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== Lore Update ==
== Snow ==
''Katja's and Dana's "Survival Handbook."''

''Katja's and Dana's "Survival Handbook."''

''As all of you should know by now, there are no difficulty settings in Nymphsaga. This may be the first virtual reality game you've ever played, or you may be a veteran. You can be casual or a hardcore raider, or you can be a purely social gamer. It doesn't matter. When you step outside the barrier into the vast world around us, you step into the same exact world that everyone else does. The world does not care how skilled you are and doesn't discriminate or make exceptions for anyone. It judges us all as equals. Still, we, Katja and Dana, the authors of this piece, believe that the world around us is survivable for everyone. While skill, training, and improving yourself are important, this game is one of preparation. Everyone can make it outside the barrier if they prepare accordingly.''

''As all of you should know by now, there are no difficulty settings in Nymphsaga. It doesn't matter if this is the first virtual reality game you've ever played or if you're a veteran. You can be casual or a hardcore raider, or you can be a purely social gamer. When you step outside the barrier into the vast world around us, you step into the same exact world that everyone else does. It does not care how good or bad you are. It does not discriminate or make exceptions for anyone. Still, we, Katja and Dana, the authors of this piece, believe that the world around us is survivable for everyone. While skill, training and improving yourself is important, this game is one of preparation; everyone can make it outside the barrier if they prepare accordingly.''

''We are a couple of former leaders from well-established competitive progression-oriented raiding guilds in Mormia. Many Nymphs come to us seeking guidance regarding their adventures and training, so we decided to put together a list of seven general guidelines that we - as well as our companions - follow ourselves. We do not claim to be authority over anything or claim that our methods are always the best, but we believe that we can offer a lot of valuable insight into making yourself a better player. These are not rules or laws that you absolutely have to follow. You might have a different approach that might suit you and your team better, and that's fine. Think critically and think independently.''

''We are a couple of former leaders from well-established competitive progression-oriented raiding guilds in Mormia. A lot of Nymphs come to us seeking guidance regarding their adventures as well as their training, so we decided to put together a list of seven general guidelines that we - as well as our companions - follow ourselves. We do not claim to be authority over anything or claim that our methods are always the best, but we do believe that we can offer a lot of valuable insight into how to make yourself a better player. These are not rules or laws that you absolutely have to follow. You might have a different kind of approach that might suit you better, and that's fine. Think critically and think independently.''

''1: Guidelines for team composition.''
'''''1: Guidelines for team composition.'''''

''We strongly believe that in order to have a strong team you need different Nymphs to carry out different roles. In general, there are three different roles for Nymphs, each of which are equally important. We have tanks, defensive players whose primary role is to generate "aggro" and keep the attention of enemies on themselves, so the other team members can focus on their own respective roles. Then, we have healers to take care of fatigued team members. Us Nymphs are very small and weak creatures that just can't keep up with most enemies, so having a healer in a party is even more important than having a tank. And last, we have the supporter Nymphs whose purpose is to suppress, weaken and slow enemies with anything they have in arsenal, be it crowd control, stuns or status altering effects. You might notice the lack of damage dealers in this list; that is not to say that pure damage dealers do not exist. It's just that we, in our very humble opinions, believe that every Nymph must carry their weight in some additional way in order to contribute for the common good of the group. Everyone can deal more than enough damage to help the team, even healers. Therefore, pure damage dealers are - sorry to say - kind of useless. Feel free to prove us wrong though. We strongly recommend that you have five or more members in your group, and that your group consists of at least one tank, one healer and two supporters. You can have the extra spots for any roles you want but try not to stay too far away from the 1-1-2 ratio. Also, if possible, make sure you have a scout in your party, because scouts freaking rock.''  
''We strongly believe that to have a viable team, you need different Nymphs to carry out different roles. In general, there are three different roles for Nymphs, each of which are equally important.''

''We have tanks, defensive players whose primary role is to generate "aggro" and keep the attention of enemies on themselves, so the other team members can focus on their own respective roles. Then, we have healers to take care of fatigued team members. Us Nymphs are very small and weak creatures that just can't keep up with most enemies, so having a healer in a party is even more important than having a tank. And last, we have the supporter Nymphs whose purpose is to suppress, weaken, and slow enemies with anything they have in the arsenal, be it crowd control, stuns, or status-altering effects.''

''2: Diversify your offense.''
''You might notice the lack of damage dealers in this list, but that is not to say that pure damage dealers do not exist. It's just that we, in our very humble opinions, believe that every Nymph must carry their weight in some additional way to contribute to the common good of the group. Everyone can deal more than enough damage to help the team, even healers. Therefore, pure damage dealers are - sorry to say - kind of useless. Feel free to prove us wrong though.''

''Diversity of offense is equally important, as for each and every one of us there is that one invincible enemy that we cannot beat no matter what, mostly because they are immune to our damage. In an ideal setting every member of your team can deal different kinds of damage to enemies to cover each other's weaknesses. It's not going to matter even if there are ten of you when you all deal physical damage only; slimes and other metaphysical enemies are going to make you sorry.''
''We strongly recommend that you have five or more members in your group and that your group consists of at least one tank, one healer, and two supporters. You can have the extra spots for any roles you want but try not to stay too far away from the 1-1-2 ratio. In our opinion, having an extra healer is always more important than having an extra tank. Secondly, having Nymphs in supporting roles who can also cast some heals can be wildly beneficial for any party.''

''3: Train, train, train.''

''Allow me to start by quoting Socrates: "No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." We don't care about your habits in the real world, but this quote couldn't be truer for us Nymphs. Despite the common misconception that rises from the fact that this is a game, us Nymphs can get more fit and athletic if we train hard, just like in real world. You will look better, feel better, and you will even build more stamina, which is immensely helpful. Run, exercise, and follow a good workout plan, especially if you're a caster, since you're naturally weaker. Work your butt out, no excuses. Do not skip days, ever. Seriously, your survival depends on it. I, Katja, personally recommend gymnastics and yoga. As for a recommendation from Dana, practice martial arts and flying. Being able to do flips and tricks in air is not only effective means of training your muscles and getting sweaty, but also freaking cool and incredibly satisfying. Your wings are awesome, don't ever forget that. Do not forget to train and practice your fighting skills either. Do anything to make yourself better. There is a glass ceiling for us Nymphs as far as our passive abilities and levels go and we are simply too weak to break it. And finally, rely on pure skill over used abilities when you can; aiming and weapon training are a must for soldiers and rangers. Using an ability is not going to mean anything if you miss your attack. We especially recommend getting yourself a sparring partner. Don't worry too much about getting actually hit. You won't die from accidentally getting sliced by a sword so go all out as if wanting to kill your partner.''  
'''''2: Diversify your offense.'''''

''Diversity of offense is, in our opinion, even more important than the diversity of roles. For each and every one of us, there is that one invincible enemy that we cannot beat no matter what, mostly because they are immune to our damage. In an ideal setting, every team member can deal different kinds of damage to enemies to cover each other's weaknesses. It's not going to matter how many of you there are if all you can do is deal physical damage; slimes and other metaphysical enemies will make you sorry.''

''4: Rely on professions.''

''Every single profession can benefit you somehow, so make sure you got potions, rely on powerful food effects and enchant every single piece of clothing you have. Be sure to train your own profession as well so your companions can also rely on you. Nobody likes leeches, and you wouldn't want to be a leech, now wouldn't you? Relying on professions and training your own becomes especially important later on, as all professions can be utilized in combat as well. Upgrading your house with professions is also cool.''

'''''3: Train, train, train.'''''

''5: Strategize and communicate.''
''Allow me to start by quoting Socrates: "No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." We don't care about your habits in the real world, but this quote couldn't be truer for us Nymphs. Despite the common misconception that arises from the fact that this is a game, we Nymphs can get more fit and athletic if we train hard, just like in the real world. If you work out, you will look better, feel better, and even regenerate stamina faster, which is immensely helpful. Run, exercise, and follow a good workout plan, and make it part of your daily routine, especially if you're a caster since you're naturally weaker. Work your butt out, no excuses. Do not skip days, ever. Seriously, your survival depends on it.''

''You should always strategize BEFORE you go on an adventure. Of course, you always need to change plans on the fly when strong enemies appear, but having general plans, as well as plans for setbacks is very important to establish beforehand. Never go out on an adventure without a comprehensive battleplan. Battlefield is living, ever changing and unpredictable, so speak out constantly. We can't stress how important it is to talk to each other during combat. You can help each other so much better and act as a cohesive unit when you're all vocal. Also, listen to the party leader. We're not saying that a party is a dictatorship, but seriously, have one or two people to make critical decisions for some semblance of order. We admit that this rule is the one where we have some bias, as we are both raid leaders in our respective guilds, but hey, it has served us well. We're not leaders of some of the best guilds in Mormia for nothing.''
''I, Katja, personally recommend gymnastics and yoga. As for a recommendation from Dana, practice martial arts and flying. Being able to do flips and tricks in the air is not only effective means of training your muscles and getting sweaty but also freaking cool and incredibly satisfying. Your wings are awesome, don't ever forget that.''

''Do not forget to train and practice your fighting skills either. Do anything to make yourself better. There is a glass ceiling for us Nymphs as far as our passive abilities and levels go, and we are simply too weak to break it, so we need to rely on training to improve. Aiming and practicing with weapons you're unfamiliar with is especially important, as using an ability will not mean anything if you miss your attacks. We especially recommend getting yourself a sparring partner. Don't worry too much about getting actually hit. You won't die from accidentally getting sliced by a sword, so go all out as if wanting to kill your partner.''

''6: Make friends and help each other.''

''We do not always agree on everything and we don't get along with everyone, but it's important to be friendly and social in this small community. It is good to have a lot of friends here in Grove and beyond. Help those in need to the best of your ability, even those you don't like. Treat others the way you want to be treated yourself. All of this is especially relevant in small groups and with those you're going to be teaming up with. You're going to be spending a lot of time with them so chemistry and getting along is very important. When we recruit new players to our respective guilds, we always interview them first. Well, it's more like a casual conversation honestly, but the point is to know them on a personal level. This practice is good and probably one that is going to treat you well here in Grove as well. Preferably train with your new partners together before going in an adventure for real. Both authors of this piece also agree that getting together, having fun, playing games and drinking is an especially good way to bond with possible party members. If possible, don't just rely on one group either, but also have backup plans in case you sometimes want to or even have to tag along with other parties. Being part of a bigger guild where you can team up with different members based on your needs could also be something to look at, but we recognize that this is probably hard to achieve, given the size of our community.''

'''''4: Rely on professions.'''''

''7: Relax.''
''Every single profession can benefit you somehow, in and out of combat. Do this not only for yourself but also for others, as you can benefit your party with your own unique skills. Make sure you got potions, rely on powerful food effects, and enchant every piece of clothing you can, and for the love of fuck, help each other in this regard. We need these skills to prepare for adventure adequately, so do not just leech off others. Relying on professions becomes especially critical later on, as all professions can also be utilized in combat in unique ways, maybe even to learn new active and passive abilities. Upgrading your house with professions is also cool.''

''Don't forget to take few days off to heal and relax. Free time is important, both for your mind and your body. Going on an adventure is extremely exhausting, ridiculously dangerous and just fucking scary. Every time you get out there you risk getting raped or captured. Adventuring is NOT something that anyone should be forced to do when they're not in a right mind for it. You really don't need to go on an adventure every day or even every other day. Yes, this is a rule, an absolute law you must follow. You can ignore everything else on this handbook, but do not ignore this one. While we're at it, make sure to make most of your days off by doing something constructive, like on professions to contribute to the society, or by training, studying or strategizing. Don't forget to take time off either. We all need fun in our lives, and having some days dedicated to nothing but fooling around is important as well. Drink, socialize, play, do whatever you want. You can even pursue romance and pleasure if you feel like it. We don't judge.''

''This concludes our list of guidelines for adventurers. It will be updated if need be, as we are still only few weeks into the game, and new information will most likely force us to readjust some of our statements. We both, Katja and Dana, hope and pray for your safety. Good luck on your adventures, and as Grove's motto goes, "Never lose hope".''
'''''5: Strategize and communicate.'''''

''You should always strategize BEFORE you go on an adventure. Never go out on an adventure without a comprehensive battle plan. Of course, you always need to change plans on the fly when strong enemies appear, but having general strategies, and plans for setbacks, is very important to establish beforehand. The battlefield is a living, ever-changing, and unpredictable place after all.''

''We also can't stress enough how important it is to talk to each other during combat. You can help each other so much better and act as a cohesive unit when you're all vocal. Don't worry too much about enemies understanding what you say. Lastly, listen to the party leader. We're not saying that a party has to be a dictatorship, but seriously, have one or two people to make critical decisions for some semblance of order. We admit that this rule is the one where we have some bias, as we are both raid leaders in our respective guilds, but hey, it has served us well. We're not leaders of some of the most successful guilds in Mormia for nothing.''

Nymphs of Grove are two full nights of sleep away from their raid of Fort Hammercliff, and a new morning has risen. For many the past two days have been ones of relief, but also of confusion, shock and even fear. In the light of recent events, new information has come out regarding the game from both the pages of lore and from the mouths of many Nymphs. Some of this information, like the existence of Paradise, a community of Nymphs completely separate to Grove, has even been contradictory with previously-thought-to-be-facts about the game. There have also been stories from Nymphs in the captivity of goblins about some of them acting in a way that is even contradictory with existing lore books.

'''''6: Make friends and help each other.'''''

On one of the excerpts from the Gamer's Logbook, the one about Nymphs and mortality, the exact mechanics behind mental breakdown were explained along with the claim that "''programmed enemies are not intelligent enough to abuse this mechanic, as it would be just plain unfair''". Well, some Nymphs claim that this information is bogus, as some of the goblins could abuse the rest mechanic to "heal" Nymphs between rape sessions, which would reset the counter to keep Nymphs as their slaves for longer periods. Should everything else in this excerpt be true and factual, it would mean that Nymphs could in theory be kept as slaves indefinitely, a thought that terrifies many. Only goblins who were able to abuse this mechanic were the elite ones, or the most intelligent ones, so to speak. There is actually a logical answer to why this is the case, but Nymphs can only theorize how this can be true, and they cannot get into a consensus.
''We do not always agree on everything, and we don't get along with everyone, but it's important to be friendly and social in this small community, so make a lot of friends here in Grove and beyond. Help those in need to the best of your ability, even those you don't like. Treat others the way you want to be treated. All of this is especially relevant in small groups and with those you will be teaming up with. You're going to be spending a lot of time with them, so chemistry and getting along is important.''

''When we recruit new players to our respective parties, we always "interview" them first. We use quotation marks because it's more like a casual conversation or a date, honestly. We drink, learn stuff about each other, tell jokes, play games, and stuff: the point is to know your allies on a personal level! Both authors of this piece agree that getting together, having fun, playing games, and drinking are perfect ways to bond with possible party members.''

There was also yet another meeting between the community and its organizers. For the first time ever, few Nymphs from Paradise also participated in the discussion. Amongst the topics were what I already talked about, and also the next collective chapter in the lives of Nymphs, and a new goal that they have set their sights towards.
''Preferably train with your new partners together before going on an adventure for real, and if possible, don't just rely on one group either. Having a lot of friends to rely on is important since you sometimes may want to - or even have to - tag along with other parties. Being part of a bigger guild where you can team up with different members based on your needs could also be something to look at, but we recognize that this is probably hard to achieve, given the size of our community.''

With goblins gone, the efforts of Nymphs will slowly be concentrated towards pushing even further to the north in hopes of establishing a connection to Paradise, a village where many Nymphs held captive in Fort Hammercliff claim to be from. Nymphs from Paradise have described it as a place very different to Grove. For starters, it's much more concentrated and condensed as a village; majority of the residents live near the central, unlike in Grove where the population is scattered across a huge area. While there is no protective shield around the city, it's surrounded by mountains and hills and thus located in a very secure area where most enemies can't find it. Abundant with water, multiple streams run through it from the mountains to the north, and according to the residents, the waterfalls are stunningly beautiful. There are no signs of past civilizations, large pyramids and ancient theaters either. Trees are normal sized, and thus, there are no treehouses either. Instead, Nymphs live in more traditional houses, some of which are built partially underground. According to the residents, Paradise kind of looks like a village of gnomes or dwarves straight out from a medieval fantasy. As far as similarities go, there is an abundance of food, which seems to be free for everyone there as well. There is also a simple city center, where most larger buildings are located, including the temple hosting their "leader", as well as an university, where most books are located. The central area of Paradise kind of reminds the residents of a central European village one would perhaps find in Alsace, France. It has to be pointed out at this point that in Paradise there are even knowledge about a profession called "Forging" that is unknown to Grove, and therefore unavailable to its residents. Grove also has an unique profession to it, which is called "Grooming".

'''''7: Relax.'''''

There are multiple good reasons to want to connect the two villages, which is something that almost every single Nymph agrees with. What they don't agree with is how to go about their business. For the first time since the council was established, the vote was split in the middle. They were discussing the prospect of a great raid to the north, but a slim majority voted against this idea. For the losing minority in favor of raid, the idea of not setting up a raid seems absurd, as the minority feel that setting up a large raid would basically force their way through to Paradise. The part where the disagreement lies, however, is in the fact that a large raid won't actually help connecting the two villages long term. If they set up a large raid for one visit, how will they go about their next visit? How about Nymphs who want to travel in between the towns individually? Should they always rely raids as some form of weird public transportation? In majority's opinion, it's ridiculous to think that a whole raid would be set up just to get few Nymphs from one place to another. Instead, they propose that individual groups should explore the area and try to work together to plan out a safe route everyone can use safely without any reliance on raids. But then, the minority asks, what about helping Nymphs who are from Paradise get home? Wouldn't a raid be the best way to go about it? Yes, without a question, says the majority, and they do not have a counter proposal to this. But what about the risks? Nymphs succeeded once, but will the second time be as easy? A big raid is bound to end up in a big mistake. If that happens, Grove will effectively be curb stomped with no way of recovering. Besides, there's two more important points to consider regarding this debate that I haven't even talked about yet.
''Don't forget to take a few days off to heal and relax every now and then. Free time is important, both for your mind and your body. Going on an adventure is extremely exhausting, ridiculously dangerous, and downright fucking scary. Every time you get out there, you risk getting raped or captured. Adventuring is NOT something anyone should be forced to do when they're not in the right mindset for it. You really don't need to go on an adventure every day or even every other day. Yes, this is a rule, an absolute law you must follow! You can ignore everything else in this handbook, but do not ignore this guideline!''

''If you can, spend your days off by doing something constructive, like training your professions to contribute to the society, or by exercising, studying, or strategizing. Like, just because you're not out there endangering your safety doesn't mean you can't be useful to others. That's not to say you shouldn't take days off, because you totally should! We all need fun in our lives, and having some days dedicated to nothing but fooling around is also important. Drink, socialize, play, do whatever you want. You can even pursue romance if you feel like it. We don't judge.''

First, and less importantly, there is the increased activity of demons in the Hammercliff Valley and Misty Forest zones. Demons used to be something that very few Nymphs came across frequently, but in the past day many adventurers have reported seeing way more of them, some of which are even stronger than one would expect to find in the Misty Forest. While they're not as widespread a menace as goblins were, they are individually more terrifying. For starters, they do not have a base to operate from. That's why demons are a problem is a one that Nymphs can't simply just solve overnight, and it is basically impossible to save the captives of demons in one fell swoop. Besides, demons are not organized, and as far as Nymphs know, they have no leaders. Nymphs can't rule out the possibility of demons knowing about their raid expedition either, and the impact of a large raid on the surrounding demon population. Of course, this could all be just temporary as well and be a problem that is going to solve itself overnight just as quickly as it appeared.
''This concludes our list of guidelines for adventurers. It will be updated if need be, as we are still only a few weeks into the game, and new information will most likely force us to readjust some of our statements. We both, Katja and Dana, hope and pray for your safety. Good luck on your adventures, and as Grove's motto goes, "Never lose hope".''

Second, and more importantly, the Nymphs have realized that protective shield around Grove has shrunk. Not only that, but the shrinking seems to coincide perfectly with the raid of Fort Hammercliff, having occurred as they got home. The shrinking was not significant, and it will still take dozens of similar events for the first residents to find their homes outside the barrier. Even so, it's worrisome for most Nymphs, especially those who currently live in the outskirts of Grove. Nobody knows for sure why this happened. Was it because some kind of punishment from developers for their raid? Is it some kind of unknown, still to be discovered game mechanic? Could it have been intended from the start? Could it have been just a coincidence that the two events coincided? Nymphs hope to find answers soon.

The debate will end for now, as Nymphs will continue to observe the situation and to explore the area independently. In the matter of three more days, Nymphs will have another vote, a final vote for an one-time only raid, which will decide whenever they will help Nymphs of Paradise to get home. Normally, Nymphs wouldn't vote again on anything as decisions are final, but as there are more things to consider regarding this debate, and the fact that there wasn't a clear consensus, they feel it's necessary to vote again later with even greater turnout.
Nymphs of Grove are two full nights of sleep removed from their raid of Fort Hammercliff, and a new morning rises. With most having had enough time for rest and introspection, they gather for a meeting between the community and its organizers to discuss the past few days, the problems of the present, and most importantly, the future, with the Nymphs from Paradise also participating in the discussion for the first time.

The knowledge of an equally sized community to Grove existing somewhere out there is equally reassuring to some as it is confusing to others. Regardless of what it means for them, as far as their memories and understanding of the world they're in are concerned, they all can agree on one thing; they have friends and allies in each other. They're united by one goal and one purpose, which is freedom, not only for the sake of survival, but also for the sake of eventual escape from the dangerous world they're trapped in.

Before we get properly to next part of this tale, there is something I want to talk about. In fact, there's a lot of things I want to talk about.
That's why their collective goal for the future is to establish a connection to Paradise. With the goblin population having been thinned out to near-nothingness, the Nymphs suspect it might even be easy because based on the reports told by the Nymphs of Paradise, their home lies in a place called the "Sparkling Forest", somewhere on the other side of the Hammercliff Valley.

A lot of information has been left out from the story, some of which is on purpose, but there's also a lot of information that isn't all that important to the plot. Yet, knowing about it will probably still help you understand this world better. Since there's no need for me to hold it from you, and since I am a little bit of a perfectionist when it comes to explaining lore and game mechanics, I'm devoting the rest of this subchapter to tying up some loose ends and explain information about the game and its mechanics that has been left unexplained for reasons such as; "It's too much trouble to go through it in a single entry", or; "But that's a story for another time", or, in some cases, "Author forgot, the absolute bastard." I still do not promise to explain everything. Hell, there could even be some more questions that have to be answered later by the time you have read this subchapter, but this should be a very thorough chapter in terms of information about the "game" part of the story nonetheless.  
As for Paradise itself - to steer off-topic for a minute - the Nymphs from there describe it as a village straight out of a medieval fantasy, which makes it very different from Grove. It's much more concentrated and condensed, with most of its residents living near the center, which is different from Grove, where the population is scattered across a vast area. While there is no protective shield around the city, it's surrounded by mountains and hills and thus located in a very secure area where most enemies can't find it. Abundant with water, multiple streams run through it from the mountains to the north, and according to the residents, its waterfalls are stunningly beautiful.

While I do recommend that you read the rest of this subchapter, I'm not going to bullshit either. Most of this is that important in terms of character development, so feel free to skip through it if you want to. Just keep in mind that the information on this page might not be revisited later, even when something that is explained on this chapter happens later on this story.  
There are no signs of past civilizations, large pyramids, or ancient theaters either. Trees are normal-sized, and thus, there are no treehouses either. All Nymphs live in more traditional houses, some of which are built partially underground. As far as similarities go, there is an abundance of food, which is free for everyone there as well. There is also a simple city center, where most larger buildings are located, including the temple hosting their "leader" and a university, where most books are located. Overall, the central area of Paradise reminds the residents of a central European village one would perhaps find in Alsace, France.

While there are many good reasons to connect the two villages, the council can't agree on how to go about this business. Many suggest setting up another great raid to the north, but with no voting taking place yet, they only discuss the pros and cons of such an idea.

Let's start off with a quickie. Why the hell are there guns and rifles in a game that takes place in a primitive world? Who made them and why? Like most weapons, they're made by the enemies on the planet. There is only one type of enemy that can craft futuristic weapons - if you can even call them enemies - and they are Altarians. They do not have an active presence in Phantasm which is why they can't be counted as conventional enemies, and most Nymphs do not even know what they are like, but they have gifted both the Nymphs and the enemies with some technology in a process of "experimenting" with Phantasm, as foreshadowed in the "Inception of the Nymph, Part Two" logbook. Altarians have created most of the other weapons as well, but not all of them. Demons have also made weapons, and so have some primitive tribes of Phantasm. Hell, even Nymphs can make some weapons.
For most, the most common argument against the raid is that while it would help some Nymphs get back home, a raid wouldn't actually help in connecting the two villages long-term. Like, if they set up a large raid for one visit, how will they go about their next one? How about Nymphs who want to travel in between the towns individually? Should they always rely on raids as some form of weird public transportation? In the majority's opinion, it's ridiculous to think that a whole raid would be set up just to get a few Nymphs from one place to another.

On that note, guns and rifles are not the only out of place items that can be found on Phantasm, as there is other technology as well, mostly in form of collectibles, which are something that I have not explained at all but will explain later in this very chapter.
Instead, others propose that individual groups explore the area and try to work together to find a route that everyone can use safely without relying on raids. But then, the minority asks, what about helping the Nymphs from Paradise get home? Wouldn't a raid be the best way to go about it? Yes, without question, says the majority, but what about the risks? Nymphs succeeded once, but will the second time be as easy? A big raid could end up in a big mistake. If that happened, Grove would effectively be curb-stomped with no way of recovering. Of course, there are also risks involved in trying to establish a connection with the help of smaller groups, and the Nymphs do not know if there even is such a thing as a safe passage between the villages. For what it's worth, the zones between the two communities are not dangerous enough to be considered off-limits, unlike some other zones they know about, so there's no reason to believe why a raid wouldn't be successful. Still, something unforeseen and unexpected could happen, just like in the past few days when the protective shield around Grove shrunk.

I also want to point out something that you might or might not have realized. I've purposefully modeled many parts of the future world after the present world, especially when it comes to popular culture. When Rain said, for example, that Angel likes extreme metal, she meant metal bands that are popular in the early 21st century rather than about some unknown genres of metal that nobody in our current day and age can even imagine. Same applies to nations. I don't know if any of the countries the characters in this story are from are going to exist hundred years from now. I admit, it's a bit of a copout to design the future world based on our current world, but it doesn't matter, at least in my humble opinion.
This is their next topic of debate, although admittedly, there's not much to debate beyond the observations they've made, as nobody can tell for sure why the barrier has shrunk. All they know is that the shrinking seems to coincide perfectly with the raid of Fort Hammercliff, having occurred as they got home, leading some to believe this could be some sort of a "punishment" from the developers for conducting a raid on a massive scale. There could also be an unknown, still-to-be-discovered game mechanic at play, and the shrinking could've been intended from the start, but with little to no information to go about, they can only speculate. The shrinking hasn't been significant yet, and it will still take dozens of similar events for the first residents to find their homes outside the barrier, but it's worrisome for most Nymphs regardless, especially those who currently live in the outskirts of Grove.

The Nymphs decide to continue observing the situation with their barrier, choosing to explore the areas between the villages independently without any large-scale raids taking place for now. However, as far as problems of the present go, they still have another big one at hand.

Now that I got those little things out of the way, let's talk about actual lore, and start off with talents. If fact, why don't I go through every single talent in the game that hasn't been explained before? As previously mentioned, there are eight for every class. There is very little crossover, as you will see soon.
Despite the tribe Hammercliff having been all but wiped out, their next generation still lives with the Nymphs, with every prisoner rescued from their captivity having been brought home pregnant, with many still waiting to give birth. As far as the Nymphs know, there is no birth control in Nymphsaga - not that it matters in hindsight anyway - and pregnancies cannot be terminated either. Considering this, the question in their minds is, what to do with all the goblins? As far as the council sees it, there are three options: infanticide, abandonment, and imprisonment.

Starting off with the soldier, we have already gone through Athletics and Speed, so let's get straight into the first new talent, "Assassination". It's kind of like Stealth without the invisibility feature, as soldiers can't turn invisible. It is a talent that offers players much greater critical multipliers, combined with an additional multiplier to surprise damage, where Nymph, when opening combat, can deal increased damage to unsuspecting enemy. It also allows players to see the weak points of the enemy with a special ability that can be cast once every minute. The multipliers vary from weapon to weapon, but not greatly, and Assassination can be done with any weapon. Next, is "Weapon Mastery", a versatile talent that allows the player to specialize in weapon specific abilities, both on-use and passive, both defensive and offensive. It is designed for players who prefer to specialize in a specific type of weaponry and is especially excellent for those who want to diversify their offense with additional abilities. It also covers so-called "fighting gloves", a kind of weaponry that hasn't appeared anywhere in the story yet and offers unarmed bonuses for Nymphs who prefer not to use conventional weapons.
Those in favor of the first two options argue that the goblins are not only a product of rape and enslavement, but also dangerous creatures by themselves. If left unchecked, they will grow up to be like their fathers and try to hurt them, as the domination of Nymphs is in their very nature, making many want to kill these creatures before they become a problem. Many oppose this, citing cruelty as a reason, suggesting that newborn goblins should be let go and released into the wild instead and left to their own devices. Without a supply of source to help them grow, and with no community of goblins to back them up, many would surely die anyway, but at least it wouldn't be on the Nymph's conscience… or would it? Many argue it would. It's a complicated debate for the Nymphs, not at all helped by their pre-existing political and religious views, or by Nymph's maternal instincts to want to protect their children from harm.

Next, is "Magic Imbuing", which is the ability to add magical damage to every attack by applying a Spell Crystal to a weapon. It is not quite the same as the Ammo Specialization for rangers, as the damage is added, not converted. The primary damage source of soldiers is, and will always be, physical, and even this talent won't change that. This talent is of course weaker than its ranged equivalent in terms of magical damage, but it has one upside compared to it. It allows players to learn new abilities, that deal pure magical damage, and cost mana in addition to stamina, which is something that rangers with Ammo Specialization will not get. Next, is "Strength", which, well, increases the raw strength of Nymph. Useful for blocking, and for handling bigger weapons, and most importantly, doing more damage. It will not make them ridiculously strong through; they're only strong when compared to other Nymphs.
This leaves the Nymphs with the last option, with those in favor arguing that the Nymphs shouldn't try to get rid of the goblins, and instead try to assimilate them into the Grove's society. As dangerous creatures, they would effectively be prisoners, being little more than slaves and cattle, and they wouldn't be allowed to freely walk around the Grove either. As for how such a thing could even be accomplished, that's a story for later.

Next, is "Iron Skin", a purely defensive talent which reduces all damage taken, physical or magical. It won't protect against stuns, poisons or most other status altering effects, but it is still the most powerful purely defensive talent in Nymphsaga either way. It also protects clothes from damage, magically strengthening them against physical attacks in a way that they cannot be destroyed while player has any stamina left. And last, is "Retrieval", which adds functionality to weapons. The main gist of this talent is in the name, which is to call back weapons instantly if they're knocked out of hand. To explain next part of the talent, I must first point out that there is actually an automatic call back mechanic in the game which will activate if the player has been disarmed for a specific time, or if the weapon is about five meters away from the player. Now, this talent also increases that timer and the distance tenfold, making it so that any melee weapon can be used as a thrown weapon, provided that the player has strength to toss it. And finally, the talent makes summoning weapons more convenient, as with this talent it can be done with a simple free-to-use spell. Normally, players have to open the user interface to get their weapons out from the inventory, so this is a big update, especially for Nymphs who want to use multiple sets of weapons.
For now, the Nymphs decide that the council can't and won't dictate what the pregnant Nymphs do with their offspring, with the decision regarding each goblin's fate resting on the individual carrying it.

Now, let's get to the ranger. We have already gone through Athletics, Ammo Specialization, Stealth, Longshot and touched briefly on Accuracy, so we don't have much to go through. A little more on Accuracy though, the so-called "Aim-bot" of Nymphsaga. It is not a talent that will lock itself into a target for a guaranteed hit, but instead will give all weapons a "target circle", even those which naturally don't have one, and it will make it very, very large. As long as there is an enemy within this enlarged circle, the weapon will do the rest and hit the target. There still is a smaller target encircled within the bigger target for more accurate targeting, which can be used to aim at weak points of enemies when needed. This is a talent that is - needless to say - one that will not actually increase the damage of Nymphs in any way, and is meant for just assistance. For Nymphs who can shoot easily without relying on this talent, it is completely useless, and gives no benefits. It is only recommended for shooters who need to rely on movement a lot and therefore have no time or skills to aim effectively.
Still, with the pregnant Nymphs generating excess source in their bodies and making them uncontrollably hormonal, they remain sidelined from action and unable to function normally in their seemingly infinite horniness. Some try to resist these urges, while others take matters into their own hands, pun intended. Some also get help from others, resulting in Nymphs all across Grove participating in "healing" their friends by having sex with them. It's not just Wendy and Angel, or Rain and Lemon; out of all pregnant Nymphs, roughly two in five admit to succumbing to their desires and having at least one sexual encounter with some of their close friends, with some admitting to doing it with strangers instead. After all, having sex with another "sick" Nymph in need is a popular choice for many, as the Nymphs are killing two birds with one stone like this.

Next, is "Recovery." Rangers don't have natural boosts to their mana or stamina recovery, and this talent is a counter to that, providing a boost to both of them. Next, is "Automatic Loading", which allows Nymphs to instantly load their bullets into their guns, effectively eliminating the need to load bullets, which is a huge timesaver for anyone. In case of bow users this is impossible, as they already summon the arrow to their hands when drawing the bow, so instead they can generate arrows free of charge. Gun users still have to pay with their resources to generate ammo, unless they happen to find a super rare space gun with the automatic loading enhancement. In this case, their ammo will become free too. And last, is "Overclocking", which unlocks a whole new extra profession for rangers, which can be used to enhance and improve weapons, giving them new quirks. It kind of works like enchanting, but can be applied to weapons on top of that, meaning that they get double enchants on their weaponry.
Wendy's hypothesis regarding being able to speed up pregnancies by releasing source through sex is also a popular one in Grove, with many others having guessed the same, but whether or not there's any weight behind this theory is something that the Nymphs can't say for sure yet. There is one Nymph called Amanda researching it, but that's also a story for later.

You might've realized that none of the ranger specific talents give them extra abilities. No, not even Overclocking, as it is considered a profession and not an ability. Why is this? Because all of their abilities - every single one - are universal across all talents and weapon choices. This is unique to rangers, as both soldiers and casters can learn extra abilities through some talent choices.
The sudden prevalence of sex in Nymph's society also raises many questions about acceptance, and out of all the topics that the council debates, this one raises the most eyebrows. You'd probably think that just like in the "real" world, many of them find the idea of having sex with children socially unacceptable and repulsive, and you'd be right. Kind of. It's complicated.

And finally, we get to casters. Like with rangers, I have gone already through half of their talents previously, and those are Restoration, Barriercraft, Dual Slots, Instant Casting. There are four more to go, starting off with "Status Altering". Like Barriercraft, it unlocks player a whole new set of spells. They can be used to strengthen allies with buffs, or to weaken enemies with curses. These spells can be cast on anyone, but their effects do not change based on the target, as is the case with holy spells for example. Next, is "Summoning", another talent which unlocks a new set of spells, which can be used to summon monsters to momentarily fight in caster's stead, or to do some other tasks as well. There is not much else to explain here.
Of course, Nymphs are all little girls, and their bodies look physically immature, but that doesn't mean they are real children, with even the youngest humans trapped inside these avatars being eighteen. So in that sense, those who choose to engage in sexual acts are not having sex with real children, but it still doesn't make it less comfortable for some. After all, physical appearances play a huge role in attraction toward one another, and while there are plenty of pedophiles and other perverts in Nymphsaga - just like there are in the real world - not every Nymph is comfortable having sex with each other, with some even feeling angry about the idea.

Next, is "Meditation", a powerful talent which in right kind of situation will improve players performance in every field, and at the same time nonetheless. It demands player to stand still, completely unmoving, so it's a big toss-up in that sense. It is a very powerful talent in group settings, but is otherwise very unreliable, as combat in Nymphsaga demands movement for virtually every combat role. And finally, there is something that is not quite a talent per se, but rather, a useable ability, "Telekinesis." It is exactly what it sounds like, and it allows player to move and levitate things with their minds. What makes it great is that it can be used for non-combat purposes as well, and even living beings. It works on literally anything. The spell is channeled, and therefore is unaffected by increases to cast speed. Its mana cost is directly linked to the weight of the target player is trying to lift and is higher for heavier objects. In theory, players can lift anything - even mountains - but since there are limitations to mana, lifting ridiculously heavy items is impossible in practice. Even lifting another Nymph with magic is hard to accomplish.
However, almost all Nymphs understand that despite their reluctance, sex between Nymphs might even be necessary since they know it's an effective way of treating various "problems". The other significant incentive in favor of intercourse between Nymphs is their biology, which guarantees some degree of uncontrollable horniness, with their hormones also naturally guiding them toward each other. Then, there is the lack of competition in the sexual marketplace. There aren't many ways to enjoy safe sex besides doing it with another Nymph, and there aren't any male Nymphs or human-like adults around either.

With all this in mind, the Nymphs also must admit that their hearts and needs are changing, plain and simple. They're not the humans they once were, and while many still feel reluctant, deep down, they all know they must adapt. They understand that safe sex between Nymphs is an overwhelmingly positive thing regardless of their preconceptions, feelings, sexual orientations, or personal views.

Spell Crystals are an integral part of Nymphsaga's gaming experience, mostly for casters, but for other classes as well based on their talent choices as well. Generally speaking, when equipped, players unlock the element infused inside the crystal to use for combat purposes. For soldiers and rangers, this can mean elemental damage, and for casters, this means spells, a lot of them. While every crystal comes with some spells for casters to learn instantly, most of the spells still have to be trained.

What kind of crystals are there? There are Fire, Water/Frost, Lightning, Earth, Arcane and Shadow for pure damage, and Nature and Holy for damage and healing. While they are all equally viable, they do have their strengths and weaknesses, and differences in terms of usage, like weapons. They all fit different styles, different situations and different players.
Speaking of the positive effects of sex, Angel feels the best physically she has felt during her entire life as a Nymph, almost as if she was born again. Her mental condition is still not great, as now, on top of all worry she carries in her heart over her friends, she feels guilty too. How could she not? She could've been out there looking for her friends with the others, yet all she did was have sex with Wendy all day. She did a favor to her in doing so, because it could be argued that Wendy needed it, but preparing for a new day, she wonders if she went too far. <i>'Best not worry about it'</i>, she supposed, psyching herself up for a new and more productive day. Thinking she should incorporate some of her real-life routines into her new life as a Nymph, she puts on some comfortable clothes, and heads outside for a jog.

First off, Fire is exactly what it sounds like, and can be used for burning enemies. It relies heavily on casted and channeled spells, and the spells have to travel to their destination to deal damage. They deal some of the damage right off the bat, and then the rest through burn. While definitely amongst the most destructive schools of magic in terms of raw damage, there are very few ways this can be used for crowd control. Fire spells are very likely to piss off enemies more than other schools of magic, which can be either a good thing or a bad thing.  
Sven - the man Angel once was - was an active man in his life and loved running, cycling, and hitting the gym. Between his studies, he was a bit of a bodybuilder in addition to being a gamer and a musician, so he was a busy man indeed. This love of fitness has carried on to Angel, who even as a little girl works out to the best of her ability. There are no gyms in Grove, so she has to settle for working out without weights, but that is not a problem for her, especially since she understands cardio is more important than gains for Nymphs.

Next, is Water and Frost, which are combined into one school of magic. It mostly relies on the frost part, as water related spells are much rarer and are rarely used to deal damage. Like Fire, it relies heavily on casted and channeled spells, and the spells have to travel to their destination to deal damage. Frost spells deal low damage but have nasty freeze and slow effects attached to them which are a very effective way of crowd control.
After a quick lap around the village center through the woods, she moves on to her next morning routine: tending her garden. As the only Chef around, she is the only one who can utilize the neighborhood's public garden, so it's all for her to use as she pleases, and she likes it that way. Besides, she finds growing herbs and food surprisingly fun and rewarding. She's saving some space for Lemon, as she suspects there are plants Lemon wants to grow, but that is only a plan for now. She grows vegetables and herbs only, as plenty of wild fruits and berries grow in the neighborhood. The only three plants she has gotten from beyond the barrier are vanilla, thyme, and Demon's Whistle, which she hopes to use to make some homemade liqueurs out of with an alchemist.

Casting Lightning is kind of like rolling a dice on the battlefield. Sometimes, it can deal very little damage, and sometimes, it does lot of it. While the range of damage is massive, the damage output is very much average. While the spells are casted and channeled, they travel to their destinations typically instantly and hit with almost one hundred percent accuracy. Lightning can stun enemies too, but this effect is random, and therefore not very reliable.
As she thinks about what to make for breakfast - <i>'perhaps some Besan Chilla for Wendy and myself?'</i> - she is surprised from behind in the middle of her work. Without a word, someone hugs her from behind, causing her to gasp in surprise.

Earth relies mostly on physical damage, which makes it unique for casters in a sense that it's the only way for them to deal physical damage to enemies without any talents or professions to help. It relies heavily on channeled spells, which are rarely shot out, but rather cast on environment. Needless to say, there is no travel distance in these cases. It is very effective at dealing raw, instant damage in high outputs, and can be used for defensive purposes as well, as well as even altering the battlefield. It is not, however, useful for crowd control.
"Good morning, Angel."

Arcane is a school of magic specifically designed to be used against other schools of magic. Its normal damage output is very low, but it can degenerate mana from the enemies as well, making it super effective against casters and metaphysical, magic-based lifeforms. It functions like most spells, through casting, channeling and spells that have to travel to reach their destinations.
The familiar voice of her good friend - once lost, now suddenly found - surprises her even more than the warm embrace ever did. Shocked to hear the voice of her dear friend Rain, she jerks herself free, only to turn around and hug her even tighter than she ever hugged her. Rain's grip is still pretty weak, but Angel grabs her tight, almost as if to squeeze her like a toy. "Oh god, you're safe! I was worried to death!"

Shadow is a school of magic that relies completely on damage over time effects. Out of all the schools it deals the most damage by far and away, but since none of the damage comes instantly, it's hard to maximize its full potential outside raid settings. While shadow spells are cheap and travel to their destinations instantly, they typically rely on long cast times, especially later on. Only the first couple of weaker spells can be cast instantly on the run. There is also some crowd control in form of blinds and even mind control, which makes shadow magic versatile as well.
"I was worried too", Rain admits. "Didn't even know if I was going to find you here…"

Now we get to the schools of magic that can be used for healing. First, there is Nature, which, like Shadow, relies mostly on over time effects. There is no such thing as a nature damage and instead, the damage comes from poisons which can be used for many different purposes. When it comes to healing, there is a higher emphasis on over time effects and mana intensive instant cast heals. Nature spells are never cast or channeled, as they always come out instantly. Some of them find their targets instantly, some don't.
"What happened to you!?" Angel asks, exasperated. "What about Lemon!? Is she safe!?"

And finally, there is Holy. Unlike Nature, which has a different set of spells for healing and dealing damage, Holy spells work both on friends and foes alike. They just have different effects on different beings. While there are many mana efficient over time effects, Holy spells rely much more on straight up heals. They are almost always cast or channeled. Some of them have to travel, while some reach their targets instantly. At this point, it is also worth pointing out that both Nature and Holy are equally useful for dispelling negative status altering effects.
"It's a long story", Rain says, honestly feeling a little shocked by how Angel is reacting, but not in a bad way. It's a good kind of shock and makes her want to smile. "But we're both safe now."

Normally, Nymphs have just one set of spells, but with Dual Slots and some higher tier stones, that allow multiple schools of magic, Nymphs can even learn four sets of spells. Of course, versatility always comes at the cost, since specializing in just few schools means higher mastery over them, especially at higher tiers.  
With a sigh of relief, an enormous weight is lifted from Angel's shoulders. Holding Rain by her hand, she proceeds to drag Rain up the stairs. "Let's go wake Wendy up. She'll be glad to see you safe."

Rain nods, smiling happily. She doesn't have to ask because she knows from the way Angel is acting. Her dear friends are all safe.

Speaking of tiers, what are they? I don't think I've discussed them at all, despite the fact that there have been few mentions about them. There has also been one mention of item names, which are colored, and normally white. These colored names and tiers are directly connected.

Just like enemies have ranks, items have tiers attached to them. Every item category is divided into tiers, even collectibles. From one to five, tier levels are divided to these colors: White, green, blue, red and purple. What are these ranks called? Again, from one to five: Common, uncommon, rare, extra rare and epic. Technically there is also tier zero, which is yellow, but since it only has the currency in it, it's not important at all to discuss here. Higher tier typically - in 95% of cases - means a better effect or an item. Some exceptions to this rule include ingredients, which always have a situational use, items that are not meant for combat, and items with very specific must have effects that some talent specializations rely on heavily. The tier level is also directly linked to item rarity. Epic items are by far the rarest. For full context on rarity: Normal, common items are 80% of all items. Out of the twenty percent left, fifteen percent are uncommon, while the remaining five percent are divided to the last three tiers. In this small sample, rare items make up 80%, extra rare make 18%, and epics make 2%. It is worth noting that this percentage divide is across the entire world of Phantasm, and in some places high tier drops are more common, while in some places they can't be found at all. Raid bosses also tend to drop very high-tier items.
Meanwhile, in Lemon's little treehouse, she wakes up to a pleasant and warm feeling of soft skin rubbing against her own. Ever so slightly, the curtains of her eyes open up to see a face of a smiling little girl. The touches of this blue-eyed, tired-looking cutie are as gentle as they can be and surprisingly well-mannered despite the fact that she's lying on top of her, stark naked.

When it comes to all equipment, higher tier doesn't just mean better effects, but also in some cases more effects. Items can be categorized in many ways, but one that is the most important is the distinction between breakable and unbreakable gear. Breakable gear - or clothing - includes tops, bottoms, shoes, accessories and panties, while unbreakable gear includes jewelry and weapons.
A nervous smirk appears on Lemon's face as well, along with a rosy blush, and she does not know what to think. She obviously doesn't hate it, as waking up with a girl lying on top of her is a feeling she loves, but this girl is a stranger to her, and not in an "I hooked up with her in the local LGBTQ club" kind of way. Still, she does recognize this cutie, and she ''did'' take her home. <i>'That's the girl Ron saved'</i>, she realizes, feeling glad to see her well, but this kind of intimacy from a stranger feels a little awkward.

Starting with clothing, there is one effect per item until tier two, two effects until four, and three effects at five. Two-piece dresses are an exception to this rule; dresses always have double effects, as they count simultaneously as both top and bottom. Panties - which are also an exception - are the second most powerful equipment in game, and arguably the most important to protect as they can be broken unlike weapons, and the number of effects they have on them is directly linked to the tier level. Epic panties have five effects on them, which is why they are sought after by everyone. Panties always come with one negative effect or a curse as well to balance things out. The only exceptions to this rule are the panties Nymph start with, which never have any magical properties attached to them, positive or negative. Now, I mentioned accessories, and they come in many forms. They include optional things such as belts, hats, glasses, socks, pretty much anything that cannot be categorized in other gear categories. Players can wear as many of them as they want but can only benefit from two of them at the time. Players can choose the effects by picking them in a special user interface - summoned by drawing a square with a finger - and they can only be changed once in an hour normally, or without limits for free when in an apartment owned by any Nymph.
Before Lemon can even inquire the stranger about her well-being or name, this girl leans in for a kiss. The kiss is not just with lips but also with nipples, as the flat chests of the two girls press comfortably against each other, with the stiff nipples taking most of the pressure. Even their belly buttons kiss. Unable and unwilling to move, Lemon takes the sweet kiss, closing her eyes as she lays her hands on the little girl's naked back. It's just a touch and not a hug, as she's not trying to tug her closer, but they're so close that they can feel every breath and every heartbeat. The stranger is not looking to make an advance or any bolder moves, which at the same time feels very relaxing, but also a little frustrating to Lemon. She's up for so much more.

Now, unbreakable gear. Nymphs can also wear as much jewelry as they want but can only benefit from two items. So basically, the exact same rules as the ones with accessories apply here. Like clothing, they have one effect until tier two, two effects until four, and three effects at five. That leaves us with only weapons to talk about. In addition to having damage multiplier that scales with tier levels, the number of enhancements on weapons is always the same as the tier level, making them are the most important part of any arsenal. Nymphs, of course, only benefit from the weapons they are currently using. This raises a question about dual wielding and thrown weapons usable with "Retrieval" talent: are these Nymphs overpowered? In theory, they can be, but in practice, no. Weapons designed to be used with one hand - like pistols and daggers - have naturally weaker stats than the big weapons, and enhancements specifically designed to boost thrown damage are typically limited to low tier weapons. Besides, big weapons can't be thrown effectively, so there's that too.
Lemon's hand moves up to the unsuspecting girl's buttock and grabs onto the tight and smooth cheek as hard as she can muster. The stranger squeals in surprise, and eyes half-open, she looks down at mischievous Lemon, who's left licking her lips. Blushing, the girl tries to divert her gaze as she concentrates on the rough hand rubbing her butt. <i>'Oh, how daring of you to get on me like that'</i>, Lemon thinks, smiling from ear to ear. "What's wrong, sweetie…?"

Spells and abilities also have tiers attached to them. While lower tier abilities scale upwards based on the tier of the weapon player has currently equipped, higher tier abilities always require higher tier weapons and Spell Crystals to be useable. It is also worth noting that if caster gets a tier three Spell Crystal with two elements on it - which is the minimum requirement for such a crystal - the elements count as tier one instead of two or three.
"Did you save me…?"

Lemon finds her heart fluttering. Her soft voice is like that of an angel, so clear and refined. She also realizes instantly from the girl's Slavic accent that she's probably from somewhere in Eastern Europe. It's definitely a voice she wants to corrupt with lewd and naughty moans. "What if I did…?" Lemon asks. It's not like her to lie, but part of her wants to see what kind of reaction this girl would have if she believed Lemon truly was her sole savior.

I promised to talk about collectibles earlier, so here we go. They are looted items that have no combat use and can't really be used for professions either. In a sense, they're kind of like trophies; they're proof that the player has ventured far into the unknown and found something awesome. Like every other item in the game, they can be divided into tiers as well. Technically lore books fall into this category, but let's be honest, nobody collects them as trophies for personal use. They are always donated to the various libraries scattered across Phantasm. Otherwise, collectibles can come in form of almost anything: decorations, containers, dishes, fun accessories, books, technology, sex toys, you name it. Speaking of sex toys, they can't be crated or found in Grove, but fun toys such as vibrators can be looted. Yes, there are epic, tier five dildoes as well. Let that sink in.
Perplexed and confused, the girl smiles, fidgeting, finding it a little hard to put her feelings into words. "I would be eternally in debt…"

"Well, technically it wasn't me, but I did help you out a little with my friend…" Lemon admits. It immediately reminds her of her friend, Rain, who she now realizes is missing.

That's a lot of information to wrap your mind around, and I haven't even gotten to professions yet. Let's waste no more time, as there is a lot to go through.
"O-oh…" the girl says, sounding a little disappointed. "Well, I'm still eternally grateful to you…"

Cooking is a unique profession in a sense that everyone can cook. It doesn't take a genius or a specialist to pick up a knife, chop up some vegetables and toss them together to make a salad. So, what's the point of having specialized chefs? They can do three things that nobody else can.
"Is assaulting little girls in their sleep a way you like showing gratitude…?"

First off, is growing and cultivating plants. Chefs possess a special ability to extract seeds from the items they pick up and by doing this they can grow plants even outside their natural habitats. The things they grow don't even have to be limited to food products. They can, for example, grow herbs used by alchemists, and grow carnivorous plants for pest control. It is even possible to grow up some plants that may, in fact, be a little dangerous and rapey, which can be used for pleasure. It is in this ability that also lies some of Chef's special abilities which can be used for combat purposes, as they can summon and grow vines and plants instantly to either deal damage or slow down enemies with crowd control.
The girl can't help but blush in embarrassment and laugh. "Oh, I'm sorry… you must've found it uncomfortable…"

Next, is the magical spice of the Chef. Food they cook is instantly laced with this magic, which makes their meals not only taste better by some form of weird magic, and the power of this magic scales with their cooking level. You can always expect food worthy of three Michelin stars from the high tier Chefs. Their food also actually boosts up players stats when consumed. These effects vary from food to food and are partially random. They last for 24 hours so only one such meal is needed in a day to get its full effects. The use of these effects is not, however, widespread in Grove, as setting up restaurants takes a lot of time and effort. They are something that only Chefs and their close friends rely on. Chefs always get better and longer effects from their food.
Lemon tilts her head, still smiling happily, now also giggling. "I didn't say that…"

And finally, Chefs can craft supplements and such, which can - unlike other food - be stored in inventories. While Nymphs don't need to eat food that much, they do get hungry, and being hungry will result in negative stats. Having a candy bar while on an adventure is always a good thing to have, and Chefs can make them for anyone. These items can't give boosts to stats though.  
Those words seem to give the girl some courage. "So, what's your name? I'm Snow."

Before I get to the next profession, let's talk about food briefly. Nymphs live entirely on plants and can't consume most animal products. Two examples of animal products they can consume without problems are honey and semen, although the other one is not used for food. The thing that forces players in Nymphsaga to live on a vegetarian diet is not only a limitation with their feet or their digestive systems, but also a limitation in their ability to acquire food. It has been established that monsters disintegrate upon death, making it impossible to harvest meat. Monsters do not drop meat either, at least not for Nymphs. When it comes to drinks, they are limited to water, juice, and drug-laced beverages. Nymphs can't drink alcohol because they are little children and children can't drink alcohol. They can, however, drink a much safer, yet just as intoxicating alternative, which replaces alcohol with a special kind of miasma-infused sugar harvested from a sugarcane-like plant called "Demon's Whistle." This substance is normally poisonous, but Alchemists can deal with the poison and make it more manageable and more importantly, tasty. Best of all, it will not make Nymphs fat and will not result in a hangover. Just like with source generation, their drunkenness is directly linked to their heat. Nymphs get very, very horny and extremely friendly when they are drunk, and they will fuck anything that moves, even those who are looking to hurt them. Needless to say, it is strictly forbidden to go on an adventure while drunk, as the risk of getting raped - if you can even call it a rape at that point - increases tenfold with every permille of sugar in their bloodstream. Think of it as Nymphsaga's version of "Don't drink and drive."

Speaking of Alchemy, let's get to that next. It is something that has been talked about a lot, and honestly, that's because it's probably the most relevant and popular profession in all of Grove. It is used to make potions which are used by everyone, and not just every now and then, but a lot. It relies heavily on herbs and vegetation in general, which is why Alchemists and Chefs like to typically work together. Chefs can, after all, grow rare herbs that Alchemists use for their potions and mixtures. Alchemists do, however, also work with other less appetizing ingredients like animal parts and mucus harvested from some enemies, as well as poisons. Alchemists can also make poisons, mixtures and even explosives that can deal damage to enemies, which is how they get some joy out of Alchemy in terms of combat. Some potions are also alchemist only, and these can give various, very strong boosts to different stats. Otherwise, Alchemy is a very simple and straightforward profession that rarely has any real effects in combat to make them better fighters. If not used for explosives, Alchemy mostly offers passive bonuses, like increased effects from potions, or immunities and resistances to various different kinds of damage.
"Alright, my little Lemon…" Snow says and raises herself to an upward position, suddenly opening up her inventory. "If you don't mind my sexual advances, I'm sure you won't mind this either…"

Another way how Alchemists can be useful for their allies is through transmutation. This is a process that is not useful for anything alchemists themselves can do, but other professions may rely on alchemy for this, as some special, high tier ingredients can only be made by alchemists.  
What appears in Snow's hand genuinely surprises Lemon. It's a little egg-shaped toy, a pink vibrator. It seems to be a cordless model with a remote controller, and it definitely isn't what Lemon expected. <i>'I mean, that's clearly an electronic device </i>, she thinks. She was already planning on going full throttle on offense as she prefers to be a top, but having seen a vibrator, her favorite sex toy in the whole wide world, one that has given her so much pleasure over the years, she can't resist the idea of having another girl use it on her. <i>'Doesn't hurt getting out of my comfort zone every once in a while'</i>, she supposes, willing to fully indulge in her passion.

Snow turns it on, crawls a little bit back, and presents the toy to Lemon's vagina. The vibration immediately causes her legs to spread slightly, with her feeling the powerful motor comfortably reverberating all over her lower body. Moving up the slit, digging into her, it reaches up to her clitoris, pushing it up and exposing the head properly. She covers her mouth from shock, trying to muffle her voice as her entire body arcs and her legs spread up even more.

Sewing for Clothiers, Forging for Smiths and Enchanting for Enchanters are all professions that are highly intertwined in a same way that Cooking and Alchemy are. They rely heavily on each other because they all deal with gear. Let's start off with Forging, a profession available only to Nymphs from Paradise.
With lust and vigor, Snow pushes herself down, kissing and licking Lemon's flat brown chest, all while continuously pushing the vibrating egg against her most sensitive spots. It is clear to Lemon from the start that this girl shares a mutual passion for little girls, and that makes her want to submit even more. Being lusted and fawned over feels satisfying to her, and everything Snow does also feels incredible physically, so much so that she gets from zero to a hundred in a matter of just a minute. When she woke up, she felt calm and satisfied, but now she's already wet, acting all slutty and feeling just as horny as she did last night with Rain.

There are only five Nymphs currently in Grove who are Smiths, and each one of them show desire in returning to Paradise, which is a great blow to them considering how useful a profession Forging is. It's used to make weapons, simple as that. They can't make guns or profession specific weapons, but other than that, there are no restrictions. Yes, they can even make some caster weapons. It relies a little more in alchemy than the other two professions I will talk much more about, as Nymphs from Grove or Paradise can't mine or smelt ore. They forge metals and crystals into different shapes with magic instead. I will not go through this profession in any other way, as it will not play a big role in the story for a long time, if at all. Instead, let's jump straight to Sewing, which is used to create all kinds of clothes.
Snow gets bored of Lemon's chest quickly and proceeds to move her tongue and fingers to where it both feels and tastes better. Lemon, still covering her mouth, looks down to see just what her partner is planning. While gently pressing the egg down with her fingers, she moves her mouth to the lower parts of the lips, pressing her tongue against the hole. She's also looking to use her fingers and decides to stick two inside immediately, causing Lemon to squeal. Despite not enjoying having things stuck inside her, she doesn't mind this time. The pleasure of having fingers grind in and out of her is undeniable, causing her entire body to tremble. <i>'It isn't so bad at all'</i>, she convinces herself. <i>'I mean, at least they're only fingers.'</i>

While clothes can be looted from the enemies, there is something special about the clothes made by Nymphs. All clothes on Nymphsaga - both looted and crafted - tend to be a little weird, to say it nicely, and are a strange mix of cute and childish and revealing, if not outright slutty. Modesty is not a virtue that Nymphs hold when it comes to their clothing, as it tends to be brash, bold, colorful, revealing and in your face. Clothes made by Clothiers are no different in this front. What does make them different though is the fact that their clothes have a completely different set of unique effects that looted items can't have. Whenever these effects are better or worse changes from person to person, but usually players have to rely on an outfit that mixes both looted and crafted items. Designs in both are also unique, so it does play a huge role in terms of aesthetics as well. Frilly and laced clothes, for example, do not drop from enemies, and are typically crafted instead. Same goes for clothes associated with brands, both fictions and those from the real world. Clothiers are also the only kinds of people who can create make-up and dyes for hair, as well as edit clothes by changing their colors and add print to them. And finally, like it has been already said, clothiers can restore effects to broken items.
Persistent rapid vibration teasing her pleasure bean and the quick back-and-forth movement of the fingers are looking to push her over the edge real quick and with stunning force. Legs voluntarily spread as far as they can go, she cums all over Snow's pretty little fingers with a warm squirt, with Snow pushing forward without slowing down, driving Lemon nuts. Having reached the summit of her climax, her eyes roll back, and she tries to muffle her moans, failing miserably from start to finish.

Clothiers themselves benefit from their professions by being able to use various kinds of transformation spells, which can even temporarily change their combat role. When wearing clothes they have made themselves, they also get extra effects, making them passively stronger.
Feeling lightheaded and blanking in her mind, she immediately registers a strange and unfamiliar sensation mixed in with the pleasure, with something strongly moving and pulsating in her stomach. She knew she was pregnant, but she had no idea she was so close to giving birth, especially given that her sporty and tight belly is still as flat as a washboard, but now she's sure. Something's trying to push out, and she knows it. Hand on her stomach, eyes closed while still reveling in the afterglow of her orgasm, she concentrates on the new sensations, borderline scared of what's about to come next. She doesn't want to be forced to give birth and become a mother to anything, especially not a tentacle baby. <i>'But I can't stop it! It's pushing and moving so hard!'</i>

Finally, it has to be pointed out that Clothiers have by far the largest recipe book in the game simply because of the fact that there are literally thousands of different kinds of clothes. Because of this, Sewing is the only profession in the game that comes with a catalog, which can be summoned and then used like an additional user interface by other players. It works in a similar fashion one would expect an online store to work with multiple pages and different ways to categorize items.
Feeling proud of herself and already thinking about what to do next, Snow doesn't even look at Lemon as she opens up her inventory to summon yet another toy; some kind of a strap-on dildo, to be specific. It's not one that you wear like panties, but rather a plug-in type capable of bringing extreme pleasure to the wearer as well. With two plugs, it's inserted into both holes, and despite what one might think, it will firmly stay in place even through more extreme and fast-paced plays. <i>'I've tried it on'</i>, she thinks, deciding not to put it on quite just yet, <i>'but never in a thousand years did I think I would be able to use it on someone!'</i> "How about I give you something ''bigger'' next", Snow coos, looking Lemon straight in the eyes, as she slaps the green, partially transparent rubbery cock on Lemon's belly.

Now, we get to Enchanting, which deals with souls of the enemies, as well as enchanting gear. Enchants are, as established before, mostly made from spell and soul stones created by Enchanters. I will not go through them anymore. Instead, let's move forward. Any piece of equipment can be enchanted to have a new, unique effect on it. Items can only have one enchant on them at the time. Enchants are usually item specific, as stamina bonuses are typically found only on boots, and damage bonuses can be only put on weapons. Only exception to this rule is jewelry, which can be enchanted with anything, with the exception of extremely powerful panty enchants. What makes Enchanting so great is that players can pick exactly the effect that they want on their items. When a new, better item doesn't have the effect that they want, Enchanters may be able fix that. Of course, like with Sewing, some effects are unique to drops, while others are unique to Enchanting, so Enchanting is not always the solution.
Brought back to reality from her state of fear, she squeals as she extends her hands to her crotch, covering her pussy up with her left hand, and grabbing the dildo from Snow's hands with the right one. "W-wait just a minute!"

Intrigue of Enchanting does not stop there, though, as it has one unique effect to it that no other profession has, and that is its effect on other things as well. It's not just gear that can be enchanted. Other items, like some collectibles and ingredients, can be enchanted too. And there is one more special effect to the Enchanting what makes it unique, and that is the ability to control Demons through enchanting.
"What's wrong?" Snow asks, still smiling. "I wanna ''"reward"'' you more!"

It's not actually accurate to say that Demons can be controlled, as they cannot be tamed. They can be raised from birth and manipulated in a controlled environment to obey some commands through spells when they are still young and weak. It can only be done to demons that have been birthed by Nymphs, and demons have to be enchanted when they are merely few days old. Otherwise, they will grow up to be completely untamable. Through manipulation, they can grow up to be almost any kinds of Demons, but it is not recommended to create Demons that have the ability to raise against their masters, as that is a very real possibility. The best way to do this is to avoid creating large Demons capable of movement or highly intelligent demons, and instead rely on smaller Demons and stationary Demons, such as some tentacle monsters.
"N-no, not right now!"

As far as Enchanters personal gains go in terms of fighting, they can create special kinds of enchanter only weapons - which honestly aren't any better in combat compared to normal weapons - and enchant their weapons and panties with special enchants, which are far more powerful than normal enchants. All of their special weapons and enchants are demonic in nature. And finally, some Enchanters also use Demons as tools for combat, kind of like casters with a Summoner talent use their minions.
"Oh, don't worry! It will feel awesome!"

Lemon can't deny that, and part of her even wants to experience it. She may not enjoy penetration as much as she enjoys having her vulva teased, but she's still lukewarm to the idea of enjoying strap-on sex in contrast to feeling cold towards the idea of male-on-female sex, but that's not the issue she has. "I feel like I'm giving birth…!" Lemon straight up says.

Amongst most professions, two shine bright as exceptions to conventional rules of other professions. These two are Grooming and Scouting, neither of which are trade skills. They can sell services, but no tradeable products can be linked to these two professions.  
"W-wait, what!?" Snow yells, feeling panicked, puzzled, and confused. "Y-you too!?"

The basic mechanic of Grooming - also referred to as Caretaking - revolves around taming wild animals and using them as pets and companions. Tamed beasts will obey their masters up to a certain extend and can even be taught abilities. Normally, the taming is achieved through a long and costly channeled spell which has an effect of exactly sixty minutes, but this spell is improved with experience. To reward Caretakers for being good owners, taming spell also adds permanent, invisible status effects on their recipients which will make taming easier in the future while also increasing its effects further. In order for a monster to be eligible for taming, it has to be domesticable. This characteristic applies to all of the beasts native to Earth as well as most beasts native to Phantasm. Every other class of monsters, including humanoids, insects and demons for example, are unavailable for taming at all levels. High level Caretakers can also give birth to their own pets - provided they are eligible - which will result in a pet that is not only more powerful, but also more loyal; birthed pets don't even need to be tamed, since they're already born tame.
"I said, it wasn't me who saved you!" Lemon says in haste to explain herself. "We were victims too, and the tentacles got us pregnant!"

Grooming is without a doubt the most useful professions in combat, because having a strong pet is like having one extra Nymph on the field. To make sure this profession is not too overpowered though, pets can't be summoned or dismissed, and they cannot be resurrected under any circumstances. All of the hard work and effort put into specific pet will disappear when they perish. Another important thing to consider is that Caretakers can only control one pet at the time, so taking two for a walk or to an adventure is a big no-no. Even pets that are born tame will rebel against their masters if they have their master outnumbered even two to one. Because of this, Grooming is also somewhat dangerous as a profession; if Nymph for example has three pets in one closed space, and they can only control one of them at once, the other two can rape their owner. Getting submitted will cause any pets and minions to rebel on spot, including the tame ones, and dispel any existing spells. And since pets are not naturally sterile, well… Let's just say that the accidents can sometimes be devastating.
"A-and you're about to give birth ''NOW''!?"

While Grooming focuses mostly on combat, Scouting focuses on exploration. It's basically a tool to gain a tactical advantage against opponents and environments alike. As has been established throughout the story so far, they can discover information about their enemies and detect hidden secrets such as traps and treasures. Generally speaking, becoming a better scout simply means to improve these two abilities further, but the intrigue of becoming a Scout doesn't end there.
"O-oh no, wh-what do I - ''Aaaah!''"

As Scouts grow, their maps become substantially better. They have added functionality and features to it, which most obviously comes in form of being able to map larger areas at once. They also access much more accurate information about landscapes and such and can even mark locations of special landmarks that normal maps can't show. Scouts through their maps can also navigate through zones where normal maps don't work. This is linked to a hidden mechanic called zone difficulty, which determines the general amount of challenge that can be found in any given zone. Scouts can also share their fixed, correctly functioning maps to all close by Nymphs to reduce the Scout's burden of constantly having to check out the map for everyone.
Before Lemon can even finish her sentence, a sudden jolt of pleasure - almost as if a sharp, painless kick coming out from inside her body - causes her to let out a loud, girly yell, and after a moment of relaxation, another kick forces her hip to shoot up, and her legs back open wide. Her entire lower body trembles, and her offspring moves rapidly. She anticipates pain, asking, <i>'Will it hurt!?'</i> It's the last thing she wants. There was no pain when she birthed all those tentacles during her captivity, but she wasn't even sane back then, and given her tiny stature and the fact that childbirth tends to be a painful process for even adults, she's frightened to the brink of tears.

I will get to zone difficulty and how it relates to maps scouting skill briefly, but before I do, I want to point out that there are many hidden, "secondary" professions in the game that can be learned by everyone, most of which can't honestly really be even considered professions in the context of Nymphsaga. Untrained cooking is one example, since everyone can cook. As an additional example, there is art, which can be used to draw and write. Most of these professions can't be accessed through user interface, but rather are accessed with furniture and some collectibles. But then, what about other trained professions? There are more communities of Nymphs, so of course, there are more professions as well. Maybe there's even one that is about creating jewelry, or one that is linked to making futuristic weaponry. Who knows? I will not list them though, as only the ones mentioned have been discovered by Nymphs of Grove and Paradise.
"No, I'm scared…!" she whines, weeping a little.

Snow moves out of the way quickly, taking to the side of Lemon, and grabs her hands. "It will be over soon, I promise." Lemon nods with teary eyes. "It won't even hurt. Trust me."

This brings me neatly to the topic of zone difficulty. There are two kinds of different zones; general zones and raid zones. There's also a third type of zone, which is a safe zone. In the context of the story so far, this means Grove, or any other area that exists within a protective barrier to defend from invaders.
Snow's words of encouragement are really what Lemon needed and give her strength to endure her ordeal. She nods, holding Snow by her hands, feeling something push out of her. <i>'It can't be that big, but… oh no, it feels so huge! It has to be just as thick as those disgusting bumpy tentacles were, and it's… pushing straight through my cervix!'</i> It doesn't have enough force behind it to complete the push, so wanting to have it over as soon as possible now, Lemon feels she has no other option but to help it, as resistance will only delay the inevitable. So, she leans on her elbows, beginning to push with her internal muscles, a skill she's surprised to even have.

Pretty much every named zone in this story so far is considered a general zone and they cover the vast majority of the surface area. Although they can sometimes bleed into each other, they do have borders within which they have their own unique sets of enemies and other hazards. Zone difficulty in these cases go from tier one to tier five, and while there are some tier three zones that can be easier than tier two zones in theory, especially if the team setup is optimized for said tier three zones, the general trend in difficulty goes upward, and higher tier zones always offer more difficulty. Enemies come in bigger stacks, they're higher ranking, elites are more common, and so the risks of being captured are higher. Losing and getting raped in a tier one or two zone does not automatically mean you get captured, especially if you get raped by a wandering enemy or a trap, but if the same thing happens in a tier four or five zone, you're extremely unlikely to get away. There are also some conditions and problems that are unique to higher level zones, but as this story is yet to feature an "endgame" zone, I will leave that to be a surprise.
A little push seems to be what her unborn child needs, as it pushes fast out of her. As soon as it reveals the tentacle head covered in a clear, slimy mucus, Lemon's arms betray her, and her back is again pressed against the bedsheets. She can't move up, as she's already out of fuel. It's so extremely exhausting she can't believe it, but the worst seems to be already behind her. With the tentacle larva slithering out of her, pulsating like a worm, it even brings her pleasure on the way out as it escapes the vagina completely. A worm-like tentacle has been born, and with no umbilical cord, it's hard to even believe it would be a child of a human-like being, not that Lemon has the strength to lift her head up to look at it. All she can do is sigh out of immense relief, realizing it's already over.

When it comes to tier one zones, everyone can track them through their maps without problems. From tier two onward, problems start to rise, and scouts are needed to both unlock the maps. Maps that are one tier above Nymph's current limit, be it a Scout or not, can sometimes malfunction and be displayed incorrectly, while maps that are two tiers above limit cannot be displayed at all. It's also worth pointing out that tier five maps cannot be truly unlocked even by scouts; even their maps will break.
The worm squirms almost as if trying to escape when a hand stops it. A palm extended wide open above it traps the worm inside a strange, dark red, glowing spell circle, courtesy of Snow. It wasn't a spell of destruction but rather one of restriction.

Raid zones are basically zones within zones and can be located anywhere. Some general zones don't have any, while some may have multiple ones. There are no rules to how big or small they can be, or even where they may be located. Some raids even exist outside and bleed into its surroundings. Like general zones, they go from one to five, but a level one raid is always harder than a level one general zone. This is due to the larger concentration of elite enemies and bosses. While the so-called "World bosses" that exist out in the general zones are less common, every raid is guaranteed to have a boss, or sometimes even multiple bosses. Raids are the true endgame, and the ultimate challenge in the game of Nymphsaga. They offer the most challenging encounters and the best loot, but also the highest stakes. You generally speaking only get one chance, since the chances of being caught are absurdly high even at lower tiers. Most raids are near inescapable. Raids follow even stricter rules when it comes to mapping, and a Scout is always needed to display it properly.
"Don't worry. I got it", Snow says.

"Got… It…?" Lemon asks, confused, opening her teary eyes a little bit.

Now, with all this information out of the way, let's get straight back to the story.
"It's a submission spell that enchanters know", Snow explains. "When used on a newborn demon, it can be turned into an item."

Lemon hasn't heard of such a thing from Rain, the only enchanter she knows, so she's confused. She finds it hard to appreciate what's going on and even more difficult to say anything, but she's somewhat glad to know there's such a spell. "So… it's over…?"

"Yeah", Snow says and sighs, sitting down beside Lemon. "I mean, you ''would'' know if there were more of those inside of you…"

"What's gonna… happen to it then…?"

"Whatever you want, I guess", Snow says, shrugging. "The spell won't kill it. It'll just make it so it can't grow into an uncontrollable monster."

Lemon finally sits up to look down at her child, the abnormal rape baby she never asked for. Wriggling, it's unable to escape the confines of its magical prison. <i>'I can't believe this thing came out of me'</i>, she thinks as she carefully extends her finger to it to give the squishy little demon a poke. A floating holographic window for an item appears before her, lending evidence to Snow's claim about the spell-bound baby having been turned into an item. In addition to Nymph ID, which can track down who gave birth to it, it has some icons and symbols attached as flavor text, but she can't figure out what they mean, <i>'not that I even care that much. I'm just glad to have that disgusting parasite out of my system, and want it out of my bloody sight.'</i>

== Snow ==
Sighing, accepting that it belongs to her, she sends the demon spawn to her inventory, wanting to forget about its existence altogether, at least for now. <i>'I was afraid it would feel much more horrible than that. I mean, it WAS awful, and I don't want to ever go through even THAT again, but… whatever, I'm just glad it's over.'</i> Then, she looks down at Snow and realizes that she has grown a little meek and silent. She knows why. "I guess you're going to have to give birth too…" Lemon says, eyes locked on Snow's lower stomach.

While there are those who have contributed towards the collective effort of Grove to connect the two cities, the past few days have been ones for most to take breaks. Nymphs do not suffer serious injuries, but that doesn't mean that they don't have to heal. In a sense, being pregnant means being injured for Nymphs, and only way to heal these "wounds" is to give birth. It's not something that will sideline Nymphs out of action for months, but rather just days. Despite this, many are still waiting to give birth. Pretty much every party who have had some of their members fall victim to the goblins are taking the break, as they help their friends recover in a way none of them expected.

"O-oh, so you realized that I'm in the same position…" Snow says, also nodding in response.

The hypothesis Wendy came up with in regard to effects of sex and increased source generation on hastened childbirth seems to be a popular one, as many Nymphs have made similar assumptions independently based on the lore and the evidence they've seen. She wasn't the only one to put three plus four together to get seven, and to be realistic, she wasn't even the first. In fact, there is a Nymph called Amanda - a character that is unlikely to be featured outside this paragraph - who has even come up with the name for the hypothesis, "Hastened Childbirth Theory", or HCT, and is currently studying it. As far as results go, there is a very small sample size and only anecdotal evidence, but results seem to be strongly in favor of it. Nymphs who were captive for a long time and gave birth while captive describe their pregnancies as being about two to three days long. It is certainly taking longer than that for Nymphs who have been freed, so there has to be something to it. It is hard to put a number on it but estimates of most Nymphs go somewhere between 30-50% slower pregnancies. Because of the evidence presented in favor HCT Nymphs all across Grove, some reluctantly and some joyously, have participated in "healing" their friends by having sex with them. It's not just Wendy and Angel, or Rain and Lemon. Out of all the victims of pregnancies, roughly two in five admit to succumbing to their desires and having at least one sexual encounter with some of their close friends. Nymphs don't know how large the real percentage of such Nymphs are, as understandably most don't want to disclose what goes inside their private bedrooms, even if it could help Nymphs collectively understand the so-called "Hastened Childbirth Theory" better.

"Well, we did find you getting raped by that creature…" Lemon remembers. "Are you scared?"

Let me pivot to one important issue that the question about prevalence of sex in Nymph's society raises: the acceptance. Nymphs all are little girls and their bodies are physically immature, but that doesn't mean that their minds are. People controlling them are definitely not children. Even the youngest humans controlling Nymphs are eighteen. You'd probably think that just like in the "real" world, many of them find the idea of having sex with children socially unacceptable and repulsive, and you'd be right. Kind of. Many might've been originally like that, but their numbers have greatly decreased as the game has progressed and there are a lot of reasons for it. First and foremost is the fact that there are all kinds of child lovers in the game's fanbase. Pedophiles of all kind - those into real girls, 2D and 3D loli and shota - started playing Nymphsaga with the intention of being able to play as and with children. Yeah, shotacons were not happy to find out there are no little boys after all. Feeling of necessity is also a big factor, as Nymphs now know that sex is effective way of treating various "problems". Then, there is the lack of competition in the sexual marketplace; only way of enjoying safe sex is doing it with another Nymph. In future, there could be demons and beasts as minions to help Nymphs out, but that's just speculation and still far in the future of Grove. Most importantly, Nymphs just plain and simple have accepted it in their hearts and softened up to the idea for various reasons. Their hearts are changing. Does it have something to do with being a Nymph? Maybe so. Overall, Nymphs of Grove simply see safe sex between Nymphs as an overwhelmingly positive thing regardless of their preconceptions, feelings, sexual orientations or personal views.

Snow shakes her head. "To be honest, I was a slave for a long time, and… I've already given birth to so many…"

Speaking of positive effects of sex, Angel is feeling better than ever. She feels almost as if she was born again. Her physical condition is amazing and probably the best she has felt during her entire life as a Nymph. Not an ounce of poison is running through her veins anymore. Her mental condition is still not great, as she still carries worry in her heart over her friends. She wakes up very early, which was not on purpose, but what's there to do about it? She did go to sleep early. In the small hours of the morning, she decides to go for a jog.

"That's… rough…"

Sven - the man Angel once was - was an active man in his life, and loved running, cycling and hitting the gym. He was bit of a bodybuilder in addition to being a gamer and a musician, so he was a busy man indeed. This love of fitness has carried on to Angel, who even as a little girl works out to best of her ability. There are no gyms in Grove, so she has to settle to working out without weights, but that is not a problem for her. After a quick lap to the park and back, she moves on to her next morning routine: tending the garden. She is the only on who uses the public garden in the neighborhood so it's all for her to use. Wendy and Rain don't care about it and can't utilize it properly anyway. Angel is saving some space for Lemon, as she is suspecting there are plants Lemon wants to grow, but for now that is only a plan. She grows vegetables and herbs only, as there are plenty of wild fruits and berries in the neighborhood. Only three plants she has gotten from beyond the barrier are vanilla, thyme and Demon's Whistle, which she is hoping to use to make some homemade liqueurs with an alchemist.

"Yeah… so I already kind of know what to expect", Snow says, trying to smile. "Not that I'm looking forward to it or anything…"

As she already plans what to make up for breakfast for herself and Wendy, in the middle of her work, she gets surprised from behind. Without a word, someone hugs her from behind, causing her to gasp in surprise.

"It must be due for delivery soon…" Lemon says, with a hand on her jaw.

"Good morning."

Snow nods again. "I think so too…"

Familiar voice of her good friend - once lost, now suddenly found - surprises her even more than warm embrace ever did. Shocked to hear the voice of her dear friend Rain, she jerks herself free, only to turn around and hug her even tighter than she ever hugged her. Rain's grip is still pretty weak, but Angel grabs her tight almost as if to squeeze her like a toy. "Oh god, you're safe! I was worried to death!"

Although Lemon is free from the offspring that was causing her horniness to some extent, she still feels a little heat, and she can tell that Snow is extremely horny without having to ask. However, the situation has reversed because Lemon is not so horny that she would blindly accept submitting to anything Snow would've had in store for her. Instead, she feels that she has the strength and the ability to be "the top" this time around. <i>'But would she appreciate it?'</i> she wonders as she stares at the unplugged strap-on lying on the bed. <i>'She was planning on using that thing on me, so maybe she likes control. Then again, she did kinda leave it unguarded, so perhaps she is asking me to use it instead? That's certainly one way to interpret the situation…'</i>

"I was worried too", Rain admits. "Since I didn't know if I was going to find you here…"

Without Snow even noticing, Lemon quietly steals the strap-on for herself, hiding it behind her back. "Want me to help with the delivery?" she then asks.

"What happened to you? What about Lemon?"

"W-what do you mean…?" Snow asks.

"It's a long story, but we're both safe now."

"Well, I think that sex could perhaps speed up pregnancy since it's sped up by source, which is generated more during sex." Yes, even Lemon has independently thought of this exact same theory that many others have.

With a sigh of relief, a giant weight is lifted from Angel's shoulders. Holding Rain by her hand, she proceeds to drag Rain upstairs. "Let's go wake Wendy up. She'd be glad to see you safe."

Snow moves her eyes to Lemon and sees the strap-on in her hands. Her eyes open up fully, and a slightly nervous smile is drawn on her face. Just looking at the scared blue eyes, Lemon can tell that a heart is beating like a drum inside this little child's chest. "I mean, I don't mind, but… you're not planning on using ''that'' on me…?"

Rain nods, smiling happily. She doesn't have to ask, because she knows from the way Angel is acting. Her dear friends are all safe.

"Oh? You were looking to ''"reward"'' me for helping you, but you never asked what ''I'' want…" Lemon says, smiling with a curious look in her eyes as she stares at the plug-in strap-on. "What a peculiar toy. To use it, I must insert it into my holes…"

"I… I found it… on a little adventure…"

Meanwhile in a little treehouse, Lemon wakes up to a pleasant and warm feeling of soft skin rubbing against her own. Ever so slightly, the curtains of her eyes open up to see a face of a little smiling girl close to her. The touches of this blue-eyed, tired looking cutie are as gentle as they can be, and surprisingly well mannered despite the fact that she's laying on top of her, stark naked. A nervous smile appears on Lemon's face as well, along with a rosy blush. She does not know what to think. Waking up to the sensation of a girl laying down on top of her is one that she loves, but this girl is a stranger to her. She does recognize her for the Nymph they saved together with Ron, and she's glad to see her well, but this kind of intimacy from a stranger feels unwelcome to her.

"An adventure to a perverted little sex shop?" Lemon teases.

Before Lemon can even inquire the stranger about her well-being or name, this girl leans in for a soft kiss. The kiss is not just that with lips, but also one with nipples, as the flat breasts of two girls press comfortably against each other with stiff nipples taking most of the pressure. Even their belly buttons kiss. Unable and unwilling to move, Lemon takes the sweet kiss, closing her eyes as she lays her hands on the little girl's bare back. It's just a touch and not a hug, as she's not trying to tug her closer. They're so close that they can feel every breath and every heartbeat. Stranger is not looking to make an advance or any bolder moves, which at the same time feels very relaxing, but also a little frustrating to Lemon. Her hand moves up to unsuspecting girl's buttock and grabs onto the tight and smooth cheek, as hard as she can muster. Stranger squeals in surprise, and eyes half-open, she looks down at mischievous Lemon, who's left licking her lips. Blushing, the girl is trying to divert her gaze, as she feels a rough hand on her butt. 'Oh, you were so daring to get on me like that', Lemon repeats in her mind. "What's wrong, sweetie…?"

"Hahaha, perhaps", Snow responds, laughing a little shyly. "But you don't ''have'' to put it on, especially since you literally just - "

"Did you save me…?"

"You know, I've never fucked anyone with a strap-on", Lemon thinks out loud, ignoring Snow completely, and despite being a little weirded out by the idea, her curiosity gets the better of her. She proceeds to put it on by inserting both plugs into her holes, hoping they will lock into place nicely. <i>'I dislike stuff in my butt even more, but… ohhh, that feels surprisingly nice! Got plenty of natural lube too!'</i> She's very slow to put it on, as inserting both plugs while simultaneously trying to relax is hard for her, but as soon as the one pops into place inside her rear hole, her eyes roll back from relief. A crazed smile appears on her face as soon as she pushes the other plug into her vagina, and finally feeling like she can relax, she playfully giggles and tosses her hips from side to side, looking at the rubbery dildo sway in the air. <i>'Oh, what a sight! But I don't think I dislike it, and this feeling… oooh, I can only imagine what it feels like to thrust with such a sensitive toy…'</i> "How do you like me now?" she asks, crawling toward Snow.

Lemon finds her heart fluttering. Her soft voice is like that of an angel; so clear and so refined. She also realizes instantly from the girl's Slavic accent that she's probably somewhere from eastern Europe. It's definitely a voice she wants to corrupt with lewd and naughty moans. "What if I did…?" Lemon asks. It's not like her to lie, but part of her wants to see what kind of reaction this girl would have would she believe Lemon truly was her sole savior.

"I didn't expect you to be this assertive…" Snow says.

Perplexed and confused, the girl smiles, fidgeting, finding it a little hard to put her feelings into words. "I would be eternally in debt…"

"Oh, please", Lemon responds, laying both her hands on Snow's shoulders. "I'm always a top in relationships… and I ''love'' dominating my girls…"

"Well, technically it wasn't me, but I did help you out a lot together with my friend…" Lemon admits. It immediately reminds her of her friend, Rain, who she now realizes is missing.

With a mad blush and a smile on her face, and her heart beating through her chest, Snow can't bring herself to refuse. Taking her silence as consent, Lemon pushes her down on her back, giggling happily and gleefully. "A-are you sure you wanna do this?" Snow whispers, looking to bargain with Lemon again, despite already lying on her back beneath Lemon's hungry, lustful eyes. "I mean, you must be exhausted because of what just happened…"

"O-oh…" girl says sounding a little disappointed. "Well, I'm still eternally grateful to you…"

"Nope!" Lemon loudly proclaims as she pulls back her hips to present the tip of the dildo to Snow's drenched pussy.

"Is assaulting little girls in their sleep a way you like showing gratitude…?"

"O-okay!" Snow responds loudly, steeling herself for the insertion. "T-then, at l-least be ''geh''… gentle! I-I'm a guy, y-you know…!"

Girl can't help but to blush in embarrassment and laugh. "Oh, I'm sorry… You must've found it uncomfortable…"

Lemon laughs softly, delighted by the irony. <i>'Is everyone except me a guy in this world or what? Oh, how the roles have reversed!'</i> She grins happily, observing every move of the helpless-looking little child underneath her as she grabs her hips. "Sorry, I don't plan on being gentle", she speaks out as she begins to push, watching clearly how the lips open up to give way and how the wet folds open up, letting in the shaft. She observes every single expression that the cute girl makes. Snow's face is everchanging, and with every inch of the rubber disappearing into this girl, she displays a new emotion. From a smile of doubt, it turns into a wide-eyed look of fear and shock, straight into that of pure pleasure. When the tip finally reaches the endpoint, she breathes in rapidly, letting out a soft gasp of pleasure, and exhaling a moan of relief, quietly moaning something in what Lemon assumes is Russian. And Lemon, she just loves what she's seeing. It's a sight she could get addicted to, one she would love to see over and over again.

Lemon tilts her head, still smiling happily, now also giggling. "I didn't say that…"

Expecting it to be a little challenging to move, Lemon starts out slow, fully intending to go in fast as soon as she gets properly going. She expects a little friction and a lot of resistance, given the tightness of a tiny hole and the rubbery, unnatural surface, but finds none. The movement feels effortless, even with her measly strength. With only her awkward position holding her back, she moves to a missionary position and leans forward, thrusting her hips up and down.

Those words seem to give the girl some courage. "So, what's your name? I'm Snow."

While Lemon can't feel the convulsions and slight movements of the little girl's inner muscles - which she would love to feel - she can definitely feel extreme pleasure from the way her toy tickles her own inner muscles, and this pleasure is a perfect spice for her to move as fast as possible. It draws her in. Despite lacking the male instinct, her hips move in a near-perfect, unstoppable rhythm. She can't slow down at all. <i>'Oh gosh, I thought about doing this only for her, but the way these plugs grind me from the inside is maddening!'</i>


At the same time, despite her initial reluctance, Snow gives out a lot of room with her fully spread legs and really takes the cock in like a girl, continuing to moan through getting fucked, even getting a bit louder and more talkative as the play moves on. Snow feels her body pushed down with force, almost as if by something much larger than a little girl. She can't move, and she wouldn't move even if she could. She's completely unable to do anything to stop the Nymph fucking her. Her body reacts marvelously and draws it in as the soft skin of two children slaps against each other, just intensifying the pleasure. And then there's the visual aspect. Enchanted by the wonderful sight, she observes the place where they connect, and more importantly, she observes Lemon. She's clearly got a slender body of a little girl, with her chest, belly, and wide hips, but with that long extension added to her crotch, that long extension digging through her vagina, it feels almost surreal to her. It's clearly a little girl, yet she makes her feel like this with a simple toy. If there ever was a way to make her truly enjoy being fucked by a dick, it sure as hell is this very situation. Again moaning something in Russian, she just stares at her own hip and Lemon on top of her in awe, smiling ear to ear.

"Alright, my little Lemon…" Snow says, and raises herself to an upward position, suddenly opening up her inventory. "If you don't mind my sexual advances, I'm sure you won't mind this either…"

Seeing how Snow reacts, Lemon begins to move faster with a broad smile on her face, and even though she can't understand a word of what Snow is moaning, she can tell she's having the time of her life, and bets the talk isn't clean. "Aaah-hahaha", she laughs, unable to control herself in the midst of her own pleasure. "You're one talkative little girl in bed, aren't you?"

What appears in Snow's hand genuinely surprises Lemon. It's a little egg-shaped toy, a pink vibrator. It appears to be a cordless model that comes with a remote controller, and it definitely wasn't anything Lemon expected. She knew of sex toys, but this is clearly an electronic device. Lemon was already planning on going full throttle on offense as she prefers to be a top, but having seen a vibrator, her favorite sex toy in the whole wide world, one that has given her so much pleasure over the years, she can't resist the idea of having another girl using it on her. Before she can ask her about where she got it from, Snow is already looking to advance. She turns it on, taking a few steps back, and presents it to her vagina. Immediately vibration causes her legs to spread slightly as she herself finds her lower body vibrating and shaking. Moving up the slit, digging into her, it reaches up to her clitoris, pushing it up and exposing the head properly. That causes her entire body to arc and her legs to spread up even more. With lust and vigor, Snow pushes herself down, kissing and licking the flat brown chest of Lemon, all while continuously pushing the vibrating egg against her most sensitive spots. It is clear to Lemon from the start that this girl shares a mutual passion for little girls. Indulging in this passion is something that Lemon is very much okay with, even though she prefers to be a top. Getting out of your comfort zone doesn't hurt once in a while. Besides, it feels incredible, so why not? It feels so amazing for Lemon that she gets from zero to hundred in a matter of just minutes. When she woke up, she was feeling very satisfied, but now she's already wet, acting all slutty and feeling just as horny as she did last night with Rain.

"Да! Да! Aaaah, fuck yes!" Snow moans, suddenly switching to English, and then back to Russian momentarily. "Oooх, трахни меня глубже2! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Despite Snow's claim to be a top, her body acts obedient, and her face has turned silly from pleasure. It seems like a shameful lie. How can she claim to be a top when she's acting the way she does?

Snow gets bored of Lemon's chest quickly and proceeds to use her tongue and fingers where it feels even better. Lemon, covering her mouth, looks down to see just what her partner is planning. While still pushing down the egg, she moves her lips to the lower parts of the lips, sticking her tongue against the hole. Snow looks almost as if wanting to lick it dry, but one does not simply lick a wet pussy dry. She's also looking to use her fingers and decides to stick two inside right away. Lemon doesn't like having things stuck inside her, but despite this, she doesn't really mind at all. The pleasure of having fingers grind in and out of her undeniable and causing her entire body to tremble. 'Maybe this isn't so bad after all', she tells herself. 'I mean, at least they're fingers.'

Lemon, empowered by how Snow acts and the idea of her being able to dominate a girl so effectively, discovers a part of herself that she never knew she had. She's always been a female and proud of it, but having a "dick" certainly has a special kind of charm as well, especially since it's a powerful tool against the girls she loves so much to dominate. <i>'It's a shame I can't last much longer! My heart is pounding harder than ever before, and I'm actually getting a little exhausted fucking her like this! But I can't stop!'</i> She knows she won't be able to stop until she cums, or until her body gives in, and fortunately, given the pace she's going at, she knows it's the orgasm that will shatter her rhythm first. She moans, thrusts, and feels her entire body arc and convulse as sweat drops appear on her face and body. She's almost there, and she's not the only one.

Persistent rapid flickering of her pleasure bean and the fast back and forth movements of the fingers are looking to push her over the edge real quick, and with stunning force. Legs voluntarily spread as far as they can go, she cums all over Snow's pretty little fingers with a warm squirt. Her eyes roll back, and she still tries to muffle her moans. She does not want to disturb her neighbors, but even muffled, she's making a lot of noise. To the very end, Snow just pushes forward, all the way through the orgasm, driving Lemon nuts. Having reached the summit of her climax, she's unable to get down. Feeling light and blanking in her mind, she can barely realize that mixed to the pleasure is something unfamiliar and strange.

Snow has been on the verge of exploding for a while now. She wants to move a little bit, but she's not allowed to. She wants to close her legs, but every thrust against her cervix forces her to keep them spread wide open. She wants to hug Lemon and touch her too, but she can't even lift her back or elbows from the sheets to reach for her skin. She feels genuinely and absolutely dominated, and she loves it. Lemon's conjuring up a magnificent orgasm for her, and she's eager to experience it.

As Lemon lays down twitching in pleasure, Snow opens up her inventory to summon yet another toy. It's a strap-on dildo of a very particular kind. It's not one that you wear as pants but rather, a plug-in type capable of bringing extreme pleasure to the wearer as well. With two plugs, it is inserted to the both holes, and despite what one might think, it is very firm and will stay in place even through more extreme and fast-paced plays. Snow can't wait to use it on Lemon. She's planning to fuck her hard.

Having her slim body slammed down, talking through her moans until the very end, she cums with a squirt of liquid and a lovely scream. Her eyes roll back, and she feels like she is burning up as she trembles from pleasure, with her vagina clamping down on the rubbery cock hard. Her convulsions and quivers feel brain-meltingly intense. Yet, Lemon won't stop. She's not there yet. Snow almost wants her to slow down for a while, but she can't say anything intelligible between her animalistic moans, not that she would say anything Lemon would understand anyway. She manages to close her legs, but the squeeze of her soft thighs on Lemon's hips cannot slow the girl down, and only seem to motivate her even more.

Meanwhile, Lemon is completely oblivious to the fact that Snow is conjuring up some great fun that she might not appreciate. Her attention is completely taken away by something entirely different. She can feel strong movement in her stomach. It's so strong in fact that it feels almost as if it's trying to get out of her. She knew she was pregnant, but she had no idea she was so close to giving birth, especially given the fact that her sporty and tight belly lies flat like a washboard. Hand on her stomach, eyes closed, she concentrates on the feeling, borderline scared of what's about to come next. She does not want to be forced to give birth and become a mother to anything, especially not a baby of a tentacle. The only silver lining in all of this is the fact that it's probably going to be over fast. She feels hands lift her legs and she finally opens her eyes to see the strange, green, partially transparent rubbery cock attached to Snow. She immediately extends her hands to her crotch, covering her pussy up with another one and grabbing the cock with the other one. "W-wait just a minute!"

Lemon can tell that Snow is still at the apex of her climax, which seems to be an unrelenting one, and most definitely long. She herself feels that she can't take it anymore either, and she finally feels her own orgasm slow her down a little bit. Climax completely takes away her ability to focus and move as both her holes twitch. She's pushed down deep, and her back arcs backward. Sweaty and exhausted, she collapses forward to the clutches of her lover, with Snow still pulling her closer with her legs. They share an embrace, feeling each other's sweaty, hot bodies, and both of them, still moaning, extend their tongues forward. Their lips meet for an intimate kiss, one hotter and more erotic than any of the kisses they shared when they were merely warming up. They moan and mumble through the kiss but neither speak a word nor even try to.

"What's wrong?" Snow asks, still smiling.

This kiss is a sign of things to come. Lemon has no strength or stamina to go for round two instantly, and Snow's legs are way too weak and squishy to even imagine doing anything similar to Lemon. Things are starting to slow down for them, but they're still far from done.

"Do NOT stick that inside me!"

"Oh, don't worry! It will feel awesome!"

Well, Lemon can't deny that and part of her wants to experience it. She's lukewarm to the idea of enjoying strap-on sex as opposed to feeling cold towards the idea of male on female sex, but that's not the issue she has. "I feel like I'm giving birth…!" Lemon straight up says.

"W-wait, what!?" Snow is puzzled and confused. "Y-you too!?"

"I said, it wasn't me who saved you!" Lemon says, in a haste trying to explain herself. "We were victims too, and the tentacles got us pregnant!"

"A-and you're about to give birth NOW!?" Snow is panicking. She has no idea what to do.

A sudden jolt of pleasure - almost as if a sharp, painless kick coming out from inside her body - causes Lemon to let out a loud, girly yell, and after a moment of relaxations forces her legs back open wide. Her entire lower body trembles and her offspring is moving rapidly. She anticipates pain, asking, 'Will it hurt?'. It's the last thing she wants. Given her tiny stature and the fact that childbirth tends to be a painful process for even adults, she's scared to brink of tears. She was not ready for this because to be honest, she had almost forgotten that she even could be pregnant. "No, I'm scared…!"
== Reunited ==
Wendy wakes up lying on her back without a blanket, feeling rested but also a little heavy. She knows she's carrying some extra package, and now, she notices it can't be hidden anymore. Laying her hands on her slightly round belly, her heart pounds as she stares at herself in disbelief. She expected it, anticipated it even, and even though it's only somewhat round - with her having only entered her second trimester - seeing her own pregnant belly makes her emotional in ways she didn't even expect. <i>'My baby's growing so fast'</i>, she thinks, unsure if she wants to laugh or cry. <i>'Makes me glad because it's gonna be over in just a few more days, but… gosh, feels so surreal just thinking this is me. I was never supposed to be like this, but I'm really gonna become a mother. In a sense, I already am one. And to think it's gonna grow even bigger than this…'</i>

Snow has gone through the same thing before, but in captivity. She has spent five days of her life as a Nymph as a slave to the tentacle boss - a fact that only she knows for now - and through this ordeal has given life to few tentacle spawns. She moves out of the way quickly, taking to the side of Lemon and grabs her hand. "It will be over soon, I promise." Lemon nods with teary eyes, grabbing hold of the hand tight. "It won't even hurt. Trust me."
Sitting up, she actually feels pretty good physically, albeit a little horny. <i>'Despite everything I did with Angel, my pussy still throbs like mad'</i>, she thinks, ultimately deciding it's not debilitating or anything, nor something that's going to make her lose herself with desire. Although, with her memories lingering on what she did indeed do with Angel, she rubs her legs together, smiling happily and feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. <i>'I really had sex with one of my best friends'</i>, she thinks, touching herself a little. <i>'Maybe she should get herself poisoned again! Would she even agree to do me again? I'm not sure if I'd even have the heart to ask, especially so soon… but I just get so horny thinking about her… making love to her…'</i>

Snow's words of encouragement are really what Lemon needed and give her strength to go through her ordeal. She can feel something pushing out of her. It's small and narrow compared to the baby one would expect. Yet, it still manages to feel huge. It could be as thick as the bumpy tentacles that impregnated her. It does not have much force behind it, so it can't really push through her narrow passage. Lemon really has two options: to either help or to resist. Resistance is futile, as it will get out eventually, and it will just prolong this all, so she leans on her elbows, beginning to push with her internal muscles, a skill she's surprised to even have. Little push seems to be what her unborn child needed, as it is pushing fast out of her. As soon as it reveals the tentacle head covered in a clear, slimy mucus, Lemon's arms betray her, and her back is again pressed against the bedsheets. She can't push; she's already out of fuel. It's so extremely exhausting she can't believe it, but the worst seems to be already behind her. It's slithering out of her, pulsating like a worm, bringing her pleasure on the way out. Little by little, it moves out, until it pretty much just with one fast push escapes the vagina completely. A worm-like tentacle has been born, and with no umbilical cord it's hard to even believe that it would be a child of a human-like being. Yet, it is undeniable that it came out of Lemon, a newly turned mother of one. It really was over in a flash. Less than minute from her realization that it was going to get born, it's already over, and she's free.
Remembering their passionate kisses, she blushes madly and shakes her head, trying to push the thoughts away. <i>'No, no, no, I can't see her that way! My heart belongs to Hanako, and only Hanako! I can't fall in love with anyone else! Especially not someone who's supposed to be my friend!'</i> Sitting up, she finds her panties and the cami on the floor, and deciding they're going to be more than enough for her, she puts them on. <i>'I must do something else to keep myself distracted. Maybe work on my maps or something…'</i>

The worm is squirming, almost as if trying to get away, when a hand stops it. It doesn't touch it, but a palm is extended wide open above it, and the worm is trapped inside a strange, dark red glowing spell circle courtesy of Snow. It wasn't a spell of destruction but rather, one of restriction. Lemon can't get up, so eyes closed tight, she's not up sitting to see it happen.
After ten minutes of sitting by her work table and cross-referencing the map in her user interface with a map she got from a council meeting a few days back, a soft knock on the door surprises her. "Come in", she announces, knowing it to be Angel. However, when she notices she's not alone, she practically jumps up from her chair, knocking it over in surprise.

"Don't worry. I got it", Snow says.
Rain's eyes widen as Wendy approaches her, and even though Wendy looks happy to see her and even ready to hug her, Rain can't take her eyes off Wendy's belly.

"Got… It…?" Lemon asks, confused, opening her teary eyes a little bit.
Despite seeing full well where Rain's attention is, Wendy tries to play it cool and embraces her friend warmly. "I'm so glad you're back", she says. "What happened to you?"

"It's a submission spell that enchanters know. When used on a newborn demon, it can be turned into an item." Lemon hasn't heard of such a thing, so she's left very confused. She can't even find the words to ask. "It won't kill it. It'll just makes it so it can't grow up to be an uncontrollable monster."
"I… I should ask you the same…" Rain asks, sounding worried.

Lemon finds it hard to appreciate what's going on, but she's somewhat glad to know there's such a spell.  
"It was those goblins", Wendy admits. "They caught me, and… this was the price of my defeat, I guess…"

Snow sighs disappointed. Suddenly, she's not feeling so good about using the dildo to fuck Lemon. She decides to unplug it, slowly but surely. It's a really slow progress because like said before, it's firmly tucked into her. Her holes are free from it, and she lays down next to Lemon, feeling still a little horny.
Rain doesn't know what to say. She feels terrible, maybe even a little responsible for not coming to Wendy's aid when she possibly could have, but at the same time, she knows that Lemon would've suffered this fate if it wasn't for Rain's help either. "Where's your head at then? I mean, with your situation…"

Lemon finally sits up to look down at her child, the abnormal rape baby she never asked for. Wriggling, it's unable to escape the confines of its prison, spell-bound. Lemon still can't believe it came out from her. She extends her finger to it to give it a little poke, and it feels just as weird as it looks. It's warm, squishy and covered in a layer of mucus. Instead of a cord, as a proof of her giving birth to it, she can feel the same mucus still between her legs. As she touched it, something appeared in front of her. It's a window for an item, so the spell-bound baby counts as loot, as crazy as it may sound. It counts as an common reagent which can be used to cultivate and grown all the way to tier five. In addition to Nymph ID, which can be used to track down who gave birth to it, it has some icons and symbols attached to it in flavor text, indicating something, but she can't make much sense of it. Sighing, accepting that it belongs to her, she sends the demon spawn to her inventory. For now, she wants to completely forget about its existence. She wants to kill it, but if it can be useful, she doesn't want to waste it. Besides, her mind might change later, so she doesn't want to make a big decision. Even though she hates it, something is holding her back. Is it her maternal instinct, or is she just being a big softy? Then, she looks down at Snow and realizes that she has grown a little meek and silent. She knows why. Snow is pregnant as well. "I guess you're going to have to give birth too…" Lemon says.
"Well, I'm not happy", Wendy says, smiling and trying to laugh it off. "Life goes on, I guess. But how about you?"

"O-oh, so you realized that I'm in a same position…" Snow says, also nodding as a response.
"Well, let's just say, you're not the only one who's pregnant in this room", Rain says, not knowing how to explain it.

"Are you scared?"
"Oh, I guess yours is a little bit fresher than mine", Wendy says, looking at Rain's belly.

Snow shakes her head. "To be honest, having experienced it before, I already kind of know what to expect, but… I'm not looking forward to it regardless…"
"Probably smaller too", Rain says, scratching her cheek. "Maybe, I dunno…"

"It must be due for delivery soon…" Lemon says, with a hand on her jaw.
"Still, you should tell us what happened to you", Wendy says.

Snow nods again. "I think so too…"
"I wanna hear your story too, Rain", Angel says. "I'll brew tea and make some pancakes."

Despite the fact that Lemon is free from the offspring that was causing her horniness to some extend or another, she is still feeling a little heat, and she can tell that Snow is extremely horny as well. The situation has, however, kind of reversed, because Lemon is not so horny that she would blindly accept submitting into anything Snow would have in store for her. Instead, she kind of feels that she has the strength and the ability to be the one on the top this time around. She suspects Snow of being a very similar girl to her given Snow's desire to dominate her with a strap-on of all things. 'Speaking of strap-on', Lemon realizes, seeing it unplugged, laying untouched on the bed. Snow forgot to put it back to her inventory, which causes Lemon to grin happily. Without Snow realizing, Lemon slowly steals it for herself, hiding it behind her back. "Want me to help with the delivery?"
"Thanks again", Wendy says, her voice full of love.

"W-what do you mean…?" Snow asks.
"You'd make a good wife", Rain jokes, giving Angel a thumbs up.

"Well, I think that sex could perhaps speed up the pregnancy, since it's sped up by source, which is generated more during sex…" Yes, even Lemon has independently thought of this exact same theory that many others have.
"Hahaha, hubbies can be caring and pamper their partners too", Angel responds, giggling. "Just sit your ass down, and get us up to speed with you, okay?"

"I mean, I don't mind, but…" Then, Snow moves her eyes to Lemon and sees the strap-on in her hands. Her eyes open up and a slightly worried smile is drawn on her face. Just looking at the scared blue eyes Lemon can tell that inside this little child's chest a heart is beating like a drum. "You're not planning on using that one me…?"
Rain nods, ready to tell precisely what happened to her.

"Oh, you were looking to ''reward'' me for helping you, but you never asked what I want…" Lemon says, really putting weight on the words reward and I. She looks at the toy with a curious look in her eyes. "What a peculiar toy… To use it, I must insert it into my holes…" Despite being a little weirded out by the idea, she proceeds to put it on. Both inserted sticks are like plugs, and as said before, they really lock into the place. She's very slow to put it on, inserting both plugs at the same time, with eyes rolling back in the process and a crazed smile appearing on her face. Just putting the toy on alone feels orgasmic. As soon as it is fully in place, she feels like she can relax, but just moving and feeling the rubbery dildo sway in air is causing the plugs to move inside her, causing both of her holes to convulse and tighten up. She can just imagine what it feels like to thrust with such a sensitive toy. "You see, I happen to be a top. I like dominating girls."

Snow whispers and nods. "Yeah, me too… But I thought you were sub, considering how willing you were towards my advances…"
Before and during their breakfast, as they also goof around and share a little bit of friendly banter, they tell each other about their stories in detail, commenting on each other's misfortune with varying levels of compassion. That's not to say any of them are unsympathetic at any point, but words coming from Wendy, having heard of what Rain had to go through, border on theatrical. Suddenly, the nightmare that happened to Wendy doesn't sound like the worst thing that could happen to a Nymph.

"Well, you are wrong", Lemon says, pushing Snow down with her hands, giggling happily and gleefully. On her knees, she looks down at her body with the rubbery dick standing on top of little girl's flat belly. "Oh, what a sight! It almost makes me jealous of men!"
Having relaxed a little bit, Wendy sighs deeply, a palm covering her face. "Jesus Christ, you've gone through absolute hell. How did you get away though?"

"A-are you sure you wanna do this…?" Snow asks, whispering, looking to bargain with Lemon. "I mean, you must be exhausted because of what just happened…"
"A kind ogre saved me."

"Nope!" Lemon loudly proclaims, as she pulls back her hips to present the tip of the dildo to drenched pussy of Snow.
"Ogre? Really? Like a big, fat green guy with potato nose and antennae ears?"

"O-okay…! T-then, at least be gentle…! I'm a guy, y-you know…!"
Rain, who is usually the one making the jokes, looks at Wendy with a narrow-eyed expression. "He was actually brown and muscular."

Lemon laughs softly, delighted by the irony. 'Is everyone except me a guy in this world or what? Oh, how the roles have reversed.' She grins happily, looking still down, observing every move of the helpless looking little child underneath her, she grabs into the hips and begins to push. "Sorry, I don't plan on being gentle", she speaks out as she watches clearly how the lips open up to give way, and how the wet hole opens up, letting in the shaft. She observes every single expression that the cute girl makes. Her face is everchanging, and with every inch into this girl, she makes a new, unexpected face. From a smile of doubt, it turns into a wide-eyed face of fear and shock, straight into that of pure pleasure - which is when she tells Lemon to not go further - all the way to a crazed look. When the tip finally reaches the end point, she breathes in rapidly, letting out a soft gasp of pleasure, exhaling a moan of relief. And Lemon, she just loves what she's seeing. It's a sight she could get addicted to, one she would love to see over and over again.
"What happened to it?"

Expecting it to be a little difficult to move with, Lemon starts out slow, but with full intentions of going in fast as soon as she gets properly going. She expected a little friction given the tightness of a tiny hole and the rubbery, unnatural surface, but there seems to be none. Movement feels effortless even with her measly strength. Only her position is holding her back, so she moves a little bit. She's looking for a missionary position and leans forward, thrusting her hips up and down. Snow - despite her initial reluctant attitude - gives out a lot of room with her fully spread legs and really takes the cock in like a girl. Seeing how her body reacts, Lemon, with a wide smile on her face, begins to move faster. She can feel it moving and pleasuring her at the same time to much greater extend that she anticipated. While she can't feel the convulsions and slight movements of the little girl's inner muscles - which she would love to feel - she can definitely feel extreme pleasure from the way her toy tickles her own inner muscles, and this pleasure is a perfect spice for her to move as fast as possible. It's drawing her in. Despite lacking the male instinct, her hips move in near perfect, unstoppable rhythm. She can't slow down at all.
"Don't call him ''it''", Rain says, arms crossed. "He saved us, and helped us get back here. He's also a player like us."

Snow feels her body being pushed down with force, almost as if being pushed down by something much larger than a little girl. She can't move, and she won't move. She's completely unable to do anything to stop the Nymph fucking her. Her body reacts marvelously and draws it in as soft flesh of two children slap against each other, just intensifying the pleasure. Despite her claim to be a top, her body acts obedient and her face has turned silly from pleasure. It seems like a shameful lie. How can she claim to be a top when she's acting the way she does? Her words - coming from the midst of her wild moans - also mirror obedience and willingness too. She is surprisingly talkative and has a sharp tongue, and the word that she ends up speaking the most is fuck. "Ah, fuck! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Those are just some of the things she ends up blurting out in the process of being dominated. And then, there is also the visual factor for her. Enchanted by the wonderful sight, she observes the place where they connect, and more importantly, she observes Lemon. She still clearly has a slender body of a little girl, with her chest, her belly and her wide hips, but there is a long extension added to her. It feels almost surreal to her. It's clearly a little girl, yet she is making her feel like this with a simple toy. If there ever was a way to make her truly enjoy being fucked by a dick, it sure as hell is this very situation.
"That's… kinda unbelieveable…" Wendy admits.

Lemon, empowered by how Snow acts, empowered by the idea of her being able to dominate a girl so effectively, finds a part of herself that she never knew she had. She loves her genitals and being a girl, but having a dick certainly has a charm to it, especially since it's a powerful tool to use against the girls she loves so much to dominate. You could even say that a whole new world has opened up to her. It's a shame that she won't be able to last much longer. She's on autopilot, but she's getting exhausted. She knows she won't be able to stop until she cums, or until her body gives in. At the pace she's going at, she knows it's the orgasm that is going to shatter her rhythm first. She moans, she thrusts, and she feels her entire body arc and convulse as sweat drops appear on her face and her body. She's almost there, and she's not the only one.
"Yeah, it is, but that's seriously what he did… and told us…"

Snow has been on the verge of exploding for a while now. She wants to move a little bit, but she's not allowed to. She wants to close her legs, but every thrust against her cervix just forces her to keep them spread wide open. She wants to hug Lemon and touch her, but she can't even lift her back from the sheets to reach for her skin. She feels truly and absolutely dominated, and she loves it. Lemon's conjuring up a magnificent orgasm for her and she's forced to experience it. Having her slim body slammed down, she cums with a squirt of liquid and a lovely scream. Her eyes roll back and she's burning up. Her convulsions and quivers feel brain meltingly intense. Yet, Lemon won't stop. She's not there yet. Snow almost wants to slow down for a while, but she can't say anything intelligible in-between her animalistic moans. She's so sensitive she's trembling. She manages to close her legs finally, but the squeeze of her soft thighs on Lemon's hips is unable to slow the girl down.
Angel thinks about it for a moment but doesn't doubt Rain for a second. "Well, given that there are other towns for Nymphs", Angel says, shrugging, "nothing surprises me anymore."

Lemon can tell that Snow is still on top of her climax, which seems to be an unrelenting one, and most definitely long. She herself feels that she can't take it anymore either, and she finally feels her own orgasm slow her down a little bit. Climax completely takes away her ability to focus and move, as her holes twitch. She's pushed down deep, and her back arcs backward. Sweaty and exhausted, she collapses forward to the clutches of her lover. They share an embrace, feeling each other's sweaty, hot bodies, and both of them still moaning, they extend their tongues forward. Their lips meet for an intimate kiss, one hotter and more erotic than any of the kisses they shared when they were merely warming up. They moan and mumble through the kiss, but neither speak a word, or even try to. This kiss is a sign of things to come. Lemon has no strength or stamina to go for round two instantly, and Snow's legs are way too weak and squishy to even imagine doing anything similar to Lemon. Things are starting to slow down for them, but they're far from done. They're not stopping, not until their mission is done.
"Wait, seriously?" Rain asks. "We're not the only ones?"

"Yeah, there is this place called Paradise, which is completely separate from Grove", Angel explains. "Just like us, they think it's the only starting place for players."

Rain lowers her eyebrows, confused. "Well fuck me. What else are devs lying to us about then?"

Wendy shrugs and replies: "Who fucking knows?"

"At least none of the information we've learned in the past few days contradicts the lore", Angel reminds. "So far, those books have been the absolute arbiter of truth, over our memories and what devs tell us."

"It's pretty scary to think that we can't really trust our memories, though", Rain says, worried and annoyed. "I mean, what is true and what's false? There's no way of us knowing."

== Recess IV ==
"I don't think we should really worry about it too much", Wendy says. "I, at the very least, do not want to even think about memories of my personal life being a lie."

When Rain enters Wendy's apartment, she is already awake, laying still in her bed, reminiscing everything that has happened to her during the past few days. She hasn't even put on any clothes. Being naked doesn't stop her from getting up and hugging her friend the first moment she sees her. Only when Rain comments on Wendy's appearance, she finally decides to put on clothes. The same panties and the shirt she was wearing last day are enough, as modesty is not something that she has to be mindful of when in a company of her close friends. She doesn't even bother tying her hair.

"I wouldn't go that far either", Angel says. Rain also agrees. "I think that the healthiest way to think is to believe in our memories until we're proved otherwise", Angel adds.

As the first thing they all do, they tell each other about their stories in detail, commenting on each other's misfortune with varying levels of compassion. That's not to say any of them were unsympathetic at any point, but words and compassion coming from Wendy having heard of what Rain had to go through border on theatrical. Suddenly, the nightmare that happened to Wendy doesn't sound like the worst thing that could happen to a Nymph.

"That's not a bad plan", Wendy says, nodding, and turns towards Rain. "Speaking of which, how about your physical condition?"

Having relaxed a little bit, Wendy sighs deep, a palm covering her face. "Jesus Christ, you've gone through absolute hell… How did you get away though?"

"Okay, I guess", Rain says. "My baby is pretty energetic."

"A kind ogre saved me."

"O-oh, really…?"

"Ogre? Really? Like a big, fat green guy with potato nose and antennae ears?"

"It's not kicking or anything, but the wee tentacle probably wants to get out", Rain says, looking at Wendy's stomach. "Yours is probably gonna keep growing."

Rain, who is usually the one making the jokes, looks at Wendy with thin-eyed expression, arms crossed. "He was actually brown and muscular."

"Probably…" Wendy admits, clutching her belly again, feeling a little worried and anxious. "I hope giving birth doesn't hurt… but still, when I asked about your physical condition, I meant… have you been feeling hot…?"

"What happened to it?"

"I do think that I am hot", Rain responds with a poker-faced expression.

"Oh, after he saved us he helped us home", Rain says. It clearly seems like neither one of her friends believe her. "He also claimed to be a player."

Wendy sighs and facepalms. "I meant horny, you dumbass…"

"Well, given the fact that there are other towns for Nymphs, nothing surprises me anymore…" Angel says, arms crossed.

Rain blushes and scratches her cheek, nodding. "Yesterday was kinda bad, but I'm fine now. Me and Lemon, uhm, kinda… you know…"

"Wait, seriously?" Rain asks. "We're not the only ones?"

"Really now?" Wendy asks, a little surprised, not because she wouldn't put that past Rain but because she didn't expect it from Lemon.

"Yeah, there is this called Paradise, which is completely separate from Grove", Angel explains. "Just like us, they think it's the only starting place for players."

"How about you then? How are you feeling due to your condition?" After Rain asks her question, silence falls in the room. She can tell that Wendy and Angel are both blushing. Rain immediately suspects they might've done something, but she finds that idea to be too unbelievable, so she doesn't even want to comment on it. "Never mind…" she says.

Rain lowers her eyebrows, annoyed. "Well fuck me, what else are devs lying to us about then…?"

"I-I mean, I do manage…" Wendy says, trying to laugh it off. "I'm good…"

Wendy, shrugging says: "Who fucking knows?"

"If you're feeling bad, just tell me, and I'll brew more tea", Angel suggests.

"At least none of the information we've learned in the past few days contradicts lore", Angel reminds. "So far they have been the absolute arbiter of truth, over our memories and what devs tell us."

"Yeah, thanks for it, by the way", Rain says. "It did help, but it probably won't be needed, 'cause I'm gonna give birth soon anyway…"

"It's pretty scary to think that we can't really trust our memories though…" Rain says, worried and annoyed. "I mean, what is true and what's false? There's no way of us knowing."

"I wish to give birth soon, just to get it over with", Wendy says, a little annoyed. "I mean, not because I want to, but to get better."

"I don't think we should really worry about it either", Wendy says. "I, at very least, do not want to even think about memories of my personal life being a lie."

"Yeah, I agree", Rain says and nods. "I'm also looking forward to raising it."

"I wouldn't go that far either", Angel says. Rain also agrees. "I think that the healthiest way to think is to believe in our memories until we're proved otherwise", Angel adds.

Wendy looks at Rain, shocked. "Wait, raising your baby…?"

"That's not a bad plan", Wendy says, nodding, and turns towards Rain. "Speaking of which, how about your physical condition?"

Rain nods again. "You didn't know? Enchanters can raise and manipulate demons. I never talked about it much 'cause I didn't know where I would get my hands on one, but since there's one inside me right now… I'm planning on using him for experimenting."

"Okay, I guess", Rain says. "My baby is pretty energetic."

Wendy doesn't even know what to say. In the context of normal children, what Rain is talking about sounds cruel to her, but they are talking about demons, so she's a little conflicted. Then again, while she hasn't decided anything yet, she has been tossing around the idea of killing ''her'' baby, so she's not one to criticize Rain for cruelty. Of course, killing one's offspring and making it a guinea pig are on entirely different levels of cruelty, but I digress. "Can you do anything with other kinds of babies…?" Wendy finally asks.

"O-oh, really…? I can't even feel mine…"

"I don't think I can do anything with them", Rain says, shrugging. "Are you worried about yours?"

Rain looks at Wendy's stomach. "It doesn't really look like you're pregnant either. Not with that waist."

Wendy nods. "I still haven't decided what to do with it."

"Right back at you", Wendy comments. "But, I mean… Have you been feeling hot…?"

"Just kill it…" Angel says. "Goblins are dangerous and shouldn't be let to multiply freely at our expense."

"I do think that I am hot."

"That's…" Wendy says, freezing immediately. She feels that punishing the unborn child for the actions of its father is wrong, period, leaving her with a bit of a moral dilemma. "I know it's a goblin, but… it sounds so, so difficult… I don't even know why…"

"I mean horny, you dumbass!"

"I know what you mean", Rain says. "But like, it's not like you can keep it here."

Rain blushes and scratches her cheek, nodding. "Yesterday was kinda bad, but I'm fine now though… Me and Lemon, uhm, kinda… You know…"

"Well, definitely not ''"here"'' here", Wendy agrees.

"Oh, really…?" Wendy asks, a little surprised. Not because she wouldn't put that past Rain, but because she didn't expect it from Lemon.

"And I doubt you wanna source feed it either…"

"How about you then? How are you feeling due to your condition?" After Rain asks her question, silence falls in the room. She can tell that Wendy and Angel are both blushing. Rain immediately suspects that they might've done something, but she finds that idea to just be too unbelievable, so she doesn't even want to comment on it. "Never mind…" she says.

"Well, preferably not…" Wendy says, grimacing a little. "Still doesn't make my decision any easier…"

"I-I mean, I do manage…" Wendy says, trying to laugh it off. "I'm good…"

"I'll go around asking other people for advice", Angel suggests, standing up. "I'll do it right away."

"If you're feeling bad, just tell me and I'll brew some tea", Angel suggests.

"You know you don't really have to go this far for me", Wendy says, feeling like she ''should'' refuse.

"Honestly, I think I'm about to give birth soon…" Rain says, laying down on her bad. "It won't be needed…"

"Oh, come on", Angel says, smiling happily. "I'm happy to help you out and support you in any way I can."

"I wish to give birth soon, so it will be just over with", Wendy says, a little annoyed. "I mean, not because I want to, but to get better."

"Like I said, a great wife", Rain says, once again giving Angel a thumbs up. "Thanks for the savory pancakes, honey."

"Yeah, I agree. I'm also looking forward to raising it."

Angel feels slightly irritated by Rain's teasing but decides to play it cool, knowing she doesn't mean anything bad with it. "You're ''very'' welcome", she says, returning Rain's thumbs up with one of her own. "Still, I'm going to help you whether you want it or not, Wendy."

Wendy looks at Rain, shocked. "Wait, raising your baby…?"

"If you insist", Wendy sighs, shrugging. "I'll at least tag along, then. I don't wanna be locked into my apartment for another day straight…"

Rain nods. "I learned that enchanters can do something with demon spawns. I'm planning on using my firstborn for experimenting what I can even do with them."

"If you think your body's up to it", Angel says, smiling a little.

Wendy doesn't even know what to say. In context of normal children, what Rain is talking about sounds very cruel to her, but they are talking about demons, so she's a little conflicted. Then again, she herself was planning on killing the baby, especially if it's a goblin, so she's not one to criticize Rain for cruelty. Of course, killing a baby and making it a guinea pig are on completely different levels of cruel, but I digress. Wendy is of the mindset that punishing the unborn child for actions of its father is wrong - consider her pro-life if you may - but if the child is going to grow up to be a sex-crazed monster if released, one that might potentially become danger to Nymphs, killing it could be the most ethical thing in her eyes. Besides, it might be preferable to the child as well, as it would be just forced to live its life in captivity and endless, insatiable lust for source. Oh, and then there is the little issue of them being inside a game, so her real-life morals are not applicable here. "What about other kinds of babies…?" she asks.

"If you don't mind, I'll go home while you go on your date ", Rain says and stands up. "I kinda wanna help too, but… I think I need a moment alone…"

"I don't think I can do anything with them", Rain says, shrugging. "Are you worried about yours?"

Angel and Wendy both know that Rain is talking about giving birth. "Are you sure you don't need help?" Wendy asks. "I'm sure Angel and I aren't in ''that'' much of a hurry yet…"

Wendy nods. "I don't know what to do with it."

Rain looks at Wendy, thinking about her question. Since Angel is leaving, it would mean that Rain and Wendy would be alone, and Rain knows that. She thinks she knows what Wendy is thinking but doesn't dare to engage in anything sexual with one of her old friends. She wants to keep that as her red line, at least for now. "I don't think I do."

"Just kill it…" Angel says.

"Is that so…?" Wendy asks, sighing. She does not want to push Rain to have sex, and honestly, she's not sure if she would want to do it either, mostly because she fears that as a self-admitted lolicon, Rain would be sexually interested in her current form, something that weirds her out. <i>'Good thing that tea helped me relax. I'm not even horny anymore. But I guess I'll rely on someone else if it becomes unbearable for me later.'</i> "Well, I'll just put on something more proper", she says. "Wait for me outside, Angel. And see you later, Rain."

"Yeah, I mean, what else you can do?" Rain says. "It's not like you're going to source feed it either."


"Oh right, there's that thing too…" Wendy remembers. "Maybe I really have no other choice…"

Wendy and Angel aren't sure where to start asking, so they head toward the library. They're lucky to find Dana relatively quickly, talking with her good friends April and Katja. As soon as she notices the other two, she waves her friends goodbye, eager to share a couple of words.

"I'll go around asking other people for advice", Angel suggests, standing up. "I'll do it right away. Maybe someone might've come up with a solution."

"Hey there, Wendy", she says with a gentle smile. "Good to see you back on your feet."

Rain gets up as well. "If you two don't mind, I will go home. I want to talk, but there is something I must do."

"Hahaha, didn't feel like holing up at home any longer", Wendy responds, suddenly feeling a little bit shy and nervous. "Look, I… I don't know… how to deal with this", she says, looking her body down. "Rather, how to get rid of it…"

Angel and Wendy both know that Rain is talking about giving birth. "Are you sure you don't need help…?" Wendy asks.

"We actually had quite a lengthy discussion this morning about these kinds'a problems", Dana explains.

Rain looks at Wendy, thinking about her question. Since Angel is leaving, it would mean that Rain and Wendy would be alone, and Rain knows that. She thinks she knows what Wendy is thinking, but she does not have the courage to encage in anything sexual with one of her old friends. "I don't think I do."

"Yeah, sorry I couldn't attend…"

"Is that so…?" Wendy asks, sighing. She does not want to push Rain to have sex and honestly, she's not sure if she would want to do it either, mostly because she fears that as a self-admitted lolicon Rain would be sexually interested in her current form, something that weirds her out. 'I guess I'll rely on someone else if it becomes unbearable for me', she tells herself. "Well, talk to both of you later then."

"Can't blame you for not wanting to", Dana says, crossing her arms.

With Angel and Rain leaving, and going separate ways, all three get a little more time to spend alone.

"It's not that I didn't ''want'' to", Wendy says, scratching her cheek a little. "But like… eh, whatever. So, any advice?"

Dana thinks about her reply for a moment, not because she doesn't have the answers or the suggestions, but because of how Wendy framed her sentence when describing her problem. "Do you find the idea of getting rid of it difficult?"

Angel is lucky to find Dana relatively quickly, who is probably the best source for information she's going to find. After exchanging few kind words, Angel asks her question regarding what to do with babies. To summarize rest of the conversation along with Dana's answer, she talks about the possibility of Caretakers setting up some kinds of fences and safehouses for children Nymphs give birth to, as it is only possible for them to create such infrastructure. However, she also expresses concern over the fact that it is impossible to domesticate and control enemies such as goblins. Such places do not exist yet, as they've only been talked about and theorized. She personally recommends either killing unwanted children or releasing them to the wild, no matter how tough it might feel. Dana also manages to surprise Angel by asking have her friends been found. Angel didn't expect Dana to remember her, especially since they didn't really talk one to one when they met, but apparently Dana has an uncanny ability to remember every single face she comes across. With a delighted expression, Angel replies: "Yes, they're home."

"I-I mean, I don't know, I just…"

Meanwhile, Rain is home enjoying herself in peace and quiet. She feels like all she needs is a little push for her baby to be born so she decides to relieve herself of some stress by masturbating, which is not something she has done at all. Even though she wasn't really horny beforehand, all it took was her to touch herself a little bit to get into right mood. It takes her only about ten minutes to get to the point where she feels her baby being born. I will not go through this process, as it goes pretty much the same as it did with Lemon. Only differences are the fact that she's alone and the fact that she's not really scared about it hurting. it is over in an instant, and she's left exhausted, finally feeling physically relieved and strangely satisfied.

"It's okay", Dana says with an encouraging smile. "You're not the only one with those kinds of feelings."

She sits up, legs still spread, looking down at what just left her body, with confusion and slight repulsion drawn all over her face. Even though small, it's not cute at all, as one would expect babies to be. It's nowhere as disgusting as she thought it would be, and it definitely isn't noisy at all. Best of all, she doesn't have to worry about changing diapers, ever. Rain doesn't have to worry about it getting away or suddenly growing; she has plenty of time to subdue it. On her first try, she manages to trap it inside its restrictive spell circle, after double checking the instructions, of course. She doesn't want it staying in her bed though, so she picks it up with two hands, and looks at the squirmy, faceless and limbless worm. "Oh, you bastard. I'm going to turn you into a lab rat", she tells her child. As she walks it to the middle of her work table, she tries coming up with a name to it, but she can't really come up with one, at least not right away. She leaves it be and heads towards a shower, which is something she badly needs. Once clean there really isn't any more things troubling her, despite maybe the fact that she still worries over her mental condition and the possibility of the game changing her personality, but I'm not going to go through any of that again, as she hasn't really reached any definitive conclusions.

Wendy keeps scratching her cheek in her seemingly bottomless nervousness, blushing and pouting, unsure what to even say anymore. "I mean, I know I can't keep it", she finally says. "But like… do I even have a choice?"

Instead of tying up her hair as she usually does, she settles for a simple pony tail but otherwise decides to dress up normally in her new gear. Having inspected her baby turned into an useable item, she is looking to gather information about different kinds of symbols and what they mean. She suspects they have something to do with demon's traits as well as different kinds of paths she can raise it towards, but since she doesn't know about their meanings, she's going to hit the library. She remembers seeing a large book in the enchanting section of the library about what it takes to raise a demon all the way up to tier three and about general information regarding the raising process in general. She's also hoping to find information about the extra rare enchanting reagent she found, the so-called Soul Lodestone. At the moment it functions as a normal soul stone with a huge capacity of five hundred souls. Apparently, it also will be the primary stone to which all souls will be stored in, taking priority over every other stone. She still hasn't decided if she wants to carry it with her though, as she can't use it for enchanting gear, and doesn't even know if the souls can be extracted from it.

"You could give it up for adoption", Dana says, causing Wendy to freeze up in surprise. "Are you familiar with how Grooming works?"

Inside the library, she finds the book instantly and picks it up. Players can't take books away from the library, but by paying a low price of one gold they can copy any book in the library and take the copy home. Contributors of books found in the wilderness get a discount, but as Rain hasn't actually contributed any books, she has to pay. It's a price Rain is definitely willing to pay for the valuable information stored inside this 153-page recipe book devoted to raising demons and nothing but raising demons. She also picks up a book about soul stones but does not make that her reading priority.

"You mean that profession?" Wendy asks, remembering there indeed is such a profession available for Nymphs. "I don't know much about it, but it revolves around taming wild animals, right?"

Home again, Rain gets straight into reading. Her first job is to feed the offspring. It can be done by either feeding it source or souls, out of which former is cheaper and literally free, but the latter is more efficient and much faster. It will not need much to evolve to second tier, just five regular common soul stones, as well as optional ingredients. If Rain would just give it the souls right away, it would just grow normally towards being a kind of monster that its father was. To manipulate its growth and mutate it into being a special kind of monster, Rain needs additional ingredients. She does only have a limited amount of options, most of which seem very similar to her. There is one growth path, however, that caps at just tier three, which she finds to be most intriguing. It's not a path that will it make it useful for combat, but rather, for pure fun. It can be grown to be some kind of futanari demon, which can be attached to a Nymph to temporarily give them a penis. Reading about this, and realizing that it is a choice for her, makes her heart pump fast. She blushes and covers her mouth, almost shaking. She can't believe it. Last two times she did it with a girl, she was lamenting the fact that she didn't have a dick, and the supposed fact that she would never be able to have one, but here it is, lying right under her nose, and it's so simple as well. She can make her futanari dreams a reality. Immediately, she begins reading into what she needs. Turns out, she has to rely on alchemy for step one, and she just happens to have the potions at hand, so she evolves it immediately. Now, she has a slightly bigger and meaner looking tentacle at her hands, one that resembles a dildo more than a worm. Yet, it still is definitely a living being. Step three requires five large soul stones, each of which are filled with ten souls in addition to source, even more potions, some fake cum she already ran to during her second expedition and three rare mushrooms she hasn't even heard of. Obviously, having a day all for herself, she decides to head out to go around shops looking for what she needs.

"Yeah, and it goes a little bit further than that", Dana explains. "But before I go on… sorry for asking, but you girls know each other from before we got stuck here, right?"

After walking around in the central for a little bit and touring shops, she comes across everything she needs apart from two mushrooms. She got only one, since as she expected, they're very rare and valuable. She had to give out something equally valuable. Luckily, she just happened to have something to offer; an ingredient of similar value that she or none of her friends needed. It was a good trade, as the trader seemed to have an use for it, but not for the mushroom. Rain does not have all the souls either, but she has ingredients to make enough soul stones now.

"Yeah, we were in the same guild", Wendy responds.

Instead of spending time going around more shops, Rain decides to go home and separate the items she needs from her inventory. On her way back, she sees a girl waiting for her at the door. A warm light is lit in her eyes, and she can't help but to see a Pink. Both of them at the sight of each other run towards each other, arms extended, and share a loving hug.

"Amanda and I are the same", Dana says. "Started playing with her, and a couple of my other good friends from my guild ''"Antemortem"'' myself. She's a fun girl, in and out of this world. A bit of a perverted nutcase - a mad scientist, if you may - but I'm sure you won't mind. The point is, we're both Groomers, and we have this fun little project to ourselves. Well, it's mainly Amanda's project, and I'm just helping her, funding her escapades…"

"You really are safe! I heard so from the girls and have waited for you ever since!"

"And this project has something to do with goblins?"

"Hope you didn't wait too long. I was out for quite a time."

"Quick to catch on! As you know, professions can be used to update your homes and neighborhood", Dana explains, "and she wants to turn her home into a ''"Goblin Ranch"'' of sorts. In fact, she wants to figure out how to domesticate them."

"I don't care!" Pink says happily and looks at smiling Rain. She can't even help herself, so she steals a kiss from Rain's lips, a move that shocks and even startles Rain. She's fine with being kissed by a cute girl, but right now they're outside. Arms extended slightly, not anymore touching Pink, she stays still, engulfed in the passion of her good friend. After a solid ten seconds, Pink finally relents and says: "I know we shouldn't… And that we promised, but I just couldn't help myself…"

Angel decides to comment. "I was under the assumption that you can only tame wild animals, like wolves and birds, and stuff…"

"I-it's fine, really…" Rain says, laughing, hugging Pink once again, also looking around herself. "You should've waited until we got inside though… I don't want to risk getting seen by Angel and Wendy…"

"That is true", Dana says, nodding, "but if you can manipulate their growth from infancy to adulthood, you can train animals of all kinds. Even goblins! And since we've got plenty of goblins on our hands, she's putting her time and effort into good use! Anyway, what does that sound like, Wendy?"

Pink separates from Rain, holding hands up like a criminal being pointed by a gun. "Okay, I'll resist! Even though you're so cute!"

"Honestly, this is exactly what I've been looking for", Wendy says, smiling. "Like, I know it sounds fucking weird because I never asked for him… and because he's a monster, but… it just doesn't feel right to kill him…"

"Why not come in? I have something fun to show you."

"Like I said, you're not alone with those feelings", Dana says, tapping Wendy on her shoulder. "I guess all of us Nymphs have that maternal instinct hard-wired to our brains or something… hormonal shit, so don't feel weirded out by it!"

Happily obliging, the overly cheerful Pink rushes inside Rain's apartment the moment door opens up. She jumps directly on top of Rain's bed, face against the sheets, and she kicks about while giggling. Rain's not sure what to make of it, but she sure does not mind Pink fooling around in her house. In fact, she finds it cute. "It smells of you…" Pink says, giggling even more. "Oh boy, this is the bed that my dear Rain sleeps in."

"Hard not to", Wendy admits. "But thanks, and… thanks for ''this'' too, I guess."

As Rain hears the word smell, she immediately blushes, because she's afraid Pink would notice a much stronger smell that her natural little-girl-scent, since she just a moment ago masturbated in that very bed. She starts unloading her inventory to the already messy table, to the outer right corner. Her tentacle spawn is laying dead in the middle of the table, still squirming. She feels Pink coming from behind and looking down at the strange creature.

"You're welcome!" Dana says with a cheerful smile. "By the way, you can hide that", she adds, pointing at Wendy's belly.

"Ewww, what the hell…? It looks like a dick…"

"W-what do you mean…?"

"Oh, it's my child", Rain says, with a dead serious face and expression.

"Your preggo belly. There's a spell that can hide it, if you want to. You should even have it pre-learned."

"R-right… I heard about you going through some difficulties…"

Wendy blinks surprised, unsure if Dana's joking around or not, but when she finally opens up her user interface, sure enough, she does have a spell similar to "Wings of Phantasm", which she can use to hide her pregnancy from others. After reading the instructions, she simply closes the interface and nods, saying: "I don't think I'll use it, though."

"Let's not dwell on that."

"Oh?" Dana asks, a little surprised but smiling nonetheless. "Is that also the hormones talking, or…?"

"Are you fine though?"

"I dunno", Wendy says, as she clutches her belly with both hands, feeling uneasy. "It's like… I wanna have it be there, kinda like a reminder or something to motivate me, and tell me, ''"this is what's gonna happen if you're not careful out there"'', or something… "

Just thinking about the tentacles makes Rain feel a little anxious given everything that happened and how they made her feel and act. She figures out that she might as well be honest. "It was a very, very difficult experience, in more ways than one."

"That's an interesting way to look at it", Dana says, smiling. "Anyway, I've gotta go! I'll hook you up with Amanda later this evening!"

"What could you mean by that…?" Pink asks, looking a little uncomfortable and worried.

"Alright!" Wendy says, smiling. "I'll come to your place when I'm free!"

"Something about miasma poisoning", Rain says. "It kind of… Changed me at the time, maybe even permanently. I'm not sure if those scars will never heal…"

With that, the girls go their separate ways, with Wendy and Angel returning home.

"I've heard something about miasma as well, and victims of it."


"Really? From who?"

Rain closes the door to her apartment, wasting no time discarding all her clothing and getting comfortable. She feels like all she needs is a little push for her baby to be born, so she decides to feed it some source while also relieving herself of stress by masturbating. <i>'Not that I'm feeling that horny right now'</i>, she thinks, rubbing her pussy around a little, trying to get herself back in the right mood. <i>'Probably shouldn't have taken any of that relaxing tea, but I didn't wanna tell those two I was gonna masturbate either. Oh, but this shouldn't take long. Feels so good when I touch myself…'</i>

"Melody and folks talked about it. They don't have first-hand experience though."

All it takes is a minute of rubbing and fingering for her to get seriously wet. Mainly focusing on edging and trying not to succumb to her desire to cum immediately, she does a solid job of encouraging her offspring to want to push out. Despite suspecting there will not be a hint of pain during the process, she knows it will be intense and steels herself for the procedure, for once it starts, it won't stop until it's over.

"Oh, you've come to know them as well?"

As soon as the squirmy, live baby begins slowly but forcefully pushing out of her, her body reacts magnificently. She tries to hold her breath, but she can't hold back the involuntary moan of pleasure bursting out of her mouth like a bat out of hell. Unable to stop herself from rubbing her clit out, her hips push up, with her body shaking and quivering in anticipation and her legs spreading as far as they can go.

"I actually grouped up with them yesterday. We were looking for you and Lemon together…"

She gives in to the pleasure and cums spectacularly, with the tentacle larva simultaneously pushing out of her, out into the wide world. It's noisy, it's tearjerking, and it feels just as good as real sex, and Rain can't believe she wants it to last a little bit longer. However, it only takes about a dozen seconds for the larva to get out of her completely. After it's all over, she's left exhausted, feeling physically relieved and strangely satisfied.

That came as news to Rain, since Angel and Wendy never told her about it. She looks at Pink, surprised, and she begins to smile brightly. "I need to thank them all then…"

Left lying, panting, and resting with her legs still spread, she sighs out of relief, and before she can even sit up to look at what just came out of her body, she feels something touch her. Her back jerks up with shock, and she notices several long tendrils, maybe five millimeters in diameter, shooting out from the tentacle larva's mouth, latching onto her thighs, with a strange organ protruding from the creature's mouth like a tongue. Rain tries to grab into it, but with the tendrils pulling its body towards her pussy, she can't stop it. <i>'It's trying to feed on my source'</i>, she realizes, panicked, trying to read the instructions for the restrictive spell from her user interface. <i>'Shit, shit, shit, what do I do, what do I do… there!'</i>

"No need to thank me though!" Pink says, laughing. "I was just doing what I know you would do for me."

Rain successfully restricts the demon on her first try, and with the creature neutralized, the tendrils retract back inside its mouth. Sighing, she picks it up with both hands and looks at the squirmy, faceless, and limbless worm. "Oh, you ugly, bloody bastard", she tells her child. "Tried to rape your own mom, did ya? I'm going to turn you into a lab rat for that…"

"Yeah, you bet", Rain says nodding.

<i>'Still, it's a wee bit bigger than I expected'</i>, she thinks, looking at the creature with confusion and slight repulsion drawn all over her face. Still, despite being "uncute" in her words, it's nowhere near as disgusting as she thought it would be, and as a huge positive, it definitely isn't noisy at all. <i>'Best of all, I don't have to worry about changing diapers'</i>, she supposes, smiling as she sits and stands up, carrying her offspring to the middle of her work table. <i>'Need a fresh change of clothes and a hot shower next'</i>, she decides.

"But what about this child?" Pink asks, changing subject back to the creature laying still on the table. "Is this what you wanted to show me?" Rain nods, also showing Pink the book, which is open at the page telling about the so-called futanari demon. She points her hand at the picture of the strange looking demon with a long, surprisingly human phallic extension and little tentacles growing from the base. As Pink looks at it, she can only think of a one thing, and she immediately realizes what's up. "Wait… You're going to turn this into some kind of living sex toy…?"


Rain nods, with clear excitement in her eyes. "I'm turning it into a dick!"

Rain really takes her time washing up, still moping over her perceived poor mental condition and the possibility of changes in her personality. She still doesn't want to change like that, but she figures she should try to push those thoughts away and not worry too much. <i>'I should focus on keeping busy and not worrying about stuff I can't even control'</i>, she reckons. <i>'I'm probably worried for nothing anyway, so best keep my spirits up, especially now that I'm safely home.'</i>

"Seriously…?" Pink asks, with lowered eyebrows and overall skeptical look on her face. "Isn't it already a dick though…?"

Having dressed in her usual garments and a simple ponytail, she sits down on her work chair to work on her baby, looking to gather information about how to manipulate its growth. Her understanding of the subject - just like is the case for most Nymphs - is elementary at best, as there hasn't been enough time for many of them to get impregnated by demons wide-spread. All she knows is that she can turn demons into items, and having done that, she can "enchant" them as items to manipulate their growth, control them, and make them obey commands through spells.

Rain shakes her head. "It's just a dildo. What I mean is a dick that can be attached to a Nymph like a strap-on!"

Being able to inspect her demon like any item, Rain carefully reads through every little piece of information displayed on the floating holographic window, realizing there are only a limited number of mutations this specific creature can branch into. Moreover, these branches, while visible to her, are all displayed as logos and symbols that can't be inspected further. Despite not knowing what they mean, she can vividly remember seeing a large book in the enchanting section of the library, teaching all about raising a demon from tier one - where they're at when they're born - up to tier two. Realizing she will need a lot of reference material to figure everything out on her own, she immediately decides to visit the library.

"T-that's possible…?" Pink asks, surprised, with a shaky voice.

After finding the tome she had in mind, she picks it up to make the purchase. Players can't take books away from the library, you see, but they can duplicate any book to make their own copies for a price. For this chunky, 153-page recipe book devoted to raising demons, Rain has to pay one gold coin for every twenty pages, which rounds up to eight coins, but she doesn't hesitate for a second because she knows it will be worth every penny. She also picks up an advanced recipe book about soul stones in hopes of learning more about the so-called "Soul Lodestone", the high-tier ingredient she looted from the tentacle demon killed by Ron, but doesn't make reading that book her priority.

"What, did I get you interested?"

Home again, Rain gets straight into reading and tries to make sense of the three symbols her baby has. She first learns that this worm, this blank slate called "Flagellum Demon", is indeed what each and every demon - both big and small, weak and strong - begins its life as, regardless of how it's going to evolve in the future. On the topic of strength, Rain reads a word of warning, which cites, ''"even captive demons are dangerous and devious creatures that will exploit weakness if shown it by their mistresses, and such experiments can easily end up in disasters."'' <i>'Well, I hope that's not gonna be me'</i>, she reckons.

"I-I can't deny it… But I wouldn't use it…"

The book lists over twenty basic evolutionary branches on the first page, and they all appear to be randomly selected for each newborn demon. The options range from manipulating them to becoming combat-ready to being used solely for sex and further reproduction. Rain also learns about two additional recipe books she will need in the future, one teaching an aspiring enchanter the art of sub-branching and growing the demons from tier two to three, and another one dedicated to secret branching paths available to be unlocked. Having a perfect understanding of how to turn the Flagellum into a tier-two demon pet, she now moves a few pages back to find out what she personally is working with.

Rain tilts her head, letting out a long, stretched out "Really?"

Unfortunately for her, neither of the first two paths available for this specific demon seems interesting, but then she reads all about the third branch, which immediately demands her attention. This one, capping at just tier two with no further branching available, can be grown into some kind of futanari demon, which can be attached to a Nymph to temporarily give them a large, life-like penis. Just reading about it makes her heart beat faster. The last two times she did it with a girl, she lamented how she didn't have a dick and the supposed fact that she would never be able to have one again, but here it is. The opportunity to grow a penis is lying right under her nose, and it's all so simple. All she needs is some time, effort, and a bag full of ingredients to make her futanari dreams a reality. She can't believe it!

"I really prefer having a vagina…" Pink whispers, arms crossed, sounding embarrassed.

Having quickly decided on the path, she immediately begins reading into what she's going to need, skipping through the pages frantically to find out what needs to be done.

"Oh, so it's about being on the receiving end you're interested in?" Rain asks, with a hand on her jaw.

First and foremost, the demon will require raw energy, which can be done by either feeding it source and souls, out of which the former seems somewhat self-explanatory to her, while the latter sounds a lot more expensive and laborsome. She already has the souls required, but she can't act too fast because a "balanced diet" is needed for this evolution branch. <i>'Feeding it souls too quickly will scuff the entire process'</i>, she realizes, making her damnest to not miss a single detail. Using the demon as a dildo to feed it source does sound like a small sum to pay if the price indeed is a detachable, fully functional futanari cock, but she may not need to worry about it either as the source can be collected by any Nymph. <i>'Finding a Nymph who'll agree to get fucked by this worm may be difficult, but I'm sure I can find at least one pervert to help me out.'</i>

"I-I mean… I DO like dicks…" Pink says, blushing like crazy. "It's just that… Dicks on little girls is heresy…"

Furthermore, to manipulate its growth and mutate it into a specific kind of monster, she will need some expensive potions, some fake cum the likes of which she ran into during her second expedition, and three rare mushrooms she has never even heard of. Obviously, having a day all for herself, she decides to head out, hoping some local shops could have what she needs in stock.

"Then I'm happy to be a heretic", Rain says, with a serious expression, getting closer to Pink. "In any case,
it's good to know I have someone to use this on."

After walking around in the center for a little bit and touring shops, she comes across most of what she needs, with the most notable missing ingredients being two mushrooms. She only finds one and has to give out something equally valuable in return for it, but she doesn't mind. It's a mutually beneficial trade in the end, as the trader seems happy too. She even finds fake cum stocked in the same shop, bottled like a jar of mayonnaise, so needless to say, she leaves satisfied.

"I never said that…" Pink says, finds herself on retreat, smiling and laughing uncomfortably though.

Rain decides to go home and separate the items she needs from her inventory to store them safely. On her way back, she sees a girl waiting at the door. Warm light is lit in her eyes as she recognizes Pink. At the sight of each other, both of them run towards each other, arms extended, and share a loving hug.

"Oh? Your loss, I guess."

"You really are safe!" Pink yells. "I heard so from the girls and have waited for you ever since!"

"C-come on, Rain…" Pink says, still laughing. "We promised to not have that kind of a relationship."

"Hope you didn't wait too long. I was out for quite a time."

Rain looks at Pink's body, basically daydreaming in her head about boning her body. She finds it very easy to resist her temptations because she feels pretty satisfied at the moment. She nods at Pink's comment. "You're right. I won't seriously push you to do anything."

"I don't care!" Pink says happily, and unable to help herself, she steals a kiss from Rain's lips, a move that shocks and even startles Rain. She's okay with being kissed by a cute girl, but right now, they're outside. Arms extended slightly, not touching Pink back, she stays still, engulfed in the passion of her good friend. After a solid ten seconds, Pink finally relents and says: "I know we shouldn't… and that we promised, but I just couldn't help myself…"

"It doesn't look like an easy recipe", Pink comments, looking at the list of ingredients. "Looks like you have a good start though."

"I-it's fine, really…" Rain says, hugging Pink once again while scanning the surroundings. "But you should've waited until we got inside… I don't want to get seen by Angel and Wendy…"

"Yeah, harvesting enough source and souls is going to take couple of days."

Pink separates from Rain, holding her hands up like a criminal being pointed at by a gun. "Okay, I'll resist! Even though you're so cute!"

"Does the source have to be yours?"

"Why not come in?" Rain suggests. "I have something fun to show you."

Rain shakes her head. "I'm happy to loan it to anyone."

Happily obliging, the overly cheerful Pink rushes inside Rain's apartment the moment the door opens up. She jumps directly on top of Rain's bed, face against the sheets, and she kicks about while giggling. Rain's not sure what to make of it, but she sure does not mind Pink fooling around in her house. In fact, she finds it adorable.

"How about the demon itself? Can it be dangerous?"

"It smells of you…" Pink says, giggling even more. "Oh boy, this is the bed that my precious Rain sleeps in."

"That evolution route should have zero risks of pregnancy or the demon being able to turn against its master, but a sterilizer made by an alchemist has to be applied to it to eliminate the poisons. It has the same effect that its father has to turn Nymphs crazy with miasma poisoning." As Rain says that, she realizes that she forgot to get herself sterilizers. Most alchemists don't have them in stock, as they only work on males. Moreover, ingredients for them are not only uncommon, but also used for more sought-after potions, making them a waste of valuable resources in the eyes of many. Rain has to either deal with the miasma in small doses or get someone make the potions for her. "I'm probably not going to rush raising it, even though I really want it."

As Rain hears the word "smell", she immediately blushes because she's afraid Pink would notice a scent much stronger than her natural little-girl-scent since she masturbated just a moment ago in that very bed. She brushes the thought off and starts unloading her inventory to the already messy table, with her tentacle spawn lying in the middle of the table, still squirming about. She senses Pink coming from behind and looking down at the strange creature.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Pink suddenly says. "Wendy and Angel talked about wanting to meet up with all five of us to discuss our future plans. Do you think we could bother Lemon?"

"Ewww, what the hell…? It looks like a dick, but ''actually'' gross…"

"Well, she should be awake…" Rain thinks out loud, wondering why hasn't she heard about her yet. Then she remembers the other Nymph as well. It doesn't take her a moment to put two plus two together. "Actually, I think she could be busy…"

"Oh, it's my child", Rain says, with a dead serious face and expression.

Pink tilts her head, looking puzzled, as she has no idea what Rain means.

"R-right… I heard about you going through some difficulties…"

"Oh, and can I ask one thing from you?"

"Let's not dwell on that", Rain says.

Pink nods. "Sure, what?"

"Are you fine though? I mean, I heard that miasma is kinda like a drug or something…"

"Don't tell others about this…" Rain says meekly. "Especially not Wendy and Angel."

"Oh, so you know about that", Rain says, sounding and looking marginally surprised.

"Why not?"

"Yeah, Melody and folks talked about it", Pink responds, trying to remember what they told her. "They don't have first-hand experience, but it sounded scary."

"It's a little embarrassing. They're just going to make fun of me."

"Yeah, it was difficult, in more ways than one", Rain admits, figuring out there's no reason why she shouldn't be honest with Pink. "It kind of… changed me at the time, and it wasn't as much of a drug as it was just like mind control or something… 'cause I ''wasn't'' acting myself…"

"Who cares? It's just banter."

"That's terrifying", Pink admits. "But you kinda seem to be over those effects now! And acting your normal self! Am I right?"

"Well… I suppose… It's just the kind of banter I'd rather avoid."

<i>'Well, not sure if I'll ever get over that, but she's right, I suppose'</i>, Rain thinks, deciding to nod. "Still, how did you get acquainted with Melody?"

"Besides, who are you going to loan it to?"

"I've been grouping up with her and her posse recently", Pink explains, smiling. "You know, after those goblins got the better of us, they've been helping look for you… and other captive Nymphs too, I guess…"

"I'm not sure… Those I feel comfortable telling about this…"

This comes as news to Rain since Angel and Wendy never told her about it. She looks at Pink, surprised. "I need to thank them all then…"

"Why did you tell me then?" Pink asks, leaning in closer towards Rain, with a smug smile. "Is it because you think I'm an easy fuck?"

"No need to thank me though!" Pink says, laughing. "I was just doing what I know you would do for me."

Rain immediately blushes. "I-it's not that I think you're easy… I don't want to reveal this secret to those I have no desire to fuck, because there's the risk of them getting actually interested."

"Yeah, you bet", Rain says, smiling brightly.

"Oh, really now?" Pink asks. Her facial expressions reveal her suspicion. It's clear that she doesn't believe a word of what Rain just said. "Do you actually think those two would be interested then?"

"But what about this thingie?" Pink asks, changing the subject back to the creature lying still on the table. "Is this what you wanted to show me?"

"No, honestly…" Rain says. "It's just that, I would never fuck those two, so they don't need to know."

Rain nods, also showing Pink the book, which is open on the page talking about the so-called futanari demon. She points her hand at the picture of the strange-looking demon with a long, surprisingly human-like phallic extension and little tentacles growing from the base. As Pink looks at it, she can only think of one thing and immediately connects the dots.

"Alright then", Pink says, and nods. "I'll honor your wish."

"Wait… you're going to turn this into some kind of living sex toy…?"

Rain nods with clear excitement in her eyes. "I'm turning it into a dick!"

"Seriously…?" Pink asks, with lowered eyebrows and an overall skeptical look on her face. "Isn't it already a dick though…?"

Rain shakes her head. "It's just a living dildo. What I mean is a dick that can be attached to a Nymph like a strap-on!"

"That's possible…?" Pink asks, surprised, with a shaky voice.

"What, did I get you interested?"

== Reunited ==

About a week into the game, a group of six Nymphs, every one of them friends with each other, left the town of Paradise towards the mountainous regions to the south with plans to venture farther than ever before. Past the Sparkling Forest - an area that is considered amongst the local communities to be entry level - lies the zone that Nymph's of Grove know as Hammercliff Valley, and this was the next frontier for this party. Little did they know that this would be their last adventure together.
"I-I can't deny it… but I wouldn't use it…"

It started out well, and they were hopeful about the journey ending well. Why wouldn't they be? They're all skilled and confident, especially considering their past success. They defeated many foes and looted their treasures. They even survived an ambush of a group of eight goblins. Having decided it was time to return home, they turned back, only to be surprised by a group of demons that turned out to be a little too much for them. There were four A-ranked demons and two elite ones, a group that was way worse than anything they had ran to so far. The group was forced to scatter and split into three. Out of the six the one who was unquestionably unluckiest was their summoner, Snow, for she was the only one who found herself alone in the forest.
Rain tilts her head, letting out a long, stretched-out "Really?"

This group had a plan in case of these kinds of situations: get home as soon as possible. Deep in the dangerous reaches of Hammercliff Valley, Snow was not feeling optimistic about her survival, but she didn't want to give up. To make matters bad for her, she was heading towards the wrong direction straight from the start. She had only ever relied on the group's navigator for directions so she didn't even realize that her own map wasn't being displayed correctly, and this turned out to be terrible for her. In the valley, she faced many adversities, barely surviving them all. Her equipment didn't survive the many tentacle traps that would've turned out to be fatal for her if it wasn't for her minions. By the time she realized that her maps were malfunctioning, as evident by the fact she found herself in the unknown, southern parts of the valley, it was already too late. At this point she knew that she would not be getting home anymore. She was tired and way too deep into the valley. Night was falling too. Weeping and scared, unable to accept her fate in her heart, she searched for a place to rest and found it within the corridors of ancient ruins.
"I thought I made myself clear the last time around", Pink whispers, sounding embarrassed. "Being a girl ''IS'' my true self… and that means having a vagina…"

These ruins were the ones she met her fate in. She is not a scout, so she couldn't really track traps either. It was only a matter of time until she got caught. As we know, her fate was to be trapped in the lustful embrace of a tentacle demon, one that she would not escape until the day Ron found her. Five straight days and five straight nights went by in a time that felt like a lifetime during the ordeal, but afterwards felt like it went past in a blink of an eye. The flashes she can remember from it all can be fit within a hour-long time window, a thought that horrifies her. When she inquired Lemon about how long the game had been going on now, she got legitimately upset just thinking about the fact that for almost a week she has been separated from her friends, who themselves might be in danger. Then, she got even more upset and scared when she heard that she's not even in Paradise. She's in Grove, a place that is completely unknown and strange to her. She could barely contain the tears anymore, but luckily they were quick to dry out.
"Oh, so it's about being on the receiving end you're interested in?" Rain asks, with a hand on her jaw.

By the time afternoon rolled in, she was invited and accepted to the little get together of the five reunited Nymphs who for the first time in days can be together in the same place at the same time, sitting on the large bed inside Lemon's apartment in a close and tight ring, with intentions of discussing their plans going forward. They briefly introduced themselves to Snow, and Snow introduced herself to five friends.
"I-I mean, I DO like dicks", Pink says, blushing like crazy, almost as if she doesn't believe she admitted it out loud. "I would have sex with a guy in a heartbeat, but like… the idea of little girls having dicks is heresy…"

Snow in real life is a country boy, having lived her entire life on the shores of lake Lagoda about an hour's drive away from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Despite being an adult, she admits to living with her parents because of her relatively young age. On the first glance, she looks quite shy, but once you get to know her, you will quickly find out that she's actually an extrovert with quite a sharp tongue. She's somewhat unconventional and even inappropriate at times. She usually dresses up modestly in an outfit that closely resembles a typical sailor school uniform popular in many Japanese schools. Her long-sleeved jacket is white and her skirt is bright red, and she also wears a matching sea captain's hat on her head. As far as her clothes go, she definitely stands out.
"Then I'm happy to be a heretic", Rain says, with a serious expression, getting closer to Pink. "In any case,  
it's good to know I have someone to use this on."

She's a caster who plays full supportive role in a group, relying primarily on summoning allies to do fighting and by strengthening her allies, both Nymphs and monsters. She doesn't use many spells on her enemies, and instead opts to use her spare mana and time on heals, making her also a secondary healer. Her arsenal of spells and the wide list of creatures she can summon makes her a rare kind of player who can in theory solo any type of non-elite enemy, provided she's adventuring in a relatively easy area and keeping a level head. She's yet to come across an enemy she's completely unable to do damage against. Her playstyle is very defensive and calculating.
"I never said that…" Pink says, finding herself on retreat, smiling and laughing uncomfortably.

"In any case, we're happy to accept you on board, even if just temporarily", Wendy says.
"Oh? Your loss, I guess."

Snow nods, smiling shyly.
"C-come on, Rain…" Pink says, still laughing. "We promised to not have that kind of a relationship."

"About your friends", Wendy begins, "were those five close to you?"
"Says you, after kissing me on the lips unprompted", Rain says, looking at Pink's body, basically daydreaming in her head about boning her. "But you know I'm just teasing you", she finally says, not wanting to admit it out loud.

"I mean, we were starting to get really close…" Snow says, meekly, not sure how to explain herself. "But I didn't know them from before I played this game, so to be honest, I'm not sure… I just want to know they're safe." Then, she looks around the girls sitting in a circle with her. "By the way, who was the other girl who helped me out from the ruins?"
"Still… doesn't look like an easy recipe", Pink comments, looking at the list of ingredients. "Looks like you have a good start, though."

Rain, who is sitting next to Snow, raises her hand. "That would be me."
"Yeah, harvesting enough source is going to take a couple of days."

"Oh? So, you were Rain?"
"Does the source have to be yours?"

Rain nods and is about to reintroduce herself kindly, when suddenly, to her surprise, and to shock of pretty much everyone in the room, Snow leans in to take one very soft and short kiss from Rain's lips. Suddenly not sure what to even say, she just stares at Snow, dumbfounded.
Rain shakes her head. "I'm happy to loan it to anyone."

"What kind of a lewd woman are you!?" Wendy suddenly asks, raising her voice, and pointing a finger at Snow, blushing and clearly embarrassed.
"How about the demon itself?" Pink asks. "Can it be dangerous?"

"Oh, that was just a little 'thank you' kiss", Snow says, giggling.
<i>'She's clearly interested, or at least a little curious'</i>, Rain thinks and gives Pink a short explanation. "That evolution route should have zero risks of pregnancy or the demon being able to turn against its mistress, but a sterilizer made by an alchemist has to be applied to eliminate the miasma's effects. It's an optional step, but still recommended." As Rain says that, she realizes she forgot to buy the said sterilizer. Most alchemists don't have them in stock, as they only work on males. Moreover, ingredients for them are uncommon and used for more sought-after potions, making them a waste of valuable resources in the eyes of many. Rain has to either deal with the miasma in small doses or get someone to make her potions. "As for how it is now, it might rebel a little, but it's ultimately a weakling."

"In what world is that normal!?" Wendy asks, still flustered.
"I see…" Pink finally responds, clearly thinking about it.

"C-calm down…" Lemon says, finding the whole situation funny more than anything else.
"Still, I'm probably not gonna rush raising it", Rain says, shrugging. "Oh, and can I ask one thing from you?"

"Maybe she's just jealous of Rain", Pink says, laughing hard.
Pink nods. "Sure, what?"

"S-shut up! I'm so not!"
"Don't tell others about this…" Rain says meekly. "Especially not Wendy and Angel."

"I mean…" Snow is blushing herself, having just realized what she did might've been inappropriate. "I just… Kind of did it without thinking… I don't even know why… I just thought it was the most appropriate way to thank someone…"
"Why not?"

"Well to be honest, kissing someone you just met as a thank you is not the first thing that would come to my mind…" Angel says, shrugging.
"It's a little embarrassing. They're just going to make fun of me."

"O-okay, I'm sorry, Rain…" Snow says, giggling. "I hope you're not angry…"
"Who cares? It's just banter."

"No…" Rain says, whispering in the softest and girly voice she can muster. "I didn't mind…"
"Well… I suppose… but it's just the kind of banter I'd rather avoid…"

"Yeah, I'd be more worried about Rain kissing you if I were you, Snow", Wendy says, arms crossed.
"But you said you'd be happy to loan it to anyone…" Pink remembers, leaning in closer toward Rain with a smug smile. "So why tell me? Because you wanna lend it to me?"

"Oh, you…" Rain says, turning towards Wendy. "Oh, right. Didn't you say something about other Nymphs here being from Paradise?"
Rain's gut tells her to deny it, and causes her to blush from embarrassment. "I-I don't even know, I just felt like telling you at the time…"

"Right", Wendy says, trying to collect her thoughts and act like a leader. "There were like a forty or fifty of them…"
"Because you think I'm an easy fuck?" Pink asks, continuing to tease Rain.

"Really?" Snow asks, surprisingly loudly. "Where? How?"
"I-it's not that I think you're easy", Rain stammers. "I don't want to reveal this secret to those I have no desire to fuck, because there's the risk of them getting actually interested…"

"We raided Fort Hammercliff", Angel explains. "We wanted to save all the Nymphs who were captive. Amongst the captives were a lot of Nymphs from Paradise."
"Oh, really now?" Pink asks. Her facial expressions reveal her suspicion. She doesn't believe a word of what Rain just said. "Do you actually think those two would be interested then?"

"I was just thinking that could some of your friends be in that group?" Wendy asks. "Since you ran to groups of goblin hunters and all that."
"No, honestly…" Rain says. "It's just that I would never fuck those two, so they don't need to know to begin with."

"It is not out of question…" Snow says, thinking about it. "We did stumble across two groups of goblins in our last journey, and since we were scattered, small group would've definitely been an easy target."
"Alright then, I'll honor your wish", Pink says and nods, with her expression turning into a bit more seductive one. "I can also ''maybe'' be persuaded into helping you with it…"

"We should go around asking organizers about the names of these Nymphs", Lemon suggests. "Want me to go with you, Snow?"
Rain sighs. "Thanks, I guess…"

"Isn't this meeting more important to you…?" Snow asks. "I mean, you're finally reunited and all that… You don't need to be that concerned for me."
"Oh, I almost forgot!" Pink suddenly says. "Wendy and Angel talked about wanting to meet up with all five of us to discuss our future plans. Do you think we could bother Lemon?"

"Are you kidding me?" Lemon asks, and laughs. "We're taking a break, so we have all the time we need for ourselves."
"Well, she should be awake", Rain thinks out loud, wondering why she hasn't heard about her yet. Then she remembers the other Nymph as well. It doesn't take her a moment to put the two pieces together. "Actually, I think she could be busy…"

"I have a better idea", Pink states loudly. "Let's go together!"
Pink tilts her head, looking puzzled, as she has no idea what Rain means.

They all look at each other, nodding. Even Wendy who has been too tired to leave her home all day figures it might be a good idea to go outside once in a while. So, all six of them leave for the central in hopes of finding out the identities of Nymphs rescued.
"But we could go check on her", Rain suggests. "Wanna go straight away?"


They're unsurprised to find out that the people present in the theater and library do not remember the names of every single individual, but from the twenty or so names floated around, none sound familiar to Snow. She tries to describe her friends also to those willing to help out, but she's not very good at explaining people's appearances. Besides, she kind of thinks that most of her previous party members are kind of plain. There is, however, one Nymph that remembers seeing a girl that matches one of Snow's descriptions. In fact, this girl is apparently studying in the library, just a short walk away from our heroines. With haste, Snow heads towards the direction of a pointing finger, loudly thanking the helpful Nymph before leaving.

She's really in a hurry to see if the Nymph is one of her previous party members, so much so that the five Nymphs have hard time keeping up. Snow doesn't really care though. As soon as she sees a black-haired little girl reading a book, sitting on a bench, she cries out her name. "Crystal!"

Distracted by a familiar voice, this girl raises her eyes from the book, and she's lit up with joy. She drops the book as she stands up. It's clear that she can't believe her eyes. "Is that you, Snow?"

"Yes, yes!" Nodding, Snow rushes to Crystal and grabs both her hands. "What happened to you?"

"We were on the way home", girl named Crystal begins. "Me, Trisha and Bell. We get ambushed again by goblins."

"What about others?"

== Meeting ==
About a week into the game, a group of six Nymphs, a group of newly-found friends united by a common goal, left the town of Paradise towards the mountainous regions to the south, planning to venture farther than ever before. Past the Sparkling Forest - the area considered amongst the local communities to be entry-level - lies Hammercliff Valley, which was the next frontier for this party. Little did they know that this would be their last adventure together.

"I… I do not know…" Crystal says, looking a little worried. "Trisha and Bell probably got back to Paradise, since they weren't with me in the castle." Crystal is on the first glance as average as a Nymph can be as far as size goes. If you look close enough, you will realize that she's got stacked hips, but even that doesn't make her unusual in any way. She's got a wild looking short and curly hair, raven black in color. It partially covers her eyes and ears, twists and turns, and sticks to various different directions. While chaotic, it fits her like a glove, and actually looks very cute on her. Her brown eyes also have a darker shade to them. She appears fully human, and her skin is a lighter shade of brown. Her clothes are rather plain but have a militaristic touch to them. She has a black, plain tank-top and baggy green camo shorts that reach all the way to her knees. She also has dog-tags on her neck. "I have no idea what has happened to Polly and Hina though", Crystal admits. "How about you?"

It started out well, and they were hopeful about the journey ending on a positive note. Why wouldn't they be? They defeated many foes, looted their treasures, and even survived an ambush by a group of eight goblins, so they knew they were skilled and proudly wore their confidence on their sleeves. Having decided it was time to return home, they turned back, only to be surprised by a group of demons that turned out to be a little too much for them. The Nymphs fought back valiantly, but it was all in vain. They were forced to split up and retreat, and out of the six, the one who was unquestionably unluckiest was their summoner, Snow, for she was the only one who found herself alone in the forest.

Snow shakes her head. "It's a mystery…"

This group had a plan in case of these kinds of situations: get home as soon as possible. However, alone in the dangerous reaches of Hammercliff Valley, Snow was not optimistic about her survival. She didn't want to give up, so she pressed on alone, but to make matters worse for her, she was heading in the wrong direction straight from the start. She had only ever relied on the group's scout for navigation, so she didn't even realize that her map wasn't being displayed correctly, which turned out to be terrible for her. By the time she realized that her maps were malfunctioning, as evident by the fact she found herself in the southern parts of the valley, it was already too late.

"Did you get into trouble?"

In the valley, she faced many adversities, barely surviving them all. Her equipment didn't survive the many tentacle traps, leaving her naked and robbed of her dignity, but thanks to her minions, they didn't manage to defile her body. Still, the attacks left her weary, and the night was falling. Deep in the valley, she knew she wouldn't get home, and her friends wouldn't be able to find her either. Weeping and scared, unable to accept her fate in her heart, she searched for a place to rest and found it within the corridors of ancient ruins.

"Long story short, I was alone, got lost, and then, caught by tentacles…"

These ruins were the ones she met her fate in. Ambushed by a small group of goblins in the dead of night, she couldn't defend herself adequately, and her minion was no match for them. She escaped by the skin of her teeth, only to find herself trapped in the lustful embrace of a tentacle demon a minute later, one that she would not escape until the day Ron found her.

"Yikes…" Crystal says, with a slight hint of disgust in her voice. "Not sure if that's better or worse than what happened to me…"

Five straight days and nights went by, and for that brief chapter in her life, she was pumped full of miasma to pacify her senses and enslave her mind, and more importantly, turned into the demon's seedbed. Giving birth to dozens of larvae, all of which would grow into new traps to help the demon lure unsuspecting Nymphs to his embrace, she lacked any other purpose in life. It felt like a lifetime during the ordeal, but looking back, it felt like a blink of an eye afterward. The flashes she can remember from it all can fit within an hour-long time window, a thought that horrifies her, but also strangely soothes her. After all, perhaps it is better to remember it as nothing but five days stolen from her life rather than as an excruciatingly long minute-by-minute torture that seemed to never end.

"I was caught by goblins too", Wendy says, inserting herself into the conversation. "As horrible as it was, I can definitely imagine tentacles being worse."

Having explained her story to Lemon after giving birth to the one remaining tentacle larva in her belly, she sat alone in Lemon's bathtub, thinking not only about her own nightmare but also about what happened to her friends. Feeling weak, defeated, and insignificant is one thing, but what of her allies? <i>'Did they get away safely, or did they get caught like I did? Are they looking for me? Would they even look for me, or would they just abandon me, given that we weren't even friends in the real world?'</i> The questions torment her, and since she's so far away from home, she has no way of even knowing. Still, as depressed as she feels, she at least can appreciate that - Grove or Paradise - she's a free Nymph once again.

Crystal then realizes that she and Snow have company.

A knock on the bathroom door surprises her. Lemon's friendly face peeks in, and their eyes lock. "Oh, I was worried you'd passed out or something", Lemon says, giggling. "What are you still doing in the bath? It's been like an hour."

"They're with me", Snow explains. "They're all good girls."

"That long?" Snow asks, sighing. "I don't know, my thoughts have kept me preoccupied…"

"Really?" Crystal eyes the five girls as a shy smile appears on her face. "So, you're all local? Nice to meet you. I'm Crystal."

"Wanna come meet the others?" Lemon asks. "We're gonna have a bit of a chat now that we're all reunited."

Brief introductions follow.

Supposing she must, Snow drains the tub and picks up the towel set for her by Lemon, getting ready to meet everyone.

"Do you have a party yet?" Wendy asks. "Snow has already joined us, so I thought it would be a good idea for you to join as well…"


"I… I don't have one yet…" Crystal admits, scratching her back. She shows signs of fear, and doubt is oozing from her voice. "I haven't honestly even thought about returning to the battlefield…"

Sitting on the large bed inside Lemon's apartment in a close and tight ring, with intentions of discussing their plans going forward, the five good friends, finally gathered in one place, briefly introduced themselves to Snow, and Snow introduced herself to five friends.

"Are you scared?" Wendy asks, to which Crystal just nods. "I don't blame you."

Snow, in real life, is a country-grown boy - a self-described "Gopnik" - having lived her entire life on the shores of Lake Lagoda, about an hour's drive away from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Despite being an adult, she admits to living with her parents because of her relatively young age and the work opportunities the farm life gives her. At first glance, she seems quite shy, but once you get to know her, you will quickly find out that she's a natural extrovert with quite a sharp tongue. As far as her clothes go, she definitely stands out. She's dressed like a schoolgirl with an outfit that closely resembles a typical sailor uniform popular in many Japanese schools. Her long-sleeved jacket is white, her skirt is bright red, and she also wears a matching sea captain's hat on her head.

"Yeah, I mean, you went through it as well…" Crystal says, looking deep into the eyes of Wendy. "I don't know how much you experienced, but what I went through honestly made me feel like there was no salvation for me."

She's a caster who plays a fully supportive role in a group, relying primarily on summoning minions to do fighting and strengthening her allies, Nymphs and monsters alike. She doesn't use many spells on her enemies and instead opts to use her spare mana and time on heals, making her also a secondary healer. Her arsenal of spells and the wide list of creatures she can summon makes her a rare kind of player who can, in theory, solo any type of non-elite enemy in a one-on-one situation, provided she's adventuring in a relatively easy area and keeping a level head. While she's yet to come across an enemy she's completely unable to deal damage against, she still does the best in group settings due to being a great benefit to her allies. Overall, her playstyle is very defensive and calculating.

"Honestly, I'm afraid of getting caught again as well", Lemon says. "Oh, me and her", she continues, pointing at Rain, "Got also caught by tentacles."

"In any case, we're happy to accept you on board, even if just temporarily", Wendy says.

Rain nods. "I don't think any of us are in a hurry to return."

Snow nods, smiling shyly.

Crystal nods, sighing. "I know I will return eventually… I just need time."

"About your friends", Wendy begins, "were those five close to you?"

"We all need time", Lemon says, nodding. Everyone is in an agreement.

"I mean, we were ''starting'' to get really close…" Snow says meekly, not sure how to explain herself. "And they were good girls, but I didn't know them from before I came here, so to be honest, I'm not sure. I just want to know they're safe." Then, she looks around at the girls sitting in a circle with her. "By the way, who was the other girl who helped me out from the ruins?"

"Well, for now, why not join our party? Even if it doesn't get anywhere, let's help each other."

Rain, who is sitting next to Snow, raises her hand. "That would be me."

Crystal is hesitant to accept, because she just met these five Nymphs, and she is, to be very honest, very attached to the idea of being with her first group. She knows it's impossible, but she feels like she can't really let go like that. It's upsetting for her to think that she has to move on, even if just temporarily. "Sure…"

"Oh? So, you're Rain?"

Wendy gets closer to Crystal, looking curious. "What's your role?"

Rain nods and is about to reintroduce herself kindly when suddenly, to her surprise and to the shock of pretty much everyone in the room, Snow leans in to take one very soft and short kiss from Rain's lips. Unsure what to even say, she just stares at Snow, pleasantly dumbfounded.

"I'm a tank", Crystal says, which is something that makes everyone in the party really happy. "I'm guessing you ladies need a tank…?" she adds, laughing a little. "It's written all over your faces."

"What kind of a lewd woman are you!?" Wendy suddenly asks, raising her voice and pointing her finger at Snow as if accusing her of a horrible crime, blushing and clearly embarrassed.

Rain extends her hand to Crystal and says: "I used to be the only melee in this party."

"Oh, that was just a little ''"thank you"'' kiss", Snow says, giggling.

"Really?" Crystal says and shakes Rain's hand. "Let's share the burden then."

"In what world is that normal!?" Wendy asks, still flustered.

It still hasn't been decided if Crystal will join the team for sure, but with Snow already in the group, she sees no reason not to join. This party of seven is starting to look like a proper set-up, but it's still far from perfect and desirable. Knowing how badly they fell flat the last time they faced great adversities they all know that they need to improve and add to their arsenals. If they can't get better, they're just going to just fail again. Next time that happens, they might not be so lucky and be saved.

"C-calm down…" Lemon says, finding the whole situation funny more than anything else. "She's just happy to be free."

"Maybe Wendy's just jealous of Rain", Pink says, laughing hard.

On the way back to Lemon's house, Crystal introduces herself a little better while also learning about the girls she just met. In the real world, she's an American woman of mixed heritage, with her mother being Hispanic and her father being black. She's 35 years of age and lives in a small town in Texas. What makes her different from pretty much every other Nymph in the group is the fact that she actually has a family of her own, two children along with a husband. She used to be a real MMO junkie, but nowadays doesn't have much time to play anymore. She doesn't tell much about what kind of person she is - apart from being brutally honest - but everyone can tell that she's very kind on the surface. Her in-game combat role is not only melee, but very much in your face and close-quarter. She isn't anywhere similar to Rain in style. Her weapon of choice is a large double-headed axe, and her talents are Strength and Iron Skin. She does sound more tanky, but that doesn't mean that she's any more suited to it than Rain is, because she can't rely that much on dodge. As a fighter she is surprisingly technical per her vast experience with similar weapon from her days from an unnamed competitor to Mormia, a game she used to play a lot in her twenties.

"S-shut up! I'm so not!"

Now the Nymphs finally get around to discussing their future. While Wendy is the leader and the strategist on the battlefield, Lemon is kinda like a chairman for the group, the person who leads the conversation in the group. Or, at least so the other girls treat her. They both are regarded as leaders of some sorts. It might've not gotten apparent from the story yet, but it absolutely is the case. Lemon is actually the first one to realize something about what Crystal told, something that the others did not even think about at the time.

"I mean…" Snow is blushing herself, having just realized what she did might've been inappropriate. "I just kinda did it without thinking… I don't even know why… I just thought it was the most appropriate way to thank someone…"

"Since you were in goblin's custody, you must be pregnant as well."

"Well, to be honest, kissing someone you just met as a thank you is not the first thing that would come to my mind", Angel says, shrugging, appearing overall neutral to the whole situation.

"Oh, that…" Crystal says, blushing a little bit. "I already gave birth to it."

"O-okay, I'm sorry, Rain…" Snow says, giggling. "I hope you're not angry…"

"So, are you okay now?"

"No…" Rain says, whispering in the softest and the girliest voice she can muster. "I didn't mind…"

Crystal looks hesitant, but nods either way. "As okay as a girl can be after giving birth to a monster…"

"Yeah, I'd be more worried about Rain kissing you if I were you, Snow", Wendy says, arms crossed.

"It's good to hear you're feeling well", Wendy says. "I still haven't given birth…"

"Oh, you…" Rain says, turning towards Wendy. "Oh, right. Didn't you say something about other Nymphs here being from Paradise?"

"Honestly, it's not that awful an experience, so don't be scared", Crystal says. "By the way, I was impressed by the amount of lore you girls here in Grove have discovered. There was a lot of information we didn't have in Paradise."

"Right", Wendy says, trying to collect her thoughts and act like a leader. "There were like a forty or fifty of them…"

"Have you two from Paradise discovered something that none of us from Grove have?" Lemon asks.

"Really?" Snow asks surprisingly loudly. "Where? How?"

"I didn't get time to read through everything", Crystal explains, "but you did seem to miss the third page of the book about mortality…" It is a page that everyone in the group are dying to hear about - no pun intended - since the question of mortality and what happens next is one that puzzles literally every single Nymph in Grove. "I was going to submit it to Paradise's library, but someone else did so before me, so I submitted it here instead."

"We raided Fort Hammercliff", Angel explains. "We wanted to save all the Nymphs who were captive. Amongst the captives were a lot of Nymphs from Paradise."

"Wanna tell us what it's about?"

"I just thought that some of your friends could be in that group", Rain says. "Since you ran to groups of goblin hunters and all that."

"Honestly, I'm bad at explaining…"

"It is not out of the question…" Snow says, thinking about it. "We did stumble across two groups of goblins in our last journey, and since we were scattered, a small group would've definitely been an easy target."

"That's fine", Pink says, getting up. " The books right around the corner. Let me go pick it up for us."

"We should go around asking others about the names of these Nymphs", Lemon suggests. "Want me to go with you, Snow?"

With that, the group finally gets the opportunity to read the piece of lore word to word.

"Isn't this meeting more important to you?" Snow asks. "I mean, you're finally reunited and all that. You don't need to be that concerned for me."

"Are you kidding me?" Lemon asks and laughs. "We're taking a break, so we have all the time we need for ourselves! So let's go together!"

''Excerpt from the Gamer's Logbook; "Exploring the Mechanics of Nymphsaga", entry number ???, "Nymphs and Mortality, Part Three: Death, Rebirth, and the Cost."''

"I'll stay back to loan your kitchen", Angel says. "I'll prepare some snacks if that's alright with you."

''Having explained what leads to Nymph's mental breakdown - which in this context means death - and how it can happen, the only thing to really explain is to explain what happens afterwards. As it was stated in the previous chapter, player's spirit will leave Nymph's body upon mental breakdown. What happens next, anywhere from few minutes up to three weeks after it has taken place, is rebirth.''

"And I'll help!" Pink volunteers. "Can't have you do all the hard work alone again!"

''Nymph's life is an eternal cycle which cannot be interrupted by normal means. Nymph's soul can't escape Phantasm. It can't return to the world players consider "real", and it can't perish completely. When rebirth occurs, player will get a new body, which highly resembles their old one, but is never exactly the same. There are always few features that will change from their last avatar. The place where the rebirth happens is the closest "Garden of Rebirth" to the place where they perish, and the rebirth always happens on the "Day of Rebirth", which is every three weeks, which is considered to be a month in Phantasm, or the time it takes for Phantasm to revolve around its parent. Despite being organisms of bone, flesh and blood, Nymphs grow from plants which bloom on the day of rebirth. These flowers only bloom where there are a lot of source present, or in other words, in places where Nymphs tend to live.''

The rest look at each other, nodding, and leave for the center in hopes of finding out the identities of the rescued Nymphs.

''When the player comes back to life, they will lose not just all their equipment and everything in their inventory, but also all their learned abilities, levels, talents, professions and even their predetermined class. They will literally have to start from the scratch and make the choices again. They can choose to take a completely different path, or a familiar path. It is completely up to them. Then, there is the spiritual cost. Every time player resurrects, she will lose an irreplaceable part of herself. What this something is, is a secret for now, and a surprise left for when the player dies. Then again, by the time she resurrects, she won't know what it is that she lost.''


They're unsurprised to find out that the people in the theater and library do not remember the names of every single individual, and from the twenty or so names floated around, none sound familiar to Snow. She also tries to describe her friends to those willing to help, but as she's not very good at explaining people's appearances - especially not in English - and since she's looking for five different Nymphs, she struggles with her descriptions. There is, however, one Nymph that remembers seeing a girl that matches one of Snow's descriptions. In fact, this girl is apparently studying in the library, just a short walk away from our heroines. With haste, Snow heads in the direction she's pointed towards, loudly thanking the helpful Nymph as she leaves.

It isn't really a relief for any of the five Nymphs who didn't know about it, as it was what they expected. They suspected they would resurrect; they just didn't know about the details that turned out to be a little harsher than any of them feared. Whenever being forced to be this world's prisoner is better or worse than being granted the release of death is something that is left for every individual to decide for themselves.

She's really in a hurry to see if the Nymph is one of her previous party members, so much so that the three others have difficulty keeping up. Snow doesn't really care though. As soon as she sees a black-haired little girl reading a book, sitting on a bench, she cries out her name. "Crystal!"

"There still isn't any information about how to actually get out from this game", Angel points out.

Distracted by a familiar voice, this girl raises her eyes from the book, and she's lit up with joy and shock. She drops the book as she stands up. It's clear that she can't believe her eyes. "Is that you, Snow?"

"Yeah, but the text say it can't be interrupted by normal means", Crystal says. "That must mean that there's more to this."

"Yes, yes!" Nodding, Snow rushes to Crystal and grabs both her hands. "What happened to you?"

"Yeah, and we don't really know if there's a fourth part", Snow says, shrugging.

"We were on the way home", Crystal begins. "Me, Trisha, and Bell. We got ambushed again by goblins."

"But what about the thing we lose when we die?" Pink says.

"What about others?"

"Honestly, those last sentences feel like a riddle", Rain mutters to herself.

"No clue…" Crystal admits, looking a little worried. "Trisha and Bell probably got back to Paradise since they weren't with me in the castle."

"Well, we're almost three weeks into the game", Lemon points out. "We don't know what day we spawned to this world on, but the so-called day of rebirth hasn't taken place yet."

Crystal, at first glance, appears fully human, and her skin is a lighter shade of brown, with her brown eyes being also a bit darker in the shade than average. She's about as average as a Nymph can be as far as her size goes, with stacked hips and ass and a perfectly flat chest. She's got wild-looking short and curly hair, raven black in color, partially covering her eyes and ears, twisting, turning, and poking in various directions. While chaotic, it fits her like a glove and actually looks very cute on her. Her clothes have a militaristic touch to them with a black, plain tank top, baggy green camo shorts that reach all the way to her knees, and a pair of silver dog tags hanging on her neck.

"It can't be too many days away", Pink says. "Maybe we will know the answer soon."

"I also have no idea what happened to Polly and Hina", Crystal admits. "Have you got any clues regarding those two?"

Crystal sighs deeply. "Honestly, I was WAY more scared of never being able to die than I was from actually dying…" Silence falls on the room, and Crystal realizes this. She hasn't really talked about it much because the others have. It's about the fact that many Nymphs already know, but our heroines don't yet. "The goblins were sure to let us rest and heal to make sure we never break down."

Snow shakes her head. "It's a mystery…"

"But that goes directly against the lore!" Angel yells, sounding scared.

"How about you? Did you get into trouble?"

"Yeah, I know", Crystal says. "But I swear to God, I'm not lying. It was the elite goblins that were calling the shots and making sure we get rest."

"Long story short, I was alone, got lost, and then, caught by tentacles…"

Wendy, having realized that she too could've been in a situation where she wouldn't be able to break down, falls silent and scared, unable to really say anything. Flashbacks of what the goblins did to her come back to her, but this time, accompanied by the idea of not being able to get out. Had there not been any plans for a raid, she wouldn't have been saved. The goblins had the intentions of keeping her there as a slave for a long, long time, perhaps even indefinitely. 'There's just no way that would be fair to us', she tells herself.

"Yikes…" Crystal says, with a slight hint of disgust in her voice. "That somehow sounds even worse than what happened to me, but how did you get out?"

"The tentacles weren't like that", Snow says, deep in thought. "We were heading straight towards breakdown, right?"

"Ummmm, we had an unlikely savior", Lemon says, inserting herself into the conversation, which initially confuses Crystal, who didn't realize Snow had company. "Me and her", she adds, pointing at Rain, "got caught by the tentacles too."

"If you can even say that", Lemon says, shrugging. "Since we had basically broken down already."

"Yeah, they're with me", Snow explains, smiling. "They're all good girls."

"I mean", Rain begins, beginning to challenge the idea of not being able to break down. "Just because the goblins let you rest doesn't mean that you would've been slaves for eternity, right?"

"Really?" Crystal eyes the three girls as a shy smile appears on her face. "So, you're all local? Nice to meet you. I'm Crystal."

"Yeah, there has to be some mechanic that would protect us from that kind of abuse", Wendy says. "There's just NO WAY it would be fair otherwise."

Brief introductions follow.

"When has this game ever been fair to us?" Lemon asks, pointing out the obvious.

"Man, everyone here's so kind", Crystal says. "Willing to help out strangers like that…"

"Yeah, and the text is pretty clear", Crystal says. "If we get rest, our stamina bar will regenerate, which will interrupt the countdown. It was exactly what happened to me. I'm not saying there isn't a mechanic we don't know about yet, but the evidence suggests that it is possible to abuse this mechanic."

"This little cutie has been awesome in particular!" Snow says, ruffling Lemon's hair playfully, causing her to giggle. "Letting me sleep in her bed, use her bathtub", she lists, dreamy-eyed, almost blushing on top of her bright smile. "Not to say the other ones aren't awesome too!"

"Yeah, but the same text also says that enemies can't abuse the mechanic", Wendy points out. "How do you explain that then?"

"Yeah, we would probably still be out there in those dungeons if it weren't for the others", Wendy says, looking at Crystal with an encouraging smile.

"I… I don't know…" Crystal admits. "I'm just talking about my personal experiences…"

"Oh, so you were ''there'' too, huh", Crystal mumbles, looking deep into Wendy's eyes and glancing at her belly.

"Can you actually remember the exact thing the text said?" Rain asks. "Because I'm pretty sure it said that programmed enemies can't abuse the mechanic."

Wendy notices this immediately, and looking back at Crystal, she sees that her waistline is flat. "You must've already dealt with yours, huh…"

Crystal turns towards Rain. "What are you implying?"

"Yeah", Crystal says, blushing a little bit. "I gave birth to it this morning…"

"What if the enemies are not programmed? What if they are thinking, feeling and intelligent beings just like us?"

"Was it awful?" Wendy asks, looking worried. "L-like, is it painful, or…?"

Crystal, who found herself on the other side of this debate, can't do anything but to admit: "…That would change everything."

"Oh, trust me", Crystal says, trying to put on a reassuring smile. "Didn't hurt nearly as much as popping out a real baby does. So don't worry about it too much."

"Wait a minute, Rain", Wendy says. "Are you talking about monsters like that ogre you met?"

"Hard not to…" Wendy admits.

Rain nods. "Ron claimed to be a player despite being a monster. It could very well be that some of those goblins were the same."

"Anyway", Snow says, hands behind her back, putting her face real close to Crystal's. "What're you doing here all alone?"

"I can't imagine players, humans like us, being so cruel to us", Angel says.

"Reading… duh…"

"Me neither, but it's possible", Rain says. "And they could be controlled by someone else than us players. I wouldn't put it past the bastards who are behind all this."

"That's not what I meant!" Snow adds. "Come with us!"

Crystal had not heard about the monster that was player yet, but the fact that everyone else seems to believe the story - Snow included - and the fact that Lemon also says that she talked to this ogre named Ron, makes her a believer too. "Well, it would definitely explain everything, and that would also mean that there are no contradictions in the lore."

"Oh, fantastic idea!" Lemon adds, clapping her hands together playfully. "You should totally join us since you're not busy!"

"Yeah, and it also means that this game just got a little scarier", Pink says.

Crystal double-blinks slowly, feeling and looking a little taken aback. "Well, I was kinda busy studying…"

"So, let's summarize", Lemon says. "If we're caught by a dumb enemy, we'll resurrect and lose our progress along with something important. If we're caught by a smart enemy, we're probably forced to be slaves for God knows how long. Either way, we're royally fucked."

"Save that for later", Wendy suggests. "Snow kinda wants to join our party, so how about you?"

"No news there", Angel says, sighing. "We were fucked from the moment we got stuck here."

"I… I don't know…" Crystal admits, scratching the back of her neck nervously. She shows signs of fear, and doubt oozes from her voice. "I haven't honestly even thought about returning to the battlefield…"

"Instead of discussing depressing shit, why not actually discuss how we can avoid this all?" Rain says. "If we never lose, we will never have to worry about getting caught."

"Why not?" Wendy asks. "Are you scared?"

"Well, that was the topic we WERE supposed to talk about anyway", Wendy says. "I'm happy to talk about that."

"Yeah", Crystal says, hanging her head. "I mean, you went through that as well, so you know how awful they were. I had already more or less given up after the second day…"

"So, provided that Snow and Crystal join us", Lemon begins, "we have Rain and Crystal as tanks, Angel as a healer, Snow as a secondary healer and a supporter, and me, Wendy and Pink as pure damage dealers. Have any of you actually read the updated guidelines written by Dana and Katja?" Everyone shakes their heads. "Because they said, and it got me thinking, that damage dealer isn't a viable role. Everyone should contribute in some other way."

"Oh, right, you were there a lot longer than I", Wendy realizes.

Wendy immediately realizes that this is partially directed at her. "Well, I am the tactician, and I've got some poisons, so…"

"Yeah, and they were so brutal", Crystal says, tearing up a little. "Like, they… they ran a train on me for hours, until my voice was hoarse from screaming and crying, until I passed out… and then, when I woke up in solitary confinement, they gave me disgusting bread and stale water… and…" She falls silent as the image of goblins masturbating in a row appears before her mind's eye, with sperm coating her hair, face, chest, and shoulders, and how she was forced to scrape it off her skin to eat before being forced to suck it straight out from the dicks.

"Yeah, I think you're fine", Lemon replies. Then, she turns towards Pink. "But how can we contribute?"

"Hold on", Lemon says, alarmed, not letting Crystal continue her story. "They let you recover?"

"I could get a stone that offers me more crowd control spells", Pink says. "I don't want my damage output to suffer, but if we all benefit more from it, I'm happy to change my style."

"H-huh? Y-yeah, I… it shocked me…" Crystal says, rubbing her cheeks from her involuntary tears. "I mean, we ''were'' slaves, basically just livestock… so it doesn't make sense for them to ''"break"'' us like that…"

"There can never be too much crowd control", Rain says. "We have barely any at this point."

"But that's awful…" Lemon says, trying to remember the exact words she read from the Gamer's logbook regarding the mechanic behind's Nymph's mortality and mental breakdown. "I thought that enemies couldn't abuse the mechanic. At least, that's what the books say."

This leaves Lemon in thought, because she hasn't honestly thought a lot about how she could contribute to the team with crowd control. She doesn't have the right talents and she can't really serve as a secondary tactician either, given her constant distance and stealth role. "I mean, I do have some crowd control, like pin-down and concussive arrow."

"I know!" Crystal replies. "But that's what happened! Right, Wendy?"

Wendy taps Lemon's shoulder. "I actually have always viewed your attacks as finishers of sorts, since you rarely leave your target alive. If we get more crowd control, this role of yours will become just easier."

Wendy, having realized that she too could've been in a similar situation had she been there longer, falls silent and scared, unable to really say anything in response. Flashbacks of what the goblins did to her come back to her, but this time, accompanied by the idea of not being able to get out. Ever. Had there not been any plans for a raid, she would still be there, unable to escape, unable to die, unable to be anything other than a slave for god knows how long, perhaps even indefinitely. "I… I wasn't there for that long", she finally says, almost shaking. "That's so unfair…"

"Yeah, I don't REALLY think that we need every damage dealer to have crowd control either", Pink admits.

"And who knows what happens if we ''actually'' die", Rain responds, thinking about her own situation. "I mean, those tentacles sure as hell didn't care about healing us or anything like that…"

Snow nods. "Provided that I'm a full supporter, I think we can afford having one pure damage dealer in the party of seven."

"Regardless", Crystal says, "thinking about risking something like that happening again… doesn't exactly make me excited about picking up my axe, if you know what I mean…"

"Besides", Pink says. "Isn't being an alchemist already your role?"

"Well, you don't have to worry about that tonight", Lemon says, putting her arm over Crystal's shoulder. "There's just ''no way'' we're going on an adventure when we're all still healing. But you still should come with us. We're just having a little get-together and fun between us girls…"

"Well, it's more like a precaution than a combat role", Lemon says, sighing. "I kinda feel embarrassed about staying as the sole damage dealer especially after saying that we all need to contribute with something other than damage."

Crystal hangs her head because, despite not wanting to bring the mood down, she isn't up for fun.

"Don't mind it", Wendy says. "Just do your thing. We don't have to agree with everything that those two big shots have to say."

"As much as I'm up for fun, I feel like getting to the bottom of this is more important", Wendy says. "Should we buy the whole book and try to figure out some clues? I mean, there ''has'' to be a logical explanation to what they were doing…"

Lemon nods, reluctantly.

"I'll pitch in and buy it", Snow suggests.

"Speaking of professions", Angel realizes, turning towards Snow and Crystal. "How about you two?"

"So, you coming?" Lemon asks Crystal. "I understand how you're feeling, but I'm sure you'll feel better in friendly company."

"I'm an enchanter", Snow says. "I heard you already have one. Not sure if that's viable."

Crystal quietly nods, supposing she really shouldn't be alone right now. Smiling through her emotional pain, she wipes the rest of her tears away. "Thanks for the invitation…"

"I don't think it matters", Rain says.

"And I'm sure your friends all got safely to Paradise", Lemon adds. "So cheer up."

"I don't have a profession yet", Crystal admits.

"I sure hope they did…" Crystal says, with her spirit sinking a little once again. "It just worries me because there's no way to know… and no way for me to return to Paradise alone…"

"Wait, really…?" Wendy says, looking at Crystal with a suspicious look in her eyes.

"Honestly, going to Paradise sounds like a banger idea", Rain says, hands in her pockets. "We could help you get there."

"I-I just didn't think of them as a big deal", Crystal says, shrugging. "I should probably get one though."

Both Crystal's and Snow's eyes light up with excitement, but only Crystal speaks out. "Seriously? I mean, that's a huge commitment and could be risky…"

"We don't have a Smith or a Caretaker in the group", Pink thinks aloud.

"Well, not overnight", Rain admits. "Like, we must prepare, especially considering our recent failures…"

"I actually thought about becoming Caretaker once I learned about them", Crystal admits. "It could fit me better than the ones that were available in Paradise."

"I would be up to traveling to Paradise too", Wendy says, eyeing Crystal up and down with curious eyes. "What's your role?"

Wendy's suspicious look turns a little more surprised as her eyebrows raise. "Oh, that would actually be super cool."

"I'm a tank", Crystal says, which makes everyone in the party really happy. "I'm guessing you ladies need a tank?" she adds, laughing a little, feeling a lot better all of a sudden. "It's written all over your faces."

"I kinda like animals, so it's a no-brainer for me", Crystal says, giggling.

Rain extends her hand to Crystal for a shake. "I used to be the only melee in this party, so ''once'' you join us", she says, with a playful smirk on her face, "we'll have each other's backs, okay? You'll help us, and we'll help you, ''friend''…"

"I wish I had that luxury", Snow says. "I can't tame demons that aren't my own. If I want more demons, I need to get pregnant."

"Really?" Crystal says and shakes Rain's hand, feeling even more encouraged. "Let's share the burden then." Despite saying that, Crystal still doesn't make the final decision to join, and lucky for her, she's not in a rush to decide either. Still, knowing Snow has already shown interest, she at least feels warmer to the idea than a minute ago. Besides, she supposes she really should at least try to make new friends instead of being alone.

"Oh, what should I do with that demon?" Lemon asks, turning towards Snow. "The one you restrained."


"Give it to me", Rain suggests.

On the way back to Lemon's house, Crystal talks more about herself while learning about the girls she just met. In the real world, she's a 35-year-old American woman living in a small town in Texas with a Mexican mother, an African American father, and a family of her own with two grade-school-aged sons. She used to be a real MMO junkie growing up as a teenager, but nowadays doesn't have much time to play, with her family and her work in the United States Air Force taking too much of her time away from hobbies.

"Well, I don't mind, but wouldn't it make more sense for me to give it to Snow…?"

Her in-game combat role is not only melee but very much in-your-face and close-quarter. She wields a giant axe as her weapon, and her talent choices prioritize raw strength, damage mitigation, and survivability as opposed to the fast-paced movement most Nymphs prefer. As a fighter, she is surprisingly technical, helped by her experience with a similar weapon from her days from an unnamed competitor to Mormia, a game she used to play a lot in her twenties.

"I don't really care…" Snow admits.

After enjoying each other's friendly company, and the light evening snack prepared by Angel - a big bowl of fruit salad, to be specific - their thoughts finally return to the more serious matters at hand, with the near-complete Gamer's Logbook taking center stage as they put it under the figurative magnifying glass. To their surprise, they also find a new, third entry, and decide to quietly read it together.

"Let me adopt your baby", Rain says.


"Please, don't frame it like that…" Lemon says, laughing. "It's a freaking demon…"

''Excerpt from the Gamer's Logbook; "Exploring the Mechanics of Nymphsaga", entry number ???, "Nymphs and Mortality, Part Three: Death, Rebirth, and the Cost."''

"What are you even planning on doing with it?" Angel asks.

''Having explained what leads to Nymph's mental breakdown - which in this context means death - and how it can happen, the only thing left to explain is what happens afterward. As stated in the previous chapter, the player's spirit will leave Nymph's body upon mental breakdown. What happens next, anywhere from a few minutes up to three weeks after it has taken place, is rebirth.''

"Not sure", Rain admits. "Since the first one is for pleasure, the second would be for combat."

''Nymph's life is an eternal cycle that cannot be interrupted by normal means, and Nymph's soul can't escape Phantasm. It can't return to the world players consider "real", and it can't perish completely either. Instead, when rebirth occurs, the player will respawn in a new avatar, identical to the previous one in appearance, in a place called the "Garden of Rebirth".''

"Wait, pleasure?" Angel asks. Rain realizes that she might've accidentally said something she had no plans of telling, and she doesn't answer Angel's question at all. "Pleasure who exactly?"

''The Nymph will always be reborn either in the closest "Garden of Rebirth" to the place where they perish or the last "Garden" they visited. The rebirth always happens on the "Day of Rebirth", which occurs on the first day of the Eclipse, considered to be the end of a month in Phantasm. Despite being organisms of bone, flesh, and blood, Nymphs grow from plants that bloom on the day of rebirth. These flowers only bloom where there is a lot of source present, or in other words, in places where Nymphs tend to live.''

"Don't push me…" Rain says, clearly flustered. "I don't want to tell you…"

''When the player comes back to life, they will lose all their equipment, everything in their inventory, all their learned abilities, levels, talents, professions, and even their predetermined class, meaning they will literally have to start from scratch. After this, they can choose to take a completely different path on their second playthrough if they want to, or stick to what they already know. It is entirely up to them.''

"Oh fuck that", Angel continues, with a pushy smirk on her face. "You brought this up, so spill the beans."

''Lastly, there is also a spiritual cost to each rebirth. Every time player resurrects, she will lose an irreplaceable part of herself. What this something is, is a secret for now and a surprise left for when the player dies. Then again, by the time she has resurrected, she won't know what it is that she lost.''

Yet, Rain refuses to explain herself. This time, all she can do is stay quiet and look away.


Meanwhile Wendy is quick to mirror her own thoughts and feelings into Rain. Because of the fact that she feels changed because of her experience, and the fact that she actually has warmed up to the idea of taking a dick - an idea completely foreign to her before she became a Nymph - she suspects that Rain could be going through similar change. It also gives her courage to not only push Rain on this topic, but also admit her own feelings out loud. "I totally get you if you feel like you're changing because of this world. I'm like that as well."

None of this comes as a relief for any of the seven Nymphs, but at the same time, as harsh as the reality of their situation is, it's also what they expected. They suspected they would resurrect; they just didn't know about the details. Still, whether being forced to be this world's prisoner in an inescapable loop is better or worse than being granted the release of death is left for every individual to decide for themselves. Some, without a doubt, would rather end their lives than suffer in a world where the enemies around them want to turn them into sex slaves, but then again, some find the idea of immortality reassuring since there ''could'' still be a way out.

Rain looks at Wendy with dubious eyes. "Do you feel like this world has changed you as well…?"

Angel, who clings to the latter argument, is the first one to comment on the texts. "There still isn't any information about how to actually get out from this game", she points out.

"Yeah, this world has kind of made me warm up to dicks…" Wendy says, cheeks beet red, and voice shaking. "So, I completely sympathize with you if you want to, um… Pleasure yourself like that…"

"Yeah, but the text says the cycle can't be interrupted by ''"normal"'' means", Crystal says. "That suggests there's more to this."

"Dude…" Rain says, finally deciding she must explain what she meant. "It's not like that… I'm growing a demon that kind of works like a strap-on…"

"Yeah, and we don't even know if there's a fourth part either", Snow says, shrugging.

Wendy, having realized that she kind of admitted herself changing while making a vain point, just gets even more embarrassed, and it's clear to see.

"But what about the thing we lose when we die?" Pink says.

"I-I mean", Rain says, whispering, "I have changed as well, but I don't think I like dicks…"

"Honestly, those last sentences feel like a riddle", Rain mutters.

"I always liked dicks, so I don't feel like I've changed", Pink says, half serious, half joking.

"Well, we're almost three weeks into the game", Lemon points out. "We don't know what day we spawned to this world on, but the so-called day of rebirth hasn't occurred yet."

"Okay, I'll say it as well!" Snow suddenly shouts. "I'm exactly like Wendy!"

"It can't be too many days away", Pink says. "I mean, it said ''"the end of the month"'', or something…"

"I have changed a little bit too", Crystal admits.

"How long is a month in Phantasm anyway?" Wendy asks. "Thirty days? How is it even counted?"

"I think we all have", Lemon says. "Don't feel embarrassed about it, Wendy."

"I mean, the month on earth is determined by the time it takes for the moon to revolve around the earth", Lemon points out with a speculative tone. "Since Phantasm IS the moon in this case, maybe a month is the time in which Phantasm revolves around that huge gas giant? I'm guessing the time is not the exact same as on earth…"

"It's just that talking about these kinds of topics feels weird…" Wendy says.

"Makes sense", Pink says, nodding. "But what's this nonsense about some enemies being able to heal us?"

"I thought you weren't planning on telling anyone else", Pink says, poking Rain with her elbow.

"Right, I told the others in the library", Crystal says, with her heart sinking again. She supposes she should start straight from the beginning. "Right, so… there are obviously all kinds of goblins, and some of them are smarter than the others, right? The smaller ones are stupid, they don't care about our wellbeing… but the elite goblins, those taller ones, the shamans… ''they'' were calling the shots and making sure we got rest…"

Rain sighs. "Well, cat's out of the bag. Don't expect me to chase you girls with it though."

"That sounds ''SO'' unfair", Angel says, sounding irate. "I mean, isn't the whole point of losing ''being'' able to die and respawn?"

"Now I want to make myself a similar demon…" Snow says, giggling. "If it is possible for me."

"Yeah, and that's what the text says", Lemon says, flipping through the pages to find the right passage. "See? ''"Programmed enemies are not intelligent enough to abuse this mechanic, as it would be just plain unfair"''. Isn't that contradictory?"

While the discussion diverges from more serious topics to those that are a little bit more casual, and a little bit more personal to each one of them, they completely forget about what they were supposed to talk about, but that's okay. They're not going on an adventure for a while, so they can have their fun and their pointless discussions.

"You know shit's fucked-up when even the lore books say the game's unfair", Rain comments, shrugging.

They all admit that they have changed, and honestly, they can all see the changes in each other, especially Rain, Wendy and Angel, who have known each other for so long. No longer do they even think about each other's real personalities, and instead, they exclusively use each other's in-game names. No longer do they refer to themselves or to each other with male pronouns, but rather, they use feminine ones, even for themselves. They all are hesitant to admit that they've become more girly in their behavior and in how they speak and move, but they're quick to see the changes in each other. It's disturbing for them to think that they could be going through similar things, but in the end, does it matter for them? No. They just quickly dismiss it and store it in the back of their minds and move on. It does make up for some bedtime thoughts - something to think about while waiting to fall asleep - but it's the least of their worries in the dangerous world. In the end, it has to be said, that they have all become more open sexually and more willing to talk about their sexuality and preferences. Will their new forms and their new nature as a Nymph change them even more? Deep down they know, yes, they will continue to change, perhaps for better, perhaps for worse. They all agree that it won't matter as long as they're happy, and as long as they're safe.

"Yeah, but I think there has to be some mechanic that would protect us from that kind of abuse", Wendy says. "There's just NO WAY it would be fair otherwise."

"When has this game ever been fair to us?" Lemon asks, pointing out the obvious.

There are no disagreements in the newly formed group of seven; they are to put their efforts to push through Hammercliff Valley all the way to Paradise. They have not decided yet what's going to happen once they get there though. Will they go separate ways if Snow and Crystal find their friends there? Will they even find their friends there? That's something they have to worry about later. They feel like they have a lot of preparing and improving to do, mostly because they do not want to relive their bad memories of that place. Once Wendy gets better, they pretty much get instantly into back into training and getting to better shape.

"Well, honestly, never", Rain admits, but still challenges the idea of being unable to break down in her little head. "Still, just because the goblins let you rest doesn't mean that you would've been slaves for eternity, right?"

Speaking of Wendy getting better, during the last moments of her pregnancy, her belly would actually start to grow. It was already late, so she pretty much went to sleep with her belly. She wasn't too excited about having to walk around with. She was feeling shame, even though she deep down knew that she shouldn't be ashamed of it. It's not like she ever asked for it. On the very same night she had the misfortune of having to deliver alone, with nobody else by her side. It started without warning during the early hours of morning, when her firstborn decided it is time for him to see the light of day before she was even awake herself. She woke up confused, initially not even aware of what was going on. There was pain and she cried for help, but it was already too late. It was over quickly, before she would even get the emotional support she wanted. It honestly wasn't as bad as she initially thought it would be, at least as far pain goes. A little crying child of a goblin still connected to her by a umbilical cord - the ultimate proof of her motherhood - was delivered to the world safely. What happened to this baby later? I will spare you the details but let me just say that they decided to not get rid of it right away, per the wishes of the mother. They also hope they won't be having to get rid of any more children, should they have the misfortune of having to deliver some.

"That's what it honestly felt like", Crystal admits. "I couldn't even do anything about it, because most of the time when I slept, I only did because I passed out from exhaustion. I always woke up with my stamina bar regenerated, and like I said, they gave me food too."

But enough of that. Let's get back to what they must do next, which is to train and to get familiar with styles of their new allies and learn to use new skills and tactics. They take regular trips to Misty Forest, the only place they feel 100% comfortable training in. They always had no troubles clearing enemies in this forest, but with their new and improved tactics along with some super useful crowd control in form of Wendy's focus on poisons and Pink's frost magic, they have no problems. They train in groups of four, with three benched at time, following the group around. This is to train with different kinds of setups to prepare for different kinds of situations in case of something going horribly wrong. They try training without healers, sometimes without tanks. Some setups are better than others, but they never get into trouble in these easy areas. They also learn to combo their attacks more effectively. Lemon, for example, usually takes slowed and stunned enemies as her targets to one-shot her enemies while others focus on tankier enemies.

"But, like… what if you ''don't'' eat?" Pink asks.

They're sure to not forget about professions either. Rain and Snow, with their new enchanter only enchants get a good boost to their performances, and Wendy gets even better with maps and finding treasure. They no longer have any problems with high-level areas and broken maps. Angel learns to make rations that can be used to give temporary boosts on adventure and Lemon's potions continue to improve. It's not just the effects either; they are starting to taste good as well, especially Angel's rations. Most of it comes in forms of candy bars. Pink doesn't really have room to improve anymore, since she can't find good recipes anywhere, but hey, at least her transformation ability is getting stronger. This leaves us with Crystal, who gets herself a pet wolf. It's not strong by any means, but it can alert the presence of enemies and even track them, which is always good. It's crippling ankle bite and interrupting paw strike are also effective means of crowd control against all manners of enemies, especially casters.

"I… kinda tried… but they whipped me as punishment", Crystal remembers. "And the shaman healed me through all that as well, but it didn't take the pain away. I dunno, I didn't fight back after that…"

So, they improve a lot, and it's noticeable. It also makes them confident. They feel like they're finally ready to return back to the front lines, but not before they have one more night's rest, one filled with fun, games and a little bit of drinks. This time, they gather around in Rain's house, who lost the bet to play the host. What do they play with? Well, they don't really have a lot to play with, but they have a deck of traditional playing cards. You can play like a hundred games with them, so they have a lot to choose from. Since they're all from different parts of the world, they all are familiar with different games. They settle to play simple poker as it is a global game they all know the rules of and decide to go forward from there. They manage to play for about fifteen minutes until they get bored, because the truth is that poker is very boring without proper stakes. They don't want to play about money, but that's not a problem at all. They have two things they can stake, and those are clothes and sugary drinks with intoxicating effects. It's not the most PG combination there is, especially as Nymphs tend to get horny when drunk. Let me say from the beginning though, that while some of the Nymphs in the group end up losing more than the others, it doesn't get THAT lewd, at least not until they decide to play even more childish party games, like spin the bottle. It kind of starts with truth or dare rules, but quickly dissolves to nothing but dares, most of which involve intimate contact of some sort.

"Maybe there's some mechanic that would let us give up and despawn after a set time?" Lemon speculates. "Is suicide an option?"

They only had a set amount of drinks, so it never has a chance to get out of hand, relatively speaking. They do know self-restraint. Well, at least those who win do. It's usually the loser that ends up getting drunk, which just fuels their losing streak. When they run out of drinks, it's already late, and they decide to go different ways. Well, everyone except Wendy. Whenever she's just bad at playing cards or just had bad luck, she was the one getting the most shit-faced. She was also first one to get stripped. Now, she lays defenseless on Rain's bed, not wanting to move. Rain on the other hand is very good in poker. In fact, you could call her a natural. You should already know why.

"Nobody I've talked about has spoken of such a thing", Crystal says. "As for the latter, well… I couldn't even open up my user interface or deal damage to myself… and the shamans could heal us anyway…"

"You know…" Rain says, leaning closer to Wendy. "I know my bed is comfy, but I need you to bugger off."

"Okay, so… we'll just have to accept that this world's unfair as fuck for now", Wendy says. "The question remains the same: how the fuck could they abuse the mechanic?"

"Don't be like that", Wendy says, laughing. "God, my head is spinning so much… I just can't get up…"

"I don't know…" Crystal admits. "I'm just talking about my personal experiences…"

Rain sits down on the bed and sighs. She is starting to get tired and just wants to get to sleep. "No, really, I just want to sleep in peace."

"I might have a clue", Rain says. "It only says that ''"programmed enemies"'' can't abuse the mechanic."

Just like that, Wendy actually gets up, hugging Rain from behind, with her head leaning against Rain's shoulder. "Let's sleep together…"

Crystal turns towards Rain. "What are you implying?"

"Dude…" Rain says, with thin eyes.

"What if the enemies are not programmed? What if they are thinking, feeling, and intelligent beings just like us?"

"Don't call me a dude", Wendy says, pouting, sounding offended. "I'm a girl, you ass."

Crystal, who found herself on the other side of this debate, can't do anything but admit: "…That would change everything."

"…It's a figure of speech."

"Wait a minute, Rain", Wendy says. "Are you talking about monsters like that ogre you met?"

"Come on, Rain. Get naked already."

Rain nods. "Ron claimed to be a player despite being a monster. It could very well be that some of those goblins were the same."

"There's no way I would sleep with you."

"I can't imagine players, humans like us, being so cruel to us", Angel says.

"Oh, fuck off, I know you're into little girls."

"Me neither, but it's possible", Rain says. "And they could be controlled by someone other than us players. Could be some super-advanced artificial intelligence too. I wouldn't even put it past the bastards who are behind all this."

"I'm not into you", Rain says, sighing. "Besides, you're drunk."

Crystal had not heard about the monster that was a player yet, but the fact that everyone else seems to believe the story - Snow included - and the fact that Lemon also says that she talked to this ogre named Ron makes her a believer too. "Well, it would be a logical explanation, and that would also mean that there are no contradictions in the lore."

"I'm not drunk!" Wendy states loudly, then laughing.

"Yeah, and it also means that this game just got a little scarier", Pink says.

Rain is starting to get uncomfortable, because she really doesn't want to do anything to Wendy, especially when she's drunk. No, she wouldn't probably do anything even if she was sober, but the situation is not one that she wants to be in. Rain does admit to being a little bit horny. Had it been someone else than Wendy drunk in her bed, she wouldn't have hesitated to pounce on her. "Please, just leave."

"So, let's summarize", Lemon says. "If we're caught by a dumb enemy, we'll resurrect and lose our progress along with something important. If we're caught by a smart enemy, we're probably forced to be slaves for God knows how long. Either way, we're royally fucked."

Yet, Wendy is still not having it. "Hey…" she whispers, straight into Rain's ear. "That dick of yours should be ready by now… Wanna try it on me…?"

"No news there", Angel says, sighing. "We were fucked from the moment we got stuck here."

Rain sits still like a statue. Her heart is pounding faster. She has it ready. Wendy was actually one of the girls that helped with giving it source, but Rain hasn't used it yet, not even once. She just hasn't had the opportunity. She has wanted to, but opportunity hasn't presented itself. And there it is; the opportunity is hugging onto her, naked, pushing her little body against her back. 'Wait, this can't be actually happening', Rain tells herself. Rain is tempted, really tempted. Just like she can't get the softness and the warmth of the little girl from her skin, she can't get that raw, preteen body from her mind. Oh, she would love to do some real lewd stuff to a girl like that. 'But she's drunk!' Rain reminds herself. 'She's not in her right mind! She has to be messing with me!'

"Instead of discussing depressing shit, why not actually discuss how we can avoid this all?" Rain says. "If we never lose, we will never have to worry about getting caught."

"Come on, Rain…" Wendy's childish voice is oozing lust. She sounds serious. "Fuck me hard…"

"Well, that was the topic we WERE supposed to talk about anyway", Wendy says. "I'm happy to talk about that."

Rain shakes herself off from Wendy's grasp and stands up, backing off. Wendy doesn't look like she's following. Instead, she just collapses back to the bedsheets. "Just go to sleep…" Rain concedes a point and decides to let Wendy stay. As Wendy realizes this, she just responds with a cheerful "Yay", but nothing else. She doesn't even realize that Rain walks away to the bathroom to cool down, just to get away from the situation. 'Fuck's sake, why her of all girls? Now I really wanna fuck someone, but there's no way I would do HER. Not Wendy. No way in hell.' Sighing, Rain leans against the door, waiting and hoping that Wendy will pick up the hint and drop her advances.

"So, provided that Snow and Crystal join us", Lemon begins, "we have Rain and Crystal as tanks, Angel as a healer, Snow as a secondary healer and a supporter, and me, Wendy, and Pink as pure damage dealers. Have any of you actually read the updated guidelines written by Dana and Katja?" Everyone shakes their heads. "Because they said, and it got me thinking, that damage dealer isn't a viable role. Everyone should contribute in some other way."

After about two minutes, after being in the dead silence, able to cool down a little bit, Rain finally figures out it's about time she goes to sleep. First thing she sees when she gets out is Wendy, who is unsurprisingly fast asleep. It's a good thing, since it means that she can sleep peacefully as well. She gets naked and is about to change clothes to her light pajamas, when she figures that she is feeling way too hot. She does sleep naked every now and then to make her sleep more comfortable from time to time. Can she do it with Wendy in the same bed with her? 'Fuck it, it doesn't matter', she tells herself. She does keep her panties on, but that's all she needs. She crawls to the other side of the bed and falls asleep quickly.

Wendy immediately realizes that this is partially directed at her. "Well, I am the tactician, so…"

"Yeah, I think you're fine", Lemon replies. Then, she turns towards Pink. "But how can ''WE'' contribute?"

Next morning, Wendy is first one to wake up, sober. Something is not quite right, as she can feel something warmer and heavier than a blanket wrapped around her. First thing she sees as she open her eyes is the sleeping face of Rain, whose cheek is pressed comfortably against her chest. Rain's arms are also hugging her body, which at a first glance looks incredibly cute to Wendy, until she realizes that's her naked body she's grabbing tight onto. This is a first time ever for her: she woke up in the bed of someone, and she feels immense guilt. At least she remembers exactly what she did on that evening, which is nothing. Rain never laid a hand on her, at least not while Wendy begged for sex. You could say that now she has laid her hands on her, and then some.

"I could get a stone that offers me more crowd-control spells", Pink suggests. "I don't want my damage output to suffer, but if we all benefit more from it, I'm happy to change my style."

What scares Wendy the most is what was going on in her head at the time. She wasn't just messing around with Rain. No, at the time what she asked for Rain to do was what she really wanted. She really wanted to have sex with Rain, one of her friends. Not only that, she wanted to be fucked. She hasn't just warmed up to the idea of enjoying dildoes and other long objects as masturbatory aid; she just straight up wants to get fucked raw. Well, at least she wanted it when she was drunk. 'Holy fuck, I'm glad Rain had some restraint. I have newfound respect for her.' Wendy's somewhat okay with intimacy, but she really wants to get up, so as much as she hates to do it, she decides to wake Rain up. Rain wakes up pretty quickly, but instead of reacting in the way Wendy hoped she would, Rain still half-asleep hugs her even tighter. "Get off me already…" Wendy asks.

"There can never be too much crowd control", Rain says. "We barely have any at this point."

"No way…" Rain mumbles. "You're so warm, hot and squishy… I just wanna hug you…"

This leaves Lemon in thought because she hasn't thought a lot about how she could contribute to the team with crowd control. She doesn't have the right talents and can't really serve as a secondary tactician, given her constant distance and a stealthy role. "I mean, I do have some crowd control, like ''"Pin-Down"'' and ''"Concussive Arrow"'', and plenty of poisons too."

"You damn pedophile…"

Wendy taps Lemon's shoulder. "I actually have always viewed your attacks as finishers of sorts since you rarely leave your target alive. If we get more crowd control, your role will become easier and help us all."

With Wendy's second sentence, Rain finally realizes that she's not in the bed with who she thought she was in bed with. She was having a nice dream about unspecified fictional character and for some reason immediately assumed that was the girl she was cuddling with. "Oh, what's up, Wendy?" Rain asks, sitting up, stretching and yawning.

"Yeah, I don't REALLY think that we need every damage dealer to have crowd control either", Pink admits.

"I hope you had a comfortable sleep…" Wendy says, sitting up herself, staring daggers through Rain.

Snow nods. "Provided that I'm a full supporter, I think we can afford to have one pure damage dealer in the party of seven."

"Your chest is pretty comfortable", Rain blurts out.
"Besides", Pink says. "Isn't being an alchemist already your role?"
"Well, it's more like a precaution than a combat role", Lemon says, sighing. "I kinda feel embarrassed about staying as the sole damage dealer, especially after saying that we all need to contribute with something other than damage."
"Don't mind it", Wendy says. "Just do your thing. We don't have to agree with everything that those two big shots have to say."
Lemon nods reluctantly.
"Speaking of professions", Angel realizes, turning towards Snow and Crystal. "How about you two?"
"I'm an enchanter", Snow says. "I heard you already have one. Not sure if that's viable."

Wendy covers her up. "You better not be thinking about anything perverted…"
"I don't think it matters", Rain says.

"You're the one who asked me to do actual perverted stuff", Rain says, getting up. "Glad to see you're yourself now."
"I don't have a profession yet", Crystal admits.

Wendy sighs deep. "Yeah, thanks for not doing anything to me…"
"Wait, really…?" Wendy says, looking at Crystal with a suspicious look in her eyes.

"If you want to get fucked, at least ask me while sober", Rain says, as she begins to dress up.
"I-I just didn't think of them as a big deal", Crystal says, sounding defensive. "I couldn't choose either. I should probably get one now, though."

Wendy knows Rain is just joking so she doesn't even bother getting angry over what Rain just said. Or was it merely a joke? Wendy wants to make sure by asking a serious question regarding the subject. "So you're saying that you would have done it if I was sober…?"
"We don't have a Smith or a Caretaker in the group", Pink thinks aloud.

Rain looks deep into Wendy's eyes, unsure how to comment. She doesn't know the answer herself, but her silence proves that she is at least thinking about it. "I didn't say that…" she finally says.
"I actually thought about becoming Caretaker once I learned about them", Crystal admits. "Grooming could fit me since I kinda like animals", she adds, giggling.

Wendy's suspicious look turns a little more surprised as her eyebrows raise. "Oh, that would actually be super cool."

"Just answer me."

"Yeah, and taming a wild beast would give us an eighth party member!" Crystal adds.

"Probably… Not…"

"I wish I could do that", Snow says. "I can't tame demons that aren't my own. If I want more demons, I need to get pregnant."

"So which is it?"

"Speaking of which, what should I do with that demon?" Lemon asks, turning towards Snow. "The one you restrained."

"It's not something I think I should do to you, ever", Rain answers with a straight face. "I hope you feel that way too. I don't want to be put into a situation where I have to make that kind of decision. Is that good enough an answer to you?"

"Like I said, whatever you want!" Snow announces happily.

A smile appears on Wendy's face, and she nods. "That's perfect."

"Give it to me", Rain suggests.

"Oh, and it also depends on how drunk I am", Rain adds, with a playful smirk.

"Well, I don't mind", Lemon says, thinking about it for a moment, "but wouldn't it make more sense for me to give it to Snow…?"

Wendy can't help but to laugh.

"I don't really need it…" Snow admits.

<big>[[Nymphsaga/Paradise|Chapter IV]]</big>

"Let me adopt your baby", Rain says.
"Please, don't frame it like that…" Lemon says, laughing. "It's a freaking demon…"
"What are you even planning on doing with it?" Angel asks.
"Not sure", Rain admits. "Since the first one is for pleasure, the second would be for combat."
"Wait, pleasure?" Angel asks. Rain realizes that she might've accidentally said something she had no plans of telling, and she doesn't answer Angel's question at all. "Pleasure ''who'' exactly?"
"Don't push me…" Rain says, clearly flustered. "I don't want to tell you…"
"Oh fuck that", Angel continues, with a brash smirk on her face. "You brought this up, so spill the beans!"
Yet, Rain refuses to explain herself. This time, all she can do is stay quiet and look away.
Meanwhile, Wendy is quick to mirror her own thoughts and feelings into Rain. Because of her recent experiences and the fact that she has warmed up to the idea of taking a dick - an idea completely foreign to her before she became a Nymph - she suspects that Rain could be going through a similar change. It also gives her the courage to push Rain on this topic and confess her own feelings out loud. "I totally get you if you feel like you're changing because of this world. I'm like that as well."
Rain looks at Wendy with wary eyes. "Do you feel like this world has changed you as well…?"
"Yeah, this world has kind of made me warm up to dicks…" Wendy says, cheeks beet red and voice shaking. "So, I completely sympathize with you if you want to, um… pleasure yourself with a toy… or a pet like that…"
"Dude…" Rain says, finally deciding she must explain what she meant. "It's not like that. I'm growing a demon that kind of works like a strap-on."
Wendy, having realized that she kind of admitted herself changing while making a vain point, just gets even more embarrassed, and it's clear to see.
"I-I mean", Rain says, whispering, "I have changed as well, but I don't think I like dicks…"
"I always liked dicks, so I don't feel like I've changed!" Pink announces loudly, half serious, half joking.
"Okay, I'll say it as well!" Snow suddenly shouts. "I'm exactly like Wendy!"
"I have changed a little bit too", Crystal admits. "I've always been a heterosexual, though…"
"I think we all have changed", Lemon says. "Don't feel embarrassed about it, Wendy."
"It's just that talking about these kinds of topics feels weird…" Wendy says, pouting.
"I thought you weren't planning on telling anyone else", Pink says, poking Rain with her elbow.
Rain sighs. "Well, the cat's out of the bag. Don't expect me to chase you girls with it, though."
"Now I want to make myself a similar demon", Snow says, giggling. "If it is possible for me!"
"Oh, right!" Wendy remembers and takes a look at the clock on Lemon's wall. "I should get going. I promised to meet up with Dana."
"Awww, we haven't even started to have fun yet", Lemon coos with a seductive tone.
"Hahaha, I wanna hang out and have fun", Wendy says, clutching her belly, "but she's helping me with this uncomfortable situation…"
"Oh, so it's a date?" Lemon asks, and giggles. "Well, knock yourself out!"
"Don't frame it like that", Wendy says. "Anyway, I'll see you later!"
With Wendy leaving and most of the important discussion behind them anyway, the discussion diverges from more serious topics to those that are a little bit more casual and more personal to each one of them, which is quite alright with them. They're not going on an adventure for a while, so they can have fun and pointless discussions to their heart's content. They all want to spend time getting to know each other better too, especially with almost everyone in the party being from different walks of life.
== Wendy's Visit to Amanda's Ranch ==
After being picked up from her little treehouse, Dana leads Wendy to the southwestern woods of Grove, to a charming three-room cabin built underneath the branches of a giant oak. From where they stand, Wendy sees a front-yard filled with all kinds of fantastical flowers, a large fenced outdoor enclosure only accessible through the cabin itself, and a signpost in front of the door reading "Amanda's Love Shack", with the small print below reading, "Stay away, fools". As weirded out as Wendy is by it, the sounds coming from inside the cabin catch her attention better than any written sign ever could, and as Dana opens up the front door, the reality of what's going on inside becomes more evident.
"O-okay, I didn't expect this", Dana admits, smiling through her blush.
Listening to the sounds of a creaking bedframe, muffled moaning, and the chain of back-to-back slaps and claps shock Wendy, making her question what the hell she has walked into. Stuttering and stammering, she points at the bedroom door, asking Dana: "W-why would s-she… s-something l-like this…"
"I did say she's a pervert", Dana says, trying to laugh it off as she moves to open the bedroom door. "But for fuck's sake, I told her she's expecting visitors…"
What Wendy sees goes beyond simple perversion, at least in her relatively innocent and vanilla brain. On top of a small bed, three naked, adolescent, and slim little goblins surround a petite pale-skinned brunette, who's so small and tiny that she wouldn't look a day older than eight as a human. It's quite clear to both Dana and Wendy that she's completely and utterly helpless to stop what's happening. Still, even as she rides the goblin lying down, takes one from behind, and has her head buried in the third one's crotch, she neither resists nor protests. With her eyes rolled back when they're open, closing and blinking rapidly from pleasure, she moans as she sucks on the dick in her mouth, with the goblin grabbing onto her head and hair, holding her long and droopy elf ears like handlebars. Her eyes perk and lighten up as she notices she has company, but even as she tries to pull her head back, the goblin just thrusts in harder.
"Okay, get off her, boys", Dana demands, with a staff in her hand.
Despite noticing they have company, the goblins just respond by cackling manically at Dana. However, when one of them sees Wendy - and more importantly, the pistol in Wendy's hand - he stops immediately, pulling his dick out of the little brunette's ass with his hands held up high.
"Oi, put that away", Dana orders, pushing the gun down with her hand.
"B-but they're raping her!" Wendy stammers, shocked.
"''I said'' - put it away", Dana repeats, sounding slightly incensed. "Let me handle this." Preparing a little spell with her free hand, her magical staff begins to glow, with all three goblins stopping, as their bodies first stiffen up and then relax. However, even as they all stop, even as the goblin pulls away from the little brunette's face, she doesn't move to free herself.
"Thanks for saving me, Daniel", she says as she sits up properly, licking her smiling lips. "But I'm… ''not!'' …done yet!" she states, pushing her hands against the goblin's shoulders, essentially pinning him down. She continues to pump her body up and down, milking the goblin's little prick with her pussy, now moaning freely.
<i>'I can't believe she's willingly riding it'</i>, Wendy thinks, mouth gaping in awe as the blush on her face grows redder. <i>'Even though she thanked Dana for saving her… is she actually enjoying this? She's got such a beaming smile on her face too.'</i> The goblin then grabs onto her waist, pushing his own hip up as he pistons in and out of the tiny child's pussy with ease, filling the room with the sounds of skin slapping against skin as the little elf takes it gleefully, moaning and shouting as she moves towards an orgasm.
Wendy can take her eyes off the situation just enough to see how Dana points her finger at the bedroom door, commanding the two goblins to walk straight outside. Still partially blocking the doorway, Wendy moves out of the way, with the two pouting little goblins glancing at her. <i>'When they raped me, they wouldn't even slow down when I screamed and cried… but these ones actually listen to Dana! Even though they're goblins!'</i> With Wendy's eyes locked on the two erections on those little creatures, her lower body instinctively reacts just thinking about them and remembering how it felt at the mercy of those goblins. <i>'I'm a little scared, but… oh, thank fuck they're walking away…'</i>
Pushing herself down on the goblin, the little brunette moans in a way no young child should, blurting out a whole chorus of filthy words, begging to have her cunny filled up with goblin jizz. Meanwhile, the goblin's open palm shot connects with the elf's little ass, causing her to scream "Yes" at the top of her lungs, and squirt on his dick and belly as the climax overtakes her. With both of his little green hands clasping her buttocks hard, the goblin shrieks as he pushes his dick as hard as he can, as deep as he can go, emptying his balls into the Nymph. The brunette's cries and moans calm down into sighs of pleasure, and lips pressed together, she muffles her giggles and laughter as she pulls herself away from the goblin. Sitting her butt down on the bed, now away from the goblin, she tilts her head backward as she stares at her two visitors.
"Amanda, for fuck's sake", Dana says and covers her face with a palm.
"Someone has to feed them to help them grow", Amanda the elf responds, speaking with a noticeable Appalachian accent.
"But ''all three'' at once?" Dana asks, arms crossed, looking a bit concerned.
Amanda giggles. "I only meant to feed one of them, only for a little bit, but I forgot to lock the door! The other two snuck in on me, and because I ''couldn't'' cast a command spell on them… they held me down, forced themselves on me…"
"They… raped you?"
"Dommed me!" Amanda corrects with a beaming smile. "I mean, I couldn't say no, but… boys will be boys!" she adds, giving the little goblin a light tap on his back as he sits up. "Besides, I knew they were gonna stop ''eventually''… so I thought I'd just go with the flow!"
Dana throws her arms into a shrug and sighs. "If you keep showing weakness to them, they're gonna grow up to not listen to your command spells…"
"Oh, shush", Amanda says, sitting up, walking up to Wendy. "Anyway, you must be the girl Daniel mentioned", she continues, eyes now locked on Wendy's belly. "Heard you're interested in donating that for my ''research''…"
"Y-yeah, and… if you're seriously willing to take it…" Wendy begins, still shaken up by what she witnessed. "I don't even know how I could thank you for it…"
"Oh, trust me, we're ''both'' doing each other a favor", Amanda says and takes a graceful bow. "Name's Amanda; a healer, a breeder, and an advocate for love and tolerance. And if my memory serves me correctly, you're Wendy…"
"Right", Wendy says smiling, trying to clear her head. "Still… are you okay? After what they did to you…"
Amanda tilts her head in confusion. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"I mean, he came inside you…"
"Oh! He's too young to impregnate me!" Amanda states, and throws one of her hands into a peace sign as she lovingly clutches the awkwardly smiling little goblin, now standing right beside her. "So I can take as many creampies as I want!"
Hearing that weirds Wendy out a little because out of all the Nymphs she's met - even the ones she deems to be perverts - Amanda stands out with her uniqueness and lack of shame. <i>'Or is it really that?'</i> Wendy questions, wondering if it could be merely a façade or her trying to brush off an embarrassing situation with humor. <i>'If what she says is true, then she didn't expect to be caught and didn't mean it to get out of hand, but then again, she did let herself to get fucked by a monster to begin with, which is unconventional, to say at the very least. But not sure if I can blame her, considering MY fantasies… even though I wouldn't have the heart to act them out…'</i>
"Still, my apologies if I shocked you", Amanda says, trying to sound more sympathetic, waving the little goblin away. "Your memories with these creatures must be painful, but rest assured, you're in safe hands here."
"Thanks, and don't mind me", Wendy says, trying to smile.
"Well, you're only safe so long as you don't wander off", Amanda adds with a wink. "They're still monsters, and without a command spell to keep them in check, they will force themselves on you."
"I'll keep that in mind", Wendy says, feeling a little uneasy about what she just heard, especially with one of the beasts still present. "How do these ''"command spells"'' actually work? Since they obviously didn't seem like they were listening to you, but they sure listened to Dana…"
"That's because Daniel ''actually'' cast her spell on them all, while I only had my spell on ''this'' one", Amanda admits, smiling through her pouting lips as she points at the goblin. "They listen to you as long as the spell is active, but it only lasts for an hour, and they can resist its effects. Like I said, they're monsters. They're born to dominate females and will capitalize on weakness if shown it…"
"Yeah, and if they're taught to do what they please with us", Dana continues, staring a hole through Amanda with her judgmental eyes, "they're eventually gonna grow up to be like wild goblins and become immune to our command spells. Right, Amanda?"
"Hahaha, right-o! I'll be more careful in the future!"
<i>'I guess that's also why she told me not to wander off'</i>, Wendy thinks. "So, why is it that you're actually raising goblins?"
Amanda lets out an audible "Hmm", as she pushes her finger on her lips and rubs her chin. "It kinda was a spur-of-a-moment decision, but I think these creatures could benefit us", she explains, with a mysterious smile appearing on her face. "It's not just research into how they grow and behave, but also for pleasure and recreation. Us Nymphs can get horny sometimes, and it's good to have options for relief…"
"Like I said, a perverted nutcase", Dana says, smugly smiling as she shrugs. "Like, you saw her a minute ago with that goblin. That's who she really is, both in and out of this world."
"Well, like I said earlier, ''someone'' has to feed them to help them grow into big strong boys!"
Amanda says. "And don't act like you don't enjoy taking goblin dick either, ''Daniel''!"
"''ONLY'' when I'm in control", Dana says, smirking. "No filthy beast has a right to dominate me."
"Excuses, excuses", Amanda says, giggling. "You like to act tough, but now that you're turned into a girl, you've become just as slutty as me!"
Hearing that almost makes Wendy want to ask those two about their relationship outside Nymphsaga, but she decides to bite her lip for now, just giggling from the sidelines. <i>'Dana says they're in the same guild, but something tells me there's much more to it than that'</i>, she speculates.
"You should know better than to taunt me, dog", Dana adds, smiling with a sadistic grin. "Maybe I'll have to reacquaintance your neck with a slave's collar to remind you who's the boss."
"Whatevs! Maybe later!" Amanda responds, laughing warmly, and turns toward Wendy. "How about you, Wendy?"
Wendy blinks, confused. "What about me?"
"How do ''you'' feel about surrendering your body to a beast's mercy?" Amanda asks, licking her lips.
Wendy blushes, both looking and feeling enraged and flustered, and wants to say she would hate it, but in the heat of the moment, she's ultimately unable to voice her dissatisfaction towards the idea. After all, she can't deny feeling horny, and having gone through the whole day without being able to scratch her itch for sexual release, she knows she wants to do something, maybe even "fuck" something. <i>'But not a fucking goblin'</i>, she thinks, with her heart beating through her chest as she looks at the goblin, who returns the gaze with a confused look on his face.
"Don't push your sick-fuckery on her", Dana says, arms crossed, placing herself in front of the goblin just in case.
"I ''so'' wasn't trying to", Amanda says, pouting. "I'm just saying, she's probably got quite a lot of tension built up in her body, and I could help her…"
Wendy finally feels like saying how she feels, but ends up only stuttering incoherently for a couple of seconds, suffocated by her anxiety. <i>'Putting my fantasies aside'</i>, she thinks, trying to swallow her fears and sighing deeply. "Maybe… something else", she mumbles, fidgetting a little.
Amanda smiles seductively, rubbing her jaw as she eyes Wendy up and down. "Like what?"
<i>'Why did I even say something else!? No way in hell can I admit to preferring to do it with another girl! I can hardly admit to wanting to do anything!'</i> "M-maybe I'll just continue masturbating", Wendy mumbles.
"That's a bad idea", Amanda says. "You'll just relapse, getting hornier and hornier", she continues, laying her left hand on Wendy's shoulder and brushing her neck with her thumb, smiling as she notices how fast Wendy's heart is racing. "I know how you're feeling. I've seen it in other girls faces, and I've felt it myself. A damn tentacle demon popped a baby in me before I even knew this game was as perverted as it is, so I know how unbearable those unwanted feelings are, and how difficult it is to push them down, repress them… how hard it is to resist surrendering to pleasure… but you don't have to fight those feelings back, you know?"
Wendy doesn't want to admit it out loud, but she ends up nodding, as she lets Amanda gently caress her neck, cheek, and her skin behind the ear. However, she can't bring herself to look Amanda in the eye, despite feeling her lustful, unrelenting gaze. <i>'Like, she's coming onto me hard'</i>, she thinks, and takes a quick glance at Dana, noticing her talking to the goblin, with the little creature just nodding in understanding. <i>'And Dana's not doing anything. It's like, she must've known something like this was going to happen and dragged me here for this or something. Could've at least warned me…'</i>
"Of course, you can try, if you're afraid or ashamed of doing it with someone else", Amanda then says, touching Wendy's belly with her right hand, causing her to gasp in surprise. "But judging by your size, I'd bet that's gonna take three days. ''Three, long, days.'' Still, we ''could'' make do with twenty-four hours, give or take…"
Wendy has to admit, the faster she gets rid of the creature growing inside her, the better, so that part of the idea does strike her fancy, even if the idea of doing it with a girl as young-looking as Amanda - or Dana, for that matter - doesn't. <i>'Forget about her being younger than Angel, she looks even younger than my nine-year-old-looking ass'</i>, she thinks, her eyes again on Amanda's body. <i>'But maybe it wouldn't be so bad, depending on what we do, even though going down on a girl like that makes me feel like a "Class A" felon…'</i>
With the softest voice she can muster, Wendy finally asks: "How would that work?"
"Got interested?" Amanda asks as she softly caresses Wendy's soft hair on her nape. "Don't beat around the bush, girl…"
"I want to get rid of this thing, so if you can help me do it faster", Wendy begins, but immediately freezes, still unable to speak her desires out loud. "Just… not with a goblin… please…?"
Dana shrugs and taps the goblin's back with her staff, causing him to move. "Move your ass", she orders, following right behind the creature. "I'll go feed the boys", she says, giving both Amanda and Wendy a thumbs-up. "And discipline the two rule-breakers for insubordination", she adds with a wicked grin.
<i>'Thank fuck'</i>, Wendy thinks as she watches Dana leave with the goblin. <i>'For a moment, I was afraid she would try to coax me into having sex with that thing. Then again…'</i> Her heartbeat doesn't slow down for a second as her gaze returns to Amanda, whose right hand moves from her belly to her shorts. <i>'This crazy bitch could be thinking about doing something equally perverted…'</i>
"So it's me you want, huh?" Amanda says, pushing her body even closer to Wendy's, moving to embrace her. "I'm flattered…"
Before Wendy can even comment on it, her first spoken syllable quickly gets muffled out by a kiss from Amanda, with the little elf pushing her tongue inside. It causes Wendy to mumble loudly, almost as if wanting to slow her down. Putting her desires aside, sexual acts and signs of affection with someone other than her lover still feel uncomfortable to her, and she's not even sure if it's better or worse to kiss a stranger than it was to kiss a close friend. <i>'I mean, I just met her'</i>, she tries to reason, but despite her gut telling her she should set some boundaries immediately, she can't bring herself to push Amanda away. Fully absorbed in Amanda's love, she surrenders to it, closing her eyes and offering her own tongue forward for Amanda to take advantage of.
Their lips separate, with Amanda's hands still on Wendy's hair and skin, with her nose still pushing and rubbing against Wendy. Smiling and breathing straight onto Wendy's face, Amanda lets out a soft, sexy chuckle and asks: "Do you like to play…?"
For a second, Wendy can't get a word out of her mouth. "Huuuh…?"
"I'm just thinking about what kinda games I wanna play with my newest patient", Amanda says with a seductive wink as she wrestles the uppermost button from Wendy's shorts open. "Still, you're acting quite reserved, aren't you? Don't hold back; you can touch me anywhere you want…"
"I'm a little shy", Wendy admits with a nervous smile, still yet to actually lay her hands on Amanda. <i>'Hell, I'm having a hard time looking her in the eye!'</i>
"You don't ''have'' to be", Amanda whispers, moving closer to Wendy's ear as she works on the rest of the buttons.
"I just can't help myself…" Wendy mumbles. "I'm not used to… you know… ''"this"''…"
"Well, if you're the shy type", Amanda says, slowly and carefully creeping down into Wendy's panties, causing Wendy to gasp and close her eyes as she fights her urge to moan. "You ''can'' leave everything to me", she continues. "I can ''also'' touch you anywhere I want, right…?"
"I-I guess, b-but… ''aaah!''" Wendy can't fight the urge for long, not with how Amanda's fingers push and rub against her vulva, and hearing Wendy's reaction just encourages Amanda to get bolder.
"No buts, little girlie", she teases, pulling her hand up with two of her fingers now firmly tucked inside the little hole. "My, my, how drenched you are…"
<i>'I've honestly been kinda horny all day'</i>, Wendy thinks, not wanting to admit it aloud. <i>'Then again, it's only after I came here and saw her having sex that I really got wet. And speaking of her… she's so good she with her fingers! I shouldn't be this much into this, given I barely even know her, but…'</i> "Ooooh my gosh, Amanda!" she finally moans, her every spoken word quivering with pleasure.
"Mmmm, I love the sound of that", Amanda says, trying to get underneath Wendy's shirt with her free hand as she slowly pushes and leads Wendy closer to the bed. "But we should really get you out of those clothes so we can proceed with the ''"doctor's inspection"''…"
Wendy's lips twist into a smile as she resists a moan, and she gently tugs on her shirt a little, waiting to pull it over her head for now. "You sure like to play, huh…"
"I ''sure'' do", Amanda says, licking her increasingly smug lips as her eyelids narrow ever-so-slightly. "Especially with adorable, eager, and horny little girls such as yourself…" she adds, pedaling her tiny fingers inside Wendy's folds. "So go on… help yourself…"
Even though Wendy's knees feel like giving up, being assaulted and teased by Amanda's little fingers, she helps her shorts a little, allowing them to fall to her knees, and then completely undresses her shirt too. Still, without letting go of Wendy, Amanda helps her get out of her panties too, then urging and pushing her to get on the kingsize bed. Wendy couldn't be happier to go along with it, as resting her legs is exactly what she feels like doing, especially with Amanda's fingers continuously rubbing and fingering her tight little honeypot.
"Nuh-uh", Amanda says, grabbing Wendy by her shoe's heel, tugging on it. "No dirty shoes on the bed", she orders, pushing her fingers into Wendy's hole even harder, wanting to reach the precious g-spot. It makes Wendy instinctively slam her toes on the bed to help lift her hip from the sheets, but even though Amanda's plea goes partly unanswered, she just sighs with a happy expression on her face. "Oh, so my patient's a bit of a disobedient brat, huh?"
"I-I couldn't help myself!" Wendy protests through her moans as she feels one of her shoes get pulled off.
"I think I've got just a thing for you", Amanda says, getting rid of Wendy's other shoe as well. She decides to keep the socks on and continues digging her fingers inside Wendy's tweeny little hole.
Wendy, clasping her mouth shut with her hand, pays little attention to what Amanda's doing, battling her tears of joy resulting from the ever-intensifying pleasure welling deep inside her body. <i>'I can't believe how good she is with her hand'</i>, she thinks, comfortably lying down as she twists her hip from side to side, instinctively pushing herself against Amanda's hand. She doesn't even realize that part of Amanda's attention is elsewhere, with her opening her user interface behind Wendy's back, ready to summon something from her inventory. <i>'She hasn't lost a beat since she stuck them in, and even though it's only vaginal stimulation, it still feels so good!'</i> However, she has to admit, it's also a little infuriating because she wants more. She knows where it feels the best, and so far, Amanda has refused to give it to her.
"Yahoooo, little Wendy", Amanda suddenly says.
Wendy's eyes first only peek at what's going on, but quickly burst wide open out of shock and surprise as she sees what Amanda's got in her delicate little hand. It's a veiny and girthy dildo, greyish brown in color, looking relatively realistic as a sex toy with its five-and-a-half inches of length and its sturdy compartment at the base resembling a man's scrotum.
"Do you want this?" Amanda asks, giving the dildo's surface a long and wet lick, still pushing her fingers into Wendy's vagina. "I bet it can reach ''sooo'' much deeper than my fingers…"
"I… I…" Wendy can't get the words out of her mouth, but with her legs spreading wide open and her eyes firmly on the toy, her face says it all. It's the first dildo she's ever come across, and having fantasized about owning and using one already to help herself with masturbation, her heart begins to beat harder out of excitement at the mere thought. <i>'Do I? Seriously? Do you even have to ask? And to have her use it on me…'</i>
"Well then", Amanda says, snapping her fingers, causing the dildo's hollow base to glow from the inside. "…And the spell's ready…"
"What did you do…?"
"This right here is a magical dildo", Amanda explains, lying down right beside Wendy, almost getting on top of her. "It doesn't feel as good as real cocks do", Amanda begins, moving the toy between Wendy's legs, teasing her lips with the tip.
Wendy covers her mouth from shock as she gasps. <i>'Holy shit, it's so warm! I didn't expect that! Now I want it even more!'</i>
"…But boy, can it go", Amanda continues, moving the tip up and down Wendy's slit. Chuckling through her tight-lipped smile, she takes hold of the base, pushing the tip in, but stops right there, immediately pulling it away. It makes Wendy react with her hands, basically throwing it past her belly to her crotch, but surprisingly, Amanda stops her. "Tsk, tsk, hands where I can see them…"
Wendy stares at Amanda, confusion now drawn on her lustful face.
"You're not allowed to touch the dildo, okay…?" Amanda whispers, still continuing to tease Wendy's hole, still refusing to actually insert the dildo. "Not now, not later. Let me handle everything…"
Supposing it could be fun to just be as submissive as possible, Wendy nods in understanding and raises both her arms, laying them on the bed beside and above her head.
"That's more like it", Amanda says, giving Wendy a little kiss on her cheek. Then, she opens her inventory to summon something again, this time pulling out a cylindrical, amber-colored little pill about the size of a US penny, or a five-cent Euro coin.
Wendy looks at it, confused, but before she can even ask Amanda about it, the mischievous little elf places the pill on her tongue and kisses her. The pill begins to melt and mix with her saliva almost in an instant, engulfing every corner of Wendy's mouth with sweetness unlike anything she's ever tasted, and she has to admit, she loves every second of it. This time, the kiss doesn't last as long as the previous one, with Amanda letting Wendy swallow what remains of the capsule, chuckling seductively through her smile.
"Was the medicine to your liking, Wendy…?"
"Wh-whut… was it…?"
"A little bite of love to stimulate your senses", Amanda whispers. "Something to get your soul's spring flowing, and your body throbbing with lust and warmth…"
<i>'So basically an aphrodisiac'</i>, Wendy thinks, smiling and breathing heavily with a bright red blush on her face. <i>'But why? Wasn't I wet and horny enough already? I mean, I feel like a fucking waterfall down there, and the throbbing won't stop even though I haven't even come yet! I bet I've already soiled the damn bed!'</i>
"Now, for the treatment…" Amanda whispers, pushing the tip in once again, rolling and rotating the dildo clockwise, teasing Wendy even more this time around, causing her to squeal out loud as she lifts her hips a little. "Gonna need a bit more than just my wrist to get it in a hole this tiny…"
Wendy tries to relax as much as she can, but her mad smile, her exasperated breathing, and her fast-beating, anxious heart make it impossible for her to stay calm. It may be her first dildo, but it's not her first insertion, and a large, troubled part of her soul can't shake off the memories of her past, painful experience. Yet, penetration is all her heart desires. She doesn't want to be reminded of what she was put through, but the huge, girthy dildo is the only thing on her mind. It might as well be her entire world right now.
Then, as Amanda repositions herself slightly, she can put her entire arm behind the dildo, splitting her vulva open as it envelops the shaft, letting it into its folds. Wendy reacts with a long and loud moan, clasping her fists and eyes shut tightly. <i>'Ohhh, fuck, it's all the way inside! It's so big and warm!'</i>
"Oooh my, that's ''such'' a snug fit…" Amanda moans softly into Wendy's ear with the most erotic voice she can muster. "You're such a brave little girl to take it all…"
As Wendy listens to Amanda's bedroom talk, the initial shock from the insertion slowly settles down, but she still can't bring herself to relax, not with a huge and rigid toy stretching her vagina to its shape. All that's left from her initial scream of pleasure are high-pitch whimpers and gasps of delight as she lies still, twitching, eyes rolled back as she finally opens her slightly teary eyes again.
"Doesn't hurt at all, am I right?" Amanda asks and giggles. "Feels ''sooo'' good, doesn't it?"
Wendy tries to speak through her gasps, with several fast-spoken words and syllables constructing a scattered sentence. "Oh my god, it's so… so… ''huuuge''…!"
"Just remember", Amanda says, pulling the dildo back as she rotates it with her wrist. "You're not allowed to touch it…"
Before Wendy can get another word in, Amanda's wrist pushes the dildo back in, purposely taking it slowly, teasing Wendy with its entire length as its magically warmed-up surface gets wet with her honey. It's about as fast as she can go for now anyway, but she doesn't mind, and neither does Wendy. Arms still unmoving, Wendy just sighs heavily with her tongue almost sticking out from her open-mouthed, euphoric smile, and finally feeling like she can just relax and take it all without a fuss, she leans her head back and enjoys the ride.
Caressing Wendy's cheek with the other arm, Amanda steals her attention, and giggling, she steals a kiss straight from her lips. Holding the dildo by its bulky base, she puts her whole wrist into it, moving the toy with a moderate pace as she continues to eat Wendy out. <i>'She said it's not as good as a real thing is, but it's so much better than those… ahh, I don't even want to think about them anymore!'</i> Luckily, forgetting what happened to her after being kidnapped is easy because while the going is less forceful and violent, sure, the goblins sure as hell didn't gently kiss her. It may all be just semantics, but to her, it feels less like being fucked, and more like being made love to, and it's every bit as great as she hoped it would be. It helps her shake off what remains of her painful memories and to focus her thoughts on Amanda and her little toy.
Clutching Wendy's other hand and gently pressing it down, Amanda gets even more on top of Wendy, targeting her breasts next. Wendy gasps and inhales fast, with her face brightening as Amanda's lips chomp down on her flat chest, giving them a rigorous suck as her tongue plays with the nipple. It weirds Wendy out a little, because she genuinely didn't expect Amanda to go for her chest. Yet, she moans anyway. "Aaaah m-my… s-so good!" She can't deny her nipples feel incredible when teased.
Amanda giggles, as she lets go of Wendy's chest. "What kinda reaction even ''was'' that, little girlie…?"
"M-my chest doesn't even have anything to offer…!"
"Isn't that what makes it so great…?" Amanda teases, and rolls her tongue around Wendy's nipple again. "Or could it be that you're ''actually'' ashamed of your gorgeous, flat chest…?"
<i>'Sheesh, this damn pedo'</i>, Wendy thinks, smirking through her blush, trying to stifle most of her moans. <i>'The way she's been sweet-talking me makes it feel like she thinks I'm a real girl… or, honestly, a real kid, but… for some reason, I don't even care. As long as she makes me feel good, which she does… doesn't matter how she sees me…'</i>
"Oh, but don't hold back", Amanda says as she pushes the dildo in as hard as she can, digging and rolling it around inside Wendy's depths as she lifts her hips a little, gasping for air. Wendy exhales a moan as Amanda continues banging her with similar deep, rolling strokes that gently smash into her. "That's right, let your sweet voice rip", Amanda continues, resting her jaw on Wendy's shoulder as she continues to whisper into her ear. After kissing her earlobe, she continues: "Sooner you come, the better…"
<i>'Who would've known my ears would be that sensitive!'</i> Wendy thinks, holding her legs spread as far as they can go while listening to the sounds that her pussy is making. <i>'And who would've known I could get this wet! Even though it's so thick, even though she couldn't move it that fast in the beginning, it's fucking me so hard right now! Makes me seriously wanna cum hard!'</i> Clasping her eyes shut, she can't close her mouth to stop herself from moaning anymore. Drooling through her ecstasy, she both looks and feels like a sloppy mess.
"Yes, let your source flow…" Amanda whispers, as softly as she can. "Feel the magic surge through your body…"
Wendy doesn't have to say a word because her body language communicates everything. Feeling stiff all over as the tension builds up toward its apex, she puts more weight on her neck and her feet, letting her buttocks and back lift up and move more freely, shaking and turning, moaning even louder and faster as she turns her head from side to side in a fit of pleasure. Fast approaching the climax, her heart screams with joy. Every fiber of her being begs for a release, and lucky for her, Amanda doesn't even think about slowing down.
Finally, her hips practically shoot up with shock, with her body visibly trembling as she cums from the dildo pounding her pussy. Amanda watches as Wendy's face involuntarily twists into happy shapes the likes of which she couldn't even dream of seeing. Her angelic wails drown out Amanda's soft chuckle as she feels her hand getting wet, encouraging her to move on to the next act. Still clutching Wendy's hand, she lets go of the dildo to let it work its magic as she herself pushes her index- and middle fingers on opposite sides of Wendy's clit, pushing them down on her upper vulva while simultaneously pinching them together softly. Still caught in the middle of her long climax, Wendy reacts wildly as Amanda rubs her genitals in a circular motion, perfectly in rhythm with the dildo continuing to trust in and out of her.
Wendy never fully stops twitching, even though the pleasure obviously dies down, leaving her spent and lying still. She still pushes her hip up against Amanda's gentle two-finger pinch, but she doesn't actually lift herself up anymore, not even with the dildo still continuing to fuck her. Giggling, Amanda tightens her clutch on Wendy's hand, holding it lovingly as she gives Wendy a sloppy kiss on her lips.
That's when Wendy actually notices it. <i>'Wait, how does the dildo keep moving!? When Amanda's not even touching it!?'</i> Her eyes widen from shock, which doesn't go unnoticed by Amanda.
Pulling her face away from Wendy's, Amanda giggles and speaks out. "Finally realized it, huh?"
Wendy's smile turns into a nervous smirk as her brains desperately try to process how the dildo can keep fucking her. "W-wait, wh-what the…"
"I said it's a magical dildo, didn't I?" Amanda reminds, fingers still unrelenting in assisting the toy plow its recipient. "It doesn't just warm up. It can store both mana and source inside of it, and the chain reaction of these energies causes it to become alive… and to move on its own…"
Wendy's heart shudders at the mere thought of it, trying to get a better look from the angle she's in. No matter what, though, the dildo remains invisible to her in its perfect blind spot.
"Pretty wild, isn't it? With a little bit of setup, you can just lie down and take it… let your fantasies run amok, just enjoy the ride…"
"A-awesome…" Wendy admits out loud, fully immersed in the action.
"I know, right?" Amanda says, chuckling again. "And there are no complicated settings or anything like that", she continues and lets go of Wendy's hand, snapping her fingers, casting another spell on the toy, causing it to move even faster. Wendy covers her mouth from shock, being pounded almost twice as fast as Amanda's little wrist could. "More mana equals more power, and I've got ''ALL'' the mana in the world to ''keep - it - going''…"
<i>'No freaking way! It's the best! I seriously wanna know where she got this from! I need one for myself! Holy fuck, I'm never going back to using my hand after this!'</i>
"Like, isn't it great?" Amanda asks, giggling as her fingers keep up with the increased pace, causing Wendy to go wild with a renewed desire to cum. "You don't even have to use your own mana! All you have to worry about is ''cumming''", she adds, practically breathing into Wendy's ear as she exhales the final word. "Keep on feeding your ''"boyfriend"'' source, and he'll keep fucking you forever…"
<i>'Boyfriend? Well, I guess that's one nickname a single girl can give her dildo'</i>, Wendy thinks, but quickly starts focusing on the second half of Amanda's sentence. Her heart pounds as she starts to wonder if the dildo can even be stopped. "F-forever…?" Wendy asks with crazed eyes and a smile.
"Well…" Amanda begins, smiling with a smug smile. "It needs mana too, and it's not exactly hard to grab and pull away", she says, snapping her fingers again, adding more mana to the play. "But you're not allowed to touch the dildo, remember?"
"I… I guess…" <i>'I didn't outright agree to it, but… wait, I did actually nod, didn't I?'</i>
"That's right", Amanda says, summoning a new pair of toys from her inventory.
"H-hold on", Wendy says, raising her voice slightly as she tries to lean on her elbows. Noticing a pair of handcuffs and an eyemask in Amanda's hand, she wants to slow her down and set boundaries, but with Amanda shushing her down with a suggestive smile and a sound to match, she freezes still, just looking at them.
"It's part of your treatment", Amanda says, locking one of Wendy's wrists in the cuffs, softly clutching her palm afterward, smiling as gently as she can, all while still rubbing Wendy's clit out. "Entrust yourself to me, and help me help you", she whispers, giving Wendy a snap kiss on her lips. "I only have your pleasure in my mind…"
Wendy nods in understanding, and closing her eyes, she concentrates on the feeling, trying to ignore what Amanda's about to do to her. She also notices the cuffs click around her other wrist, and as soon as she feels comfortable, she tests the waters to try precisely how tight and sturdy the stainless steel cuffs are. <i>'Feels so weird not being able to move my arms properly'</i>, she thinks, rattling the chains a little. <i>'But I don't dislike it. I think I can trust her, and I guess it's also fun to play like this.'</i>
Then, Amanda pushes the thick, black sleeping mask on Wendy's face, pushing on the elastic strap to get it as tight as she can and enveloping it around her skull with the velcro strap. "Yeah, just try to shake it off", she coos, adjusting it properly. "Bet you can't!"
Wendy finally opens her eyes, but the world around her remains black, with her vision wholly blinded. It's not unusual for her to wear a mask like this, as she owns one in real life to help her sleep. <i>'Hanako sometimes liked to wear it when we were having sex'</i>, she reminiscences, with her fantasies running wild in her head. <i>'And I'm starting to "see" why! Oh, gosh, that's a terrible pun, but… seriously, this is kinda… almost… relaxing!'</i>
"Now, let me accompany my little slave girl for one last ride together", Amanda thinks out loud, once again going after Wendy's chest, this time with both her lips and her free hand, causing Wendy to squeal in surprise. Still refusing to let go of Wendy's clit, she keeps on going toward the end, not intent on letting go until she makes her cum again.
<i>'It also feels so much more intense when I have no idea what she's about to do! And I think I'm about to cum too!'</i> Fully focused on the dildo plowing through her little hole, she moans aloud, much less reserved and emotionally restrained as she did on her first try. Screaming "Yes" repeatedly as she's brought to another climax, she erupts with cries of joy and pleasure as her love squirts past the toy and all over the white bedsheets with a splash. Tongue sticking out, she lies still shaking, spasming, and twisting her hip, but no matter what direction she tries to move to, the dildo doesn't stop. It's already running at maximum settings, and with its recharged batteries, it won't slow down - much less stop - for a long time. That's at least what Wendy suspects, not that she minds.
"Whew, watching you is making me horny all over again", Amanda says, standing up, giggling as she watches the willing and submitted little girl on her own private bed. "Think I'll need to do something about that, so see you later!"
<i>'Wait, is this crazy bitch seriously gonna leave me here alone!?'</i> Despite feeling like she should ask the same question out loud, with the same fervor her confused and honestly shocked brains demand she should, she only asks a simple, quiet four-word question: "Wh-where… are y-you… g-going…?"
"Hmmmm, I think I'll need a bath!" Amanda responds with a comically overjoyed tone in her voice. "Need to wash the sweat off me! Oh, but don't worry! I'll come to renew the spell immediately after I'm done! It'll work on autopilot up until then, so you just lay there and take it!"
<i>'Guess I have no choice'</i>, Wendy thinks and decides to not even protest it. Honestly, as much as she loves Amanda's presence, being left alone with her fantasies is something she can appreciate deeply. Besides, knowing how horny Nymphs get, she can't expect Amanda to stay by her side watching forever, just overseeing the action without getting on with it herself. <i>'I guess that's also what she meant by forever. It'll keep on making me cum endlessly and taking source from me to power itself! It won't stop, literally can't stop, not as long as Amanda keeps feeding it mana! And… oh gosh, I don't think she's gonna let me go so easy!'</i>
The thought of it honestly doesn't terrify her, but instead, it excites her. Smiling madly, now alone with Amanda's little magical toy, she abandons common sense and reason, and surrenders her mind to pleasure.
Depraved of her vision and left alone, imagination continues to fuel Wendy. Still lying on her back, the act can be almost anything she wants it to be, but being on the receiving end of a warm, adult-sized dildo makes it hard for her to imagine it being anything other than straight intercourse… not that she minds. The more she's shown the kind of pleasure she can feel, the more she becomes interested in continuing to re-experience those sensations and the more she becomes okay with what she's become. The idea of making love to a man would've never stroked Kensuke's fancy in the real world, but to Wendy, the 128cm tall, 27kg weighing little 9-year-old look-alike girl, being pinned down and fucked by a man sounds exciting. Of course, that man would have to be young, fit, and kind, preferably funny too, with a relatable set of interests - <i>'Kinda like a male version of Hanako!'</i> - and that's precisely what she imagines.
Having been fucked non-stop for over an hour, she continues to take it without a hassle, but she can't actually tell whether or not Amanda has actually renewed the spell or not. She suspects she has, but with Amanda not making a peep while in the room with her, Wendy can't say for sure. <i>'She has to be feeding it more magic to keep it going'</i>, she thinks. <i>'I'm sure of it. There's just no way there would be enough mana to keep it going otherwise, even if I have more than enough source to give…'</i>
It's not just the interplay of two different energies that keeps the toy going; Wendy's hastened and biologically powered-up energy generation combined with the love pill ensures that her wellspring of pleasure won't dry up no matter what happens. Despite essentially being in a defeated and wholly vulnerable state, she continues to smile with her mind clouded by euphoric glee and her body teeming with energy. She's ready to keep going through the night until morning, both in the interest of pleasure and benefit. After all, she still hasn't forgotten why she's being put through this kind of "treatment".
Wendy sleeps until midday, waking up in the very same bed she got fucked in, unrestricted by toys, bells, or whistles. She could forget about her offspring almost completely, but with how much it's grown now, there's no way she can anymore. It's more than a constant reminder; her belly is huge to the point of being on her way, and she can feel kicking and movement too. Watching at herself, she's once again unsure if she should laugh or cry. <i>'It's such a strange feeling, both physically and emotionally'</i>, she thinks, resting her head on her palm as she watches and rubs her belly. <i>'At least it's gonna be over soon.'</i>
Standing up and leaving the bedroom, she finds both Amanda and Dana in the dining room, and after exchanging a few lines of sexy banter, Amanda confirms as much to Wendy. "''My'' treatment was even more effective than ''eye'' anticipated", Amanda announces with a self-aggrandizing and smug tone, feeling incredibly proud of herself, ''and'' of Wendy. "You were really brave to go through it all for as long as you did", she adds with an encouraging smile and a peace sign.
Amanda then confirms to Wendy that she is indeed on the last stretch, also warning her not to wander off anywhere. "You should probably stay here until tomorrow morning, just in case", she says, promising to take care of Wendy's every need until then, promising to keep her under constant surveillance.
While Wendy's more than okay with this arrangement, feeling overjoyed to be receiving as much help as she is, she also feels like she's worrying her friends. "I should probably take at least one walk to notify my friends of what's going on…"
"Don't worry about it", Dana then says. "I'll go tell your friends in your stead."
"I'd hate to burden you when you're both already doing so much for me…"
"Got business to attend to 'round there anyway", Dana says with a friendly and confident smile. "I'll even drop them your location if you want them to come to see you!"
Wendy turns red but continues to smile despite her shy demeanor anyway. "W-well, do that, please… just in case… but don't tell them to ''actually'' visit…"
"Yeah, probably better if we got the apartment only for ourselves", Amanda adds, leaning against both her hands, eyeing Wendy up and down with curious and lewd eyes. "I'll need to stay by your side when you go into labor, and we can make it happen quicker… if you let me continue my treatment…"
"Maybe later…" Wendy says, nodding once as she tries to smile. She's honestly scared of giving birth, but she understands it must be done, and she's so happy she doesn't have to do it alone, or worse yet, in captivity.
A few hours go by, and the process finally begins. After being teased, caressed, and played with by Amanda for a while, it starts suddenly and without warning, with her water breaking and her body going into labor. To her, it feels almost as intense as any physical sensation she's ever felt, with her back and joints feeling weak and loose, and her barely being able to sit up from the bed. Fortunately, she doesn't have to, not with Amanda helping her through the final minutes as her midwife.
The contractions, the cramps, and the heavy pressure all over her lower body cause her discomfort and ache, but even though it's unlike anything she has ever felt, it doesn't feel anywhere near as painful as she feared it would, nor does it last as long. Nymphs may be small, looking like human children, but they don't experience even a fraction of the pain that real adult humans go through during childbirth, much to Wendy's relief. Only after about ten minutes of physical and emotional preparation and waiting for her cervix to dilate fully, her baby's finally ready to be pushed out. Then, almost as soon as her child's head first appears visible between her legs, the rest of the baby follows.
She opens her eyes as she hears the cries of the little crying goblin, still connected to her by an umbilical cord, the ultimate proof of her motherhood, and she realizes it's finally over. It may have started as a nightmare, but towards the end, she didn't feel like crying, nor did she feel bad about it, and even though she did feel anxious beyond what was healthy for her psyche, she can't help but smile. Sitting up, assisted by a large pillow under her lower back, she takes hold of the little green goblin, trying to get it to calm down. She may have never wanted or asked for it and would've probably aborted it if she had the opportunity to do so, but it would've had to be out of necessity rather than desire. After all, she still had her own morals and values. She knew she wouldn't have the heart for infanticide, and releasing the goblin into the wild would've just made it a problem for the future, but luckily, she doesn't have to worry about it. Ever. <i>'I'm so happy it's not gonna grow up to be a monster like his father was'</i>, she thinks, feeling emotional to the point of weeping as she holds the now sleeping baby. <i>'He's gonna live a good life, all thanks to this wonderful girl…'</i>
"Are you sure I'm not burdening you?" Wendy finally asks, looking at Amanda, who's sitting right beside her.
"Like I keep saying", Amanda says, smiling from ear to ear. "I'm happy to have him around!"
Wendy nods, still feeling a little bad burdening a girl she barely knew just a few days ago. "If you say so…"
"Of course, I could always use some monetary donations", Amanda says with a smug grin. "Since I'm not really fit to be an adventurer, not with this, errr… ''"full-time job"'' of mine, if you know what I mean…"
"Maybe I will", Wendy says, nodding happily. "You deserve it."
== Before their Next Adventure ==
There are no disagreements in the newly formed group of seven; they want to put their efforts into pushing through Hammercliff Valley all the way to Paradise, but what happens after that, they do not know yet. Will they go separate ways if Snow and Crystal find their friends there, with the rest returning to Grove alone? Will they even find them? That's something they have to worry about later. They feel like they have a lot of room for preparing and improving, primarily because of their bad experiences and the fears of something similar happening again.
So, with Wendy finally back in top shape and not having to worry about any abnormal conditions - or taking care of her newborn baby, for that matter - they all get to training with renewed motivation, wanting to get into better shape.
The primary purpose of their training is for everyone to get familiar with each other's styles and learn to use new skills and tactics to better help each other. During their regular, daily trips to the Misty Forest - the only place they feel one hundred percent comfortable traveling to - they decide to do most of the training in groups of four, with three benched at a time, following the group around, ''"just in case"''. This is to practice with different kinds of setups to prepare for different situations in case something goes horribly wrong. They try training without healers, sometimes without tanks, and even without any damage dealers. Some setups are better than others, but a few embarrassing setbacks and torn clothes aside, they never get into trouble in these easy areas.
They also learn to combo their attacks more effectively. Lemon, for example, usually takes slowed and stunned enemies as her targets to one-shot them while others focus on tankier and sturdier foes, while Pink - as she promised - learns some frost magic which she can use to slow down fast-moving enemies that prove problematic to the rest of the group.
They're sure to not forget about professions either. With their new "enchanter-only" enchants, Rain and Snow get a boost to their performances, and Wendy gets even better with maps and finding treasure, meaning they will no longer have any problems with high-level areas and broken maps. Angel learns to make rations that can give temporary boosts on adventures, and Lemon's potions continue to improve, with her also dipping her toes into transmutation spells which can be used to access new, high-level ingredients usable by everyone. Pink doesn't really have room to improve anymore since she can't find good recipes anywhere, but hey, at least her transformation ability continues to get stronger, meaning that she can live her magical girl fantasies to the fullest on the battlefield!
This leaves us with Crystal, who gets herself familiar with grooming. She still doesn't have any actual pets of her own because she has no place to keep them in, but she learns some skills linked to her taming spells, abilities that are automatically learned by her tamed minions for the duration of the spell. So far, she only has two, and they only work on canines; she can teach them a crippling ankle bite and an interrupting paw strike, both of which are effective means of crowd control against all manners of enemies, especially casters. Going forward, she reckons this could be a good tactic for the future, as raising reliable pets for combat is more trouble than it's worth. Abilities included in the taming spell feel enough for her, especially since she has no desire to give birth to pets of her own.
All in all, they improve a lot, and it's noticeable. It also makes them confident. They feel like they're finally ready to return back to the front lines, but not before they have one more night's rest, one filled with fun, games, and a few drinks. More specifically, they decide to enjoy some drug-laced beverages with effects similar to alcohol, provided by Angel's little "Demon's Whistle" plantation. It's little more than juice made from fresh fruits and berries, with some miasma-infused sugar harvested from these sugarcane-like homegrown plants, but it packs a mighty punch. Best of all, it will not make Nymphs fat and will not result in a hangover.
They gather around in Rain's house this time, who lost the bet to play the host. What do they play with? Well, they don't really have many games available, but they have a deck of traditional playing cards. You can play like a hundred games with them, so they have a lot to choose from. Ultimately, they settle to play simple poker as it is a global game they all know the rules of and decide to go forward from there.
They manage to play for about fifteen minutes until they get bored because the truth is that poker is a dull game without actual stakes. They don't want to play with money, but that's not a problem at all because they have two things they can stake: clothes and sugary drinks with intoxicating effects. It's not the most PG combination there is, because just like with source generation, the Nymph's drunkenness caused by the sugary miasma is directly linked to their heat. Nymphs get very, very horny and extremely friendly when they are drunk, and they will fuck anything that moves, even those who are looking to hurt them. Needless to say, it is strictly forbidden to go on an adventure while drunk, as the risk of getting raped - if you can even call it rape at that point - increases drastically with every permille of sugar in their bloodstream. Think of it as Nymphsaga's version of "Don't drink and drive". Still, in the company of each other, they don't need to worry about getting into grave danger.
Even though some of the Nymphs in the group end up losing more than the others, it doesn't get THAT lewd, at least not until they decide to play even more childish party games like "Spin the Bottle". It kind of starts with "Truth or Dare" rules but quickly dissolves into nothing but dares, most of which involve intimate contact of some sort. They only have a set amount of drinks, so it never has a chance to get out of hand, relatively speaking. They do know self-restraint. Well, at least those who win do. It's usually the loser that ends up getting drunk, which just fuels their losing streak.
When they run out of drinks, it's already late, and they decide to go different ways. Well, everyone except Wendy. Whether she's bad at playing cards or had bad luck, she was the one getting the most shit-faced, not that she minds it. Whether it's Kensuke or Wendy, she's always been a bit of a party animal and always spent her free weekends with her friends on Kiyamachi Street, carousing and enjoying life. On the other hand, both Gregory and Rain are excellent at poker and can handle their alcohol very well. In fact, you could call Rain a natural.
Wendy was also the first to get stripped, and now, lying naked and defenseless on Rain's bed, she isn't interested in going home.
"You know…" Rain says, leaning closer to Wendy, finding it difficult to keep her gaze away from Wendy's naked figure. "I know my bed is comfy, but I need you to bugger off."
"Don't be like that", Wendy says, laughing. "God, my head is spinning so much… I just can't get up…"
Rain sits down on the bed and yawns, tired and wanting to just get to sleep. "No, really, I just want to sleep in peace."
Just like that, Wendy actually gets up, hugging Rain from behind, with her head leaning against Rain's shoulder. "Let's sleep together…"
Rain freezes, and she doesn't dare to do so much as turn her head. Her heart, her groins, and all of her senses tell her it's a cute girl clinging to her, and even though the softness and warmth, and the feeling of her breathing down her neck make her want to crumble, her brains keep screaming it's her friend, not someone to be sexualized. Moreover, it's a friend who's acting very much unlike what's usual for her, which weirds Rain out. "Dude… just stop…" Rain says, hoping Wendy will get the hint eventually.
"Don't call me a ''dude''", Wendy says, pouting, sounding offended. "I'm a GIRL, you ass."
"…It's a figure of speech."
"Come on, Rain", Wendy says, tugging on Rain's shirt a little. "Get naked already."
"There's no way I will sleep with you", Rain says, battling to keep her shirt on.
"Oh, fuck off. I know you're into little girls."
"I'm not into ''you''", Rain says, sighing. "Besides, you're drunk." <i>'Then again, I'm not sure if I would go down on her even if she WAS sober'</i>, she thinks, with her heart thumping and her lower body aching a little. She has to admit to being a bit horny, after all.
"I'm not drunk!" Wendy states loudly, and then laughs. "Okay, ''maybe'' I'm a little drunk… but who cares!?"
Rain starts to feel even more uncomfortable because of her conflicted emotions caused by her own desires. <i>'Were it anyone else than Wendy drunk in my bed, I wouldn't hesitate, but… fuck, I've known this guy far too long…'</i> "Please, just leave", she mumbles. <i>'Before I do something we're both going to regret tomorrow.'</i>
Yet, Wendy still refuses to back out. "Hey…" she whispers, straight into Rain's ear. "Is that dick of yours ready yet…?"
Rain sits still like a statue as her heart pounds faster. "No…" she quietly mumbles, and she isn't lying. She still needs to feed the demon source to evolve it.
"Oh, you ''liar''", Wendy says, with her childish voice oozing with lust. "Wanna try it on me…?"
<i>'Wait, this actually can't be happening'</i>, Rain tells herself. She's really tempted because she's been waiting to evolve the demon for a couple of days now, but the opportunity to use it on a girl just hasn't presented itself yet. And there it is; the opportunity is hugging her, naked, pushing her little self against her back, and Rain can't deny she finds her cute. More importantly, with her heart pounding so hard right now, she knows that a part of her wants to do lewd stuff to a girl like that. <i>'And what if she's actually serious? What if it's not just the booze talking? Not that I could even give her what she wants, given the demon isn't ready yet, but…'</i>
"Come on, Rain…" Wendy begs. "Fuck me hard…"
<i>'No, no, no way! She's drunk!'</i> Rain reminds herself, closing her eyes, trying to get that little preteen body out of her mind. <i>'She's not in her right mind! She has to be messing with me! She would kill me once she sobered up, if I let my demon fuck her now!'</i>
Just as Wendy is about to reach her hand to Rain's groin, Rain shakes herself away from Wendy's grasp and stands up, backing off, panting feverishly for a couple of seconds. Wendy doesn't look like she's following. Instead, she just collapses back to the bedsheets.
"Just go to sleep…" Rain concedes a point and decides to let Wendy stay. As Wendy realizes this, she just responds with a cheerful "Yay", and continues to lie still. She doesn't even notice Rain walking away to the bathroom to cool down, just to escape the situation.
<i>'Fuck's sake, why her of all girls? Now I really wanna fuck someone, but there's no way I can do HER. Not Wendy. No way. Fucking hell, I can't believe I almost gave in to the desire.'</i> Sighing, Rain decides to rinse her face with cold water, blushing madly, and looking at her pouting, clearly frustrated face in the mirror. <i>'And me being wetter than a Scottish summer doesn't help'</i>, she thinks, giving herself a stern slap right on her face. <i>'Okay, calm down, relax… just go to sleep... it's gonna be fine…'</i>
After about two minutes of waiting and trying to cool down, Rain leaves the bathroom and finds Wendy passed out and fast asleep. <i>'Just what I wanted'</i>, she thinks, about to get naked. She thinks about putting on her pajamas due to sleeping with someone else, but she eventually decides it doesn't matter. <i>'Could actually be detrimental, considering how hot my body feels'</i>, she convinces herself. <i>'Don't wanna wake up drenched in sweat in a couple of hours.'</i> She does keep her panties on, but that's all she needs.
She crawls to the other side of the bed and takes one final look at Wendy, seeing how vulnerable that naked little girl on her bed looks right now. "You're so lucky I don't have that demon ready right now", she whispers, testing if Wendy's just pretending to be asleep. "Not sure I would be able to hold myself back if I did", she admits out loud, eyeing Wendy up and down. "Bloody hell, you're so, so cute and sexy… you stupid fucking idiot…"
Still, given that there's not even a change in Wendy's expression after everything she says, Rain decides it's time to drift away. Luckily for her, despite feeling uncomfortable due to Wendy's presence, she falls asleep in mere minutes.
The following morning, Wendy is the first to wake up, sober. Something is not quite right, as she can feel something warmer and heavier than a blanket on top of her. The first thing she sees as she opens her eyes is the sleeping face of Rain, whose cheek is pressed comfortably against her chest. Rain's arms are also wrapped around her body, which at first glance looks incredibly cute to Wendy, until she fully registers that's her naked body she's grabbing tight onto.
Wendy sighs heavily after realizing that this "mistake" was partially her own doing. <i>'Still, despite all my advances and begging, she didn't lay a hand on me'</i>, she thinks, remembering how she acted and feeling incredibly embarrassed over it. <i>'Now she did, but since she's asleep, it's probably, no… hopefully not intentional…'</i>
What freaks Wendy out the most is what was going on in her head at the time, which she still remembers so clearly. She wasn't just messing around with Rain. No, at the time, what she asked Rain to do was what she really wanted. She wanted to be fucked, rough and raw. <i>'But to ask Rain to do that… to fuck me with that freaking demon… holy fuck, what was wrong with me? I'm so glad she showed some restraint. Not sure I would've been able to even look her in the eye if we did something like that. Then again, given how I begged… oh, man, it's gonna be a little awkward when she wakes up…'</i>
However, as much as she would love to just break free and get away from Rain's grasp, and then quietly peace out as if nothing happened, she suspects it might be impossible to accomplish. So, instead, she decides to wake Rain up by giving her a little shake on the shoulder. Rain wakes up pretty quickly, but instead of reacting like Wendy hoped she would, Rain, still half-asleep, hugs her even tighter. "Get off me already…" Wendy orders.
"No way…" Rain mumbles. "You're so warm and squishy… I just wanna hug you forever…"
"You damn pedophile…"
Hearing those words, Rain finally realizes she's not actually in bed with who she thought she was. She was having a pleasant dream about an unspecified fictional character she has the hots for and, for some reason, in her dreamy haze, immediately assumed that was the girl she was cuddling with. "Oh, what's up, Wendy?" Rain asks, sitting up, stretching and yawning.
"I hope you had a comfortable sleep…" Wendy says, sitting up herself, staring daggers through Rain.
"Your chest is pretty comfortable", Rain blurts out.
Wendy covers herself up. "You better not be thinking about anything perverted…"
"You're the one who asked me to do actual perverted stuff", Rain says, getting up. "Glad to see you're yourself now."
Wendy sighs deeply. "Yeah, thanks for not doing anything to me…"
"If you want to get fucked, at least ask me while sober", Rain says as she begins to dress up. "That way, I'll know that you're actually serious about it."
Wendy knows Rain is just joking, so she doesn't even bother getting angry over it. <i>'Or was it merely a joke? It's so hard to tell with this asshole, given how dry her delivery always is.'</i> "So you're saying you would've fucked me if I was sober?" Wendy asks, pushing Rain on the subject, wanting to know how much of it was just a joke.
Rain looks deep into Wendy's eyes, unsure how to comment. She doesn't know the answer herself, but her silence proves that she is at least thinking about it. "I didn't say that…" she finally says.
"Just answer me."
"Probably… not…"
"So? Which is it?"
"Why not ask right now and find out?" Rain suddenly asks with a straight face.
The surprised look on Wendy's face says it all, and she blushes, as she didn't expect to have the ball back on her side of the court. Her face of shock, however, quickly turns into a pouting scowl, and through her pouting lips, all she says is "No".
"Well, probably not the best time today", Rain says, shrugging. "Considering we're supposed to be going to Paradise."
"Wait… don't tell me you would seriously do it…?" Wendy stammers, genuinely beginning to question how serious Rain is.
"Depends on how serious ''you'' are."
"Come on, Rain… just say it…"
"You want the honest truth? I was tempted."
Hearing that makes Wendy cross her legs and cover her chest again, but instead of responding with outrage, her angry pout relaxes as she exhales a heavy sigh. "Well, that makes two of us", Wendy finally responds. "I mean, as crazy as it sounds, I seriously wanted dick at the time… and had I not passed out… I would've probably egged you on even more…"
"How much of that was the booze talking?"
"I dunno", Wendy says and smirks playfully. "Maybe like… eighty percent?"
"So one-fifth of you seriously wanted me to go down on you, huh…"
"Oh, shut up", Wendy says, and laughs. "How about you? What held you back?"
"Do I really need to spell it out?" Rain asks, finally feeling like getting serious. "I haven't forgotten who you really are."
Even though Wendy's smile persists, the tone in her voice takes a melancholic turn. "It sure is easy to forget about it sometimes. I can't even recognize myself as the same person I was a month ago." Then, her eyes turn toward Rain. "And the same goes for you and Angel."
"I really have changed in your eyes too, huh…"
"We all have."
"You used to get mad just at me calling you Wendy", Rain recalls. "But if I call you that now, you turn your head and own it with a smile."
Wendy blushes, but can't hide her smirk. "Shut up, Greg…"
"Oh, I get it", Rain says. "It's ''that'' part of me your horny-ass female brain fantasizes about?"
"Why the fuck would I wanna have sex with a forty-year-old virgin?" Wendy asks and laughs out loud. "Besides, I bet ''your'' horny-ass female brain gets just as wet thinking about cocks as well…"
"I honestly enjoy giving more than taking", Rain says. "That hasn't changed, even if I have a fanny."
"Is that so?" A smile appears on Wendy's face, and she relaxes her stance, revealing her flat chest to Rain. "If you don't mind me asking then… how big part of you was ''actually'' tempted then? To give it to me…"
"I'd say about eighty percent too."
"I-I think you meant twenty…"
"No. Eighty", Rain says. "Not like it matters. The demon isn't ready yet, so I couldn't have given you what you wanted."
"W-well, that's a pity…" Wendy quietly mumbles under her breath.
"Huh? I didn't quite catch that."
"It's nothing", Wendy says and stands up, opening up her inventory to finally wear some clothes. "And, ummm… yeah… sorry for making it weird between us yesterday…"
"Don't sweat it", Rain says, smiling. "And don't sweat the fact that you're changing. I don't think of you as any less because of it."
"Thanks", Wendy says, blushing as she smiles.
"I mean", Rain says and smirks. "If you liked dicks as a dude, I wouldn't mock you for that either."
Wendy catches the joke but decides to respond seriously, despite finding it challenging to resist laughing out loud. "Maybe I always liked them! I just didn't know it yet!"
"Yeah, not that it matters", Rain says with a cheerful smile and a thumbs up. "So own it. You'll always be my friend regardless of how much you change."
Wendy must admit that despite feeling a little hesitant to accept all the changes in her personality regarding her thoughts, tastes, and behavior, it doesn't matter at all in the end. <i>'As disturbing as it is to think about how I've changed, Rain is right. I should just own it. This is me, and there's nothing wrong with being the way I am.'</i> "Thanks. I mean it. You'll always be my friend too, Rain…"
"So now I'm Rain again?" Rain asks, and chuckles. "Anyway, let's get ready to meet the others."
Wendy nods, but even as she dresses up, she's still worried about going on an adventure for real again. <i>'Sure, there's seven of us'</i>, she reasons, <i>'and our training's been going flawlessly… but what if? Maybe I shouldn't worry too much about it.'</i> Putting her worries aside, she exits the apartment together with Rain, hyping herself up for the long day ahead of her.
<big>[[Nymphsaga/Paradise|Chapter IV]]</big>


Latest revision as of 01:58, 28 February 2023


Katja's and Dana's "Survival Handbook."

As all of you should know by now, there are no difficulty settings in Nymphsaga. This may be the first virtual reality game you've ever played, or you may be a veteran. You can be casual or a hardcore raider, or you can be a purely social gamer. It doesn't matter. When you step outside the barrier into the vast world around us, you step into the same exact world that everyone else does. The world does not care how skilled you are and doesn't discriminate or make exceptions for anyone. It judges us all as equals. Still, we, Katja and Dana, the authors of this piece, believe that the world around us is survivable for everyone. While skill, training, and improving yourself are important, this game is one of preparation. Everyone can make it outside the barrier if they prepare accordingly.

We are a couple of former leaders from well-established competitive progression-oriented raiding guilds in Mormia. Many Nymphs come to us seeking guidance regarding their adventures and training, so we decided to put together a list of seven general guidelines that we - as well as our companions - follow ourselves. We do not claim to be authority over anything or claim that our methods are always the best, but we believe that we can offer a lot of valuable insight into making yourself a better player. These are not rules or laws that you absolutely have to follow. You might have a different approach that might suit you and your team better, and that's fine. Think critically and think independently.

1: Guidelines for team composition.

We strongly believe that to have a viable team, you need different Nymphs to carry out different roles. In general, there are three different roles for Nymphs, each of which are equally important.

We have tanks, defensive players whose primary role is to generate "aggro" and keep the attention of enemies on themselves, so the other team members can focus on their own respective roles. Then, we have healers to take care of fatigued team members. Us Nymphs are very small and weak creatures that just can't keep up with most enemies, so having a healer in a party is even more important than having a tank. And last, we have the supporter Nymphs whose purpose is to suppress, weaken, and slow enemies with anything they have in the arsenal, be it crowd control, stuns, or status-altering effects.

You might notice the lack of damage dealers in this list, but that is not to say that pure damage dealers do not exist. It's just that we, in our very humble opinions, believe that every Nymph must carry their weight in some additional way to contribute to the common good of the group. Everyone can deal more than enough damage to help the team, even healers. Therefore, pure damage dealers are - sorry to say - kind of useless. Feel free to prove us wrong though.

We strongly recommend that you have five or more members in your group and that your group consists of at least one tank, one healer, and two supporters. You can have the extra spots for any roles you want but try not to stay too far away from the 1-1-2 ratio. In our opinion, having an extra healer is always more important than having an extra tank. Secondly, having Nymphs in supporting roles who can also cast some heals can be wildly beneficial for any party.

2: Diversify your offense.

Diversity of offense is, in our opinion, even more important than the diversity of roles. For each and every one of us, there is that one invincible enemy that we cannot beat no matter what, mostly because they are immune to our damage. In an ideal setting, every team member can deal different kinds of damage to enemies to cover each other's weaknesses. It's not going to matter how many of you there are if all you can do is deal physical damage; slimes and other metaphysical enemies will make you sorry.

3: Train, train, train.

Allow me to start by quoting Socrates: "No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." We don't care about your habits in the real world, but this quote couldn't be truer for us Nymphs. Despite the common misconception that arises from the fact that this is a game, we Nymphs can get more fit and athletic if we train hard, just like in the real world. If you work out, you will look better, feel better, and even regenerate stamina faster, which is immensely helpful. Run, exercise, and follow a good workout plan, and make it part of your daily routine, especially if you're a caster since you're naturally weaker. Work your butt out, no excuses. Do not skip days, ever. Seriously, your survival depends on it.

I, Katja, personally recommend gymnastics and yoga. As for a recommendation from Dana, practice martial arts and flying. Being able to do flips and tricks in the air is not only effective means of training your muscles and getting sweaty but also freaking cool and incredibly satisfying. Your wings are awesome, don't ever forget that.

Do not forget to train and practice your fighting skills either. Do anything to make yourself better. There is a glass ceiling for us Nymphs as far as our passive abilities and levels go, and we are simply too weak to break it, so we need to rely on training to improve. Aiming and practicing with weapons you're unfamiliar with is especially important, as using an ability will not mean anything if you miss your attacks. We especially recommend getting yourself a sparring partner. Don't worry too much about getting actually hit. You won't die from accidentally getting sliced by a sword, so go all out as if wanting to kill your partner.

4: Rely on professions.

Every single profession can benefit you somehow, in and out of combat. Do this not only for yourself but also for others, as you can benefit your party with your own unique skills. Make sure you got potions, rely on powerful food effects, and enchant every piece of clothing you can, and for the love of fuck, help each other in this regard. We need these skills to prepare for adventure adequately, so do not just leech off others. Relying on professions becomes especially critical later on, as all professions can also be utilized in combat in unique ways, maybe even to learn new active and passive abilities. Upgrading your house with professions is also cool.

5: Strategize and communicate.

You should always strategize BEFORE you go on an adventure. Never go out on an adventure without a comprehensive battle plan. Of course, you always need to change plans on the fly when strong enemies appear, but having general strategies, and plans for setbacks, is very important to establish beforehand. The battlefield is a living, ever-changing, and unpredictable place after all.

We also can't stress enough how important it is to talk to each other during combat. You can help each other so much better and act as a cohesive unit when you're all vocal. Don't worry too much about enemies understanding what you say. Lastly, listen to the party leader. We're not saying that a party has to be a dictatorship, but seriously, have one or two people to make critical decisions for some semblance of order. We admit that this rule is the one where we have some bias, as we are both raid leaders in our respective guilds, but hey, it has served us well. We're not leaders of some of the most successful guilds in Mormia for nothing.

6: Make friends and help each other.

We do not always agree on everything, and we don't get along with everyone, but it's important to be friendly and social in this small community, so make a lot of friends here in Grove and beyond. Help those in need to the best of your ability, even those you don't like. Treat others the way you want to be treated. All of this is especially relevant in small groups and with those you will be teaming up with. You're going to be spending a lot of time with them, so chemistry and getting along is important.

When we recruit new players to our respective parties, we always "interview" them first. We use quotation marks because it's more like a casual conversation or a date, honestly. We drink, learn stuff about each other, tell jokes, play games, and stuff: the point is to know your allies on a personal level! Both authors of this piece agree that getting together, having fun, playing games, and drinking are perfect ways to bond with possible party members.

Preferably train with your new partners together before going on an adventure for real, and if possible, don't just rely on one group either. Having a lot of friends to rely on is important since you sometimes may want to - or even have to - tag along with other parties. Being part of a bigger guild where you can team up with different members based on your needs could also be something to look at, but we recognize that this is probably hard to achieve, given the size of our community.

7: Relax.

Don't forget to take a few days off to heal and relax every now and then. Free time is important, both for your mind and your body. Going on an adventure is extremely exhausting, ridiculously dangerous, and downright fucking scary. Every time you get out there, you risk getting raped or captured. Adventuring is NOT something anyone should be forced to do when they're not in the right mindset for it. You really don't need to go on an adventure every day or even every other day. Yes, this is a rule, an absolute law you must follow! You can ignore everything else in this handbook, but do not ignore this guideline!

If you can, spend your days off by doing something constructive, like training your professions to contribute to the society, or by exercising, studying, or strategizing. Like, just because you're not out there endangering your safety doesn't mean you can't be useful to others. That's not to say you shouldn't take days off, because you totally should! We all need fun in our lives, and having some days dedicated to nothing but fooling around is also important. Drink, socialize, play, do whatever you want. You can even pursue romance if you feel like it. We don't judge.

This concludes our list of guidelines for adventurers. It will be updated if need be, as we are still only a few weeks into the game, and new information will most likely force us to readjust some of our statements. We both, Katja and Dana, hope and pray for your safety. Good luck on your adventures, and as Grove's motto goes, "Never lose hope".

Nymphs of Grove are two full nights of sleep removed from their raid of Fort Hammercliff, and a new morning rises. With most having had enough time for rest and introspection, they gather for a meeting between the community and its organizers to discuss the past few days, the problems of the present, and most importantly, the future, with the Nymphs from Paradise also participating in the discussion for the first time.

The knowledge of an equally sized community to Grove existing somewhere out there is equally reassuring to some as it is confusing to others. Regardless of what it means for them, as far as their memories and understanding of the world they're in are concerned, they all can agree on one thing; they have friends and allies in each other. They're united by one goal and one purpose, which is freedom, not only for the sake of survival, but also for the sake of eventual escape from the dangerous world they're trapped in.

That's why their collective goal for the future is to establish a connection to Paradise. With the goblin population having been thinned out to near-nothingness, the Nymphs suspect it might even be easy because based on the reports told by the Nymphs of Paradise, their home lies in a place called the "Sparkling Forest", somewhere on the other side of the Hammercliff Valley.

As for Paradise itself - to steer off-topic for a minute - the Nymphs from there describe it as a village straight out of a medieval fantasy, which makes it very different from Grove. It's much more concentrated and condensed, with most of its residents living near the center, which is different from Grove, where the population is scattered across a vast area. While there is no protective shield around the city, it's surrounded by mountains and hills and thus located in a very secure area where most enemies can't find it. Abundant with water, multiple streams run through it from the mountains to the north, and according to the residents, its waterfalls are stunningly beautiful.

There are no signs of past civilizations, large pyramids, or ancient theaters either. Trees are normal-sized, and thus, there are no treehouses either. All Nymphs live in more traditional houses, some of which are built partially underground. As far as similarities go, there is an abundance of food, which is free for everyone there as well. There is also a simple city center, where most larger buildings are located, including the temple hosting their "leader" and a university, where most books are located. Overall, the central area of Paradise reminds the residents of a central European village one would perhaps find in Alsace, France.

While there are many good reasons to connect the two villages, the council can't agree on how to go about this business. Many suggest setting up another great raid to the north, but with no voting taking place yet, they only discuss the pros and cons of such an idea.

For most, the most common argument against the raid is that while it would help some Nymphs get back home, a raid wouldn't actually help in connecting the two villages long-term. Like, if they set up a large raid for one visit, how will they go about their next one? How about Nymphs who want to travel in between the towns individually? Should they always rely on raids as some form of weird public transportation? In the majority's opinion, it's ridiculous to think that a whole raid would be set up just to get a few Nymphs from one place to another.

Instead, others propose that individual groups explore the area and try to work together to find a route that everyone can use safely without relying on raids. But then, the minority asks, what about helping the Nymphs from Paradise get home? Wouldn't a raid be the best way to go about it? Yes, without question, says the majority, but what about the risks? Nymphs succeeded once, but will the second time be as easy? A big raid could end up in a big mistake. If that happened, Grove would effectively be curb-stomped with no way of recovering. Of course, there are also risks involved in trying to establish a connection with the help of smaller groups, and the Nymphs do not know if there even is such a thing as a safe passage between the villages. For what it's worth, the zones between the two communities are not dangerous enough to be considered off-limits, unlike some other zones they know about, so there's no reason to believe why a raid wouldn't be successful. Still, something unforeseen and unexpected could happen, just like in the past few days when the protective shield around Grove shrunk.

This is their next topic of debate, although admittedly, there's not much to debate beyond the observations they've made, as nobody can tell for sure why the barrier has shrunk. All they know is that the shrinking seems to coincide perfectly with the raid of Fort Hammercliff, having occurred as they got home, leading some to believe this could be some sort of a "punishment" from the developers for conducting a raid on a massive scale. There could also be an unknown, still-to-be-discovered game mechanic at play, and the shrinking could've been intended from the start, but with little to no information to go about, they can only speculate. The shrinking hasn't been significant yet, and it will still take dozens of similar events for the first residents to find their homes outside the barrier, but it's worrisome for most Nymphs regardless, especially those who currently live in the outskirts of Grove.

The Nymphs decide to continue observing the situation with their barrier, choosing to explore the areas between the villages independently without any large-scale raids taking place for now. However, as far as problems of the present go, they still have another big one at hand.

Despite the tribe Hammercliff having been all but wiped out, their next generation still lives with the Nymphs, with every prisoner rescued from their captivity having been brought home pregnant, with many still waiting to give birth. As far as the Nymphs know, there is no birth control in Nymphsaga - not that it matters in hindsight anyway - and pregnancies cannot be terminated either. Considering this, the question in their minds is, what to do with all the goblins? As far as the council sees it, there are three options: infanticide, abandonment, and imprisonment.

Those in favor of the first two options argue that the goblins are not only a product of rape and enslavement, but also dangerous creatures by themselves. If left unchecked, they will grow up to be like their fathers and try to hurt them, as the domination of Nymphs is in their very nature, making many want to kill these creatures before they become a problem. Many oppose this, citing cruelty as a reason, suggesting that newborn goblins should be let go and released into the wild instead and left to their own devices. Without a supply of source to help them grow, and with no community of goblins to back them up, many would surely die anyway, but at least it wouldn't be on the Nymph's conscience… or would it? Many argue it would. It's a complicated debate for the Nymphs, not at all helped by their pre-existing political and religious views, or by Nymph's maternal instincts to want to protect their children from harm.

This leaves the Nymphs with the last option, with those in favor arguing that the Nymphs shouldn't try to get rid of the goblins, and instead try to assimilate them into the Grove's society. As dangerous creatures, they would effectively be prisoners, being little more than slaves and cattle, and they wouldn't be allowed to freely walk around the Grove either. As for how such a thing could even be accomplished, that's a story for later.

For now, the Nymphs decide that the council can't and won't dictate what the pregnant Nymphs do with their offspring, with the decision regarding each goblin's fate resting on the individual carrying it.

Still, with the pregnant Nymphs generating excess source in their bodies and making them uncontrollably hormonal, they remain sidelined from action and unable to function normally in their seemingly infinite horniness. Some try to resist these urges, while others take matters into their own hands, pun intended. Some also get help from others, resulting in Nymphs all across Grove participating in "healing" their friends by having sex with them. It's not just Wendy and Angel, or Rain and Lemon; out of all pregnant Nymphs, roughly two in five admit to succumbing to their desires and having at least one sexual encounter with some of their close friends, with some admitting to doing it with strangers instead. After all, having sex with another "sick" Nymph in need is a popular choice for many, as the Nymphs are killing two birds with one stone like this.

Wendy's hypothesis regarding being able to speed up pregnancies by releasing source through sex is also a popular one in Grove, with many others having guessed the same, but whether or not there's any weight behind this theory is something that the Nymphs can't say for sure yet. There is one Nymph called Amanda researching it, but that's also a story for later.

The sudden prevalence of sex in Nymph's society also raises many questions about acceptance, and out of all the topics that the council debates, this one raises the most eyebrows. You'd probably think that just like in the "real" world, many of them find the idea of having sex with children socially unacceptable and repulsive, and you'd be right. Kind of. It's complicated.

Of course, Nymphs are all little girls, and their bodies look physically immature, but that doesn't mean they are real children, with even the youngest humans trapped inside these avatars being eighteen. So in that sense, those who choose to engage in sexual acts are not having sex with real children, but it still doesn't make it less comfortable for some. After all, physical appearances play a huge role in attraction toward one another, and while there are plenty of pedophiles and other perverts in Nymphsaga - just like there are in the real world - not every Nymph is comfortable having sex with each other, with some even feeling angry about the idea.

However, almost all Nymphs understand that despite their reluctance, sex between Nymphs might even be necessary since they know it's an effective way of treating various "problems". The other significant incentive in favor of intercourse between Nymphs is their biology, which guarantees some degree of uncontrollable horniness, with their hormones also naturally guiding them toward each other. Then, there is the lack of competition in the sexual marketplace. There aren't many ways to enjoy safe sex besides doing it with another Nymph, and there aren't any male Nymphs or human-like adults around either.

With all this in mind, the Nymphs also must admit that their hearts and needs are changing, plain and simple. They're not the humans they once were, and while many still feel reluctant, deep down, they all know they must adapt. They understand that safe sex between Nymphs is an overwhelmingly positive thing regardless of their preconceptions, feelings, sexual orientations, or personal views.

Speaking of the positive effects of sex, Angel feels the best physically she has felt during her entire life as a Nymph, almost as if she was born again. Her mental condition is still not great, as now, on top of all worry she carries in her heart over her friends, she feels guilty too. How could she not? She could've been out there looking for her friends with the others, yet all she did was have sex with Wendy all day. She did a favor to her in doing so, because it could be argued that Wendy needed it, but preparing for a new day, she wonders if she went too far. 'Best not worry about it', she supposed, psyching herself up for a new and more productive day. Thinking she should incorporate some of her real-life routines into her new life as a Nymph, she puts on some comfortable clothes, and heads outside for a jog.

Sven - the man Angel once was - was an active man in his life and loved running, cycling, and hitting the gym. Between his studies, he was a bit of a bodybuilder in addition to being a gamer and a musician, so he was a busy man indeed. This love of fitness has carried on to Angel, who even as a little girl works out to the best of her ability. There are no gyms in Grove, so she has to settle for working out without weights, but that is not a problem for her, especially since she understands cardio is more important than gains for Nymphs.

After a quick lap around the village center through the woods, she moves on to her next morning routine: tending her garden. As the only Chef around, she is the only one who can utilize the neighborhood's public garden, so it's all for her to use as she pleases, and she likes it that way. Besides, she finds growing herbs and food surprisingly fun and rewarding. She's saving some space for Lemon, as she suspects there are plants Lemon wants to grow, but that is only a plan for now. She grows vegetables and herbs only, as plenty of wild fruits and berries grow in the neighborhood. The only three plants she has gotten from beyond the barrier are vanilla, thyme, and Demon's Whistle, which she hopes to use to make some homemade liqueurs out of with an alchemist.

As she thinks about what to make for breakfast - 'perhaps some Besan Chilla for Wendy and myself?' - she is surprised from behind in the middle of her work. Without a word, someone hugs her from behind, causing her to gasp in surprise.

"Good morning, Angel."

The familiar voice of her good friend - once lost, now suddenly found - surprises her even more than the warm embrace ever did. Shocked to hear the voice of her dear friend Rain, she jerks herself free, only to turn around and hug her even tighter than she ever hugged her. Rain's grip is still pretty weak, but Angel grabs her tight, almost as if to squeeze her like a toy. "Oh god, you're safe! I was worried to death!"

"I was worried too", Rain admits. "Didn't even know if I was going to find you here…"

"What happened to you!?" Angel asks, exasperated. "What about Lemon!? Is she safe!?"

"It's a long story", Rain says, honestly feeling a little shocked by how Angel is reacting, but not in a bad way. It's a good kind of shock and makes her want to smile. "But we're both safe now."

With a sigh of relief, an enormous weight is lifted from Angel's shoulders. Holding Rain by her hand, she proceeds to drag Rain up the stairs. "Let's go wake Wendy up. She'll be glad to see you safe."

Rain nods, smiling happily. She doesn't have to ask because she knows from the way Angel is acting. Her dear friends are all safe.

Meanwhile, in Lemon's little treehouse, she wakes up to a pleasant and warm feeling of soft skin rubbing against her own. Ever so slightly, the curtains of her eyes open up to see a face of a smiling little girl. The touches of this blue-eyed, tired-looking cutie are as gentle as they can be and surprisingly well-mannered despite the fact that she's lying on top of her, stark naked.

A nervous smirk appears on Lemon's face as well, along with a rosy blush, and she does not know what to think. She obviously doesn't hate it, as waking up with a girl lying on top of her is a feeling she loves, but this girl is a stranger to her, and not in an "I hooked up with her in the local LGBTQ club" kind of way. Still, she does recognize this cutie, and she did take her home. 'That's the girl Ron saved', she realizes, feeling glad to see her well, but this kind of intimacy from a stranger feels a little awkward.

Before Lemon can even inquire the stranger about her well-being or name, this girl leans in for a kiss. The kiss is not just with lips but also with nipples, as the flat chests of the two girls press comfortably against each other, with the stiff nipples taking most of the pressure. Even their belly buttons kiss. Unable and unwilling to move, Lemon takes the sweet kiss, closing her eyes as she lays her hands on the little girl's naked back. It's just a touch and not a hug, as she's not trying to tug her closer, but they're so close that they can feel every breath and every heartbeat. The stranger is not looking to make an advance or any bolder moves, which at the same time feels very relaxing, but also a little frustrating to Lemon. She's up for so much more.

Lemon's hand moves up to the unsuspecting girl's buttock and grabs onto the tight and smooth cheek as hard as she can muster. The stranger squeals in surprise, and eyes half-open, she looks down at mischievous Lemon, who's left licking her lips. Blushing, the girl tries to divert her gaze as she concentrates on the rough hand rubbing her butt. 'Oh, how daring of you to get on me like that', Lemon thinks, smiling from ear to ear. "What's wrong, sweetie…?"

"Did you save me…?"

Lemon finds her heart fluttering. Her soft voice is like that of an angel, so clear and refined. She also realizes instantly from the girl's Slavic accent that she's probably from somewhere in Eastern Europe. It's definitely a voice she wants to corrupt with lewd and naughty moans. "What if I did…?" Lemon asks. It's not like her to lie, but part of her wants to see what kind of reaction this girl would have if she believed Lemon truly was her sole savior.

Perplexed and confused, the girl smiles, fidgeting, finding it a little hard to put her feelings into words. "I would be eternally in debt…"

"Well, technically it wasn't me, but I did help you out a little with my friend…" Lemon admits. It immediately reminds her of her friend, Rain, who she now realizes is missing.

"O-oh…" the girl says, sounding a little disappointed. "Well, I'm still eternally grateful to you…"

"Is assaulting little girls in their sleep a way you like showing gratitude…?"

The girl can't help but blush in embarrassment and laugh. "Oh, I'm sorry… you must've found it uncomfortable…"

Lemon tilts her head, still smiling happily, now also giggling. "I didn't say that…"

Those words seem to give the girl some courage. "So, what's your name? I'm Snow."


"Alright, my little Lemon…" Snow says and raises herself to an upward position, suddenly opening up her inventory. "If you don't mind my sexual advances, I'm sure you won't mind this either…"

What appears in Snow's hand genuinely surprises Lemon. It's a little egg-shaped toy, a pink vibrator. It seems to be a cordless model with a remote controller, and it definitely isn't what Lemon expected. 'I mean, that's clearly an electronic device , she thinks. She was already planning on going full throttle on offense as she prefers to be a top, but having seen a vibrator, her favorite sex toy in the whole wide world, one that has given her so much pleasure over the years, she can't resist the idea of having another girl use it on her. 'Doesn't hurt getting out of my comfort zone every once in a while', she supposes, willing to fully indulge in her passion.

Snow turns it on, crawls a little bit back, and presents the toy to Lemon's vagina. The vibration immediately causes her legs to spread slightly, with her feeling the powerful motor comfortably reverberating all over her lower body. Moving up the slit, digging into her, it reaches up to her clitoris, pushing it up and exposing the head properly. She covers her mouth from shock, trying to muffle her voice as her entire body arcs and her legs spread up even more.

With lust and vigor, Snow pushes herself down, kissing and licking Lemon's flat brown chest, all while continuously pushing the vibrating egg against her most sensitive spots. It is clear to Lemon from the start that this girl shares a mutual passion for little girls, and that makes her want to submit even more. Being lusted and fawned over feels satisfying to her, and everything Snow does also feels incredible physically, so much so that she gets from zero to a hundred in a matter of just a minute. When she woke up, she felt calm and satisfied, but now she's already wet, acting all slutty and feeling just as horny as she did last night with Rain.

Snow gets bored of Lemon's chest quickly and proceeds to move her tongue and fingers to where it both feels and tastes better. Lemon, still covering her mouth, looks down to see just what her partner is planning. While gently pressing the egg down with her fingers, she moves her mouth to the lower parts of the lips, pressing her tongue against the hole. She's also looking to use her fingers and decides to stick two inside immediately, causing Lemon to squeal. Despite not enjoying having things stuck inside her, she doesn't mind this time. The pleasure of having fingers grind in and out of her is undeniable, causing her entire body to tremble. 'It isn't so bad at all', she convinces herself. 'I mean, at least they're only fingers.'

Persistent rapid vibration teasing her pleasure bean and the quick back-and-forth movement of the fingers are looking to push her over the edge real quick and with stunning force. Legs voluntarily spread as far as they can go, she cums all over Snow's pretty little fingers with a warm squirt, with Snow pushing forward without slowing down, driving Lemon nuts. Having reached the summit of her climax, her eyes roll back, and she tries to muffle her moans, failing miserably from start to finish.

Feeling lightheaded and blanking in her mind, she immediately registers a strange and unfamiliar sensation mixed in with the pleasure, with something strongly moving and pulsating in her stomach. She knew she was pregnant, but she had no idea she was so close to giving birth, especially given that her sporty and tight belly is still as flat as a washboard, but now she's sure. Something's trying to push out, and she knows it. Hand on her stomach, eyes closed while still reveling in the afterglow of her orgasm, she concentrates on the new sensations, borderline scared of what's about to come next. She doesn't want to be forced to give birth and become a mother to anything, especially not a tentacle baby. 'But I can't stop it! It's pushing and moving so hard!'

Feeling proud of herself and already thinking about what to do next, Snow doesn't even look at Lemon as she opens up her inventory to summon yet another toy; some kind of a strap-on dildo, to be specific. It's not one that you wear like panties, but rather a plug-in type capable of bringing extreme pleasure to the wearer as well. With two plugs, it's inserted into both holes, and despite what one might think, it will firmly stay in place even through more extreme and fast-paced plays. 'I've tried it on', she thinks, deciding not to put it on quite just yet, 'but never in a thousand years did I think I would be able to use it on someone!' "How about I give you something bigger next", Snow coos, looking Lemon straight in the eyes, as she slaps the green, partially transparent rubbery cock on Lemon's belly.

Brought back to reality from her state of fear, she squeals as she extends her hands to her crotch, covering her pussy up with her left hand, and grabbing the dildo from Snow's hands with the right one. "W-wait just a minute!"

"What's wrong?" Snow asks, still smiling. "I wanna "reward" you more!"

"N-no, not right now!"

"Oh, don't worry! It will feel awesome!"

Lemon can't deny that, and part of her even wants to experience it. She may not enjoy penetration as much as she enjoys having her vulva teased, but she's still lukewarm to the idea of enjoying strap-on sex in contrast to feeling cold towards the idea of male-on-female sex, but that's not the issue she has. "I feel like I'm giving birth…!" Lemon straight up says.

"W-wait, what!?" Snow yells, feeling panicked, puzzled, and confused. "Y-you too!?"

"I said, it wasn't me who saved you!" Lemon says in haste to explain herself. "We were victims too, and the tentacles got us pregnant!"

"A-and you're about to give birth NOW!?"

"O-oh no, wh-what do I - Aaaah!"

Before Lemon can even finish her sentence, a sudden jolt of pleasure - almost as if a sharp, painless kick coming out from inside her body - causes her to let out a loud, girly yell, and after a moment of relaxation, another kick forces her hip to shoot up, and her legs back open wide. Her entire lower body trembles, and her offspring moves rapidly. She anticipates pain, asking, 'Will it hurt!?' It's the last thing she wants. There was no pain when she birthed all those tentacles during her captivity, but she wasn't even sane back then, and given her tiny stature and the fact that childbirth tends to be a painful process for even adults, she's frightened to the brink of tears.

"No, I'm scared…!" she whines, weeping a little.

Snow moves out of the way quickly, taking to the side of Lemon, and grabs her hands. "It will be over soon, I promise." Lemon nods with teary eyes. "It won't even hurt. Trust me."

Snow's words of encouragement are really what Lemon needed and give her strength to endure her ordeal. She nods, holding Snow by her hands, feeling something push out of her. 'It can't be that big, but… oh no, it feels so huge! It has to be just as thick as those disgusting bumpy tentacles were, and it's… pushing straight through my cervix!' It doesn't have enough force behind it to complete the push, so wanting to have it over as soon as possible now, Lemon feels she has no other option but to help it, as resistance will only delay the inevitable. So, she leans on her elbows, beginning to push with her internal muscles, a skill she's surprised to even have.

A little push seems to be what her unborn child needs, as it pushes fast out of her. As soon as it reveals the tentacle head covered in a clear, slimy mucus, Lemon's arms betray her, and her back is again pressed against the bedsheets. She can't move up, as she's already out of fuel. It's so extremely exhausting she can't believe it, but the worst seems to be already behind her. With the tentacle larva slithering out of her, pulsating like a worm, it even brings her pleasure on the way out as it escapes the vagina completely. A worm-like tentacle has been born, and with no umbilical cord, it's hard to even believe it would be a child of a human-like being, not that Lemon has the strength to lift her head up to look at it. All she can do is sigh out of immense relief, realizing it's already over.

The worm squirms almost as if trying to escape when a hand stops it. A palm extended wide open above it traps the worm inside a strange, dark red, glowing spell circle, courtesy of Snow. It wasn't a spell of destruction but rather one of restriction.

"Don't worry. I got it", Snow says.

"Got… It…?" Lemon asks, confused, opening her teary eyes a little bit.

"It's a submission spell that enchanters know", Snow explains. "When used on a newborn demon, it can be turned into an item."

Lemon hasn't heard of such a thing from Rain, the only enchanter she knows, so she's confused. She finds it hard to appreciate what's going on and even more difficult to say anything, but she's somewhat glad to know there's such a spell. "So… it's over…?"

"Yeah", Snow says and sighs, sitting down beside Lemon. "I mean, you would know if there were more of those inside of you…"

"What's gonna… happen to it then…?"

"Whatever you want, I guess", Snow says, shrugging. "The spell won't kill it. It'll just make it so it can't grow into an uncontrollable monster."

Lemon finally sits up to look down at her child, the abnormal rape baby she never asked for. Wriggling, it's unable to escape the confines of its magical prison. 'I can't believe this thing came out of me', she thinks as she carefully extends her finger to it to give the squishy little demon a poke. A floating holographic window for an item appears before her, lending evidence to Snow's claim about the spell-bound baby having been turned into an item. In addition to Nymph ID, which can track down who gave birth to it, it has some icons and symbols attached as flavor text, but she can't figure out what they mean, 'not that I even care that much. I'm just glad to have that disgusting parasite out of my system, and want it out of my bloody sight.'

Sighing, accepting that it belongs to her, she sends the demon spawn to her inventory, wanting to forget about its existence altogether, at least for now. 'I was afraid it would feel much more horrible than that. I mean, it WAS awful, and I don't want to ever go through even THAT again, but… whatever, I'm just glad it's over.' Then, she looks down at Snow and realizes that she has grown a little meek and silent. She knows why. "I guess you're going to have to give birth too…" Lemon says, eyes locked on Snow's lower stomach.

"O-oh, so you realized that I'm in the same position…" Snow says, also nodding in response.

"Well, we did find you getting raped by that creature…" Lemon remembers. "Are you scared?"

Snow shakes her head. "To be honest, I was a slave for a long time, and… I've already given birth to so many…"

"That's… rough…"

"Yeah… so I already kind of know what to expect", Snow says, trying to smile. "Not that I'm looking forward to it or anything…"

"It must be due for delivery soon…" Lemon says, with a hand on her jaw.

Snow nods again. "I think so too…"

Although Lemon is free from the offspring that was causing her horniness to some extent, she still feels a little heat, and she can tell that Snow is extremely horny without having to ask. However, the situation has reversed because Lemon is not so horny that she would blindly accept submitting to anything Snow would've had in store for her. Instead, she feels that she has the strength and the ability to be "the top" this time around. 'But would she appreciate it?' she wonders as she stares at the unplugged strap-on lying on the bed. 'She was planning on using that thing on me, so maybe she likes control. Then again, she did kinda leave it unguarded, so perhaps she is asking me to use it instead? That's certainly one way to interpret the situation…'

Without Snow even noticing, Lemon quietly steals the strap-on for herself, hiding it behind her back. "Want me to help with the delivery?" she then asks.

"W-what do you mean…?" Snow asks.

"Well, I think that sex could perhaps speed up pregnancy since it's sped up by source, which is generated more during sex." Yes, even Lemon has independently thought of this exact same theory that many others have.

Snow moves her eyes to Lemon and sees the strap-on in her hands. Her eyes open up fully, and a slightly nervous smile is drawn on her face. Just looking at the scared blue eyes, Lemon can tell that a heart is beating like a drum inside this little child's chest. "I mean, I don't mind, but… you're not planning on using that on me…?"

"Oh? You were looking to "reward" me for helping you, but you never asked what I want…" Lemon says, smiling with a curious look in her eyes as she stares at the plug-in strap-on. "What a peculiar toy. To use it, I must insert it into my holes…"

"I… I found it… on a little adventure…"

"An adventure to a perverted little sex shop?" Lemon teases.

"Hahaha, perhaps", Snow responds, laughing a little shyly. "But you don't have to put it on, especially since you literally just - "

"You know, I've never fucked anyone with a strap-on", Lemon thinks out loud, ignoring Snow completely, and despite being a little weirded out by the idea, her curiosity gets the better of her. She proceeds to put it on by inserting both plugs into her holes, hoping they will lock into place nicely. 'I dislike stuff in my butt even more, but… ohhh, that feels surprisingly nice! Got plenty of natural lube too!' She's very slow to put it on, as inserting both plugs while simultaneously trying to relax is hard for her, but as soon as the one pops into place inside her rear hole, her eyes roll back from relief. A crazed smile appears on her face as soon as she pushes the other plug into her vagina, and finally feeling like she can relax, she playfully giggles and tosses her hips from side to side, looking at the rubbery dildo sway in the air. 'Oh, what a sight! But I don't think I dislike it, and this feeling… oooh, I can only imagine what it feels like to thrust with such a sensitive toy…' "How do you like me now?" she asks, crawling toward Snow.

"I didn't expect you to be this assertive…" Snow says.

"Oh, please", Lemon responds, laying both her hands on Snow's shoulders. "I'm always a top in relationships… and I love dominating my girls…"

With a mad blush and a smile on her face, and her heart beating through her chest, Snow can't bring herself to refuse. Taking her silence as consent, Lemon pushes her down on her back, giggling happily and gleefully. "A-are you sure you wanna do this?" Snow whispers, looking to bargain with Lemon again, despite already lying on her back beneath Lemon's hungry, lustful eyes. "I mean, you must be exhausted because of what just happened…"

"Nope!" Lemon loudly proclaims as she pulls back her hips to present the tip of the dildo to Snow's drenched pussy.

"O-okay!" Snow responds loudly, steeling herself for the insertion. "T-then, at l-least be geh… gentle! I-I'm a guy, y-you know…!"

Lemon laughs softly, delighted by the irony. 'Is everyone except me a guy in this world or what? Oh, how the roles have reversed!' She grins happily, observing every move of the helpless-looking little child underneath her as she grabs her hips. "Sorry, I don't plan on being gentle", she speaks out as she begins to push, watching clearly how the lips open up to give way and how the wet folds open up, letting in the shaft. She observes every single expression that the cute girl makes. Snow's face is everchanging, and with every inch of the rubber disappearing into this girl, she displays a new emotion. From a smile of doubt, it turns into a wide-eyed look of fear and shock, straight into that of pure pleasure. When the tip finally reaches the endpoint, she breathes in rapidly, letting out a soft gasp of pleasure, and exhaling a moan of relief, quietly moaning something in what Lemon assumes is Russian. And Lemon, she just loves what she's seeing. It's a sight she could get addicted to, one she would love to see over and over again.

Expecting it to be a little challenging to move, Lemon starts out slow, fully intending to go in fast as soon as she gets properly going. She expects a little friction and a lot of resistance, given the tightness of a tiny hole and the rubbery, unnatural surface, but finds none. The movement feels effortless, even with her measly strength. With only her awkward position holding her back, she moves to a missionary position and leans forward, thrusting her hips up and down.

While Lemon can't feel the convulsions and slight movements of the little girl's inner muscles - which she would love to feel - she can definitely feel extreme pleasure from the way her toy tickles her own inner muscles, and this pleasure is a perfect spice for her to move as fast as possible. It draws her in. Despite lacking the male instinct, her hips move in a near-perfect, unstoppable rhythm. She can't slow down at all. 'Oh gosh, I thought about doing this only for her, but the way these plugs grind me from the inside is maddening!'

At the same time, despite her initial reluctance, Snow gives out a lot of room with her fully spread legs and really takes the cock in like a girl, continuing to moan through getting fucked, even getting a bit louder and more talkative as the play moves on. Snow feels her body pushed down with force, almost as if by something much larger than a little girl. She can't move, and she wouldn't move even if she could. She's completely unable to do anything to stop the Nymph fucking her. Her body reacts marvelously and draws it in as the soft skin of two children slaps against each other, just intensifying the pleasure. And then there's the visual aspect. Enchanted by the wonderful sight, she observes the place where they connect, and more importantly, she observes Lemon. She's clearly got a slender body of a little girl, with her chest, belly, and wide hips, but with that long extension added to her crotch, that long extension digging through her vagina, it feels almost surreal to her. It's clearly a little girl, yet she makes her feel like this with a simple toy. If there ever was a way to make her truly enjoy being fucked by a dick, it sure as hell is this very situation. Again moaning something in Russian, she just stares at her own hip and Lemon on top of her in awe, smiling ear to ear.

Seeing how Snow reacts, Lemon begins to move faster with a broad smile on her face, and even though she can't understand a word of what Snow is moaning, she can tell she's having the time of her life, and bets the talk isn't clean. "Aaah-hahaha", she laughs, unable to control herself in the midst of her own pleasure. "You're one talkative little girl in bed, aren't you?"

"Да! Да! Aaaah, fuck yes!" Snow moans, suddenly switching to English, and then back to Russian momentarily. "Oooх, трахни меня глубже2! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Despite Snow's claim to be a top, her body acts obedient, and her face has turned silly from pleasure. It seems like a shameful lie. How can she claim to be a top when she's acting the way she does?

Lemon, empowered by how Snow acts and the idea of her being able to dominate a girl so effectively, discovers a part of herself that she never knew she had. She's always been a female and proud of it, but having a "dick" certainly has a special kind of charm as well, especially since it's a powerful tool against the girls she loves so much to dominate. 'It's a shame I can't last much longer! My heart is pounding harder than ever before, and I'm actually getting a little exhausted fucking her like this! But I can't stop!' She knows she won't be able to stop until she cums, or until her body gives in, and fortunately, given the pace she's going at, she knows it's the orgasm that will shatter her rhythm first. She moans, thrusts, and feels her entire body arc and convulse as sweat drops appear on her face and body. She's almost there, and she's not the only one.

Snow has been on the verge of exploding for a while now. She wants to move a little bit, but she's not allowed to. She wants to close her legs, but every thrust against her cervix forces her to keep them spread wide open. She wants to hug Lemon and touch her too, but she can't even lift her back or elbows from the sheets to reach for her skin. She feels genuinely and absolutely dominated, and she loves it. Lemon's conjuring up a magnificent orgasm for her, and she's eager to experience it.

Having her slim body slammed down, talking through her moans until the very end, she cums with a squirt of liquid and a lovely scream. Her eyes roll back, and she feels like she is burning up as she trembles from pleasure, with her vagina clamping down on the rubbery cock hard. Her convulsions and quivers feel brain-meltingly intense. Yet, Lemon won't stop. She's not there yet. Snow almost wants her to slow down for a while, but she can't say anything intelligible between her animalistic moans, not that she would say anything Lemon would understand anyway. She manages to close her legs, but the squeeze of her soft thighs on Lemon's hips cannot slow the girl down, and only seem to motivate her even more.

Lemon can tell that Snow is still at the apex of her climax, which seems to be an unrelenting one, and most definitely long. She herself feels that she can't take it anymore either, and she finally feels her own orgasm slow her down a little bit. Climax completely takes away her ability to focus and move as both her holes twitch. She's pushed down deep, and her back arcs backward. Sweaty and exhausted, she collapses forward to the clutches of her lover, with Snow still pulling her closer with her legs. They share an embrace, feeling each other's sweaty, hot bodies, and both of them, still moaning, extend their tongues forward. Their lips meet for an intimate kiss, one hotter and more erotic than any of the kisses they shared when they were merely warming up. They moan and mumble through the kiss but neither speak a word nor even try to.

This kiss is a sign of things to come. Lemon has no strength or stamina to go for round two instantly, and Snow's legs are way too weak and squishy to even imagine doing anything similar to Lemon. Things are starting to slow down for them, but they're still far from done.


Wendy wakes up lying on her back without a blanket, feeling rested but also a little heavy. She knows she's carrying some extra package, and now, she notices it can't be hidden anymore. Laying her hands on her slightly round belly, her heart pounds as she stares at herself in disbelief. She expected it, anticipated it even, and even though it's only somewhat round - with her having only entered her second trimester - seeing her own pregnant belly makes her emotional in ways she didn't even expect. 'My baby's growing so fast', she thinks, unsure if she wants to laugh or cry. 'Makes me glad because it's gonna be over in just a few more days, but… gosh, feels so surreal just thinking this is me. I was never supposed to be like this, but I'm really gonna become a mother. In a sense, I already am one. And to think it's gonna grow even bigger than this…'

Sitting up, she actually feels pretty good physically, albeit a little horny. 'Despite everything I did with Angel, my pussy still throbs like mad', she thinks, ultimately deciding it's not debilitating or anything, nor something that's going to make her lose herself with desire. Although, with her memories lingering on what she did indeed do with Angel, she rubs her legs together, smiling happily and feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. 'I really had sex with one of my best friends', she thinks, touching herself a little. 'Maybe she should get herself poisoned again! Would she even agree to do me again? I'm not sure if I'd even have the heart to ask, especially so soon… but I just get so horny thinking about her… making love to her…'

Remembering their passionate kisses, she blushes madly and shakes her head, trying to push the thoughts away. 'No, no, no, I can't see her that way! My heart belongs to Hanako, and only Hanako! I can't fall in love with anyone else! Especially not someone who's supposed to be my friend!' Sitting up, she finds her panties and the cami on the floor, and deciding they're going to be more than enough for her, she puts them on. 'I must do something else to keep myself distracted. Maybe work on my maps or something…'

After ten minutes of sitting by her work table and cross-referencing the map in her user interface with a map she got from a council meeting a few days back, a soft knock on the door surprises her. "Come in", she announces, knowing it to be Angel. However, when she notices she's not alone, she practically jumps up from her chair, knocking it over in surprise.

Rain's eyes widen as Wendy approaches her, and even though Wendy looks happy to see her and even ready to hug her, Rain can't take her eyes off Wendy's belly.

Despite seeing full well where Rain's attention is, Wendy tries to play it cool and embraces her friend warmly. "I'm so glad you're back", she says. "What happened to you?"

"I… I should ask you the same…" Rain asks, sounding worried.

"It was those goblins", Wendy admits. "They caught me, and… this was the price of my defeat, I guess…"

Rain doesn't know what to say. She feels terrible, maybe even a little responsible for not coming to Wendy's aid when she possibly could have, but at the same time, she knows that Lemon would've suffered this fate if it wasn't for Rain's help either. "Where's your head at then? I mean, with your situation…"

"Well, I'm not happy", Wendy says, smiling and trying to laugh it off. "Life goes on, I guess. But how about you?"

"Well, let's just say, you're not the only one who's pregnant in this room", Rain says, not knowing how to explain it.

"Oh, I guess yours is a little bit fresher than mine", Wendy says, looking at Rain's belly.

"Probably smaller too", Rain says, scratching her cheek. "Maybe, I dunno…"

"Still, you should tell us what happened to you", Wendy says.

"I wanna hear your story too, Rain", Angel says. "I'll brew tea and make some pancakes."

"Thanks again", Wendy says, her voice full of love.

"You'd make a good wife", Rain jokes, giving Angel a thumbs up.

"Hahaha, hubbies can be caring and pamper their partners too", Angel responds, giggling. "Just sit your ass down, and get us up to speed with you, okay?"

Rain nods, ready to tell precisely what happened to her.

Before and during their breakfast, as they also goof around and share a little bit of friendly banter, they tell each other about their stories in detail, commenting on each other's misfortune with varying levels of compassion. That's not to say any of them are unsympathetic at any point, but words coming from Wendy, having heard of what Rain had to go through, border on theatrical. Suddenly, the nightmare that happened to Wendy doesn't sound like the worst thing that could happen to a Nymph.

Having relaxed a little bit, Wendy sighs deeply, a palm covering her face. "Jesus Christ, you've gone through absolute hell. How did you get away though?"

"A kind ogre saved me."

"Ogre? Really? Like a big, fat green guy with potato nose and antennae ears?"

Rain, who is usually the one making the jokes, looks at Wendy with a narrow-eyed expression. "He was actually brown and muscular."

"What happened to it?"

"Don't call him it", Rain says, arms crossed. "He saved us, and helped us get back here. He's also a player like us."

"That's… kinda unbelieveable…" Wendy admits.

"Yeah, it is, but that's seriously what he did… and told us…"

Angel thinks about it for a moment but doesn't doubt Rain for a second. "Well, given that there are other towns for Nymphs", Angel says, shrugging, "nothing surprises me anymore."

"Wait, seriously?" Rain asks. "We're not the only ones?"

"Yeah, there is this place called Paradise, which is completely separate from Grove", Angel explains. "Just like us, they think it's the only starting place for players."

Rain lowers her eyebrows, confused. "Well fuck me. What else are devs lying to us about then?"

Wendy shrugs and replies: "Who fucking knows?"

"At least none of the information we've learned in the past few days contradicts the lore", Angel reminds. "So far, those books have been the absolute arbiter of truth, over our memories and what devs tell us."

"It's pretty scary to think that we can't really trust our memories, though", Rain says, worried and annoyed. "I mean, what is true and what's false? There's no way of us knowing."

"I don't think we should really worry about it too much", Wendy says. "I, at the very least, do not want to even think about memories of my personal life being a lie."

"I wouldn't go that far either", Angel says. Rain also agrees. "I think that the healthiest way to think is to believe in our memories until we're proved otherwise", Angel adds.

"That's not a bad plan", Wendy says, nodding, and turns towards Rain. "Speaking of which, how about your physical condition?"

"Okay, I guess", Rain says. "My baby is pretty energetic."

"O-oh, really…?"

"It's not kicking or anything, but the wee tentacle probably wants to get out", Rain says, looking at Wendy's stomach. "Yours is probably gonna keep growing."

"Probably…" Wendy admits, clutching her belly again, feeling a little worried and anxious. "I hope giving birth doesn't hurt… but still, when I asked about your physical condition, I meant… have you been feeling hot…?"

"I do think that I am hot", Rain responds with a poker-faced expression.

Wendy sighs and facepalms. "I meant horny, you dumbass…"

Rain blushes and scratches her cheek, nodding. "Yesterday was kinda bad, but I'm fine now. Me and Lemon, uhm, kinda… you know…"

"Really now?" Wendy asks, a little surprised, not because she wouldn't put that past Rain but because she didn't expect it from Lemon.

"How about you then? How are you feeling due to your condition?" After Rain asks her question, silence falls in the room. She can tell that Wendy and Angel are both blushing. Rain immediately suspects they might've done something, but she finds that idea to be too unbelievable, so she doesn't even want to comment on it. "Never mind…" she says.

"I-I mean, I do manage…" Wendy says, trying to laugh it off. "I'm good…"

"If you're feeling bad, just tell me, and I'll brew more tea", Angel suggests.

"Yeah, thanks for it, by the way", Rain says. "It did help, but it probably won't be needed, 'cause I'm gonna give birth soon anyway…"

"I wish to give birth soon, just to get it over with", Wendy says, a little annoyed. "I mean, not because I want to, but to get better."

"Yeah, I agree", Rain says and nods. "I'm also looking forward to raising it."

Wendy looks at Rain, shocked. "Wait, raising your baby…?"

Rain nods again. "You didn't know? Enchanters can raise and manipulate demons. I never talked about it much 'cause I didn't know where I would get my hands on one, but since there's one inside me right now… I'm planning on using him for experimenting."

Wendy doesn't even know what to say. In the context of normal children, what Rain is talking about sounds cruel to her, but they are talking about demons, so she's a little conflicted. Then again, while she hasn't decided anything yet, she has been tossing around the idea of killing her baby, so she's not one to criticize Rain for cruelty. Of course, killing one's offspring and making it a guinea pig are on entirely different levels of cruelty, but I digress. "Can you do anything with other kinds of babies…?" Wendy finally asks.

"I don't think I can do anything with them", Rain says, shrugging. "Are you worried about yours?"

Wendy nods. "I still haven't decided what to do with it."

"Just kill it…" Angel says. "Goblins are dangerous and shouldn't be let to multiply freely at our expense."

"That's…" Wendy says, freezing immediately. She feels that punishing the unborn child for the actions of its father is wrong, period, leaving her with a bit of a moral dilemma. "I know it's a goblin, but… it sounds so, so difficult… I don't even know why…"

"I know what you mean", Rain says. "But like, it's not like you can keep it here."

"Well, definitely not "here" here", Wendy agrees.

"And I doubt you wanna source feed it either…"

"Well, preferably not…" Wendy says, grimacing a little. "Still doesn't make my decision any easier…"

"I'll go around asking other people for advice", Angel suggests, standing up. "I'll do it right away."

"You know you don't really have to go this far for me", Wendy says, feeling like she should refuse.

"Oh, come on", Angel says, smiling happily. "I'm happy to help you out and support you in any way I can."

"Like I said, a great wife", Rain says, once again giving Angel a thumbs up. "Thanks for the savory pancakes, honey."

Angel feels slightly irritated by Rain's teasing but decides to play it cool, knowing she doesn't mean anything bad with it. "You're very welcome", she says, returning Rain's thumbs up with one of her own. "Still, I'm going to help you whether you want it or not, Wendy."

"If you insist", Wendy sighs, shrugging. "I'll at least tag along, then. I don't wanna be locked into my apartment for another day straight…"

"If you think your body's up to it", Angel says, smiling a little.

"If you don't mind, I'll go home while you go on your date ", Rain says and stands up. "I kinda wanna help too, but… I think I need a moment alone…"

Angel and Wendy both know that Rain is talking about giving birth. "Are you sure you don't need help?" Wendy asks. "I'm sure Angel and I aren't in that much of a hurry yet…"

Rain looks at Wendy, thinking about her question. Since Angel is leaving, it would mean that Rain and Wendy would be alone, and Rain knows that. She thinks she knows what Wendy is thinking but doesn't dare to engage in anything sexual with one of her old friends. She wants to keep that as her red line, at least for now. "I don't think I do."

"Is that so…?" Wendy asks, sighing. She does not want to push Rain to have sex, and honestly, she's not sure if she would want to do it either, mostly because she fears that as a self-admitted lolicon, Rain would be sexually interested in her current form, something that weirds her out. 'Good thing that tea helped me relax. I'm not even horny anymore. But I guess I'll rely on someone else if it becomes unbearable for me later.' "Well, I'll just put on something more proper", she says. "Wait for me outside, Angel. And see you later, Rain."

Wendy and Angel aren't sure where to start asking, so they head toward the library. They're lucky to find Dana relatively quickly, talking with her good friends April and Katja. As soon as she notices the other two, she waves her friends goodbye, eager to share a couple of words.

"Hey there, Wendy", she says with a gentle smile. "Good to see you back on your feet."

"Hahaha, didn't feel like holing up at home any longer", Wendy responds, suddenly feeling a little bit shy and nervous. "Look, I… I don't know… how to deal with this", she says, looking her body down. "Rather, how to get rid of it…"

"We actually had quite a lengthy discussion this morning about these kinds'a problems", Dana explains.

"Yeah, sorry I couldn't attend…"

"Can't blame you for not wanting to", Dana says, crossing her arms.

"It's not that I didn't want to", Wendy says, scratching her cheek a little. "But like… eh, whatever. So, any advice?"

Dana thinks about her reply for a moment, not because she doesn't have the answers or the suggestions, but because of how Wendy framed her sentence when describing her problem. "Do you find the idea of getting rid of it difficult?"

"I-I mean, I don't know, I just…"

"It's okay", Dana says with an encouraging smile. "You're not the only one with those kinds of feelings."

Wendy keeps scratching her cheek in her seemingly bottomless nervousness, blushing and pouting, unsure what to even say anymore. "I mean, I know I can't keep it", she finally says. "But like… do I even have a choice?"

"You could give it up for adoption", Dana says, causing Wendy to freeze up in surprise. "Are you familiar with how Grooming works?"

"You mean that profession?" Wendy asks, remembering there indeed is such a profession available for Nymphs. "I don't know much about it, but it revolves around taming wild animals, right?"

"Yeah, and it goes a little bit further than that", Dana explains. "But before I go on… sorry for asking, but you girls know each other from before we got stuck here, right?"

"Yeah, we were in the same guild", Wendy responds.

"Amanda and I are the same", Dana says. "Started playing with her, and a couple of my other good friends from my guild "Antemortem" myself. She's a fun girl, in and out of this world. A bit of a perverted nutcase - a mad scientist, if you may - but I'm sure you won't mind. The point is, we're both Groomers, and we have this fun little project to ourselves. Well, it's mainly Amanda's project, and I'm just helping her, funding her escapades…"

"And this project has something to do with goblins?"

"Quick to catch on! As you know, professions can be used to update your homes and neighborhood", Dana explains, "and she wants to turn her home into a "Goblin Ranch" of sorts. In fact, she wants to figure out how to domesticate them."

Angel decides to comment. "I was under the assumption that you can only tame wild animals, like wolves and birds, and stuff…"

"That is true", Dana says, nodding, "but if you can manipulate their growth from infancy to adulthood, you can train animals of all kinds. Even goblins! And since we've got plenty of goblins on our hands, she's putting her time and effort into good use! Anyway, what does that sound like, Wendy?"

"Honestly, this is exactly what I've been looking for", Wendy says, smiling. "Like, I know it sounds fucking weird because I never asked for him… and because he's a monster, but… it just doesn't feel right to kill him…"

"Like I said, you're not alone with those feelings", Dana says, tapping Wendy on her shoulder. "I guess all of us Nymphs have that maternal instinct hard-wired to our brains or something… hormonal shit, so don't feel weirded out by it!"

"Hard not to", Wendy admits. "But thanks, and… thanks for this too, I guess."

"You're welcome!" Dana says with a cheerful smile. "By the way, you can hide that", she adds, pointing at Wendy's belly.

"W-what do you mean…?"

"Your preggo belly. There's a spell that can hide it, if you want to. You should even have it pre-learned."

Wendy blinks surprised, unsure if Dana's joking around or not, but when she finally opens up her user interface, sure enough, she does have a spell similar to "Wings of Phantasm", which she can use to hide her pregnancy from others. After reading the instructions, she simply closes the interface and nods, saying: "I don't think I'll use it, though."

"Oh?" Dana asks, a little surprised but smiling nonetheless. "Is that also the hormones talking, or…?"

"I dunno", Wendy says, as she clutches her belly with both hands, feeling uneasy. "It's like… I wanna have it be there, kinda like a reminder or something to motivate me, and tell me, "this is what's gonna happen if you're not careful out there", or something… "

"That's an interesting way to look at it", Dana says, smiling. "Anyway, I've gotta go! I'll hook you up with Amanda later this evening!"

"Alright!" Wendy says, smiling. "I'll come to your place when I'm free!"

With that, the girls go their separate ways, with Wendy and Angel returning home.

Rain closes the door to her apartment, wasting no time discarding all her clothing and getting comfortable. She feels like all she needs is a little push for her baby to be born, so she decides to feed it some source while also relieving herself of stress by masturbating. 'Not that I'm feeling that horny right now', she thinks, rubbing her pussy around a little, trying to get herself back in the right mood. 'Probably shouldn't have taken any of that relaxing tea, but I didn't wanna tell those two I was gonna masturbate either. Oh, but this shouldn't take long. Feels so good when I touch myself…'

All it takes is a minute of rubbing and fingering for her to get seriously wet. Mainly focusing on edging and trying not to succumb to her desire to cum immediately, she does a solid job of encouraging her offspring to want to push out. Despite suspecting there will not be a hint of pain during the process, she knows it will be intense and steels herself for the procedure, for once it starts, it won't stop until it's over.

As soon as the squirmy, live baby begins slowly but forcefully pushing out of her, her body reacts magnificently. She tries to hold her breath, but she can't hold back the involuntary moan of pleasure bursting out of her mouth like a bat out of hell. Unable to stop herself from rubbing her clit out, her hips push up, with her body shaking and quivering in anticipation and her legs spreading as far as they can go.

She gives in to the pleasure and cums spectacularly, with the tentacle larva simultaneously pushing out of her, out into the wide world. It's noisy, it's tearjerking, and it feels just as good as real sex, and Rain can't believe she wants it to last a little bit longer. However, it only takes about a dozen seconds for the larva to get out of her completely. After it's all over, she's left exhausted, feeling physically relieved and strangely satisfied.

Left lying, panting, and resting with her legs still spread, she sighs out of relief, and before she can even sit up to look at what just came out of her body, she feels something touch her. Her back jerks up with shock, and she notices several long tendrils, maybe five millimeters in diameter, shooting out from the tentacle larva's mouth, latching onto her thighs, with a strange organ protruding from the creature's mouth like a tongue. Rain tries to grab into it, but with the tendrils pulling its body towards her pussy, she can't stop it. 'It's trying to feed on my source', she realizes, panicked, trying to read the instructions for the restrictive spell from her user interface. 'Shit, shit, shit, what do I do, what do I do… there!'

Rain successfully restricts the demon on her first try, and with the creature neutralized, the tendrils retract back inside its mouth. Sighing, she picks it up with both hands and looks at the squirmy, faceless, and limbless worm. "Oh, you ugly, bloody bastard", she tells her child. "Tried to rape your own mom, did ya? I'm going to turn you into a lab rat for that…"

'Still, it's a wee bit bigger than I expected', she thinks, looking at the creature with confusion and slight repulsion drawn all over her face. Still, despite being "uncute" in her words, it's nowhere near as disgusting as she thought it would be, and as a huge positive, it definitely isn't noisy at all. 'Best of all, I don't have to worry about changing diapers', she supposes, smiling as she sits and stands up, carrying her offspring to the middle of her work table. 'Need a fresh change of clothes and a hot shower next', she decides.

Rain really takes her time washing up, still moping over her perceived poor mental condition and the possibility of changes in her personality. She still doesn't want to change like that, but she figures she should try to push those thoughts away and not worry too much. 'I should focus on keeping busy and not worrying about stuff I can't even control', she reckons. 'I'm probably worried for nothing anyway, so best keep my spirits up, especially now that I'm safely home.'

Having dressed in her usual garments and a simple ponytail, she sits down on her work chair to work on her baby, looking to gather information about how to manipulate its growth. Her understanding of the subject - just like is the case for most Nymphs - is elementary at best, as there hasn't been enough time for many of them to get impregnated by demons wide-spread. All she knows is that she can turn demons into items, and having done that, she can "enchant" them as items to manipulate their growth, control them, and make them obey commands through spells.

Being able to inspect her demon like any item, Rain carefully reads through every little piece of information displayed on the floating holographic window, realizing there are only a limited number of mutations this specific creature can branch into. Moreover, these branches, while visible to her, are all displayed as logos and symbols that can't be inspected further. Despite not knowing what they mean, she can vividly remember seeing a large book in the enchanting section of the library, teaching all about raising a demon from tier one - where they're at when they're born - up to tier two. Realizing she will need a lot of reference material to figure everything out on her own, she immediately decides to visit the library.

After finding the tome she had in mind, she picks it up to make the purchase. Players can't take books away from the library, you see, but they can duplicate any book to make their own copies for a price. For this chunky, 153-page recipe book devoted to raising demons, Rain has to pay one gold coin for every twenty pages, which rounds up to eight coins, but she doesn't hesitate for a second because she knows it will be worth every penny. She also picks up an advanced recipe book about soul stones in hopes of learning more about the so-called "Soul Lodestone", the high-tier ingredient she looted from the tentacle demon killed by Ron, but doesn't make reading that book her priority.

Home again, Rain gets straight into reading and tries to make sense of the three symbols her baby has. She first learns that this worm, this blank slate called "Flagellum Demon", is indeed what each and every demon - both big and small, weak and strong - begins its life as, regardless of how it's going to evolve in the future. On the topic of strength, Rain reads a word of warning, which cites, "even captive demons are dangerous and devious creatures that will exploit weakness if shown it by their mistresses, and such experiments can easily end up in disasters." 'Well, I hope that's not gonna be me', she reckons.

The book lists over twenty basic evolutionary branches on the first page, and they all appear to be randomly selected for each newborn demon. The options range from manipulating them to becoming combat-ready to being used solely for sex and further reproduction. Rain also learns about two additional recipe books she will need in the future, one teaching an aspiring enchanter the art of sub-branching and growing the demons from tier two to three, and another one dedicated to secret branching paths available to be unlocked. Having a perfect understanding of how to turn the Flagellum into a tier-two demon pet, she now moves a few pages back to find out what she personally is working with.

Unfortunately for her, neither of the first two paths available for this specific demon seems interesting, but then she reads all about the third branch, which immediately demands her attention. This one, capping at just tier two with no further branching available, can be grown into some kind of futanari demon, which can be attached to a Nymph to temporarily give them a large, life-like penis. Just reading about it makes her heart beat faster. The last two times she did it with a girl, she lamented how she didn't have a dick and the supposed fact that she would never be able to have one again, but here it is. The opportunity to grow a penis is lying right under her nose, and it's all so simple. All she needs is some time, effort, and a bag full of ingredients to make her futanari dreams a reality. She can't believe it!

Having quickly decided on the path, she immediately begins reading into what she's going to need, skipping through the pages frantically to find out what needs to be done.

First and foremost, the demon will require raw energy, which can be done by either feeding it source and souls, out of which the former seems somewhat self-explanatory to her, while the latter sounds a lot more expensive and laborsome. She already has the souls required, but she can't act too fast because a "balanced diet" is needed for this evolution branch. 'Feeding it souls too quickly will scuff the entire process', she realizes, making her damnest to not miss a single detail. Using the demon as a dildo to feed it source does sound like a small sum to pay if the price indeed is a detachable, fully functional futanari cock, but she may not need to worry about it either as the source can be collected by any Nymph. 'Finding a Nymph who'll agree to get fucked by this worm may be difficult, but I'm sure I can find at least one pervert to help me out.'

Furthermore, to manipulate its growth and mutate it into a specific kind of monster, she will need some expensive potions, some fake cum the likes of which she ran into during her second expedition, and three rare mushrooms she has never even heard of. Obviously, having a day all for herself, she decides to head out, hoping some local shops could have what she needs in stock.

After walking around in the center for a little bit and touring shops, she comes across most of what she needs, with the most notable missing ingredients being two mushrooms. She only finds one and has to give out something equally valuable in return for it, but she doesn't mind. It's a mutually beneficial trade in the end, as the trader seems happy too. She even finds fake cum stocked in the same shop, bottled like a jar of mayonnaise, so needless to say, she leaves satisfied.

Rain decides to go home and separate the items she needs from her inventory to store them safely. On her way back, she sees a girl waiting at the door. Warm light is lit in her eyes as she recognizes Pink. At the sight of each other, both of them run towards each other, arms extended, and share a loving hug.

"You really are safe!" Pink yells. "I heard so from the girls and have waited for you ever since!"

"Hope you didn't wait too long. I was out for quite a time."

"I don't care!" Pink says happily, and unable to help herself, she steals a kiss from Rain's lips, a move that shocks and even startles Rain. She's okay with being kissed by a cute girl, but right now, they're outside. Arms extended slightly, not touching Pink back, she stays still, engulfed in the passion of her good friend. After a solid ten seconds, Pink finally relents and says: "I know we shouldn't… and that we promised, but I just couldn't help myself…"

"I-it's fine, really…" Rain says, hugging Pink once again while scanning the surroundings. "But you should've waited until we got inside… I don't want to get seen by Angel and Wendy…"

Pink separates from Rain, holding her hands up like a criminal being pointed at by a gun. "Okay, I'll resist! Even though you're so cute!"

"Why not come in?" Rain suggests. "I have something fun to show you."

Happily obliging, the overly cheerful Pink rushes inside Rain's apartment the moment the door opens up. She jumps directly on top of Rain's bed, face against the sheets, and she kicks about while giggling. Rain's not sure what to make of it, but she sure does not mind Pink fooling around in her house. In fact, she finds it adorable.

"It smells of you…" Pink says, giggling even more. "Oh boy, this is the bed that my precious Rain sleeps in."

As Rain hears the word "smell", she immediately blushes because she's afraid Pink would notice a scent much stronger than her natural little-girl-scent since she masturbated just a moment ago in that very bed. She brushes the thought off and starts unloading her inventory to the already messy table, with her tentacle spawn lying in the middle of the table, still squirming about. She senses Pink coming from behind and looking down at the strange creature.

"Ewww, what the hell…? It looks like a dick, but actually gross…"

"Oh, it's my child", Rain says, with a dead serious face and expression.

"R-right… I heard about you going through some difficulties…"

"Let's not dwell on that", Rain says.

"Are you fine though? I mean, I heard that miasma is kinda like a drug or something…"

"Oh, so you know about that", Rain says, sounding and looking marginally surprised.

"Yeah, Melody and folks talked about it", Pink responds, trying to remember what they told her. "They don't have first-hand experience, but it sounded scary."

"Yeah, it was difficult, in more ways than one", Rain admits, figuring out there's no reason why she shouldn't be honest with Pink. "It kind of… changed me at the time, and it wasn't as much of a drug as it was just like mind control or something… 'cause I wasn't acting myself…"

"That's terrifying", Pink admits. "But you kinda seem to be over those effects now! And acting your normal self! Am I right?"

'Well, not sure if I'll ever get over that, but she's right, I suppose', Rain thinks, deciding to nod. "Still, how did you get acquainted with Melody?"

"I've been grouping up with her and her posse recently", Pink explains, smiling. "You know, after those goblins got the better of us, they've been helping look for you… and other captive Nymphs too, I guess…"

This comes as news to Rain since Angel and Wendy never told her about it. She looks at Pink, surprised. "I need to thank them all then…"

"No need to thank me though!" Pink says, laughing. "I was just doing what I know you would do for me."

"Yeah, you bet", Rain says, smiling brightly.

"But what about this thingie?" Pink asks, changing the subject back to the creature lying still on the table. "Is this what you wanted to show me?"

Rain nods, also showing Pink the book, which is open on the page talking about the so-called futanari demon. She points her hand at the picture of the strange-looking demon with a long, surprisingly human-like phallic extension and little tentacles growing from the base. As Pink looks at it, she can only think of one thing and immediately connects the dots.

"Wait… you're going to turn this into some kind of living sex toy…?"

Rain nods with clear excitement in her eyes. "I'm turning it into a dick!"

"Seriously…?" Pink asks, with lowered eyebrows and an overall skeptical look on her face. "Isn't it already a dick though…?"

Rain shakes her head. "It's just a living dildo. What I mean is a dick that can be attached to a Nymph like a strap-on!"

"That's possible…?" Pink asks, surprised, with a shaky voice.

"What, did I get you interested?"

"I-I can't deny it… but I wouldn't use it…"

Rain tilts her head, letting out a long, stretched-out "Really?"

"I thought I made myself clear the last time around", Pink whispers, sounding embarrassed. "Being a girl IS my true self… and that means having a vagina…"

"Oh, so it's about being on the receiving end you're interested in?" Rain asks, with a hand on her jaw.

"I-I mean, I DO like dicks", Pink says, blushing like crazy, almost as if she doesn't believe she admitted it out loud. "I would have sex with a guy in a heartbeat, but like… the idea of little girls having dicks is heresy…"

"Then I'm happy to be a heretic", Rain says, with a serious expression, getting closer to Pink. "In any case, it's good to know I have someone to use this on."

"I never said that…" Pink says, finding herself on retreat, smiling and laughing uncomfortably.

"Oh? Your loss, I guess."

"C-come on, Rain…" Pink says, still laughing. "We promised to not have that kind of a relationship."

"Says you, after kissing me on the lips unprompted", Rain says, looking at Pink's body, basically daydreaming in her head about boning her. "But you know I'm just teasing you", she finally says, not wanting to admit it out loud.

"Still… doesn't look like an easy recipe", Pink comments, looking at the list of ingredients. "Looks like you have a good start, though."

"Yeah, harvesting enough source is going to take a couple of days."

"Does the source have to be yours?"

Rain shakes her head. "I'm happy to loan it to anyone."

"How about the demon itself?" Pink asks. "Can it be dangerous?"

'She's clearly interested, or at least a little curious', Rain thinks and gives Pink a short explanation. "That evolution route should have zero risks of pregnancy or the demon being able to turn against its mistress, but a sterilizer made by an alchemist has to be applied to eliminate the miasma's effects. It's an optional step, but still recommended." As Rain says that, she realizes she forgot to buy the said sterilizer. Most alchemists don't have them in stock, as they only work on males. Moreover, ingredients for them are uncommon and used for more sought-after potions, making them a waste of valuable resources in the eyes of many. Rain has to either deal with the miasma in small doses or get someone to make her potions. "As for how it is now, it might rebel a little, but it's ultimately a weakling."

"I see…" Pink finally responds, clearly thinking about it.

"Still, I'm probably not gonna rush raising it", Rain says, shrugging. "Oh, and can I ask one thing from you?"

Pink nods. "Sure, what?"

"Don't tell others about this…" Rain says meekly. "Especially not Wendy and Angel."

"Why not?"

"It's a little embarrassing. They're just going to make fun of me."

"Who cares? It's just banter."

"Well… I suppose… but it's just the kind of banter I'd rather avoid…"

"But you said you'd be happy to loan it to anyone…" Pink remembers, leaning in closer toward Rain with a smug smile. "So why tell me? Because you wanna lend it to me?"

Rain's gut tells her to deny it, and causes her to blush from embarrassment. "I-I don't even know, I just felt like telling you at the time…"

"Because you think I'm an easy fuck?" Pink asks, continuing to tease Rain.

"I-it's not that I think you're easy", Rain stammers. "I don't want to reveal this secret to those I have no desire to fuck, because there's the risk of them getting actually interested…"

"Oh, really now?" Pink asks. Her facial expressions reveal her suspicion. She doesn't believe a word of what Rain just said. "Do you actually think those two would be interested then?"

"No, honestly…" Rain says. "It's just that I would never fuck those two, so they don't need to know to begin with."

"Alright then, I'll honor your wish", Pink says and nods, with her expression turning into a bit more seductive one. "I can also maybe be persuaded into helping you with it…"

Rain sighs. "Thanks, I guess…"

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Pink suddenly says. "Wendy and Angel talked about wanting to meet up with all five of us to discuss our future plans. Do you think we could bother Lemon?"

"Well, she should be awake", Rain thinks out loud, wondering why she hasn't heard about her yet. Then she remembers the other Nymph as well. It doesn't take her a moment to put the two pieces together. "Actually, I think she could be busy…"

Pink tilts her head, looking puzzled, as she has no idea what Rain means.

"But we could go check on her", Rain suggests. "Wanna go straight away?"



About a week into the game, a group of six Nymphs, a group of newly-found friends united by a common goal, left the town of Paradise towards the mountainous regions to the south, planning to venture farther than ever before. Past the Sparkling Forest - the area considered amongst the local communities to be entry-level - lies Hammercliff Valley, which was the next frontier for this party. Little did they know that this would be their last adventure together.

It started out well, and they were hopeful about the journey ending on a positive note. Why wouldn't they be? They defeated many foes, looted their treasures, and even survived an ambush by a group of eight goblins, so they knew they were skilled and proudly wore their confidence on their sleeves. Having decided it was time to return home, they turned back, only to be surprised by a group of demons that turned out to be a little too much for them. The Nymphs fought back valiantly, but it was all in vain. They were forced to split up and retreat, and out of the six, the one who was unquestionably unluckiest was their summoner, Snow, for she was the only one who found herself alone in the forest.

This group had a plan in case of these kinds of situations: get home as soon as possible. However, alone in the dangerous reaches of Hammercliff Valley, Snow was not optimistic about her survival. She didn't want to give up, so she pressed on alone, but to make matters worse for her, she was heading in the wrong direction straight from the start. She had only ever relied on the group's scout for navigation, so she didn't even realize that her map wasn't being displayed correctly, which turned out to be terrible for her. By the time she realized that her maps were malfunctioning, as evident by the fact she found herself in the southern parts of the valley, it was already too late.

In the valley, she faced many adversities, barely surviving them all. Her equipment didn't survive the many tentacle traps, leaving her naked and robbed of her dignity, but thanks to her minions, they didn't manage to defile her body. Still, the attacks left her weary, and the night was falling. Deep in the valley, she knew she wouldn't get home, and her friends wouldn't be able to find her either. Weeping and scared, unable to accept her fate in her heart, she searched for a place to rest and found it within the corridors of ancient ruins.

These ruins were the ones she met her fate in. Ambushed by a small group of goblins in the dead of night, she couldn't defend herself adequately, and her minion was no match for them. She escaped by the skin of her teeth, only to find herself trapped in the lustful embrace of a tentacle demon a minute later, one that she would not escape until the day Ron found her.

Five straight days and nights went by, and for that brief chapter in her life, she was pumped full of miasma to pacify her senses and enslave her mind, and more importantly, turned into the demon's seedbed. Giving birth to dozens of larvae, all of which would grow into new traps to help the demon lure unsuspecting Nymphs to his embrace, she lacked any other purpose in life. It felt like a lifetime during the ordeal, but looking back, it felt like a blink of an eye afterward. The flashes she can remember from it all can fit within an hour-long time window, a thought that horrifies her, but also strangely soothes her. After all, perhaps it is better to remember it as nothing but five days stolen from her life rather than as an excruciatingly long minute-by-minute torture that seemed to never end.

Having explained her story to Lemon after giving birth to the one remaining tentacle larva in her belly, she sat alone in Lemon's bathtub, thinking not only about her own nightmare but also about what happened to her friends. Feeling weak, defeated, and insignificant is one thing, but what of her allies? 'Did they get away safely, or did they get caught like I did? Are they looking for me? Would they even look for me, or would they just abandon me, given that we weren't even friends in the real world?' The questions torment her, and since she's so far away from home, she has no way of even knowing. Still, as depressed as she feels, she at least can appreciate that - Grove or Paradise - she's a free Nymph once again.

A knock on the bathroom door surprises her. Lemon's friendly face peeks in, and their eyes lock. "Oh, I was worried you'd passed out or something", Lemon says, giggling. "What are you still doing in the bath? It's been like an hour."

"That long?" Snow asks, sighing. "I don't know, my thoughts have kept me preoccupied…"

"Wanna come meet the others?" Lemon asks. "We're gonna have a bit of a chat now that we're all reunited."

Supposing she must, Snow drains the tub and picks up the towel set for her by Lemon, getting ready to meet everyone.

Sitting on the large bed inside Lemon's apartment in a close and tight ring, with intentions of discussing their plans going forward, the five good friends, finally gathered in one place, briefly introduced themselves to Snow, and Snow introduced herself to five friends.

Snow, in real life, is a country-grown boy - a self-described "Gopnik" - having lived her entire life on the shores of Lake Lagoda, about an hour's drive away from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Despite being an adult, she admits to living with her parents because of her relatively young age and the work opportunities the farm life gives her. At first glance, she seems quite shy, but once you get to know her, you will quickly find out that she's a natural extrovert with quite a sharp tongue. As far as her clothes go, she definitely stands out. She's dressed like a schoolgirl with an outfit that closely resembles a typical sailor uniform popular in many Japanese schools. Her long-sleeved jacket is white, her skirt is bright red, and she also wears a matching sea captain's hat on her head.

She's a caster who plays a fully supportive role in a group, relying primarily on summoning minions to do fighting and strengthening her allies, Nymphs and monsters alike. She doesn't use many spells on her enemies and instead opts to use her spare mana and time on heals, making her also a secondary healer. Her arsenal of spells and the wide list of creatures she can summon makes her a rare kind of player who can, in theory, solo any type of non-elite enemy in a one-on-one situation, provided she's adventuring in a relatively easy area and keeping a level head. While she's yet to come across an enemy she's completely unable to deal damage against, she still does the best in group settings due to being a great benefit to her allies. Overall, her playstyle is very defensive and calculating.

"In any case, we're happy to accept you on board, even if just temporarily", Wendy says.

Snow nods, smiling shyly.

"About your friends", Wendy begins, "were those five close to you?"

"I mean, we were starting to get really close…" Snow says meekly, not sure how to explain herself. "And they were good girls, but I didn't know them from before I came here, so to be honest, I'm not sure. I just want to know they're safe." Then, she looks around at the girls sitting in a circle with her. "By the way, who was the other girl who helped me out from the ruins?"

Rain, who is sitting next to Snow, raises her hand. "That would be me."

"Oh? So, you're Rain?"

Rain nods and is about to reintroduce herself kindly when suddenly, to her surprise and to the shock of pretty much everyone in the room, Snow leans in to take one very soft and short kiss from Rain's lips. Unsure what to even say, she just stares at Snow, pleasantly dumbfounded.

"What kind of a lewd woman are you!?" Wendy suddenly asks, raising her voice and pointing her finger at Snow as if accusing her of a horrible crime, blushing and clearly embarrassed.

"Oh, that was just a little "thank you" kiss", Snow says, giggling.

"In what world is that normal!?" Wendy asks, still flustered.

"C-calm down…" Lemon says, finding the whole situation funny more than anything else. "She's just happy to be free."

"Maybe Wendy's just jealous of Rain", Pink says, laughing hard.

"S-shut up! I'm so not!"

"I mean…" Snow is blushing herself, having just realized what she did might've been inappropriate. "I just kinda did it without thinking… I don't even know why… I just thought it was the most appropriate way to thank someone…"

"Well, to be honest, kissing someone you just met as a thank you is not the first thing that would come to my mind", Angel says, shrugging, appearing overall neutral to the whole situation.

"O-okay, I'm sorry, Rain…" Snow says, giggling. "I hope you're not angry…"

"No…" Rain says, whispering in the softest and the girliest voice she can muster. "I didn't mind…"

"Yeah, I'd be more worried about Rain kissing you if I were you, Snow", Wendy says, arms crossed.

"Oh, you…" Rain says, turning towards Wendy. "Oh, right. Didn't you say something about other Nymphs here being from Paradise?"

"Right", Wendy says, trying to collect her thoughts and act like a leader. "There were like a forty or fifty of them…"

"Really?" Snow asks surprisingly loudly. "Where? How?"

"We raided Fort Hammercliff", Angel explains. "We wanted to save all the Nymphs who were captive. Amongst the captives were a lot of Nymphs from Paradise."

"I just thought that some of your friends could be in that group", Rain says. "Since you ran to groups of goblin hunters and all that."

"It is not out of the question…" Snow says, thinking about it. "We did stumble across two groups of goblins in our last journey, and since we were scattered, a small group would've definitely been an easy target."

"We should go around asking others about the names of these Nymphs", Lemon suggests. "Want me to go with you, Snow?"

"Isn't this meeting more important to you?" Snow asks. "I mean, you're finally reunited and all that. You don't need to be that concerned for me."

"Are you kidding me?" Lemon asks and laughs. "We're taking a break, so we have all the time we need for ourselves! So let's go together!"

"I'll stay back to loan your kitchen", Angel says. "I'll prepare some snacks if that's alright with you."

"And I'll help!" Pink volunteers. "Can't have you do all the hard work alone again!"

The rest look at each other, nodding, and leave for the center in hopes of finding out the identities of the rescued Nymphs.

They're unsurprised to find out that the people in the theater and library do not remember the names of every single individual, and from the twenty or so names floated around, none sound familiar to Snow. She also tries to describe her friends to those willing to help, but as she's not very good at explaining people's appearances - especially not in English - and since she's looking for five different Nymphs, she struggles with her descriptions. There is, however, one Nymph that remembers seeing a girl that matches one of Snow's descriptions. In fact, this girl is apparently studying in the library, just a short walk away from our heroines. With haste, Snow heads in the direction she's pointed towards, loudly thanking the helpful Nymph as she leaves.

She's really in a hurry to see if the Nymph is one of her previous party members, so much so that the three others have difficulty keeping up. Snow doesn't really care though. As soon as she sees a black-haired little girl reading a book, sitting on a bench, she cries out her name. "Crystal!"

Distracted by a familiar voice, this girl raises her eyes from the book, and she's lit up with joy and shock. She drops the book as she stands up. It's clear that she can't believe her eyes. "Is that you, Snow?"

"Yes, yes!" Nodding, Snow rushes to Crystal and grabs both her hands. "What happened to you?"

"We were on the way home", Crystal begins. "Me, Trisha, and Bell. We got ambushed again by goblins."

"What about others?"

"No clue…" Crystal admits, looking a little worried. "Trisha and Bell probably got back to Paradise since they weren't with me in the castle."

Crystal, at first glance, appears fully human, and her skin is a lighter shade of brown, with her brown eyes being also a bit darker in the shade than average. She's about as average as a Nymph can be as far as her size goes, with stacked hips and ass and a perfectly flat chest. She's got wild-looking short and curly hair, raven black in color, partially covering her eyes and ears, twisting, turning, and poking in various directions. While chaotic, it fits her like a glove and actually looks very cute on her. Her clothes have a militaristic touch to them with a black, plain tank top, baggy green camo shorts that reach all the way to her knees, and a pair of silver dog tags hanging on her neck.

"I also have no idea what happened to Polly and Hina", Crystal admits. "Have you got any clues regarding those two?"

Snow shakes her head. "It's a mystery…"

"How about you? Did you get into trouble?"

"Long story short, I was alone, got lost, and then, caught by tentacles…"

"Yikes…" Crystal says, with a slight hint of disgust in her voice. "That somehow sounds even worse than what happened to me, but how did you get out?"

"Ummmm, we had an unlikely savior", Lemon says, inserting herself into the conversation, which initially confuses Crystal, who didn't realize Snow had company. "Me and her", she adds, pointing at Rain, "got caught by the tentacles too."

"Yeah, they're with me", Snow explains, smiling. "They're all good girls."

"Really?" Crystal eyes the three girls as a shy smile appears on her face. "So, you're all local? Nice to meet you. I'm Crystal."

Brief introductions follow.

"Man, everyone here's so kind", Crystal says. "Willing to help out strangers like that…"

"This little cutie has been awesome in particular!" Snow says, ruffling Lemon's hair playfully, causing her to giggle. "Letting me sleep in her bed, use her bathtub", she lists, dreamy-eyed, almost blushing on top of her bright smile. "Not to say the other ones aren't awesome too!"

"Yeah, we would probably still be out there in those dungeons if it weren't for the others", Wendy says, looking at Crystal with an encouraging smile.

"Oh, so you were there too, huh", Crystal mumbles, looking deep into Wendy's eyes and glancing at her belly.

Wendy notices this immediately, and looking back at Crystal, she sees that her waistline is flat. "You must've already dealt with yours, huh…"

"Yeah", Crystal says, blushing a little bit. "I gave birth to it this morning…"

"Was it awful?" Wendy asks, looking worried. "L-like, is it painful, or…?"

"Oh, trust me", Crystal says, trying to put on a reassuring smile. "Didn't hurt nearly as much as popping out a real baby does. So don't worry about it too much."

"Hard not to…" Wendy admits.

"Anyway", Snow says, hands behind her back, putting her face real close to Crystal's. "What're you doing here all alone?"

"Reading… duh…"

"That's not what I meant!" Snow adds. "Come with us!"

"Oh, fantastic idea!" Lemon adds, clapping her hands together playfully. "You should totally join us since you're not busy!"

Crystal double-blinks slowly, feeling and looking a little taken aback. "Well, I was kinda busy studying…"

"Save that for later", Wendy suggests. "Snow kinda wants to join our party, so how about you?"

"I… I don't know…" Crystal admits, scratching the back of her neck nervously. She shows signs of fear, and doubt oozes from her voice. "I haven't honestly even thought about returning to the battlefield…"

"Why not?" Wendy asks. "Are you scared?"

"Yeah", Crystal says, hanging her head. "I mean, you went through that as well, so you know how awful they were. I had already more or less given up after the second day…"

"Oh, right, you were there a lot longer than I", Wendy realizes.

"Yeah, and they were so brutal", Crystal says, tearing up a little. "Like, they… they ran a train on me for hours, until my voice was hoarse from screaming and crying, until I passed out… and then, when I woke up in solitary confinement, they gave me disgusting bread and stale water… and…" She falls silent as the image of goblins masturbating in a row appears before her mind's eye, with sperm coating her hair, face, chest, and shoulders, and how she was forced to scrape it off her skin to eat before being forced to suck it straight out from the dicks.

"Hold on", Lemon says, alarmed, not letting Crystal continue her story. "They let you recover?"

"H-huh? Y-yeah, I… it shocked me…" Crystal says, rubbing her cheeks from her involuntary tears. "I mean, we were slaves, basically just livestock… so it doesn't make sense for them to "break" us like that…"

"But that's awful…" Lemon says, trying to remember the exact words she read from the Gamer's logbook regarding the mechanic behind's Nymph's mortality and mental breakdown. "I thought that enemies couldn't abuse the mechanic. At least, that's what the books say."

"I know!" Crystal replies. "But that's what happened! Right, Wendy?"

Wendy, having realized that she too could've been in a similar situation had she been there longer, falls silent and scared, unable to really say anything in response. Flashbacks of what the goblins did to her come back to her, but this time, accompanied by the idea of not being able to get out. Ever. Had there not been any plans for a raid, she would still be there, unable to escape, unable to die, unable to be anything other than a slave for god knows how long, perhaps even indefinitely. "I… I wasn't there for that long", she finally says, almost shaking. "That's so unfair…"

"And who knows what happens if we actually die", Rain responds, thinking about her own situation. "I mean, those tentacles sure as hell didn't care about healing us or anything like that…"

"Regardless", Crystal says, "thinking about risking something like that happening again… doesn't exactly make me excited about picking up my axe, if you know what I mean…"

"Well, you don't have to worry about that tonight", Lemon says, putting her arm over Crystal's shoulder. "There's just no way we're going on an adventure when we're all still healing. But you still should come with us. We're just having a little get-together and fun between us girls…"

Crystal hangs her head because, despite not wanting to bring the mood down, she isn't up for fun.

"As much as I'm up for fun, I feel like getting to the bottom of this is more important", Wendy says. "Should we buy the whole book and try to figure out some clues? I mean, there has to be a logical explanation to what they were doing…"

"I'll pitch in and buy it", Snow suggests.

"So, you coming?" Lemon asks Crystal. "I understand how you're feeling, but I'm sure you'll feel better in friendly company."

Crystal quietly nods, supposing she really shouldn't be alone right now. Smiling through her emotional pain, she wipes the rest of her tears away. "Thanks for the invitation…"

"And I'm sure your friends all got safely to Paradise", Lemon adds. "So cheer up."

"I sure hope they did…" Crystal says, with her spirit sinking a little once again. "It just worries me because there's no way to know… and no way for me to return to Paradise alone…"

"Honestly, going to Paradise sounds like a banger idea", Rain says, hands in her pockets. "We could help you get there."

Both Crystal's and Snow's eyes light up with excitement, but only Crystal speaks out. "Seriously? I mean, that's a huge commitment and could be risky…"

"Well, not overnight", Rain admits. "Like, we must prepare, especially considering our recent failures…"

"I would be up to traveling to Paradise too", Wendy says, eyeing Crystal up and down with curious eyes. "What's your role?"

"I'm a tank", Crystal says, which makes everyone in the party really happy. "I'm guessing you ladies need a tank?" she adds, laughing a little, feeling a lot better all of a sudden. "It's written all over your faces."

Rain extends her hand to Crystal for a shake. "I used to be the only melee in this party, so once you join us", she says, with a playful smirk on her face, "we'll have each other's backs, okay? You'll help us, and we'll help you, friend…"

"Really?" Crystal says and shakes Rain's hand, feeling even more encouraged. "Let's share the burden then." Despite saying that, Crystal still doesn't make the final decision to join, and lucky for her, she's not in a rush to decide either. Still, knowing Snow has already shown interest, she at least feels warmer to the idea than a minute ago. Besides, she supposes she really should at least try to make new friends instead of being alone.

On the way back to Lemon's house, Crystal talks more about herself while learning about the girls she just met. In the real world, she's a 35-year-old American woman living in a small town in Texas with a Mexican mother, an African American father, and a family of her own with two grade-school-aged sons. She used to be a real MMO junkie growing up as a teenager, but nowadays doesn't have much time to play, with her family and her work in the United States Air Force taking too much of her time away from hobbies.

Her in-game combat role is not only melee but very much in-your-face and close-quarter. She wields a giant axe as her weapon, and her talent choices prioritize raw strength, damage mitigation, and survivability as opposed to the fast-paced movement most Nymphs prefer. As a fighter, she is surprisingly technical, helped by her experience with a similar weapon from her days from an unnamed competitor to Mormia, a game she used to play a lot in her twenties.

After enjoying each other's friendly company, and the light evening snack prepared by Angel - a big bowl of fruit salad, to be specific - their thoughts finally return to the more serious matters at hand, with the near-complete Gamer's Logbook taking center stage as they put it under the figurative magnifying glass. To their surprise, they also find a new, third entry, and decide to quietly read it together.

Excerpt from the Gamer's Logbook; "Exploring the Mechanics of Nymphsaga", entry number ???, "Nymphs and Mortality, Part Three: Death, Rebirth, and the Cost."

Having explained what leads to Nymph's mental breakdown - which in this context means death - and how it can happen, the only thing left to explain is what happens afterward. As stated in the previous chapter, the player's spirit will leave Nymph's body upon mental breakdown. What happens next, anywhere from a few minutes up to three weeks after it has taken place, is rebirth.

Nymph's life is an eternal cycle that cannot be interrupted by normal means, and Nymph's soul can't escape Phantasm. It can't return to the world players consider "real", and it can't perish completely either. Instead, when rebirth occurs, the player will respawn in a new avatar, identical to the previous one in appearance, in a place called the "Garden of Rebirth".

The Nymph will always be reborn either in the closest "Garden of Rebirth" to the place where they perish or the last "Garden" they visited. The rebirth always happens on the "Day of Rebirth", which occurs on the first day of the Eclipse, considered to be the end of a month in Phantasm. Despite being organisms of bone, flesh, and blood, Nymphs grow from plants that bloom on the day of rebirth. These flowers only bloom where there is a lot of source present, or in other words, in places where Nymphs tend to live.

When the player comes back to life, they will lose all their equipment, everything in their inventory, all their learned abilities, levels, talents, professions, and even their predetermined class, meaning they will literally have to start from scratch. After this, they can choose to take a completely different path on their second playthrough if they want to, or stick to what they already know. It is entirely up to them.

Lastly, there is also a spiritual cost to each rebirth. Every time player resurrects, she will lose an irreplaceable part of herself. What this something is, is a secret for now and a surprise left for when the player dies. Then again, by the time she has resurrected, she won't know what it is that she lost.

None of this comes as a relief for any of the seven Nymphs, but at the same time, as harsh as the reality of their situation is, it's also what they expected. They suspected they would resurrect; they just didn't know about the details. Still, whether being forced to be this world's prisoner in an inescapable loop is better or worse than being granted the release of death is left for every individual to decide for themselves. Some, without a doubt, would rather end their lives than suffer in a world where the enemies around them want to turn them into sex slaves, but then again, some find the idea of immortality reassuring since there could still be a way out.

Angel, who clings to the latter argument, is the first one to comment on the texts. "There still isn't any information about how to actually get out from this game", she points out.

"Yeah, but the text says the cycle can't be interrupted by "normal" means", Crystal says. "That suggests there's more to this."

"Yeah, and we don't even know if there's a fourth part either", Snow says, shrugging.

"But what about the thing we lose when we die?" Pink says.

"Honestly, those last sentences feel like a riddle", Rain mutters.

"Well, we're almost three weeks into the game", Lemon points out. "We don't know what day we spawned to this world on, but the so-called day of rebirth hasn't occurred yet."

"It can't be too many days away", Pink says. "I mean, it said "the end of the month", or something…"

"How long is a month in Phantasm anyway?" Wendy asks. "Thirty days? How is it even counted?"

"I mean, the month on earth is determined by the time it takes for the moon to revolve around the earth", Lemon points out with a speculative tone. "Since Phantasm IS the moon in this case, maybe a month is the time in which Phantasm revolves around that huge gas giant? I'm guessing the time is not the exact same as on earth…"

"Makes sense", Pink says, nodding. "But what's this nonsense about some enemies being able to heal us?"

"Right, I told the others in the library", Crystal says, with her heart sinking again. She supposes she should start straight from the beginning. "Right, so… there are obviously all kinds of goblins, and some of them are smarter than the others, right? The smaller ones are stupid, they don't care about our wellbeing… but the elite goblins, those taller ones, the shamans… they were calling the shots and making sure we got rest…"

"That sounds SO unfair", Angel says, sounding irate. "I mean, isn't the whole point of losing being able to die and respawn?"

"Yeah, and that's what the text says", Lemon says, flipping through the pages to find the right passage. "See? "Programmed enemies are not intelligent enough to abuse this mechanic, as it would be just plain unfair". Isn't that contradictory?"

"You know shit's fucked-up when even the lore books say the game's unfair", Rain comments, shrugging.

"Yeah, but I think there has to be some mechanic that would protect us from that kind of abuse", Wendy says. "There's just NO WAY it would be fair otherwise."

"When has this game ever been fair to us?" Lemon asks, pointing out the obvious.

"Well, honestly, never", Rain admits, but still challenges the idea of being unable to break down in her little head. "Still, just because the goblins let you rest doesn't mean that you would've been slaves for eternity, right?"

"That's what it honestly felt like", Crystal admits. "I couldn't even do anything about it, because most of the time when I slept, I only did because I passed out from exhaustion. I always woke up with my stamina bar regenerated, and like I said, they gave me food too."

"But, like… what if you don't eat?" Pink asks.

"I… kinda tried… but they whipped me as punishment", Crystal remembers. "And the shaman healed me through all that as well, but it didn't take the pain away. I dunno, I didn't fight back after that…"

"Maybe there's some mechanic that would let us give up and despawn after a set time?" Lemon speculates. "Is suicide an option?"

"Nobody I've talked about has spoken of such a thing", Crystal says. "As for the latter, well… I couldn't even open up my user interface or deal damage to myself… and the shamans could heal us anyway…"

"Okay, so… we'll just have to accept that this world's unfair as fuck for now", Wendy says. "The question remains the same: how the fuck could they abuse the mechanic?"

"I don't know…" Crystal admits. "I'm just talking about my personal experiences…"

"I might have a clue", Rain says. "It only says that "programmed enemies" can't abuse the mechanic."

Crystal turns towards Rain. "What are you implying?"

"What if the enemies are not programmed? What if they are thinking, feeling, and intelligent beings just like us?"

Crystal, who found herself on the other side of this debate, can't do anything but admit: "…That would change everything."

"Wait a minute, Rain", Wendy says. "Are you talking about monsters like that ogre you met?"

Rain nods. "Ron claimed to be a player despite being a monster. It could very well be that some of those goblins were the same."

"I can't imagine players, humans like us, being so cruel to us", Angel says.

"Me neither, but it's possible", Rain says. "And they could be controlled by someone other than us players. Could be some super-advanced artificial intelligence too. I wouldn't even put it past the bastards who are behind all this."

Crystal had not heard about the monster that was a player yet, but the fact that everyone else seems to believe the story - Snow included - and the fact that Lemon also says that she talked to this ogre named Ron makes her a believer too. "Well, it would be a logical explanation, and that would also mean that there are no contradictions in the lore."

"Yeah, and it also means that this game just got a little scarier", Pink says.

"So, let's summarize", Lemon says. "If we're caught by a dumb enemy, we'll resurrect and lose our progress along with something important. If we're caught by a smart enemy, we're probably forced to be slaves for God knows how long. Either way, we're royally fucked."

"No news there", Angel says, sighing. "We were fucked from the moment we got stuck here."

"Instead of discussing depressing shit, why not actually discuss how we can avoid this all?" Rain says. "If we never lose, we will never have to worry about getting caught."

"Well, that was the topic we WERE supposed to talk about anyway", Wendy says. "I'm happy to talk about that."

"So, provided that Snow and Crystal join us", Lemon begins, "we have Rain and Crystal as tanks, Angel as a healer, Snow as a secondary healer and a supporter, and me, Wendy, and Pink as pure damage dealers. Have any of you actually read the updated guidelines written by Dana and Katja?" Everyone shakes their heads. "Because they said, and it got me thinking, that damage dealer isn't a viable role. Everyone should contribute in some other way."

Wendy immediately realizes that this is partially directed at her. "Well, I am the tactician, so…"

"Yeah, I think you're fine", Lemon replies. Then, she turns towards Pink. "But how can WE contribute?"

"I could get a stone that offers me more crowd-control spells", Pink suggests. "I don't want my damage output to suffer, but if we all benefit more from it, I'm happy to change my style."

"There can never be too much crowd control", Rain says. "We barely have any at this point."

This leaves Lemon in thought because she hasn't thought a lot about how she could contribute to the team with crowd control. She doesn't have the right talents and can't really serve as a secondary tactician, given her constant distance and a stealthy role. "I mean, I do have some crowd control, like "Pin-Down" and "Concussive Arrow", and plenty of poisons too."

Wendy taps Lemon's shoulder. "I actually have always viewed your attacks as finishers of sorts since you rarely leave your target alive. If we get more crowd control, your role will become easier and help us all."

"Yeah, I don't REALLY think that we need every damage dealer to have crowd control either", Pink admits.

Snow nods. "Provided that I'm a full supporter, I think we can afford to have one pure damage dealer in the party of seven."

"Besides", Pink says. "Isn't being an alchemist already your role?"

"Well, it's more like a precaution than a combat role", Lemon says, sighing. "I kinda feel embarrassed about staying as the sole damage dealer, especially after saying that we all need to contribute with something other than damage."

"Don't mind it", Wendy says. "Just do your thing. We don't have to agree with everything that those two big shots have to say."

Lemon nods reluctantly.

"Speaking of professions", Angel realizes, turning towards Snow and Crystal. "How about you two?"

"I'm an enchanter", Snow says. "I heard you already have one. Not sure if that's viable."

"I don't think it matters", Rain says.

"I don't have a profession yet", Crystal admits.

"Wait, really…?" Wendy says, looking at Crystal with a suspicious look in her eyes.

"I-I just didn't think of them as a big deal", Crystal says, sounding defensive. "I couldn't choose either. I should probably get one now, though."

"We don't have a Smith or a Caretaker in the group", Pink thinks aloud.

"I actually thought about becoming Caretaker once I learned about them", Crystal admits. "Grooming could fit me since I kinda like animals", she adds, giggling.

Wendy's suspicious look turns a little more surprised as her eyebrows raise. "Oh, that would actually be super cool."

"Yeah, and taming a wild beast would give us an eighth party member!" Crystal adds.

"I wish I could do that", Snow says. "I can't tame demons that aren't my own. If I want more demons, I need to get pregnant."

"Speaking of which, what should I do with that demon?" Lemon asks, turning towards Snow. "The one you restrained."

"Like I said, whatever you want!" Snow announces happily.

"Give it to me", Rain suggests.

"Well, I don't mind", Lemon says, thinking about it for a moment, "but wouldn't it make more sense for me to give it to Snow…?"

"I don't really need it…" Snow admits.

"Let me adopt your baby", Rain says.

"Please, don't frame it like that…" Lemon says, laughing. "It's a freaking demon…"

"What are you even planning on doing with it?" Angel asks.

"Not sure", Rain admits. "Since the first one is for pleasure, the second would be for combat."

"Wait, pleasure?" Angel asks. Rain realizes that she might've accidentally said something she had no plans of telling, and she doesn't answer Angel's question at all. "Pleasure who exactly?"

"Don't push me…" Rain says, clearly flustered. "I don't want to tell you…"

"Oh fuck that", Angel continues, with a brash smirk on her face. "You brought this up, so spill the beans!"

Yet, Rain refuses to explain herself. This time, all she can do is stay quiet and look away.

Meanwhile, Wendy is quick to mirror her own thoughts and feelings into Rain. Because of her recent experiences and the fact that she has warmed up to the idea of taking a dick - an idea completely foreign to her before she became a Nymph - she suspects that Rain could be going through a similar change. It also gives her the courage to push Rain on this topic and confess her own feelings out loud. "I totally get you if you feel like you're changing because of this world. I'm like that as well."

Rain looks at Wendy with wary eyes. "Do you feel like this world has changed you as well…?"

"Yeah, this world has kind of made me warm up to dicks…" Wendy says, cheeks beet red and voice shaking. "So, I completely sympathize with you if you want to, um… pleasure yourself with a toy… or a pet like that…"

"Dude…" Rain says, finally deciding she must explain what she meant. "It's not like that. I'm growing a demon that kind of works like a strap-on."

Wendy, having realized that she kind of admitted herself changing while making a vain point, just gets even more embarrassed, and it's clear to see.

"I-I mean", Rain says, whispering, "I have changed as well, but I don't think I like dicks…"

"I always liked dicks, so I don't feel like I've changed!" Pink announces loudly, half serious, half joking.

"Okay, I'll say it as well!" Snow suddenly shouts. "I'm exactly like Wendy!"

"I have changed a little bit too", Crystal admits. "I've always been a heterosexual, though…"

"I think we all have changed", Lemon says. "Don't feel embarrassed about it, Wendy."

"It's just that talking about these kinds of topics feels weird…" Wendy says, pouting.

"I thought you weren't planning on telling anyone else", Pink says, poking Rain with her elbow.

Rain sighs. "Well, the cat's out of the bag. Don't expect me to chase you girls with it, though."

"Now I want to make myself a similar demon", Snow says, giggling. "If it is possible for me!"

"Oh, right!" Wendy remembers and takes a look at the clock on Lemon's wall. "I should get going. I promised to meet up with Dana."

"Awww, we haven't even started to have fun yet", Lemon coos with a seductive tone.

"Hahaha, I wanna hang out and have fun", Wendy says, clutching her belly, "but she's helping me with this uncomfortable situation…"

"Oh, so it's a date?" Lemon asks, and giggles. "Well, knock yourself out!"

"Don't frame it like that", Wendy says. "Anyway, I'll see you later!"

With Wendy leaving and most of the important discussion behind them anyway, the discussion diverges from more serious topics to those that are a little bit more casual and more personal to each one of them, which is quite alright with them. They're not going on an adventure for a while, so they can have fun and pointless discussions to their heart's content. They all want to spend time getting to know each other better too, especially with almost everyone in the party being from different walks of life.

Wendy's Visit to Amanda's Ranch

After being picked up from her little treehouse, Dana leads Wendy to the southwestern woods of Grove, to a charming three-room cabin built underneath the branches of a giant oak. From where they stand, Wendy sees a front-yard filled with all kinds of fantastical flowers, a large fenced outdoor enclosure only accessible through the cabin itself, and a signpost in front of the door reading "Amanda's Love Shack", with the small print below reading, "Stay away, fools". As weirded out as Wendy is by it, the sounds coming from inside the cabin catch her attention better than any written sign ever could, and as Dana opens up the front door, the reality of what's going on inside becomes more evident.

"O-okay, I didn't expect this", Dana admits, smiling through her blush.

Listening to the sounds of a creaking bedframe, muffled moaning, and the chain of back-to-back slaps and claps shock Wendy, making her question what the hell she has walked into. Stuttering and stammering, she points at the bedroom door, asking Dana: "W-why would s-she… s-something l-like this…"

"I did say she's a pervert", Dana says, trying to laugh it off as she moves to open the bedroom door. "But for fuck's sake, I told her she's expecting visitors…"

What Wendy sees goes beyond simple perversion, at least in her relatively innocent and vanilla brain. On top of a small bed, three naked, adolescent, and slim little goblins surround a petite pale-skinned brunette, who's so small and tiny that she wouldn't look a day older than eight as a human. It's quite clear to both Dana and Wendy that she's completely and utterly helpless to stop what's happening. Still, even as she rides the goblin lying down, takes one from behind, and has her head buried in the third one's crotch, she neither resists nor protests. With her eyes rolled back when they're open, closing and blinking rapidly from pleasure, she moans as she sucks on the dick in her mouth, with the goblin grabbing onto her head and hair, holding her long and droopy elf ears like handlebars. Her eyes perk and lighten up as she notices she has company, but even as she tries to pull her head back, the goblin just thrusts in harder.

"Okay, get off her, boys", Dana demands, with a staff in her hand.

Despite noticing they have company, the goblins just respond by cackling manically at Dana. However, when one of them sees Wendy - and more importantly, the pistol in Wendy's hand - he stops immediately, pulling his dick out of the little brunette's ass with his hands held up high.

"Oi, put that away", Dana orders, pushing the gun down with her hand.

"B-but they're raping her!" Wendy stammers, shocked.

"I said - put it away", Dana repeats, sounding slightly incensed. "Let me handle this." Preparing a little spell with her free hand, her magical staff begins to glow, with all three goblins stopping, as their bodies first stiffen up and then relax. However, even as they all stop, even as the goblin pulls away from the little brunette's face, she doesn't move to free herself.

"Thanks for saving me, Daniel", she says as she sits up properly, licking her smiling lips. "But I'm… not! …done yet!" she states, pushing her hands against the goblin's shoulders, essentially pinning him down. She continues to pump her body up and down, milking the goblin's little prick with her pussy, now moaning freely.

'I can't believe she's willingly riding it', Wendy thinks, mouth gaping in awe as the blush on her face grows redder. 'Even though she thanked Dana for saving her… is she actually enjoying this? She's got such a beaming smile on her face too.' The goblin then grabs onto her waist, pushing his own hip up as he pistons in and out of the tiny child's pussy with ease, filling the room with the sounds of skin slapping against skin as the little elf takes it gleefully, moaning and shouting as she moves towards an orgasm.

Wendy can take her eyes off the situation just enough to see how Dana points her finger at the bedroom door, commanding the two goblins to walk straight outside. Still partially blocking the doorway, Wendy moves out of the way, with the two pouting little goblins glancing at her. 'When they raped me, they wouldn't even slow down when I screamed and cried… but these ones actually listen to Dana! Even though they're goblins!' With Wendy's eyes locked on the two erections on those little creatures, her lower body instinctively reacts just thinking about them and remembering how it felt at the mercy of those goblins. 'I'm a little scared, but… oh, thank fuck they're walking away…'

Pushing herself down on the goblin, the little brunette moans in a way no young child should, blurting out a whole chorus of filthy words, begging to have her cunny filled up with goblin jizz. Meanwhile, the goblin's open palm shot connects with the elf's little ass, causing her to scream "Yes" at the top of her lungs, and squirt on his dick and belly as the climax overtakes her. With both of his little green hands clasping her buttocks hard, the goblin shrieks as he pushes his dick as hard as he can, as deep as he can go, emptying his balls into the Nymph. The brunette's cries and moans calm down into sighs of pleasure, and lips pressed together, she muffles her giggles and laughter as she pulls herself away from the goblin. Sitting her butt down on the bed, now away from the goblin, she tilts her head backward as she stares at her two visitors.

"Amanda, for fuck's sake", Dana says and covers her face with a palm.

"Someone has to feed them to help them grow", Amanda the elf responds, speaking with a noticeable Appalachian accent.

"But all three at once?" Dana asks, arms crossed, looking a bit concerned.

Amanda giggles. "I only meant to feed one of them, only for a little bit, but I forgot to lock the door! The other two snuck in on me, and because I couldn't cast a command spell on them… they held me down, forced themselves on me…"

"They… raped you?"

"Dommed me!" Amanda corrects with a beaming smile. "I mean, I couldn't say no, but… boys will be boys!" she adds, giving the little goblin a light tap on his back as he sits up. "Besides, I knew they were gonna stop eventually… so I thought I'd just go with the flow!"

Dana throws her arms into a shrug and sighs. "If you keep showing weakness to them, they're gonna grow up to not listen to your command spells…"

"Oh, shush", Amanda says, sitting up, walking up to Wendy. "Anyway, you must be the girl Daniel mentioned", she continues, eyes now locked on Wendy's belly. "Heard you're interested in donating that for my research…"

"Y-yeah, and… if you're seriously willing to take it…" Wendy begins, still shaken up by what she witnessed. "I don't even know how I could thank you for it…"

"Oh, trust me, we're both doing each other a favor", Amanda says and takes a graceful bow. "Name's Amanda; a healer, a breeder, and an advocate for love and tolerance. And if my memory serves me correctly, you're Wendy…"

"Right", Wendy says smiling, trying to clear her head. "Still… are you okay? After what they did to you…"

Amanda tilts her head in confusion. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I mean, he came inside you…"

"Oh! He's too young to impregnate me!" Amanda states, and throws one of her hands into a peace sign as she lovingly clutches the awkwardly smiling little goblin, now standing right beside her. "So I can take as many creampies as I want!"

Hearing that weirds Wendy out a little because out of all the Nymphs she's met - even the ones she deems to be perverts - Amanda stands out with her uniqueness and lack of shame. 'Or is it really that?' Wendy questions, wondering if it could be merely a façade or her trying to brush off an embarrassing situation with humor. 'If what she says is true, then she didn't expect to be caught and didn't mean it to get out of hand, but then again, she did let herself to get fucked by a monster to begin with, which is unconventional, to say at the very least. But not sure if I can blame her, considering MY fantasies… even though I wouldn't have the heart to act them out…'

"Still, my apologies if I shocked you", Amanda says, trying to sound more sympathetic, waving the little goblin away. "Your memories with these creatures must be painful, but rest assured, you're in safe hands here."

"Thanks, and don't mind me", Wendy says, trying to smile.

"Well, you're only safe so long as you don't wander off", Amanda adds with a wink. "They're still monsters, and without a command spell to keep them in check, they will force themselves on you."

"I'll keep that in mind", Wendy says, feeling a little uneasy about what she just heard, especially with one of the beasts still present. "How do these "command spells" actually work? Since they obviously didn't seem like they were listening to you, but they sure listened to Dana…"

"That's because Daniel actually cast her spell on them all, while I only had my spell on this one", Amanda admits, smiling through her pouting lips as she points at the goblin. "They listen to you as long as the spell is active, but it only lasts for an hour, and they can resist its effects. Like I said, they're monsters. They're born to dominate females and will capitalize on weakness if shown it…"

"Yeah, and if they're taught to do what they please with us", Dana continues, staring a hole through Amanda with her judgmental eyes, "they're eventually gonna grow up to be like wild goblins and become immune to our command spells. Right, Amanda?"

"Hahaha, right-o! I'll be more careful in the future!"

'I guess that's also why she told me not to wander off', Wendy thinks. "So, why is it that you're actually raising goblins?"

Amanda lets out an audible "Hmm", as she pushes her finger on her lips and rubs her chin. "It kinda was a spur-of-a-moment decision, but I think these creatures could benefit us", she explains, with a mysterious smile appearing on her face. "It's not just research into how they grow and behave, but also for pleasure and recreation. Us Nymphs can get horny sometimes, and it's good to have options for relief…"

"Like I said, a perverted nutcase", Dana says, smugly smiling as she shrugs. "Like, you saw her a minute ago with that goblin. That's who she really is, both in and out of this world."

"Well, like I said earlier, someone has to feed them to help them grow into big strong boys!" Amanda says. "And don't act like you don't enjoy taking goblin dick either, Daniel!"

"ONLY when I'm in control", Dana says, smirking. "No filthy beast has a right to dominate me."

"Excuses, excuses", Amanda says, giggling. "You like to act tough, but now that you're turned into a girl, you've become just as slutty as me!"

Hearing that almost makes Wendy want to ask those two about their relationship outside Nymphsaga, but she decides to bite her lip for now, just giggling from the sidelines. 'Dana says they're in the same guild, but something tells me there's much more to it than that', she speculates.

"You should know better than to taunt me, dog", Dana adds, smiling with a sadistic grin. "Maybe I'll have to reacquaintance your neck with a slave's collar to remind you who's the boss."

"Whatevs! Maybe later!" Amanda responds, laughing warmly, and turns toward Wendy. "How about you, Wendy?"

Wendy blinks, confused. "What about me?"

"How do you feel about surrendering your body to a beast's mercy?" Amanda asks, licking her lips.

Wendy blushes, both looking and feeling enraged and flustered, and wants to say she would hate it, but in the heat of the moment, she's ultimately unable to voice her dissatisfaction towards the idea. After all, she can't deny feeling horny, and having gone through the whole day without being able to scratch her itch for sexual release, she knows she wants to do something, maybe even "fuck" something. 'But not a fucking goblin', she thinks, with her heart beating through her chest as she looks at the goblin, who returns the gaze with a confused look on his face.

"Don't push your sick-fuckery on her", Dana says, arms crossed, placing herself in front of the goblin just in case.

"I so wasn't trying to", Amanda says, pouting. "I'm just saying, she's probably got quite a lot of tension built up in her body, and I could help her…"

Wendy finally feels like saying how she feels, but ends up only stuttering incoherently for a couple of seconds, suffocated by her anxiety. 'Putting my fantasies aside', she thinks, trying to swallow her fears and sighing deeply. "Maybe… something else", she mumbles, fidgetting a little.

Amanda smiles seductively, rubbing her jaw as she eyes Wendy up and down. "Like what?"

'Why did I even say something else!? No way in hell can I admit to preferring to do it with another girl! I can hardly admit to wanting to do anything!' "M-maybe I'll just continue masturbating", Wendy mumbles.

"That's a bad idea", Amanda says. "You'll just relapse, getting hornier and hornier", she continues, laying her left hand on Wendy's shoulder and brushing her neck with her thumb, smiling as she notices how fast Wendy's heart is racing. "I know how you're feeling. I've seen it in other girls faces, and I've felt it myself. A damn tentacle demon popped a baby in me before I even knew this game was as perverted as it is, so I know how unbearable those unwanted feelings are, and how difficult it is to push them down, repress them… how hard it is to resist surrendering to pleasure… but you don't have to fight those feelings back, you know?"

Wendy doesn't want to admit it out loud, but she ends up nodding, as she lets Amanda gently caress her neck, cheek, and her skin behind the ear. However, she can't bring herself to look Amanda in the eye, despite feeling her lustful, unrelenting gaze. 'Like, she's coming onto me hard', she thinks, and takes a quick glance at Dana, noticing her talking to the goblin, with the little creature just nodding in understanding. 'And Dana's not doing anything. It's like, she must've known something like this was going to happen and dragged me here for this or something. Could've at least warned me…'

"Of course, you can try, if you're afraid or ashamed of doing it with someone else", Amanda then says, touching Wendy's belly with her right hand, causing her to gasp in surprise. "But judging by your size, I'd bet that's gonna take three days. Three, long, days. Still, we could make do with twenty-four hours, give or take…"

Wendy has to admit, the faster she gets rid of the creature growing inside her, the better, so that part of the idea does strike her fancy, even if the idea of doing it with a girl as young-looking as Amanda - or Dana, for that matter - doesn't. 'Forget about her being younger than Angel, she looks even younger than my nine-year-old-looking ass', she thinks, her eyes again on Amanda's body. 'But maybe it wouldn't be so bad, depending on what we do, even though going down on a girl like that makes me feel like a "Class A" felon…'

With the softest voice she can muster, Wendy finally asks: "How would that work?"

"Got interested?" Amanda asks as she softly caresses Wendy's soft hair on her nape. "Don't beat around the bush, girl…"

"I want to get rid of this thing, so if you can help me do it faster", Wendy begins, but immediately freezes, still unable to speak her desires out loud. "Just… not with a goblin… please…?"

Dana shrugs and taps the goblin's back with her staff, causing him to move. "Move your ass", she orders, following right behind the creature. "I'll go feed the boys", she says, giving both Amanda and Wendy a thumbs-up. "And discipline the two rule-breakers for insubordination", she adds with a wicked grin.

'Thank fuck', Wendy thinks as she watches Dana leave with the goblin. 'For a moment, I was afraid she would try to coax me into having sex with that thing. Then again…' Her heartbeat doesn't slow down for a second as her gaze returns to Amanda, whose right hand moves from her belly to her shorts. 'This crazy bitch could be thinking about doing something equally perverted…'

"So it's me you want, huh?" Amanda says, pushing her body even closer to Wendy's, moving to embrace her. "I'm flattered…"

Before Wendy can even comment on it, her first spoken syllable quickly gets muffled out by a kiss from Amanda, with the little elf pushing her tongue inside. It causes Wendy to mumble loudly, almost as if wanting to slow her down. Putting her desires aside, sexual acts and signs of affection with someone other than her lover still feel uncomfortable to her, and she's not even sure if it's better or worse to kiss a stranger than it was to kiss a close friend. 'I mean, I just met her', she tries to reason, but despite her gut telling her she should set some boundaries immediately, she can't bring herself to push Amanda away. Fully absorbed in Amanda's love, she surrenders to it, closing her eyes and offering her own tongue forward for Amanda to take advantage of.

Their lips separate, with Amanda's hands still on Wendy's hair and skin, with her nose still pushing and rubbing against Wendy. Smiling and breathing straight onto Wendy's face, Amanda lets out a soft, sexy chuckle and asks: "Do you like to play…?"

For a second, Wendy can't get a word out of her mouth. "Huuuh…?"

"I'm just thinking about what kinda games I wanna play with my newest patient", Amanda says with a seductive wink as she wrestles the uppermost button from Wendy's shorts open. "Still, you're acting quite reserved, aren't you? Don't hold back; you can touch me anywhere you want…"

"I'm a little shy", Wendy admits with a nervous smile, still yet to actually lay her hands on Amanda. 'Hell, I'm having a hard time looking her in the eye!'

"You don't have to be", Amanda whispers, moving closer to Wendy's ear as she works on the rest of the buttons.

"I just can't help myself…" Wendy mumbles. "I'm not used to… you know… "this"…"

"Well, if you're the shy type", Amanda says, slowly and carefully creeping down into Wendy's panties, causing Wendy to gasp and close her eyes as she fights her urge to moan. "You can leave everything to me", she continues. "I can also touch you anywhere I want, right…?"

"I-I guess, b-but… aaah!" Wendy can't fight the urge for long, not with how Amanda's fingers push and rub against her vulva, and hearing Wendy's reaction just encourages Amanda to get bolder.

"No buts, little girlie", she teases, pulling her hand up with two of her fingers now firmly tucked inside the little hole. "My, my, how drenched you are…"

'I've honestly been kinda horny all day', Wendy thinks, not wanting to admit it aloud. 'Then again, it's only after I came here and saw her having sex that I really got wet. And speaking of her… she's so good she with her fingers! I shouldn't be this much into this, given I barely even know her, but…' "Ooooh my gosh, Amanda!" she finally moans, her every spoken word quivering with pleasure.

"Mmmm, I love the sound of that", Amanda says, trying to get underneath Wendy's shirt with her free hand as she slowly pushes and leads Wendy closer to the bed. "But we should really get you out of those clothes so we can proceed with the "doctor's inspection"…"

Wendy's lips twist into a smile as she resists a moan, and she gently tugs on her shirt a little, waiting to pull it over her head for now. "You sure like to play, huh…"

"I sure do", Amanda says, licking her increasingly smug lips as her eyelids narrow ever-so-slightly. "Especially with adorable, eager, and horny little girls such as yourself…" she adds, pedaling her tiny fingers inside Wendy's folds. "So go on… help yourself…"

Even though Wendy's knees feel like giving up, being assaulted and teased by Amanda's little fingers, she helps her shorts a little, allowing them to fall to her knees, and then completely undresses her shirt too. Still, without letting go of Wendy, Amanda helps her get out of her panties too, then urging and pushing her to get on the kingsize bed. Wendy couldn't be happier to go along with it, as resting her legs is exactly what she feels like doing, especially with Amanda's fingers continuously rubbing and fingering her tight little honeypot.

"Nuh-uh", Amanda says, grabbing Wendy by her shoe's heel, tugging on it. "No dirty shoes on the bed", she orders, pushing her fingers into Wendy's hole even harder, wanting to reach the precious g-spot. It makes Wendy instinctively slam her toes on the bed to help lift her hip from the sheets, but even though Amanda's plea goes partly unanswered, she just sighs with a happy expression on her face. "Oh, so my patient's a bit of a disobedient brat, huh?"

"I-I couldn't help myself!" Wendy protests through her moans as she feels one of her shoes get pulled off.

"I think I've got just a thing for you", Amanda says, getting rid of Wendy's other shoe as well. She decides to keep the socks on and continues digging her fingers inside Wendy's tweeny little hole.

Wendy, clasping her mouth shut with her hand, pays little attention to what Amanda's doing, battling her tears of joy resulting from the ever-intensifying pleasure welling deep inside her body. 'I can't believe how good she is with her hand', she thinks, comfortably lying down as she twists her hip from side to side, instinctively pushing herself against Amanda's hand. She doesn't even realize that part of Amanda's attention is elsewhere, with her opening her user interface behind Wendy's back, ready to summon something from her inventory. 'She hasn't lost a beat since she stuck them in, and even though it's only vaginal stimulation, it still feels so good!' However, she has to admit, it's also a little infuriating because she wants more. She knows where it feels the best, and so far, Amanda has refused to give it to her.

"Yahoooo, little Wendy", Amanda suddenly says.

Wendy's eyes first only peek at what's going on, but quickly burst wide open out of shock and surprise as she sees what Amanda's got in her delicate little hand. It's a veiny and girthy dildo, greyish brown in color, looking relatively realistic as a sex toy with its five-and-a-half inches of length and its sturdy compartment at the base resembling a man's scrotum.

"Do you want this?" Amanda asks, giving the dildo's surface a long and wet lick, still pushing her fingers into Wendy's vagina. "I bet it can reach sooo much deeper than my fingers…"

"I… I…" Wendy can't get the words out of her mouth, but with her legs spreading wide open and her eyes firmly on the toy, her face says it all. It's the first dildo she's ever come across, and having fantasized about owning and using one already to help herself with masturbation, her heart begins to beat harder out of excitement at the mere thought. 'Do I? Seriously? Do you even have to ask? And to have her use it on me…'

"Well then", Amanda says, snapping her fingers, causing the dildo's hollow base to glow from the inside. "…And the spell's ready…"

"What did you do…?"

"This right here is a magical dildo", Amanda explains, lying down right beside Wendy, almost getting on top of her. "It doesn't feel as good as real cocks do", Amanda begins, moving the toy between Wendy's legs, teasing her lips with the tip.

Wendy covers her mouth from shock as she gasps. 'Holy shit, it's so warm! I didn't expect that! Now I want it even more!'

"…But boy, can it go", Amanda continues, moving the tip up and down Wendy's slit. Chuckling through her tight-lipped smile, she takes hold of the base, pushing the tip in, but stops right there, immediately pulling it away. It makes Wendy react with her hands, basically throwing it past her belly to her crotch, but surprisingly, Amanda stops her. "Tsk, tsk, hands where I can see them…"

Wendy stares at Amanda, confusion now drawn on her lustful face.

"You're not allowed to touch the dildo, okay…?" Amanda whispers, still continuing to tease Wendy's hole, still refusing to actually insert the dildo. "Not now, not later. Let me handle everything…"

Supposing it could be fun to just be as submissive as possible, Wendy nods in understanding and raises both her arms, laying them on the bed beside and above her head.

"That's more like it", Amanda says, giving Wendy a little kiss on her cheek. Then, she opens her inventory to summon something again, this time pulling out a cylindrical, amber-colored little pill about the size of a US penny, or a five-cent Euro coin.

Wendy looks at it, confused, but before she can even ask Amanda about it, the mischievous little elf places the pill on her tongue and kisses her. The pill begins to melt and mix with her saliva almost in an instant, engulfing every corner of Wendy's mouth with sweetness unlike anything she's ever tasted, and she has to admit, she loves every second of it. This time, the kiss doesn't last as long as the previous one, with Amanda letting Wendy swallow what remains of the capsule, chuckling seductively through her smile.

"Was the medicine to your liking, Wendy…?"

"Wh-whut… was it…?"

"A little bite of love to stimulate your senses", Amanda whispers. "Something to get your soul's spring flowing, and your body throbbing with lust and warmth…"

'So basically an aphrodisiac', Wendy thinks, smiling and breathing heavily with a bright red blush on her face. 'But why? Wasn't I wet and horny enough already? I mean, I feel like a fucking waterfall down there, and the throbbing won't stop even though I haven't even come yet! I bet I've already soiled the damn bed!'

"Now, for the treatment…" Amanda whispers, pushing the tip in once again, rolling and rotating the dildo clockwise, teasing Wendy even more this time around, causing her to squeal out loud as she lifts her hips a little. "Gonna need a bit more than just my wrist to get it in a hole this tiny…"

Wendy tries to relax as much as she can, but her mad smile, her exasperated breathing, and her fast-beating, anxious heart make it impossible for her to stay calm. It may be her first dildo, but it's not her first insertion, and a large, troubled part of her soul can't shake off the memories of her past, painful experience. Yet, penetration is all her heart desires. She doesn't want to be reminded of what she was put through, but the huge, girthy dildo is the only thing on her mind. It might as well be her entire world right now.

Then, as Amanda repositions herself slightly, she can put her entire arm behind the dildo, splitting her vulva open as it envelops the shaft, letting it into its folds. Wendy reacts with a long and loud moan, clasping her fists and eyes shut tightly. 'Ohhh, fuck, it's all the way inside! It's so big and warm!'

"Oooh my, that's such a snug fit…" Amanda moans softly into Wendy's ear with the most erotic voice she can muster. "You're such a brave little girl to take it all…"

As Wendy listens to Amanda's bedroom talk, the initial shock from the insertion slowly settles down, but she still can't bring herself to relax, not with a huge and rigid toy stretching her vagina to its shape. All that's left from her initial scream of pleasure are high-pitch whimpers and gasps of delight as she lies still, twitching, eyes rolled back as she finally opens her slightly teary eyes again.

"Doesn't hurt at all, am I right?" Amanda asks and giggles. "Feels sooo good, doesn't it?"

Wendy tries to speak through her gasps, with several fast-spoken words and syllables constructing a scattered sentence. "Oh my god, it's so… so… huuuge…!"

"Just remember", Amanda says, pulling the dildo back as she rotates it with her wrist. "You're not allowed to touch it…"

Before Wendy can get another word in, Amanda's wrist pushes the dildo back in, purposely taking it slowly, teasing Wendy with its entire length as its magically warmed-up surface gets wet with her honey. It's about as fast as she can go for now anyway, but she doesn't mind, and neither does Wendy. Arms still unmoving, Wendy just sighs heavily with her tongue almost sticking out from her open-mouthed, euphoric smile, and finally feeling like she can just relax and take it all without a fuss, she leans her head back and enjoys the ride.

Caressing Wendy's cheek with the other arm, Amanda steals her attention, and giggling, she steals a kiss straight from her lips. Holding the dildo by its bulky base, she puts her whole wrist into it, moving the toy with a moderate pace as she continues to eat Wendy out. 'She said it's not as good as a real thing is, but it's so much better than those… ahh, I don't even want to think about them anymore!' Luckily, forgetting what happened to her after being kidnapped is easy because while the going is less forceful and violent, sure, the goblins sure as hell didn't gently kiss her. It may all be just semantics, but to her, it feels less like being fucked, and more like being made love to, and it's every bit as great as she hoped it would be. It helps her shake off what remains of her painful memories and to focus her thoughts on Amanda and her little toy.

Clutching Wendy's other hand and gently pressing it down, Amanda gets even more on top of Wendy, targeting her breasts next. Wendy gasps and inhales fast, with her face brightening as Amanda's lips chomp down on her flat chest, giving them a rigorous suck as her tongue plays with the nipple. It weirds Wendy out a little, because she genuinely didn't expect Amanda to go for her chest. Yet, she moans anyway. "Aaaah m-my… s-so good!" She can't deny her nipples feel incredible when teased.

Amanda giggles, as she lets go of Wendy's chest. "What kinda reaction even was that, little girlie…?"

"M-my chest doesn't even have anything to offer…!"

"Isn't that what makes it so great…?" Amanda teases, and rolls her tongue around Wendy's nipple again. "Or could it be that you're actually ashamed of your gorgeous, flat chest…?"

'Sheesh, this damn pedo', Wendy thinks, smirking through her blush, trying to stifle most of her moans. 'The way she's been sweet-talking me makes it feel like she thinks I'm a real girl… or, honestly, a real kid, but… for some reason, I don't even care. As long as she makes me feel good, which she does… doesn't matter how she sees me…'

"Oh, but don't hold back", Amanda says as she pushes the dildo in as hard as she can, digging and rolling it around inside Wendy's depths as she lifts her hips a little, gasping for air. Wendy exhales a moan as Amanda continues banging her with similar deep, rolling strokes that gently smash into her. "That's right, let your sweet voice rip", Amanda continues, resting her jaw on Wendy's shoulder as she continues to whisper into her ear. After kissing her earlobe, she continues: "Sooner you come, the better…"

'Who would've known my ears would be that sensitive!' Wendy thinks, holding her legs spread as far as they can go while listening to the sounds that her pussy is making. 'And who would've known I could get this wet! Even though it's so thick, even though she couldn't move it that fast in the beginning, it's fucking me so hard right now! Makes me seriously wanna cum hard!' Clasping her eyes shut, she can't close her mouth to stop herself from moaning anymore. Drooling through her ecstasy, she both looks and feels like a sloppy mess.

"Yes, let your source flow…" Amanda whispers, as softly as she can. "Feel the magic surge through your body…"

Wendy doesn't have to say a word because her body language communicates everything. Feeling stiff all over as the tension builds up toward its apex, she puts more weight on her neck and her feet, letting her buttocks and back lift up and move more freely, shaking and turning, moaning even louder and faster as she turns her head from side to side in a fit of pleasure. Fast approaching the climax, her heart screams with joy. Every fiber of her being begs for a release, and lucky for her, Amanda doesn't even think about slowing down.

Finally, her hips practically shoot up with shock, with her body visibly trembling as she cums from the dildo pounding her pussy. Amanda watches as Wendy's face involuntarily twists into happy shapes the likes of which she couldn't even dream of seeing. Her angelic wails drown out Amanda's soft chuckle as she feels her hand getting wet, encouraging her to move on to the next act. Still clutching Wendy's hand, she lets go of the dildo to let it work its magic as she herself pushes her index- and middle fingers on opposite sides of Wendy's clit, pushing them down on her upper vulva while simultaneously pinching them together softly. Still caught in the middle of her long climax, Wendy reacts wildly as Amanda rubs her genitals in a circular motion, perfectly in rhythm with the dildo continuing to trust in and out of her.

Wendy never fully stops twitching, even though the pleasure obviously dies down, leaving her spent and lying still. She still pushes her hip up against Amanda's gentle two-finger pinch, but she doesn't actually lift herself up anymore, not even with the dildo still continuing to fuck her. Giggling, Amanda tightens her clutch on Wendy's hand, holding it lovingly as she gives Wendy a sloppy kiss on her lips.

That's when Wendy actually notices it. 'Wait, how does the dildo keep moving!? When Amanda's not even touching it!?' Her eyes widen from shock, which doesn't go unnoticed by Amanda.

Pulling her face away from Wendy's, Amanda giggles and speaks out. "Finally realized it, huh?"

Wendy's smile turns into a nervous smirk as her brains desperately try to process how the dildo can keep fucking her. "W-wait, wh-what the…"

"I said it's a magical dildo, didn't I?" Amanda reminds, fingers still unrelenting in assisting the toy plow its recipient. "It doesn't just warm up. It can store both mana and source inside of it, and the chain reaction of these energies causes it to become alive… and to move on its own…"

Wendy's heart shudders at the mere thought of it, trying to get a better look from the angle she's in. No matter what, though, the dildo remains invisible to her in its perfect blind spot.

"Pretty wild, isn't it? With a little bit of setup, you can just lie down and take it… let your fantasies run amok, just enjoy the ride…"

"A-awesome…" Wendy admits out loud, fully immersed in the action.

"I know, right?" Amanda says, chuckling again. "And there are no complicated settings or anything like that", she continues and lets go of Wendy's hand, snapping her fingers, casting another spell on the toy, causing it to move even faster. Wendy covers her mouth from shock, being pounded almost twice as fast as Amanda's little wrist could. "More mana equals more power, and I've got ALL the mana in the world to keep - it - going…"

'No freaking way! It's the best! I seriously wanna know where she got this from! I need one for myself! Holy fuck, I'm never going back to using my hand after this!'

"Like, isn't it great?" Amanda asks, giggling as her fingers keep up with the increased pace, causing Wendy to go wild with a renewed desire to cum. "You don't even have to use your own mana! All you have to worry about is cumming", she adds, practically breathing into Wendy's ear as she exhales the final word. "Keep on feeding your "boyfriend" source, and he'll keep fucking you forever…"

'Boyfriend? Well, I guess that's one nickname a single girl can give her dildo', Wendy thinks, but quickly starts focusing on the second half of Amanda's sentence. Her heart pounds as she starts to wonder if the dildo can even be stopped. "F-forever…?" Wendy asks with crazed eyes and a smile.

"Well…" Amanda begins, smiling with a smug smile. "It needs mana too, and it's not exactly hard to grab and pull away", she says, snapping her fingers again, adding more mana to the play. "But you're not allowed to touch the dildo, remember?"

"I… I guess…" 'I didn't outright agree to it, but… wait, I did actually nod, didn't I?'

"That's right", Amanda says, summoning a new pair of toys from her inventory.

"H-hold on", Wendy says, raising her voice slightly as she tries to lean on her elbows. Noticing a pair of handcuffs and an eyemask in Amanda's hand, she wants to slow her down and set boundaries, but with Amanda shushing her down with a suggestive smile and a sound to match, she freezes still, just looking at them.

"It's part of your treatment", Amanda says, locking one of Wendy's wrists in the cuffs, softly clutching her palm afterward, smiling as gently as she can, all while still rubbing Wendy's clit out. "Entrust yourself to me, and help me help you", she whispers, giving Wendy a snap kiss on her lips. "I only have your pleasure in my mind…"

Wendy nods in understanding, and closing her eyes, she concentrates on the feeling, trying to ignore what Amanda's about to do to her. She also notices the cuffs click around her other wrist, and as soon as she feels comfortable, she tests the waters to try precisely how tight and sturdy the stainless steel cuffs are. 'Feels so weird not being able to move my arms properly', she thinks, rattling the chains a little. 'But I don't dislike it. I think I can trust her, and I guess it's also fun to play like this.'

Then, Amanda pushes the thick, black sleeping mask on Wendy's face, pushing on the elastic strap to get it as tight as she can and enveloping it around her skull with the velcro strap. "Yeah, just try to shake it off", she coos, adjusting it properly. "Bet you can't!"

Wendy finally opens her eyes, but the world around her remains black, with her vision wholly blinded. It's not unusual for her to wear a mask like this, as she owns one in real life to help her sleep. 'Hanako sometimes liked to wear it when we were having sex', she reminiscences, with her fantasies running wild in her head. 'And I'm starting to "see" why! Oh, gosh, that's a terrible pun, but… seriously, this is kinda… almost… relaxing!'

"Now, let me accompany my little slave girl for one last ride together", Amanda thinks out loud, once again going after Wendy's chest, this time with both her lips and her free hand, causing Wendy to squeal in surprise. Still refusing to let go of Wendy's clit, she keeps on going toward the end, not intent on letting go until she makes her cum again.

'It also feels so much more intense when I have no idea what she's about to do! And I think I'm about to cum too!' Fully focused on the dildo plowing through her little hole, she moans aloud, much less reserved and emotionally restrained as she did on her first try. Screaming "Yes" repeatedly as she's brought to another climax, she erupts with cries of joy and pleasure as her love squirts past the toy and all over the white bedsheets with a splash. Tongue sticking out, she lies still shaking, spasming, and twisting her hip, but no matter what direction she tries to move to, the dildo doesn't stop. It's already running at maximum settings, and with its recharged batteries, it won't slow down - much less stop - for a long time. That's at least what Wendy suspects, not that she minds.

"Whew, watching you is making me horny all over again", Amanda says, standing up, giggling as she watches the willing and submitted little girl on her own private bed. "Think I'll need to do something about that, so see you later!"

'Wait, is this crazy bitch seriously gonna leave me here alone!?' Despite feeling like she should ask the same question out loud, with the same fervor her confused and honestly shocked brains demand she should, she only asks a simple, quiet four-word question: "Wh-where… are y-you… g-going…?"

"Hmmmm, I think I'll need a bath!" Amanda responds with a comically overjoyed tone in her voice. "Need to wash the sweat off me! Oh, but don't worry! I'll come to renew the spell immediately after I'm done! It'll work on autopilot up until then, so you just lay there and take it!"

'Guess I have no choice', Wendy thinks and decides to not even protest it. Honestly, as much as she loves Amanda's presence, being left alone with her fantasies is something she can appreciate deeply. Besides, knowing how horny Nymphs get, she can't expect Amanda to stay by her side watching forever, just overseeing the action without getting on with it herself. 'I guess that's also what she meant by forever. It'll keep on making me cum endlessly and taking source from me to power itself! It won't stop, literally can't stop, not as long as Amanda keeps feeding it mana! And… oh gosh, I don't think she's gonna let me go so easy!'

The thought of it honestly doesn't terrify her, but instead, it excites her. Smiling madly, now alone with Amanda's little magical toy, she abandons common sense and reason, and surrenders her mind to pleasure.

Depraved of her vision and left alone, imagination continues to fuel Wendy. Still lying on her back, the act can be almost anything she wants it to be, but being on the receiving end of a warm, adult-sized dildo makes it hard for her to imagine it being anything other than straight intercourse… not that she minds. The more she's shown the kind of pleasure she can feel, the more she becomes interested in continuing to re-experience those sensations and the more she becomes okay with what she's become. The idea of making love to a man would've never stroked Kensuke's fancy in the real world, but to Wendy, the 128cm tall, 27kg weighing little 9-year-old look-alike girl, being pinned down and fucked by a man sounds exciting. Of course, that man would have to be young, fit, and kind, preferably funny too, with a relatable set of interests - 'Kinda like a male version of Hanako!' - and that's precisely what she imagines.

Having been fucked non-stop for over an hour, she continues to take it without a hassle, but she can't actually tell whether or not Amanda has actually renewed the spell or not. She suspects she has, but with Amanda not making a peep while in the room with her, Wendy can't say for sure. 'She has to be feeding it more magic to keep it going', she thinks. 'I'm sure of it. There's just no way there would be enough mana to keep it going otherwise, even if I have more than enough source to give…'

It's not just the interplay of two different energies that keeps the toy going; Wendy's hastened and biologically powered-up energy generation combined with the love pill ensures that her wellspring of pleasure won't dry up no matter what happens. Despite essentially being in a defeated and wholly vulnerable state, she continues to smile with her mind clouded by euphoric glee and her body teeming with energy. She's ready to keep going through the night until morning, both in the interest of pleasure and benefit. After all, she still hasn't forgotten why she's being put through this kind of "treatment".

Wendy sleeps until midday, waking up in the very same bed she got fucked in, unrestricted by toys, bells, or whistles. She could forget about her offspring almost completely, but with how much it's grown now, there's no way she can anymore. It's more than a constant reminder; her belly is huge to the point of being on her way, and she can feel kicking and movement too. Watching at herself, she's once again unsure if she should laugh or cry. 'It's such a strange feeling, both physically and emotionally', she thinks, resting her head on her palm as she watches and rubs her belly. 'At least it's gonna be over soon.'

Standing up and leaving the bedroom, she finds both Amanda and Dana in the dining room, and after exchanging a few lines of sexy banter, Amanda confirms as much to Wendy. "My treatment was even more effective than eye anticipated", Amanda announces with a self-aggrandizing and smug tone, feeling incredibly proud of herself, and of Wendy. "You were really brave to go through it all for as long as you did", she adds with an encouraging smile and a peace sign.

Amanda then confirms to Wendy that she is indeed on the last stretch, also warning her not to wander off anywhere. "You should probably stay here until tomorrow morning, just in case", she says, promising to take care of Wendy's every need until then, promising to keep her under constant surveillance.

While Wendy's more than okay with this arrangement, feeling overjoyed to be receiving as much help as she is, she also feels like she's worrying her friends. "I should probably take at least one walk to notify my friends of what's going on…"

"Don't worry about it", Dana then says. "I'll go tell your friends in your stead."

"I'd hate to burden you when you're both already doing so much for me…"

"Got business to attend to 'round there anyway", Dana says with a friendly and confident smile. "I'll even drop them your location if you want them to come to see you!"

Wendy turns red but continues to smile despite her shy demeanor anyway. "W-well, do that, please… just in case… but don't tell them to actually visit…"

"Yeah, probably better if we got the apartment only for ourselves", Amanda adds, leaning against both her hands, eyeing Wendy up and down with curious and lewd eyes. "I'll need to stay by your side when you go into labor, and we can make it happen quicker… if you let me continue my treatment…"

"Maybe later…" Wendy says, nodding once as she tries to smile. She's honestly scared of giving birth, but she understands it must be done, and she's so happy she doesn't have to do it alone, or worse yet, in captivity.

A few hours go by, and the process finally begins. After being teased, caressed, and played with by Amanda for a while, it starts suddenly and without warning, with her water breaking and her body going into labor. To her, it feels almost as intense as any physical sensation she's ever felt, with her back and joints feeling weak and loose, and her barely being able to sit up from the bed. Fortunately, she doesn't have to, not with Amanda helping her through the final minutes as her midwife.

The contractions, the cramps, and the heavy pressure all over her lower body cause her discomfort and ache, but even though it's unlike anything she has ever felt, it doesn't feel anywhere near as painful as she feared it would, nor does it last as long. Nymphs may be small, looking like human children, but they don't experience even a fraction of the pain that real adult humans go through during childbirth, much to Wendy's relief. Only after about ten minutes of physical and emotional preparation and waiting for her cervix to dilate fully, her baby's finally ready to be pushed out. Then, almost as soon as her child's head first appears visible between her legs, the rest of the baby follows.

She opens her eyes as she hears the cries of the little crying goblin, still connected to her by an umbilical cord, the ultimate proof of her motherhood, and she realizes it's finally over. It may have started as a nightmare, but towards the end, she didn't feel like crying, nor did she feel bad about it, and even though she did feel anxious beyond what was healthy for her psyche, she can't help but smile. Sitting up, assisted by a large pillow under her lower back, she takes hold of the little green goblin, trying to get it to calm down. She may have never wanted or asked for it and would've probably aborted it if she had the opportunity to do so, but it would've had to be out of necessity rather than desire. After all, she still had her own morals and values. She knew she wouldn't have the heart for infanticide, and releasing the goblin into the wild would've just made it a problem for the future, but luckily, she doesn't have to worry about it. Ever. 'I'm so happy it's not gonna grow up to be a monster like his father was', she thinks, feeling emotional to the point of weeping as she holds the now sleeping baby. 'He's gonna live a good life, all thanks to this wonderful girl…'

"Are you sure I'm not burdening you?" Wendy finally asks, looking at Amanda, who's sitting right beside her.

"Like I keep saying", Amanda says, smiling from ear to ear. "I'm happy to have him around!"

Wendy nods, still feeling a little bad burdening a girl she barely knew just a few days ago. "If you say so…"

"Of course, I could always use some monetary donations", Amanda says with a smug grin. "Since I'm not really fit to be an adventurer, not with this, errr… "full-time job" of mine, if you know what I mean…"

"Maybe I will", Wendy says, nodding happily. "You deserve it."

Before their Next Adventure

There are no disagreements in the newly formed group of seven; they want to put their efforts into pushing through Hammercliff Valley all the way to Paradise, but what happens after that, they do not know yet. Will they go separate ways if Snow and Crystal find their friends there, with the rest returning to Grove alone? Will they even find them? That's something they have to worry about later. They feel like they have a lot of room for preparing and improving, primarily because of their bad experiences and the fears of something similar happening again.

So, with Wendy finally back in top shape and not having to worry about any abnormal conditions - or taking care of her newborn baby, for that matter - they all get to training with renewed motivation, wanting to get into better shape.

The primary purpose of their training is for everyone to get familiar with each other's styles and learn to use new skills and tactics to better help each other. During their regular, daily trips to the Misty Forest - the only place they feel one hundred percent comfortable traveling to - they decide to do most of the training in groups of four, with three benched at a time, following the group around, "just in case". This is to practice with different kinds of setups to prepare for different situations in case something goes horribly wrong. They try training without healers, sometimes without tanks, and even without any damage dealers. Some setups are better than others, but a few embarrassing setbacks and torn clothes aside, they never get into trouble in these easy areas.

They also learn to combo their attacks more effectively. Lemon, for example, usually takes slowed and stunned enemies as her targets to one-shot them while others focus on tankier and sturdier foes, while Pink - as she promised - learns some frost magic which she can use to slow down fast-moving enemies that prove problematic to the rest of the group.

They're sure to not forget about professions either. With their new "enchanter-only" enchants, Rain and Snow get a boost to their performances, and Wendy gets even better with maps and finding treasure, meaning they will no longer have any problems with high-level areas and broken maps. Angel learns to make rations that can give temporary boosts on adventures, and Lemon's potions continue to improve, with her also dipping her toes into transmutation spells which can be used to access new, high-level ingredients usable by everyone. Pink doesn't really have room to improve anymore since she can't find good recipes anywhere, but hey, at least her transformation ability continues to get stronger, meaning that she can live her magical girl fantasies to the fullest on the battlefield!

This leaves us with Crystal, who gets herself familiar with grooming. She still doesn't have any actual pets of her own because she has no place to keep them in, but she learns some skills linked to her taming spells, abilities that are automatically learned by her tamed minions for the duration of the spell. So far, she only has two, and they only work on canines; she can teach them a crippling ankle bite and an interrupting paw strike, both of which are effective means of crowd control against all manners of enemies, especially casters. Going forward, she reckons this could be a good tactic for the future, as raising reliable pets for combat is more trouble than it's worth. Abilities included in the taming spell feel enough for her, especially since she has no desire to give birth to pets of her own.

All in all, they improve a lot, and it's noticeable. It also makes them confident. They feel like they're finally ready to return back to the front lines, but not before they have one more night's rest, one filled with fun, games, and a few drinks. More specifically, they decide to enjoy some drug-laced beverages with effects similar to alcohol, provided by Angel's little "Demon's Whistle" plantation. It's little more than juice made from fresh fruits and berries, with some miasma-infused sugar harvested from these sugarcane-like homegrown plants, but it packs a mighty punch. Best of all, it will not make Nymphs fat and will not result in a hangover.

They gather around in Rain's house this time, who lost the bet to play the host. What do they play with? Well, they don't really have many games available, but they have a deck of traditional playing cards. You can play like a hundred games with them, so they have a lot to choose from. Ultimately, they settle to play simple poker as it is a global game they all know the rules of and decide to go forward from there.

They manage to play for about fifteen minutes until they get bored because the truth is that poker is a dull game without actual stakes. They don't want to play with money, but that's not a problem at all because they have two things they can stake: clothes and sugary drinks with intoxicating effects. It's not the most PG combination there is, because just like with source generation, the Nymph's drunkenness caused by the sugary miasma is directly linked to their heat. Nymphs get very, very horny and extremely friendly when they are drunk, and they will fuck anything that moves, even those who are looking to hurt them. Needless to say, it is strictly forbidden to go on an adventure while drunk, as the risk of getting raped - if you can even call it rape at that point - increases drastically with every permille of sugar in their bloodstream. Think of it as Nymphsaga's version of "Don't drink and drive". Still, in the company of each other, they don't need to worry about getting into grave danger.

Even though some of the Nymphs in the group end up losing more than the others, it doesn't get THAT lewd, at least not until they decide to play even more childish party games like "Spin the Bottle". It kind of starts with "Truth or Dare" rules but quickly dissolves into nothing but dares, most of which involve intimate contact of some sort. They only have a set amount of drinks, so it never has a chance to get out of hand, relatively speaking. They do know self-restraint. Well, at least those who win do. It's usually the loser that ends up getting drunk, which just fuels their losing streak.

When they run out of drinks, it's already late, and they decide to go different ways. Well, everyone except Wendy. Whether she's bad at playing cards or had bad luck, she was the one getting the most shit-faced, not that she minds it. Whether it's Kensuke or Wendy, she's always been a bit of a party animal and always spent her free weekends with her friends on Kiyamachi Street, carousing and enjoying life. On the other hand, both Gregory and Rain are excellent at poker and can handle their alcohol very well. In fact, you could call Rain a natural.

Wendy was also the first to get stripped, and now, lying naked and defenseless on Rain's bed, she isn't interested in going home.

"You know…" Rain says, leaning closer to Wendy, finding it difficult to keep her gaze away from Wendy's naked figure. "I know my bed is comfy, but I need you to bugger off."

"Don't be like that", Wendy says, laughing. "God, my head is spinning so much… I just can't get up…"

Rain sits down on the bed and yawns, tired and wanting to just get to sleep. "No, really, I just want to sleep in peace."

Just like that, Wendy actually gets up, hugging Rain from behind, with her head leaning against Rain's shoulder. "Let's sleep together…"

Rain freezes, and she doesn't dare to do so much as turn her head. Her heart, her groins, and all of her senses tell her it's a cute girl clinging to her, and even though the softness and warmth, and the feeling of her breathing down her neck make her want to crumble, her brains keep screaming it's her friend, not someone to be sexualized. Moreover, it's a friend who's acting very much unlike what's usual for her, which weirds Rain out. "Dude… just stop…" Rain says, hoping Wendy will get the hint eventually.

"Don't call me a dude", Wendy says, pouting, sounding offended. "I'm a GIRL, you ass."

"…It's a figure of speech."

"Come on, Rain", Wendy says, tugging on Rain's shirt a little. "Get naked already."

"There's no way I will sleep with you", Rain says, battling to keep her shirt on.

"Oh, fuck off. I know you're into little girls."

"I'm not into you", Rain says, sighing. "Besides, you're drunk." 'Then again, I'm not sure if I would go down on her even if she WAS sober', she thinks, with her heart thumping and her lower body aching a little. She has to admit to being a bit horny, after all.

"I'm not drunk!" Wendy states loudly, and then laughs. "Okay, maybe I'm a little drunk… but who cares!?"

Rain starts to feel even more uncomfortable because of her conflicted emotions caused by her own desires. 'Were it anyone else than Wendy drunk in my bed, I wouldn't hesitate, but… fuck, I've known this guy far too long…' "Please, just leave", she mumbles. 'Before I do something we're both going to regret tomorrow.'

Yet, Wendy still refuses to back out. "Hey…" she whispers, straight into Rain's ear. "Is that dick of yours ready yet…?"

Rain sits still like a statue as her heart pounds faster. "No…" she quietly mumbles, and she isn't lying. She still needs to feed the demon source to evolve it.

"Oh, you liar", Wendy says, with her childish voice oozing with lust. "Wanna try it on me…?"

'Wait, this actually can't be happening', Rain tells herself. She's really tempted because she's been waiting to evolve the demon for a couple of days now, but the opportunity to use it on a girl just hasn't presented itself yet. And there it is; the opportunity is hugging her, naked, pushing her little self against her back, and Rain can't deny she finds her cute. More importantly, with her heart pounding so hard right now, she knows that a part of her wants to do lewd stuff to a girl like that. 'And what if she's actually serious? What if it's not just the booze talking? Not that I could even give her what she wants, given the demon isn't ready yet, but…'

"Come on, Rain…" Wendy begs. "Fuck me hard…"

'No, no, no way! She's drunk!' Rain reminds herself, closing her eyes, trying to get that little preteen body out of her mind. 'She's not in her right mind! She has to be messing with me! She would kill me once she sobered up, if I let my demon fuck her now!'

Just as Wendy is about to reach her hand to Rain's groin, Rain shakes herself away from Wendy's grasp and stands up, backing off, panting feverishly for a couple of seconds. Wendy doesn't look like she's following. Instead, she just collapses back to the bedsheets.

"Just go to sleep…" Rain concedes a point and decides to let Wendy stay. As Wendy realizes this, she just responds with a cheerful "Yay", and continues to lie still. She doesn't even notice Rain walking away to the bathroom to cool down, just to escape the situation.

'Fuck's sake, why her of all girls? Now I really wanna fuck someone, but there's no way I can do HER. Not Wendy. No way. Fucking hell, I can't believe I almost gave in to the desire.' Sighing, Rain decides to rinse her face with cold water, blushing madly, and looking at her pouting, clearly frustrated face in the mirror. 'And me being wetter than a Scottish summer doesn't help', she thinks, giving herself a stern slap right on her face. 'Okay, calm down, relax… just go to sleep... it's gonna be fine…'

After about two minutes of waiting and trying to cool down, Rain leaves the bathroom and finds Wendy passed out and fast asleep. 'Just what I wanted', she thinks, about to get naked. She thinks about putting on her pajamas due to sleeping with someone else, but she eventually decides it doesn't matter. 'Could actually be detrimental, considering how hot my body feels', she convinces herself. 'Don't wanna wake up drenched in sweat in a couple of hours.' She does keep her panties on, but that's all she needs.

She crawls to the other side of the bed and takes one final look at Wendy, seeing how vulnerable that naked little girl on her bed looks right now. "You're so lucky I don't have that demon ready right now", she whispers, testing if Wendy's just pretending to be asleep. "Not sure I would be able to hold myself back if I did", she admits out loud, eyeing Wendy up and down. "Bloody hell, you're so, so cute and sexy… you stupid fucking idiot…"

Still, given that there's not even a change in Wendy's expression after everything she says, Rain decides it's time to drift away. Luckily for her, despite feeling uncomfortable due to Wendy's presence, she falls asleep in mere minutes.

The following morning, Wendy is the first to wake up, sober. Something is not quite right, as she can feel something warmer and heavier than a blanket on top of her. The first thing she sees as she opens her eyes is the sleeping face of Rain, whose cheek is pressed comfortably against her chest. Rain's arms are also wrapped around her body, which at first glance looks incredibly cute to Wendy, until she fully registers that's her naked body she's grabbing tight onto.

Wendy sighs heavily after realizing that this "mistake" was partially her own doing. 'Still, despite all my advances and begging, she didn't lay a hand on me', she thinks, remembering how she acted and feeling incredibly embarrassed over it. 'Now she did, but since she's asleep, it's probably, no… hopefully not intentional…'

What freaks Wendy out the most is what was going on in her head at the time, which she still remembers so clearly. She wasn't just messing around with Rain. No, at the time, what she asked Rain to do was what she really wanted. She wanted to be fucked, rough and raw. 'But to ask Rain to do that… to fuck me with that freaking demon… holy fuck, what was wrong with me? I'm so glad she showed some restraint. Not sure I would've been able to even look her in the eye if we did something like that. Then again, given how I begged… oh, man, it's gonna be a little awkward when she wakes up…'

However, as much as she would love to just break free and get away from Rain's grasp, and then quietly peace out as if nothing happened, she suspects it might be impossible to accomplish. So, instead, she decides to wake Rain up by giving her a little shake on the shoulder. Rain wakes up pretty quickly, but instead of reacting like Wendy hoped she would, Rain, still half-asleep, hugs her even tighter. "Get off me already…" Wendy orders.

"No way…" Rain mumbles. "You're so warm and squishy… I just wanna hug you forever…"

"You damn pedophile…"

Hearing those words, Rain finally realizes she's not actually in bed with who she thought she was. She was having a pleasant dream about an unspecified fictional character she has the hots for and, for some reason, in her dreamy haze, immediately assumed that was the girl she was cuddling with. "Oh, what's up, Wendy?" Rain asks, sitting up, stretching and yawning.

"I hope you had a comfortable sleep…" Wendy says, sitting up herself, staring daggers through Rain.

"Your chest is pretty comfortable", Rain blurts out.

Wendy covers herself up. "You better not be thinking about anything perverted…"

"You're the one who asked me to do actual perverted stuff", Rain says, getting up. "Glad to see you're yourself now."

Wendy sighs deeply. "Yeah, thanks for not doing anything to me…"

"If you want to get fucked, at least ask me while sober", Rain says as she begins to dress up. "That way, I'll know that you're actually serious about it."

Wendy knows Rain is just joking, so she doesn't even bother getting angry over it. 'Or was it merely a joke? It's so hard to tell with this asshole, given how dry her delivery always is.' "So you're saying you would've fucked me if I was sober?" Wendy asks, pushing Rain on the subject, wanting to know how much of it was just a joke.

Rain looks deep into Wendy's eyes, unsure how to comment. She doesn't know the answer herself, but her silence proves that she is at least thinking about it. "I didn't say that…" she finally says.

"Just answer me."

"Probably… not…"

"So? Which is it?"

"Why not ask right now and find out?" Rain suddenly asks with a straight face.

The surprised look on Wendy's face says it all, and she blushes, as she didn't expect to have the ball back on her side of the court. Her face of shock, however, quickly turns into a pouting scowl, and through her pouting lips, all she says is "No".

"Well, probably not the best time today", Rain says, shrugging. "Considering we're supposed to be going to Paradise."

"Wait… don't tell me you would seriously do it…?" Wendy stammers, genuinely beginning to question how serious Rain is.

"Depends on how serious you are."

"Come on, Rain… just say it…"

"You want the honest truth? I was tempted."

Hearing that makes Wendy cross her legs and cover her chest again, but instead of responding with outrage, her angry pout relaxes as she exhales a heavy sigh. "Well, that makes two of us", Wendy finally responds. "I mean, as crazy as it sounds, I seriously wanted dick at the time… and had I not passed out… I would've probably egged you on even more…"

"How much of that was the booze talking?"

"I dunno", Wendy says and smirks playfully. "Maybe like… eighty percent?"

"So one-fifth of you seriously wanted me to go down on you, huh…"

"Oh, shut up", Wendy says, and laughs. "How about you? What held you back?"

"Do I really need to spell it out?" Rain asks, finally feeling like getting serious. "I haven't forgotten who you really are."

Even though Wendy's smile persists, the tone in her voice takes a melancholic turn. "It sure is easy to forget about it sometimes. I can't even recognize myself as the same person I was a month ago." Then, her eyes turn toward Rain. "And the same goes for you and Angel."

"I really have changed in your eyes too, huh…"

"We all have."

"You used to get mad just at me calling you Wendy", Rain recalls. "But if I call you that now, you turn your head and own it with a smile."

Wendy blushes, but can't hide her smirk. "Shut up, Greg…"

"Oh, I get it", Rain says. "It's that part of me your horny-ass female brain fantasizes about?"

"Why the fuck would I wanna have sex with a forty-year-old virgin?" Wendy asks and laughs out loud. "Besides, I bet your horny-ass female brain gets just as wet thinking about cocks as well…"

"I honestly enjoy giving more than taking", Rain says. "That hasn't changed, even if I have a fanny."

"Is that so?" A smile appears on Wendy's face, and she relaxes her stance, revealing her flat chest to Rain. "If you don't mind me asking then… how big part of you was actually tempted then? To give it to me…"

"I'd say about eighty percent too."

"I-I think you meant twenty…"

"No. Eighty", Rain says. "Not like it matters. The demon isn't ready yet, so I couldn't have given you what you wanted."

"W-well, that's a pity…" Wendy quietly mumbles under her breath.

"Huh? I didn't quite catch that."

"It's nothing", Wendy says and stands up, opening up her inventory to finally wear some clothes. "And, ummm… yeah… sorry for making it weird between us yesterday…"

"Don't sweat it", Rain says, smiling. "And don't sweat the fact that you're changing. I don't think of you as any less because of it."

"Thanks", Wendy says, blushing as she smiles.

"I mean", Rain says and smirks. "If you liked dicks as a dude, I wouldn't mock you for that either."

Wendy catches the joke but decides to respond seriously, despite finding it challenging to resist laughing out loud. "Maybe I always liked them! I just didn't know it yet!"

"Yeah, not that it matters", Rain says with a cheerful smile and a thumbs up. "So own it. You'll always be my friend regardless of how much you change."

Wendy must admit that despite feeling a little hesitant to accept all the changes in her personality regarding her thoughts, tastes, and behavior, it doesn't matter at all in the end. 'As disturbing as it is to think about how I've changed, Rain is right. I should just own it. This is me, and there's nothing wrong with being the way I am.' "Thanks. I mean it. You'll always be my friend too, Rain…"

"So now I'm Rain again?" Rain asks, and chuckles. "Anyway, let's get ready to meet the others."

Wendy nods, but even as she dresses up, she's still worried about going on an adventure for real again. 'Sure, there's seven of us', she reasons, 'and our training's been going flawlessly… but what if? Maybe I shouldn't worry too much about it.' Putting her worries aside, she exits the apartment together with Rain, hyping herself up for the long day ahead of her.

Chapter IV