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(Created page with ""Beside i was the one who wants her here!" The Prince came to my side, holding my left arm with both of his. "Tch. A little girl." "Enough, Raffau. You and Euclid will come wi...")
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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"Beside i was the one who wants her here!" The Prince came to my side, holding my left arm with both of his. "Tch. A little girl." "Enough, Raffau. You and Euclid will come with us. Any massive catch will be brought back by you two." "Massive? Don't get your hopes up with this toothpick." He said while pointing the Prince with a thumb, who was grimacing at him. "Torrick, I've already confirmed that you'll play your part as the Princess's body guard. You stay with us." "Of course, sir." He came next to me and pat my head. "Are you ready for a small adventure, Princess?" "Always ready!" I've chimed back to him.
"Beside i was the one who wants her here!" The Prince came to my side, holding my left arm with both of his. "Tch. A little girl." "Enough, Raffau. You and Euclid will come with us. Any massive catch will be brought back by you two." "Massive? Don't get your hopes up with this toothpick." He said while pointing the Prince with a thumb, who was grimacing at him. "Torrick, I've already confirmed that you'll play your part as the Princess's body guard. You stay with us." "Of course, sir." He came next to me and pat my head. "Are you ready for a small adventure, Princess?" "Always ready!" I've chimed back to him.

"Ralph, Gunther, Miro, you three will stay behind. "Yes, my lord." The three guards responded. "Let's get prepared and be on our way." With that, our little expedition group went to the second wagon to get prepared. "Alice, you won't get a shotgun, but I've put a hunting knife in your backpack. Try not to cut yourself with it." The King said as he gave me my backpack. "Thank you sir!" "Here, have these earmuffs. You'll need it...Unless you have some sort of magical princess ability!" He winked at me, passing me them. I've giggled. "No worries sir. I'll still stick to them." The head piece was specifically made to allow ears movement, but it was awkward to let your ears flop on them.  
"Ralph, Gunther, Miro, you three will stay behind. "Yes, my lord." The three guards responded. "Let's get prepared and be on our way." With that, our little expedition group went to the second wagon to get prepared. "Alice, you won't get a shotgun, but I've put a hunting knife in your backpack. Try not to cut yourself with it." The King said as he gave me my backpack. "Thank you sir!" "Here, have these earmuffs. You'll need it...Unless you have some sort of magical princess ability!" He winked at me, passing me them. I've giggled. "No worries sir. I'll still stick to them." The head piece was specifically made to allow ears movement, but it was awkward to let your ears flop on them.  
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"We'll continue on, I'm sure there are better things to find out there with just the three of us." He said as he easily passed through the stream, his knees halfway into the water. He then went to get the Prince. "Are you sure this is the right thing to do? We'll have to bring back the animal through that!" The little guy said. "That won't pose a problem, I've got equipment for that. Beside we can get the others to bring back the goods if it's too heavy." Torrick explained while passing through the water. He then deposit the Prince next to me. "There! Let's head deeper." He said as he continued, now taking the lead. "Wait, I wanna walk in front!" Little charle said, doing so. "Keep your ears open, we may find something soon!" I've said.
"We'll continue on, I'm sure there are better things to find out there with just the three of us." He said as he easily passed through the stream, his knees halfway into the water. He then allowed me down while heading back to get the Prince. I've got the knife back into my backpack. "Are you sure this is the right thing to do? We'll have to bring back the animal through that!" The little guy said. "That won't pose a problem, I've got equipment for that. Beside we can get the others to bring back the goods if it's too heavy." Torrick explained while passing through the water. He then deposit the Prince next to me. "There! Let's head deeper." He said as he continued, now taking the lead. "Wait, I wanna walk in front!" Little charle said, doing so. "Keep your ears open, we may find something soon!" I've said.

Latest revision as of 02:42, 19 October 2019

"Beside i was the one who wants her here!" The Prince came to my side, holding my left arm with both of his. "Tch. A little girl." "Enough, Raffau. You and Euclid will come with us. Any massive catch will be brought back by you two." "Massive? Don't get your hopes up with this toothpick." He said while pointing the Prince with a thumb, who was grimacing at him. "Torrick, I've already confirmed that you'll play your part as the Princess's body guard. You stay with us." "Of course, sir." He came next to me and pat my head. "Are you ready for a small adventure, Princess?" "Always ready!" I've chimed back to him.

"Ralph, Gunther, Miro, you three will stay behind. "Yes, my lord." The three guards responded. "Let's get prepared and be on our way." With that, our little expedition group went to the second wagon to get prepared. "Alice, you won't get a shotgun, but I've put a hunting knife in your backpack. Try not to cut yourself with it." The King said as he gave me my backpack. "Thank you sir!" "Here, have these earmuffs. You'll need it...Unless you have some sort of magical princess ability!" He winked at me, passing me them. I've giggled. "No worries sir. I'll still stick to them." The head piece was specifically made to allow ears movement, but it was awkward to let your ears flop on them.

We moved out to the forest, forcing ourselves through the thick bushes and getting beyond. Not too soon and we had sight on our first big prize. A Deer. It was grazing the ground. The King motion to his son to shoot it. Little Charle aimed at it. A shot was heard...And the deer ran away. The King look back at Raffau who had shot the sky. "God damn it you buffoon! My son was about to shoot it!" "What? That thing? You said MASSIVE, not PASSIVE! This deer ain't gonna make beer rounds, my King. I have a better plan. Let your son find a catch on his own. What's the worse that could happen?" "You know very well I won't allow it." "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" The Prince ask. "Plus you know i can do it alone! I shot a squirrel way before you gave me the right to shoot!" "See? Even your son agrees!" He had a laugh.

"And how will you bring back your prey, son?" "Umm..." "I can't allow you to go alone, however I will allow you to make a choice. Take two person you want to go with." "I pick Alice and her body guard!" "Alice? Why her? She's ain't gonna do shit, boy." Raffau said while pulling me up by my arm. "Let me go!" "See? Stupid shit can't defend herself." "Let her go, Raffau. Show some respect." He released me and i fell on the ground. "Ow...Big fat meanie." He lift a hand, about to smack as i hid my face with an arm. "I said STOP." Said the King. "Well I don't want a retard on my team." The Prince said, looking back at Raffau. "Why you...!" "I can't have Dad because that would beat the point." He looks back at the King. "And if i am to pick Alice, her body guard must follow her. It makes sense!" "True." Said Torrick.

"Good! I'll settle a little challenge between my group and yours, son. The team with the biggest catch will receive money. It will be more than enough for pleasantries in town...Meaning that if you win, you get a day to explore town with both Alice and Torrick!" "A DAY IN TOWN? YES!" "So that's it? Just that? Let me add another condition. The losing team will have to board the wagon that has all the dead corpses." Raffau added up. "Deal! I'll bring back something good! Alice! Torrick! Come with me!"

"Good luck, son!" The King said. "Good luck to you!" I said as i left to the Prince's side. "My King." Torrick responded. "Alice, you don't have to say good luck...Not with big dingus on Dad's side!" "I know, but that was to your Dad. He's the one who's gonna deal with him." "Do you think we'll have more luck finding something?" "Don't worry, beside your Dad may even purposely get a small catch so you can win!" "Awww...but that would be boring! I wanna see what my Dad can catch compared to me!" "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll get something good." "Beside, it's best if we move further into the woods, close to them won't do any good with the noise our shotguns create." Torrick said. "Yeah, no worries. I'll get us as far away as we can."

After a few minutes, we reached a stream of water. It was short, but it was a good sight. "Looks like we'll find something soon." I said. "How can you tell?" "If there's a water stream, food is close." "...Food?" He gave me a confused look. "Er, it's a way of talking!" I've removed my earmuffs and let them rest on my shoulder. "Here, try removing these for a moment, we'll find something soon." He did so, and we listened the surroundings, it's kind of hard to tell with this body but we should be able to find something." "Prince, Princess. We should pass this stream and get further." "But it's kind of deep, I don't wanna get in it." The Prince said. "Don't worry, it only looks that way at your size. I'll carry you two past it." "What do you think, Alice?" "Well...Yeah, we can do that. Let me do something first" I've reached for my backpack, inside was the extra pair of clothes prepared along with some food and the hunting knife. I've taken it and scarred the tree next to us with a X. "Here! I'll mark some trees as we go." "You don't need to do that, silly. We won't get lost in there, promise!" Torrick said as he pat my head, and got me up to sit on his shoulders.

"We'll continue on, I'm sure there are better things to find out there with just the three of us." He said as he easily passed through the stream, his knees halfway into the water. He then allowed me down while heading back to get the Prince. I've got the knife back into my backpack. "Are you sure this is the right thing to do? We'll have to bring back the animal through that!" The little guy said. "That won't pose a problem, I've got equipment for that. Beside we can get the others to bring back the goods if it's too heavy." Torrick explained while passing through the water. He then deposit the Prince next to me. "There! Let's head deeper." He said as he continued, now taking the lead. "Wait, I wanna walk in front!" Little charle said, doing so. "Keep your ears open, we may find something soon!" I've said.

After some time, we finally came across a large lake, mountains beyond it. Someone left a canoe nearby along with a fire spot and some logs serving as a seat. "Wow!" The prince ran up to the water, looking about. "Amazing view, isn't it?" Torrick ask. "Yeah!" "With a lake like that, it shouldn't take long until something comes here!" I've said. The Prince then ask. "What should we do?"