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(Created page with ""I'm sorry." "For what?" replies Nicole. "I'm sorry if today was really weird," you apologize, nearly a whisper given how close you are. She looks down and shrugs. "That's...")
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[[Category:Offline]][[Category:Offline Nicole]]
[[Category:Offline/Nicole/Day 5]]

Latest revision as of 17:40, 20 December 2022

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" replies Nicole.

"I'm sorry if today was really weird," you apologize, nearly a whisper given how close you are.

She looks down and shrugs. "That's okay."

"We can... keep looking for your underwear tomorrow. My sister could probably get Asha to help us. And we can get someone to help us dry y-"

"No, really, it's okay." she interrupts with a smile. "I, umm... I had fun today. Even though it was weird. Like, pretty weird actually."

"Yeah," you nod, nerves settling. "Like when Aunt Grace got naked?"

"Or when you did..." she chuckles. It's hard to know if she even meant to say it out loud, but you can't ignore it.

"Well auntie started it. I just followed along. But you were the one who stole my swimsuit."

"Yeah, and then you ripped mine off of me!" she replies with a poke to your side.

"And you deserved it!"

"How come?"

"For stealing my swimsuit!"

Nicole pokes you again. "Yeah, well you deserved that for leaving the windows open and getting all my stuff wet!"

You don't have a comeback for that one. "Okay, I guess so. You didn't have to go hiking with me though. You coulda stayed at camp."

"With who? Your sister? No thanks. I like you..." Nicole doesn't quite stop herself, her voice getting very quiet all of a sudden, realizing what she was saying. But despite almost catching herself she's still easily heard.

You definitely don't have a response to that. Not when you both know that you shouldn't be thinking those things and when she's already freaked herself out after trying to act on them. So you don't say anything at first, giving her a chance to correct herself. But all you can see in her face as the silence comes back is shame.

"Um... Emma's clothes are still on the roof, aren't they?"

Nicole eyes light up. "Ohmygod, they are! We should give them back tomorrow."

"Really? I mean, she's my sister, but I wouldn't be that nice to her if she lost my favorite shirt, let alone underwear."

Nicole shifts her arm out from under her and props her head up with her hand "I dunno. I was already kinda mean to her, making her get naked. And are you forgetting that whole part where I, y'know, threw her clothes on the roof? And made her kiss me?"

"After she made you kiss her. Are you forgetting how she tricked you into chasing her around camp flashing your butt in a fake dress?"

"Could you actually see my butt?" she asks, eyebrows raised.

"Kinda," you shrug.

"Justice!" she pokes you, presumably for not sharing earlier. "What else could you see?"

"I wanted to see your boobs, but it never bounced that high," you joke. She grins and pokes you again.

"You've already seen them. A lot actually," she adds, adjusting her bra self consciously.

"Maybe, I guess, but I like boobs, so... y'know."

"But not mine," she notes.

"Says who?" you counter.

"I dunno. I just... I saw you stare at Auntie Grace. She has real boobs. Mine are nothing like hers."

"No way! I mean... I looked, yeah. I was just surprised. But I've felt like a creep with how much I've been staring at you."

It's an admission that is hard to make but thankfully it doesn't blow up in your face. Nicole is taken aback a little, but she doesn't slap you or anything which is good. She actually seems a little blindsided. Has she really not noticed you looking away all the time? Or your gaze drifting while you talk? Even now you've probably glanced at her chest a dozen times in the past minute. You thought it was common knowledge, even amongst teenagers, that you all can't help being hornballs of hormones.

Nicole drops her head down to the pillow. "No one's really seen me naked before. In person I mean," she corrects herself, a bit shamefully.

You nod. "Same. Er, I mean, once, but it wasn't really..." you trail off, not wanting to talk about getting pantsed right now.

"Did... did you want to touch them?"

"What?" you ask, not sure if you heard her. Nicole's cheeks are crimson. She tries to look away without actually looking away.


"Wait! I- yeah! If you're okay with it," you add, trying to not sound too excited.

Nicky doesn't reply. She just flattens out on her back and rests her arms at her sides. You in turn prop yourself up onto your side so you can get a better angle. She made no attempt to remove her training bra which is disappointing but you aren't about to push your luck.

Your hand nervously descends onto her chest. You cup one thinly clothed titty and then the other, little more than your palm making contact with the white fabric. But with no protests or second thoughts, you inch further. Gently, you squeeze your cousin's tiny breast, afraid you might break it. You've seen people do all sorts of crazy things to titties in porn before, and you definitely talk a big game around your friends, but stuck out here in a tiny cabin with all sorts of tension sky high, your inexperience and hyper awareness has you taking tentative baby steps.

Over several minutes you prod, pinch, pet, squeeze, massage and fondle your younger cousin's meager chest. She's small but soft. You can basically cup her whole boob in your palm. With your hand pressing down on her you can feel Nicole's heart beat crazily fast, but you have to question whether that's yours with how excited you are. Neither of you speak the entire time. Nicole, blushing hard, stares up at you and then down at her chest in alternating intervals. Her nipples poke at your hands. Your dick pokes at your boxers. But after a while you compose yourself and pull back, arguably not 'done' but not wanting to overstay your welcome either.

"Did you like it?" she squeaks.

Ask if Nicole wants to touch you

Ask to kiss her