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Latest revision as of 06:38, 10 November 2020

You extend your hand with a pouty lip and a furrowed brow, shaking your brother's hand while staring deeply into his eyes. You really want to win this bet now.

Zack ushers you back down the hall to join the party, leading the way. On the stairs it occurs to you to whisper from behind him. "Do people know that we're..."

"No," he quickly whispers back, shaking his head. At first you're a bit insulted he wouldn't mention you to his friends, but then you feel liberated. There are no expectations. You can be a brand new person here. You're not the young inexperienced shut in of your family or the boring kid sister. You're just... Kim.

Stepping down to the kitchen in your new role as a barefoot underdressed french maid waitress feels surreal. You felt like people noticed you when you first arrived in your PJs because you looked so out of place. Now you still look out of place, but you seem to keep people's attention longer. You coyly clasp your hands behind your back as you follow your brother, wanting to keep your skirt from shifting too much as you walk. He leads you through a small crowd and down into the basement.

The bottom floor is a throwback to the 70s. Turning right at the bottom of the stairs, there's shag carpeting, wood paneling and loud wallpaper with brown couches pushed back against the exterior wall to make more room to access the bar and make a dance floor of sorts since there's some sort of funky R&B music playing, which arguably clashes with the decor. The rest of the house looked so boring, but this one space makes up for it. The bar top takes up a decent portion of the room with some leather topped bar stools in front and a red lava lamp on the side. The counter behind the bar is packed full with tall glass bottles of varying shapes and colors. You can't imagine someone would make their basement look like this on purpose, but the rest of the house didn't seem so old that this would be original.

"Hey, Dave? This is your waitress Kim."

"Daaamn, lookatchu! Cam wasn't kidding. That outfit's fire, Kim! Who said waitressing was boring? You're lookin fiiiine lil Kim!"

You smile your appreciation at Dave. He sure seems lively, and his was the kind of reaction you were hoping for when you exited the bathroom, checking you out, complimenting you. If you have to wear this thing all night you want to at least look good in it.

"It's actually tamer than I thought," shares your brother. He must not know about your butt flap.

Dave chats you up a little before handing you a small circular serving tray, probably only 12 inches wide but large enough to move some drinks around. You awkwardly hold it over your chest to hide a little, still just as nervous about your outfit as when you put it on. You're admittedly concerned about your skirt but you're more self conscious about your inability to fill out the narrow top that is supposed to appear more scandalous than you can make it, despite Dave being kind.

"What, you bashful?"

"No... I've just never waitressed before."

"Don't worry. We gonna get you goin," announces Dave, pouring something into several plastic cups. "Here's what you do. Bring these to Cam. Just smile and tell him he looks thirsty. Easy." He loads 4 drinks onto your tray then turns to your brother. "So Zack! My man! How's the fam jam!"

You and Zack glance at each other. You then are quick to turn away, already grinning and trying to avoid being found out. But now you're on your own, holding your tray with two hands, cautiously walking back up to the main floor. You just have to find Cam.

You slip out the patio door, the night air feeling a bit crisper now that you are less covered, but don't find your boss outside. You have to wander through the main floor, trying to pretend that you belong here, eventually finding Cam standing with some people in the front living room where electronic music is playing.

"Oh, hey! Guys, this is Kim, your waitress for this evening! And she's already working!" He chuckles with his buddies. You're not sure if he's making fun of you, but you just remember what Dave said and smile cheerfully.

"Yeah! I am! And I thought you looked thirsty!" You do your best to naturally hold your tray with one hand and pass him one of the cups.

"Yeah? Do I? Alright, alright, sure." He accepts your offer then goads his friends into buying the other three drinks from you. As you're collecting their money Chad continues. "I suppose you want a tip now, huh?"

"Yes please!" You quickly reply.

Cam fishes a crisp ten dollar bill from his wallet and hands it to you. It's yours. It's the first money you've ever made by yourself. It's silly, but you're proud of that. Probably because daddy would be too. And all you had to do was walk around and smile. Waitressing seems fun! If only your dress had pockets.

"You're alright Kim. But see if you can tidy up a little. All these jerks are slobs."

Cam and his friends start joking around and you back away holding two separate handfuls of money, only one of which belongs to you. You look down at your outfit trying to find some place to put yours when you have an idea. You tuck your tip into one of your lacey elastic arm bands, the tenner sticking out the top and bottom of the narrow white band as if advertising your price to the room. The other cash you'll just carry back to Dave.

That was great! Now you just have to do that 49 more times! But then you start doing math in your head. With an average $2.50 tip per drink that's 200 drinks to get you to win your bet, which seems like a lot. Are you always going to be tipped that well? Or at all? You're quickly realizing that Zack may have been right, that you're going to have a hard time winning this.

Looking around the room you notice Cam wasn't simply joking with his buddies. There are quite a few discarded cups, some disposable plates, and crumpled paper towels scattered next to couches and on tables. Scurrying between furniture and people, you do your best to collect some of the refuse before you head downstairs. While you're bent over you hear a whistle behind you. You look over your shoulder then realize your skirt has parted. You're flashing your ass and legs all the way down to your toes.

"Don't be a dick dude, her skirt ripped."

"That's not a skirt! It's an apron!"

"Who fuckin cares? Nice ass girl!"

You smile with embarrassment, stand up exceptionally straight, and, clenching your bum, glide out of the room walking on your toes to try to minimize the shapeliness of your tight bum. There's no way you can keep you ass hidden in this thing. Even if you avoid bending over, you can't walk, turn, or back up too fast either if you want to keep your modesty. But this outfit wasn't designed for modesty. You're supposed to show off your ass, and everything else too. That's clearly the point of this outfit. And if you want to earn your money you'll have to get used to that.

You return the few dollars for those drinks back to Dave, thanking him for the advice. He's already proud of you and starts to describe some easy marks for you to scope out, heavy drinkers and big spenders. As you listen you notice Zack checking you out a little when he doesn't think you're paying attention. That is definitely something you want to encourage, so as you continue to listen you lean forward into the bar and stick your butt out inch by inch until you're certain your ass is well presented out of the back of your skirt, just innocently stretched forward to absorb all of Dave's wisdom.

"Shit girl, you got nothing to worry about. You're a natural," encourages Dave.

"Thanks!" You bounce on your toes, wagging your ass out in the open, showing off for your sibling. Then you turn toward your brother. "What about you?"


You step right up to him and run a finger up the front of his shirt. "Are you... thirsty?"

"Aw shit! That's my girl! You drain those wallets Kim!"

You smile saucily at your brother while your hand lingers on his stomach. He's taken back by how forward you are. "Uh, well... I was just going to drink beer really."

"No you weren't," you taunt, running your fingers along his waist.

"What would you know?" You don't. You just stare him down smiling and walking your fingers over his clothes. "Okay, okay. I'll order something. Dave? Can I ge-"

"Naw! You talk to Kim!"

You beam your thanks to Dave then turn back to Zack. "Yeah. Talk to me."

"Give me a whiskey sour. Kim."

Drifting closer, sex oozes from you, thick layers on your tongue. "How much do you want it?"

"Fuck, I'll tip you, alright?"

"Yay!" You jump back and clap your hands together. It's fun to flirt and be dirty, especially when it makes you money. It's even better when you're in control. You feel powerful, sexy, unstoppable. And it's great to have Zack contribute to your victory over him. "One whiskey sour please!"

"Comin up!"

Your brother hands a fiver to both you and Dave, you tucking your latest earnings into your arm band. You hang out with Dave and Zack a bit longer but you really need to get to work if you want to beat your brother.

"Well I'd love to chat some more but I need to get to work!"

"Work it Kim!" encourages Dave.

"You know I will!" you quip back, trying to be sassy.

Your brother eyes you up one last time as you saunter away but then calls out before you can get to the stairs. "Hey! Uh, maybe I'll walk with you."

You shoot him an annoyed look and then grin. "Why? You miss me already?"

He glances between you and Dave, before shrugging and trying to seem really indifferent. "Y'know, whatever. Just thought you might want a hand, your first time waitressing and all." You doubt he wants to help you win your bet (well, maybe he does) but it's nice to know he's still looking out for you.