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= St. Andre Truitt Disciplinary Action Guidelines for Teachers =
Note: This is the internal use copy of the program guidelines given only to the director of disciplinary action and used by the principle to explain the guidelines to other teachers. Please reference the [[Disciplinary action/Program public announcement|public summary version]] for more details on what is widely known by the public or the [[Disciplinary action/Program legal version|legal version]] which uses more legally precise language to address the same topics as the guidelines given to the director of disciplinary action.
<div class="page-title">''St. Andre Truitt Academe'' Disciplinary Action Guidelines for Teachers</div>
'''''(For internal use only, do NOT let the students read this document)'''''
'''''(For internal use only, do NOT let the students read this document)'''''

Here at St. Andre Truitt we aspire to educate well rounded individual that will server their community to the full of their capacities, and an unfortunate fact of education is that many children will not internalize a lesson unless a proper punishment is applied.
Here at ''St. Andre Truitt Academe'' we aspire to educate well-rounded individuals that will serve their community to the full of their capacities. An unfortunate fact of education is that many children will not internalize a lesson unless a proper punishment is applied.

Experience has shown that short term physical punishments yield short term improvements in the students, and may even backfire, triggering in the student a rebellious response. This guidelines, therefore, will focus on alternative forms of punishment that will leave a deeper mark on the students and will minimize the chance of rejection.
Experience has shown that short-term physical punishments yield short-term improvements in the students, and may even backfire, triggering in the student a rebellious response. These guidelines, therefore, will focus on alternative forms of punishment that will leave a deeper mark on the students and will minimize the chance of rejection.

After careful considerations, the kind of punishment that will be enforced are designed to affect the individual and social identity of the student, so instead of physical pain they will feel shame, both on their own and among their peers; and instead of fear of pain, it will be the fear of loss that will drive them to better themselves.
After careful consideration, the kind of punishment that will be enforced shall be designed to affect the individual and social identity of the student, so instead of physical pain they will be made to feel shame, both on their own and among their peers; and instead of fear of pain, it will be the fear of loss that will drive them to better themselves.

What does a student fear to loose? As we all know, our community is the strongest bond we all share, and both at home and during classes, students are reminded of this fact. We will take advantage of this conviction to make our students see how their actions can make them loose value in the community.
What does a student fear to loose? As we all know, our community is the strongest bond we all share, and both at home and during classes, students are reminded of this fact. We will take advantage of this conviction to make our students see how their actions can make them loose value in the community.
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== Small infractions ==
== Small infractions ==

These include failing to adhere to the school dress code, chatting or not paying attention in class, running or playing in the halls, or any other violation to the school rules of conduct.
A small infraction is something that can be considered inappropriate behavior for a school environment but is common in a child’s daily activities and can be viewed as the child simply being themselves. While these activities may be natural, it is important, as educators, for us to train these children to have proper conduct and mold them from their natural wild state into productive members of society. Another criteria for the infraction being considered small is that the child can also be seen as otherwise meaning well and that they are not disrespectful, and that they did not cause problems for others beyond being somewhat disruptive. Minor violations of the school’s rules of conduct also qualify as small infractions.
Some specific examples of what may qualify as a small infraction can include:
* School uniform violations.
* Running or playing in the halls.
* Minor cursing or swearing. (Words such as “dang it” or otherwise words that are swears but not likely to be censored on daytime TV.)
* Playing or not paying attention in class. (Except during structured play periods in the lower grades.)
* Being mildly disruptive in class. (Causing the teacher to have to stop class for a frivolous reason.)
* Talking with other students during class.
* Coming late to class from recess.
* Forgetting books or material for class. (Only if this becomes habit.)
=== Guidelines for teachers ===
It should be noted that several of the above examples can be handled with a verbal warning from the teacher in class, and often has been handled in this way in the past. This is appropriate only if it shows results, but excessive disruptiveness of this sort should be handled by sending the student to the newly formed Office of Disciplinary Actions to receive one of the punishments specified in this program. For small infractions, with the exception of school uniform violations, three warnings is the suggested standard, however, this can be shortened in cases where the disruption is excessive or a judgment call suggests that quick and severe action may serve as a deterring force to other students.
=== Guidelines for the Director of Disciplinary Actions ===
For a punishment to be considered appropriate for a small infraction, it should harm a student’s sense of self-worth. However, any damage that results from this punishment should not have a high likelihood of following them them beyond the current school year. Punishments that gain leverage from peer ridicule can leave an especially lasting mark on a child’s psyche, but have the view of them by society restored in rather short order. It should be born in mind that in this community children are taught to highly value their social worth and image, so various shaming punishments that cause them to appear more childish may be appropriate.

For small infractions, students should be shamed according to their misdemeanor. This punishments should leave a mark on the student's own worth, but must not affect their status in the community beyond their term.
Punishments for small infractions should not be made to last more than five days. In cases where it is the Director’s judgement that this is insufficient for the violation, or that the student demonstrates indifference and is not likely to have the desired corrective effect, an increase in the severity level of the punishment should be used rather than an increase in the duration beyond the recommended five days.

For small infractions a punishment should not last more than five days, if you think this is not enough, instead of increasing duration, move to harsher punishments.
Shame is the driving force in all punishments in this program. Some students may have different ideas of what may cause them shame. As such, the Director of Disciplinary Action is encouraged to keep up with trends and keep a wide variety of options available for use.

Since '''shame''' is the driving force for this punishments, and each student might have a different concept of it, it's important to choose a punishment that really affects the student. Next are some examples:
==== Age regression ====

=== Age regression ===
Among children, especially in the age range of 8 to 14, appearing childish can be seen as a mortifying thing, and childish behavior is often seen as taboo and harshly ridiculed among peer-groups of this age range. 15–18 year-olds may also suffer some consequences from being made to look childish, but the scope of what may or may not work might narrow somewhat.

Many students want to appear "grown up", so forcing them to look or act younger can be a great shame on them.
* Order them to use dental retainers to simulate child-like speech patterns. (Appropriate for all ages 8+.)
* Change their uniform for a [[Media:Disciplinary Action Pajamas.png|little kid’s PJs]]. (Appropriate for ages 8–14.)
* Force them to wear diapers instead of briefs/panties. (Appropriate for all ages, including lower grade levels.)†
* Force them to hold a pacifier in their mouth. (Appropriate for ages 6+, highly appropriate for talking in class.)
* Force them to drink all beverages from a baby bottle. (Most effective at the 8–14 age range, appropriate for all age categories.)
* Force them to wear a baby bonnet in combination with one of the other punishments above.

* Order them to use dental retainers to simulate child-like speech patterns.
† Diaper punishments may also have any or all of the following stipulations added to them.
* Change their uniform for a baby-doll pajama.
* Require that diaper be put on by an adult.
* Force them to wear diapers instead of panties.
* Require that all removals of the diaper, including for using the bathroom, be by an adult.(Can also add supervision while using the toilet.)
* Ban all uses of the toilet, requiring child to wet in the diaper. Can be combined with regular wetness checks, and/or allow for child self reporting. Failure by the child to self-report can result in an escalation of the punishment as it will be considered an attempt to avoid the results of their punishment. (It is acceptable for the child to self-report before wetting or soiling their diaper and have it changed immediately after they have finished.)
* Require that the child announce to the teacher when they need their diaper changed, using those words, in front of other students.
* Use of baby powder, involving a lot of physical contact with child's privates.
* Use of anti-rash cream, involving a lot of physical contact with child's privates.

=== Partial nudity ===
While some items on this list may appear to be in excess of a moderate level punishment, many of them such as the use of baby powder and anti-rash cream may actually be required for the child's health and thus should be considered part of a lesser infraction punishment.

Children are taught modesty from an early age, so forcing them to show their body can be a mayor source of shame.
==== Partial exposure or nudity ====
Children are taught modesty from an early age, so forcing them to show their bodies can be an effective source of shame. (May not be as effective on children of kindergarten age.)

* Change their uniform to a much smaller model. Even if fully clothed, if the uniform shows their navels, back or the skirt barely covers their knickers is enough.
* Change their uniform to a much smaller model. Even if fully clothed, if the uniform shows their navels, back or the skirt barely covers their knickers is enough.
* Remove shirt. (Note that if a girl already has noticeable breasts, she must wear a training bra).
* Remove shirt. (Note that if a girl already has noticeable breasts, she must wear a training bra.)
* Remove skirt/pants.
* Remove skirt/pants.
* Require them to be supervised while using the toilet for a set period of time.
* Temporary nudity behind closed doors.<sup>†</sup>
<sup>†</sup> This can be either as a requirement to change clothes in the office of disciplinary action while observed, having genitals exposed while changing into/out of a diaper, or the punishment can be the temporary removal of clothing itself. Tainting their purity with wicked acts such as sexual stimulation of any kind should not be included at this level.

== Middle infractions ==
== Middle infractions ==

For more serious violations, including lack of respect for their teachers, disregards for their homework, etc.
Behaviors that show a willing disregard for the structure or expected behavior of the school environment or show opposition to figures of authority such as teachers, administrative staff, or other school staff members can be considered to be mid-level infractions. Taking actions that would otherwise qualify as a small infraction to an extreme can also be regarded as a middle infraction. Examples of mid-level infractions can include:
* Direct disrespectful words or actions to a member of the school staff.
* Disregarding homework.
* Arriving to school late.
* Significant cursing, particularly those that take the Lord’s name in vain or words that are disallowed on television.
* Minor blasphemous speech.
* Sleeping in class.
* Excessive verbal volume that prompts complaint from teachers in adjacent rooms.
* Improper use of school equipment likely to result in accidental destruction of the school equipment. (A single warning may be administered depending on the situation.)
* Possession of obscene material.
* Sexually explicit behaviors with clothes on. (See boys section for more details.)
=== Guidelines for teachers ===
Except where noted otherwise, a warning should not be issued for any of the above behaviors. Students who commit such violations should be sent immediately to the office of Disciplinary Actions.
=== Guidelines for the Director of Disciplinary Action ===
Punishments for a mid-level infraction should leave an impression on the student that they are on a path that the community strongly disapproves of. The director’s verbal communication with the student in explaining the severity of their infraction will be highly important, and even more so the communication of how severely this punishment will damage them.
All punishments for infractions of this level should leave a lasting impression that will haunt the child and do real harm to their social worth, but any harm caused by this punishment should not be irreparable and should be something that they can dismiss by the time they reach adulthood.
=== For girls ===

These punishments should impress on the student that they are on a path that the community doesn't approve. The student must feel they have loose some of their worth as a result.
A girl’s purity is her most precious possession. The state of her purity can influence her future prospects as well as her place before God. All girls in town are made to understand this from an early age, and as such punishments that tarnish their purity can leave a rather deep impression. Punishments for girls for mid-level infractions will make use of this fact by doing things that damage a girl’s purity, but will not do so to such an extent that it is irreparable.

As we know, for a girl, their purity is the most sacred attribute, so these punishments will tarnish that purity (not beyond recovery), to hammer the point home.
As a girl’s purity is far more important than that of a boy, great care and moderation must be taken in with various actions of a sexual nature that would taint a girl’s purity more severely than it would that of a boy. Those punishments shall be reserved for severe infractions.

=== Nudity in controlled spaces ===
==== Nudity in controlled spaces ====

Forcing children to expose their "privates" can be a mayor source of shame. It's useful to explain to the students that even letting other see their privates taints their purity.
Forcing children to expose their “privates” can be a highly shameful experience. Along with this punishment, it should be explained that for a girl merely having her private areas viewed by others can taint her purity.

* Be appointed demonstration dummy for anatomy lessons.
* Be appointed demonstration dummy for anatomy lessons.
* Remove bra while at home/school. (Only for girls with noticeable breasts).
* Remove bra while at home/school. (Only for girls with noticeable breasts.)
* Remove panties while at home/school.
* Remove panties while at home/school.
* Be forced to masturbate while observed by a small number of people. (Only for girls already known to masturbate.)<sup>†</sup>

=== Private space invasion ===
<sup>†</sup>Masturbating in and of itself is a highly sinful activity, one that girls often show greater restrain from than boys. A girl who does not already masturbate should not be introduced to this sinful activity through a punishment; but one who already engages in this activity may be made to feel a great deal of shame by having someone watch her do this vulgar activity.

If the fault was serious enough, besides other punishments, teacher and/or parents can be made to violate the private space of the student. Again it's important to have a chat with the student so they understand that other people touching their privates taints their purity.
==== Private space invasion ====
If the fault was serious enough, besides other punishments, teachers and/or parents can be made to violate the private space of the student. Again, it’s important to have a chat with the student so they understand that other people touching their privates taints their purity.

(Orgasms may result from these punishments, which would be counterproductive, so make sure to explain that succumbing to the pleasure will only further taint their purity.)
(Orgasms may result from these punishments, which would be counterproductive, so make sure to explain that succumbing to the pleasure will only further taint their purity.)

* Teacher or parents kissing their bodies for a set time.
* Teacher or parent kissing their bodies for a set time.
* Teacher or parents touching their privates for a set time.
* Teacher or parent touching their privates for a set time.
* Teacher or parents kissing their privates for a set time.
* Teacher or parent kissing their privates for a set time.
==== Use of a tampon ====
Any properly pure girl will only use pads for their mensturation and would never use tampons which could ruin her purity if something were to go wrong. For a punishment though, it may be appropriate to have tampons used for the risk it poses to her purity.
For a less severe infraction, the girl may be required to insert the tampon on her own. However, for more severe infractions it can be inserted by a parent or teacher. Having a tampon inserted by a male parent or teacher is something that should be reserved for higher level infractions due to how severe a violation of privacy as well as a damage to her purity this would be.
The use of tampons need not be connected to the girl's mensturation, but having tampons be the sanitary option of an older girl for the duration of her next period is a viable option for punishment, and having her sanitary item changed only by an adult may be even more traumatic an experience that can make for an effective punishment.
==== Controlled exposure to male genitals ====

The utmost restraint must be used in the use of this punishment. This is only for the most severe infractions that border on the next level of severity. It should be explained that the male penis is something that can completely destroy her purity and render her unfit to be married should something go wrong. Having a male penis exposed while the girl’s privates are also exposed is something that is particularly extreme in nature and the utmost judgement should be used at any time this is done.

For boys <font color="red">'''<Work in Progress, suggestions accepted></font>'''
* Be shown a real male penis.
* Be made to touch a real male penis for a set time.
* Hold a male penis near her exposed genitals. (An explanation of how severely touching her genitals with a penis would harm her purity should be included.)
* Be urinated on by a male. (With or without clothes on, any part of the female body can be an appropriate target. Can be made to continue wearing wet clothes. If girl already has a diaper punishment, this can be especially appropriate if used in combination.)<sup>†</sup>
<sup></sup>Urinating on the girl can give her a strongly negative experience associated with being made to see the male genitalia. This will be an additional punishment from the girl’s perspective in the short run, but in the long run this does more to maintain her purity. Additionally, urinating only on her pants can create the impression for other students that she wet her pants, further deepening the punishment.
==== For girls grade 3 and under only ====
Ejaculation of semen on body or external genitalia can be permitted as a medium infraction punishment as their bodies are not yet ready to produce children. Since there is no pregnancy risk and they have yet to endure the sex-ed class and are thus unlikely to connect this with coitus. The girls must not be informed that this seminal fluid has anything to do with sex or making babies. She should be told only that it taints her purity and given the impression it is in some way related to pee.
=== For Boys ===
A boy does not have as much importance placed on his purity as would a girl. As such, there is no need to take the same level of care in private space violation with a boy and some punishments that may be more appropriate at the severe level for girls may be used on boys at the higher tiers of the mid-level infractions. It is also important to keep in mind that boys have the duty to prove their worth in society, and as such certain challenging of the rules is natural. One cannot use the same stick to measure boys and girls, and boys should be given more freedom than girls in order to develop correctly. This, of course, does not mean boys shouldn’t be punished, but violations must be considered by gender.
To put an extreme example; a boy lifting the skirt of a classmate or grabbing her chest '''IS''' a punishable action, regardless of if the girl is compliant or not; but the punishment should be lesser than that for a girl that grabs the crotch of a boy.
On the flip side, a girl that willingly allows boys to touch her must be harshly punished, but a boy that allows a girl to touch him can’t be expected to refuse such notions, and therefore there is nothing to punish him for.
==== Nudity in controlled spaces ====
Care must be taken when forcing boys to expose themselves. A strong willed boy can flip the punishment into a reward by bragging his masculinity. Therefore only administer this punishment if you’re sure the boy is not confident in his physical appearance, or mix it with other punishments to ensure it remains so.
* Be appointed demonstration dummy for anatomy lessons.
* Remove pants and underwear while at home/school.
==== Light emasculation ====
A boy’s masculinity is one of the most important aspects of his future in society, so tarnishing it can have a profound effect on them. Again, care must be taken not to overdo it. Since we don’t want this tier of punishment to affect the student future in the community, they should be limited to the school grounds.
* Make him wear makeup and girly hairstyle/headwear while at school.
* Make him wear a female uniform while at school.
* Have his endowment negatively evaluated by a female staff member.
* Be made to touch another male’s penis. (It should be stressed to the student that this is homosexual activity and is highly sinful and any enjoyment of it would taint him.)
* Be masturbated by another male.
* Be forced to masturbate a male staff member or another male student being simultaneously punished.
* Be ejaculated on by a male member of staff.
* Be urinated on by a male or female member of staff.
==== Orgasm denial ====
A boy’s libido is much higher than a girl’s, so it can’t be expected them not to indulge in masturbation, even against society’s wishes. While usually we can overlook this, for a specially active boy, orgasm denial can be an effective punishment.
* Make him wear a chastity belt to prevent orgasm.
* Give him a drug to prevent erections and orgasm.

== Severe infractions ==
== Severe infractions ==

Fighting, cheating on classwork on tests, skipping school and some other serious conducts should be dealt with with extreme measures. In this case the standing of the student in the community may be adversely affected forever, and the student must be well aware of this.
A severe infraction is anything that strongly and willfully disrupts the natural order of their own or another student’s progress through school, and can be categorized as “delinquent behavior”. Conducts that demonstrate the student is heading in a bad direction that will render their worth to society very low in the future, should things be allowed to progress naturally without corrective action. Unlike with lower level infractions, a severe infraction may be punished by the school regardless of where it was discovered to have taken place, whether or not it was on school grounds or during school hours.
Some examples of severe infractions can include:

For girls, the ultimate loss of their purity is getting pregnant before marriage, but a close second is the loss of their virginity.
* Fighting with another student, a teacher, or a member of the community.
* Cheating on classwork or on tests.
* Major blasphemies or curses that use the Lord’s name in a disparaging fashion beyond just frivolously casting it about.<sup>†</sup>
* Skipping school.
* Imbibing an alcoholic beverage.
* Use of cigarets.
* Use of any drug or controlled substance.
* Sexually explicit behaviors involving others with clothes off or involving reaching under the clothes of others.

=== Virginity loss ===
<sup>†</sup>(Amended by request of the Deacon after the extreme infractions were added.) Major blasphemies may be upgraded at the church’s urging to an extreme punishment. All punishments for a major blasphemy should have a 1-week duration and will involve the harshest conditions available. At the beginning of this 1-week duration, the church will be contacted and given an explanation of the blasphemy. If, by the end of that week, the church determines that this blasphemous act is severe enough, the school will be contacted and the director of disciplinary action will be asked to upgrade the punishment.

Since this is an irreparable loss for girls, they should be very aware they are to blame, but that they still have more to loose if they don't straight their ways.
==== Guidelines for Teachers ====
There should be little need to explain what needs to be done with these activities. There is no conceivable grounds on which these violations should be tolerated with only a warning and should result in the student being made to appear before the Director of Disciplinary Actions as soon as the student becomes available to be sent.
==== Guidelines for Director of Disciplinary Actions ====
As their conduct already suggest, the student will have little value to society moving forward if no action is taken, therefore punishments appropriate to these severe infractions may be allowed to irreparably harm the student’s future prospects in the community. The student should be made to feel with every time that they are punished in this manner that it is a gamble as to whether they have any future prospects at all, whether in finding a job or starting a family.
(Amended post storeroom incident: Punishments of this level should harm the student’s prospects, but give some chance whether it be a gamble on biology or the compassion of the community, that with proper repentance the will of God may still make a way for them in the future. Severe punishment actions, aside from pregnancy risks for girls, should not be repeated. Escalate by using another severe punishment where appropriate, or graduate to an extreme punishment.)
=== For Girls ===
For girls, the ultimate loss of their purity is getting pregnant before marriage, but a close second is the loss of their virginity. Even being made to engage sexually with a man before their marriage can harm their future prospects a great deal. All punishments at this level will involve some form of extreme loss to the girl’s purity by engaging in various sexual activities.
==== Non-damaging sexual activities ====
These may severely taint a girl’s purity and harm her future marriage prospects should the information get out, as it will when the punishment’s documentation is sent out. However, the damage is not severe and still maintains her virginity and does not risk pregnancy. These punishments should be used for the least severe offenders, or those who show some promise of reform using only this method.
* Vaginal prodding or contact with the outer female genitals by a penis. (No insertion and the hymen is left intact.)
* Anal prodding with a male penis.
* Ejaculating on body, not near genitals.
* Sexually engaging with a female staff member, sibling, mother, or other female sharing in this punishment.
==== Virginity loss ====
Since this is an irreparable loss for girls, they should be made very aware they are to blame, but that they still have more to loose if they don’t straighten their ways.

* Oral deflowering.
* Oral deflowering.
* Anal prodding. Penetrate only the slightly.
* Anal deflowering.
* Anal deflowering.
* Vaginal prodding. (Without breaking the hymen).
* Vaginal deflowering.
* Vaginal deflowering.

=== Pregnancy risk ===
==== Pregnancy risk ====

A pregnancy is much more serious in the long run than just loosing their virginity; but since there is no guarantee of getting a girl pregnant in a single encounter, you can offer them to "save" their virginity if they accept the risk of getting pregnant.
A pregnancy is much more serious in the long run than just loosing their virginity; but since there is no guarantee a girl will get pregnant in a single encounter, you can offer them to “save” their virginity if they accept the risk of getting pregnant.

* External ejaculation. May be forbidden to clean it up, and keep it in their panties or diaper if that punishment was also used.
* External ejaculation. May be forbidden to clean it up, and keep it in their panties or diaper if that punishment was also used.
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* Deep internal ejaculation. May use a diaphragm to keep it inside.
* Deep internal ejaculation. May use a diaphragm to keep it inside.

=== For Boys ===
For boys, being stripped of their masculinity is a fitting punishment for severe offenses.
==== Extreme private emasculation ====
For infractions on the less severe end of this range or in cases where it seems the student may be reformed by their punishment, it may be appropriate to keep this activity private to preserve more of a possibility for them to recover their standing.
* Be made to engage in oral sex with another male.
* Be made to receive anal sex from a male staff member or another male student also being punished at this level.
* Be made to perform anal sex on another male student also being punished at this level.
==== Public emasculation or sexual shame ====
The student must understand that his opportunities in life will be affected if the community start seeing him as a deviant, less of a man.
* Make him masturbate in public (Less severe punishment most appropriate for younger boys.)
* Subject him to public ridicule about the state of his endowment.
* Make him wear heavy makeup and girly hairstyle/headwear while at home/school.
* Make him wear a provocative female uniform while at home/school.
* Make him wear a butt plug at home/school.
* Perform oral sex on an anonymous male in public. (The recipient remains anonymous as to not damage his public status.)
* Perform oral or anal sex with another male student also being punished at this level.
== Extreme Infractions (Amendment, added post storeroom incident) ==
In cases of multiple severe infractions taking place simultaneously, or an activity that could be otherwise punished as a criminal act such as stealing, vandalism or willful destruction of property (of monetary significance), as well as immoral sexual activities, clothes on or off, that involve three or more people either participating or observing, may result in a more extreme punishment than is available under the mantle of severe infractions.
All homosexual activities are also to be considered in this category.
The goal of a punishment for an extreme infraction is to nearly or completely destroy the student’s future prospects in order to use them as a deterring negative example for other students. This punishment should not leave the student with any of their dignity intact, and if it is possible to recover their dignity from this punishment then it will only be by the grace of God.
This section is a work in progress and may be updated periodically before a final version is later rendered. Here are some punishments that have been seen to work so far.
==== For Girls ====
It is significantly easier to come up with extreme punishments appropriate for girls, as a girl has far more to lose even after her virginity has been taken. Often lesser punishments can be made to combine extremely well if a risk of pregnancy is attached to it in some way. Some suggestions can include:
* Nudity or removal of panties and possibly the skirt as semen is allowed to drip from their vagina post internal ejaculation, she is forbidden to clean it up. May be extended for a period of time with regular internal ejaculations taking place during this period.
* Being made to wear a diaper as per the criteria of the minor punishment, except that every time the diaper is removed she receives a deep internal ejaculation before it is put back on or replaced.
* Intentional impregnation. Unlike the pregnancy risk punishment, this punishment does not end until the girl is pregnant. Also, if pregnancy is the goal of the punishment rather than a potential outcome, it may also be appropriate not to consider the punishment ended until her pregnancy is showing rather than by a hormonal pregnancy test as miscarriages among early term pregnancies are common.
* Share a punishment administrator's bed. The girl may be required to go home with the male administering her punishment and also sleep in his bed in order to increase his sexual access to her body. This is combined with any form of punishment that in some way involves the male punishment administrator's semen, from ejaculating on her belly to intentional impregnation. (Non-penetrative and non-pregnancy risking versions of this punishment may be an option for a severe punishment or even a high-level moderate punishment in the case of a girl grade 3 or younger.)
*Forced marriage. This is especially appropriate for girls engaged in homosexual activity, and is one of the few that can allow for the girl to have future prospects within society. In order to force her into a proper role within society, a husband will be assigned to her.
==== For boys ====
By nature, it is more difficult to come up with an extreme punishment for boys. However, the following options can be made available in cases where extreme measures are required.
* Be effectively transformed into a girl, including clothing and heavy sexy makup, and also forced into homosexual sexual servitude. (The identity of the one administering the punishment will be concealed. However, if it is revealed by the one receiving the punishment, the town will regard the one receiving the punishment as a girl and thus the sex in their punishment is considered heterosexual. For the injurious spread of this information though, the punishment duration will also be doubled.)
* Be considered the father of a child who resulted from the punishment of a girl receiving a severe punishment, removing the girl's responsibility for the child and placing it on the boy.
* Be submitted for public sexual humiliation, including public participation. (Dildos are to be provided in order to avoid a member of the public having to taint themselves by engaging in a homosexual act. Any member of the public may privately request a mask from the director of discipline in order to preserve anonymity while engaging in full homosexual activity.)
* Be forced to wear a chastity belt for a duration in excess of a year, to be removed only by the nurse for purposes of cleanliness and health.
NOTE: If the boy is, for any reason, determined to be an unfit parent for a child he is made to "be impregnated with" in a partnered punishment, custody of the child may be revoked and the child given to a more suitable household. In this instance, the boy will be publicly acknowledged as an unfit parent with all the social stigma that would include.
==== For couples ====
For students in an official courting relationship, involving the couple in one-another’s punishment can be appropriate at this level, especially in cases where both members of the couple have committed offenses appropriate for a severe infraction.
There is, at present, one punishment, or rather a set of punishments to be utilized together, that is seen as appropriate for couples. This punishment actually allows the couple together to preserve far more of their future prospects and social dignity than they would have had alone, but it is also likely to cause significant strife for them in the future of their relationship.
* The boy is required to take responsibility for anything that results from the girl’s punishment as though he was the one performing all actions that the Director of Disciplinary actions or the man he appointed to perform the girl’s punishment(s) did. This includes any loss of virginity or impregnation.
The above punishment is to be issued first. Punishments beyond this may be used as well and will interact with this one in a manner that makes all future punishments faced by the couple very potent.
* The boy may be made to wear a chastity belt or take a prolonged regiment of drugs that reduce his libido to prevent orgasm.
* The couple may be made to witness each other’s punishments, including pregnancy risks for the girl or emasculating homosexual punishments for the boy.
It is also appropriate to punish a couple by making the other take a punishment for the other’s actions. For instance:

For boys <font color="red">'''<Work in Progress, suggestions accepted></font>'''
* Infractions by the girl may be responded to by having the boy engage sexually with a female member of staff, or by being made to be the one to perform a punishment on another female student who has committed a severe infraction.
* Infractions by the boy may be responded to by having the girl take a pregnancy risk as the boy will be held responsible for any pregnancy that results from this.

== Repeat infractions ==
== Repeat infractions ==

If a student fails to learn theirs lesson, the punishment must be upgraded. Seldom is it worth it to just repeat a punishment, or extend it's duration.
If a student fails to learn their lesson, the punishment must be upgraded. Seldom is it worth it to just repeat a punishment, or extend its duration.
This means that even a student that only commits small infractions might receive a severe punishment if they show no improvement. While the director of disciplinary actions is encouraged to take some leeway and creativity in deciding a student’s punishment while scaling a punishment for repeat infractions they are encouraged to keep in mind that each level of punishment is also at a range with up to 3 tiers of severity already within each broader severity level.

This means that even a student that only commits small infractions might receive a severe punishment if they show no improvement.
There is no higher level to go from the extreme punishment level, but they may be upgraded via combination with other severe punishments, such as a diaper or nudity and cum-dripping punishment being extended until pregnant, or a pregnancy as goal punishment having nudity or a diaper added to it.

== Help from the family ==
== Help from the family ==

Educating children happens not only at school, but also at home. Because of this it is encouraged that the children family be included in any and all punishments.
Educating children happens not only at school, but also at home. Because of this it is encouraged that the family be included in any and all punishments.

If the punishment is for a student to wear a diaper, send a note home so they ensure the student continues wearing the diaper even at home. The same can be done if the student must be partially or totally naked.
If the punishment is for a student to wear a diaper, send a note home so they ensure the student continues wearing the diaper even at home. The same can be done if the student must be partially or totally naked.

Incest is a deeply frowned upon activity, and children know it's bad. Forcing their parents or siblings to participate in punishments will increase the shame of the student, and the fact the family will also suffer some shame is justified, since it's their children that created the problem.
Incest is a deeply frowned upon activity, and children know it’s bad. Forcing their parents or siblings to participate in punishments will increase the shame of the student, and the fact the family will also suffer some shame is justified, since it’s their children that created the problem.

== Transfer to special class ==
== Transfer to special class ==

While we hope all our students learn from their mistakes and become excellent members of society, it's inevitable that some will fail, regardless all the support we and their families provide.
While we hope all our students learn from their mistakes and become excellent members of society, it’s inevitable that some will fail, regardless of all the support we and their families provide.

Any student that continues to misbehave beyond what the Disciplinary Officer considers reasonable will be transferred to a special class under direct supervision from the Headmaster, in a location outside the main school campus.
Any student that continues to misbehave beyond what the Disciplinary Officer considers reasonable will be transferred to a special class under direct supervision from the headmaster, in a location outside the main school campus.

In particular, any girl that ends up getting pregnant before marriage, either as result of any punishment or for a fault of her own, will also be transferred to the special class.
In particular, any girl that ends up getting pregnant before marriage, either as result of any punishment or for a fault of her own, will also be transferred to the special class.

Besides being a last option for those students that have decided not to follow a straight path, the special class will also serve as a deterrent for other students, since they all will know that anyone on that class has already loss most of their worth as a community member.
Besides being a last option for those students that have decided not to follow a straight path, the special class will also serve as a deterrent for other students, since they all will know that anyone on that class has already loss most of their worth as a community member.
== Staff Participation ==
The head of the Disciplinary Office will be the one to decide the punishment, which must be respected by other staff, family members and students as long as it complies with these guidelines.
Whenever a punishment requires the participation of third parties to be fulfilled, the head of the Disciplinary Office can request assistance from other teachers as well as family members. Students not related by family connection cannot be involved in other’s punishments unless they are also being punished.
== Displaced punishments ==
Sometimes a student may perform an illicit activity for the benefit or at the request of another student, or to get another student’s attention. In these cases, it may be appropriate to make the intended beneficiary of these actions suffer a punishment as well or instead of the one who actually committed the infraction. In cases where one student goaded another into a punishable action, this makes sure all parties involved are punished. In cases where it was willingly done for the benefit of the other student, this denies them of any sense of righteous martyrdom that might make them feel it was worth the punishment for the benefit they rendered the other, and in the case where they were trying to get the attention of the other student, this will make that attention become very negative in nature.
Displaced punishments should be at a minimum half to a full level of severity below what the student who actually committed the infraction got or would have gotten, except in the cases where the other student encouraged or goaded the other into this action. If that was the case, the student who did the encouraging is equally as complicit in the violation and can face the exact same punishment or one of comparable or possibly slightly greater severity.
Displaced punishments can also be used on siblings, friends, or romantic partners in cases where a student has already had their punishments escalated all the way to an extreme level and shows no improvement or seems to enjoy the sexual stimulation instead of finding shame in it. In this case, displacing their punishments to a member of their peer group who they have a close personal relationship with may help them to correct their behavior, either through the shame of forcing their close relation to suffer for their crimes or through pressure put on them by their close peer.
== Displaced fault (Amendment, added after the Eckles case) ==
In cases where a student is threatened, sabotaged, set up, or framed to break the rules in a way they did not intend or did not do, the student who set them up in this way will be considered guilty of a severe violation of school policy and be punished accordingly. The act of setting the other student up is considered a severe infraction on its own, but they will also be considered liable for the entirety of the violation they set the other student up for as well and it should be added to their own punishment.
In the case of the student who has been set up in this way, the image to the school is still important. Fellow students cannot see the rules violator getting off without punishment, even if it is not ultimately their fault. However, the director of disciplinary action may decide to reduce the severity of the punishment in accordance with their best judgement. The punishment should be visible, but not damaging. The student's purity should not be sacrificed in such a situation.
==Guidelines for write-ups==
The disciplinary staff should be conscious of the wording used while writing up the notes to teachers and parents describing the disciplinary actions taken. These notes will be describing sexual actions and be handled in such a way that they can come into the possession of other children. Care must be taken while writing up these punishment notes in order to effectively minimize the chances of a child who reads the note becoming corrupted by extension just by seeing what is written on it.
The language in the notes must be kept as clinical as possible, and avoid language commonly used by children. Words such as "penis" which children know should never be used, and the terms "sex" and "vagina" should likewise be avoided. Instead, acceptable clinical alternative language children are less likely to understand, especially at young ages, should be used. Some examples may include...
*Genitals/genetalia (attaching the words "male" or "female" only when necessary.)
*Internal/external ejaculation/insemination
*Digital stimulation (instead of masturbation)
*Divested of chastity/purity
Of course, a document like this cannot account for every eventuality. We trust that the director of disciplinary actions ought to be intelligent enough to extrapolate upon these examples in order to make informed decisions on what kind of language should be used while writing up punishment notes that account for the unique circumstances of each child.

[[Category:Disciplinary Action|Punishment Guidelines]]
[[Category:Disciplinary Action|Punishment Guidelines]]

Latest revision as of 14:17, 8 September 2022

Note: This is the internal use copy of the program guidelines given only to the director of disciplinary action and used by the principle to explain the guidelines to other teachers. Please reference the public summary version for more details on what is widely known by the public or the legal version which uses more legally precise language to address the same topics as the guidelines given to the director of disciplinary action.

St. Andre Truitt Academe Disciplinary Action Guidelines for Teachers

(For internal use only, do NOT let the students read this document)

Here at St. Andre Truitt Academe we aspire to educate well-rounded individuals that will serve their community to the full of their capacities. An unfortunate fact of education is that many children will not internalize a lesson unless a proper punishment is applied.

Experience has shown that short-term physical punishments yield short-term improvements in the students, and may even backfire, triggering in the student a rebellious response. These guidelines, therefore, will focus on alternative forms of punishment that will leave a deeper mark on the students and will minimize the chance of rejection.

After careful consideration, the kind of punishment that will be enforced shall be designed to affect the individual and social identity of the student, so instead of physical pain they will be made to feel shame, both on their own and among their peers; and instead of fear of pain, it will be the fear of loss that will drive them to better themselves.

What does a student fear to loose? As we all know, our community is the strongest bond we all share, and both at home and during classes, students are reminded of this fact. We will take advantage of this conviction to make our students see how their actions can make them loose value in the community.

With this in mind, all punishments are designed to extend beyond the walls of the disciplinary office, and both peers and parents will participate in the punishment to drive the point.

Small infractions

A small infraction is something that can be considered inappropriate behavior for a school environment but is common in a child’s daily activities and can be viewed as the child simply being themselves. While these activities may be natural, it is important, as educators, for us to train these children to have proper conduct and mold them from their natural wild state into productive members of society. Another criteria for the infraction being considered small is that the child can also be seen as otherwise meaning well and that they are not disrespectful, and that they did not cause problems for others beyond being somewhat disruptive. Minor violations of the school’s rules of conduct also qualify as small infractions.

Some specific examples of what may qualify as a small infraction can include:

  • School uniform violations.
  • Running or playing in the halls.
  • Minor cursing or swearing. (Words such as “dang it” or otherwise words that are swears but not likely to be censored on daytime TV.)
  • Playing or not paying attention in class. (Except during structured play periods in the lower grades.)
  • Being mildly disruptive in class. (Causing the teacher to have to stop class for a frivolous reason.)
  • Talking with other students during class.
  • Coming late to class from recess.
  • Forgetting books or material for class. (Only if this becomes habit.)

Guidelines for teachers

It should be noted that several of the above examples can be handled with a verbal warning from the teacher in class, and often has been handled in this way in the past. This is appropriate only if it shows results, but excessive disruptiveness of this sort should be handled by sending the student to the newly formed Office of Disciplinary Actions to receive one of the punishments specified in this program. For small infractions, with the exception of school uniform violations, three warnings is the suggested standard, however, this can be shortened in cases where the disruption is excessive or a judgment call suggests that quick and severe action may serve as a deterring force to other students.

Guidelines for the Director of Disciplinary Actions

For a punishment to be considered appropriate for a small infraction, it should harm a student’s sense of self-worth. However, any damage that results from this punishment should not have a high likelihood of following them them beyond the current school year. Punishments that gain leverage from peer ridicule can leave an especially lasting mark on a child’s psyche, but have the view of them by society restored in rather short order. It should be born in mind that in this community children are taught to highly value their social worth and image, so various shaming punishments that cause them to appear more childish may be appropriate.

Punishments for small infractions should not be made to last more than five days. In cases where it is the Director’s judgement that this is insufficient for the violation, or that the student demonstrates indifference and is not likely to have the desired corrective effect, an increase in the severity level of the punishment should be used rather than an increase in the duration beyond the recommended five days.

Shame is the driving force in all punishments in this program. Some students may have different ideas of what may cause them shame. As such, the Director of Disciplinary Action is encouraged to keep up with trends and keep a wide variety of options available for use.

Age regression

Among children, especially in the age range of 8 to 14, appearing childish can be seen as a mortifying thing, and childish behavior is often seen as taboo and harshly ridiculed among peer-groups of this age range. 15–18 year-olds may also suffer some consequences from being made to look childish, but the scope of what may or may not work might narrow somewhat.

  • Order them to use dental retainers to simulate child-like speech patterns. (Appropriate for all ages 8+.)
  • Change their uniform for a little kid’s PJs. (Appropriate for ages 8–14.)
  • Force them to wear diapers instead of briefs/panties. (Appropriate for all ages, including lower grade levels.)†
  • Force them to hold a pacifier in their mouth. (Appropriate for ages 6+, highly appropriate for talking in class.)
  • Force them to drink all beverages from a baby bottle. (Most effective at the 8–14 age range, appropriate for all age categories.)
  • Force them to wear a baby bonnet in combination with one of the other punishments above.

† Diaper punishments may also have any or all of the following stipulations added to them.

  • Require that diaper be put on by an adult.
  • Require that all removals of the diaper, including for using the bathroom, be by an adult.(Can also add supervision while using the toilet.)
  • Ban all uses of the toilet, requiring child to wet in the diaper. Can be combined with regular wetness checks, and/or allow for child self reporting. Failure by the child to self-report can result in an escalation of the punishment as it will be considered an attempt to avoid the results of their punishment. (It is acceptable for the child to self-report before wetting or soiling their diaper and have it changed immediately after they have finished.)
  • Require that the child announce to the teacher when they need their diaper changed, using those words, in front of other students.
  • Use of baby powder, involving a lot of physical contact with child's privates.
  • Use of anti-rash cream, involving a lot of physical contact with child's privates.

While some items on this list may appear to be in excess of a moderate level punishment, many of them such as the use of baby powder and anti-rash cream may actually be required for the child's health and thus should be considered part of a lesser infraction punishment.

Partial exposure or nudity

Children are taught modesty from an early age, so forcing them to show their bodies can be an effective source of shame. (May not be as effective on children of kindergarten age.)

  • Change their uniform to a much smaller model. Even if fully clothed, if the uniform shows their navels, back or the skirt barely covers their knickers is enough.
  • Remove shirt. (Note that if a girl already has noticeable breasts, she must wear a training bra.)
  • Remove skirt/pants.
  • Require them to be supervised while using the toilet for a set period of time.
  • Temporary nudity behind closed doors.

This can be either as a requirement to change clothes in the office of disciplinary action while observed, having genitals exposed while changing into/out of a diaper, or the punishment can be the temporary removal of clothing itself. Tainting their purity with wicked acts such as sexual stimulation of any kind should not be included at this level.

Middle infractions

Behaviors that show a willing disregard for the structure or expected behavior of the school environment or show opposition to figures of authority such as teachers, administrative staff, or other school staff members can be considered to be mid-level infractions. Taking actions that would otherwise qualify as a small infraction to an extreme can also be regarded as a middle infraction. Examples of mid-level infractions can include:

  • Direct disrespectful words or actions to a member of the school staff.
  • Disregarding homework.
  • Arriving to school late.
  • Significant cursing, particularly those that take the Lord’s name in vain or words that are disallowed on television.
  • Minor blasphemous speech.
  • Sleeping in class.
  • Excessive verbal volume that prompts complaint from teachers in adjacent rooms.
  • Improper use of school equipment likely to result in accidental destruction of the school equipment. (A single warning may be administered depending on the situation.)
  • Possession of obscene material.
  • Sexually explicit behaviors with clothes on. (See boys section for more details.)

Guidelines for teachers

Except where noted otherwise, a warning should not be issued for any of the above behaviors. Students who commit such violations should be sent immediately to the office of Disciplinary Actions.

Guidelines for the Director of Disciplinary Action

Punishments for a mid-level infraction should leave an impression on the student that they are on a path that the community strongly disapproves of. The director’s verbal communication with the student in explaining the severity of their infraction will be highly important, and even more so the communication of how severely this punishment will damage them.

All punishments for infractions of this level should leave a lasting impression that will haunt the child and do real harm to their social worth, but any harm caused by this punishment should not be irreparable and should be something that they can dismiss by the time they reach adulthood.

For girls

A girl’s purity is her most precious possession. The state of her purity can influence her future prospects as well as her place before God. All girls in town are made to understand this from an early age, and as such punishments that tarnish their purity can leave a rather deep impression. Punishments for girls for mid-level infractions will make use of this fact by doing things that damage a girl’s purity, but will not do so to such an extent that it is irreparable.

As a girl’s purity is far more important than that of a boy, great care and moderation must be taken in with various actions of a sexual nature that would taint a girl’s purity more severely than it would that of a boy. Those punishments shall be reserved for severe infractions.

Nudity in controlled spaces

Forcing children to expose their “privates” can be a highly shameful experience. Along with this punishment, it should be explained that for a girl merely having her private areas viewed by others can taint her purity.

  • Be appointed demonstration dummy for anatomy lessons.
  • Remove bra while at home/school. (Only for girls with noticeable breasts.)
  • Remove panties while at home/school.
  • Be forced to masturbate while observed by a small number of people. (Only for girls already known to masturbate.)

Masturbating in and of itself is a highly sinful activity, one that girls often show greater restrain from than boys. A girl who does not already masturbate should not be introduced to this sinful activity through a punishment; but one who already engages in this activity may be made to feel a great deal of shame by having someone watch her do this vulgar activity.

Private space invasion

If the fault was serious enough, besides other punishments, teachers and/or parents can be made to violate the private space of the student. Again, it’s important to have a chat with the student so they understand that other people touching their privates taints their purity.

(Orgasms may result from these punishments, which would be counterproductive, so make sure to explain that succumbing to the pleasure will only further taint their purity.)

  • Teacher or parent kissing their bodies for a set time.
  • Teacher or parent touching their privates for a set time.
  • Teacher or parent kissing their privates for a set time.

Use of a tampon

Any properly pure girl will only use pads for their mensturation and would never use tampons which could ruin her purity if something were to go wrong. For a punishment though, it may be appropriate to have tampons used for the risk it poses to her purity.

For a less severe infraction, the girl may be required to insert the tampon on her own. However, for more severe infractions it can be inserted by a parent or teacher. Having a tampon inserted by a male parent or teacher is something that should be reserved for higher level infractions due to how severe a violation of privacy as well as a damage to her purity this would be.

The use of tampons need not be connected to the girl's mensturation, but having tampons be the sanitary option of an older girl for the duration of her next period is a viable option for punishment, and having her sanitary item changed only by an adult may be even more traumatic an experience that can make for an effective punishment.

Controlled exposure to male genitals

The utmost restraint must be used in the use of this punishment. This is only for the most severe infractions that border on the next level of severity. It should be explained that the male penis is something that can completely destroy her purity and render her unfit to be married should something go wrong. Having a male penis exposed while the girl’s privates are also exposed is something that is particularly extreme in nature and the utmost judgement should be used at any time this is done.

  • Be shown a real male penis.
  • Be made to touch a real male penis for a set time.
  • Hold a male penis near her exposed genitals. (An explanation of how severely touching her genitals with a penis would harm her purity should be included.)
  • Be urinated on by a male. (With or without clothes on, any part of the female body can be an appropriate target. Can be made to continue wearing wet clothes. If girl already has a diaper punishment, this can be especially appropriate if used in combination.)

Urinating on the girl can give her a strongly negative experience associated with being made to see the male genitalia. This will be an additional punishment from the girl’s perspective in the short run, but in the long run this does more to maintain her purity. Additionally, urinating only on her pants can create the impression for other students that she wet her pants, further deepening the punishment.

For girls grade 3 and under only

Ejaculation of semen on body or external genitalia can be permitted as a medium infraction punishment as their bodies are not yet ready to produce children. Since there is no pregnancy risk and they have yet to endure the sex-ed class and are thus unlikely to connect this with coitus. The girls must not be informed that this seminal fluid has anything to do with sex or making babies. She should be told only that it taints her purity and given the impression it is in some way related to pee.

For Boys

A boy does not have as much importance placed on his purity as would a girl. As such, there is no need to take the same level of care in private space violation with a boy and some punishments that may be more appropriate at the severe level for girls may be used on boys at the higher tiers of the mid-level infractions. It is also important to keep in mind that boys have the duty to prove their worth in society, and as such certain challenging of the rules is natural. One cannot use the same stick to measure boys and girls, and boys should be given more freedom than girls in order to develop correctly. This, of course, does not mean boys shouldn’t be punished, but violations must be considered by gender.

To put an extreme example; a boy lifting the skirt of a classmate or grabbing her chest IS a punishable action, regardless of if the girl is compliant or not; but the punishment should be lesser than that for a girl that grabs the crotch of a boy.

On the flip side, a girl that willingly allows boys to touch her must be harshly punished, but a boy that allows a girl to touch him can’t be expected to refuse such notions, and therefore there is nothing to punish him for.

Nudity in controlled spaces

Care must be taken when forcing boys to expose themselves. A strong willed boy can flip the punishment into a reward by bragging his masculinity. Therefore only administer this punishment if you’re sure the boy is not confident in his physical appearance, or mix it with other punishments to ensure it remains so.

  • Be appointed demonstration dummy for anatomy lessons.
  • Remove pants and underwear while at home/school.

Light emasculation

A boy’s masculinity is one of the most important aspects of his future in society, so tarnishing it can have a profound effect on them. Again, care must be taken not to overdo it. Since we don’t want this tier of punishment to affect the student future in the community, they should be limited to the school grounds.

  • Make him wear makeup and girly hairstyle/headwear while at school.
  • Make him wear a female uniform while at school.
  • Have his endowment negatively evaluated by a female staff member.
  • Be made to touch another male’s penis. (It should be stressed to the student that this is homosexual activity and is highly sinful and any enjoyment of it would taint him.)
  • Be masturbated by another male.
  • Be forced to masturbate a male staff member or another male student being simultaneously punished.
  • Be ejaculated on by a male member of staff.
  • Be urinated on by a male or female member of staff.

Orgasm denial

A boy’s libido is much higher than a girl’s, so it can’t be expected them not to indulge in masturbation, even against society’s wishes. While usually we can overlook this, for a specially active boy, orgasm denial can be an effective punishment.

  • Make him wear a chastity belt to prevent orgasm.
  • Give him a drug to prevent erections and orgasm.

Severe infractions

A severe infraction is anything that strongly and willfully disrupts the natural order of their own or another student’s progress through school, and can be categorized as “delinquent behavior”. Conducts that demonstrate the student is heading in a bad direction that will render their worth to society very low in the future, should things be allowed to progress naturally without corrective action. Unlike with lower level infractions, a severe infraction may be punished by the school regardless of where it was discovered to have taken place, whether or not it was on school grounds or during school hours.

Some examples of severe infractions can include:

  • Fighting with another student, a teacher, or a member of the community.
  • Cheating on classwork or on tests.
  • Major blasphemies or curses that use the Lord’s name in a disparaging fashion beyond just frivolously casting it about.
  • Skipping school.
  • Imbibing an alcoholic beverage.
  • Use of cigarets.
  • Use of any drug or controlled substance.
  • Sexually explicit behaviors involving others with clothes off or involving reaching under the clothes of others.

(Amended by request of the Deacon after the extreme infractions were added.) Major blasphemies may be upgraded at the church’s urging to an extreme punishment. All punishments for a major blasphemy should have a 1-week duration and will involve the harshest conditions available. At the beginning of this 1-week duration, the church will be contacted and given an explanation of the blasphemy. If, by the end of that week, the church determines that this blasphemous act is severe enough, the school will be contacted and the director of disciplinary action will be asked to upgrade the punishment.

Guidelines for Teachers

There should be little need to explain what needs to be done with these activities. There is no conceivable grounds on which these violations should be tolerated with only a warning and should result in the student being made to appear before the Director of Disciplinary Actions as soon as the student becomes available to be sent.

Guidelines for Director of Disciplinary Actions

As their conduct already suggest, the student will have little value to society moving forward if no action is taken, therefore punishments appropriate to these severe infractions may be allowed to irreparably harm the student’s future prospects in the community. The student should be made to feel with every time that they are punished in this manner that it is a gamble as to whether they have any future prospects at all, whether in finding a job or starting a family.

(Amended post storeroom incident: Punishments of this level should harm the student’s prospects, but give some chance whether it be a gamble on biology or the compassion of the community, that with proper repentance the will of God may still make a way for them in the future. Severe punishment actions, aside from pregnancy risks for girls, should not be repeated. Escalate by using another severe punishment where appropriate, or graduate to an extreme punishment.)

For Girls

For girls, the ultimate loss of their purity is getting pregnant before marriage, but a close second is the loss of their virginity. Even being made to engage sexually with a man before their marriage can harm their future prospects a great deal. All punishments at this level will involve some form of extreme loss to the girl’s purity by engaging in various sexual activities.

Non-damaging sexual activities

These may severely taint a girl’s purity and harm her future marriage prospects should the information get out, as it will when the punishment’s documentation is sent out. However, the damage is not severe and still maintains her virginity and does not risk pregnancy. These punishments should be used for the least severe offenders, or those who show some promise of reform using only this method.

  • Vaginal prodding or contact with the outer female genitals by a penis. (No insertion and the hymen is left intact.)
  • Anal prodding with a male penis.
  • Ejaculating on body, not near genitals.
  • Sexually engaging with a female staff member, sibling, mother, or other female sharing in this punishment.

Virginity loss

Since this is an irreparable loss for girls, they should be made very aware they are to blame, but that they still have more to loose if they don’t straighten their ways.

  • Oral deflowering.
  • Anal deflowering.
  • Vaginal deflowering.

Pregnancy risk

A pregnancy is much more serious in the long run than just loosing their virginity; but since there is no guarantee a girl will get pregnant in a single encounter, you can offer them to “save” their virginity if they accept the risk of getting pregnant.

  • External ejaculation. May be forbidden to clean it up, and keep it in their panties or diaper if that punishment was also used.
  • Internal ejaculation without penetration. If the girl still has her hymen must be very careful not to break it.
  • Deep internal ejaculation. May use a diaphragm to keep it inside.

For Boys

For boys, being stripped of their masculinity is a fitting punishment for severe offenses.

Extreme private emasculation

For infractions on the less severe end of this range or in cases where it seems the student may be reformed by their punishment, it may be appropriate to keep this activity private to preserve more of a possibility for them to recover their standing.

  • Be made to engage in oral sex with another male.
  • Be made to receive anal sex from a male staff member or another male student also being punished at this level.
  • Be made to perform anal sex on another male student also being punished at this level.

Public emasculation or sexual shame

The student must understand that his opportunities in life will be affected if the community start seeing him as a deviant, less of a man.

  • Make him masturbate in public (Less severe punishment most appropriate for younger boys.)
  • Subject him to public ridicule about the state of his endowment.
  • Make him wear heavy makeup and girly hairstyle/headwear while at home/school.
  • Make him wear a provocative female uniform while at home/school.
  • Make him wear a butt plug at home/school.
  • Perform oral sex on an anonymous male in public. (The recipient remains anonymous as to not damage his public status.)
  • Perform oral or anal sex with another male student also being punished at this level.

Extreme Infractions (Amendment, added post storeroom incident)

In cases of multiple severe infractions taking place simultaneously, or an activity that could be otherwise punished as a criminal act such as stealing, vandalism or willful destruction of property (of monetary significance), as well as immoral sexual activities, clothes on or off, that involve three or more people either participating or observing, may result in a more extreme punishment than is available under the mantle of severe infractions.

All homosexual activities are also to be considered in this category.

The goal of a punishment for an extreme infraction is to nearly or completely destroy the student’s future prospects in order to use them as a deterring negative example for other students. This punishment should not leave the student with any of their dignity intact, and if it is possible to recover their dignity from this punishment then it will only be by the grace of God.

This section is a work in progress and may be updated periodically before a final version is later rendered. Here are some punishments that have been seen to work so far.

For Girls

It is significantly easier to come up with extreme punishments appropriate for girls, as a girl has far more to lose even after her virginity has been taken. Often lesser punishments can be made to combine extremely well if a risk of pregnancy is attached to it in some way. Some suggestions can include:

  • Nudity or removal of panties and possibly the skirt as semen is allowed to drip from their vagina post internal ejaculation, she is forbidden to clean it up. May be extended for a period of time with regular internal ejaculations taking place during this period.
  • Being made to wear a diaper as per the criteria of the minor punishment, except that every time the diaper is removed she receives a deep internal ejaculation before it is put back on or replaced.
  • Intentional impregnation. Unlike the pregnancy risk punishment, this punishment does not end until the girl is pregnant. Also, if pregnancy is the goal of the punishment rather than a potential outcome, it may also be appropriate not to consider the punishment ended until her pregnancy is showing rather than by a hormonal pregnancy test as miscarriages among early term pregnancies are common.
  • Share a punishment administrator's bed. The girl may be required to go home with the male administering her punishment and also sleep in his bed in order to increase his sexual access to her body. This is combined with any form of punishment that in some way involves the male punishment administrator's semen, from ejaculating on her belly to intentional impregnation. (Non-penetrative and non-pregnancy risking versions of this punishment may be an option for a severe punishment or even a high-level moderate punishment in the case of a girl grade 3 or younger.)
  • Forced marriage. This is especially appropriate for girls engaged in homosexual activity, and is one of the few that can allow for the girl to have future prospects within society. In order to force her into a proper role within society, a husband will be assigned to her.

For boys

By nature, it is more difficult to come up with an extreme punishment for boys. However, the following options can be made available in cases where extreme measures are required.

  • Be effectively transformed into a girl, including clothing and heavy sexy makup, and also forced into homosexual sexual servitude. (The identity of the one administering the punishment will be concealed. However, if it is revealed by the one receiving the punishment, the town will regard the one receiving the punishment as a girl and thus the sex in their punishment is considered heterosexual. For the injurious spread of this information though, the punishment duration will also be doubled.)
  • Be considered the father of a child who resulted from the punishment of a girl receiving a severe punishment, removing the girl's responsibility for the child and placing it on the boy.
  • Be submitted for public sexual humiliation, including public participation. (Dildos are to be provided in order to avoid a member of the public having to taint themselves by engaging in a homosexual act. Any member of the public may privately request a mask from the director of discipline in order to preserve anonymity while engaging in full homosexual activity.)
  • Be forced to wear a chastity belt for a duration in excess of a year, to be removed only by the nurse for purposes of cleanliness and health.

NOTE: If the boy is, for any reason, determined to be an unfit parent for a child he is made to "be impregnated with" in a partnered punishment, custody of the child may be revoked and the child given to a more suitable household. In this instance, the boy will be publicly acknowledged as an unfit parent with all the social stigma that would include.

For couples

For students in an official courting relationship, involving the couple in one-another’s punishment can be appropriate at this level, especially in cases where both members of the couple have committed offenses appropriate for a severe infraction.

There is, at present, one punishment, or rather a set of punishments to be utilized together, that is seen as appropriate for couples. This punishment actually allows the couple together to preserve far more of their future prospects and social dignity than they would have had alone, but it is also likely to cause significant strife for them in the future of their relationship.

  • The boy is required to take responsibility for anything that results from the girl’s punishment as though he was the one performing all actions that the Director of Disciplinary actions or the man he appointed to perform the girl’s punishment(s) did. This includes any loss of virginity or impregnation.

The above punishment is to be issued first. Punishments beyond this may be used as well and will interact with this one in a manner that makes all future punishments faced by the couple very potent.

  • The boy may be made to wear a chastity belt or take a prolonged regiment of drugs that reduce his libido to prevent orgasm.
  • The couple may be made to witness each other’s punishments, including pregnancy risks for the girl or emasculating homosexual punishments for the boy.

It is also appropriate to punish a couple by making the other take a punishment for the other’s actions. For instance:

  • Infractions by the girl may be responded to by having the boy engage sexually with a female member of staff, or by being made to be the one to perform a punishment on another female student who has committed a severe infraction.
  • Infractions by the boy may be responded to by having the girl take a pregnancy risk as the boy will be held responsible for any pregnancy that results from this.

Repeat infractions

If a student fails to learn their lesson, the punishment must be upgraded. Seldom is it worth it to just repeat a punishment, or extend its duration.

This means that even a student that only commits small infractions might receive a severe punishment if they show no improvement. While the director of disciplinary actions is encouraged to take some leeway and creativity in deciding a student’s punishment while scaling a punishment for repeat infractions they are encouraged to keep in mind that each level of punishment is also at a range with up to 3 tiers of severity already within each broader severity level.

There is no higher level to go from the extreme punishment level, but they may be upgraded via combination with other severe punishments, such as a diaper or nudity and cum-dripping punishment being extended until pregnant, or a pregnancy as goal punishment having nudity or a diaper added to it.

Help from the family

Educating children happens not only at school, but also at home. Because of this it is encouraged that the family be included in any and all punishments.

If the punishment is for a student to wear a diaper, send a note home so they ensure the student continues wearing the diaper even at home. The same can be done if the student must be partially or totally naked.

Incest is a deeply frowned upon activity, and children know it’s bad. Forcing their parents or siblings to participate in punishments will increase the shame of the student, and the fact the family will also suffer some shame is justified, since it’s their children that created the problem.

Transfer to special class

While we hope all our students learn from their mistakes and become excellent members of society, it’s inevitable that some will fail, regardless of all the support we and their families provide.

Any student that continues to misbehave beyond what the Disciplinary Officer considers reasonable will be transferred to a special class under direct supervision from the headmaster, in a location outside the main school campus.

In particular, any girl that ends up getting pregnant before marriage, either as result of any punishment or for a fault of her own, will also be transferred to the special class.

Besides being a last option for those students that have decided not to follow a straight path, the special class will also serve as a deterrent for other students, since they all will know that anyone on that class has already loss most of their worth as a community member.

Staff Participation

The head of the Disciplinary Office will be the one to decide the punishment, which must be respected by other staff, family members and students as long as it complies with these guidelines.

Whenever a punishment requires the participation of third parties to be fulfilled, the head of the Disciplinary Office can request assistance from other teachers as well as family members. Students not related by family connection cannot be involved in other’s punishments unless they are also being punished.

Displaced punishments

Sometimes a student may perform an illicit activity for the benefit or at the request of another student, or to get another student’s attention. In these cases, it may be appropriate to make the intended beneficiary of these actions suffer a punishment as well or instead of the one who actually committed the infraction. In cases where one student goaded another into a punishable action, this makes sure all parties involved are punished. In cases where it was willingly done for the benefit of the other student, this denies them of any sense of righteous martyrdom that might make them feel it was worth the punishment for the benefit they rendered the other, and in the case where they were trying to get the attention of the other student, this will make that attention become very negative in nature.

Displaced punishments should be at a minimum half to a full level of severity below what the student who actually committed the infraction got or would have gotten, except in the cases where the other student encouraged or goaded the other into this action. If that was the case, the student who did the encouraging is equally as complicit in the violation and can face the exact same punishment or one of comparable or possibly slightly greater severity.

Displaced punishments can also be used on siblings, friends, or romantic partners in cases where a student has already had their punishments escalated all the way to an extreme level and shows no improvement or seems to enjoy the sexual stimulation instead of finding shame in it. In this case, displacing their punishments to a member of their peer group who they have a close personal relationship with may help them to correct their behavior, either through the shame of forcing their close relation to suffer for their crimes or through pressure put on them by their close peer.

Displaced fault (Amendment, added after the Eckles case)

In cases where a student is threatened, sabotaged, set up, or framed to break the rules in a way they did not intend or did not do, the student who set them up in this way will be considered guilty of a severe violation of school policy and be punished accordingly. The act of setting the other student up is considered a severe infraction on its own, but they will also be considered liable for the entirety of the violation they set the other student up for as well and it should be added to their own punishment.

In the case of the student who has been set up in this way, the image to the school is still important. Fellow students cannot see the rules violator getting off without punishment, even if it is not ultimately their fault. However, the director of disciplinary action may decide to reduce the severity of the punishment in accordance with their best judgement. The punishment should be visible, but not damaging. The student's purity should not be sacrificed in such a situation.

Guidelines for write-ups

The disciplinary staff should be conscious of the wording used while writing up the notes to teachers and parents describing the disciplinary actions taken. These notes will be describing sexual actions and be handled in such a way that they can come into the possession of other children. Care must be taken while writing up these punishment notes in order to effectively minimize the chances of a child who reads the note becoming corrupted by extension just by seeing what is written on it.

The language in the notes must be kept as clinical as possible, and avoid language commonly used by children. Words such as "penis" which children know should never be used, and the terms "sex" and "vagina" should likewise be avoided. Instead, acceptable clinical alternative language children are less likely to understand, especially at young ages, should be used. Some examples may include...

  • Genitals/genetalia (attaching the words "male" or "female" only when necessary.)
  • Internal/external ejaculation/insemination
  • Digital stimulation (instead of masturbation)
  • Divested of chastity/purity

Of course, a document like this cannot account for every eventuality. We trust that the director of disciplinary actions ought to be intelligent enough to extrapolate upon these examples in order to make informed decisions on what kind of language should be used while writing up punishment notes that account for the unique circumstances of each child.