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(Created page with "Seeing mom sends a chill down your spine, especially since you're all casually strolling along while your sister and her friend are basically naked. You probably shouldn't be...")
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"Bah!" adds Asha with a chuckle. Mom just shakes her head.
"Bah!" adds Asha with a chuckle. Mom just shakes her head.

You're so thankful that mom seems to have glazed over or ignored the fact that all 3 of you have wet hair, else she might have continued her line of questioning and found plenty of holes in your inevitably insufficient answers. But instead you're herded along with your sister and your cousin into the heart of the of camp, weaving past various chairs and bystanders. The two girls strutting along in their delightedly undressed glory get more than a few curious looks from relatives, as anyone would if they strolled out into a family gathering wearing nothing but a thin pair of panties. It's made a touch worse by the fact that your sister has held onto these pairs of bikini cut underwear for a year or two too many. She's probably had these since she was 4 and although they were likely too big for her then they're certainly too small for her now. You know she's at least a little sentimental, so maybe she got these during some 'big girl starting school' shopping trip? In any case, Asha's design is passable for her age (besides being tight) but with bright pink stripes and the image of that dumb expressionless kitty on Emma's butt and crotch she continues her trend of looking even younger than she is. It's all made a touch better due to the fact that other younger female cousins are still finishing up breakfast in their nighties, so at least a few other people haven't bothered to get dressed yet.
You're so thankful that mom seems to have glazed over or ignored the fact that all 3 of you have wet hair, else she might have continued her line of questioning and found plenty of holes in your inevitably insufficient answers. But instead you're herded along with your sister and your cousin into the heart of camp, weaving past various chairs and bystanders. The two girls strutting along in their delightedly undressed glory get more than a few curious looks from relatives, as anyone would if they strolled out into a family gathering wearing nothing but a thin pair of panties. It's made a touch worse by the fact that your sister has held onto these pairs of bikini cut underwear for a year or two too many. She's probably had these since she was 4 and although they were likely too big for her then they're certainly too small for her now. You know she's at least a little sentimental, so maybe she got these during some 'big girl starting school' shopping trip? In any case, Asha's design is passable for her age (besides being tight) but with bright pink stripes and the image of that dumb expressionless kitty on Emma's butt and crotch she continues her trend of looking even younger than she is. It's all made a touch better due to the fact that other younger female cousins are still finishing up breakfast in their nighties, so at least a few other people haven't bothered to get dressed yet.

There are pancakes for breakfast today which is actually pretty sweet, the syrup especially. It also means that you get to watch Asha squirm a little longer, unable to cut her pancakes and cover herself at the same time. By comparison Emma has no qualms about baring her chest, not that she has anything to bare.
There are pancakes for breakfast today which is actually pretty sweet, the syrup especially. It also means that you get to watch Asha squirm a little longer, unable to cut her pancakes and cover herself at the same time. By comparison Emma has no qualms about baring her chest, not that she has anything to bare.
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"Look at her butt!" the boy bursts aloud, pointing and jeering.
"Look at her butt!" the boy bursts aloud, pointing and jeering.

Beth at least tries to help Yulia to her feet, even though the now humiliated girl is already upright. And man is she is humiliated, her face an ever deepening shade of red and hardly able to look anyone in the eye. And yet for some reason she feels compelled to educate you all.
Beth at least tries to help Yulia to her feet, even though the now humiliated girl is already upright. And man is she humiliated, her face an ever deepening shade of red and hardly able to look anyone in the eye. And yet for some reason she feels compelled to educate you all.

"M-my grandma says that girls shouldn't wear p-panties to bed cuz girl parts are s'posed to breath."
"M-my grandma says that girls shouldn't wear p-panties to bed 'cuz girl parts are s'posed to breath."

"I don't... think that's true," notes Asha.
"I don't... think that's true," notes Asha, unsure.

"Uh-huh! It's why girls wear dresses!" May enthusiastically adds to the conversation.
"Uh-huh! It's why girls wear dresses!" May enthusiastically adds to the conversation.
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[[Category:Offline]][[Category:Offline Emma]]
[[Category:Offline/Emma/Day 5]]

Latest revision as of 05:13, 21 December 2022

Seeing mom sends a chill down your spine, especially since you're all casually strolling along while your sister and her friend are basically naked. You probably shouldn't be the first one to speak because you'll only draw attention to yourself. Asha might not do well either but you feel a tad overwhelmed, too busy kicking yourself over this whole stupid pantie idea. Best to let one of the girls take this, and it almost certainly should be your sister.

The three of you glance at each other to see who will answer the nearly unanswerable questions your mother is rattling off, but you send all the vibes you can to your sis for her to jump in before Asha does. Thankfully Emma puts on her biggest smile and speaks up first.

"Morning mommy! What's for breakfast?" she beams, ignoring mom's bout of unfocused frustration.

"Well, we ma... no! Hold on. What are you doing out here half naked?"

"Nothing. We just got up, mom. Our sleeping bag was SOOO hot last night! We got so sweaty in there!" Em hugs Asha's arm and actually giggles to herself with amusement. Asha turns away trying to find something else to look at. "But it's okay. We're not cold or anything. Honest!"

Your mother looks like she has a prepared lecture she's about to whip out, and you fully expected this to happen the minute she materialized, but after a moment of thought mom just rolls her eyes at her daughter's puerile and innocent reply to explain their lack of dress. "Fine. Just come for breakfast already or you will all have to starve until lunch."

The three of you share another series of questioning looks. Asha is holding onto one shoulder weakly trying to hide her toplessness with a draped forearm, a task which will be made more difficult when eating. Emma seems vaguely unsure about mom, while you're very much certain now; Mom has been replaced by an alien. She's going to drag her half naked daughter into camp for breakfast? Maybe she's not making a big deal over it because Emma isn't either. But either way you don't see much of a choice. The alternative is to make mom angry and have her dress you down (figuratively of course). You all allow yourselves to be ushered into camp by this alien parental imposter. Although she sounds less extraterrestrial when she keeps muttering to herself.

"No breakfast, no clothes... Honestly, you weren't raised in a barn."

"Baaa!" replies you sister with her best offended-sheep impression. You laugh out loud at that, just for a second. Mom scowls at you both, but she's also grinning.

"Watch it missy. I'm not above shearing a sheep."

"Bah!" adds Asha with a chuckle. Mom just shakes her head.

You're so thankful that mom seems to have glazed over or ignored the fact that all 3 of you have wet hair, else she might have continued her line of questioning and found plenty of holes in your inevitably insufficient answers. But instead you're herded along with your sister and your cousin into the heart of camp, weaving past various chairs and bystanders. The two girls strutting along in their delightedly undressed glory get more than a few curious looks from relatives, as anyone would if they strolled out into a family gathering wearing nothing but a thin pair of panties. It's made a touch worse by the fact that your sister has held onto these pairs of bikini cut underwear for a year or two too many. She's probably had these since she was 4 and although they were likely too big for her then they're certainly too small for her now. You know she's at least a little sentimental, so maybe she got these during some 'big girl starting school' shopping trip? In any case, Asha's design is passable for her age (besides being tight) but with bright pink stripes and the image of that dumb expressionless kitty on Emma's butt and crotch she continues her trend of looking even younger than she is. It's all made a touch better due to the fact that other younger female cousins are still finishing up breakfast in their nighties, so at least a few other people haven't bothered to get dressed yet.

There are pancakes for breakfast today which is actually pretty sweet, the syrup especially. It also means that you get to watch Asha squirm a little longer, unable to cut her pancakes and cover herself at the same time. By comparison Emma has no qualms about baring her chest, not that she has anything to bare.

Once you've all been dished out a plate, mom instantly stops caring about you, her concerns that you might go hungry now taken care of. The girls sit close together on a log with their plates on their laps while you sit on the ground next to them, mostly so you can enjoy the view while you eat. It's weirdly exciting seeing the two of them sitting out in the middle of camp in nothing but their panties, especially after last night. You spend the mostly quiet meal considering which trait you like more, Emma's aloof innocence or Asha's nervous embarrassment. There's no doubt that you're all very relieved that you avoided mom's wrath, but none of you talk about it. Before you can finish your meal or figure out what to do next, some of your other cousins decide to join you.

Yulia and her sister May run over in a long flowing nightie and matching PJs respectively. Yulia asks if you all want to play tag once you're done, but May instantly argues about how they were going to ask about hide and seek. That turns into a whining bickering fight that intentionally does not escalate past a certain point lest they alert their parents that they're not getting along. Meanwhile a brother sister duo stroll up, ignoring the side argument going on.

"Why are you in your underwear?" asks cute little Beth with her brunette braided pigtails. She is probably a year older than Yulia and stands across from Emma in a short little polkadot princess nightdress with her brother in tow.

With Emma's mouth full, you answer for her. "Their clothes were mauled by bears."

"No they weren't!" laughs Beth. She then sits down and turns to Emma. "Were they?!"

"There aren't bears here," her brother Brayden pipes up. "Dad said so."

"Oh yeah, there's totally bears. They'll bust into your cabin and eat all your clothes if you aren't careful. They almost died just to keep those panties."

"Don't listen to my brother." Interrupts Emma. "He's a dummy. We had a bath this morning, so our stuff is drying now."

Although what she said is true, with her wet hair as additional proof, each part of her answer doesn't make a lot of sense as a whole. Emma seems to realize that only after she says it, but Beth has already accepted it and moved on.

"But aren't you embarrassed to be naked?" Yulia asks in a weirdly indifferent manner.

"What? We're not naked!"

"Kinda," mutters Asha.

"We can see your boobies," taunts Brayden.

"And I can see my brother's too!" Emma shoots back, pointing at your similarly barechested state. "Girls are allowed to go shirtless if they want to. Go ask Auntie Gracie!" she adds, a sudden champion of equal rights and not just overly eager to get naked.

"Yeah! Girls can too! Brayden and I do it lots!" Beth announces. Her brother doesn't seem to like being included in his sister's comment but he doesn't deny it. "I like your panties cousin! You know why?" Beth smiles at your sister, wiggles her leggy nightdress out from under her butt, decides to stand up anyway, then lifts her princess sleepwear higher to reveal a checkerboard pattern of colorful patches covering her crotch with Hello Kitty in the center of each one. "I have some too!"

"Yay! Underpants besties!" Emma highfives her younger cousin and Beth positively glows with pride.

"I like yours too Asha," adds Beth, trying not to exclude anyone. Asha just smiles and nods. It's so silly to you that a girl who isn't ashamed to wear a skimpy little bikini is so embarrassed to be seen in panties.

"Mine are green!" announces May, promptly dropping her pajama pants.

"Mine are Batman," shares Brayden, apparently the thing to do now. He nonchalantly lifts his PJ tank and stretches his shorts down to reveal his yellow and black briefs. As further proof, he turns around to show off the bat symbol on his butt.

"Show us yours, Yulia!" urges Beth in a very excited tone.

"Umm... no, that's okay."

May starts giggling an evil little laugh then pulls up on her big sister's nightgown. It takes a second for Yulia to notice, but the nightie is plenty long enough that May can't reveal anything before she gets shooed away.

"Aw, c'mon! Show us! We all showed!" Brayden now goads.

"No. I'm..."

May has already stepped behind her sister to start tugging her sibling's nightie again. Everyone chuckles as Yulia yelps and turns to fight off her sister for good this time. That's easier said than done as May is herself a fighter. The cute little dolly of a girl latches onto the rising twisting hem of her big sis with all her might. Pulling and yanking, the nightie slips up Yulia's legs but gets caught just under her bum. Yulia latches onto May's wrists and bends over to stop the advance, sticking her butt out behind her and trying to back away from her attacker but also toward the gathering of cousins. It's hard to tell who is winning this exactly, but there's someone else who wants to tip the scales.

Spunky pigtailed Beth tiptoes up behind Yulia and digs her fingers under the bunched up nightgown. Feeling something under her butt, Yulia squeals and drops low to try to protect herself. It's the worst idea. As Yulia drops, Beth lifts. With May still pulling forward and Yulia off balance the unstable girl has her nightgown hoisted up to her neck in one clean motion. This yank pulls her forward and she faceplants into the dirt with her ass pointing into the air.

Now everyone can check out her panties. At least they would be if she were wearing any.

With both her knees and her face pressing against the ground, Yulia's adorable butt hangs in the air for what seems like a very long time. Puffy rounded little lips stick out between her legs, curving quickly to form a pint-sized mound, her baby smooth slit running straight up to her bright button of a butthole like a squishy little coin slot. You'd have bet serious money that your sister would've stumbled into a way to get naked way before any of your cousins, especially with you in charge of her wardrobe.

Yulia shifts to her feet as she pushes up with her hands, her rear end dangling in plain sight for another moment more before she's finally able to right herself. The girls just giggle and snicker, unable to hold back their amusement but not really trying to be mean. Brayden doesn't mind helping out with that though.

"Look at her butt!" the boy bursts aloud, pointing and jeering.

Beth at least tries to help Yulia to her feet, even though the now humiliated girl is already upright. And man is she humiliated, her face an ever deepening shade of red and hardly able to look anyone in the eye. And yet for some reason she feels compelled to educate you all.

"M-my grandma says that girls shouldn't wear p-panties to bed 'cuz girl parts are s'posed to breath."

"I don't... think that's true," notes Asha, unsure.

"Uh-huh! It's why girls wear dresses!" May enthusiastically adds to the conversation.

"Really?" Brayden asks with skepticism. "That's why?"

Try to make Yulia feel better by admitting you're not wearing underwear either

Throw your roommates under the bus and tell everyone how they slept naked