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You walk back to camp together, Emma following you without question while clutching her wet shirt and panties. You lead her around for a little while, wanting to embarrass her a little and see her reaction in addition to your relatives. It's pretty out of the ordinary (for anyone but a hillbilly) to trounce around in nothing but a small faded pair of overall shorts. And yet, strangely, she doesn't attract much attention. Maybe it's her calm demeanor (even though she seems jumpy), maybe she's still young enough that no one cares, or maybe no one is 'registering' nudity out here since everyone around is just family. You really don't get it yourself because you can't stop from glancing down at your sister's tight little torso, the top half of her body almost completely exposed under the shifting loose-waisted denim. Add to that the extra skin from her bare slender legs poking out of her shorts and it's impossible to shake away the memory of you fingering her tiny little hole for two mornings in a row. Of course you still do your best; the last thing you want is to stroll around camp showing off a stiffy in your shorts.
You walk back to camp together, Emma following you without question while clutching her wet shirt and panties. You lead her around for a little while, wanting to embarrass her a little and see her reaction in addition to your relatives. It's pretty out of the ordinary (for anyone but a hillbilly) to trounce around in nothing but a small faded pair of overall shorts. And yet, strangely, she doesn't attract much attention. Maybe it's her calm demeanor (even though she seems jumpy), maybe she's still young enough that no one cares, or maybe no one is 'registering' nudity out here since everyone around is just family. You really don't get it yourself because you can't stop from glancing down at your sister's tight little torso, the top half of her body almost completely exposed under the shifting loose-waisted denim. Add to that the extra skin from her bare slender legs poking out of her shorts and it's impossible to shake away the memory of you fingering her tiny little hole for two mornings in a row. Of course you still do your best; the last thing you want is to stroll around camp showing off a stiffy in your shorts.

You are about to suggest getting changed, especially since your trunks are practically still sopping wet, when Asha's mom, the olive-skinned goddess known as Aunt Becky (should be Aunt Amazon; you've had a crush on her since you can remember), calls you over. There's no doubt looking around the camp that she married into your pasty white family. Your aunt has a proposition for the two of you; She offers to tend to Emma's wet clothes if you both go have a talk with Asha who has been hiding from everyone since the incident in the kid's cabin last night. Your sister happily agrees and you get led to a smallish cabin (still bigger than yours) where Asha was forced to sleep with her parents. It takes a bit of friendly chatter before Asha opens up, worried that everyone hates her after puking everywhere. Your sis assures her that's not the case (although the topic has come up more than once in conversation today) and that everyone misses her, she's so much fun, the water is great, yadda yadda. It takes over an hour of the most boring chatter and ego-stroking before Asha is finally talked into her outside.
You are about to suggest getting changed, especially since your trunks are practically still sopping wet, when Asha's mom, the olive-skinned goddess known as Aunt Becky (should be Aunt Amazon; you've had a crush on her since you can remember), calls you over. There's no doubt looking around the camp that she married into your pasty white family. Your aunt has a proposition for the two of you; She offers to tend to Emma's wet clothes if you both go have a talk with Asha who has been hiding from everyone since the incident in the kid's cabin last night. Your sister happily agrees and you get led to a smallish cabin (still bigger than yours) where Asha was forced to sleep with her parents. It takes a bit of friendly chatter before Asha opens up, worried that everyone hates her after puking everywhere. Your sis assures her that's not the case (although the topic has come up more than once in conversation today) and that everyone misses her, she's so much fun, the water is great, yadda yadda. It takes over an hour of the most boring chatter and ego-stroking before Asha is finally talked into going outside.

Lunch is already in motion when you find daylight again so you chow down together as a small group. You're distracted the entire time by your sister's stupid overalls and what is (or rather isn't) under them. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, her slim little butt crack peeks out for passersby. The starry patch in front falls away from her body whenever she bends forward, which she does her entire meal. Her narrow straps repeatedly slip off her rounded shoulders of their own free will and she struggles so much to keep them up you question whether she even wants to. But it's as if the entire article is trying to remove itself from her body knowing full well that it shouldn't be touching so much bare skin.
Lunch is already in motion when you find daylight again so you chow down together as a small group. You're distracted the entire time by your sister's stupid overalls and what is (or rather isn't) under them. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, her slim little butt crack peeks out for passersby. The starry patch in front falls away from her body whenever she bends forward, which she does her entire meal. Her narrow straps repeatedly slip off her rounded shoulders of their own free will and she struggles so much to keep them up you question whether she even wants to. But it's as if the entire article is trying to remove itself from her body knowing full well that it shouldn't be touching so much bare skin.
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[[Offline/Throw Asha's bottoms toward shore|Throw Asha's bottoms toward shore]] '''Request''' --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 22:28, 28 December 2018 (CET)
[[Offline/Throw Asha's bottoms toward shore|Throw Asha's bottoms toward shore]]

[[Offline/Try to take Asha's top too|Try to take Asha's top too]]
[[Offline/Try to take Asha's top too|Try to take Asha's top too]]

[[Category:Offline]][[Category:Offline Emma]]
[[Category:Offline/Emma/Day 4]]

Latest revision as of 04:48, 21 December 2022

You walk back to camp together, Emma following you without question while clutching her wet shirt and panties. You lead her around for a little while, wanting to embarrass her a little and see her reaction in addition to your relatives. It's pretty out of the ordinary (for anyone but a hillbilly) to trounce around in nothing but a small faded pair of overall shorts. And yet, strangely, she doesn't attract much attention. Maybe it's her calm demeanor (even though she seems jumpy), maybe she's still young enough that no one cares, or maybe no one is 'registering' nudity out here since everyone around is just family. You really don't get it yourself because you can't stop from glancing down at your sister's tight little torso, the top half of her body almost completely exposed under the shifting loose-waisted denim. Add to that the extra skin from her bare slender legs poking out of her shorts and it's impossible to shake away the memory of you fingering her tiny little hole for two mornings in a row. Of course you still do your best; the last thing you want is to stroll around camp showing off a stiffy in your shorts.

You are about to suggest getting changed, especially since your trunks are practically still sopping wet, when Asha's mom, the olive-skinned goddess known as Aunt Becky (should be Aunt Amazon; you've had a crush on her since you can remember), calls you over. There's no doubt looking around the camp that she married into your pasty white family. Your aunt has a proposition for the two of you; She offers to tend to Emma's wet clothes if you both go have a talk with Asha who has been hiding from everyone since the incident in the kid's cabin last night. Your sister happily agrees and you get led to a smallish cabin (still bigger than yours) where Asha was forced to sleep with her parents. It takes a bit of friendly chatter before Asha opens up, worried that everyone hates her after puking everywhere. Your sis assures her that's not the case (although the topic has come up more than once in conversation today) and that everyone misses her, she's so much fun, the water is great, yadda yadda. It takes over an hour of the most boring chatter and ego-stroking before Asha is finally talked into going outside.

Lunch is already in motion when you find daylight again so you chow down together as a small group. You're distracted the entire time by your sister's stupid overalls and what is (or rather isn't) under them. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, her slim little butt crack peeks out for passersby. The starry patch in front falls away from her body whenever she bends forward, which she does her entire meal. Her narrow straps repeatedly slip off her rounded shoulders of their own free will and she struggles so much to keep them up you question whether she even wants to. But it's as if the entire article is trying to remove itself from her body knowing full well that it shouldn't be touching so much bare skin.

Emma is the first to finish and she annoyingly sits in your lap trying to get a ride out of you. What kind you're not sure, but you wrap an arm around her to pull her to one side before you realize that your hand has slipped through the gap in the front of her overalls. After repositioning her, you very briefly poke at her teenie belly button then roam your hand up and down the bare flesh of her torso just for fun. But that's all. Although she didn't stop you, you don't want to push your luck, especially with cousins so close.

Asha disappears for a few minutes after lunch then returns wearing a skimpy (at least for a grade schooler, but maybe for anyone) two piece bathing suit, side-tied bottoms with a narrow crotch and frilly hem and a bikini-style string top. You'd love to see Aunt Becky wearing the same, wondering how likely it would be that she'd buy a matching suit for herself. Excited by the possibility of someone besides your sister getting you hard for once, you do your best to convince your Aunt to join you by the river. She kindly declines your offer with a glowing smile so, dejected, you head down with the girls instead.

It seems your cousin is really excited to go swimming after Emma spent a lot of time talking it up to help get her out of the cabin. That has Emma backpedaling now as you get closer, trying to explain how she didn't pack anything for her to swim in. Asha is about to suggest something when she's interrupted.

"That didn't stop you earlier," chimes Auntie Grace. Seriously, does she ever leave the beach?

"Um, yeah, but Auntie," stammers Emma, "I at least had panties before. And a shirt. I don't even know whe-"

"We're all family here sweetie. Live a little. Your brother isn't going to mind if you substitute your bathing suit with your birthday suit, is he?"

Emma looks at you with a grin, then bites her lip to try to hold back a smile.

"I certainly won't mind," Grace continues. "I've seen plenty of butts before."

Emma now seems to know just how much you mind her getting naked. She's already shimmying out of her overalls, pushing the narrow straps off her shoulders. She kicks off her shoes then hops out of her shorts leaving her standing utterly naked outside in the middle of the day. Asha is gasping and giggling at the sight. Emma is gaining that bit of blush in her cheeks. And yes, you're gaining a chub in your shorts.

The afternoon sun lights up her features in whole new ways. Her trim little tummy cuts into a subtle V to frame her pelvis along with the fun little cleft between her legs that you're already far too familiar with. The sides of her chest curve in to suggest shape where there is frankly none. She strikes a confident, powerful pose planting her feet wide and hands on her hips but when combined with her cute outie belly button, flat chest, skinny arms, and hairless little slit, the unnatural pose somehow only helps her look even younger.

"Look out world! I'm in my birthday suit!"

Your Aunt chuckles and gives her a few more words of encouragement. Asha gives Emma a playful shove before running out into the water. Emma gives chase and you're close behind. You have the water to yourselves for now, everyone having had their fill of aquatics this morning and partly cloudy weather producing less heat that would need escaping. The water is also cooler because of it but it's plenty tolerable. So the three of you horse around in the water for a long while. You make a point of jumping off the diving board lots to encourage the girls to do the same. Seeing Asha jump in that stringy thing is pretty fun, but watching your sister stand above you on that rock is something special; every inch of her body shimmering in the sparse sunlight while the water courses down her small frame. She crosses her legs at one point and raises her arms to straighten out her hair. Her pillowy vulva gets squished together which helps exaggerate the shape of her slight little mound into something even puffier, but her legs are skinny enough for you to still take in all those details clear as day.

You're not the only one having fun out here. There's no doubt swimming around naked in broad daylight is getting your sister worked up. She grabs at herself a lot and later attaches herself to you again, locking arm and ankle like before. With fewer people around you take a little bit of time to enjoy it, letting her wiggle her naked body against your torso, but you still have to dunk her. You're positive she wouldn't let go if you didn't.

But her next target is Asha. Emma jumps onto her back and covers her eyes. Asha, laughing and splashing, tries to get away.

"Stop! Hey! What... what are you doing with your feet?!"

Emma just giggles and twists her body. Asha squeals and slowly manages to dump your sister off her back. Your cousin hops up and dips forward to go into a breaststroke, aiming to swim away. It's then you notice that Asha's swim bottoms are definitely not on her bottom any longer but halfway down her legs, her literal bottom bobbing above the surface. Emma also knows this and lunges forward as Asha kicks wildly, the two girls doing equally as much work to strip the stringy bikini bottoms off the rest of the way.

Asha doesn't get very far before she notices. "Pphbt. Emma!"

Your sis cackles, holding up her trophy tauntingly. Asha isn't far away and with a few hops manages to jump and tackle Emma through the water, but not before the bottoms are tossed to you. Asha, empty handed, spots you nearby and begins her charge.

Throw Asha's bottoms toward shore

Try to take Asha's top too