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<div class="page-title">Rules</div>
<div class="page-title">Rules</div>
[[Just a Taste|← Back]]
[[Just a Taste|← Back]]
This interactive is about Andrew Parker, a 14 year old boy who acquires special powers, through his bodily fluids, to manipulate and control others. His powers are very specific, with each bodily fluid having a different effect. though there are a few bodily fluids that have no abilities and will never have any abilities. The following fluids are the only ones that have any affect:
His saliva:
His saliva is one of the catalysts for all of his abilities, when exposed to his saliva, a person is placed partially under his control.
* If the affected person is a female who has gone through puberty or has not gone through menopause, she is initiated into his harem. Andrew feels a flash in his mind and can sense where she is and gets a general idea of her emotional state. The closer in proximity Andrew is to her, the stronger the feeling, until eventually there is actual emotional feedback between the two causing their emotions to overlap. The female is also placed in an aroused state and feels drawn towards Andrew. If she knows who he is, she will know who she is being drawn towards, if she does not, she will feel compelled to find out who he is. further exposure to his saliva makes the effect stronger until it is uncontrollable and both Andrew and the female must have sex. If she can see him, the compulsion and arousal grows stronger. If she sees his genitalia, she feels a near uncontrollable urge to suck on his cock, if she has had sex before she feels compelled to fuck him as well. This affect lasts for one week, if she does not receive his cum either orally or vaginally by this time she becomes his servant and the compulsion ends. Any future contact with his seed will re-initiate the process and cause her to become his slave but the compulsion to do so ends.
* If the girl is induced with his saliva and Andrew does not choose a classification for her, then how the saliva is introduced will establish what type of slave she becomes.
* If the affected person is a female who has not gone through puberty or has gone through menopause, or is a male, then they are turned into a servant. See further below for description of a servant.
* The method of exposure to his saliva has the following effects, unless Andrew consciously overrides it.
** If the induction is done to a girl who has strong true romantic feelings for Andrew, she will fill a special role: Finalization is not required, she will become completely emotionally bonded to Andrew and will have the ability to see through his eyes and talk to him mentally. She acts as Andrews surrogate when dealing with the slaves and servants, if Andrew is not around. She is also the only slaves who still have free will, can argue with Andrew once he has made a decision, however, if Andrew gives her a direct order she still must follow it. Currently there are only two females that will ever fill this role, one has been introduced in the story another will be introduced later, do not add any other females to this role. This slave is the highest rung in the hierarchical tear of slave.
** If the induction is done with a romantic kiss, the girl will have a leadership role in the harem and will have the following ability's: To detect people who have been effected by his saliva, understand the emotional state of the girls in his harem if they are near her, able to see and read auras of the girls in the harem. The Auras tell her three things; What role the girl would best fill, what role she currently fills and if she is pregnant. Over time the auras may develop further and the leader may develop stronger abilities. This slave is the second highest rung on the hierarchical tear of slave.
** If the induction happens voluntarily, the girl will fill the role of defender and will have the following abilities: She will become physically fit reaching top human ability with minimal effort, though her body will still maintain Andrews preferred body shape no matter how fit or muscular she actually becomes. She will also learn any combat ability she is exposed to at an accelerated rate. She will always have a sense of where Andrew is and will know his current emotional state. If he needs her help she will unconsciously know it. This slave is the third highest rung on the hierarchical tear of slave.
** If the induction happens during a sexual act; with Andrew giving her oral sex or during actual sex, the girl will fill the role of concubine and will have the following abilities: To sense Andrews sexual or romantic needs, fill any role he requires at the time and become what ever partner her requires to fulfill his current sexual mood. Any injuries that she may incur during rough sex will heal almost immediately after the sex is completed. This slave is the fourth highest on the hierarchical tear of slave.
** if the induction is done involuntarily by spiking food or drinks, the girl will have a recruitment role and will feel a strong desire to add more girls to the Harem. The recruiter eventually gains the ability to sense the best roll a non-induced female would fill and a general sense of what roles Andrew needs. This slave is the third lowest on the hierarchical tear of slave.
** If the induction happens after exposure to his sweat, the girl will fill the role of breeder: She will feel a nearly uncontrollable desire to have Andrews children and will do anything to make herself available to receive his seed. She can sense when she is fertile and goes into a near heat state during this period. This slave is the second lowest on the hierarchical tear of slave.
** If the induction happens during a rape, assault or in anger; the girl will fill the role of Sex toy and will have the following abilities: She will become a complete bimbo while in his presence, desiring to be naked and available for him at all times, her body will adjust itself to fulfill whatever sexual desires he has. When not in his presence the Sex toy acts as she normally did prior to her induction. This slave is the lowest on the hierarchical tear of slave, none of the other slaves will ever respect her regardless of her former status in society, to most of his harem she is sub human and expendable.
His sweat:
His sweat is the second catalyst for his  abilities, when exposed to his saliva, a female is drawn to him sexually.
* His sweat is a pretty complicated catalyst. There are two types of sweat in the human body which produce two separate effects.
* Eccrine which is found all over the body: Eccrine Sweat has little to no oder. Eccrine sweat is produced by your pores and is not found in areas where hair grows such as the arm pits and groin. It's main function in the human body is a cooling mechanism. Oral Exposure to the Eccrine sweat kick starts puberty and reverse the affects of Menopause. Any female Orally exposed to his Eccrine sweat will also immediately release an egg and be fertile for the next six days.
* Apocrine which is found in select areas of the body: Apocrine Sweat is where body oder comes from. This sweat is found in areas where there is hair; the arm pits, groin and top of the head. it's main function is the removal of toxins from the body through the hair follicles. This sweats effect is airborne and causes females to become extremely sexually aroused and uncontrollably drawn to Andrew. They become almost single minded in their desire to get his seed, either Orally or Vaginally. Females do not find Andrews body oder to be offensive and instead enjoy the smell of his sweat.
* Normal sexual activity does not cause exposure to Eccrine sweat.
* Women who are over the age of thirty-five, are exposed to his Eccrine sweat and then induced into his harem will find themselves slowly growing younger until they physically appear to be in their late thirties.
His Cum
His Cum is the final requirement for the enslavement process.
* If a female who has encountered his sweat is then exposed to his Cum either Orally or Vaginally, she becomes his slave until Andrew decides to release her from servitude. Anyone released from servitude will return to their original pre-induction personality, though they will still be his servant and will not hold any past of further activities against Andrew.
* His Cum also has pain numbing and pleasure intensifying properties.
His tears
* His tears have a healing capability, though this ability has not been discovered or fleshed out in the story.
His blood
* Ingestion of his blood acts as a youth agent causing anyone who ingests his blood to grow younger, if she is physically over the age of thirty-five. This ability has not been discovered or fleshed out in the story.
* Servants are anyone who is ineligible to become a slave or are released from servitude: This includes females who have not received his seed after one weeks exposure, females too young or too old to have children, females who have been released from servitude and all males exposed to his saliva. A servant feels compelled to follow his orders, no longer sees anything he does as morally or legally wrong and are willing, sometime even compelled, to add close family members to his harem. They will protect him, his harem and his other servants even at the cost of their own lives. they also can sense who has been exposed to his sweat.
Other abilities
Andrew has the following abilities: His cock will always be exact size it needs to be to maximize both Andrew and his partners pleasure. His sexual acts will never cause his partner pain, even when taking her virginity, unless Andrew or his partner wish it to be painful. He has a strong emotional connection with all his slaves and servants and is compelled to act in their best interest. he will always know where his slaves are, and their emotional state, he will know when they are in danger. If he concentrates on a specific member, he can tell her exact emotional state, understand her surface thought and even extend his senses through hers (this ability has not been discovered or fleshed out yet). Due to the age regression capabilities of his blood, Andrew will stop aging once he turns twenty-five.
The abilities that Andrew; his slaves and servant have received, are actually from a magical ritual and are governed by the rules of the ritual. The ritual governs and controls Andrews abilities and is actually sentient. it will resist any attempt to alter its rules, even if the attempt comes from Andrew. He is subconsciously being manipulated and corrupted by the ritual and if Andrew fights two hard against the rituals effects, it can and will seize control of his slaves and servants to bring things back into line. The ritual gets its sentience by the fact that it is effecting Andrew and will protect him from perceived threats, again taking control of slaves or servants to do so. All of its control is unconscious and subtle. (At the current time in the story) It never acts directly, or will do anything to risk its exposure, unless not doing so will result in Andrews death or an end to the ritual. The ritual was not originally sentient, however due to magical manipulation of the ritual by the local coven. The resulting backlash of the two rituals encountering each other, and conflicting effects, the ritual became sentient. the ritual is also feminine and if it ever takes a physical form it will do so as a young teen girl.
because of the ritual nature of the Mind Control, when a female is finalized they say the same phrase every time. "“What is it you wish master; I am at your service for as long as you would have me?”
The following things are not permitted in this interactive, any additions that include this will be deleted or edited to remove the content.
* Scat
* Watersports
* Snuff
* Torture
* Male/Male
* Goro
* Hard Vore
* Beastiality
* Growth or weight gain
* Possesion
* transformation
* Female dominance (Andrew is always in charge, though temporary situations are acceptable, to create a challenge, but in the end he is in charge, this is his story.)
* Male to Female transformation of Andrew or Aaron.
* Cuckoldry of Andrew (Andrew does not share.)
* Death of anyone listed as a Primary Character on the Character List.
Please make additions at least two paragraphs before you give choices. I don't want to have this interactive fill up with one line additions with clarification choices. Also this is a fantastical story with strong magical influences, feel free to add any other genre elements (Angels, Demons, Light furry, Aliens, Wizards, Elves etc.) to the story as long as it enhances the story. if you you have doubts about what you want to add feel free to contact me for clarification. Most important of all ave fun and go crazy.
[[Category:Just a Taste|Rules]]

Latest revision as of 21:00, 30 December 2017


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This interactive is about Andrew Parker, a 14 year old boy who acquires special powers, through his bodily fluids, to manipulate and control others. His powers are very specific, with each bodily fluid having a different effect. though there are a few bodily fluids that have no abilities and will never have any abilities. The following fluids are the only ones that have any affect:

His saliva:

His saliva is one of the catalysts for all of his abilities, when exposed to his saliva, a person is placed partially under his control.

  • If the affected person is a female who has gone through puberty or has not gone through menopause, she is initiated into his harem. Andrew feels a flash in his mind and can sense where she is and gets a general idea of her emotional state. The closer in proximity Andrew is to her, the stronger the feeling, until eventually there is actual emotional feedback between the two causing their emotions to overlap. The female is also placed in an aroused state and feels drawn towards Andrew. If she knows who he is, she will know who she is being drawn towards, if she does not, she will feel compelled to find out who he is. further exposure to his saliva makes the effect stronger until it is uncontrollable and both Andrew and the female must have sex. If she can see him, the compulsion and arousal grows stronger. If she sees his genitalia, she feels a near uncontrollable urge to suck on his cock, if she has had sex before she feels compelled to fuck him as well. This affect lasts for one week, if she does not receive his cum either orally or vaginally by this time she becomes his servant and the compulsion ends. Any future contact with his seed will re-initiate the process and cause her to become his slave but the compulsion to do so ends.
  • If the girl is induced with his saliva and Andrew does not choose a classification for her, then how the saliva is introduced will establish what type of slave she becomes.
  • If the affected person is a female who has not gone through puberty or has gone through menopause, or is a male, then they are turned into a servant. See further below for description of a servant.
  • The method of exposure to his saliva has the following effects, unless Andrew consciously overrides it.
    • If the induction is done to a girl who has strong true romantic feelings for Andrew, she will fill a special role: Finalization is not required, she will become completely emotionally bonded to Andrew and will have the ability to see through his eyes and talk to him mentally. She acts as Andrews surrogate when dealing with the slaves and servants, if Andrew is not around. She is also the only slaves who still have free will, can argue with Andrew once he has made a decision, however, if Andrew gives her a direct order she still must follow it. Currently there are only two females that will ever fill this role, one has been introduced in the story another will be introduced later, do not add any other females to this role. This slave is the highest rung in the hierarchical tear of slave.
    • If the induction is done with a romantic kiss, the girl will have a leadership role in the harem and will have the following ability's: To detect people who have been effected by his saliva, understand the emotional state of the girls in his harem if they are near her, able to see and read auras of the girls in the harem. The Auras tell her three things; What role the girl would best fill, what role she currently fills and if she is pregnant. Over time the auras may develop further and the leader may develop stronger abilities. This slave is the second highest rung on the hierarchical tear of slave.
    • If the induction happens voluntarily, the girl will fill the role of defender and will have the following abilities: She will become physically fit reaching top human ability with minimal effort, though her body will still maintain Andrews preferred body shape no matter how fit or muscular she actually becomes. She will also learn any combat ability she is exposed to at an accelerated rate. She will always have a sense of where Andrew is and will know his current emotional state. If he needs her help she will unconsciously know it. This slave is the third highest rung on the hierarchical tear of slave.
    • If the induction happens during a sexual act; with Andrew giving her oral sex or during actual sex, the girl will fill the role of concubine and will have the following abilities: To sense Andrews sexual or romantic needs, fill any role he requires at the time and become what ever partner her requires to fulfill his current sexual mood. Any injuries that she may incur during rough sex will heal almost immediately after the sex is completed. This slave is the fourth highest on the hierarchical tear of slave.
    • if the induction is done involuntarily by spiking food or drinks, the girl will have a recruitment role and will feel a strong desire to add more girls to the Harem. The recruiter eventually gains the ability to sense the best roll a non-induced female would fill and a general sense of what roles Andrew needs. This slave is the third lowest on the hierarchical tear of slave.
    • If the induction happens after exposure to his sweat, the girl will fill the role of breeder: She will feel a nearly uncontrollable desire to have Andrews children and will do anything to make herself available to receive his seed. She can sense when she is fertile and goes into a near heat state during this period. This slave is the second lowest on the hierarchical tear of slave.
    • If the induction happens during a rape, assault or in anger; the girl will fill the role of Sex toy and will have the following abilities: She will become a complete bimbo while in his presence, desiring to be naked and available for him at all times, her body will adjust itself to fulfill whatever sexual desires he has. When not in his presence the Sex toy acts as she normally did prior to her induction. This slave is the lowest on the hierarchical tear of slave, none of the other slaves will ever respect her regardless of her former status in society, to most of his harem she is sub human and expendable.

His sweat:

His sweat is the second catalyst for his abilities, when exposed to his saliva, a female is drawn to him sexually.

  • His sweat is a pretty complicated catalyst. There are two types of sweat in the human body which produce two separate effects.
  • Eccrine which is found all over the body: Eccrine Sweat has little to no oder. Eccrine sweat is produced by your pores and is not found in areas where hair grows such as the arm pits and groin. It's main function in the human body is a cooling mechanism. Oral Exposure to the Eccrine sweat kick starts puberty and reverse the affects of Menopause. Any female Orally exposed to his Eccrine sweat will also immediately release an egg and be fertile for the next six days.
  • Apocrine which is found in select areas of the body: Apocrine Sweat is where body oder comes from. This sweat is found in areas where there is hair; the arm pits, groin and top of the head. it's main function is the removal of toxins from the body through the hair follicles. This sweats effect is airborne and causes females to become extremely sexually aroused and uncontrollably drawn to Andrew. They become almost single minded in their desire to get his seed, either Orally or Vaginally. Females do not find Andrews body oder to be offensive and instead enjoy the smell of his sweat.
  • Normal sexual activity does not cause exposure to Eccrine sweat.
  • Women who are over the age of thirty-five, are exposed to his Eccrine sweat and then induced into his harem will find themselves slowly growing younger until they physically appear to be in their late thirties.

His Cum

His Cum is the final requirement for the enslavement process.

  • If a female who has encountered his sweat is then exposed to his Cum either Orally or Vaginally, she becomes his slave until Andrew decides to release her from servitude. Anyone released from servitude will return to their original pre-induction personality, though they will still be his servant and will not hold any past of further activities against Andrew.
  • His Cum also has pain numbing and pleasure intensifying properties.

His tears

  • His tears have a healing capability, though this ability has not been discovered or fleshed out in the story.

His blood

  • Ingestion of his blood acts as a youth agent causing anyone who ingests his blood to grow younger, if she is physically over the age of thirty-five. This ability has not been discovered or fleshed out in the story.


  • Servants are anyone who is ineligible to become a slave or are released from servitude: This includes females who have not received his seed after one weeks exposure, females too young or too old to have children, females who have been released from servitude and all males exposed to his saliva. A servant feels compelled to follow his orders, no longer sees anything he does as morally or legally wrong and are willing, sometime even compelled, to add close family members to his harem. They will protect him, his harem and his other servants even at the cost of their own lives. they also can sense who has been exposed to his sweat.

Other abilities

Andrew has the following abilities: His cock will always be exact size it needs to be to maximize both Andrew and his partners pleasure. His sexual acts will never cause his partner pain, even when taking her virginity, unless Andrew or his partner wish it to be painful. He has a strong emotional connection with all his slaves and servants and is compelled to act in their best interest. he will always know where his slaves are, and their emotional state, he will know when they are in danger. If he concentrates on a specific member, he can tell her exact emotional state, understand her surface thought and even extend his senses through hers (this ability has not been discovered or fleshed out yet). Due to the age regression capabilities of his blood, Andrew will stop aging once he turns twenty-five.

The abilities that Andrew; his slaves and servant have received, are actually from a magical ritual and are governed by the rules of the ritual. The ritual governs and controls Andrews abilities and is actually sentient. it will resist any attempt to alter its rules, even if the attempt comes from Andrew. He is subconsciously being manipulated and corrupted by the ritual and if Andrew fights two hard against the rituals effects, it can and will seize control of his slaves and servants to bring things back into line. The ritual gets its sentience by the fact that it is effecting Andrew and will protect him from perceived threats, again taking control of slaves or servants to do so. All of its control is unconscious and subtle. (At the current time in the story) It never acts directly, or will do anything to risk its exposure, unless not doing so will result in Andrews death or an end to the ritual. The ritual was not originally sentient, however due to magical manipulation of the ritual by the local coven. The resulting backlash of the two rituals encountering each other, and conflicting effects, the ritual became sentient. the ritual is also feminine and if it ever takes a physical form it will do so as a young teen girl.

because of the ritual nature of the Mind Control, when a female is finalized they say the same phrase every time. "“What is it you wish master; I am at your service for as long as you would have me?”

The following things are not permitted in this interactive, any additions that include this will be deleted or edited to remove the content.

  • Scat
  • Watersports
  • Snuff
  • Torture
  • Male/Male
  • Goro
  • Hard Vore
  • Beastiality
  • Growth or weight gain
  • Possesion
  • transformation
  • Female dominance (Andrew is always in charge, though temporary situations are acceptable, to create a challenge, but in the end he is in charge, this is his story.)
  • Male to Female transformation of Andrew or Aaron.
  • Cuckoldry of Andrew (Andrew does not share.)
  • Death of anyone listed as a Primary Character on the Character List.

Please make additions at least two paragraphs before you give choices. I don't want to have this interactive fill up with one line additions with clarification choices. Also this is a fantastical story with strong magical influences, feel free to add any other genre elements (Angels, Demons, Light furry, Aliens, Wizards, Elves etc.) to the story as long as it enhances the story. if you you have doubts about what you want to add feel free to contact me for clarification. Most important of all ave fun and go crazy.