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[[Category:Offline]][[Category:Offline Nicole]]
[[Category:Offline/Nicole/Day 5]]

Latest revision as of 17:40, 20 December 2022

“Yeah, but... can I kiss you?”

Nicole smiles, leans in for a split second then pulls back and shakes her head.

“No, we can’t. We’re cousins.”

“But I just touched your boobs,” you note, confused.

Nicole plants her hands on her chest, smooshing and squeezing her tits. You’re not sure if that’s to soothe them or if it just feels good. “Yeah, but... that’s different.”


“I... I dunno.” She stops squeezing but keeps her hands covering her. “It just is, okay? It makes me want...” she trails off, shaking her head again. You both hesitate, fully understanding each other without anything being said. But you have to say something. Not just to break the silence, but to share your feelings. It's killing you not to. Even if it comes out as a bit of a jumbled mess

“I know we’re not supposed to... y'know, that it’s ‘wrong’ or whatever. But kissing you... is amazing. You make everything in the world better somehow. And I’ve never... I’ve never really had a girlfriend to be honest. What we have... I know that we could never be boyfriend and girlfriend, not really. So this trip, right now, is all that we’ll ever have. When else will we be able to spend time together? When will I even see you again?”

Nicole has a look of dread filling her face. You pause, not wanting to ramble too much, and to give her a second to process everything. Your stomach twists into knots anticipating her next words. But she doesn't have them. Nicole shoots forward, throwing open the sleeping bag, throwing one leg up onto your body, and throwing aside her worries, fears and inhibitions in the process. With a passionate embrace she kisses you, her body pressing against yours, her hands latching onto your face. A droplet soon hits your cheek. It takes a minute, until Nicole pulls away, to see the tears streaming down her face.

“I’m sorry Jay,” she starts, leaning back to wipe her tears. “I like you so much. I just didn’t know what to do, ‘cuz I don’t want to get... I don't want us to get in trouble. I really... I don’t want to lose you.”

“You won’t. I promise.”

She grins bashfully then drops any trace of timidness. Eagerly, a rapid succession of kisses and smacks assaults your senses. Her hips are quick to match that pace, her pelvis furiously grinding away at your side. It’s a bit overwhelming and you do you best not to fish-lip her in return, wanting to match her enthusiasm. With her speed comes a sloppy and amateur imprecision as she grabs at your body that makes you feel better about your lack of experience. But it also shows just how excited she is to finally let loose and not hold herself back.

You let your hand roam up the side of her body. Wiggling your fingers just under the elastic on the bottom edge of her training bra forces a short giggle out of Nicole. You tease along the edge of the elastic for a while, but build up enough confidence to push the bra up over her tits. That makes Nicole retract and sit up, her arms crossing in front of her chest giving you only a glimpse of her pointy little assets, which honestly confuses you.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean t-”

“It’s okay,” Nicole assures you. “It’s just... yeah.” After repositioning her bra she sits next to you for a moment, gnawing a fingernail while rubbing her stomach. Your butterflies were just starting to flutter away but seeing her pull back like this has you scared.

“What are we doing?” you ask with a nervous grin, mostly rhetorical.

“I don’t know,” she says. You think she means ‘I don’t care’. The next moment she’s descended on you again, locking lips and intertwining legs. It's a relief of sorts. The hard part is that she's so unsure of herself and has so much pent up sexual energy it’s almost as if she doesn’t know what to do with it all. Maybe she’s afraid to explore it. But it's possible that kissing is all she wants to explore. It’s really tough to tell.

Let Nicole lead

Force yourself on her