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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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He takes your top from you while never taking his eyes off your tits. But you're not done yet. You struggle to remove your shorts, perhaps over zealously, and keep alternating where and how you're covering yourself. You throw a hand down between your legs once you wiggle your shorts down far enough, then immediately raise your hand to grab your tits instead, uncertain of what to cover while your other hand is occupied by your stubborn wet bottoms.
He takes your top from you while never taking his eyes off your tits. But you're not done yet. You struggle to remove your shorts, perhaps over zealously, and keep alternating where and how you're covering yourself. You throw a hand down between your legs once you wiggle your shorts down far enough, then immediately raise your hand to grab your tits instead, uncertain of what to cover while your other hand is occupied by your stubborn wet bottoms.

Once you step out of your second and last article, you wring out and hand that over to Tommy. It would seem like you're done now that you've stripped yourself butt naked on the beach, but you take a moment to wring out your hair as well, tossing it from side to side then raising both of your arms into the air to squeeze out every drop that you can, determined to do a good job.
Once you step out of your second and last article, you wring out and hand that over to Tommy. It would seem like you're done now that you've stripped yourself butt naked on the beach, but you take a moment to wring out your hair as well, tossing it from side to side then raising both of your arms into the air to squeeze out every drop that you can, determined to do a good job. You don't dare look any of the boys in the eye. Pretending they're not even there while they blatantly and quietly inspect your body less than an arms length away makes the butterflies in your stomach flutter.

"Oh! My shoes!" You push your way past the boys and prance out onto the beach, fully exposed for a few meters until you snatch up your shoes and prance back. "I hate walking on rocks," you explain as you slip them on.
"Oh! My shoes!" You push your way past the boys and prance out onto the beach, fully exposed for a few meters until you snatch up your shoes and prance back, earning a burst of adrenaline in the process. "I hate walking on rocks," you explain as you slip them on.

Henry looks confused. Delighted, but confused. "Claire, don't you want to put on yo-"
Henry looks confused. Delighted, but confused. "Claire, don't you want to put on yo-"
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At the top of the road you pass 3 girls, around the boys age, in their bathing suits just heading down to the beach. All 3 stare at you, shocked as you streak past them. You can't help but smile and wave, your tits bouncing wildly. You laugh and cringe all at once and have to throw a hand down behind you to try to cover your behind as you run away even further embarrassed.
At the top of the road you pass 3 girls, around the boys age, in their bathing suits just heading down to the beach. All 3 stare at you, shocked as you streak past them. You can't help but smile and wave, your tits bouncing wildly. You laugh and cringe all at once and have to throw a hand down behind you to try to cover your behind as you run away even further embarrassed.
Walk back to camp, setup clothesline with rope, hang clothes to dry, then into tent.

Back at camp you try to beeline it to your tent, your bravery all used up, when Henry manages to stop you.
Back at camp you try to beeline it to your tent, your bravery all used up, when Henry manages to stop you.
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You're out of breath, but you don't want to bring wet clothes into your tent, just as you don't want to leave them on the ground. Covering your chest, you jog to the back of the campsite and toss your shirt and shorts up into the tree branches, nature's clothesline. With that sorted, you weakly cover up and stumble your way back to your tent, panting a quick "Thank you" before ducking inside to safety.
You're out of breath, but you don't want to bring wet clothes into your tent, just as you don't want to leave them on the ground. Covering your chest, you jog to the back of the campsite and toss your shirt and shorts up into the tree branches, nature's clothesline. With that sorted, you weakly cover up and stumble your way back to your tent, panting a quick "Thank you" before ducking inside to safety.

You collapse onto the ground in your tent, nearly trembling from the mix if adrenaline and humiliation. Having the whole beach be privy to your lost shorts was embarrassing, but being seen by those group of girls at the end was somehow worse. It's hard to pretend you're just an unfortunate victim of anything when you're freely running naked with a bunch of boys. And you waved at them! You're wincing just thinking about it. They probably even saw which campsite you ran to.
You collapse onto the ground in your tent, nearly trembling from the mix of adrenaline and humiliation. Having the whole beach be privy to your lost shorts was embarrassing, but being seen by those group of girls at the end was somehow worse. It's hard to pretend you're just an unfortunate victim of anything when you're freely running naked with a bunch of boys. And you waved at them! You're wincing just thinking about it. They probably even saw which campsite you ran to.

The relief you find laying alone in your tent helps make way for your arousal. Your nipples are so stiff and your pussy is so warm. You haven't even caught your breath before your hands start exploring your naked body. Well, technically your shoes are still on, but somehow that only makes you feel more naked. You're in such a sorry state. Your skin is electric. Your clit is throbbing. You'd love to draw out an orgasm right here, right now, moaning your satisfaction for all to hear.
The relief you find laying alone in your tent helps make way for your arousal. Your nipples are so stiff and your pussy is so warm. You haven't even caught your breath before your hands start exploring your naked body. Well, technically your shoes are still on, but somehow that only makes you feel more naked. You're in such a sorry state. Your skin is electric. Your clit is throbbing. You'd love to draw out an orgasm right here, right now, moaning your satisfaction for all to hear.
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*[[Public Nudity/Camping Day 1 - Put on your bikini for dinner|Put on your bikini for dinner]]
*[[Public Nudity/Camping Day 1 - Put on your bikini for dinner|Put on your bikini for dinner]]
*[[Public Nudity/Camping Day 1 - Put on your brothers shirt for dinner|Put on your brothers shirt for dinner]] '''Request''' --[[User:NoGo45|NoGo45]] ([[User talk:NoGo45|talk]]) 21:55, 5 January 2020 (UTC)
*[[Public Nudity/Camping Day 1 - Put on your brothers shirt for dinner|Put on your brothers shirt for dinner]]
*[[Public Nudity/Camping Day 1 - Ask the boys for something to wear|Ask the boys for something to wear]]
*[[Public Nudity/Camping Day 1 - Ask the boys for something to wear|Ask the boys for something to wear]]

[[Category: Public Nudity]]
[[Category: Public Nudity]]

Latest revision as of 14:35, 10 January 2020

If you actually are hot (which you are) then the river makes the most sense. You link arms with Stevie and Tommy and playfully saunter out of your campsite with two chaperones. Zach corrals his brother and Adam out of their tent and they all come running up behind you a minute later. Adam shoves Tommy from behind which breaks your little chain as the latter chases the former down the road.

Your group makes its way along a short road in the corner of the camp, each side of it walled in by trees. The Charleston river is offset from the campgrounds slightly with 3 dirt roads that lead down to it allowing easy access to the water from different parts of the camp. An artificial beach was put it years ago that stretches a good portion of the shoreline but hasn't been well maintained since, the sand thinning into dirt. Several families are scattered along the length of the rivers edge, swimming, splashing, and enjoying the sun.

"This is what I needed," you note with glee, kicking off your shoes near the water's edge. "Anyone up for a swim?"

Henry wades out into the water with you without a second thought. Zach strips his shirt off and is right behind you, the two brothers wearing shorts. Tommy has jeans on and doesn't seem to be willing to take them off to join in, even if he wants to. He surely brought swimming trunks, you just didn't give him time to change. He must be too shy to strip down on a public beach as you've seen him run around in his underwear plenty of times before. Adam and Stevie meanwhile are content with chatting on dry land, throwing rocks into the shallows, so Tommy hangs out with them.

You make your way out to just above knee level, stopping right where it gets harder to walk. Henry dives past you, full on swimming in his clothes without a care in the world. Zach follows your lead, staying just off to your side at knee level, merely reaching down into the inviting water instead of diving in. You scoop some of that water to rinse off your arms and bring the refreshing river up to meet your neck, a welcome relief from the heat. Zach then decides he should also help you cool off.

"Hey! No splashing!" you warn him, holding out your hand. He doesn't listen. He sends a cascade of water toward you again, skimming two hands along the surface to spray you ruthlessly. The right side of your body is instantly drenched. You have no choice but to retaliate.

You and Zach get into a splashing war, kicking up a torrent of water and making a lot of noise. Henry tries to join in, splashing you from the other side, but he's a bit too far to hit you with anything. Quickly having your fill of this, you step closer to Zach and give him a sharp shove while he's bent over sending him toppling down with a heavy plunk. Henry is quick to kick his way forward to avenge his brother. You grapple with the feisty 10 year old and proudly hold your own, even pushing him back into deeper water, that is until Zach comes up behind you. A frightened squeal escapes you as Zach tackles both you and his brother, sending all three of you down under the surface.

The moment you pop your head up into the air you realize something; your shorts are off your hips. They could have just gotten heavy and sagged, but it was likely Zach's doing. He probably didn't mean to, just an accident as he dragged you down into the water, but there's no questioning that the hem of your shorts is now sitting mid thigh at best.

Never one to question fate, or at least unable to stifle your impulses, you have to finish the job. Since you're already sitting on your bare butt, it takes you all of 2 seconds to shimmy out of your lowered shorts in the shallow water and hurl them away behind you while the boys are still collecting themselves.

It's an exhilarating moment. You're totally safe sitting in the river, but you're effectively trapped here, half naked and at risk of being caught at any moment. This is all you could have hoped for.

Before you can even think about standing up, Henry tackles you again, sending your feet into the air while he practically drowns you. You kick and flail while Henry holds you under. It's panic inducing being trapped without the ability to breath, however short. Very suddenly he releases you and you sit up to find Zach pulled Henry off, rescuing you. You sputter, wiping water off your face, and sit up to rest on your knees in the shallows.

"Don't kill her, asswipe," chastises Zach.

"I got her way better than you did."

You cough and pull your hair back. "I'm got, geez." Looking down at your soaking tank top reveals something else; your nipples. You sneer and hold your hands in the air in a sort of disgusted pose, ultimately showcasing your chest. "I don't think I signed up for a wet tshirt contest."

"I think you did!" shouts Adam with a laugh. You splash in his direction. Zach and Henry also nervously chuckle. They have the best view though. Your paltry white tank top has become quite translucent now that it's soaking wet, and there's no mistaking the pink nubs of your nipples atop the well defined shape of your boobs through your traitorous top.

"Maybe you should take it off?" asks Henry, failing at being helpful, and not the first to suggest that. He doesn't know how tempting it is.

You lift the bottom half of your tank top out of the water and squeeze out whatever liquid you can along the hem. Then you flip the bottom of your top up over your chest, adding a second layer of material up top while exposing your stomach below.

"I dunno. This will have to do." You're trying to sound bothered and put out, but you're really a bundle of nerves. With repeated hesitation, you force yourself to rise from the water to call attention to your redesigned top. But what you're really doing is giving the boys a clear view of your lack of bottoms. "What do you think? Does this work?"

The brothers' eyes bounce up and down between your chest and your crotch. The three boys on the shore quickly quit laughing.

"I guess so..." remarks Henry, a puzzled expression.

It takes many seconds of silent staring before you have to ask them again. "Can you see anything now?"

"Yeah, your vag," mutters Stevie, sniggering with the others.

"My what?" you ask, knowing full well what he said.

Tommy shouts back, much louder than necessary, "We can see your BUTT!"

The boys all burst into laughter at that comment. You freeze and look down in mock horror, grabbing at your bared crotch and bending forward, but try your hardest to keep yourself from cowering down into the water where you could find safety. It's quite a struggle to fight your ingrained desire to hide yourself, even with your burgeoning exposure fantasies, but there are a fair number of people along the beach. Using your hands at least provides you the minimum level of modesty while maximizing your embarrassment.

"Again?! Where are my shorts now?"

Looking around you actually don't see them. You blindly discarded them but you had expected they would be floating nearby. The boys cut short their laughter to scan the water with you. It takes a moment before Tommy shouts and points, "Over there!"

Your shorts must have been picked up by the current because your pink little bottoms have traveled most of the way down this stretch of beach already. You're not sure if you had really wanted to lose your shorts completely, but that seems like a distinct possibility. Your heart races just a little bit faster.

"Oh my god! They're so far! I don't even know how..."

Henry is about to offer to go after them when Tommy shouts "I got it!" and races down the beach. The most notable thing about that is he's no longer wearing his pants. Streaking down the shoreline in his tighty-whities, Tommy closes the distance on your shorts far faster than anyone could hope to while in the water, then leaps off of an outcropping located well past the beach and dives into the river. The Charleston river isn't particularly impressive, but it's not completely devoid of danger. So he's risking his own safety to swim out into the middle of this river just to retrieve your shorts.

The boys all cheer in celebration when Tommy hoists your shorts above his head before swimming back to shore. Some other people start clapping as well. By now the entire beach has noticed the teenage girl standing bottomless in the river and are watching this little drama unfold.

You walk back to shore with Zach and Henry in order to meet Tommy, holding one hand over your crotch and the other over your butt in order to conceal yourself. Knowing that there are dozens of eyes on you right now is a little thrilling but just a bit more scary.

Tommy runs back down the beach with your shorts in hand. As soon as he arrives you scoop him up into a big hug, pressing his body tight to yours, voicing your thanks over and over. You can feel your bare pelvis make contact with him as you hold him close and instantly notice the bump in his briefs pressing into your skin. You kinda get a kick out of using his body for cover, especially since he's nearly as naked as you are, but you have to let him go before it gets too awkward.

Quickly stepping into your shorts, the crisis has been resolved and everything is back to normal. Except that Tommy is now soaking wet in his underwear in front of a bunch of people. You offer to head back to camp but Tommy assures you he's fine, probably just trying to downplay the whole thing. But he says he just needs to dry off a little. So you continue to hang out at the beach together, Tommy folding his pants and holding them 'casually' in front of his crotch.

With no one looking to get in the water again, you all walk down the length of the beach to the outcropping that Tommy jumped from, reasonably far away from the other beachgoers. There are a few scattered trees out here before the proper treeline of the bush takes over that separates the river from the camp. Everyone replays the epic shorts rescue from their own perspective, already embellishing details and exaggerating others. Tommy gets lots of props for acting so quickly, as well as a few jabs.

"Yeah, you were so quick to drop your pants for Claire, huh?" quips Zach. The boys all snicker and repeat their own variations on Zach's joke to drive it into the ground.

"Well I'm glad someone thinks I'm worth it!" you reply, giving Tommy a wink.

Poor Tommy is starting to blush from all the attention, especially while still walking around in his undies. "I, uh, think I'll put my pants on now."

Tommy ducks into the brush, stepping a short ways in for a bit of privacy. He's not invisible, but he does have some protection. However, it's pretty clear that he strips out of his undies before pulling his pants on. Adam comments on that fact afterward but Tommy explains he didn't want to get his pants wet, which is why he was trying to wait to dry off first. It's a reasonable explanation, but that doesn't stop a few "Commando Tom's epic rescue" jokes from getting thrown around.

The six of you spend most of the afternoon horsing around along the length of the river, skipping rocks, climbing trees, just enjoying the outdoors. It nearly takes that long for your clothes to dry, your folded over top retaining water quite well. It's a bit saddening that they are, but as more people leave the beach to go sort out their dinner plans you get a little brave.

Walking out into the river, you wet your ankles and try to entice the boys to come out for another quick swim, doing your best to draw out your beach adventure. None of these fishies are biting. The only thing they're interested in biting is actual food since they keep mentioning heading back to the campsite. You're getting hungry too, but you really want one of them to splash or tackle you again since you hardly got to enjoy it last time. With no takers and your irritating insistence wearing thin, you're forced to walk a little deeper and "slip" on a rock in order to douse yourself.

"I think you deserve that!" Stevie yells as the boys all chuckle at your expense. You sheepishly trudge up out of the water, pretending to mope, but you got what you wanted; soaking wet clothes.

"C'mon, let's go back already," whines Henry.

"Wait!" You only have one more trick you can pull, but it's a fun one. "I don't want to walk back in wet clothes."

"It's not far," notes Adam.

"But the wind is picking up! And my clothes will drip all over my shoes! I just need you guys to help me."

Tommy shrugs. "Okay. But... what do you need?"

"Just get in a circle." The boys enclose you, but not very tightly. "No, no, closer! I need you to hide me!" Following orders they huddle up close. It's really hard to not smile now.

Stretching your body upwards, you peel your soaking tank top off of your body. A wet shirt is fun, but no shirt is funner. You clumsily try to drape an arm over your bared chest while wringing out your top, giving the boys an innocent little show. You then thrust your top toward Henry.

"Hold this."

He takes your top from you while never taking his eyes off your tits. But you're not done yet. You struggle to remove your shorts, perhaps over zealously, and keep alternating where and how you're covering yourself. You throw a hand down between your legs once you wiggle your shorts down far enough, then immediately raise your hand to grab your tits instead, uncertain of what to cover while your other hand is occupied by your stubborn wet bottoms.

Once you step out of your second and last article, you wring out and hand that over to Tommy. It would seem like you're done now that you've stripped yourself butt naked on the beach, but you take a moment to wring out your hair as well, tossing it from side to side then raising both of your arms into the air to squeeze out every drop that you can, determined to do a good job. You don't dare look any of the boys in the eye. Pretending they're not even there while they blatantly and quietly inspect your body less than an arms length away makes the butterflies in your stomach flutter.

"Oh! My shoes!" You push your way past the boys and prance out onto the beach, fully exposed for a few meters until you snatch up your shoes and prance back, earning a burst of adrenaline in the process. "I hate walking on rocks," you explain as you slip them on.

Henry looks confused. Delighted, but confused. "Claire, don't you want to put on yo-"

"Okay! Let's go!" you urge, shooing them onward. "Hurry! Run! Before someone notices I'm naked!"

Adam turns and takes off, perhaps even startled by your shouting. Henry bolts as well, eager to close the distance as if he's trying to come in first. The rest of your then also take off, but Stevie isn't interested in running alongside you. Tommy and Zach seem to "get it", but they alone are hardly enough to provide you any real cover. So instead of 5 boys running as a unified protective shell against bystanders, it's just 5 boys running frantically with one streaking girl.

Running naked outside is so exciting, so spine-tingling, especially with all these clothed boys running with you. Your heart is pumping, your cheeks are burning, your boobs are bouncing. As you run along the road you can even feel your pussy lips sliding past each other ever so slightly; you're getting wet.

At the top of the road you pass 3 girls, around the boys age, in their bathing suits just heading down to the beach. All 3 stare at you, shocked as you streak past them. You can't help but smile and wave, your tits bouncing wildly. You laugh and cringe all at once and have to throw a hand down behind you to try to cover your behind as you run away even further embarrassed.

Back at camp you try to beeline it to your tent, your bravery all used up, when Henry manages to stop you.

"Claire, wait! Take your clothes!"

You could just hide and ignore him. Maybe it's the guilt from creating this whole situation, or maybe you're just a glutton for punishment, but you turn toward Henry and bound up to him to grab your shirt, followed by Tommy for your shorts.

You're out of breath, but you don't want to bring wet clothes into your tent, just as you don't want to leave them on the ground. Covering your chest, you jog to the back of the campsite and toss your shirt and shorts up into the tree branches, nature's clothesline. With that sorted, you weakly cover up and stumble your way back to your tent, panting a quick "Thank you" before ducking inside to safety.

You collapse onto the ground in your tent, nearly trembling from the mix of adrenaline and humiliation. Having the whole beach be privy to your lost shorts was embarrassing, but being seen by those group of girls at the end was somehow worse. It's hard to pretend you're just an unfortunate victim of anything when you're freely running naked with a bunch of boys. And you waved at them! You're wincing just thinking about it. They probably even saw which campsite you ran to.

The relief you find laying alone in your tent helps make way for your arousal. Your nipples are so stiff and your pussy is so warm. You haven't even caught your breath before your hands start exploring your naked body. Well, technically your shoes are still on, but somehow that only makes you feel more naked. You're in such a sorry state. Your skin is electric. Your clit is throbbing. You'd love to draw out an orgasm right here, right now, moaning your satisfaction for all to hear.

But of course you're not going to. You can't be caught by the boys rubbing one out mere moments after such an unnecessary nude escape from the beach. They'd wise up to your antics for sure. They'd probably never view you the same again and you'd miss out on so much more fun. Far better for them to see you as a ditsy weird girl than some perverted freak.

No. You can't give in now. You do tease yourself a little, groping your tits, pawing your mound, but eventually resist. Your stomach is growling. You're just as hungry as the boys, if not more so since you skipped lunch. But with your only outfit hanging in a tree to dry, how are you going to join them for dinner?