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Latest revision as of 01:29, 3 January 2020

You haven't even been here for two minutes and the boys are already racing around and carrying on. You're generally not that responsible, but you're often forced to be when you're around the boys. You recognize that if you don't straighten things out then no one will, so you roll your eyes before looking over the gear.

The Monroe's are sure into camping. Zach and Henry's parents gave them everything you might need for the next few days as far as food is concerned, and possibly for a whole week. There are two huge bins of food, another of just drinks (mostly soda) and a flat of bottled water too. On top of that there are another three bins worth of miscellaneous supplies; cups, bowls, utensils, hot dog sticks, fire starters, pots and pans, buckets, medkits, a hatchet, rope, flashlights and lanterns, a nifty folding solar charger, and 5 sturdy camping chairs.

It's not the first time they've brought lots of stuff with them, but it seems like their camping gear keeps growing in size. The amazing thing is just how much food there is. None of the boys could lift the bins by themselves out of the van, and you don't fair any better now that they're on the ground. You suppose their mom doesn't mind spending a bunch of money on food for them and their friends if it means a few days of peace and quiet in her house.

Being the most responsible one here, you get right to work staging the camp and unpacking your tent. The Charleston campground is fairly open with big trees dotting the landscape. You can see down most of the length of the camp in one direction with some thicker brush behind you marking the boundary of your campsite. There's a firepit and a single picnic table in your site, but otherwise it's just a grassy clearing. You decide to drag the bins to the back so they're out of the way (and out of the sun) then get to work.

Despite joking about it earlier, the sun is pretty hot today. Wearing a thin single layer of clothing does help a little, but lugging and unpacking these bins under such intense rays is already making you sweat. The boys are happily horsing around so they're mostly useless. but after Zach notices you bent over your tent poles Zack does decide to offer you some help. He's the 'mature' older brother here after all, and generally quite familiar with camping so he thinks he has a lot to contribute in the area of pitching tents. But with how much time he spends leering down the front of your shirt whenever you're bent over he seems focused on pitching his own tent instead of yours. Seeing you naked twice already today must have got his hormones flowing.

Zach helps you finish erecting your skinny little one person tent so that you can help him setup the far more intricate 4 person tent that he and his brother packed. It takes quite a bit of time since their tent is weirdly complicated. Maybe it would be easier if you spent more time with the instructions and less time tugging the front of your tank top to give Zach more cleavage to look at. It also doesn't help that the other boys antagonize Zach into chasing after them over and over leaving you waiting for his return for minutes at a time.

Once you finally have two tents up and the campsite actually looks like one, it's well past lunchtime and the boys have been raiding the food bins for a while now. You don't mind skipping lunch but you need to gulp down some water. Of course the work isn't actually done. Tommy brought along a 2 person tent but has no interest in setting it up. You warn him that you're not doing it for him and he just shrugs. Stevie and Adam aren't big campers so they were clearly planning on sharing with the other boys and didn't bring anything for themselves besides sleeping bags.

For now you toss all the boys' bags and beds into the big tent (Adam and Henry are already lounging inside) and take yours into your own to get out of the heat. You still need firewood - if the boys ever eventually want a fire - and some other things, but you're also tired and sweaty. Your tight top is only increasingly trying to cling to your body, more closely shaping itself to your stomach which in turn works to accentuate your chest. That's an added plus really with what you're going for, but it isn't strictly comfy.

Taking a few minutes to yourself out of the sun brings you to idly rummage through your bag. There's more stuff in here than you remember, including a hand-me-down kids bikini that was gifted to you by a cousin while camping a few years ago. You're not even sure it would fit you. But by contrast the gray t-shirt of your brother's that you packed is plenty roomy. You could opt for a costume change now but this tank-shorts combo you picked is still pretty fun and there's tons of time to try something later.