 5 to maximum 10 signs)
*'''70%''' Trusting
Fetish: Minimum for any form of safe-word requiring sex, including BDSM, choking, and rape role-play.
Covert sex: Sees you having illict sex behind their back as being something you simply would not do. Will dismiss any evidence, including some rather obvious evidence such as creaking bed-springs and semen stains on the sheets, by providing alternative explanations. Minor evidence such as disheveled appearances will not even register as suspicious. However, if enough obvious evidence stacks up, direct testimony is given, or someone who is suspicious of what you are doing convinces them, they will believe it.
*'''90%''' Blind Trust
Fetish: Required for the most extreme and potentially life-threatening activities during sex.
Covert sex: May very well dismiss it even if shown the semen dripping from the girl's vagina, the read-out from a DNA test saying it's the guy's, and verbal testimony from both partners saying it happened. Would be dismissed as the semen actually being lotion or having come from another guy and the test having been faked. (key word, may. People who are more intelligent and rational will be hurt but still give the trusted person room to provide an alternate explanation, and trust will fall by 70 whether they are convinced or not.)
A person who trusts blindly may even allow for a quick somewhat improbable explanation (such as wrestling) if you are caught in the act but penis is not inserted at the time they lay eyes on you. (again, this extreme situation leads to trust instantly falling by 70 if the individual has a degree of intelligence and rationality whether they believe the excuse or not.)

Fear is divided into three categories. Perceived threat to self, perceived threat to others, and threat of self harm. In this case "threat to self" refers to harming the person who has the fear stat, and "threat of self harm" refers to the person the fear stat is in regards to harming themselves. There are occasions where someone may fear more than one outcome, but the behaviors that result will reflect the one that is the strongest.
Fear is the opposite of trust. It is the belief that you will cause harm to them or their loved ones. If you are counted as one of their loved ones, then it is possible that this fear could include you causing harm to yourself. If someone fears you in general, they will not truly trust you. They might trust you not to be dangerous in certain contexts, but the need for those conditions does not make it true trust. Simultaneously fearing and trusting someone is only possible if the only fear they have is that you might harm yourself, or their relationship stats were modified through hacks or cheats.

Note that fear does not always refer to a physical threat, especially in the threat to self and threat of self harm categories. The former presents commonly in the form of a child fearing punishment from a disciplinarian parent, and the latter in the form of fear they may ruin their future livelihood prospects rather than injure or kill themselves. It could also refer to their behaviors being dangerous and inviting harm from an outside source, such as them being raped and/or kidnapped by a stranger.
*'''Low range'''
At low levels of fear, they will just be suspicious of you. Most people waver between low level fear and low level trust of every random person on the street who they don't know. Usually, this low level of fear can be dispersed in most people just by having a pleasant conversation and becoming acquaintances. Persisting rumors that you might be the type to do something malicious though will stabilize you at this level of feared status. (Note: only a family member would trust you to babysit if you are feared at this level, and then only if there is no other easily available option.)

===Fears threat to self===
If the question is to whether or not you might harm yourself, they will still trust you with your free space. It is actually natural for a parent to have this level of fear of self-harm for any of their children in that they might inadvertently and stupidly do something to get themselves hurt while they are not looking. If the suspicion is more geared toward you actively harming yourself such as drug use or hanging with a bad crowd, they might attempt to intervene by talking to you about your self-destructive behaviors.
Fear of personal harm is the fear that the subject of the fear might cause some negative result to the person who feels the fear. This is not necesarily physical harm. A child might fear punishment from a parent, a friend or sibling might fear the subject will hate them and abandon them, and someone might also fear their possessions could be damaged by the subject of their fear.

Note: This form of fear can be used to achieve absolutely any effect that could be achieved with the same levels of submissiveness. The big difference between achieving this through fear Vs. submission is that they may or may not be Ok with doing said thing if they submit to it normally, but if they submit due to fear they will always hate being made to do it. Even if it is something they would normally enjoy under other circumstances, they will not like having been forced to do it by you.
*'''Medium range'''
In order to be in the medium feared range, it means they think you might cause some form of property damage, steal something from them or their loved ones, or become physically violent with them or their loved ones. A past behavior of having actually done these things will solidify you in this status and you will have to do a lot to prove you have changed in order to get demoted to the lower feared range. (Note: a family member who fears you at this level will only trust you to babysit if you are the very last option having expended all other options including some less feasible ones, and there is also no option that would include bringing the kids with them or simply not leaving the house.)

*'''10%''' Uncomfortable
If the question is to whether or not you might harm yourself, they will probably become highly uncomfortable with the idea of you being unsupervised. This is the natural level of fear a parent would have for their infant or toddler child. They know that they do not mean to harm themselves, but they are perfectly aware that the chances of them getting seriously injured or dead are present to a level that it is just irresponsible for them not to be supervised. If you are not an infant or toddler and the question is of active self-harm, they will suspect, or know, that you may be getting into some real life-destroying dangerous activity such as unsafe sex and criminal activity.
They feel uneasy while you are around, but do not have a particular reason they can point to to justify this unease.

*'''30%''' Avoidance
*'''High range'''
They feel it is best not to be around you if you can be avoided, just in case. May or may not have a reason to justify this fear.
At this level, they suspect that you might rape, murder, or seriously injure them or their loved ones, or cause some sort of major property damage. They will avoid you and might call for help (such as from the police) if you persist to be near them. (Of course, the question of babysitting is completely out of the question at this level.)

*'''50%''' Afraid
If the question is to whether or not you might harm yourself, a particularly neurotic parent might have this level of fear for their infant or young child that they might wind up dead if they take their eyes off them for even a second. It is highly unlikely though. It is more common to see this level of fear for older children, adolescents, or young adults. At this level, the fear is straight up that you might kill yourself, or get yourself killed or kidnapped and sold into sex slavery due to some high risk activities you are involved in. At this level of fear, it is possible someone might intervene by having you institutionalized.
Self acknowledges they are afraid, and can probably find a justifiable reason as to why they are afraid. Will have difficulty confronting you or standing up to you. (Any encounter that would decrease dominance will reduce it by larger amounts until it reaches 0%. Only effective if dominance was originally lower than 50%)

*'''70%''' Debilitating fear
(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)
Are afraid of you enough that they loose the ability to oppose you for fear of what you might do in response. (Any encounter that would increase submissiveness will increase it more until it reaches 50%, can now increase negative hits to dominance up to 100% as well.)

*'''90%''' Absolute terror
==Familial/platonic love==
Will do every single thing you say for fear of what you will do to them if they don't. Is no different in outcome from having 100% submission.
Familial/platonic love is a strange phenomenon that exists in the intersection between friendliness and love, but is different from both. It can be defined more as a desire to trust you and be friendly with you even if your behavior does not warrant it. It is something like a crampon in a rock-face for the development of your trust and friendliness with a person. You can only raise your familial/platonic love when those levels are high, but if your trust and friendliness fall below your familial/platonic love level then it will act as a way save you from falling as far as you otherwise would have (Enemy levels cannot exceed 100 - Platonic love score) and also makes it easier to climb back up. (Bonuses to friendliness and trust gains if they are below familial love stat.)

===Fears threat to others===
Note: actually being related by blood will give you a starting bonus to your familial/platonic love score.
Fear of threat to others is the fear that the subject of the fear may harm the firends or loved ones of the person feeling the fear. This fear can present in all the same forms as that of threat to self (except that fearing they might hate their loved ones tends to not produce as strong a reaction as they would fearing the same thing for themselves,) the biggest difference between the two is the type of reaction they will have. Rather than submitting due to the fear, someone who fears the threat to others is more likely to become dominant with the subject of the fear in order to prevent the harm from coming.

*'''10%''' Uneasy
Other features of familial/platonic love that differ from friendliness and trust are that familial/platonic love will cause a person to feel more familiar with you. Where friendliness makes them want to be around you and trust makes them feel you won't hurt them, familial/platonic love is the measure that actually makes them feel they know you as a person. In some sense, it makes them feel you are "part of the family."
They feel uneasy while you and their loved one are interacting, but do not have a particular reason they can point to to justify this unease.

*'''30%''' Cautious
*'''Low Range'''
They feel it is best to keep you away from their loved one, just in case. May or may not have a reason to justify this fear.
Feels a comfortable sense of familiarity being around you. They will also develop a slight bias to seeing you in a favorable light.

*'''50%''' Afraid
*'''Medium Range'''
Self acknowledges they are afraid, and can probably find a justifiable reason as to why they are afraid. Will likely become belligerent in order to ward you off if you are around. (Any encounter that would increase dominance will increase it by larger amounts until it reaches 70%. Only effective if dominance was originally higher than 20%)
If you are not a blood relative, they regard you as a member of your family. If they are a blood relative, they will regard their family relationship with you as healthy. They will have a firm bias toward seeing you in a favorable light.

*'''70%''' Sees as true threat.
*'''High Range'''
Feels that reasonable tactics to keep you away from their loved ones will not work, and that you actually intend them direct harm if you come around. Is likely to get the police involved at this level, go to the extreme of physically fighting you to ward you off, or may even try to kill you for the protection of their loved ones.
They will regard you as closer than family, and consider what happens to you to be of great importance to them. They will be psychologically dependent on you succeeding in anything you do, and will feel a gut-level pain at your failures. This will also bias them to see you in a favorable light to such a level that they may overlook some obvious flaws.

*'''90%''' Hopeless fear
(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)
Sees you as a threat that can't be stopped, akin to a force of nature that they cannot do anything about such as a tornado or a disease. They will not try to prevent you from harming their loved ones because they don't see a way they can stop it. (Note: This level of fear of this veriety is most common in children fearing the subject of the fear will harm their parents or older siblings. It also appears in people with 70% greater fear of personal harm from the same source.)

==Lust/romantic love==
Lust and romantic love are two different things, but they are often confused witch is why they will be listed together. Lust is best defined as seeing you as a means by witch to receive sexual gratification, and romantic love is a desire to bind their life to yours in a sexual and very close social relationship. The reason this distinction is important is that children who have yet to experience sexual gratification cannot experience lust. Their desire for sex will come from curiosity. In order to make things simpler though, a child's sexual curiosity and a post-pubescent's lust will be listed together here. (Note: adults and young teens experience lust the same while children and young teens experience romance the same)

===Fears threat of self harm===
In game terms, the default is for 50% of your love score to be romantic and 50% to be lust. However, it is not zero sum between these two. It is perfectly possible to have 100% of both. It is also possible to have 100% of only one and 0% of the other. This system was actually put in place to make the game more reasonable for those who used "Life Hack" to change someone's love score. Having this default them to 50% instead of 100% in both areas prevents the game from getting too crazy. Someone who knows the score though can easily find the sub-section to alter the two sub-parts of the love stat so far as how they manifest. Interaction can also change witch of the two aspects are manifested more powerfully by the romantic love score. Sexual interactions improve the lust aspect, and non-sexual interactions improve the romantic aspect. Neglecting one for too long causes it to drop.
The fear that the subject may harm themselves is the one form of fear that can be fostered even with an otherwise healthy relationship going (although it tends to harm trust.) This is the fear that the subject may damage their life, livelihood, or body in some way. This is usually through carelessness having an accident or engaging in behaviors that make them vulnerable to attacks from others, but a threat of intentional self harm is something that is known to happen and produces some of the higher levels of fear in this category if the subject is identified to have leanings in that direction.

*'''10%''' Uneasy
===Adult/young teen===
Has no proof that the subject will harm themselves or engage in dangerous practices. This level is more a cluster of thinking about various "what if?" scenarios that could happen to you but they don't think are entirely likely to happen.
Note: Young teens experience lust the same way as adults do. Only the lust section of each level applies to the young teens.

*'''30%''' Concerned
*'''Low range'''
Still does not have a solid basis for their perceived fear, but will ensure you have supervision from someone they have a trust score with in order to prevent one of those "what if?" scenarios from occurring.
Romantically, an adult at this level will possibly see you as a good prospect, someone they might want to date. This might be defined as a crush. Actually, the attraction they feel toward you is the strongest at this level but the weakest in terms of lastability. It is also very hard for the person feeling it to tell the difference between low level romance and medium level lust.

*'''50%''' Fear
In terms of low level lust, an adult or young teen at this level will not feel driven to have sex with you but looking at or thinking about you will make them have sexual thoughts. Some particularly loose people may attempt to have sex with you based only on this level of lust. However, the low level of lust will not prevent them from enjoying the sex.
Can name a specific likely outcome that could result from your activities. Will begin limiting your freedoms for the sake of your own protection to prevent the event that they fear. However, they still trust you enough to act according to the limitations they place on you.

*'''70%''' Self threat
*'''Medium range'''
View normal prevention tactics as not being enough to protect you from your own dangerous activities. Will either act on their own to limit your freedoms, or try to ensure you have someone watching you at all times who they have at least a 50% trust score with.
Romantically, an adult at this level will think of you as a good marriage prospect. There can be several things that cause them to think this way about you depending on their personal values and how deeply they have thought about the prospect of marriage and what they are looking for, but the bottom line is that they want to marry you.

*'''90%''' Extreme fear
In terms of medium level lust, an adult or young teen at this level will think about you a lot in terms of doing sexual things with you. You will dominate their masturbatory fantasies, and if they are sexually active they may even picture your face over their current partner's. Whether or not they actually have sex with you depends heavily on their personal values in regards to sex. If their values regarding sex are not too restrictive though, they will absolutely make themselves sexually available to you.
Knows (in their own mind) for certain that, if left to your own devices, you are going to do irreparable harm to yourself and will defy every effort they make to prevent it. May go to either one of two extreme reactions. Either give you up for lost and act as though mourning you while you are still alive, or have you institutionalized or arrested for your own good figuring that having you locked up with supervision and help available is better than the alternative.

==Familial/platonic love==
*'''High range'''
How accepting of non-sexual gestures of closeness this person is, and how forgiving they are of a person's faults.
Romantically, they will be totally dedicated to you. They will consider your wellbeing to be more important than their own. At this level, your happiness is all that matters to them. They will totally want to spend the rest of their life together with you, but if they know doing so would make you unhappy somehow then they might accept the painful fate of watching and supporting you from a distance (and for them it will be quite emotionally painful.)

In terms of high level lust, an adult or young teen at this level will want to have sex with you so much that it overrides their common sense and their caution. If they are trying to avoid pregnancy, they will easily forget about that the moment they become sexually engaged with you. If they are in another relationship, the issue of dealing with the results of cheating on their current partner will be an after-thought that they won't even be concerned about while doing it with you. They will be borderline obsessive with the idea of the physical act of sex with you. It will be to the point that others will have a difficult time giving them an orgasm anymore, but orgasms they have as a result of sex with you will be a lot more powerful than what is normal for them.

==Lust/romantic love==
===Children/young teens===
How willing this person would be to do something sexual in nature with the person they have this score with. Note that in children below age 14 willingness to do something sexual has more to do with their curiosity and their trust and friendship with the proposed sexual partner. As such, lust and romantic love are not connected and a child below that age will substitute trust and friendship scores for romance so long as romance is still 1/10 the required level.
Note: Young teens experience romance the same way as children do. Only the romance portion applies to young teens.

*'''Low range'''
Note: This only measures scores for convincing them to perform a sex act they were not ready to do before hand. If they initiate the sex act, they can initiate it with a score of 0.
Romantically, a child or young teen at this level will have a crush on you. Their mind will probably be filled with movie portrayals of romance, witch are particularly idealistically marriage centered in children's movies. They will decide at this level that you are the person they are going to get married to and you are going to "live happily ever after." However, they may not have a full grasp of what this concept means. It is also quite possible for them to have these kinds of feelings for more than one person at a time. Most children go through phases like this, and at this level the adults around them will not consider it all that alarming.

(Sex act thresholds are measured in groups of 20 without a top-end buffer zone. This is because there is a break-down of inbetween values for each act, but these increments of 20 are the top ends of each category.)
In terms of a child's equivalent of low level lust, they will be curious about your genitals. If they manage to find an opportunity, they would not mind a bit of "playing doctor" for the chance to see and touch your genitals. This desire will be focused on you, but that does not mean they won't allow other people, especially other children around their age, into it.

*'''Medium range'''
Will see any action categorized as a "benign sex act" as a natural and appropriate gesture of closeness for this stage of their relationship.
Romantically, a child or young teen at this level will have a crush that goes beyond what the adults around them would consider healthy. There will not be anything specific about it that is clearly different from the normal child's crush, but those who know them best will be able to sense that it has gone beyond that. In the child or young teen's case, they will have decided for sure they are going to be married to you specifically. There will be no more possibility that the focus of their crush might suddenly shift to the next person who also meets their criteria.

In terms of a child's equivalent to medium level lust, this will depend on how much sexual knowledge they have. If they know what sex is, they will want to try it. If they don't even have the slightest clue, they still might like the idea of rubbing your genitals together. Chances are high that a child who does not know about sex will mistake their base level instinct to have sex with you for a desire to pee on you or be peed on by you. This has more to do with confusion than being a urine fetish, but if it is indulged then it can easily become a urine fetish.
Will see any action categorized as a "dismissable sex act" as a natural and appropriate gesture of closeness for this stage in their relationship, and will be perfectly Ok with it even if they are aware it is being done in a sensual manner.

*'''High range'''
Will see any action categorized as a "mild sex act" (except french kissing for children) as a natural and appropriate gesture of closeness for this stage in their relationship.
Romantically, a child or young teen at this level will desperately want to be with you to the Romeo and Juliet extent. Regardless of their age, they will argue with their parents if they try to stop them from being with you and they will not want to hear opposition from anyone who tries to stop them  or talk them out of being with you on any grounds.

*'''80+''' Will see most actions categorized as a "moderate sex act" (provided they do not take issue with a particular act on principal) as a natural and appropriate thing to do at this stage in their relationship.
In terms of a child's equivalent to high level lust, at this level it actually will be no different at all from an adult's presentation of lust at this level. However, a child has a lot less restraint than an adult does. They will want to be in sexual contact with you like a drug addict wants their drug of choice. They won't just feel it at an emotional level, it will be almost a physical need for them to have your penis or fingers inside them, or (if they are a boy,) their penis inside you almost 24/7. It will be possible to pull them away from sex with you for extended periods of time, but it will be practically impossible to get them to not talk about it. The child's lack of a proper filter will grantee that at some point they will say out loud that they want to sexually engage with you again in very specific terms that leave no doubt to the things going on between you if they get sexually frustrated due to the time since their last fuck and they are frustrated they are being kept away from it.

*'''100''' Will see sexual intercourse as a natural and appropriate thing to do at this stage in their relationship. (Might demand a condom if worried about pregnancy.)
(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)
NOTE: No level of romantic love unlocks violent or fetish sex as something they will be accepting of. They must either have a high submissive score or be naturally into that kind of sex to start with.

==Consent minimums==
==Consent minimums==
The links below list the numbers a person's relationship scores have to be at for them to consent to a sex act. The 1st link shows the minimums for each foreseeable sex act that might be performed, the second shows how you determine witch value is used. (6 of the 8 factors are candidates for being the primary score determining whether or not they will consent to a sex act depending on other factors that may be present.) And the 3rd lists factors that might modify the scores listed in the 1st link.
The below links are defunked reminents of an old system for the way people react to their relationship scores, particularly in a sexual manner. It is very clunky and needlessly complicated, and is on its way out. These links will eventually be deleted, but for now they are still here for reference during the transition. If you are not part of the transition team (currently consisting of only [[User:Jemini|Jemini]],) then you need not concern yourself with this section at all.
WARNING: The math in there gets a little complicated. It was comprised by one of the nerd-brains that took a mutual shared lead on this project. Any other writer who wants to contribute really does not need to know the contents of this page. Following the simplified numbers above will keep you very safely on the right page. The numbers thrown about in there have mostly to do with how to get consent with numbers lower than those given in this basic guide in a way that sort of more or less reflects real life in a game mechanics sort of way.

*[[Life Hacks/Consent minimums|Consent minimums]]
*[[Life Hacks/Consent minimums|Consent minimums]]

Latest revision as of 23:28, 15 March 2017

This guide is to help get an idea of how certain characters will react in various situations according to their relationship scores.


Friendliness is how much a person wants to be around you and how likely they are to accommodate you or do things to get on your good side. This accommodation can include anything from common courtesies such as sharing or offering you a space at the table to turning a blind eye or covering for you if they suspect you have done something wrong.

  • Low range

On the low end of the spectrum, they enjoy having you around but they rarely think of you before they think of themselves. They will give you all the common courtesies, but will not go out of their way to make things extra nice for you.

  • Medium range

In the medium range, they will consider you someone they want to be around. They might choose you over other people in their social groups and will dislike it if people talk negatively about you. They will do favors for you that inconvenience them, and they will also cover for you if you have been accused of some form of wrong-doing so long as what you are suspected of (even if they know you did it) does not violate their own basic principles. (I.E. They will cover for you smoking pot, but they won't cover for you murdering someone.) While they will try to make it so you do not get in trouble for minor infractions, if they are reasonably intelligent (not a child and not a druggie) then they will be likely to intervene if they judge that what you are doing is potentially self destructive.

  • High range

At the high friendliness range, the lines between friendship and love begin to blur, and they will bend over backwards to accommodate you in some ways that others may consider to be rather extreme. They will define you as a core part of their life, and if your behavior and values disagree with theirs then they will try to conform themselves to match you. It is still possible for them to intervene in cases of destructive behaviors at the lower end of the high range, and in fact their intervention will be a lot more dedicated if they are in this range, but once they pass a certain threshold (that is different depending on the person) they will begin to loose their objectivity when it comes to your wrong doing and they will begin to justify it or deny it and pretend it isn't happening instead. In order to reach this level of friendliness, trust will have to have already been high, and hitting this level of friendliness will cause it to become even higher.

Depending on their personality and their values, they may even actively cover for or even facilitate you in doing things that would be considered outright morally reprehensible, including the most detested crimes in society such as murder and child rape. It is only when it gets into new levels of depravity such as cannibalism or other things that stretch the imagination that they may not support you. (They still will not obstruct it in any form. They will just choose not to be involved.)

(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)

Interactions and abnormal presentations=

Abnormal ways that friendliness, especially at the highest ends of the high range, might present itself. In order for friendliness to present in this way, they will need to have a bit of a screw loose, and they will usually also need to have at least one more relationship stat at max.

  • Obsession Friendliness and romantic love.

They become attached to you in such a way that they may actually become violent to others or even to you if you if their ability to be with you is threatened.

  • Blind trust Friendliness and trust.

They will reject clear and obvious evidence of you having done something morally wrong or even directly harmful to them. For instance, if you rape their daughter they will automatically assume their daughter to be a lier even if she shows them your fresh sperm dripping from them and you are the only (other) male within a mile radius. If presented with something (such as that) that really pushes their ability to disbelieve it, they may even become violent in their active rejection of it.


How generally negative a person's reaction is to you. Enemy status is essentially the exact opposite of friendliness. They do kind of horse-shoe in effect though in that greater levels of enemy status will have them obsessing over you more and more in the same way friendliness would. The true opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. In much the same way, to be an enemy toward you they will have to have you actively in their thoughts. (Note: It is actually not possible for someone to naturally reach the high range of enemy status without having a mental defect of some sort that causes them to become absolutely obsessive about you in their disgust.)

  • Low range

At the low end, they will mostly do small things that involve actively denying you basic common courtesies. They will attempt to avoid you or exclude you from their social circle, and they will refuse to lift a finger to help you when you need someone to help you. So far as active antagonism goes, they will mostly stick to high-school level insults and biting remarks. However, if some form of severe misfortune did befall you they would still have some level of common human empathy for you. It may even cause them to feel bad about how they have been treating you.

  • Medium range

They will actively wish harm upon you. If their values prevent them from harming you, they will just revel in it if something bad actually winds up happening. They are likely to scheme against you in order to make your life more difficult, although they will not go too far out of their way if doing so will cause them to loose social standing themselves. (They will do more to hinder you the greater your crime against them is, the greater your crime the more their social circles will be to understand their hatred of you.) Their activities to hinder you and make life more difficult for you can include spreading false rumors or watching you like a hawk and amplifying your legitimate screw-ups. They may make severe negative and de-humanizing remarks about you, and may become physical at the higher end of this range. Also at the higher end of this range, they may attempt to vandalize your personal property.

(Note: for a mentally stable person, this is the cap for how severe their enemy status can become naturally. Even if you tortured and murdered every one of their friends and family members they will not move above this level unless they have a severe mental defect, although if you did do those things then killing you is within the extents to witch their social circles may allow them to go witch will make that a reaction that is perfectly justifiable in this range.)

  • High range

They will do anything to make you suffer. A person at this level is absolutely unhinged and they will not care about the consequences to themselves so long as you are harmed in the process. They will not care if others are hurt by their aggression toward you, and at the higher end they may even go to the extent of killing or torturing your loved ones. Their self-destructive hatred is so great that if you and them were in a desert and you found a large container of water, they would race ahead and dump it out so that you wouldn't even have the chance of snagging it from them in the time it would take them to get a drink for themselves.

(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)


Feels it is their right to tell another person what to do. (Note: someone with a dominance score may take issue with the one they are dominant over being the initiator of a sex act, even if they are in a sexual relationship. However, it is also entirely possible for the dominance and submissive roles to reverse the moment things become sexual. If this is the case, consider their sexual submissive score to be a complete reversal of their dominance score. See the sexual submissive section for details as this will only cover dominance both in a general and also in a sexual sense.)

  • Low range

Will feel they always have the right to lead the conversation, and that they should naturally have control of any activities that are being performed with the person or people they are dominant over. They may be willing to cede control in certain situations where it seems appropriate. They are not likely to give orders to the people they are dominant over. Rather than being a task master, they are more likely to be a task controller. For instance, if they are cooking a meal, they will either relegate the person they are dominant over to sue-chef duties (chopping vegetables or grating cheese,) or just kick them out of the kitchen entirely. If they do tell the person they are dominant over to do something, it will usually be in the form of a request, although they might become a bit incensed if the request is refused.

In the case of being dominant to this level in a sexual relationship, they will accept their partner initiating sex acts, however they will feel the need to change the pace after a short time of doing what their partner wants in order to regain control.

  • Medium range

Will feel more comfortable in actually ordering the person they are dominant over to do things. They will actually start to actively think of themselves as the dominant member of the relationship, and that their orders are expected to be followed. They will not be too domineering, the people they are dominant over are allowed to have their own lives, but attempts at going against their wishes had better come with a good reason. Active attempts at going against their demands will become a power struggle. This doesn't mean it will turn ugly, it is more that a verbal joust will begin in witch they will force the person who is disobeying to justify themselves in order to either correct their disobedience or at least get the message across that their behavior is unacceptable.

In the case of being dominant to this level in a sexual relationship, the most they will allow their partner to do in terms of initiating sex is to express in some way that they are horny. It will be the dominant partner that gets to set the time and place where the submissive partner will be satisfied though. However, the expression of their partner's horniness will make them feel somewhat obligated to state it sooner rather than later.

  • High range

Will demand that their word be treated as the ultimate authority in the relationship. They will take to micro-managing the life of the person they are dominant over, not permitting them to take any significant action without their permission. Hanging out with their friends will be one of these significant actions, and they may even attempt to say what friends they are and are not allowed to have. They will not tolerate dissent, even if the person they are dominant over has a perfectly reasonable objection.

In the case of being dominant to this level in a sexual relationship, they will not even view the partner they are dominant over as having the right to refuse sex. Their requirements for the other partner initiating sex is the same as in the medium range, however they will not feel so obligated to oblige their partner's sexual desires and might even refuse them sex on the basis of putting them in their place by causing them sexual frustration. It is highly likely that they might get into BDSM just for the sake of further asserting their dominance in the sexual relationship.

(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)


A tendency in a person to bend to another person's will. Submissiveness is a natural subservience, and it is a surrendering of the job of decision making to the person they are submissive to. There is not quite as big a difference between being generally submissive and sexually submissive as there is with dominance, but there is still the likelihood that someone who is generally submissive could become dominant in the bedroom. However, the ways a generally submissive person communicates the desire for sex may be different.

  • Low range

At the low range, the submissive person will prefer to go with the flow rather than attempt to direct activities within a group that includes someone they are submissive to. This will usually be at a subconscious level. They will still fearlessly speak their mind if the opportunity happens to come up, but they will not make the effort to muscle their way in and push for that chance to speak. In terms of following orders, they may push back if they are blatantly told to do something, but they are more likely to comply with reasonable requests.

Sexually, someone who is submissive at this level is likely to make their desire for sex known by touching and getting affectionate with their partner, but unless they are really sexually frustrated they are not likely to actually initiate the sex themselves. Rather, they will make their desire known and leave it up to their partner to notice and act on it. If they do not desire sex and their partner does, they might be persuaded go along with it if it is an established sexual relationship and their partner comes in with the right approach, but if they have not had sex before then they are likely to refuse.

  • Medium range

At the medium range, the submissive person will be more clearly deferrent to the person they are submissive to. They will not take abuse from them, but they are not likely to resist if they are outright ordered to do something. They may also start to think preemptively in terms of how to accommodate the person they are submissive to, and in terms of acting according to the wishes of the person they are subservient to they will behave as though they are always in the room and refuse to do something they don't like at any time.

Sexually, someone who is submissive at this level will do most of the things in the previous category to make their desire for sex known, but they will not initiate a sex act even if they are dying of sexual frustration. Rather, they will just make their desire for sex more clear but leave it up to their partner to decide whether or not to act on it. If they do not desire sex and their partner does, if there is an established sexual relationship then they will submit to it even if it would make things inconvenient for them. If they do not have an established sexual relationship then the approach is key to whether or not they will submit to it. They will have to be put in a place where they feel like sex is expected and required of them in this sort of situation. (It is easier to manipulate a sexually inexperienced teen or young college student in this manner. Children with no sexual knowledge in the first place cannot be manipulated in this manner, but other approaches might be possible if their nudity and sexual touching taboo is not too strong.)

(Note: There is some wiggle room as to what can be considered the upper end of this level of submissiveness depending on how naturally submissive the person in question is.)

  • High range

(Note: it is not possible for a mentally stable adult to naturally reach this level of submissiveness. They will have to have their will broken in some way (or game hacks or relationship modifying reward could be applied) A child can easily reach this range of submissiveness though with the right grooming, and having been groomed to this level of submissiveness as a child is a way to have an adult become susceptible to this level of submissiveness. Other means of breaking an adult in this way are occasionally hap-hazardly used by abusive domestic partners and more frequently used in a calculated way by slave traders.)

At the high range, the submissive person will submit to almost anything the dominant partner wants of them, and this does not only include things that could be considered abusive to them. At the higher end, they will even stand idly by and permit their friends and loved ones to be abused by the partner they are submissive to and not do a single thing to intervene. It may even be their opinion it is the dominant partner's right to be doing that and that the friend or loved one should just submit as they do.

Sexually, someone who is submissive at this level no longer thinks about whether or not they want sex. The only question is whether or not their dominant partner wants sex. At the higher end they will even allow themselves to be pimped out by their partner if that is what is desired of them. There is no question of them not wanting sex if a sexual relationship has been established. If a sexual relationship has not been established, a sexually mature and aware person may resist being pimped but they will not resist sex from their dominant partner. A sexually ignorant child will not resist their partner either, although the exact reactions may differ a little.

(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)


Trust is how comfortable a person is with the idea/how much they believe that you will not do anything to harm them or their loved ones, and that you have their best interests in mind. This trust allows them to drop their guard and not worry about the things that you might do.

  • Low range

At the low range, they trust that you are not a dangerous person. You probably have the same basic values and decency as any other normal person, and they do not have to worry about you doing something horrible to them or their loved ones. There may be a little bit of concern in their mind when it comes to giving you sensitive tasks such as babysitting their children, but if they are in a pinch then they will trust you with such a task.

If they become suspicious of you while you are trusted at this level, rumors and whispers that you might be untrustworthy and might do something in the future will prevent you from raising to the next tier in levels of trust, but they will not accuse you without evidence.

  • Medium range

At the medium range, their trust of your character may improve and they will also come to trust your capability. They are more likely to give you tasks to do, and once you are on the job they will stop worrying about it as they will be sure you will get it done right. However, if the task they are trusting you with involves a skill, you must have demonstrated in the past at some point that you possess that skill. You may be trusted with more sensitive stuff as well. In the example of babysitting, they will not even hesitate to trust you with their children. You are also more likely to be trusted with sensitive information to the family if they have a secret that could cause some social problems with their friend groups. At the higher end, you may even be trusted with things that could get them in some minor legal trouble if such a thing exists.

If they become suspicious of you while you are trusted at this level, they will not accept rumors of your possible future actions. There has to be evidence that something has already happened and a reasonable line of logic to say it is possible you were the one who did it. If this comes up, they will need actual evidence stating that you were in fact the one who did it, but even if there isn't the fact that suspicion is cast on you will prevent you from raising to higher levels of trustworthiness.

  • High range

At the high range, they will really not even think of the possibility you might do something to violate their trust, either in terms of betrayal or in terms of failure. If they are going to trust you with a task that requires a skill, they will take your word for it if you tell them you have that skill. If there is a secret in the family that could cause them to be arrested or worse if it is revealed, they will trust you not to spread that information if you were to find out.

It will be hard for them to become suspicious of you having done something to violate their trust. They will have to be presented with evidence, and the evidence would have to come from someone who they at least trust to a medium range. That evidence would also have to be to a level that it would hold up in a court of law. (themselves being the judge.) For instance, if their daughter tells them you raped her, the daughter would either have to be highly trusted by them as well or they would need a DNA test proving it was you before they fully accepted this accusation.

(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)

Interactions and abnormal presentations

Abnormal ways that trust, especially at the highest ends of the high range, might present itself. In order for friendliness to present in this way, they will need to have a bit of a screw loose, and they will usually also need to have at least one more relationship stat at max.

  • Blind trust Friendliness and trust.

They will reject clear and obvious evidence of you having done something morally wrong or even directly harmful to them. For instance, if you rape their daughter they will automatically assume their daughter to be a lier even if she shows them your fresh sperm dripping from them and you are the only (other) male within a mile radius. If presented with something (such as that) that really pushes their ability to disbelieve it, they may even become violent in their active rejection of it.

  • Awe Trust and fear

If unnatural means are used to have trust and fear both on the scale, and they are filled to a point where the bars overlap (for instance, 50% trust and 51% fear) then so long as the fear is not presenting as fear of self harm then it may manifest as awe. Awe is a state where they trust you will not harm them or their loved ones despite an animalistic visceral fear response that they have. Awe usually presents in a religiously worshipful manner, and it is possible for someone with god status to naturally trigger awe in their worshipers or especially in people who become new converts upon witnessing a miracle.

  • Stockholm syndrome Submissiveness, Fear, love, and trust.

Someone who is submissive and fearful of someone who abuses them may begin to identify with their abuser. Once they start identifying with their abuser, they may start to love them and then trust them. (The trust is not a requirement for Stockholm syndrome to manifest, rather it is something that appears after the victim begins to get Stockholm syndrome. There is nothing to prevent the love from having existed before hand, but it is part of Stockholm syndrome that it will appear afterward.)

The trust that appears in Stockholm syndrome is a bit odd. They are certain they are going to get beaten or perhaps even raped by their abuser, and there is nothing to keep them from thinking that they might do so to their loved ones as well. However, they will act in a manner that says they trust their abuser anyway. The level of trust someone with Stockholm syndrome has does not necessarily mean they genuinely don't think they will be betrayed in that manner, rather it means they will behave as though they trust them even when they are sure they will.


Fear is the opposite of trust. It is the belief that you will cause harm to them or their loved ones. If you are counted as one of their loved ones, then it is possible that this fear could include you causing harm to yourself. If someone fears you in general, they will not truly trust you. They might trust you not to be dangerous in certain contexts, but the need for those conditions does not make it true trust. Simultaneously fearing and trusting someone is only possible if the only fear they have is that you might harm yourself, or their relationship stats were modified through hacks or cheats.

  • Low range

At low levels of fear, they will just be suspicious of you. Most people waver between low level fear and low level trust of every random person on the street who they don't know. Usually, this low level of fear can be dispersed in most people just by having a pleasant conversation and becoming acquaintances. Persisting rumors that you might be the type to do something malicious though will stabilize you at this level of feared status. (Note: only a family member would trust you to babysit if you are feared at this level, and then only if there is no other easily available option.)

If the question is to whether or not you might harm yourself, they will still trust you with your free space. It is actually natural for a parent to have this level of fear of self-harm for any of their children in that they might inadvertently and stupidly do something to get themselves hurt while they are not looking. If the suspicion is more geared toward you actively harming yourself such as drug use or hanging with a bad crowd, they might attempt to intervene by talking to you about your self-destructive behaviors.

  • Medium range

In order to be in the medium feared range, it means they think you might cause some form of property damage, steal something from them or their loved ones, or become physically violent with them or their loved ones. A past behavior of having actually done these things will solidify you in this status and you will have to do a lot to prove you have changed in order to get demoted to the lower feared range. (Note: a family member who fears you at this level will only trust you to babysit if you are the very last option having expended all other options including some less feasible ones, and there is also no option that would include bringing the kids with them or simply not leaving the house.)

If the question is to whether or not you might harm yourself, they will probably become highly uncomfortable with the idea of you being unsupervised. This is the natural level of fear a parent would have for their infant or toddler child. They know that they do not mean to harm themselves, but they are perfectly aware that the chances of them getting seriously injured or dead are present to a level that it is just irresponsible for them not to be supervised. If you are not an infant or toddler and the question is of active self-harm, they will suspect, or know, that you may be getting into some real life-destroying dangerous activity such as unsafe sex and criminal activity.

  • High range

At this level, they suspect that you might rape, murder, or seriously injure them or their loved ones, or cause some sort of major property damage. They will avoid you and might call for help (such as from the police) if you persist to be near them. (Of course, the question of babysitting is completely out of the question at this level.)

If the question is to whether or not you might harm yourself, a particularly neurotic parent might have this level of fear for their infant or young child that they might wind up dead if they take their eyes off them for even a second. It is highly unlikely though. It is more common to see this level of fear for older children, adolescents, or young adults. At this level, the fear is straight up that you might kill yourself, or get yourself killed or kidnapped and sold into sex slavery due to some high risk activities you are involved in. At this level of fear, it is possible someone might intervene by having you institutionalized.

(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)

Familial/platonic love

Familial/platonic love is a strange phenomenon that exists in the intersection between friendliness and love, but is different from both. It can be defined more as a desire to trust you and be friendly with you even if your behavior does not warrant it. It is something like a crampon in a rock-face for the development of your trust and friendliness with a person. You can only raise your familial/platonic love when those levels are high, but if your trust and friendliness fall below your familial/platonic love level then it will act as a way save you from falling as far as you otherwise would have (Enemy levels cannot exceed 100 - Platonic love score) and also makes it easier to climb back up. (Bonuses to friendliness and trust gains if they are below familial love stat.)

Note: actually being related by blood will give you a starting bonus to your familial/platonic love score.

Other features of familial/platonic love that differ from friendliness and trust are that familial/platonic love will cause a person to feel more familiar with you. Where friendliness makes them want to be around you and trust makes them feel you won't hurt them, familial/platonic love is the measure that actually makes them feel they know you as a person. In some sense, it makes them feel you are "part of the family."

  • Low Range

Feels a comfortable sense of familiarity being around you. They will also develop a slight bias to seeing you in a favorable light.

  • Medium Range

If you are not a blood relative, they regard you as a member of your family. If they are a blood relative, they will regard their family relationship with you as healthy. They will have a firm bias toward seeing you in a favorable light.

  • High Range

They will regard you as closer than family, and consider what happens to you to be of great importance to them. They will be psychologically dependent on you succeeding in anything you do, and will feel a gut-level pain at your failures. This will also bias them to see you in a favorable light to such a level that they may overlook some obvious flaws.

(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)

Lust/romantic love

Lust and romantic love are two different things, but they are often confused witch is why they will be listed together. Lust is best defined as seeing you as a means by witch to receive sexual gratification, and romantic love is a desire to bind their life to yours in a sexual and very close social relationship. The reason this distinction is important is that children who have yet to experience sexual gratification cannot experience lust. Their desire for sex will come from curiosity. In order to make things simpler though, a child's sexual curiosity and a post-pubescent's lust will be listed together here. (Note: adults and young teens experience lust the same while children and young teens experience romance the same)

In game terms, the default is for 50% of your love score to be romantic and 50% to be lust. However, it is not zero sum between these two. It is perfectly possible to have 100% of both. It is also possible to have 100% of only one and 0% of the other. This system was actually put in place to make the game more reasonable for those who used "Life Hack" to change someone's love score. Having this default them to 50% instead of 100% in both areas prevents the game from getting too crazy. Someone who knows the score though can easily find the sub-section to alter the two sub-parts of the love stat so far as how they manifest. Interaction can also change witch of the two aspects are manifested more powerfully by the romantic love score. Sexual interactions improve the lust aspect, and non-sexual interactions improve the romantic aspect. Neglecting one for too long causes it to drop.

Adult/young teen

Note: Young teens experience lust the same way as adults do. Only the lust section of each level applies to the young teens.

  • Low range

Romantically, an adult at this level will possibly see you as a good prospect, someone they might want to date. This might be defined as a crush. Actually, the attraction they feel toward you is the strongest at this level but the weakest in terms of lastability. It is also very hard for the person feeling it to tell the difference between low level romance and medium level lust.

In terms of low level lust, an adult or young teen at this level will not feel driven to have sex with you but looking at or thinking about you will make them have sexual thoughts. Some particularly loose people may attempt to have sex with you based only on this level of lust. However, the low level of lust will not prevent them from enjoying the sex.

  • Medium range

Romantically, an adult at this level will think of you as a good marriage prospect. There can be several things that cause them to think this way about you depending on their personal values and how deeply they have thought about the prospect of marriage and what they are looking for, but the bottom line is that they want to marry you.

In terms of medium level lust, an adult or young teen at this level will think about you a lot in terms of doing sexual things with you. You will dominate their masturbatory fantasies, and if they are sexually active they may even picture your face over their current partner's. Whether or not they actually have sex with you depends heavily on their personal values in regards to sex. If their values regarding sex are not too restrictive though, they will absolutely make themselves sexually available to you.

  • High range

Romantically, they will be totally dedicated to you. They will consider your wellbeing to be more important than their own. At this level, your happiness is all that matters to them. They will totally want to spend the rest of their life together with you, but if they know doing so would make you unhappy somehow then they might accept the painful fate of watching and supporting you from a distance (and for them it will be quite emotionally painful.)

In terms of high level lust, an adult or young teen at this level will want to have sex with you so much that it overrides their common sense and their caution. If they are trying to avoid pregnancy, they will easily forget about that the moment they become sexually engaged with you. If they are in another relationship, the issue of dealing with the results of cheating on their current partner will be an after-thought that they won't even be concerned about while doing it with you. They will be borderline obsessive with the idea of the physical act of sex with you. It will be to the point that others will have a difficult time giving them an orgasm anymore, but orgasms they have as a result of sex with you will be a lot more powerful than what is normal for them.

Children/young teens

Note: Young teens experience romance the same way as children do. Only the romance portion applies to young teens.

  • Low range

Romantically, a child or young teen at this level will have a crush on you. Their mind will probably be filled with movie portrayals of romance, witch are particularly idealistically marriage centered in children's movies. They will decide at this level that you are the person they are going to get married to and you are going to "live happily ever after." However, they may not have a full grasp of what this concept means. It is also quite possible for them to have these kinds of feelings for more than one person at a time. Most children go through phases like this, and at this level the adults around them will not consider it all that alarming.

In terms of a child's equivalent of low level lust, they will be curious about your genitals. If they manage to find an opportunity, they would not mind a bit of "playing doctor" for the chance to see and touch your genitals. This desire will be focused on you, but that does not mean they won't allow other people, especially other children around their age, into it.

  • Medium range

Romantically, a child or young teen at this level will have a crush that goes beyond what the adults around them would consider healthy. There will not be anything specific about it that is clearly different from the normal child's crush, but those who know them best will be able to sense that it has gone beyond that. In the child or young teen's case, they will have decided for sure they are going to be married to you specifically. There will be no more possibility that the focus of their crush might suddenly shift to the next person who also meets their criteria.

In terms of a child's equivalent to medium level lust, this will depend on how much sexual knowledge they have. If they know what sex is, they will want to try it. If they don't even have the slightest clue, they still might like the idea of rubbing your genitals together. Chances are high that a child who does not know about sex will mistake their base level instinct to have sex with you for a desire to pee on you or be peed on by you. This has more to do with confusion than being a urine fetish, but if it is indulged then it can easily become a urine fetish.

  • High range

Romantically, a child or young teen at this level will desperately want to be with you to the Romeo and Juliet extent. Regardless of their age, they will argue with their parents if they try to stop them from being with you and they will not want to hear opposition from anyone who tries to stop them or talk them out of being with you on any grounds.

In terms of a child's equivalent to high level lust, at this level it actually will be no different at all from an adult's presentation of lust at this level. However, a child has a lot less restraint than an adult does. They will want to be in sexual contact with you like a drug addict wants their drug of choice. They won't just feel it at an emotional level, it will be almost a physical need for them to have your penis or fingers inside them, or (if they are a boy,) their penis inside you almost 24/7. It will be possible to pull them away from sex with you for extended periods of time, but it will be practically impossible to get them to not talk about it. The child's lack of a proper filter will grantee that at some point they will say out loud that they want to sexually engage with you again in very specific terms that leave no doubt to the things going on between you if they get sexually frustrated due to the time since their last fuck and they are frustrated they are being kept away from it.

(Note: What counts as low, medium, and high is left purposefully undefined. This is to be considered a sliding scale, and it is up to the writer at the time to judge which end of the spectrum a character is more likely to fall on in terms of their behavior.)

Consent minimums

The below links are defunked reminents of an old system for the way people react to their relationship scores, particularly in a sexual manner. It is very clunky and needlessly complicated, and is on its way out. These links will eventually be deleted, but for now they are still here for reference during the transition. If you are not part of the transition team (currently consisting of only Jemini,) then you need not concern yourself with this section at all.