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[[Offline/Tag: Strip down and join the chase|Strip down and join the chase]]
[[Offline/Tag: Strip down and join the chase|Strip down and join the chase]]
[[Offline/Tag: Collect as much of their clothing as you can to try to come out of this appearing responsible|Collect as much of their clothing as you can to try to come out of this appearing responsible]]

[[Offline/Tag: Collect as much of their clothing as you can to try to come out of this appearing responsible|Collect as much of their clothing as you can to try to come out of this appearing responsible]] '''Request:''' --[[User:Wsintai|Wsintai]] 3/12/20

[[Category:Offline]][[Category:Offline Emma]]
[[Category:Offline/Emma/Day 5]]

Latest revision as of 05:15, 21 December 2022

Your sister's mumbled mantra about your fingers lessens then stops. Emma's arms slink their way around your torso and slowly squeeze you tighter and tighter. She seems almost jittery now, head twitching about matching sharp surprised breaths. If she wasn't so clearly checking over her shoulder you'd think you broke her brain or something. As much as she is in love with your fingers, she might also be scared by what just happened, or who might've seen. Either way you've kept her out here long enough. The others will surely start to worry if you're gone much longer. So with Emma's hug still sinking in, you shift her higher, grab her butt, and lift her into the air. Finding the ground fall away from her is all she needs to convince her to wrap her legs around you too.

You take a moment to enjoy this intimate embrace, your sister's nude body firmly pressed against yours, her pelvis tilting forward as you support her tight little butt, her moist pussy squishing into your skin. Despite her apparent orgasm she seems really on edge. Maybe she knows how wrong this all is, or maybe her synapses are still firing off little explosions in her brain. Part of you feels terrible that the first and only girl you've ever brought to orgasm is your little sister, but the guilt is overridden by a weird sense of pride having finally given an orgasm to someone other than yourself.

She squirms and writhes against your bare torso as you walk, but you still don't know if this is from pleasure or paranoia. All you know for certain is that Emma's grip loosens considerably when you hear shouting from one of your cousins. She seems to want down but you're not out of the trees yet. You pull her closer, partly to soothe her and partly just to feel her warm crotch against your stomach and her panting breaths against your neck for a few seconds more.

Carrying your sister back into the clearing before putting her down, it appears lots has happened since you left. Beth must have finished her turn because right now it's Nicole who is chasing and stripping your cousins. May and Brayden appear to be the only ones frozen right now, and that is most obvious not just because they're standing still but because they're standing naked together in the middle of the clearing, thanks to the weird rule you managed to incorporate into this game.

May is only mostly naked, lifting her own shirt up to armpit level while her pants have dropped to her knees. But if that was Nicole doing then she did a much more thorough job of punishing Brayden. She has stripped the bratty boy completely with no sign of his clothing to be seen. He's actively complaining about it too, griping about how unfair it is while calling for someone to tag him. He tries to beckon you over once he spots you but you just stare with a cold grin, silently absolving yourself from this round.

Beth and Yulia are darting around as a tight pair trying to avoid their pursuer. Nicole is gradually backing them into a corner, which the younger girls don't seem to realize. Just as they run out of room to run, the two young girls suddenly split apart at full speed. Nicole can't make up her mind which way to go, first lunging one way then the other, then laughing at herself for letting them both get away. Beth rounds the clearing and quickly unfreezes May, who hikes up her pants and shuffles off in no particular direction. But Beth leaves her brother stranded, frozen and naked without any mercy.

"Sis! Tag me! Sis? Beth? Elizabeth! Frickin...! C'mon!" Brayden's frustration boils over. He dances and stomps, waving his arms and grabbing at his dick as if trying not to pee himself outside of a locked bathroom. "I want my clothes back!"

Beth pauses for just a moment, then loudly replies to the forest, "Who said that? Brayden? Did you turn invisible?"

He stomps again. "I'm not invisible! I'm naked!"

"You're naked and invisible?" She looks up at the sky, twirling in her nightie. "Gee, how'd that happen?"

"Arghh!" Brayden charges his sister and pushes her over. "I'll make YOU invisible!"

The siblings start fighting in the grass, Beth giggling away giddily. Your own sibling hasn't left your side since you put her down, content for now to watch the wrestling match underway. It doesn't take long for Beth's cheery tune to change, her giggles turning to grunts and yelps. In short order Brayden gains the upper hand and starts dragging his sister away by her nightie, the now half naked girl skidding along backwards on her butt with the bottom hem of her short nightdress stuck under her arms.

"Bra-eeee!" Brayden twists the nightie hard right and tosses his sister with it flipping her onto her hands. A few sharp tugs later and he frees Beth of her only article of clothing, letting her fall face first to the ground, the two of them now equally naked.

"Oh, hey! Where'd my sister go? Without her stupid nightie she must be invisible!"

Beth giggles at her brother's snarky comment but is quick to her feet to give chase. "Brayden! Quit!"

While the siblings squabble and run around, it looks like Nicole is slowly winning. May is standing still again beside the cabin with her pants dropped (although that might be her own doing) and Nicole has finally managed to catch Yulia. It's with a guilty smile that she lifts Yulia's long nightie high into the air to slip it off of the younger girl's arms. Yulia is no doubt still embarrassed to be seen naked, but now she bears a shy kooky smile at her older cousin's playful insistence that she be left utterly threadbare.

You were worried Nicole might not go along with all these questionable antics, but surprisingly she's taking it at least as far, if not further, than you were. You have to assume that she is very much enjoying the rush of power from chasing and stripping the other kids. She's just so nerdy and boring from the little you've seen of her this trip that you would've sworn she would be way more uptight than this, but there's clearly some depraved part of her that few, if any, people know about. So there's at least one thing you have in common. You're still rocking a semi from fingering your sister, and watching both Beth and Yulia get forcibly stripped is only making you harder.

You still haven't spotted any sign of Brayden's PJs, but then you watch Nicole jog off into the treeline and hurl a balled up freshly stripped nightdress deep into the forest. You have to assume Brayden's clothes are in there somewhere as well.

"Brayden! You're supposed to be frozen!" yells Asha with annoyance. You only now spot your sister's nude bunk buddy sitting in some tall grass nearby. You guess she herself must be frozen, although she must have also been quite 'lucky' to fall into such tall concealing grass before getting tagged.

"Make me!" he goads as he zips along, princess nightie in hand and dick flapping freely, his streaking sister close behind.

"Brayden's cheating!" tattles Asha, as if anyone is really in charge here. "He's still frozen!"

Nicole turns her attention to the commotion but doesn't take long to assess it. "Well we can fix that! C'mon girls! Let's get him!"

Brayden halts in fear for half a second when he sees Nicole moving in, but is quick to double his speed and dart away in a new direction, causing his sister to stumble. With some encouragement as Nicole runs past, May joins in on the chase, but not before giggling maniacally and inexplicably stepping out of her bottoms. Seeing her sister join the chase, Yulia prances forward with trepidation, her hands tucked up under her chin.

"Come Emma!" shouts Asha as she rises to her feet. "We gotta help Beth!"

Asha and Emma race off together and you follow them. The game has now been flipped on its head; instead of one person trying to chase everyone else, everyone is chasing down one kid. With everyone running now, Nicole is jogging behind and yelling directions at her little band of naked soldiers. She's treating this like it's all part of the game but Brayden is taking it way more seriously. He knows that he'll get caught pretty quick if everyone is chasing him inside a small clearing. There are only two sensible means of escape: hide in your cabin, or run back to camp. But he must not have even considered the first option because as soon as he notices everyone has mobilized he turns on a dime toward the path and races at full speed into the forest, even though the cabin was arguably closer.

Beth, May, and Yulia all charge down the wispy path on Brayden's heels shouting and giggling, but Nicole stops at the edge of the clearing with a look of horror. "Stop! Wait! Don't go tha-"

"C'mon! He's getting away!" shouts Asha, still sounding frustrated. She and Emma race past to try to catch up to the rest of the runners. Nicole thought that she was somehow in control of all this, but the kids weren't as focused on following her orders as they were chasing down Brayden. And now a troupe of naked kids are all streaking back to camp.

Nicole turns to you with a look of panic from behind her glasses, her eyes alone asking, 'What do we do?'

Strip down and join the chase

Collect as much of their clothing as you can to try to come out of this appearing responsible Request: --Wsintai 3/12/20