Mother's Helping Hand/Bio/Darla Jones: Difference between revisions

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:Darla Jones
:Darla Jones
:The One
:Stay at Home Mom
:Stay at Home Mom

Latest revision as of 00:25, 9 March 2020

Darla Jones

Darla Jones
The One
Stay at Home Mom



School Activities

Darla currently has no active relationship with the school and does not participate in any school activities.


Babysitting, Child Care, Knitting, Crochet, Reading Romance Novels.


Darla is an alumni if her mother's school, and though her grades were sufficient to get her admitted to the schools collegic program, she instead chose to settle down a become a stay at home mom. She was surprised by how well her mother took her decision, only saying "Not everyone is going to be a Dr., someone has to take care of the next generation." And no more was said on the subject.

She met Adam during her senior year of high school at a school mixer with the local public high schools. The two of them hit it off quite well, they dated for a little more than a year, and Adam asked for her hand shortly after graduation.

Darla is quite happy with her decision to stay at home and raise Decka. She loves her daughter very much and is looking forward to the birth of her twins.

She is a little concerned with Adams recent change in behavior and constant absence. She has thought about going to her mother for help, but had pushed it off as hormones. Between the stress of Adams changes, the lack of companionship and her pregnancy hormones, Darla spends most of her free time, while Decka is napping, alone crying in the living room.

Her current situation has given her time to think on her relationship with her family, and to regret her past especially how she treated Jack. Most of the time her behavior towards him was her just going along with what everyone else was doing. She truly never held any ill will towards Jack, quite the opposite, she loves her brother very much.

Sexual Knowledge

Darla has some sexual knowledge. But little more than what was required to get pregnant. She has been resistant to Adams recent perverted advances, as they make her uncomfortable, but it will not be long before her submissive nature causes her to give into his requests.

Darla is a natural submissive, with a deeply buried desire to be controlled. She originally got with Adam because his dominant personality combined with his kind and just nature fit well with her submissiveness.

Her submissive nature is so deeply rooted in who she is, that should a man truly conquer her, either through cruel domination, or compassionate authority, she would give all of herself to him, allowing him to call her his slave, and there is nothing she would not give, sacrifice or do for him.

On top of submission, Darla also has a pregnancy fetish, she loves being pregnant and raising children. She also has a minor BDSM fetish.

WIP Suggestions accepted.

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