Difference between revisions of "Family Ties/Go around to the rear of the house to watch the show's grand finale."

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On the other hand the video tape of Heather and Nicole stripping down and making out with Timmy certainly isn't going anywhere and you haven't gotten this far by being sloppy.
On the other hand the video tape of Heather and Nicole stripping down and making out with Timmy certainly isn't going anywhere and you haven't gotten this far by being sloppy.

*[[Family Ties/Head home and plan your next move./Head home and plan your next move.]]
*[[Family Ties/Head home and plan your next move.|Head home and plan your next move.]]

[[Category: Family Ties]]
[[Category: Family Ties]]
[[Category: FT Jacob]]
[[Category: FT Jacob]]

Latest revision as of 20:46, 12 March 2016

There is another decision that requires little thought. Despite the mixed bag of emotions plaguing you right now there is no way you are missing this show. Stealthily you move around the house to the far side where Nicole's parents bedroom is located using the bushes and trees to cover your route. By the time you find yourself a secluded spot to watch Nicole and Heather already have Timmy completely naked and standing on Nicole's parent's king sized bed.

Timmy is standing there enjoying a double fisted hand job with one hotty stroking his cock and the other caressing his balls as the two sluts passionately kiss in front of him. His hands are busy feeling them up with one on hand on Heather's big boob and the other twisting Nicole's erect nipple causing both girls to moan loudly into their kiss. Given the situation he finds himself in Timmy gets bold, Dropping to his knees to start taking turns sucking the tits he was fondling with his hands. Looking for something new to do with his hand he shoves one into each of their panties and begins rubbing both of their pussies, causing them to break the kiss in favor off panting while grinding on the little boy's hands. To assist Timmy in the molestation of their bodies Heather and Nicole push their panties down to offer their little man unrestricted access to their cunnys, grabbing the back of Timmy's head to encourage him to keep sucking their tits. Between to two of them Heather seems to be the one who is more on the vurge of loosing control and proves it by grabbing Timmy and tossing him back on the giant bed. "I can't fucking take it! I need your cock fucking my pussy!" She practically screams as she climbs onto the bed over your lucky brother and lines his stiffy up with her sopping wet pussy. "Sissy's gonna bang the fuck out of you Timmy!" Heather declares, impaling her self on Timmy's 6 incher.

Heather cums right on the spot, pounding your little brother into the mattress and arching her back, squeezes her tits in the mist of what you conclude is a rolling orgasm. Nicole, not wanting to feel left out, climbs onto the bed and lays beside Timmy and offers her titties to do with as her pleases. "Suck Nikki's big knockers baby..." She coos, the last part being cut off since Timmy had obviously given into her request and inhaled her large nipple into his mouth. "Oh God that's it! Sucking them.., chew on them..., bite my fucking nipple Timmy. Let your big sister fuck you big cock and then you can watch my titties bounce while you fuck me!" Nicole moans driving and hand between her legs in search of her pleasure spot.

With out warning Timmy pulls his head away from Nicole's boob. "Hea..., Heather..., I-I'm..., fuck I'm getting close!" Timmy yells, His hips now thrusting wildly up into your sister's cunny.

"Don't you stop baby!" Heather orders him, dropping her wieght down on his hips pinning him to the bed. "Sissy wants a belly full on her baby brother's cum. Give it to me Timmy. Show me how much you love me!" Heather climax is clearly starting again and Nicole can only finger herself and watch. "GOD DAMN IT! Give me a baby!!!"

Timmy pulls his knees up so his feet are flat on the bed and pushes up as hard as he can, grunting as he explodes deep in your big sister's womb. "Ah Heather! I love you!!!" He yells as his climax peaks as well.

After what has to be at least two minutes of non-stop cumming Heather finally falls foreword, exasperated, smiling contently. "Oh baby you were fucking amazing..., God, I love you so much." Heather beams before giving Timmy a deep tongue kiss. "I'd known you were that good I would have been sneaking into your bed at night a long time ago." She giggles, finally dismounting Timmy's still rock hard cock. Heather then takes up position opposite Nicole on her side facing you and your brother. "You can do that any time you want!

"OH no he can't..., cause now it's mine turn!" Nicole interrupts, as she lays on her back and splits her legs. "Give over here and fuck me Timmy. And remember..., the hard you bang me that more these babies bounce!" Nicole teases, grabbing a hand full of each of her luscious tits and giving them a shake emphasizing her point. Timmy is on top of her in a second and rams his still hard cock into with out assistance at all causing Nicole to shriek in surprise. "Oh yeah, that's it baby.., give me what your sister got!" Timmy pushes him self up on his arms as high as he can and thump fucks Nicole as hard as he can. Nicole pushes her arms up under her pillows allowing her tits to bounce freely, due to their immense size they are still bouncing against Timmy's face with every thrust.

Heather is about to take position behind Timmy so she can hold him from above him when the house phone begins to ring. She gives a irritated grunt and rolls over to the other side of the bed to grabs the cordless, springing to a sitting position when she sees who is calling. "It's my mom!" She laughs while looking down at mommy's little angel fucking Nicole like a slut.

Nicole wraps her arms and legs around Timmy and pulls him tight to her. So tight that his head is completely buried between her massive tits and can no longer be seen. Only then does Heather answer the phone. "Ah hey mom..., whats up..... Well, she's a little busy at the moment..." Nicole nods her head playfully and uses her arms and legs to move Timmy back and forth on top of her. "Yeah yeah, she's doing a lot better now. Timmy really brightened her day." Heather comments covering the phones receiver to stifle a laugh. Nicole is moving Timmy against her much faster now, Timmy letting you know that he is still conscience by reaching up and finding Nicole's nipples which he starts to pull and twist. S oon Nicole's eyes are tightly shut and her body begins to buck wildly under Timmy who you can see is still flexing his legs. "Mom..., mom I got to go, Nicole really needs my help but don't worry about waiting up for us cause we are just going to crash her for the night. We love you too..., Bye mom."

As soon as the beep of phone hanging up is heard Heather tosses the phone and Nicole screams out. "Hesssss cummming in me!" She lets Timmy's head go and moves her hands to his ass, pull him as deep between her thighs as she can, shaking for the next 30 seconds while finishing off her orgasm.

Once Nicole climax subsides Her arms and legs relax against the bed, allowing Timmy to roll back in between the two mature females. "Ah God, your right Heather, he's a little fuck stud." She moans before both of them giggle.

Timmy's chest is heaving up and down, desperately trying to catch his breath but finally manages to speak. "I'm hungry." He says with a half hearted laugh still trying to breath normally.

"Mmmm me too!" Nicole coos, moving down Timmy's body to take his cock into her mouth.

"Well I guess ee better feed ya then, want you to keep your strength up so you can take care of your ladies." Heather offers as she moves off the bed. After slipping on a light robe to cover her naked body she leans down to whisper into Timmy's ear. "You know baby, Nikki really likes it when you grab her hair so you can throat fuck her." He follows his sister's advice and grabs a fist full of Nicole's hair and starts ramming his hips up words. Heather giggles in delight, " That's it baby, fuck Nikki's face....Mmmmmm" Heather groans before starting make out with Timmy.

It occurs to you that with Heather heading to the front of the house you could bee line it to front and slip into the door into the living room. meeting Heather there. Though you didn't manage to video them actually fucking Heather has no way of knowing that. You could use that to your advantage and blackmail her here and now for a roll in the hay in exchange for you silence.

On the other hand the video tape of Heather and Nicole stripping down and making out with Timmy certainly isn't going anywhere and you haven't gotten this far by being sloppy.