Life Hacks/Trish's sexuality: Difference between revisions

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Sex acts that involve semen and/or the penis going into a vagina or anus.
Sex acts that involve semen and/or the penis going into a vagina or anus.

*'''Girl on girl homosexual sex:'''
These will be the acts Trish is somewhat more hesitant to engage in. If you are your natural age (15) or younger, she will be especially hesitant feeling it is not right for her as an adult to have sex with you being a child. If you have increased your age to become an adult, she will still feel hesitant feeling she does not deserve it. Either way, the hang-up is more about herself than you, so as long as you meet the standard criteria of her trusting you are non-violent she will be quite happy to let you do almost any sex act with her as long as you assure her you are Ok with it and that you really want it with her.

*'''PIV sex while she is ignorant to its role in impregnation:'''  
*'''Girl on girl homosexual sex:''' "standard requirement"
This will drive Trish absolutely insane. You being female and around the same age as her sister will put all manner of dirty thoughts into Trish's mind that will make the act seem all that much more sinful to her on top of the homosexuality taboo from her strict Catholicism upbringing. She will thoroughly enjoy it and climax hard.

*'''Vaginal sex with condom'''  
*'''Vaginal sex with condom''' "standard requirement"
Trish actually wants to have another baby. She will feel a little let down if you insist on a condom, but she will ultimately conclude it is a good idea. Once the condom being a good idea has set in her mind though, she will become more resistant to the idea of unprotected sex and will likely start taking birth control if you insist on doing it without the condom. If she is not on birth control and you want to have unprotected sex with her, you will need to sit her down and convince her you want to have a baby. Otherwise, you would have to rape her to get it.

*'''Anal Sex'''  
*'''Anal Sex''' "standard requirement"
Trish has never had anal before, but is curious to try it. However, her germaphobic side is fairly uncomfortable with the idea. She is likely to agree to anal in the shower. Otherwise, she will insist you wash your dick immediately after doing it. She will be more against you having anal sex with her children than any other form of sex, including unprotected sex with Siobhan. However, if you assure her you will do what you can to keep the fecal bacteria from spreading, she will allow it.

*'''PIV sex while aware that it makes babies:'''  
*'''Vaginal intercourse:''' "standard requirement"
Once you have convinced her you want to do this, Trish will be quite happy to let you fuck and ejaculate inside her. She actually wants to have another child, even if the child does not have a father present. If you have increased your age, she might talk about your future together if your romance score is high enough. Otherwise, she will attempt to keep the issue of pregnancy from even coming up at all. If you have reduced your age, and she has confirmed you can cum, she will actually try to pretend like sex has no connection to pregnancy what so ever (although she will answer honestly if you ask directly about her getting pregnant because of what you just did. Note: all of this applies to you having sex with Siobhan as well.)

*'''Intentionally impregnate her:'''
*'''Intentionally impregnate her:''' Varies by situation
If you tell Trish that you want to have a baby with her, her reaction may vary quite a bit depending on the age you are presenting as and your relationship with her. If you are an adult, there will be an assumed push toward marriage to come after this, so she will likely take issue with it if you do not have at least a medium romantic love score. If you are a 10 year old child, she will presume you do not know what you are talking about. Or rather, that you have heard sex makes babies but you do not understand the full weight of what doing that means. If you have talked about having babies with her other girls, she will probably just laugh and let you do it hoping to get pregnant and hoping you won't make a big deal about it when she has your baby. If she is the first one you talk like this with (even if you have had sex with the others,) she will take you a little more seriously and try to sit you down and talk about what having a baby would mean.
If you are your natural teen-age self, she is just as likely to trend either direction. She knows you should know a little better as a teen, but she will have a hard time not seeing you as a child since you are younger than her little sister. However, she can understand you are older and may have more serious intentions. She also may try to make a deal that since she wants a child you can impregnate her and you don't have to worry about raising the child.

===Fetish sex acts===
===Fetish sex acts===
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*'''Results of physical force in sex acts:'''
*'''Results of physical force in sex acts:'''
While Trish doesn't like violent men being around in her life, that counts primarily for you being around her children. She will actually not mind you being rough with her. Also, if she has seen you being gentle while having sex with her own children, she will take you being rough with her as some kind of fetish role-play and there will be no real negatives for doing it like this with her.

*'''Results of psychological force in sex acts:''' (Using partner's submissiveness to demand sex even when they don't want it)
*'''Results of psychological force in sex acts:''' (Using partner's submissiveness to demand sex even when they don't want it)
This will be more effective the younger you are. She does not want a child to think sex is wrong, so she will be more likely to accede to your sexual demands if you are a child so as "not to give you the impression there is something wrong with sex." If you demand sex from her as an adult when she doesn't want it, she may allow it but it will harm her trust for you being around her children.

[[Category:Life Hacks|April's Sexuality]]
[[Category:Life Hacks|April's Sexuality]]

Latest revision as of 21:59, 19 March 2017

This is the new format for showing what the individual character's reaction will be to sexual advances with them depending on their sexual history, sexual knowledge, sexual quirks, and their relationship with you. It contains some of the information from the old system, and also goes into detail about how they might react to individual sex acts giving various ways you might approach them. Please note that there will always be a chance they might reject you regardless of relationship score depending on your approach and their mood at the time due to other factors. Also note that the scores say a "recommended" relationship score before pursuing a sex act. It is possible to get them to agree with a lower score if you use the best approach (especially if you have high social skills.)

Sexual history

Patricia was raised in a strict victorianly anti-sex Irish Catholic household. She had it drummed into her from an early age that sex was evil and that it was only just tolerated when she gets married and then it should only be done for the purpose of reproduction. Later in life, when she got out from under her parent's house, she reached the conclusion they were insane. However, the repressive values they taught her were not so easy to shake. Once she got married and started having her own children, she vowed to do nothing like that to her own kids, having reached the conclusion from her independent research and talking with her friends that it was harmful to a child to constrain their sexual exploration in any way so long as it stays behind closed doors.

Trish has several paradoxes in her approach toward sex as a result of her upbringing and the fact that her awakening to the idea of sex being good for children being fairly recent. She still dislikes birth control. She has never used it or even considered using it. She has also heard of several forms of non-vanilla sex that she considers disturbing, but she also is curious about them and even more than that she does not want her children to be at all afraid of doing these things (except maybe for anal sex since that involves fecal bacteria.) She has tried to gently encourage her children and younger sister to explore each other sexually, but she

Since she was raising her children, she never got the chance to let loose with her own sexuality. However, just under the surface, she is just looking for the right trigger to completely let loose and have wild sex with someone.

Sexual Knowledge

Trish has a fairly pedestrian level of knowledge about the biology of sex, if not slightly lacking. Does not know the specifics of how different types of birth control work, other than condoms are pretty straight forward, and even then the pill, condoms, and abortion are the only forms she is really aware of and she is most certainly against abortion. She has a rather poor knowledge of the psychology related to sex witch she substitutes with random bits she has heard about (particularly where it comes to developing child sexuality)

In terms of sexual performance, aside from the bland sex she had with her husband before he died, she has heard of a few fetish concepts. Some of these make her uncomfortable, but if you get her going she will probably want to try anything and everything (so long as it does not cause permanent damage or endanger lives)

General recommended approaches

Trish is fairly sideways in terms of her policy on sex. She has spent most of her time and effort on raising her kids, and she has pushed a fair amount of her sexual ideals on the kids, so she has been simultaneously becoming very sexually frustrated as she pushes for this while also pressing that down. If you manage to let this loose with a few hard-core sex acts, she will reveal herself as a sexual dynamo and will be happy to ride your bone any time in the most depraved ways you can lay out.

So far as her views on sex with children go, her policy on the subject is that the only moral problem with it is the power differential. A child will not have complete freedom to refuse sex from their parent, therefore parents shouldn't try to have sex with their children. However, if she sees the kids are getting rather sexually active and they come to her asking her to join in she will be happy and hungry to participate.

On this notion of parents not having sex with children, her definition of a child is anyone younger than her sister Siobhan. (So, since Xander is 15 without hacking influence, he will be a child in her eyes.) Also, she will be fairly likely to start viewing you as a child once she identifies for sure you are a teenager. Once this is revealed, she will be less likely to engage sexually with you unless you come on pretty strong that this is what you want. Meanwhile, once she identifies your actual age, she will somewhat push you toward the idea of engaging sexually with her children who she thinks are too sexually repressed.

Reaction to sex with her charges

Trish will view her children, Dante and Ellie, as well as her younger sister Siobhan as her charges. However, any legal minor who comes into her house and seems to be following her rules will be considered her children as well.

Trish's policy on children and sex is that so long as nobody is hurting anybody or forcing them to do something they don't want to do, children should be allowed to do whatever they want with each other in terms of sex. She is a little squeamish about the idea of actual PIV sexual intercourse, but she will grin and bare it since she has concluded she should go down this road attributing her misgivings to her old upbringing with her parents. She will think it is a bad idea for Siobhan to have PIV sex for sure though since she could get pregnant from it. However, she will not strongly oppose it. She will state that it is "probably a bad idea" if she gets the chance to catch it before it happens, but she will not do much more to stop it.

The principal guiding concept in Trish's mind though is that children should not think sex is wrong, and she is so neurotic about this that she would pretend to like it if a stranger came in and raped her if her kids happened to be watching at the time, and then if the rapist decided to turn their attention on her children (she would not encourage it on her own, she would hope the rapist would just leave when he was done,) she will assure them and tell them it's alright as she tries to gently help the rapist rape them in a way that doesn't scare them.

Her reaction to specific sex acts

While the above can help you to predict how she might react to sex generally, below is how she will react to specific acts.

At the heading of each act, there will be a recommendation on witch relationship stat(s) will be most effective in getting her to lower her guard against this specific sex act if they cross a certain threshold. This threshold will be given a "low/medium/high" rating rather than a specific number. Although, there is a rough number each rating is meant to represent, as outlined by the table below.

  • Non-existent = approximately 0-10% (you are not going to see this designation appearing much.)
  • Very low = approximately 5-20%
  • Low = approximately 10-40%
  • Medium = approximately 30-70%
  • High = approximately 60-90%
  • Very high = approximately 80-95%
  • Extreme = approximately 90-100%

Note: The categories do overlap. This is to represent the wiggle room given to the writer in a case by case basis in interpreting their current score. Also, it is entirely possible to achieve consent for a sex act while falling short of the threshold with exactly the right approach, and it is also possible to have them reject you while you have far exceeded the threshold with the wrong approach.

Final note: Submissiveness is a wild card for achieving non-resistance to a sex act. However, non-resistance does not mean they will like it.

Benign and Dismissable sex acts

Trish's reaction to both of these categories would be about the same. Any non-sexual act that can be construed in a sexual way is in this category.

Trish's sexuality is fairly open. So long as she trusts you are a non-violent person and you follow her rules, she will view any act of this sort as inconsequential if done with her or her children.

Mild and moderate sex acts

All explicitly sexual activities that fall short of penetration.

If the same conditions above are met, Trish will have the same views on these sex acts as well. Unless you are modified to be an adult, she will actually be more likely to encourage you to perform these sex acts with her children than to let you do them with her. However, if you do want to do them with her, her concern will be more on the grounds of whether or not YOU really want it rather than if she wants to do it with you. (subconsciously, she actually doesn't care who so long as they're male, she wants someone to do all manner of dirty sexual things with her.)

  • Show privates to each other for no reason other than to just look: Enough trust to be comfortable you are non-violent.

If you are modded to be an adult, she will grow impatient with this in favor of harder sexual activities. Otherwise, she will be more than happy to display herself for you and will probably begin to give you a bit of a sex-ed lecture while pointing out various parts of her body, she will also more than likely invite you to touch her if you want to.

  • Ejaculate on her body: Enough trust to be comfortable you are non-violent

Unlike her children, Trish will take no issue with you spraying your semen all over her body, anywhere on her body. Her only issue is that you do not get any on the carpet or the upholstered furniture. (bed sheets are fine, they can be washed.)

  • Perform oral sex on her: Enough trust to be comfortable you are non-violent

Trish will try to push for you to let her clean herself out thoroughly before you lick her down there, however she will likely submit if you push hard enough that you don't care about that.

  • Have her perform oral sex on you: Enough trust to be comfortable you are non-violent

Trish has a bit of a double standard on this subject. She is an experienced cock-sucker of her deceased husbands cock, and that was from before she became so germaphobic. As a result, she actually doesn't mind sucking an un-washed cock. However, she will insist on it being cleaned if she knows her children are going to be the ones sucking you. (she might make an exception if it is after she finishes sucking you, figuring her mouth has done the job of cleaning it.)

Hard-core sex acts

Sex acts that involve semen and/or the penis going into a vagina or anus.

These will be the acts Trish is somewhat more hesitant to engage in. If you are your natural age (15) or younger, she will be especially hesitant feeling it is not right for her as an adult to have sex with you being a child. If you have increased your age to become an adult, she will still feel hesitant feeling she does not deserve it. Either way, the hang-up is more about herself than you, so as long as you meet the standard criteria of her trusting you are non-violent she will be quite happy to let you do almost any sex act with her as long as you assure her you are Ok with it and that you really want it with her.

  • Girl on girl homosexual sex: "standard requirement"

This will drive Trish absolutely insane. You being female and around the same age as her sister will put all manner of dirty thoughts into Trish's mind that will make the act seem all that much more sinful to her on top of the homosexuality taboo from her strict Catholicism upbringing. She will thoroughly enjoy it and climax hard.

  • Vaginal sex with condom "standard requirement"

Trish actually wants to have another baby. She will feel a little let down if you insist on a condom, but she will ultimately conclude it is a good idea. Once the condom being a good idea has set in her mind though, she will become more resistant to the idea of unprotected sex and will likely start taking birth control if you insist on doing it without the condom. If she is not on birth control and you want to have unprotected sex with her, you will need to sit her down and convince her you want to have a baby. Otherwise, you would have to rape her to get it.

  • Anal Sex "standard requirement"

Trish has never had anal before, but is curious to try it. However, her germaphobic side is fairly uncomfortable with the idea. She is likely to agree to anal in the shower. Otherwise, she will insist you wash your dick immediately after doing it. She will be more against you having anal sex with her children than any other form of sex, including unprotected sex with Siobhan. However, if you assure her you will do what you can to keep the fecal bacteria from spreading, she will allow it.

  • Vaginal intercourse: "standard requirement"

Once you have convinced her you want to do this, Trish will be quite happy to let you fuck and ejaculate inside her. She actually wants to have another child, even if the child does not have a father present. If you have increased your age, she might talk about your future together if your romance score is high enough. Otherwise, she will attempt to keep the issue of pregnancy from even coming up at all. If you have reduced your age, and she has confirmed you can cum, she will actually try to pretend like sex has no connection to pregnancy what so ever (although she will answer honestly if you ask directly about her getting pregnant because of what you just did. Note: all of this applies to you having sex with Siobhan as well.)

  • Intentionally impregnate her: Varies by situation

If you tell Trish that you want to have a baby with her, her reaction may vary quite a bit depending on the age you are presenting as and your relationship with her. If you are an adult, there will be an assumed push toward marriage to come after this, so she will likely take issue with it if you do not have at least a medium romantic love score. If you are a 10 year old child, she will presume you do not know what you are talking about. Or rather, that you have heard sex makes babies but you do not understand the full weight of what doing that means. If you have talked about having babies with her other girls, she will probably just laugh and let you do it hoping to get pregnant and hoping you won't make a big deal about it when she has your baby. If she is the first one you talk like this with (even if you have had sex with the others,) she will take you a little more seriously and try to sit you down and talk about what having a baby would mean.

If you are your natural teen-age self, she is just as likely to trend either direction. She knows you should know a little better as a teen, but she will have a hard time not seeing you as a child since you are younger than her little sister. However, she can understand you are older and may have more serious intentions. She also may try to make a deal that since she wants a child you can impregnate her and you don't have to worry about raising the child.

Fetish sex acts

Peculiarities to her sexuality, including desires that do not have strictly to do with reproductive sex as well as what her response would be to physical or psychological force being used to perform a sex act with her. (Note: Relationship recommendations are not given at the beginning as these are things that simply manifest at the appropriate level of sex act. Feeding the fetish is more of a good approach than anything.)

  • Pedophilic Cuck

Since Trish's new ideas about sex bloomed, she has imagined Dante screwing Ellie on occasion in her sexual fantasies, but more often than that she has actually envisioned a teen-age boy filling her baby girl's pussy full of so much semen that it drips out everywhere. She would also like to see said teen-age boy screwing any other pre-pubescent girl, but she has a special place for seeing Ellie get a snatch full of semen. Trish is a voyeristic pedophile, but she gets a special thrill from the idea of it being one of her own children. (Note: This same fantasy will apply to Danica if Dante is sex-changed by the hack into her, especially if the memory management has functioned.) The biggest thrill though, despite her not being a pre-pubescent child, will be if her younger sister Siobhan gets thoroughly fucked at a time where she is probably ovulating. Trish knows that she will likely be the one stuck helping Siobhan to raise the child that would result from this, and something about that just tops off the cuckold side of this secret fetish of hers. There is another side of her that is against every single word of this, but that is just what makes the fantasy so sexy to her.

  • Results of physical force in sex acts:

While Trish doesn't like violent men being around in her life, that counts primarily for you being around her children. She will actually not mind you being rough with her. Also, if she has seen you being gentle while having sex with her own children, she will take you being rough with her as some kind of fetish role-play and there will be no real negatives for doing it like this with her.

  • Results of psychological force in sex acts: (Using partner's submissiveness to demand sex even when they don't want it)

This will be more effective the younger you are. She does not want a child to think sex is wrong, so she will be more likely to accede to your sexual demands if you are a child so as "not to give you the impression there is something wrong with sex." If you demand sex from her as an adult when she doesn't want it, she may allow it but it will harm her trust for you being around her children.