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(Created page with ""Goddammit. Okay, well I think you just got another faerie." You're not about to let your sister get you in trouble for getting roped into this shit as they shout and holler,...")
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(2 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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"Ho-OOOooow... ar-uuu so biiig?"
"Ho-OOOooow... ar-uuu so biiig?"

Jet doesn't reply, he just pulls back and plunges again. Despite the four limbs trying to hold him in place, your older cousin thrusts slowly and firmly into his groaning helpless girlfriend, practically knocking the wind out of her body every time he bottoms out. After every few thrusts Hannah jerks a leg or slaps him or digs her nails in or tosses her head about. You'd swear she hates this and yet he seems to know what he's doing. Once he's spent a good 10 minutes slow-poking and massaging her insides with his dick, he pulls out a bit further and fucks her in earnest just like before.
Jet doesn't reply, he just pulls back and plunges again. Despite the four limbs trying to hold him in place, your older cousin thrusts slowly and firmly into his groaning helpless girlfriend, practically knocking the wind out of her body every time he bottoms out. After every few thrusts Hannah jerks a leg or slaps him or digs her nails in or tosses her head about. You'd swear she hates this and yet he seems to know what he's doing. Oncehe's spent a good 10 minutes slow-poking and massaging her insides with his dick, he pulls out a bit further and fucks her in earnest just like before.

She's a mess now. You actually see some tears trickle out of the corner of one eye. Her mouth hangs open as she winces and groans with a persistent contorted o-face, a constant high pitched hum coming from her throat made to sound warbled due to all of Jet's thrusting. You swear it will end at any moment with another sudden crescendo but it drags on and on, Jet relentlessly pounding her. It's like time has paused now, ecstasy being all that's left between them.
She's a mess now. You actually see some tears trickle out of the corner of one eye. Her mouth hangs open as she winces and groans with a persistent contorted o-face, a constant high pitched hum coming from her throat made to sound warbled due to all of Jet's thrusting. You swear it will end at any moment with another sudden crescendo but it drags on and on, Jet relentlessly pounding her. It's like time has paused now, ecstasy being all that's left between them.

After 20 minutes seems to drag out to 20 years, Jet finally explodes for a second time, both of them screaming together. He collapses on top of her and she writhes about with long sobbing gasps for air. The two of them are as sweaty as a rugby team and just as smelly. They've hardly caught their breath when Jet does a sort of push up to slip his cock out of Hannah's pussy and slap the sheathed beast down onto her stomach. A guttural animalistic sound escapes her as her insides suddenly find more space.
After 20 minutes seems to drag out to 20 years, Jet finally explodes for a second time, both of them screaming together. He collapses on top of her and she writhes about with long sobbing gasps for air. The two of them are as sweaty as a rugby team and just as smelly. They've hardly caught their breath when Jet does a sort of push up to slip his cock out of Hannah's pussy and slap the unsheathed beast down onto her stomach. A guttural animalistic sound escapes her as her insides suddenly find more space.

"WUUuuuughh... you ''fuck''er! Ohmy... ''gawd''. You're good at sex."
"WUUuuuughh... you ''fuck''er! Ohmy... ''gawd''. You're good at sex."
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[[Offline/Everyone's tired. Just go to sleep|Everyone's tired. Just go to sleep]]
[[Offline/Everyone's tired. Just go to sleep|Everyone's tired. Just go to sleep]]

[[Category:Offline]][[Category:Offline Jet]]
[[Category:Offline/Jet/Day 3]]

Latest revision as of 06:59, 23 December 2022

"Goddammit. Okay, well I think you just got another faerie."

You're not about to let your sister get you in trouble for getting roped into this shit as they shout and holler, so you peace out right away. You swing back to the campfire to tell mom that you put Emma to bed then get the hell out of there so that you're far removed from the crazy in case they do get caught.

But back at your cabin you notice the door is half open. There's a light on inside, someone's flashlight, so someone must be home. But until you get closer you can't be sure what's going on. Only when you step up to the door do you see Hannah and Jet half naked going at it on top of the sleeping bags. All of the sleeping bags.

They're sprawled out across everything, grabbing at each other and making out eagerly and sloppily. Jet is topless and his pants are half off. Hannah's arms are out of her tank top and her shorts are all the way off, her legs opened wide. The two of them are drunkenly dry humping in their underwear, Jet grinding away on top of his girlfriend. You watch them for a minute, unsure of what to do, when Hannah finally notices you.

"Mmm, Jay... oh, hi Jay!" she says, surprised. It's like she saw you without registering what she even saw. "C'mon in! Move, move!" she tells Jet.

Jet groans, gives you a short glare, then rolls over onto his sleeping bag and kicks his pants off the rest of the way. Hannah then waves you inside before moving next to Jet. You enter and close the door, but Hannah immediately complains. "Don't close it. Iz sooo hot."

"Okay, sorry." It's warm but you swear it's not that hot out, although the cabin is kinda stuffy. Still trying to not get in trouble, you follow her order and open the door so you can get yourself ready for bed. Propping up your flashlight in the opposite corner of theirs, you quickly strip out of your shirt and pants before crawling into your sleeping bag. You're expecting them to do the same but before you can even get your pants off Hannah has crawled on top of Jet and started grinding atop his boxers.

"Hannah..." starts Jet. His girlfriend sits up straight and excitedly squeezes her tits through her bra.

"Just shuddup'n take it."

Obviously Jet wants this given how into it he was when you showed up. He didn't even notice you standing at the door. Hell, he was full on making out with her in front of the whole family so he must be loosening up a little bit. Or, y'know, he's just drunk enough. This cabin situation is a little different but you assume he's also horny enough to give in and go with it.

After crawling into your sleeping bag you kill your flashlight, partly so that you can sleep (haha) and partly to give them some semblance of privacy. But apparently Hannah isn't interested in that.

"Jay! Nooo! Leave it on! I wanna see everything."

Their flashlight is still on, so it's not exactly pitch black in here. But you again apologize and follow orders, flicking the second light back on. Maybe she can see Jet better with the second light, but you can sure see them better too. Is that what she actually said? That she wants you to see everything?

You lay down on your back and stare up at the ceiling as Hannah rolls her hips on top of Jet. You could at least turn toward the wall, but then you wouldn't be able to glance over at the two lovers every few seconds, as you find yourself doing. And you find yourself looking even more when Hannah takes her bra off. She has beautifully perky tits, round and full, like they're brand new, outright defying gravity. You don't even know why she needs a bra. Comfort? Guys like to gossip about the cup sizes of girls at school all the time, not that you really know what you're all talking about. On any other girl you'd guess that Hannah's tits would be like a B, but with her petite frame they look so much bigger.

Jet is quick to grab those freed tits. Not sure if he's a serious boob guy or if he's trying to hide hers from you but he doesn't simply cover them up. He happily plays with them while Hannah runs her fingers through her hair and stretches her arms about. She even leans back briefly, planting her hands behind her on each of his knees, really showing off her chest and making him reach up for a real fondle. But after teasing and playing hard to get, Hannah bends down to make out some more. Jet takes full advantage of this though; he makes sure to break away from their kissing to suck and lick her youthful titties quite often, making her both giggle and moan.

After all their drunk tit play Hannah is more than ready to get to business. She shuffles Jet's boxers off his hips and down his legs allowing his cock to spring up onto his stomach. And jesus christ he's massive! His dick has gotta be like a foot long! Okay, probably not, but he sure looks huge from where you're sitting. Maybe it's the low light playing tricks or something, but you'd swear he's more than 8 inches. He sure has to be above average. It's either that or, like Hannah's tits, it just doesn't really fit the rest of his body type, or for that matter hers. She looks downright tiny perched in front of that beast.

Hannah crawls over to her bag the moment Jet's boxers are off. Again, you're not trying to, but there's a lot of opportunity to stare right now given that she left him laying naked with a stiff cock. His dick really is impressive. He's cut and thick, with the slightest upward curve, and he's so long that it's basically poking his bellybutton. He shaves too, looking real clean down there. Maybe that's part of his trick though; without a bush his balls end up looking smaller which makes his dick look bigger...? That barely makes sense, especially since you also shave, but he's just so bi-

"It's just a dick, cuz," notes Jet, calling out your leering gaze. "I think you have one too."

You look away sharply, not wanting to make him mad. Although he really didn't seem mad.

"It's not just a dick!" shouts Hannah, far too loudly, almost offended for him. "It's, like, a magic dick! Like, it can get you pregnant just by looking at it! Me and Jay? BOTH pregnant now! And he's a guy! I'll be lucky if this'll hold back your impregnating power!" Hannah chuckles to herself as she slides a condom down the length of Jet's impressive shaft, requiring serious concentration on her part to do so. It doesn't make it all the way down to his balls, but you suppose the tip is the only part that really matters.

Once she's wrapped him up, Hannah stands again to drunkenly shimmy out of her panties. The moment she bares herself you think her pussy looks amazing. You smelled it better than you saw it last night, and even though the current lighting isn't perfect, you can still make out how pristine it is. Hannah's tight lips and the hood of her clit are so well defined without a single pube in sight that you'd think she was designed by an artist. Given that hers is the first real pussy you've ever seen (family doesn't count obviously) you probably aren't the best person to judge her beauty, but even to your young teenage mind you swear that every inch of her is objectively captivating.

It's crazy that these two are about to have sex right next to you. If only Nicole could see this. You try to tell yourself that you shouldn't watch, but you can only look away for a few seconds at a time before your eyes dart back to the action.

Hannah still has her tank top around her waist. You thought (or wished) she would have removed that by now but she isn't concerned. It's not really in the way, you just like the idea of seeing her trouncing around totally naked. She straddles Jet on her knees, lines up his cock under her, then guides him inside.

"God, I'm so wet..."

Hannah sinks down as quick and as far as she can, but has to wiggle and strain once she nears his base. You imagine Jet must be bottoming out in her already just given her pained expression, but Hannah presses on. She plants her hands on his chest, lifts herself up a little then presses further and tilts her butt down toward his balls. Not quite satisfied, she gyrates her hips around in a circle as she squeaks out little distressed whimpers. Thanks to your sex ed classes you can picture Jet's flared head grinding against her cervix, but that last move finally has her sitting flat against his pelvis and thighs.

"Aww, shit," sighs Jet.

"Oof," Hannah grunts, panting with relief and grabbing one of her tits. She looks exhausted just from that, but equally elated. "Wow... that's so hard t'do! Iz like I never know if I'll make it... to the end... until... wow! You're just sofuckingbig!"

Hannah immediately shoots down to start making out with Jet again. Hannah doesn't even move up and down, she just holds him inside her while they kiss. Although really, if she can only barely fit him, there's probably not a lot of 'room' for him to move inside her. He sure wants to though, because shortly after they start making out again he starts lifting his hips and clenching his ass, pushing up into her and lifting up her body. He's clearly straining and flexing his cock, pushing her limits and every now and then makes her gasp and sputter her discomfort.

"Ohhhhh..." moans Hannah. "Your dick... is sooooooo biiiig!"

"And you're as tight as you are drunk. But enough teasing. Let's fuck already."

Hannah groans as Jet rolls her over onto her back. That puts them on top of Hannah's sleeping bag, and right next to you. Jet has either totally forgotten about you now or stopped caring. Giving you a closer view than ever, Jet lifts Hannah's legs and starts pounding into her stretched little slit. From this new position you can see him bottom out, tapping on the door to her womb with a healthy inch plus of cock still outside her. But drunk as he is he's trying his damnedest to bury that last inch. She actually screams occasionally as he fucks her, throwing her head back and tossing her arms about, even hitting and grabbing you. When she calms down a bit later her eyes roll back into her head and she pants squeaking breaths from her throat with every inward thrust from Jet, her wide open mouth projecting those forced breaths at you.

As they fuck like drunken beasts you realize how hard you are. You'd love to whip your dick out and join them - or more likely just quietly masturbate - but you're paralyzed by their proximity to you and can't bring yourself to move at all.

You stare at Hannah's boobs, mesmerized as her perky tits bounce and jiggle across her chest in a steady rhythm, her nipples as erect and stiff as you are. But once you break that titty trance you notice that Jet is actually working Hannah's clit with his thumb while he fucks her. Apparently determined to take care of her along with himself, he brings her to orgasm a minute later. That is accompanied by a more desperate and exasperated screaming than before, followed by repeated drunken slurs of excited approval. It's a damn good thing you're so far away from camp.

Jet isn't quite done though. He keeps fucking Hannah for a long while, by the end of which she's nearly crying as she continues to babble aloud, but he does eventually cum, shouting her name through his clenched teeth. When he finally slows his thrusting, Hannah grabs him and pulls him down onto her, throwing her legs and arms around him to keep him still. Latching onto him like that also forces him all the way inside her again, stuffing her full.

"Ho-OOOooow... ar-uuu so biiig?"

Jet doesn't reply, he just pulls back and plunges again. Despite the four limbs trying to hold him in place, your older cousin thrusts slowly and firmly into his groaning helpless girlfriend, practically knocking the wind out of her body every time he bottoms out. After every few thrusts Hannah jerks a leg or slaps him or digs her nails in or tosses her head about. You'd swear she hates this and yet he seems to know what he's doing. Once he's spent a good 10 minutes slow-poking and massaging her insides with his dick, he pulls out a bit further and fucks her in earnest just like before.

She's a mess now. You actually see some tears trickle out of the corner of one eye. Her mouth hangs open as she winces and groans with a persistent contorted o-face, a constant high pitched hum coming from her throat made to sound warbled due to all of Jet's thrusting. You swear it will end at any moment with another sudden crescendo but it drags on and on, Jet relentlessly pounding her. It's like time has paused now, ecstasy being all that's left between them.

After 20 minutes seems to drag out to 20 years, Jet finally explodes for a second time, both of them screaming together. He collapses on top of her and she writhes about with long sobbing gasps for air. The two of them are as sweaty as a rugby team and just as smelly. They've hardly caught their breath when Jet does a sort of push up to slip his cock out of Hannah's pussy and slap the unsheathed beast down onto her stomach. A guttural animalistic sound escapes her as her insides suddenly find more space.

"WUUuuuughh... you fucker! Ohmy... gawd. You're good at sex."

"Whuh? I'm 'good at sex'? Really? You sound like a kid," chuckles Jet. He must have no idea how right he may be.

Part of you dreads laying here for round 3, but they're both drunk and tired. After some kissing and cuddling, Jet rolls off of her. Hannah shakily stands, lifts her tank top up her chest, and drags herself outside the door just far enough from view to squat and pee.

There isn't even a single leaf rustling in the still air, so you can hear every drop streaming out of Hannah and into the grass. The lack of noise from the forest is partly from a lack of wind which means that, even with the door open, the smell of sex hangs thick all around you with nothing to clear it out. The rich sweaty musk filling the cabin could take days to clear even with the door open. But then, after Hannah stumbles inside and collapses mostly naked onto her sleeping bag, Jet kicks the door closed with his foot, trapping the sex musk inside.

It's so frustrating having these two carrying on beside you like this. Every night so far you've had to put up with something and it's making you so pent up, even angry. And now Hannah is sprawled out half naked beside you, with Jet totally naked beside her. You know it's weird and totally inappropriate that they're doing it in front of you, and they know it too, but you mostly wish you could join them.

Ask Jet if you can do something too

Everyone's tired. Just go to sleep