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[[Offline/Ignore it; It never even happened|Ignore it; It never even happened]]
[[Offline/Ignore it; It never even happened|Ignore it; It never even happened]]

[[Category:Offline]][[Category:Offline Nicole]]
[[Category:Offline/Nicole/Day 2]]
[[Category:Offline/Nicole/Day 3]]

Latest revision as of 17:35, 20 December 2022

In actuality you sort of agree with her assessment. She's far from ugly, but she's not curvy. You do your best to express disbelief. "What? No way, you're definitely okay."

"Gee, thanks," she scoffs.

"No! I mean... you're really pretty. Really. Some girls try really hard, but you don't even look like you're trying and you still look attractive. At least to me." Now you're the one fidgeting. "Besides, it's not like you need curves to look good. I think your body really suits you. Not that I've looked at it or anything..." You can sense yourself starting to ramble and cut yourself off before you say anything particularly embarrassing. Although you might be too late for that. At least you sounded sincere.

"Don't worry," she starts after leaving you hanging for a moment. "You're 'okay' too," she says with a chuckle.

"I didn't mean it like that..." you start, but cut yourself off before you put your foot in your mouth again.

"I know," she nods. Despite Nicole taking your comment in stride there's still a prolonged silence between you, a strange tension. "I've sent nudes you know."

Well that came out of nowhere. "Huh? Really?" She just nods again. She couldn't have gotten your attention better if she slapped you. You're kinda surprised she would do that sort of thing. She seems so wholesome and boring. But maybe everyone does it eventually. "To who?"

"My pen pal," she states while looking down, poking her luggage again.

"Oh." Now you're really not sure what to say. Why is she telling you this? Is she bragging? Is she offering? Or does she just trust you enough to share? Your penis isn't concerned about those details. Cousin or not, the weird tension and the awkward topic quickly gives your young hormone addled body a semi.

"I mean, he asked," she clarifies. That makes it better, clearly. "A bunch of times. I didn't do it right away. But... yeah."

"Totally. So... what did you show him?"

"I..." She pauses. Her tone drops. "Y'know... stuff."

"Stuff? Like what? Like, weird stuff?"

"I- I dunno..." You can tell, even in this lighting, that she's starting to blush. She plays with her hair and has a hard time looking you in the eye. "It wasn't a big deal. They were just pictures."

You wait eagerly for her next words, your breath so slow and shallow you may as well be holding it. You don't want to drown out any detail, not that it ends up mattering.

"Um... anyway," she says, clearing her throat. She looks embarrassed to have brought this up, like she's hardly even sure why she did now. "My mom found the pics on my phone. That's why I can't date. Not that I was dating before, mom, jesus," she adds with frustration.

"Oh. Yeah, that sucks. They're just pictures," you echo to her, pulling at your pants. "When was that?"

"A couple months ago. I only got my phone back after I had As on my report card."

"Yeah. Cool." If it was your sister telling you this you'd probably make fun of her for being stupid. Or maybe scold her like a good brother should. But Nicole has you flustered. Worse than that, interested. You try to come up with a topic to move on to but your brain is just spinning its wheels in one spot. "Do you think he shared?"


"The pics. Did he share them with anyone? Or maybe upload them?"

She quickly shakes her head. "No. He said he didn't. Er, I mean... I told him not to."

Fuck. Yup. There's definitely some freaky pics of your cousin on the internet somewhere. You're all the way hard now. And you know you shouldn't, but...

"Did you, um... did you show your face? Like, can you tell it's you?"

Nicole darts her eyes around the tiny cabin, shrinking into her sleeping bag. She swallows a lump in her throat. "I- If your dad is going to wake us up again we should probably get some sleep."

You feel like a dolt for killing the conversation like that, even though Nicole is probably right about getting some sleep. You'd just so much rather keep talking. Particularly about that topic mind you, but talking to her at all is better than not so you should have just moved on. You flick off your flashlight and try to curse your erection into submission. But not before trying to imagine what she might have looked like in those pictures.

The rustle of sleeping bags is the only sound as you both get changed for bed. You sleep in your boxers so stripping off a layer isn't too hard. It sounds like Nicole has more work though, first slipping out of her clothes and then into some sort of sleepwear. You're hyper aware of every movement she makes and, although you feel guilty for doing it, you also picture her taking off each individual piece of clothing right in front of you.

"G'nite," you croak out after laying still for a few minutes.

"Night," she replies meekly.

Tossing and turning in the dark you start thinking about everything you'd want in a girlfriend: kind, funny, smart, considerate, good-natured... open-minded. All things you see in Nicole. You eventually drift off while lamenting the fact that your father will no doubt be providing you with another wake up call tomorrow.

Happy chirping from nearby birds is the first thing you hear when you awaken. It takes a few minutes before you realize that your dad is nowhere to be seen or heard. Did you wake up so early that he just hasn't come by yet? Or has he already given up on you? There's no way of knowing since you have no idea what the time is. Thanks no-phones rule. The only thing you're certain of is that it's time to pee.

You pull on some clothes as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake Nicole who still appears to be asleep and facing the wall. Tip toeing out of the cabin you head back towards the camp. But it doesn't take long before you question this idea. Heading all the way to camp means someone is going to see you and probably tell you how you should or shouldn't be doing or helping with this or that. Besides, walking all the way back just to pee in an outhouse feels like such a waste of time when you're in the middle of the wilderness. So you take a few steps off the trail and pee in the woods like the true outdoorsman you now are.

Wanting to wait for Nicole before heading in for breakfast, you turn back and re-enter the cabin. The very first thing your eyes focus on after you swing the door open are a cute pair of titties. They're very small titties, but bonafide, in the flesh, real female tits, nipples and all.

Your vision collapses down to this single sight. They really are quite small pointy little things, like the tip of each nipple is tied to and being pulled by a pair of strings, like her boobs are trying to stretch away from her chest. But there's still a defined edge to each of these breasts, however slight. Of course these pointy little tits are instantly seared into your mind. Part of why it's so striking to you is because the apparent pubescent state of Nicole's meager boobs are totally concealed by the rounded cups of her bra when she's dressed, not to mention her frumpy clothing. So the actual size and shape of these fledgling tits where a total mystery. You had no idea she was hardly even an A cup.

Time restarts suddenly. Nicole, sitting in her sleeping bag, pulls her skyward lifted nightshirt down her arms then flops onto the ground, turning toward the wall for protection. Since you're already standing inside you proceed to close the door behind you, the whole encounter lasting but a few brief seconds. She's obviously embarrassed, but you're not really sure what to do. How should you handle it?

Apologize and tell Nicole you didn't see anything

Ignore it; It never even happened