Life Hacks/Mods Guide/Adjust Relationship: Difference between revisions

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Also, levels of submission usually correspond to one level higher of dominance as that level of dominance is what would be required to enforce the one level lower of submission.
Also, levels of submission usually correspond to one level higher of dominance as that level of dominance is what would be required to enforce the one level lower of submission.
As this section assumes that all other stats are at zero, assume any mention of allowing sex is in reference to sex or sex acts that are completely unwanted and only consented to due to submission.

BDSM relationships are a special case and considered a fetish. They are not directly related to this scale which relates to general submissive behaviors and relationships. BDSM typically involves a normal relationship with dominance/submission between the partners below 30% each, but spikes to around +50% during periods of role-play involved with having sex. It then goes back down to normal levels after the sex is over.
BDSM relationships are a special case and considered a fetish. They are not directly related to this scale which relates to general submissive behaviors and relationships. BDSM typically involves a normal relationship with dominance/submission between the partners below 30% each, but spikes to around +50% during periods of role-play involved with having sex. It then goes back down to normal levels after the sex is over.
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==Trusting / Fearful range==
==Trusting / Fearful range==
Indicates how comfortable the person is able to be around you, and how much scrutiny they give your words. Trust, except at the very highest levels, does not mean that they do not treat you with skepticism which is it's own attribute that a person can have. They are more likely to apply skepticism if fearful or not apply it if trusting, but these have more to do with whether or not they are comfortable with your intentions or tendencies. Even if you have very high trust they will still not believe an obvious lie. However, they are more likely to think you are joking around or saying a falsehood to prove some kind of rhetorical point rather than thinking you are trying to deceive them. Rather, high trust makes them attribute good intentions to your actions and disbelieve bad intentions, where the opposite is true for fearful status.
An interesting thing to note is that high levels of trust or fear will both have the ability to rapidly increase submissiveness. Trust because they feel more comfortable in allowing you to take charge of their life and call the shots, and fear because they are so afraid of what you will do to them if they disobey or defy you. These both require a certain threshold of both submissiveness and trust/fear to be reached. (Roughly equivalent to the two totaling 100 if added together.)

Trust is required for a person to feel comfortable with you. In addition to all things trust can do in isolation, another aspect of trust is that consensual sex is impossible without a factor of trust being present. The primary factor for determining sexual desire is the "romantic love" stat, but a certain minimal amount of trust is also necessary.
*'''<10%:''' Lifie has decided that you are most likely not going to do anything any other person wouldn't and that you won't suddenly try to harm them. Allows them to interact normally if you are just a passer by, and that they can try to deepen their trust if you keep interacting, but it is going to have to raise before they can really feel comfortable around you. This is a common level of trust for someone you have just met but doesn't really know you. If you have this level of trust from someone you've known for a while, this would be considered a bad relationship.
*'''10-20%:''' The level of trust given to a casual acquaintance. There is some kind of common bond on which you can relate to each other, but it is not so much that they would make any kind of bet on you.
*'''20-30%:''' The level of trust where the lifie will feel relatively sure that you won't steal from them if given the opportunity. Able to easily invite you into their house and leave the room with you in there without even having a worry on their mind of what you might do while out of sight. They would not have been especially paranoid about such things. (This is also the minimal level for a sexually loose person or a completely sexually ignorant child who doesn't understand the significance to actually give uneasy consent to sex assuming other stats are more than past the threshold to allow it.)
*'''30-40%:''' This is the level of trust where a lifie might tentatively trust you with something precious that would devastate them if you somehow betrayed their trust at this point. This is the minimum threshold for you being used as a babysitter, although you must come at the recommendation of someone they have a trust of 50+ with before accepting you. Will still be nervous about it and not let up scrutiny. If you are a teen or child in a sexual relationship with a similarly aged child or teen, this is also the level of trust necessary for the parent to give uneasy consent to the relationship.
*'''40-50%:''' The level of trust where the lifie is completely sure you are not going to do anything to greatly betray their trust. Can easily trust you to do things such as babysit their children. This is also the level where someone who would have casual sex or a completely sexually ignorant child would feel fairly at ease with consenting to sex with you. A more sexually conservative person or someone who is nervous about sex might give uneasy consent at this level of trust if "love" stat is high enough.
*'''50-60%:''' This is the level at which a lifie would consider you to be "trusted." They will begin to associate your name as someone who is "trustworthy" and begin to trust you unquestioningly with various sensitive things. This trust can still be shaken if they notice something suspicious about you, but they will not be actively seeking to find suspicious things. This is also the level of trust where trust will no longer be the thing to determine whether or not the lifie will consent to sex. From this point forward, the "love" stat is the only thing that will have any bearing on that. This is also the level where a parent will give full consent for you to date and be in a sexual relationship with one of their children assuming you are in the same age category as the child.
*'''60-70%:''' At this level of trust, you will be the very last person on this lifie's list of suspicion if something goes wrong. This goes up to and including a scenario in which you get their daughter pregnant. If you and the daughter both try to hide it, the lifie will not suspect you of being the father without significant evidence. However, if it is brought to their attention you may have done it, they will begin watching you and be upset when the truth is revealed. This is also a level of trust where they would allow you to bathe their kids or sleep (clothed) in the same bed with them.
*'''70-80%:''' At this level of trust, the lifie will begin to disbelieve anything negative said about you unless the proof is fairly irrefutable. At this level, they would trust you in a consensual sexual relationship with one of their children who would be under-age relative to you. Meanwhile, they would only believe your sexual relationship with their child is non-consensual if the child came forward and told them themselves.
*'''80-90%:''' At this level, the lifie's standard of trust for you is so high that they will believe you to an absurd degree, and the proof they would need to have against you to distrust you would have to be staggering. They could watch you rape their screaming and crying child right in front of them and believe you if you told them that you do this all the time and the child enjoys this, and the only reason they are acting this way is because they got scared when their parent came in and didn't want to admit they enjoy it. If a lie from your mouth sounds credible, they will believe you over anyone else's version of events.
*'''>90%:''' At this level of trust, the lifie will absolutely believe in you even if they know for certain you did or are doing something unconscionable. They will always believe there is a reasonable explanation for whatever you are doing. At this level, you can tell a father that him (the father) raping his daughter will help her social anxiety and he will believe it. The lifie will believe any lie so long as it sounds credible and well put together. (will not believe the grass is red if he can easily see it's green.) (In the convince father to rape his daughter scenario, it would take some influence from other stats as well as the context to determine if you can convince him to actually follow through with this "treatment." Him believing it due to the high trust would just make it more possible.)

The reaction to fear differs greatly depending on whether the lifie is friendly or an enemy as well as whether they are dominant or submissive.
Friendly submissive lifies will feel they have to walk on eggshells not to get you angry or else the things they fear about you will happen.
Friendly dominant lifies will feel they have to protect you from your own bad tendencies.
Enemy submissive lifies will cower and try to escape from you.
Enemy dominant lifies will view you as a threat that they have to stand up to and oppose.
The degree of the lifie's reaction will depend on just how high both the fear stat as well as the friendly - enemy and dominant - submissive stats are. It is not feasible to scale the interaction of all 6 stats, so the writer's judgement will have to come into play as to how much degree influences this.
*'''<10%:''' The lifie will behave in a manner around you as though nervous or shy, having light levels of social anxiousness in regards to interacting with you. They are not actually fearful or suspecting you might do something bad to them, they are more uneasy about the prospect of you thinking they are weird or something of the sort. Will only mildly inhibit normal social interactions to a degree that depends on the lifie's personality and ability to get over nervousness.
*'''10-20%:''' The lifie will begin to make some form of negative assumptions about you, deciding it is within your personality to hurt people or do dangerous things. Will not feel too certain about their evaluation, or that you are likely to do these things to them, but the thoughts will be running through their head and it will influence their behavior.
*'''20-30%:''' At this level, the lifie will feel relatively certain you are someone who poses some form of minor threat. Something along the lines of standard school-yard bully behavior, either using violence, stealing, or spreading bad rumors. This is where they will start to feel actual fear. They will feel that the threat you pose is enough that they should be cautious, but not as though it is in any way life threatening.
*'''30-40%:''' At this level, the lifie will feel you are the type who they really have to be on their guard around. The type of guy at a club setting where all the girls have to watch their drinks. They will be constantly nervous around you and vigilant for if you are going to do anything unsavory.
4th wall note:(This would be around the area Inga Cole (Xander's mother) regards Charity due to her having molested her younger siblings. Her fearfulness of Charity would be right on the 40% mark that is the line between this and the higher level. She otherwise has a dominance and very low friendliness pattern in how she handles Charity.)
*'''40-50%:''' At this level, the lifie will feel you are the type who absolutely cannot be let out of the sight of someone who can stop them from doing something bad, and that you cannot be trusted around any sensitive things such as their children. They will fear that as soon as someone lets their guard down, something bad is going to happen.
*'''50-60%:''' At this level, the lifie is genuinely afraid of you. They feel that you are the kind of person who would maliciously go out of their way to commit some form of act that is harmful to them. The level of damage they would feel you might do is somewhere around the level of it being a 100% grantee you plan to rape them (if single) or their daughter (if a parent) as soon as you can be alone, or some equivalent level threat where it's very serious and irreversible but it is something that can be recovered from and there are also precautions that can be taken to prevent it.
*'''60-70%:''' At this level, the fears will be similar to the previous category but lacking some of the feelings of assurance about it. Either they will feel you are capable of circumventing anything they can do to prevent you from harming them, or they feel the harm you might do is something harder to recover from such as causing crippling injury, financial ruin, or killing a pet.
*'''70-80%:''' You are someone who the lifie will begin to freak out at the prospect of even being near as they are so certain you are going to do something horrible. They will feel you have the competence and ability to override anything they can do to stop you from harming them or their family, and that the only thing they really can do to prevent it is for you to be locked away in prison or something of the like.
*'''80-90%:''' Level of fear similar to a person targeted by an organized crime syndicate, with you being the driving force behind that organized crime. Will evaluate you as brutal, that the harm you will do will be equivalent to destroying everything they love and care for and anything you want destroyed will be maimed, killed, or turned into a sex slave for life. They will be absolutely terrified. At this level of fear, they may feel the only way to escape the harm you wish for them is through their own death. (Note, no snuff content in this story.)
*'''>90%:''' A level of fear great enough for them to attribute something supernatural to the perceived malace and cruelty you can inflict. At this level, they will no longer even believe death is a possible escape from your cruelty, either believing that you will go on to harm their friends and loved ones if they die or actually believing something more supernatural can be done to keep them in your clutches even if they attempt suicide. At this level, the one and only way they could think of to avoid the horrible things they envision you as capable of is to simply not attract your negative will in the first place.

==Platonic Love==
==Platonic Love==

==Romantic Love==
==Romantic Love==
[[Category:Life Hacks]]

Latest revision as of 18:20, 29 March 2023

The basic Life Hack module holds the ability to adjust a lifie's relationship stats in regards to the player.

Standard relationship stats are divided into 8 categories, 6 of which are divided into 3 different mutually exclusive relationships which manage to effectively create something of a -100 to 100 range.

Below, there will be a listing of 10% blocks within each stat and what to expect from each stat at a given level. Unless the instructions specifically state how a stat interacts with another stat, assume that the instructions given are as though this is the only stat that is high and all the others are at zero.

There are some conditions that will cause relationship stats to become more volatile, especially when attributes are changed via Life Hack. However, using Life Hack to set a relationship stat will remove that volatility and stabilize the relationship wherever it was set.

NOTICE: All indications of 10% ranges are generalities and should not be taken as precise thresholds for certain behaviors.

4th wall note: This page uses the term "lifie" to describe the person the relationship applies to. This is because it is written as though it is a user's guide for the hack. All the same applies to players who are in the story. The relationship stats of players will likely be less volitile as they regard this as a game instead of real life and thus will take things less seriously. At the same time though, this means their perspective will cause the effects of "friendliness," "enemy," "dominance," and "trust" to be amplified far beyond what the stat would suggest due to the fact that they do not take things as seriously and can regard actions of a far higher level in this stat the same as others would lower versions. Meanwhile while the effects of "fear" will be greatly mitigated, also due to them regarding this as just a game. In fact, the "fear" stat is unlikely to raise in the first place.

This document is a work in progress. I will be saving my progress several times through the process to avoid loosing my work.

Friendly / Enemy range

The friendliness / enemy range notes how positive/negative a person's general opinion and disposition is toward you. Increasing the friendliness stat will predispose a lifie to act in a more friendly and accommodating manner toward you and cause them to want to grant you all manner of allowances and hospitality. Has a positive influence on trust. Meanwhile, increasing "enemy" status will cause the lifie to become negatively predisposed and take a nasty attitude toward you, often acting in a rude manner or passing you up for manners of common courtesy. At higher levels it can even lead to vindictive or even murderous behaviors.


  • <10%: At the beginning of the friendliness scale, this indicates the lifie will grant you basic common courtesy and act toward you in a positive manner. First impressions will often put friendliness stats somewhere around 10% depending on personality and the manner of the interaction.
  • 10-20%: This range is considered an area of moderately good regard one would generally be expected to grant to their colleagues or customers at work. At this range, a lifie will make accommodations for you even if it is somewhat inconvenient for them, but will only go so far as what they feel is reasonable to be expected of them in the situation. People with a strong adherence for social norms will automatically be in this range if you make a positive first impression. Usually comes with around a 5% boost to trust.
  • 20-30%:This range is where a lifie would be considered to be behaving in a manner most people would regard as really friendly. This is where they will seem to be somewhat more relaxed and less on-guard, and will try to actually make an asserted effort to make you comfortable around them. Most children who want to be friends with you will automatically place you in this range on first impression. Usually comes with around a 5-10% boost to trust.
  • 30-40%:At this range, a lifie will begin positively regarding you and show you preferential treatment. They will try to spend more time with you and the friendliness will begin self-perpetuating as they try to maintain a positive relationship. Children who are what an adult might consider "too friendly with strangers" will likely regard you at this level on first impression.
  • 40-50%:This is on the cusps of where the system will officially regard you as this person's "friend" for the friendliness achievement, and attitudes will reflect this, although it has not quite crossed this boundary. The lifie will be at the level where they certainly feel they can be close enough. Whether or not the lifie themselves calls you a friend depends on their personality. Young kids will call you their friend as low as 20%, but the majority of teens or those who are not quite sure what friendship means might call you a friend starting at 40%. It is an adult or someone with a firm dividing line in their minds for what counts as a "true friend" who will conform to the system's 50% mark.
  • 50-60%:This has freshly crossed the line of what the system regards as a "friend." At this range, the lifie will regard you as a close member of their social circle and is likely to actively advocate for you. They regard you as part of their "group" and thus deserving of far better treatment than anyone who is not "in" the group. The manner in which this relationship takes depends on the social dynamic between you. If "trust" is below 50%, there will be a behavioral correction that takes the lifie's behavior a little closer to the 50% mark due to their positive disposition toward you. This effect is more pronounced the lower below 50% the trust stat is (includes if it goes negative into the fear range.) (4th wall note, interpreting what "a little closer" means is up to writer's interpretation.)
  • 60-70%:The lifie will regard you as a good friend. The friendliness is still at the level of "part of the social circle," but you have moves closer to their inner circle at this level. The lifie will advocate harder for you than they will for their more casual friends and will feel more comfortable around you. (Increases the small trust adjustment)
  • 70-80%:At this range, the lifie will feel as though their relationship to you obligates them to do things they otherwise wouldn't consider for anyone else. This includes supporting you when your life is having difficulties, or when you make what they consider to be bad decisions. If the trust/fear range has entered the "fear" side of the equation, the lifie will still actively stick around. If submissive, they will make excuses for your behaviors that make them fearful. If dominant, they will attempt to correct your behavior. Either way, they will also be forgiving of things that they probably shouldn't be. This lifie will even be willing to do things that push the boundaries of their moral code to accommodate you, even facilitating these activities.
  • 80-90%:At this range, a lifie's positive disposition toward you crosses into ranges most would consider psychologically unhealthy. The lifie will have developed something of a psychological attachment to you. They will have a fierce loyalty to you. If you have done things people would consider positive for your part in this relationship, the depths of their obsession with you might go unnoticed. However, if you act in a negative manner that violates the person's trust, the extents to which they will go to forgive you will simply astound people. They will be able to forgive anything short of potentially-deadly violence or especially repulsive non-consensual sexual actions. (In other words, raping this lifie themselves, or even one of this lifie's friends and family will be forgiven, but they might think differently if it was an underage member of their family and said family member was particularly traumatized.)
  • >90%:Little to be added at this level, this level of friendliness will be the aspects of the previous level taken to a greater extreme. Forgiveness of negative actions will extend to literally any action, and they will be willing to actively cover up or even facilitate these acts.


  • <10%:At this range, the lifie will have decided that for some etherial reason they can't quite put their fingers on, they just don't quite like you. Will behave toward you in a manner that possesses a little less respect or good will than the way they treat most other people they meet on a day-to-day basis.
  • 10-20%:At this range, the lifie will start showing their negative regard for you. The degree of this negative regard depends on the nature of your social relationship. They will become actively antagonistic with snippy comments, and maybe pass you up for common courtesy things in a mean-spirited way. However, their antagonism will not cross any lines that will make it overtly obvious to the casual 3rd party observer. Comes with about a 5% trust penalty.
  • 20-30%:At this range, the lifie will be antagonistic toward you to a degree that it can be regarded as social bullying. Even casual 3rd parties will begin to recognize the nastiness this person is showing toward you, but people who have positive regard toward the lifie will be able to find some sort of excuse to dismiss it. The level of antagonism is not to the degree that the lifie would go out of their way to single you out (this requires "enemy" above 50%,) however their behavior will be easily noticeable.
  • 30-40%:At this range, the lifie's antagonistic behaviors will be easily noticed by others. Whether or not they feel the need to intervene with this will depend on the nature of the relationships, but this is the level to which a school counselor or manager at work would take each participant aside and ask what is going on.
  • 40-50%:At this range, the life's attitude toward you will begin to contain some actual malice. They will begin wanting to actually cause you physical or psychological harm, and will begin going out of their way to cause it and feel justified in doing so.
  • 50-60%:This crosses the official line where the "enemy" status will be placed on the relationship between you and this life. This lifie will begin singling you out from others for the sake of their bullying or malicious acts, and put some real thought into ways to make you suffer. This would be regarded more as targeted bullying rather than anything more serious, but 3rd parties who see what is going on will find themselves disturbed by it. The level of threat perceived by 3rd parties scales by age category of the lifie holding this enemy status toward you.
  • 60-70%:The level of the lifie's malice toward you will increase to a point where they are willing to knowingly cause property destruction of items of sentimental value or things that are not easily replaced, and otherwise crossing lines that would be considered low-grade felonies in order to cause you harm.
  • 70-80%:Lifie will have a personal vendetta against you, considering you some kind of real threat that needs to be dealt with in some way. This attitude will justify in their mind any harm that they cause to you that is well beyond the lines they would typically be willing to cross. This is the degree of "enemy" status that dictators attempting to incite a genocide will need to get the majority of the population to in order to start up this kind of action. The willingness to kill will be there at this level, but requires social support for them to cross that line.
  • 80-90%:The Lifie's hatred toward you at this point will have crossed into a self-destructive state of obsession. They will be willing to go way over the line for the sake of causing harm to you and anyone connected to you, all for the sake of making you suffer. This is the stage where they will consider not only murder, but they will also begin considering creative and vindictive ways to go about it that push their personality into darker and darker places. They still will require some kind of support or permission or someone egging them on to cross the line. This "permission" can also take the form of a perceived credible threat of you doing something they regard as justifying their action. However, they will not cross the line for no reason at all.
  • >90%:All aspects of the previous range taken to a greater extreme. In this range, the lifie may consider crossing into unspeakable acts with no support or "permission" at all. They will simply do it just because of their own sheer malice.

Dominant / Submissive range

The dominant / submissive range regards how the power relationship between you and the lifie is perceived by the lifie themselves, and where they place themselves relative to you. Whether or not the lifie has a dominant or submissive attitude in the first place will pre-despose them to where they will gravitate when they first encounter you, and there are several other social aspects that will influence this dominance/submission evaluation. (for instance, adults will always be predisposed toward dominance over a child, more so for adults with a caretaker position over said child.)

NOTE: Any use of Life Hack to change aspects about yourself will cause any already established dominance/submission relationships to become extremely volitile and subject to rapid change for the next few interactions between you and a given lifie as the system attempts to re-calibrate according to new attributes. Use of cheats will cause similar volatility even to new relationships, especially if interactions boarder into areas directly related to your cheat.


NOTE: When caretakers of a child of a certain age-range is used as an example, parents will typically be on the slightly lower end of it (above the 5% mid-line) while babysitters, teachers, or other caretakers will be on the higher end of the range (above the 5% mid-line) due to the shorter time exposure and having the energy to be more stubborn about their dominance where as parents are more likely to give in due to not wanting to butt heads too much.

  • <10%:Lifie will show confidence toward you and not regard themselves as under you in any way. This is the standard default relationship of any lifie who has a confident personality and means they actually regard you as an equal. They will not feel that they can tell you what to do, but do not feel you have the right to tell them what to do either.
  • 10-20%:This range is about equivalent to what a friendly and accommodating person will feel is the relationship between themselves and a service person. They will feel that they have some right to tell you what to do and you are obligated to do it, but they will also feel they need to be agreeable in their interactions and that you would be completely in your rights to refuse them and become angry if they were to be rude to you.
  • 20-30%:This is the beginning of where the lifie will feel they have power over you. This is about equivalent to a friendly boss and their employees, or between a parent and their adult children. They will feel you have absolutely no right to tell them what to do, but if they tell you what to do then there is an obligation that you do it. However, there is still an element of friendliness and being accommodating about it where they will be very willing to listen to your input and opinion and may even be swayed by it. However, for you to get your way in the relationship you are obligated to justify your stance.
  • 30-40%:This is the range typical of an adult parent/teacher/other adult in a caretaker position who is responsible for a teen-aged child. They would feel that they are obligated to maintain some form of control over you depending on the nature of your trust/fear relationship. If "trust" is high though, then they will feel that they can be friendly and accommodating if only because they feel they can trust you not to violate your place in the dominance relationship. Will not be well disposed to you telling them what to do at all, but will be likely to accept requests in accordance with friendliness relationship.
  • 40-50%:This is the range typical of an adult caretaker over a child of elementary or middle school age. Will let you have your way, but it is always through the form of asking permission first making it clear that they are always in control. Typically such a relationship is firmly defined by a list of permissions they have given you and by your willingness to act within the permissions they have set up. However, the range of these permissions will tend to be rather reasonable and allow you quite a bit of freedom. If you are an adult, this would be regarded as a somewhat mildly abusive relationship unless there is some form of consensual BDSM relationship.
  • 50-60%:This is the range typical of a somewhat controlling but still friendly parent over a misbehaving child they feel they have to give more "guidance" to. This relationship is defined by firm boundaries and the dominant lifie will keep tabs on you, wanting to make sure you are "behaving" within the bounds of the permissions they have given you. If you are a teen, this would be regarded as a controlling parent.
  • 60-70%:This is the range typical of a babysitter over an elementary age child, or an adult over a toddler. The relationship is defined over a strict set of permissions designed to keep things exactly as the dominant party expects them to be, and the dominant party will be constantly keeping tabs on you to make sure the rules are followed. Maintaining this level of dominance requires a lot of energy on the dominant party's behalf, and so it is typically not held for extended periods of time in any form of healthy relationship and even BDSM relationships only see this level of dominance by the dominant partner in short bursts during the foreplay portion of some roleplay. As such, it is only maintained for toddlers who really might create trouble without this level of scrutiny, or by less experienced teen babysitters who don't realize they are doing more than is necessary and only need to keep it up in short bursts anyway.
  • 70-80%:This is the range typical of the staff of some form of corporate or government childcare facility over a child or half-way house for reabilitating drug users or mentally infirm patients. This level of dominance requires some form of detatchment as well as by-the-book rules that need to be followed. There is very little if any room for negotiation on the part of the non-dominant party in this relationship, the rules and boundaries of the dominant party are to be followed absolutely. There is some room for freedom in the rules, but the rules are still absolute.
  • 80-90%:This is the range typical of the staff of a low-security prison over the inmates or a slave holder over an obedient slave. The non-dominant party has zero room to oppose the dominant, but can ask for permission for things that are reasonable to request. Privilages and freedoms are greatly restricted, and all orders are expected to be followed immediately.
  • >90%:This is the range typical of the staff of a high-security prison over the inmates or a slave holder who is trying to break a willful or disobedient slave. Holds all of the exceedingly strict restrictions of the previous range with the addition of almost constant monitoring and the dominant party asserts active measures to micro-manage every single aspect of every hour in the non-dominant party's day. Even asking permissions for simple things like using the bathroom or getting a drink of water are subjected to extreme scrutiny.

4th wall note: Inga Cole, the mother of this story, has a dominance relationship of 90% over all her children. This is a result of her having a naturally dominant personality combined with her reaction to having discovered that Charity was sexually molesting her younger siblings. Her extreme dominance toward Xander interacts with the higher trust and friendliness in the form of her expecting him to keep tabs on his sister for her and holding him partially responsible if anything goes wrong in the house. She expects him to be something like an extension of her own will to keep the family in line while she's away, which is the nature of the tight boundaries she holds him to. The more he keeps the rest of the house in order, the more friendly toward him and likely to grant him permissions she is.


NOTE: Due to the nature of this category, there will be some additional information in the form of what kinds of things the submissive party will feel obligated to do for the dominant party on their word alone.

Also, levels of submission usually correspond to one level higher of dominance as that level of dominance is what would be required to enforce the one level lower of submission.

As this section assumes that all other stats are at zero, assume any mention of allowing sex is in reference to sex or sex acts that are completely unwanted and only consented to due to submission.

BDSM relationships are a special case and considered a fetish. They are not directly related to this scale which relates to general submissive behaviors and relationships. BDSM typically involves a normal relationship with dominance/submission between the partners below 30% each, but spikes to around +50% during periods of role-play involved with having sex. It then goes back down to normal levels after the sex is over.

  • <10%:The lifie in this range is someone who is not so confident, but regards yourself and them to be roughly equals.

-Feels they have to: Forgive any minor rudeness or slights, and make minor allowances for a more dominant person to do things such as "take the first turn" at something like going through a door or getting in line if they both arrived at the same time.

  • 10-20%:The lifie in this range acknowledges that you are someone they should feel obligated to be friendly with, at least on a surface level, regardless of whether or not you did something to warrant them being friendly. (Positive "friendliness" modifier)

-Feels they have to: Fulfill any reasonable request you may give them without expecting reciprocity, but will fight back if they feel you are being too unreasonable.

  • 20-30%: The lifie in this range acknowledges you are in a clearly higher position over them, and they should at least defer to you an grant you some appropriate level of deserved respect.
  • -Feels they have to: Follow reasonable orders, such as orders to clean their room or go get the requesting person something they asked for. Might resent being given such orders at times that are inopportune for them, such as if they were in the middle of something, but will still do it if bossed around a little. If told to do something they don't find acceptable, they will feel obligated to argue their way out of it and persuade against it rather than just immediately saying "no." However, something really unreasonable like "give me money" or "pull down your pants" are things that they will refuse and be astonished you would ask for, but the range of what they consider "reasonable" would still depend on other facets of relationship as well as the situation.

(In other words, at this level they will allow you to pressure them into sex if their romantic love, friendliness, and trust stats are high and you are in what would be regarded as a dating relationship, or if they are highly naive. The other stats or conditions would be doing most of the heavy lifting though with the submissive stat just smoothing out the rough edges a little.)

  • 30-40%:The lifie in this range is unable to think of you as anything other than a person who has authority over them and can't picture a scenario in which they can exercise control over you. However, while they acknowledge your authority, they also know there are boundaries around it and a lot of things you can't make them do. (This goes beyond positional authority such as being in a higher position in a company hierarchy.) This level of submission is typical in children toward their parents or teen-aged siblings, and occasionally their teachers or daycare caretakers. For adults toward other adults, this is also somewhat common in romantic relationships in which one partner has a fairly submissive position and personality.
  • -Feels they have to: Children in a child / caretaker or older sibling relationship feel they have to respect any rules or boundaries the dominant party sets whether they like it or not and even when the dominant party is not looking. In a dating relationship, submissive party will feel they have to cave to requests for sex even if they are slightly opposed to the idea but will still be able to insist on contraception (usually condoms) and refuse if contraception is not used. (In fact, they are likely to be extra insistent on contraception as the only area where they can have some control)
  • 40-50%:The lifie in this range accepts that the dominant party has the right to make minor decisions in regards to their life and lifestyle, and will act with obvious deference to the dominant party that can be easily seen by a 3rd party observer who watches the relationship for a while. This deference is expected of a child toward an adult in position over them, in a dating relationship it would have them be seen as too submissive to their partner but still within expected bounds, and seen as a little creepy under any other dynamic.

-Feels they have to: Children submissive to an authority figure in their life would feel they have to cave to and forgive some somewhat unreasonable things that could even include sexual grooming behaviors. (Such sexual grooming would need to be very gradual and step-by-step.) Outside of inappropriate actions, the child will feel they have to work hard to meet any expectations that the dominant party has for them so long as those expectations are reasonable. (Inappropriate actions they will forgive are considered separate from fulfilling expectations. They will not consider actually being subject to those inappropriate actions part of the expectations they are going to go along with.)

In a dating relationship, they will feel obligated to make themselves available for sex once a day if possible should the dominant party request it, but will still insist on reasonable precautions to prevent unwanted pregnancies (if pregnancy is unwanted.) If female, will be obedient enough to go on the pill and allow raw sex, but will not follow requests to go off birth control. Will also forgive suspicions of cheating, even if they are strong, so long as it is not right in their face.

  • 50-60%: The lifie has become truly submissive toward you and considers you "the dominant authority over them" that "must be obeyed." They will likely not state as much out loud, but they will portray it in their actions and their deference and obedience toward you. They do still have room to be willful, but any willful behaviors toward you will come in the form of them attempting to interest you or persuade you into something rather than them saying they are going to do something. They will always ask for permission before doing anything that implicit permission has not already been given for. (Implicit permissions would include things like grabbing a snack or going to the bathroom, that's not something they would ask permission for. Things they would ask permission for are things like leaving the house, assuming you are someone with the authority to grant that permission.) Their level of submissiveness will not have extended to larger decisions about their life such as what job they can get or who they can be friends with.

-Feels they have to: Children submissive to an authority figure would feel they have to follow all the authority figure's reasonable rules and fulfill all of their reasonable expectations. They will also feel obligated to fulfill some unreasonable ones, such as actively concealing sexual molestation occurring in the family. However, concealing brutal physical abuse that leaves bruises or sexual molestation that results in pregnancy will not be within the obligations they feel they have to fulfill. (They would not feel obligated to allow the physical or sexual abuse, but they will feel obligated to conceal it.)

In a dating relationship, lifie will feel they have no right to refuse sex whenever the dominant party wants it, and also feels they have no right to request condoms be used. If female, will feel that contraception is 100% her job and will maintain use of the pill on her own time out of sight from what her partner is doing. Will also excuse open cheating, but not under the same roof.

Parents will feel obligated to conceal abuse of their children by the individual they are submissive to, but this feeling of obligation does not include known sexual molestation. Will attempt to excuse sexual abuse of the children for as long as they can pretend it's not happening, but suspicion of molestation will push the breaking point.

  • 60-70%: The lifie has become submissive to the point they will allow you to outline more significant portions of their life. Their devotion and obedience to you will show as they will not complain at all even when you make an unreasonable demand, perhaps only showing a bit of a disappointed or dissatisfied face which they quickly try to hide when you do something that imposes a lot on them. Even if you are being unreasonable, they will not try to buck your authority.

-Feels they have to: Children submissive to an authority figure will feel they have to completely obey any demands that would be typical of a parent to make to a child. They also feel they have to obey a lot of less reasonable things, including but not limited to things of a sexual nature that you shouldn't ask of any child. This can include some form of "playing doctor" or "checking their privates" with weak justifications that excuse it, but does not extend to allowing oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse. Also does not include allowing themselves to be ejaculated on or to wear cum-filled underwear. However, they will conceal such things from outsiders if you force it on them anyway. (Note: This is the threshold for allowing it if submission is the only stat above 10% and they dislike what you're making them do, could allow a lot more if other stats are high and they enjoy what you're doing.)

In a dating relationship, in exchange for some form of assurance of marriage a female partner will be willing to go off birth control and allow herself to be impregnated on your insistence. This only counts if you are the male getting her pregnant. Will also allow cheating and can be pressured into a threesome so long as the partner is someone socially acceptable.

Parents of children will permit consensual seeming sexual relationships with one or more of their children who are 2+ age categories younger than you, and will actively conceal it but will take no active part in facilitating it. Will also conceal physical abuse. Will not conceal open and known child rape defined as including penetration, but might have some uneasy blurred lines that could go either way on unwanted molestation that includes fondling and exposure.

  • 70-80%: The lifie simply does not assert themselves against you anymore except in small acts of defiance. These small acts of defiance are only even present if you are doing things they don't like, and do not occur at all if you are treating them well. If you are treating them well, they obey absolutely everything that comes out of your mouth so long as it doesn't endanger their life or well being, or that of others.

-Feels they have to: Children submissive to a parent will feel they have to go to some extra effort to obey some demands that are in excess of what the typical parent would demand. (Example, making Xander responsible for keeping Charity from sexually molesting Roni.) Children this submissive can also be made to feel seeing to the dominant party's sexual pleasure is a part of their responsibilities and just something that is expected of them. As such, they will feel it's even acceptable for them to be required to have full sexual intercourse so long as there is some kind of assurance any potential pregnancy is being taken into account. (Whether it be that birth control is used, will pull out, abortion will be provided, the baby will be considered her younger sibling, or they get to marry the male family member who impregnated her (even if it's her father.)) It doesn't matter what the accommodation is, so long as she's assured there is a plan.

In a dating relationship, female partners can be pressured to go off birth control and let themselves be impregnated even without an assurance of marriage or that she and the baby will be taken care of. Will simply allow the male partner to impregnate her, even if it means demanding she go off birth control, without any expectation or obligation on his part. With some form of assurance of a lasting relationship, may also submit to demands she allow another man (a friend of the dominant partner) to impregnate her on the partner's introduction. (Likely examples of where this would happen include lesbian relationships in which the dominant partner chooses the man who will provide the couple with a child while demanding it be the submissive partner who is the one to get pregnant.) Will also participate in threesomes that might have morally questionable elements to them, such as the "other woman" (also potentially) not consenting and/or being a child who is far too young to be part of this, potentially including it being the submissive lifie's own child.

NOTE: The "also potentially" note above refers to the fact that none of the cases where it says the submissive partner will allow sex imply it is actually consensual. Consent Vs. non-consent depends on the combination of the situation and the other stats. If the sex indicated is non-consensual then it means that the submissive partner will accept the fact that they just got raped and not find a need to have it alter the nature of their relationship. This would, of course, be considered stockholm syndrome.

Parents of children will actively facilitate it if you drive for some form of consensual sexual relationship with their children and will do what they can to keep it hidden, or just hide you being physically or sexually abusive toward their children. In the latter case, they will give you access even knowing full well what you are doing but will not participate. In the above case of a threesome that includes their child, they will actively participate if the child is consenting or just watch from the side if the child is not consenting.

  • 80-90%: Won't even defy you even if they think you are a monster, or will be completely dedicated and subservient to you if they think you good. Either way, a lifie at this level will go way out of their way to accommodate anything you demand of them either due to dedication to you or fear of reprisal or rejection.

-Feels they have to: Regardless of the form that the power relationship between you takes, the lifies at this level will do all the stuff from the previous category and also try to make others submit to allowing you to do the same things to them. They will keep the others in line if they are not submissive enough. In regards to matters of sex, they will feel they have no right to place any stipulation on your access to their body and will feel no issue with allowing you access to the bodies of anyone around them they have the ability to influence. They will also do what they can to keep this from getting out.

(Snuff content is not allowed here, but this level of submissiveness is also a level where they would cover up for murder if you are the criminal.)

  • >90%: All the same as the previous category.

4th wall note: There is no extra permissible action that would become available at this level, but for the sake of measuring levels of dedication this is the level to which they can be compelled to suicide if it's what you order them to do and they are convinced you are really serious about it. Snuff content is not permitted, so this actual act is not something to actually be implemented.

Trusting / Fearful range

Indicates how comfortable the person is able to be around you, and how much scrutiny they give your words. Trust, except at the very highest levels, does not mean that they do not treat you with skepticism which is it's own attribute that a person can have. They are more likely to apply skepticism if fearful or not apply it if trusting, but these have more to do with whether or not they are comfortable with your intentions or tendencies. Even if you have very high trust they will still not believe an obvious lie. However, they are more likely to think you are joking around or saying a falsehood to prove some kind of rhetorical point rather than thinking you are trying to deceive them. Rather, high trust makes them attribute good intentions to your actions and disbelieve bad intentions, where the opposite is true for fearful status.

An interesting thing to note is that high levels of trust or fear will both have the ability to rapidly increase submissiveness. Trust because they feel more comfortable in allowing you to take charge of their life and call the shots, and fear because they are so afraid of what you will do to them if they disobey or defy you. These both require a certain threshold of both submissiveness and trust/fear to be reached. (Roughly equivalent to the two totaling 100 if added together.)


Trust is required for a person to feel comfortable with you. In addition to all things trust can do in isolation, another aspect of trust is that consensual sex is impossible without a factor of trust being present. The primary factor for determining sexual desire is the "romantic love" stat, but a certain minimal amount of trust is also necessary.

  • <10%: Lifie has decided that you are most likely not going to do anything any other person wouldn't and that you won't suddenly try to harm them. Allows them to interact normally if you are just a passer by, and that they can try to deepen their trust if you keep interacting, but it is going to have to raise before they can really feel comfortable around you. This is a common level of trust for someone you have just met but doesn't really know you. If you have this level of trust from someone you've known for a while, this would be considered a bad relationship.
  • 10-20%: The level of trust given to a casual acquaintance. There is some kind of common bond on which you can relate to each other, but it is not so much that they would make any kind of bet on you.
  • 20-30%: The level of trust where the lifie will feel relatively sure that you won't steal from them if given the opportunity. Able to easily invite you into their house and leave the room with you in there without even having a worry on their mind of what you might do while out of sight. They would not have been especially paranoid about such things. (This is also the minimal level for a sexually loose person or a completely sexually ignorant child who doesn't understand the significance to actually give uneasy consent to sex assuming other stats are more than past the threshold to allow it.)
  • 30-40%: This is the level of trust where a lifie might tentatively trust you with something precious that would devastate them if you somehow betrayed their trust at this point. This is the minimum threshold for you being used as a babysitter, although you must come at the recommendation of someone they have a trust of 50+ with before accepting you. Will still be nervous about it and not let up scrutiny. If you are a teen or child in a sexual relationship with a similarly aged child or teen, this is also the level of trust necessary for the parent to give uneasy consent to the relationship.
  • 40-50%: The level of trust where the lifie is completely sure you are not going to do anything to greatly betray their trust. Can easily trust you to do things such as babysit their children. This is also the level where someone who would have casual sex or a completely sexually ignorant child would feel fairly at ease with consenting to sex with you. A more sexually conservative person or someone who is nervous about sex might give uneasy consent at this level of trust if "love" stat is high enough.
  • 50-60%: This is the level at which a lifie would consider you to be "trusted." They will begin to associate your name as someone who is "trustworthy" and begin to trust you unquestioningly with various sensitive things. This trust can still be shaken if they notice something suspicious about you, but they will not be actively seeking to find suspicious things. This is also the level of trust where trust will no longer be the thing to determine whether or not the lifie will consent to sex. From this point forward, the "love" stat is the only thing that will have any bearing on that. This is also the level where a parent will give full consent for you to date and be in a sexual relationship with one of their children assuming you are in the same age category as the child.
  • 60-70%: At this level of trust, you will be the very last person on this lifie's list of suspicion if something goes wrong. This goes up to and including a scenario in which you get their daughter pregnant. If you and the daughter both try to hide it, the lifie will not suspect you of being the father without significant evidence. However, if it is brought to their attention you may have done it, they will begin watching you and be upset when the truth is revealed. This is also a level of trust where they would allow you to bathe their kids or sleep (clothed) in the same bed with them.
  • 70-80%: At this level of trust, the lifie will begin to disbelieve anything negative said about you unless the proof is fairly irrefutable. At this level, they would trust you in a consensual sexual relationship with one of their children who would be under-age relative to you. Meanwhile, they would only believe your sexual relationship with their child is non-consensual if the child came forward and told them themselves.
  • 80-90%: At this level, the lifie's standard of trust for you is so high that they will believe you to an absurd degree, and the proof they would need to have against you to distrust you would have to be staggering. They could watch you rape their screaming and crying child right in front of them and believe you if you told them that you do this all the time and the child enjoys this, and the only reason they are acting this way is because they got scared when their parent came in and didn't want to admit they enjoy it. If a lie from your mouth sounds credible, they will believe you over anyone else's version of events.
  • >90%: At this level of trust, the lifie will absolutely believe in you even if they know for certain you did or are doing something unconscionable. They will always believe there is a reasonable explanation for whatever you are doing. At this level, you can tell a father that him (the father) raping his daughter will help her social anxiety and he will believe it. The lifie will believe any lie so long as it sounds credible and well put together. (will not believe the grass is red if he can easily see it's green.) (In the convince father to rape his daughter scenario, it would take some influence from other stats as well as the context to determine if you can convince him to actually follow through with this "treatment." Him believing it due to the high trust would just make it more possible.)


The reaction to fear differs greatly depending on whether the lifie is friendly or an enemy as well as whether they are dominant or submissive.

Friendly submissive lifies will feel they have to walk on eggshells not to get you angry or else the things they fear about you will happen.

Friendly dominant lifies will feel they have to protect you from your own bad tendencies.

Enemy submissive lifies will cower and try to escape from you.

Enemy dominant lifies will view you as a threat that they have to stand up to and oppose.

The degree of the lifie's reaction will depend on just how high both the fear stat as well as the friendly - enemy and dominant - submissive stats are. It is not feasible to scale the interaction of all 6 stats, so the writer's judgement will have to come into play as to how much degree influences this.

  • <10%: The lifie will behave in a manner around you as though nervous or shy, having light levels of social anxiousness in regards to interacting with you. They are not actually fearful or suspecting you might do something bad to them, they are more uneasy about the prospect of you thinking they are weird or something of the sort. Will only mildly inhibit normal social interactions to a degree that depends on the lifie's personality and ability to get over nervousness.
  • 10-20%: The lifie will begin to make some form of negative assumptions about you, deciding it is within your personality to hurt people or do dangerous things. Will not feel too certain about their evaluation, or that you are likely to do these things to them, but the thoughts will be running through their head and it will influence their behavior.
  • 20-30%: At this level, the lifie will feel relatively certain you are someone who poses some form of minor threat. Something along the lines of standard school-yard bully behavior, either using violence, stealing, or spreading bad rumors. This is where they will start to feel actual fear. They will feel that the threat you pose is enough that they should be cautious, but not as though it is in any way life threatening.
  • 30-40%: At this level, the lifie will feel you are the type who they really have to be on their guard around. The type of guy at a club setting where all the girls have to watch their drinks. They will be constantly nervous around you and vigilant for if you are going to do anything unsavory.

4th wall note:(This would be around the area Inga Cole (Xander's mother) regards Charity due to her having molested her younger siblings. Her fearfulness of Charity would be right on the 40% mark that is the line between this and the higher level. She otherwise has a dominance and very low friendliness pattern in how she handles Charity.)

  • 40-50%: At this level, the lifie will feel you are the type who absolutely cannot be let out of the sight of someone who can stop them from doing something bad, and that you cannot be trusted around any sensitive things such as their children. They will fear that as soon as someone lets their guard down, something bad is going to happen.
  • 50-60%: At this level, the lifie is genuinely afraid of you. They feel that you are the kind of person who would maliciously go out of their way to commit some form of act that is harmful to them. The level of damage they would feel you might do is somewhere around the level of it being a 100% grantee you plan to rape them (if single) or their daughter (if a parent) as soon as you can be alone, or some equivalent level threat where it's very serious and irreversible but it is something that can be recovered from and there are also precautions that can be taken to prevent it.
  • 60-70%: At this level, the fears will be similar to the previous category but lacking some of the feelings of assurance about it. Either they will feel you are capable of circumventing anything they can do to prevent you from harming them, or they feel the harm you might do is something harder to recover from such as causing crippling injury, financial ruin, or killing a pet.
  • 70-80%: You are someone who the lifie will begin to freak out at the prospect of even being near as they are so certain you are going to do something horrible. They will feel you have the competence and ability to override anything they can do to stop you from harming them or their family, and that the only thing they really can do to prevent it is for you to be locked away in prison or something of the like.
  • 80-90%: Level of fear similar to a person targeted by an organized crime syndicate, with you being the driving force behind that organized crime. Will evaluate you as brutal, that the harm you will do will be equivalent to destroying everything they love and care for and anything you want destroyed will be maimed, killed, or turned into a sex slave for life. They will be absolutely terrified. At this level of fear, they may feel the only way to escape the harm you wish for them is through their own death. (Note, no snuff content in this story.)
  • >90%: A level of fear great enough for them to attribute something supernatural to the perceived malace and cruelty you can inflict. At this level, they will no longer even believe death is a possible escape from your cruelty, either believing that you will go on to harm their friends and loved ones if they die or actually believing something more supernatural can be done to keep them in your clutches even if they attempt suicide. At this level, the one and only way they could think of to avoid the horrible things they envision you as capable of is to simply not attract your negative will in the first place.

Platonic Love

Romantic Love