Difference between revisions of "Life Hacks/Optimized 1/all really F/4 public/game(nude 3)/14(bf), 10f(nkd), 6(bro-voy), 12(off-R+), 8(jump-carry) 10tw(all naked)/Loki/Go/Older sister/Bothered/Ignore"

From All The Fallen Stories
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*[[Life Hacks/Optimized 1/all really F/4 public/game(nude 3)/14(bf), 10f(nkd), 6(bro-voy), 12(off-R+), 8(jump-carry) 10tw(all naked)/Loki/Go/Older sister/Kids only|Tell her only kids can play, at least to keep this reasonable]]
*[[Life Hacks/Optimized 1/all really F/4 public/game(nude 3)/14(bf), 10f(nkd), 6(bro-voy), 12(off-R+), 8(jump-carry) 10tw(all naked)/Loki/Go/Older sister/Kids only|Tell her only kids can play, at least to keep this reasonable]]
*[[Life Hacks/Optimized 1/all really F/4 public/game(nude 3)/14(bf), 10f(nkd), 6(bro-voy), 12(off-R+), 8(jump-carry) 10tw(all naked)/Loki/Go/Older sister/Adults all in|Go ahead and let all the adults play]] '''Request''' (modified to starting a new game with them) --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 20:07, 19 January 2020 (CET)
*[[Life Hacks/Optimized 1/all really F/4 public/game(nude 3)/14(bf), 10f(nkd), 6(bro-voy), 12(off-R+), 8(jump-carry) 10tw(all naked)/Loki/Go/Older sister/Adults all in|Go ahead and let all the adults play]]  
*[[Life Hacks/Optimized 1/all really F/4 public/game(nude 3)/14(bf), 10f(nkd), 6(bro-voy), 12(off-R+), 8(jump-carry) 10tw(all naked)/Loki/Go/Older sister/Compromise|Tell her anyone who's daughter is playing can also join in herself]]
*[[Life Hacks/Optimized 1/all really F/4 public/game(nude 3)/14(bf), 10f(nkd), 6(bro-voy), 12(off-R+), 8(jump-carry) 10tw(all naked)/Loki/Go/Older sister/Compromise|Tell her anyone who's daughter is playing can also join in herself]]
*[[Life Hacks/Optimized 1/all really F/4 public/game(nude 3)/14(bf), 10f(nkd), 6(bro-voy), 12(off-R+), 8(jump-carry) 10tw(all naked)/Loki/Go/Older sister/New game|Don't accept any new players, this game is over once the last girl who was already playing is caught and then you can start a new game, maybe with new rules]] '''Request'''  --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 20:07, 19 January 2020 (CET)

Line 404: Line 405:
|relation=Twin Sister 15 years old
|relation=Twin Sister 15 years old
*Moderate = X3
*Moderate = X3
Line 415: Line 416:
*Abuse (2) = X3
*Abuse (2) = X3
*Abuse (3) = X2
*Abuse (3) = X2
*Still leaking your semen
*Pregnant with your child
*Pregnant with your child (just conceived)

Line 584: Line 584:

[[Category:Life Hacks/Optimized 1/all really F/4 public/game(nude 3)/14(bf), 10f(nkd), 6(bro-voy), 12(off-R+), 8(jump-carry) 10tw(all naked)/Loki/Go/Older sister/Bothered/Ignore]]
[[Category:Life Hacks|Optimized 1/all really F/4 public/game(nude 3)/14(bf), 10f(nkd), 6(bro-voy), 12(off-R+), 8(jump-carry) 10tw(all naked)/Loki/Go/Older sister/Bothered/Ignore]]

Latest revision as of 12:42, 14 March 2020

Well, he's just talking right now. About like how any normal person she might interact with would. It's probably not TOO bad if he keeps it to just that, and your super senses can probably pick up if he starts doing something different with her. You're pretty confident of that. Just in case though, you pick the kid beneath you up and shift her about 120 degrees, basically moving her to another orientation on the triangle she's laying on, so that you can keep them in your peripheral vision.

"What are you doing!?" The kid asks.

"I wanna be able to watch them while I'm peeing in you." You tell her, lining up your dick again while you're talking. You begin pushing almost the exact moment after you have finished talking, robbing her of any chance to question "why" to your desire to keep an eye on the adults and your sister near the edge of the playground as she becomes distracted with these new sensations.

"Ow!" She yelps as you rip away her hymen.

"Yeah, sorry, it hurts at first sometimes." You apologize as you settle yourself fully into her. Meanwhile, the situation at the side of the park seems to be progressing.

"How old do I gotta be to pee like that?" The boy asks.

"Well, you might be old enough now" Loki says. "Sometimes you just gotta rub your penis just right. It works best when you stick it in a girl's privates, but SOMEBODY made it so you will probably feel pretty darn uncomfortable if you were to try that." As he's talking, you notice him waving his hands around and the boy is highlighted with a red light. You bet he's probably turning the kid pubescent. As soon as the light aura around him fades, he gestures off toward the parents and boys coming back from the baseball game. You notice the adult men are all highlighted in that same red aura. "I can show you if you like." He says. "You just gotta pull down your pants."

"What!?" The mother responds. "I don't think that's something appropriate for you to do with my son!"

"Ugh!" A disgusted sound escapes Loki's mouth. "Well, he asked the question." He says. "I wouldn't be able to help him any other way."

"I still don't think it's appropriate, maybe you can take him to the restroom to show him or something with my supervision? I just don't think

This is actually becoming a pretty entertaining show to watch as you gently rock your hips in and out of this girl. She's pretty cute, but even with your maxed out infinite cum the prospect of sex has grown just a little stale after screwing over 10 girls in a row like this, ejaculating multiple times with some of them. Somehow, the idea of being able to watch Loki masturbate a little boy while you are in the middle of this just seems really freaking appealing. It's something new, and it adds a little spice to your whole sexual experience. You are curious what he's doing with the fathers over across the park though. You soon find out though, with a quick wave of his hand, they all become women. You are not quite certain why he would do this at first, but then you realize that a lot of the women have been looking over to you and this girl fucking with great interest while some of the men seemed a little less interested.

Great, he's using your "everyone wants to bang you " cheat to his advantage, keeping the families here longer by getting all the parents captivated by what you're doing. Actually, most likely the only reason why the men could even start to disregard what you were doing is because of all the cheats you've piled on to make this all Ok in their minds. With "Age pass" + "PDA pass" + "Exposure pass," a teenage boy having sex with an entire playground full of girls and several of them already dripping your cum all over the place probably seems like no bit deal at all. It would be the same as if you were a dog doing this instead of a person, maybe it would be a little eyebrow raising and they would possibly be thinking that their own kids shouldn't be seeing it, but adding in the "oblivious to all things sex related" cheat removes even that. But, for women, even if they have no clue what you are doing and are brainwashed by the cheats to think this is all no big deal, they still would find this very interesting and want you to do the same to them.

Well, this could get uncomfortable. Worst comes to worst though, you can just turn them all back to men and break their interest in you by doing so. You've noticed your own mind seems to somewhat be affected by the system and you might feel it's not strange for someone to be female now when they were male before. Or, even have a sense they were always female. But, with your eidetic memory, you can make a mental note right now of which ones were originally men and you will likely be able to connect that mental note with the need to turn them back into men later.

"I still don't think it's appropriate, maybe you can take him to the restroom to show him or something with my supervision? I just don't think it's right for you to take his pants off in public." The mother continued to fret.

Loki shook his head. He was acting amused, but was also showing a little frustration as he dismissed the aura around the women he just fiddled with in some way... umm... what did he do again? Ok, that's right! They were men before, and now they're women! Dang the system's memory correction works fast! Anyway, as soon as he dismissed that, he waved his hands in the air a little more. Maybe he's adding some of your cheats for himself in order to make convincing her easier? Probably. After he does whatever he's doing, he gets a satisfied look on his face and nods before looking back to the mother.

"That's a little silly, don't you think?" He says. "All the girls here are running around naked, why is it weird for me to take your son's pants off in order to show him how to pee the special boy pee?"

"Well, Ok I guess." The mother says. "Kevin, would you like the nice man to help you make the other kind of pee come out?"

"Yeah!" He says, full of enthusiasm as he's already shoving his pants down to his knees. This gets a chuckle out of Loki as he shakes his head and walks around behind the boy before going down to his knees and gently wrapping his arms around him, bringing one hand to the kid's crotch.

"Alright, you gotta rub on it a little, like this." He says, reaching out and masturbating him. "Like I said, you're REALLY supposed to rub it inside a girl's pussy, but since you don't like girl's vaginas you have to do something that feels the same as that."

"What's a pussy?" The boy says. His mother and Roni look confused as well.

"Ugh! I mean the hole in a girl's privates!" He says.

"Sooo... in her butt?" The boy says, confused.

"No, it's another hole. Girls start having something called their period and stick something called tampons in there, but you can also use it to make boy pee." Loki explains, casting a rather irritated looking glance in your direction.

He seems to be struggling with the sexual obliviousness cheat, but he's not really making THAT many missteps with it. You can imagine that little exchange could have gone on a lot further, but he seems to have expertly chosen a wording that would at the very least trigger the non sex-related knowledge in the mother's brain. Well, he IS aware of what cheats are in effect after all, so with any amount of reason and thought he should be able to come up with something like that.

"What!? She bleeds!?" The boy reacts with distress. Roni doesn't seem so surprised though, she's probably seen it happen with Charity or something.

"No, no." The mother calms the boy down. "It's just something that happens to girls when they get older. Kinda like boys start peeing white stuff."

"Yeah," Loki says. "Boys are really lucky. Girls start bleeding and their bellies hurt, but boys only pee white stuff. It's a little annoying because it's a second way you can wind up wetting the bed if you don't take care of it before you go to sleep, but it's nowhere near as bad. The same thing can happen with women and the blood if they don't use the tampons and all that stuff, and they can't even stop it from leaking by just letting it go during the day."

"What!? I can wet the bed with the white pee too??" He reacts with confusion and some distress again.

"Yes, but it's not bad. I'm teaching you how to make it come out right now, so you're not going to have that problem if you just do this." They go silent as Loki keeps showing the boy how to masturbate. After a short time, the other boys from the baseball game begin showing an interest in what Loki and the boy are doing, far more than they are interested in you fucking the girl up here on the jungle gym. The mothers though, of course, are still a lot more interested in you. So are the boys' sisters on that note. There were a few girls who stayed back with their parents to watch their brothers play, and now they are talking with interest to the girls who have been playing with you up until now. And, of course, they seem to be hastily stripping off their clothes. Great, looks like 4 new players just entered this game.

As you are looking around at all these kids getting naked, you hardly even notice you have gotten right up to the edge of your sexual stimulation. You have been absentmindedly humping this kid the entire time, and suddenly the fact that you are already ejaculating inside her winds up being the first thing to draw your attention back.

"Ahhhh!!!" The girl screams and stiffens as one burst of semen after another enters her. It seems like this fuck that you barely payed any attention to gave you a far larger ejaculation than normal. Must be because the build-up lasted so long, your balls and prostate got the chance to prepare more semen before you tripped your internal "switch." It's not quite the same as those insane ejaculations you had before you scaled the cheats down, but it's easily twice the number of full-size bursts of semen compared to normal.

"Hey!" One of the mothers calls out to you. A part of you is almost ready to jump over a call like that, but her tone certainly does not have any kind of an edge to it to suggest she's upset over what you are in the middle of doing right now. You look over to the woman, holding what appears to be her daughters clothing in her hand. "Is this game just for kids? I think me and a lot of the other mothers would like to join in if you are Ok with that."

"Umm..." You pause for a moment and look around a little. Counting the men that were just turned female, there appears to be over 30 women here, and you are relatively sure that once you say "yes," it's not just going to be "a few" who join into this.

Alexander "Xander" Cole
Life Hacks Xander.png
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Anglo-Saxon
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Measurements: 36/30/35
Penis: 4 inches - cut
Eyes: gray
Hair: blond
Physical: 200
Mental: 200
Social: 200
Appearance: 200
Health: 100%
Energy: 67%
Focus: 32%
Stress: 60%
Arousal: 97%
Life Hacks
Life Controller Modules: Lifie Mod
Nerdy cloths, smartwatch, pocket protector
Other Items
Life Controller Duck, assorted pencils and pens, smartphone, wallet, learner's permit, $35 US Currency
Active Perks:
  • Casanova (Female, 0-45, 50%)
  • Everyone wants to bang you (0-45 female, 100%)
  • Immortality
  • Orgasm triggering ejaculation
  • rp-sld (sensory)
  • PDA pass (sensory)
  • Exposure pass (sensory + shared)
  • Rape Fantasyland (neighborhood)
  • Sexual non-compete (town, medium)
  • Perfect Fit Cock
  • Above the law
  • No male refractory period
  • Infinite semen
  • Deathless sperm
  • Ejaculation scaler (5ml)
  • Invalidate birth control (whole city)
  • Guaranteed pregnancy (male version)
  • Reduce age of puberty 10 yrs (town, medium)
  • Masterful (sex) (Alexander Cole)
  • Oblivious (sex) (town, medium)
  • Incest pass
  • Instant approval (town, medium)
  • Vindictive approval (town, medium)
  • Cuckland
Page Tally:
WIP points
20/8 vision, improved night vision, skilled in almost everything, 1.1mm/s sperm motility
Loki (Player:Loki)
Benefactor ???? years old
Life Hacks Loki.png

Notes: '

Veronica "Roni" Cole
Sister 8 years old
Life Hacks Roni.png


  • Love = 100% lust
  • Willingly nude
  • Eager to fuck
  • Effectively pregnant with your child (not yet conceived)
  • Wants more sex

older sister?
Life Hacks Park Sister older.png


  • love = 100% lust
  • Gender changed
  • Willingly nude
  • Eager to fuck
  • Effectively pregnant with your child (not yet conceived)

Younger friend
Life Hacks Latina girl.png


  • love = 100% lust
  • Willingly nude
  • Eager to fuck

Life Hacks Lt hair.png


  • love = 100% lust
  • Gender changed
  • Willingly nude
  • Pregnant with your child (Just conceived)

Life Hacks Dk hair.png


  • love = 100% lust
  • Gender changed
  • Unconscious
  • Pregnant with your child (just conceived)

younger sister?
Likes getting orgasms from you
Life Hacks Park Sister younger.png


  • love = 100% lust
  • Pregnant with your child (just conceived)
  • Seems to like orgasms
  • Dazed from repeat orgasms
  • Getting over stimulated

Leader boy
8 Year old boy
Life Hacks BrettBetty.png

Notes: .

Middle boy
7 Year old boy
Life Hacks TommyTammy.png

Notes: .

Youngest boy
5 Year old boy
Life Hacks KyleKelly.png

Notes: .

Oldest girl in park
Likes being raped by you
Life Hacks Bloomer boy.png


  • love = 100% lust
  • Gender changed
  • Pregnant with your child (Just conceived)
  • "Tsundere" rape fantasy relationship.

Elizabeth (Lizie)
Your 14yo "girlfriend?"
Life Hacks Lizie.png


  • Xander's girlfriend
  • love = 100% lust
  • Knows you know "perverted" stuff
  • Pregnant with your child (Just conceived)

Sammy (Samantha)
Life Hacks Lone Park girl.png


  • love = 100% lust
  • Pregnant with your child (Just conceived)

Older friend
Life Hacks Blond Girl.png


  • love = 100% lust
  • Naked except necklace
  • Clothes stuck on top of swing set
  • Pregnant with your child (Just conceived)
  • Thinks you peed in her

Gender confused girl 8 years old
Life Hacks Billie.png


  • love = 100% lust
  • Hard core X1
  • Extreme X1
  • Abuse (3) X2
  • Womb is completely full of your semen
  • Semen overflowing falopian tubes
  • Pregnant with your child (just conceived)

Emmy's father
Father of girl you asked to fuck
Life Hacks Daddy and kid.png


  • Instant approval in effect
  • Oblivious (sex) in effect
  • Horny due to cuckland

Emmy (Emilia?)
Little girl you got permission to fuck
Life Hacks Kid and daddy.png


  • love = 100% lust
  • Pregnant with your child (just conceived)

Charity Cole
Twin Sister 15 years old
Life Hacks Charity.png

Notes: .

  • Moderate = X3
  • Hard Core = X2
  • Extreme = X3
  • Abuse (2) = X3
  • Abuse (3) = X2
  • Pregnant with your child

Unknown 7-9 year old girl
(Recent) rape victim
Life Hacks park girl rape.png


  • Max fertility
  • Abuse (3) X1
  • Still leaking your semen
  • Pregnant with your child (Just conceived)
  • Willingly nude
  • Eager to fuck

Unknown rape victim's mother
Unknown rape victim's age reduced 4 year old mother
Life Hacks 4 year old mother.png


  • Willingly nude
  • Eager to fuck
  • Max fertility

Billie's dad 28 years old
Life Hacks Hank.png

Notes: '

Patricia "Trish" Wells
Acquaintance 33 years old
Life Hacks Patricia.png

Notes: '

Charity Cole
Twin Sister 15 years old
Life Hacks Charity.png

Notes: .

  • Moderate = X3
  • Hard Core = X2
  • Extreme = X3
  • Abuse (2) = X3
  • Abuse (3) = X2
  • Pregnant with your child (just conceived)

Ingrid "Inga" Cole
Mother 37 years old
Life Hacks Ingrid.png

Notes: '

Brittany Cole
Sister 19 years old
Life Hacks Brittany.png

Notes: '

Sebastian "Bastian" Cole
Brother 12 years old
Life Hacks Bastian.png

Notes: '

Angelica "Angel" Cole
Sister 10 years old
Life Hacks Angel.png

Notes: '

Richard "Rich" Cole
Father 38 years old
Life Hacks Richard.png

Notes: '

Shauna Lovett
Father's GF 25 years old
Life Hacks Shauna.png

Notes: '

Rahne Lovett
Half-sister 10 years old
Life Hacks Rahne.png

Notes: '

Mackinsey "Kizzie" Lovett
Half-sister 2 years old
Life Hacks Kizzie.png

Notes: '