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[[Category:Offline]][[Category:Offline Emma]]
[[Category:Offline/Emma/Day 4]]
[[Category:Offline/Emma/Day 5]]

Latest revision as of 05:08, 21 December 2022

Well, what do you really say in a situation like this? Nothing, that's what. Anything you can say will just get you in a deeper hole. Meanwhile, since Asha doesn't seem to really know anything yet about what you just did to her and your sister seems to be having a good time with it all, maybe if you just back off and let her handle things it will all work out fine.

You tell the girls you're going to bed and, still wracked with guilt and anxiety, slip into your sleeping bag while keeping a nervous and very interested ear on what goes on between the two of them. Eventually, you hear some whispering, but you can't really make it out with the sound of rain hitting the roof. When you roll over to take a look, you can see Emma has finished with sparkles and now she is down between Asha's legs pointing the flashlight up her friend's pussy as she seems to be digging around in there with her nose mere inches from her crotch. It seems like she is trying to see inside.

"I think there's some still in there." You manage to make out. You can see her making a move as though she is about to shove some of her slime up into Asha's pussy, but she is quickly stopped.

"No, that's Ok." There is a little bit of debate following this, but it seems they eventually decide to leave your semen inside of Asha's pussy and don't try to clean it up. That being the subject of their whispered conversation, you eventually find yourself getting hard again, especially when from there their conversation turns to a bunch of giggles as they continue to whisper various things into one another's ears. You loose track of it from there as they tuck themselves into the sleeping bag, but they continue to toss around with each other and it doesn't sound like much sleeping really happens. You are glad though that there does seem to be an awful lot of giggling. Normally you would be a little annoyed about them being noisy and, considering what they are probably doing given what just happened, you might even be irritated you were not included in on the fun. However, given you just drained your balls into your little cousin and this activity seemed to indicate she wasn't really thinking much of it, this was actually nothing but a relief.

This being the case, you continue to listen to the sound of them romping about until eventually you find you have drifted off.

- - -

You're positive that you're going to drown in the downpour, your mouth agape as droplets pelt your tongue. A violent tidal wave crashes into you. Then another. You cough and sputter. The clouds laugh before you curiously realize that this is all just a dream. But not all of it...

Opening your eyes you shake your head to and fro as a warm liquid cascades past your senses. Asha is crouched over you. Both of the girls are laughing as your naked cousin, in a deep squat, continues to pee straight down onto your face.

The moment you realize what's happening you fling your body forward in order to sit up, but end up headbutting Asha squarely in her pussy. She squawks, stumbles, and falls back onto her butt on the bottom half of your bag. Thankfully she also stops peeing. Now rubbing your wet forehead, you sit up proper and spit the taste of girl urine off your tongue.

"...the fuck are you doing?" You squint, blinking away sunlight and pee.

"That's for getting us all wet last night!" Asha explains. The phrasing catches you off guard, unsure if she might be alluding to something other than the rain, but you're too upset to mull that over. The girls giggle some more until they recognize how serious you're taking this, then they glance at each other with uncertainty.

"Fucking what?!"

"Well, I mean... you said there's no rules... right?"

"No rules?!" you parrot back, wiping at small puddles soaking into your sleeping bag.

"I dunno. Y'know... I- I mean... i-it was Em's idea."

"What! No it wasn't! You wanted to do it!"

"But you said it would be funny!"

The girls start bickering while you still have a hard time taking in the situation. This really just happened. It isn't a dream. "What the fuck?!" you repeat, incredulous. "You seriously just peed on my face?"

Silence follows, the two girls sharing a long look... right before they both burst into laughter. They think this is hilarious. You're not laughing. Although you can sort of appreciate the twisted weirdness of it, you never wanted to be on the receiving end of a golden shower. Even if explaining how a girl peed on you once might make for a crazy drunk story at a party one day, that doesn't make this okay.

When you don't join in with the cackling girls, they restrain their amusement and go back to looking shameful. It's pretty clear that they aren't exactly choked up about it though. Considering the circumstances, she complained about getting them wet in the rain and said nothing about you basically raping her last night. That being the case, part of you feels relieved, but another part of you is still quite pissed both literally and figuratively. It's probably best to take out that anger as though what you did last night weren't in the equation at all, that would be the best way to make it as though it never happened. As such, you need to do exactly what you would do if that had never happened. They need to be punished.

Punish Asha since she's the one who did it

Punish Asha and Emma, they're both guilty