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Latest revision as of 05:57, 7 October 2020

You squint back at your brother with an angry sneer. "I will!"



You swing one foot behind your sibling onto his back while dropping your other foot to the floor. Flexing both your legs you lift your bum off the couch and float your lower half in the air in front of Zack. You immediately meet his cock, the underside of his meat resting atop your mound. It takes all of your will to keep from just jerking and grinding against him. Instead you clumsily float around, pulling away and diving toward his bobbing cock before you get your body lined up just right. When you do, when his slick head starts to split your lips, you push hard against him and let him sink into you.

It's a glorious, angry, spiteful joy, forcing your brother's cock inside your pussy. He keeps your arms pinned above your head the whole time, glaring down at you while you shift and strain, your own gaze just as piercing. But you just got him in. You want to make him fuck you.

You try to jerk and swing yourself at you brother but it doesn't work as you'd hoped. If nothing else it takes a lot of effort to push yourself up off the floor with your one foot and you don't get the motion you want. Instead you hop up, swinging your second foot behind him as well. Between flexing your legs and arching your back you manage to drag him down a little and pull yourself higher.

Your feet naturally start to slip down his back until your calves can catch his hips and your heels dig into his butt. With every upward lurch you find your rhythm and slide your brother's cock a little deeper inside you. It's tough to make it all work. Your pussy is pulling down on his dick and you keep having to change your angle as you push yourself onto him. Even with each improvement it's a lot of effort to hang off of him like this. The ridge of Zack's cock keeps dragging across your g-spot as you hang here, his shaft pulling up on your pelvic bone with a ton of pressure. It's as if his dick alone was supporting your weight. It sure feels like it, especially with how beat up your little pussy already is. But you're going to make him do you.

Gritting your teeth, you grunt and moan, desperate to go harder, faster, deeper, making him stab his little sister's insides with his beastly thick cock. You swear you can only fuck half of his dick jerking around like this, although it's the best half a dick you've ever had. You're so close too, the constant pressure against your g-spot making your sensitive clit ring it's arousal. The biggest problem is that with every jerk you're slowly losing steam. Your swinging thrusts get weaker, shallower. You can tell it's taking a lot more effort for you to reach orgasm now, that elevated cliff getting harder to climb despite how much you still want it. Pushing through exhaustion, you buck upwards more wildly, forcing your brother to plunge into you with slower and heavier motions that make you gasp and groan and whimper needily.

Throughout this aggravating struggle you didn't catch the gradual change in your brother's expression. You didn't notice the extra push of his hips when you slid down his shaft or his shifting stance when you began to slow. It was only when you felt his cock swell and pump his first shot of hot cum deep inside you that all these changes dawned on you. But between your surprise and his climax the two of you fall out of sync. After a few clumsy swings he pops out of you and starts spraying his seed over your belly.

In this moment you also realize he's no longer pinning you down, that he moved his hands onto the couch to hold himself up. In a flash you flex your legs as hard as you can and slip your arms around his back, pulling yourself all the way up against him, trying to find his cock again. It ends up pinned between you, his balls resting on your leaky lips, the head of his lengthy member spurting spunk into your bellybutton.

Chasing your own orgasm, refusing to let it go, you curl your body and furiously ride the underside of your sibling's cock. Your tingly neglected clit grinds Zack's thick shaft, coaxing him into unloading more and more of the proof of his familial climax onto your body. But it only takes seconds of this for you to cum with him, clenching your ass and haphazardly humping through your own orgasm. Your body droops and curls, but your legs shimmy upward to help your clit find the tip of Zack's shaft, rubbing yourself into his ridge just for your own enjoyment. Only once you've both milked every ounce that you can out of each of your orgasms do you fall away from your brother back to the couch and collapse and he rights himself looking for air.

This is starting to become a problem. You can't seem to be able to go an hour without ending up sweaty and covered with cum. And this time you're downright drenched with sweat. Although Zack didn't have it easy, since he did have to support your weight while you flung yourself at him, he seems pretty composed by comparison.

"Now are you happy?" he asks snidely, as if he didn't just explode all over you.

"Shuddup..." you mumble through heavy panting.

You close your eyes feeling a tingly bliss ripple throughout your body even as you struggle to get your breathing under control. Darkness lets you focus on the endorphins flowing through you, a warm comforting sense of satisfaction.

A cold washcloth being pressed against your hot pussy startles you into opening your eyes again. But you have no clue how long you've had your eyes closed. It could have been 2 minutes or 30. Thankfully your brother is still naked as he tries to clean you up. The sight makes you giggle inside.

"I'm not getting in shit for ruining the couch," he explains, as if he isn't trying to take care of you.

"Yeah," you reply with a breathy sigh.

You spread your knees and let Zack wipe your pubic mound. Then he moves to your pelvis, your stomach, and up to your tits. You have no idea where all his semen went once it started flying, so you just close your eyes and let him touch you wherever he wants. That's all you've ever wanted really, your brother to touch you. So it's downright dreamy having Zack rub down your body like this. Even if it's just to remove the evidence of your shared incestuous and kinda rapey orgasm, you can just as easily pretend it's all to pamper you.

"So have you always been a freak?"

"Mmhmm..." Probably. You just didn't know it.

"And you really like being naked all the time?"

"Yeah..." Around Zack you do.

"I mean there's way more to it than just 'being naked', clearly."


"You're totally too young for this shit. Not that you care."


"Are you even listening?"

"No..." You grin, amused with yourself, then open your eyes to find the cum cloth sailing through the air like a baseball. "AAHhmmph!"

"Oh God! The look on your face!" laughs Zack.

"Ass! That's gross!" You wipe your face with the back of your hand then throw the cloth back at him and miss, hitting a bookshelf on the wall. Zack smartly bites his tongue, despite all the other quips he could lob at you, and shakes his head.

"We're done now, alright?"

You're sure awake now. You push yourself up, your heart dropping. "What do you mean?"

"I mean this. Whatever this is. We gotta stop this."

Seeking protection from words you don't want to hear you pull your knees close to your chest. "What do you mean? You said we were cool. But... this isn't cool."

"Yeah, you agreed we were, but I dunno." He pauses, trying to make sense of it. "What keeps happening here?"

"Well... I dunno. We did it."

"No, you did me."

It feels so insulting that he's not taking any responsibility for this, but you try to keep that bottled up. "So? I just did what you were too scared to do."

"I'm not scared, Kimmy. I just... I don't know what I am, okay? This is all really weird."

"It's not weird. You're my brother," you remind him, not helping your case. "Can you just sit?"

Zack has been starting to pace as he tries to process the thoughts he's having. He gives up and sighs then drops down next to you on the couch. Immediately you snuggle up next to him.

"You're my brother. And I'm your sister. And we'll always be that. But sometimes... I don't want that. I mean, I don't want you to always treat me like a sister. Y'know? I'm not some little brat anymore."

"Says you."

You stick your tongue out as expected. He then pinches your cheek, making you blush. You really do love him.

"I just think that we've always had something more than that. When we used to wrestle and you'd pin me down my heart would start racing. I got the best little shivers whenever you brushed my hair, when your fingers skimmed across my neck or tilted my head. And... remember how you told me about the first time you got head?"

"Yeah. I shouldn't have told you that."

"Why did you?"

Zack shrugs. "I had to tell someone. I figured you wouldn't tell anyone. So it was perfect."

You trace a circle over his thigh. "Wasn't I too young for that, too?"

"Yeah, you were. But somehow I felt like you'd appreciated it. Like you'd like it."

"Uh, well... I did. A lot. I dreamed about your blowjob story for a long time. I was usually sitting right there beside you watching it happen, just sitting and staring, like... like I was waiting for my turn."

"Huh. That's... kinda hot."

Neither of you needs to say anything else. You're both looking out in the general direction of the television without watching, content with each other's mere presence. Snuggling closer, you play with your brother's penis a little. You don't ask and he doesn't stop you. It certainly crosses your mind to suck him but you decide against it. This is the first time you've really just held a penis in your hand. That's enough right now. The actual first time, maybe an hour ago, you were too scared to do anything with it. But now that you've had him inside and all over you it doesn't seem so scary. It really is a lot of fun too when it's all floppy. You move him around, examining and manipulating, feeling blissful to have gotten this close with Zack. But even now, after making him cum three times this morning, there's still life in him. You watch and feel his powerful dick slowly stiffen again, even though you aren't stroking him or anything. Maybe he really does like you like that. Or mom was serious about those pills after all.