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[[Category:Offline]][[Category:Offline Nicole]]
[[Category:Offline/Nicole/Day 6]]

Latest revision as of 17:44, 20 December 2022

It feels like you still haven't openly expressed how much Nicole means to you. Or maybe it's just that words alone can't possibly convey what she means to you. Even if you're not the best at expressing how you feel, you really need to try, and now's as good a time as ever. After kicking your feet for a few minutes working up your courage, you pull her all the way behind a cabin for some additional privacy.

"Nicole, I just wanted to say..." You take a long pause, Nicole waiting breathlessly. It's difficult to arrange all the words and feelings you have into something particularly intelligible, but you force yourself to press on. "Just want you to know that this has been so much fun, this week with you. I really like you and... I just... I really hope we get to see each other again."

Your cousin starts to look a little forlorn but leans in and kisses you in lieu of words. You kiss her back. The two of you end up making out with each other for minutes and minutes behind this protective cabin, sharing a slow intimate kiss that draws out into a weepy embrace before spurring up into a more passionate, lustful session. Your hands roam over each other's bodies, needing to feel more of one another, to connect as much as possible. Your fingers explore the slight curves of her subtle figure through her wispy dress, wanting to remember every detail from this moment forever.

Before you realize it, dusk has set in, proof of how long you've now been hiding back here. Nicole is the one to pull away, albeit hesitantly. You both take a moment to compose yourselves then agree to join the rest of the family, worried about hiding for too long.

The main campfire looks much more impressive with the sun down, flames flicking high into the air. You notice one of the smaller fire pits is also lit up tonight. It helps brighten the camp a little more but it also helps separate tonight's festivities into separate groups. Uncle Dave is naturally still strumming away at the main campfire, and that helped push away those who want less noisy conversation to the second fire, which mostly seems to be an assortment of moms.

Nicole runs ahead of you and immediately starts dancing in front of the main fire pit like her life depends on it. Uncle Dave has sort of a folksy country thing going on right now which isn't really your scene, but after just a short time watching Nicole bounce and sway in her poor excuse for a dress you very much do want to dance with her.

One person dancing can be cringy (if they're not very good) but any two people dancing is a party. It's not long before others join in. First the very outgoing Beth, then your sister and Asha jump in, then cousin Lizzy, then Jet and his girlfriend, and from there it's just an organic mix of people as the music and energy changes from song to song.

Although you do try to "pretend" not to as Uncle Mike suggested earlier, you have a very hard time not outright staring at Nicole's body. The longer your cousin is stood beside the fire the more transparent her dress seems to become. You first notice that you can spot the silhouette of the top half of her legs through the flowy part of her 'dress'. Then you manage to define the outline of her figure. Soon you trace the fullness of her bum and the curve of her back, followed by her teasing butt crack, her dot of a belly button and small pointy titties. Every time you spot another detail on her dimly lit body you can't not see it from then on. After half an hour of this, it's as if she's dancing naked right in front of you, let alone everyone else.

You wonder if anyone besides you has noticed yet. You're glad most of the moms aren't around right now. They would be the most likely to notice, for sure. No one else dancing has said anything, but maybe they're just trying to be polite. Or maybe because she was swimming all the way naked earlier no one cares that she's teasing a bit of skin now, even if that 'tease' consists of her entire body twirling about in nothing but sheer fabric. But then you wonder what it is about the fire specifically that seems to make her skin light up the way it is. Maybe it's the color of the light, or the color of her dress, or how she's being illuminated from an upward angle. In the end all of these contemplations are just your way of justifying the fact that you're still staring at her. But with all the dirty looks she keeps giving you she is definitely okay with that.

Jet and Uncle Dave try out a duet of sorts with Jet doing some light beat boxing. Honestly it's not amazing, but it does add a lot of energy and breathes some fresh life into your uncle's music, something that Nicole takes advantage of with some down and dirty gyration from her hips, even risking the briefest grind against your crotch. On a subsequent song Jet's girl joins in with some lyrics. She's a better singer than he is a beat boxer, although it's a little embarrassing that you still can't remember her name.

After a long continuous bout of dancing, Nicole walks away looking for a breather. You join her, obviously, and pace through the darkness in the cooling breeze of the night. She's full of energy still, chatting and laughing away, hanging off your arm. With the wind being more noticeable tonight, it only takes a few minutes to cool off, and then a few more for you to feel a bit chilly. Of course this is mostly because you're only wearing swim shorts, and Nicole's sheer dress affords her even less protection from the elements.

Your cousin runs away to find her mom, then darts over to one of the cabins, and a minute later returns with a plaid camping blanket. The two of you sit on the ground in front of a log, kicking your feet out and leaning into the wood to use as a backrest before draping the blanket over you, covering you from your shoulders down.

"That was awesome," Nicole announces with a sigh, exuding satisfaction. "I never get to dance like that."

"Like what?"

"Like, to just go crazy. I don't get to go out much. But also because, well... no, it's embarrassing." Nicole shakes her head.

"Oh. You looked like you liked it though."

"Yeah, um, no... that's what I mean." She leans closer, wary of speaking too loud over the music. "Dancing gets me excited. Like, a lot."

"Oh... Oh! You mean...?"

Nicole nods. After a few seconds scoping out the nearby dancers and sitters alike, she grabs your wrist, slides her leg until her foot sticks out the side of the blanket, then smoothly guides your hand under her dress between her legs.

"Dancing gets me wet."

She's not kidding. Even the insides of her thighs feel damp. She could probably argue that it's just sweat from all the dancing if it wasn't for the warm gushing slit that you then press your finger into. Your dick starts pulsing to life just from the thought of your cousin getting wet, let alone first hand proof of it.


The terror that courses through you is halting. Although you feel like you've just been caught with your hand in the cookie jar, you try your best not to freak out. Too afraid that pulling your hand away will only draw attention to where it is, you flatten your palm against Nicky's pelvis firmly securing your hold between her legs. Standing before you is Jet's girlfriend.

"You're a great dancer!"

"Oh! Um, thanks Hannah. You too!"

Seems Nicole pays a bit more attention than you do. Hannah locks eyes with you and smiles. You smile back, then she weirdly winks at you just as Jet pulls her into a nearby chair, but he really just pulls her onto his lap. It doesn't take long before they're making out pretty blatantly in front of everyone. They might be a little drunk. If the moms were closer these two might just get an earful. Under normal circumstances you might even feel awkward bearing witness to such a lewd display so close to you, but with your hand still planted on your younger cousin's pussy the attention-grabbing lovebirds are a welcome distraction, with fewer eyes likely to notice you.

Feeling safer now, you dare to let your fingers dance a little, playing with Nicole's lips. After a long stretch of genial genital fondling, Nicole leans into you again and purrs. You don't really plan on taking things any further... until she grips your stiffy through your trunks.

Your heart pounds even faster now that Nicole is touching you again. She's constantly pushing your boundaries. Besides the micro-fuck in the water earlier, you've never done anything so risky in your life as masturbating around a busy campfire. Taking a minute to calm yourself and survey your surroundings, you convince yourself this is safe since the blanket should protect you and most everyone else is busy either talking, dancing, or getting drunk. Although Nicole's soft and steady minute of dick rubbing that accompanies your contemplation also makes for a pretty convincing argument to keep going.

In an uncharacteristically impulsive move, you raise your knees and shimmy your swim trunks down your butt, giving you less deniability should someone spot you but also granting better access. Nicole lifts the blanket a little to help give you room and let you push your trunks past your thighs. With your shorts at your knees your eager boner is freed. You keep your knees up and push the blanket a little to create a pocket of air above your lap. Nicole nestles into you and grips you softly and you reciprocate, slinging your arm over her far shoulder and wiggling your hand down her front under the blanket until you find her pussy once more.

She just plays with you at first, in an almost bored 'something to do' kinda way. She stretches your foreskin this way and that, idly thumbs and pokes the top of your glans, traces a finger around the base of your balls... You can easily picture her playing with a pencil between her fingers in the middle of a boring science class. You match her lazy pace, tracing circles on her pelvis, pinching her lips together, and flirting the tip of one finger through every little recess of skin you can find along the short length of her slit. It feels like a game after a while; who can pretend to not want it the longest?

You can hardly even believe when Nicole cracks before you do, given how much you want it. She gives your shaft a firm frustrated squeeze that kicks into a jerky rhythm of stroking your cock while moving only her wrist, still trying to be stealthy, but her pace is surprisingly quick. You actually moan after just a few strokes, taken back by how good it feels to yet again have her dainty hand tugging your meat with such enthusiasm. You choke out a cough, worried someone may have heard, but there's enough music and commotion around the fire for that to not be a problem.

Of course the one person who did hear was Nicole. She purrs at you even louder and wiggles her hips. Taking the hint you slip a finger inside her and pump into her pussy, barely able to get to your second knuckle from this angle. As your shared stimulation continues Nicole gradually starts pumping you harder and faster, no longer concerned about hiding her movements. That's easy for her to get away with since you made a tent on your side of the blanket. But Nicole just has her legs splayed out in front of her with your hand on her crotch. Although you're covered by the blanket, save for a few rumples here and there, there's not much disguising where your hand is planted and if you start jerking it around that will be even more obvious.


That wasn't just a grunt. "Huh?"

"More," she sighs. "Please, more."

You try to go faster but you can already feel your hand cramping with an increase in pace at your weird angle. So instead you opt for another finger. Even two fingers seems to stretch her, but she's also really wet so it's not hard to push in. You restart your steady shallow scratch-like rhythm poking past her pussy's tight entrance. She squirms a little and sighs again. You're not sure if that's a sign that two fingers are better or if she's just more frustrated than before.

Either way she doesn't slow down. Given her more favorable angle it feels like she has the stamina to jerk you off all night long. And although that sounds great in theory, she'll easily make you pop any minute now. And you doubt you'll be able to return the favor here to show your appreciation. Meanwhile you notice Uncle Mike eyeing up you and Nicole from across the campfire. It seems unlikely that he's about to give you a thumbs up.

Smile and nod at your uncle and keep going

Force Nicole to stop