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Latest revision as of 12:42, 22 March 2021

"Hey man!" says Dan, one of the few guys you actually know halfway from the team, a lanky, usually very friendly guy. Not so friendly now, he looks quite angry really, as he stands up and walks briskly over to Jesse to stop him. "Not cool man, not cool!"

"What's your problem?" asks Jesse with a sneer on his features, eyeing Dan and giving him a light shove with his hand against Dan's shoulder. "Relax man, we're here to have fun, remember? I promised you pussy and there she is."

"Yeah, but..." Dan sputters, not sure what to say apparently, but he is saved by another teammate, one you can't identify for the life of yourself. "What he means is, that we want to fuck a girl that is actually conscious. And for a change, how about not a girl that is your left-overs? Come on, it isn't the first time you pull that crap."


"Right! Remember Olivia? I would have loved to do her, have her squealing properly as I fuck her, but by the time we finally got a chance you had filled her up with so much booze she was hardly conscious."

Several more of the guys chime in and protest, voicing their dissatisfaction. They aren't angry about Jesse raping girls, you have already gathered that this isn't the first time either, but that he acts so selfish about it. And going by how he had both grabbed Jada and Yi and used and abused them like they belonged to him without any hint of thinking of anyone but himself and getting his rocks off, you can imagine that it hasn't been going at it this way for the first time either. And as much as it should disgust you that the football team apparently gangrapes girls, you are far more angry about the fact that they don't share. Or, to be more precise, that one of them is such a thoughtless, selfish bastard about it.

"Oh come on, shut up guys!" yells Jesse, raising his voice above all others, using his captain voice now. He then whirls around, glaring at Dan. "Dan, sit your ass down!"

The other boy doesn't move, he glowers only at Jesse.

"I said sit your ass down!" repeats Jesse, standing right in front of Dan, glaring at him, pushing his index finger against Dan's chest. "Sit down, drink a beer, wait your turn and then fuck that chink pussy like a good boy! Do what I say, or you're off the team!"

It happens so fast, you can barely see it and apparently can no one else. Suddenly the usually so composed, laid back, jovial Daniel lashes out and his fist smashes into Jesse's face in a brutal swing. And apparently Dan himself too can't believe what had just happened, as while Jesse stumbles back, his nose bleeding, his own face is struck with shock and surprise. Jesse meanwhile roars in pain and fury, catching himself quickly. "Motherfucker! I'll kick your ass!"

He doesn't get the opportunity, because before he can do anything, suddenly two others of the football team grab him, pull him backwards and he goes down in a mangle of limbs, kicking, punching, cursing and what can only be described as a brutal beat down. As you watch all this going on, you realize that this may be the perfect opportunity. You...