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(Created page with "Yes! Zack! He just walked in. You should hang out with your brother now that your friends are gone. You sneak up behind him and throw yourself at his back. "Found you!" "Woa...")
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"Huh? Oh, sure! That's right sis."
"Huh? Oh, sure! That's right sis."

You run your hand up to Zack's head. "What'd you do to your hair? Nevermind. Listen! Listen... This party is 'awesome''! Hey! Remember when I sucked you before?"
You run your hand up to Zack's head. "What'd you do to your hair? Nevermind. Listen! Listen... This party is ''awesome''! Hey! Remember when I sucked you before?"

"Fuck yeah! Wait, you sucked your br-"
"Fuck yeah! Wait, you sucked your br-"

Latest revision as of 20:32, 6 May 2021

Yes! Zack! He just walked in. You should hang out with your brother now that your friends are gone. You sneak up behind him and throw yourself at his back.

"Found you!"

"Woah! The fu- oh shit! Dude!"

You're stumbling all of a sudden and struggling to hold onto his arm to stay vertical. He helps hold you up so you can find your footing as his friend does the same, grabbing you all over.

"Daaamn. This the waitress?"

"Yeah! She's fuckin hammered!"

"Zack, don't be so stupid. I'm fine. Cuz you're my brother, an I love you. Right?"

"Huh? Oh, sure! That's right sis."

You run your hand up to Zack's head. "What'd you do to your hair? Nevermind. Listen! Listen... This party is awesome! Hey! Remember when I sucked you before?"

"Fuck yeah! Wait, you sucked your br-"

"I liked that a lot. Your dick was my faaavorite. Hey! Shh shh... D'you want me to suck it again?"

Zack looks at his friend then laughs at you. That's mean! You weren't telling a joke!

"Zaaaack! C'mon! I wanna suck yur deeeeeeeeeee." You fumble with the front of his pants but he grabs you and starts leading you away, leaving his friend behind. "What's wrong? Where we going?"

He takes a moment to answer, pushing past some people. "Somewhere more private."

You're walking on grass now. He took you outside. It's dewy and cold but you've been really hot so this is kinda nice. But then it feels like you're walking on tree branches which isn't so good.

"Zack! The ground is pokey!"

"Chill, it's just mulch. Kneel down."

He helps you down onto your knees and you rub your eyes since everything is now dark and blurry. But you'd notice a dick anywhere and are surprised to see his outside of his pants! What's that doing out?!

"Hey, lookit that! Oh, Zack! I hafun idea! Deyuwamme to suck your penis?"

"That was sorta the plan."

"I know! Right? Hahahah!" You snort and laugh. He's so funny! "You know I am!"

He puts you on his dick and you start sucking, jerking, trying to show how good you are. Even now after a lot of partying and an orgasm you still feel really horny, but it's hard to concentrate on that. Zack isn't getting big enough. You keep sucking and pumping harder and harder but after a minute of really putting effort in Zack isn't growing any longer despite being decidedly hard.

"Whaz wrong with it?"


"Yur supposed to get bigger en this!"

"Just suck it."

He jams it in. It threatens your throat but he doesn't fill your mouth like he did in the living room. Your nose is also tickled by his pubes and your chin hits his ballsack. Zack must not be very horny if he is still not at his full size yet. You can fix that! You start slamming your head down his dick with complete disregard for anything. Every time you boop your nose against him he pokes past your tonsils but not in the same way you were throating him before. Something's different but you can't tell what, like his dick is curved or something. What you do know is that his dick is jabbing your throat in exactly the worst way. That doesn't feel good at all.

He's still not getting bigger but he sure seems to like this. He grabs your pigtails and starts facefucking you kinda recklessly. All of a sudden it's a hard, jackhammer kinda blowjob, his balls slapping your chin. You can't control your gag reflex like this and start making all sorts of unattractive sounds. Mere moments later you push away as hard as you can then turn your head to puke into the bushes next to you.

"Oh shit!"

After one big spew you dry heave a couple times then compose yourself. "See? I'm fine. To-ah-lly fine!" You grab hold of his dick again and start jerking him off but he won't let you suck him. Now he's trying to get you to stand.

"C'mon. Just get up and turn around."

"No! You're not hard enough! Zaaack!" You fight with him for a minute with him trying to bend you over then abruptly you find he's no longer next to you. When you look up you see Zack laying on the ground with his pants down and... another Zack is walking toward you?

"Zack? What happened to other Zack?"

"Other Zack is an asshole."

"Don't say that to yurself! You know you're great!"

"Jesus you're drunk. C'mon."

"Where'd yur penis go? Zaaack! I wasn't done!"

Zack hauls you up and walks you back onto the grass but you keep stumbling. After a minute of struggling he sits you down and a few seconds later a powerful jet of water blasts you, shocking you awake. You scream as he rinses you off with the hose. It only takes a few seconds before you're completely soaked and fucking furious.

"You jerky jerk fuck bitch!" you scream incomprehensibly. "The fuckin hooose!?"

"Yeah, I know. Let's go."

Zack stands you up and marches you straight out of the backyard and down the street. You complain about your lack of clothes but he claims that's all your fault.

You shuffle down the sidewalk beside him with your arms crossed, his arm around you, stepping softly on bare feet, but the sobering effects of the hose quickly wear off as your dripping body starts to shiver. He complains you're going too slow. You explain to him that you were told to lie down. You go back and forth on this, but when you try to sprawl out on someone's lawn to help with the spinning he just picks you up in his arms and takes off down the street. Your brother is so strong. You nestle closer to him as he whisks you away like a fair maiden. As you can't help but close your eyes, your last hope is that other Zack is okay.

- - - - - - - - - - -

"Rise and shine sleepyhead! It's almost noon!"

"Mmm? Mom?"

She's walking around your bed picking stuff up off your floor. Your head hurts. A lot. Is it Sunday?

"Did you fight someone in your sleep? You look a little rough sweetie."

"My head hurts."

"Alright. Have you tried getting up?"


"Well that's the first thing you should do. After that we have plenty of drugs you can try. And if that doesn't work you can always give yourself an orgasm."

"Orga... what?!"

"It's true you know! Orgasms can cure headaches! I find starting the day with a good orgasm is the best way to clear your head."

You cover your face with your hands. You can't deal with her right now. "Mom! What the fuck?"

"Don't you get snippy! It's time to get up!" Mom reaches down and rips your sheets off the bed. You are very naked. The only thing you're wearing are your pigtails from last night. "Oh. Did you... already try the orgasm then?"

"Mooom... Go away..."

Mom inspects and then sniffs your sheets. "Kimberly! Did you wet the bed?"

"No." You squint, looking down your body. There is a distinctive damp spot under your butt.

"You did! You wet the bed! Are you trying to punish me? What is wrong with you?!"


"Mom nothing! You're the one peeing in your sleep like a toddler!"

"I didn't! Just go away!"

"Kimmy, get up! I have to change your sheets. And you should go shower."

"I don't want to," you whine, rolling over.

"Yes! You're sleeping in pee! Honestly, you middle schoolers are the worst. Don't make me put you in diapers! Don't think I won't!"

Mom drags you out of bed and pushes you stumbling out into the hallway. You glare at her for minutes on end as she rants and raves about teenagers, wet dreams, orgasms, and diapers. But you decide you shouldn't just stand around naked to spite her. You did enough of that yesterday.

Popping some pills before hopping in the shower you try to think about what happened last night. There are bits and pieces that are missing and others that take some time to put back together. Did you really blow your brother in front of a crowded room? You definitely remember doing body shots with some awesome girls. How many dicks did you suck anyway?

Wow... that was a crazy party! You suppose that's what Cam was hoping for in getting that all setup, something memorable, something people will be talking about for a long time. Getting so drunk that you forget whole parts of it seems a little backward though. You assume it will all come back to you eventually, probably when this headache goes away, otherwise no one would remember their most awesome parties. But maybe you shouldn't get quite so crazy next time.

You have an extra long shower so that mom can do whatever it is she wants in your room. When you finally make it back you have clean sheets on your freshly made bed. Closing your door and dropping your towel you step gingerly across the room to open your undie drawer only to find a whole bunch of money sitting inside. It takes a moment before it hits you. You were waitressing. Your bet with Zack. The bet... that you won!

Elation washes over you before you hurriedly hide your dirty money in your desk drawer alongside the arm bands and garter that all still smell faintly of alcohol. As you dress you revel in how amazingly lucky you are that mom and dad didn't find out about what you did. You feel like such a badass, sneaking out to a college party without anyone knowing. But Zack must have helped you sneak back into the house last night. You sort of owe him for that. And yet it's way more fun to lord your victory over your brother. After all, what's the point of winning if you can't gloat about it? Then again, maybe you should collect your "prize" before you tease him too hard.