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Asking to tag along with Nicole back to the cabin is met with a grin and a shrug before she forcefully pulls you away with her. You suspect you were always going with her in her mind. You both head back down the familiar path to your isolated little hut. Walking up to see all of Nicole's clothing still dispersed through the forest is an odd but humorous sight. She runs ahead with excitement to check what state it's all in. You suspect most of it is okay by now but some of the larger items still look damp. Even from a distance you can tell her sleeping bag is quite wet. But she'll be able to find something to wear, you hope.
Nicole dropped your trunks but they're close enough for you to grab finally. You sit next to her with an apologetic smile and pass her suit back. She grabs it but isn't concerned about putting it back on, continuing to cower beneath the rippling waves, so you similarly abstain and crouch down next to her. The two of you spend some time enjoying the commotion around you while sitting naked under the surface of the water, a fact that's never far from your mind. You suspect you'll have a much easier time than Nicky getting back into your wet swimsuit, but at least you'll both be able to share the experience when you do.

Nicole darts away from the path, kicking through some tall grass to get to her favorite pair of panties. They're bright white with a frilly pink edge that says "WHAM!" in bold pink on the butt. She holds them up in the air then gives you a naughty look over her shoulder. Straps are pulled off and she promptly wiggles her swimsuit down her body. You stare unabashedly as the one piece rolls off her ass, the first time you've seen her two round cheeks in full. The first time you've seen her completely head-to-toe naked from the back actually, and without distractions no less.
The kids aren't ready to stop playing keep away. At least Beth's brother isn't. You watch him kick his way to shore with his sister close behind him. She's yelling but they're both laughing. Once his butt can clear the water and he stands to kick his way through the shallows, you notice what's causing this. He's holding both his and his sister's swimsuits in his hands. His sister so close behind, her bare behind is quickly up out of the water as well, her narrow back twisting to help her slosh forward.

"You shouldn't watch me change," teases Nicky, crouching slightly to help step out of her swimsuit.
The threadbare siblings streak their way across the beach zipping in every direction. They run in circles and zig zags, back and forth along the short beach, showing off their nubile bodies to the world, or at least to their cousins. They're both wearing water shoes which gives them a little more traction on the pebbly beach, but the only other thing they're wearing are giddy smiles.

"You shouldn't change outside," you counter, but look away briefly when you think about just how hard you're leering.
His trunks are dropped during a sharp turn and Beth snatches them up, the chase never pausing. The brother, losing ground, turns and makes a beeline for Auntie Grace. He runs around her rock, putting your naked aunt between the two naked siblings as they race around. Grace sits up to watch them jockey for position, running and stopping, yelling and laughing. Beth repeatedly tries to reach across Grace's tanned legs to scare her brother into running the wrong way but they're at a standoff.

Nicole slips into her panties, painstakingly lifting and adjusting them, then pauses in thought giving you plenty of time to stare at her new license plate. She turns to face you, but not before securing herself a hand-bra. Your frisky cousin steps back onto the trail walking right up to you wearing nothing but her white panties, her swimsuit discarded on a bush. She cocks her head to one side then bashfully comments, "You really shouldn't kiss me either."
Your aunt watches for a while but manages to pluck the suits away from both of them with one simultaneous strike, choosing her moment carefully. Both kids yell and grab at her, but she just smirks, stands up, and walks away from her tanning bed, suits held high. Beth tries to climb her aunt, leaping up and wrapping her bare body around Grace's torso, even grabbing her auntie's tits for leverage. But Beth's brother takes a different approach. He grabs Grace's stack of clothing and runs into the river with it. She's too busy fighting Beth down her body to notice the clothes-napper until he gets all the way out to the diving board. She notices too late, her nephew already standing with her soaked stack of clothing held above his head, Grace shouts for him to stop right before he flings every piece of her outfit toward the middle of the river. The items aren't immediately swept away, but they'll find the current soon enough and they're too far out to risk swimming out to get them.

You and Nicole share an incredulous glance. It occurs to you that there are actually more naked people on this beach than clothed, although you and Nicole are being a bit less gratuitous about it..You switch your attention between the boy standing confidently on the rock with his dripping dick and the nudist woman and girl groping each other on the beach. You can't even imagine what Grace might do, but she stays relatively calm. After a moment she kneels down and whispers something to Beth, the two of them going back and forth for a bit, coming to some sort of agreement.

Nicole quickly withdraws her coy invitation by sprinting into the cabin and slamming the door behind her.
"It's okay Brayden! She won't get you in trouble! She's giving our swimsuits back!"

"Justice, where are you? Justice!"
Brayden excitedly hops down and swims to shore, not a hint of remorse. Maybe he assumes his "plan" worked, and maybe it did. Grace is still holding the kids' suits, but what strikes you as odd is that Beth isn't trying to put hers on. Wouldn't Grace return her suit? In fact, Grace ends up passing Brayden's suit to Beth. The girl steps into her brother's trunks just as he waddles up the beach. Seeing this, he shouts his disapproval then runs up to strip the trunks off of her. As soon as they start to grapple Grace steps in.

It's your sister. She sounds like she's lost. You certainly can't see her.
"Oh yes, you're putting on a swimsuit alright... your sister's!"

"Over here!" you shout.
Grace wrestles the suit over Brayden's feet then tugs them up his legs while Beth holds him in place. He screams and flails, his sister cackling with laughter. It isn't long before he resigns himself to his fate though, perhaps knowing he was going to be punished for what he did and perhaps also enjoying the silliness of it. Once Grace yanks the one piece up his body and he begrudgingly pulls the straps over his arms, Grace turns him around to show off 'Brenda' to the other swimmers.

It takes her a minute but Emma emerges from a patch of dense brush fighting branches and bushes the whole way. She has some light scratches on her arms and face, war wounds from a battle with the wilderness, but beyond her exasperation turned relief she seems fine.
The small audience in the water giggles and laughs, you and Nicole included. It's so weird seeing a boy in a thin strappy one piece with his short hair and tiny bulge trapped in the tight narrow crotch, and it's almost as weird seeing his sister standing next to him topless in shorts with her long curly hair covering her shoulders. Maybe none of it is as weird as your naked sunkissed aunt proudly standing beside them both, the catalyst behind all this stripping and flashing.

"How long have you been out there?" you ask.
Beth grabs her brother's wrist and runs away with him in tow. He hardly lifts his legs, his sister dragging him back to camp so she can show him off to everyone. Auntie Grace walks in the opposite direction, stepping out into the water and right up to you and Nicole which gives you another close up look of her meticulously groomed pussy and her lightly bronzed perky tits.

Emma looks around slack jawed at the mess of clothing suspended from the trees. "I don't know. Mom told me to tell you that dinner would be in half an hour."
"Can one of you get me a towel? I probably shouldn't head back like this."

"Uh, Nicky's mom said dinner would be in 15 minutes. And that was before we came out here. Which was like 10 minutes ago, so..."
"Yes! Of course!" assures Nicole. You're real close to offering Nicole's suit to your aunt when Nicky pops up from the water to step into it. You do the same with your suit, albeit slower, easily distracted by the sight of your cousin's little boobs and needing to bend your erection into your trunks. Nicole pulls you along with her as she exits the river. Being behind her, you can see how you stripping her the way you did stretched out the back of her swimsuit; the low horizontal elastic that once hugged her waist is now broken and hangs away from her body to expose the rounded tops of her ass. She probably wouldn't be impressed if she knew that, so you don't mention it.

"So I've been hiking for... ten minutes?!" Emma exclaims.
You both hurry back to camp, Nicky dropping you off at the campfire to go hunting in her mom's cabin. You see Beth is now proudly showing off her 'sister' to an amused group of people. It's obvious that Brayden is already at his limit though. You think he's a few seconds away from snapping and stripping out of his sister's one piece in protest. You watch instead as he pushes his sister over then strips his trunks from her legs. Not what you expected.

Close enough. "Um, yeah. Look, the path is right here. Just follow it ba-"
Someone makes a weak attempt to grab Brayden but he ducks away and runs full tilt from the group which makes his stripped naked sister the new center of attention. Most people are just laughing or shaking their heads while this naked girl yells at her brother from her back. You're pretty sure if you were to strip your little sister naked at a family gathering that your parents wouldn't be quite so understanding. Someone else at least helps Beth up and offers to cover her but she is quick to shake them and sprint after her sibling in the buff.

"Where's Nicole?" Emma asks, walking past you. "Why are her clothes all over? Did you get in a fight?"
Nicole returns as the wild pair of kids circle past you. They weave through groups of people and then through trees and bushes in the direction of their tent just outside of camp. Nicole gets a funny look on her face amazed that the crazy hasn't stopped yet. Part of you thinks they must do this stuff a lot because hardly anyone seemed to care that Beth was streaking through the camp butt naked chasing after her crossdressing brother. What a weird family you have.

"No. She's inside changing."
The two of you return with a towel for Aunt Grace but she's not looking to go anywhere. She just thanks you both from the water then continues swimming with the few remaining kids. So you put the towel down on her favorite slab of rock and wander off, confused and frustrated in equal measure.

"But... if all of her clothes are out here, how is she changing in there?"
The rest of the afternoon isn't nearly as interesting. There's a hike that gets organized that neither you or Nicole are interested in so you hang out with the stragglers until the hikers return, still in your swimsuits. Nicole is never far from you, which is her doing more than yours. Even when someone points out the condition of the back of her suit she just shoots you a glare then pulls you somewhere else. As dinner rolls around her mom tells Nicky to get changed so she can help wash up after, two seemingly unrelated things. In fact a swimsuit seems like a great clothing choice for washing up. Nicole agrees all the same, albeit with a hint of trepidation.

It's a good point. You yank a couple random items off a tree and push by Emma. Cracking the door, you toss them inside and close it again, leaning up against it after.

"She's changing. It's fine."
[[Offline/Suggest Nicky borrow some clothes from another camper|Suggest Nicky borrow some clothes from another camper]]

"Nicole?!" yells Emma, ignoring you. "Nicooole! Are you in there?!"
[[Offline/Go with Nicky back to the cabin to see if her clothes are dry|Go with Nicky back to the cabin to see if her clothes are dry]]

Your cousin opens the door a second later. You turn around, fully expecting her to exit in only her panties just to shut Emma up, but she's instead wearing some sort of very light summer dress, apparently one of the few things you just tossed at her. It's very airy and flowy and just sorta drapes over her body, so it would've been easy to pull on. Curiously it's the same colour as her swimsuit.

"Hi cuzzie!" waves Emma with a silly grin. "Why are your clothes al-"
"You're really loud," interrupts Nicky. She grabs your sister's hand. "Come on."
[[Category:Offline/Nicole/Day 5]]
Nicole leads your sister away from the wardrobe littered forest. You find you can't take your eyes off Nicole's dress. Firstly it's weird to see her in a dress. It's also weird to bring one camping. But this isn't a normal dress. Something is off. It's the color of it that has you fixated, like her swimsuit but paler. And it also says WHAM in the ba...
Your eyebrows raise, synchronized with a smile. You must have passed her some sort of slip or cover up for her swimsuit but it is not exactly opaque. It is cut like a simple summer dress, close to knee length, nothing particularly special by itself. If she wasn't wearing white panties you probably wouldn't be able to notice, but the bright white of her butt and that wham in the center of it is enough of a contrast to cut through the thin fabric, at least if you're looking hard enough. And since you know she isn't wearing a bra under this breezy cover you're teenage mind is invested on a-whole-nother level.
You had been thinking about changing too, but with Nicole dragging your sister to camp like this you really don't care what you're wearing. You jump forward to keep up with them.
It's a bit of mental gymnastics to explain away the scene around your cabin to Emma but Nicole is determined to do so to prevent any chance of anyone finding out. Over the next several minutes, excuses range from the natural perfume of the forest to making it easier to find an outfit. At some point your sister's curiosity is satisfied, or she just stops asking. Just as you come up to camp Emma asks if either of you saw Auntie Grace sunbathing naked. Thankfully you don't have to answer as cousin Asha calls out to Emma and your sis runs off to join her friend.
"Okay," Nicole sighs. "Umm... I think maybe I should g-"
"Over here sweetie!" calls Nicole's mom. Obediently Nicky trudges forward to meet her, but not before grabbing your hand. "Well aren't you just the cutest couple!"
"Mom!" Nicky exclaims in a hushed voice, letting go of your hand.
"We're not a couple mom! We're cousins!"
"Yes, a couple of cousins! What's wrong with that? It's good you've been spending so much time together. You're allowed to have friends, Nicole."
Nicky is blushing, her arms crossed in front of her. "I have friends. I'm not some loser."
"I didn't say that. I know you want a boyfriend is all. Now, don't take this the wrong way because nothing is changing, but with your dad away working all the time I think it's good for you to spend some quality time with someone of the opposite sex."
"Mom! Seriously? Uggh..."
Nicole pulls you away again, disgusted and embarrassed by her mother. She could just ask you to follow her, but she seems real insistent on leading you everywhere. It occurs to you that it might just be an excuse for Nicole to hold your hand.
You eat dinner together on the edge of camp with a few other kids, a small protest from Nicky who has so far preferred to spend meal times with her mom. She apologizes for her mom but you shrug it off. Parents really suck sometimes. Sitting on the ground also kinda sucks though, but you don't mention that.
One thing that's not so bad is sitting beside her while she's wearing her swimsuit cover. You're eyes keep darting to her chest, hoping to x-ray her dress away. It's not invisible by any means, but every now and then, lifting her arm this way while the dress shifts that way, you can spot the small silhouetted round shape of her far boob and the nipple of the other one. Strangely, it's easier to find her belly button, itself an oddly stimulating experience, contrasted by the blotchy edge of her white panties below it. You try not to seem too distracted while eating, but she's mostly just lamenting about her mom the whole time, so you're pretty much left to stare at her.
When you finish dinner and stand up, a boy sitting behind Nicole turns to his friend and says "Wham!" with a laugh. Nicole looks back at them then straightens her dress.
"I think that little perv flipped up my dress," she voices as you both walk away, certain of her words despite how difficult that act would have been while she was sitting down.
"Uh, actually..." you start, not even sure if you should tell her. "You can... kinda see your panties. Like, ''through'' it."
"Wha...?" Nicole looks down then speeds up. The two of you drop off your plates on the messy picnic table then move off to the side where she flattens her dress against her crotch. That helps make the faint white emanation of her underwear more noticeable.
Nicky has a silent freak out glancing around and becoming jittery, suddenly super aware of her body and how poorly covered she is. She pulls her hair over the front of one shoulder trying to hide one boob then grabs her opposite shoulder to protect the other tit with her forearm, acting as if she were suddenly naked in the middle of camp. You tell her it's barely noticeable but she starts rambling on about how she's never worn this before and how it was a present from her stepsister from fashion school (College of Arts and blah blah) and it came with the swimsuit and her mom insisted on bringing it and she only wore it cause you passed it to her and...
"Nicky!" you stop her in a hushed tone. "Relax! It's not that bad. No one even noticed. Not even your mom."
"You noticed," she is quick to point out.
"Yeah, but... I mean, I was looking..." you kinda drift off, not wanting to make her even more self conscious. "Er, yeah. It's only because your panties are white. Without those you'd be fine."
"Okay, but I'm supposed to help clean up! I can't tell my mom I have to get changed ''again'', she'll think I'm wasting time to get out of it. And if we just leave she'll get mad."
[[Offline/Then take off your panties|Then take off your panties]]
[[Offline/Let's tell her you're not feeling well|Let's tell her you're not feeling well]]
[[Category:Offline]][[Category:Offline Nicole]]

Latest revision as of 17:38, 20 December 2022

Nicole dropped your trunks but they're close enough for you to grab finally. You sit next to her with an apologetic smile and pass her suit back. She grabs it but isn't concerned about putting it back on, continuing to cower beneath the rippling waves, so you similarly abstain and crouch down next to her. The two of you spend some time enjoying the commotion around you while sitting naked under the surface of the water, a fact that's never far from your mind. You suspect you'll have a much easier time than Nicky getting back into your wet swimsuit, but at least you'll both be able to share the experience when you do.

The kids aren't ready to stop playing keep away. At least Beth's brother isn't. You watch him kick his way to shore with his sister close behind him. She's yelling but they're both laughing. Once his butt can clear the water and he stands to kick his way through the shallows, you notice what's causing this. He's holding both his and his sister's swimsuits in his hands. His sister so close behind, her bare behind is quickly up out of the water as well, her narrow back twisting to help her slosh forward.

The threadbare siblings streak their way across the beach zipping in every direction. They run in circles and zig zags, back and forth along the short beach, showing off their nubile bodies to the world, or at least to their cousins. They're both wearing water shoes which gives them a little more traction on the pebbly beach, but the only other thing they're wearing are giddy smiles.

His trunks are dropped during a sharp turn and Beth snatches them up, the chase never pausing. The brother, losing ground, turns and makes a beeline for Auntie Grace. He runs around her rock, putting your naked aunt between the two naked siblings as they race around. Grace sits up to watch them jockey for position, running and stopping, yelling and laughing. Beth repeatedly tries to reach across Grace's tanned legs to scare her brother into running the wrong way but they're at a standoff.

Your aunt watches for a while but manages to pluck the suits away from both of them with one simultaneous strike, choosing her moment carefully. Both kids yell and grab at her, but she just smirks, stands up, and walks away from her tanning bed, suits held high. Beth tries to climb her aunt, leaping up and wrapping her bare body around Grace's torso, even grabbing her auntie's tits for leverage. But Beth's brother takes a different approach. He grabs Grace's stack of clothing and runs into the river with it. She's too busy fighting Beth down her body to notice the clothes-napper until he gets all the way out to the diving board. She notices too late, her nephew already standing with her soaked stack of clothing held above his head, Grace shouts for him to stop right before he flings every piece of her outfit toward the middle of the river. The items aren't immediately swept away, but they'll find the current soon enough and they're too far out to risk swimming out to get them.

You and Nicole share an incredulous glance. It occurs to you that there are actually more naked people on this beach than clothed, although you and Nicole are being a bit less gratuitous about it..You switch your attention between the boy standing confidently on the rock with his dripping dick and the nudist woman and girl groping each other on the beach. You can't even imagine what Grace might do, but she stays relatively calm. After a moment she kneels down and whispers something to Beth, the two of them going back and forth for a bit, coming to some sort of agreement.

"It's okay Brayden! She won't get you in trouble! She's giving our swimsuits back!"

Brayden excitedly hops down and swims to shore, not a hint of remorse. Maybe he assumes his "plan" worked, and maybe it did. Grace is still holding the kids' suits, but what strikes you as odd is that Beth isn't trying to put hers on. Wouldn't Grace return her suit? In fact, Grace ends up passing Brayden's suit to Beth. The girl steps into her brother's trunks just as he waddles up the beach. Seeing this, he shouts his disapproval then runs up to strip the trunks off of her. As soon as they start to grapple Grace steps in.

"Oh yes, you're putting on a swimsuit alright... your sister's!"

Grace wrestles the suit over Brayden's feet then tugs them up his legs while Beth holds him in place. He screams and flails, his sister cackling with laughter. It isn't long before he resigns himself to his fate though, perhaps knowing he was going to be punished for what he did and perhaps also enjoying the silliness of it. Once Grace yanks the one piece up his body and he begrudgingly pulls the straps over his arms, Grace turns him around to show off 'Brenda' to the other swimmers.

The small audience in the water giggles and laughs, you and Nicole included. It's so weird seeing a boy in a thin strappy one piece with his short hair and tiny bulge trapped in the tight narrow crotch, and it's almost as weird seeing his sister standing next to him topless in shorts with her long curly hair covering her shoulders. Maybe none of it is as weird as your naked sunkissed aunt proudly standing beside them both, the catalyst behind all this stripping and flashing.

Beth grabs her brother's wrist and runs away with him in tow. He hardly lifts his legs, his sister dragging him back to camp so she can show him off to everyone. Auntie Grace walks in the opposite direction, stepping out into the water and right up to you and Nicole which gives you another close up look of her meticulously groomed pussy and her lightly bronzed perky tits.

"Can one of you get me a towel? I probably shouldn't head back like this."

"Yes! Of course!" assures Nicole. You're real close to offering Nicole's suit to your aunt when Nicky pops up from the water to step into it. You do the same with your suit, albeit slower, easily distracted by the sight of your cousin's little boobs and needing to bend your erection into your trunks. Nicole pulls you along with her as she exits the river. Being behind her, you can see how you stripping her the way you did stretched out the back of her swimsuit; the low horizontal elastic that once hugged her waist is now broken and hangs away from her body to expose the rounded tops of her ass. She probably wouldn't be impressed if she knew that, so you don't mention it.

You both hurry back to camp, Nicky dropping you off at the campfire to go hunting in her mom's cabin. You see Beth is now proudly showing off her 'sister' to an amused group of people. It's obvious that Brayden is already at his limit though. You think he's a few seconds away from snapping and stripping out of his sister's one piece in protest. You watch instead as he pushes his sister over then strips his trunks from her legs. Not what you expected.

Someone makes a weak attempt to grab Brayden but he ducks away and runs full tilt from the group which makes his stripped naked sister the new center of attention. Most people are just laughing or shaking their heads while this naked girl yells at her brother from her back. You're pretty sure if you were to strip your little sister naked at a family gathering that your parents wouldn't be quite so understanding. Someone else at least helps Beth up and offers to cover her but she is quick to shake them and sprint after her sibling in the buff.

Nicole returns as the wild pair of kids circle past you. They weave through groups of people and then through trees and bushes in the direction of their tent just outside of camp. Nicole gets a funny look on her face amazed that the crazy hasn't stopped yet. Part of you thinks they must do this stuff a lot because hardly anyone seemed to care that Beth was streaking through the camp butt naked chasing after her crossdressing brother. What a weird family you have.

The two of you return with a towel for Aunt Grace but she's not looking to go anywhere. She just thanks you both from the water then continues swimming with the few remaining kids. So you put the towel down on her favorite slab of rock and wander off, confused and frustrated in equal measure.

The rest of the afternoon isn't nearly as interesting. There's a hike that gets organized that neither you or Nicole are interested in so you hang out with the stragglers until the hikers return, still in your swimsuits. Nicole is never far from you, which is her doing more than yours. Even when someone points out the condition of the back of her suit she just shoots you a glare then pulls you somewhere else. As dinner rolls around her mom tells Nicky to get changed so she can help wash up after, two seemingly unrelated things. In fact a swimsuit seems like a great clothing choice for washing up. Nicole agrees all the same, albeit with a hint of trepidation.

Suggest Nicky borrow some clothes from another camper

Go with Nicky back to the cabin to see if her clothes are dry