Must be true/part 6: Difference between revisions

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'''Note from the author'''
'''Note from Jemini'''

This one was going a little long, so even though I hadn't gotten to all the results of the voting I decided to cut it here.
This one was going a little long, so even though I hadn't gotten to all the results of the voting I decided to cut it here.
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'''This is a top result only vote'''
'''This is a top result only vote'''

<poll show-results-before-voting>
*Semen comes out instead of pee when it's in a girl '''7 votes'''
Go for some low WS content
*Stick it in her urethra and pee in her bladder '''9 votes'''
Tell her it doesn't work and you can't
Tell her that's too gross for you but you will agree to pee outside her privates
Due to the violently different nature of these 2 options that each got high votes, I am going to lag the results again. Next page will NOT contain any actual pee. It will only contain talk about it. What it WILL contain though is all the other stuff I was unable to get to last time, including shoving it in Jodi's vagina.
Have sex with her, then tell her the white stuff comes out instead of pee when a boy's penis is inside a girl
I want high WS content
[[Must be true/part 7|Next]]
<poll show-results-before-voting>
Go for some high WS content
Pee in her vagina
Pee in her vagina and tell her it will all go into her bladder
Say it's possible, then stick your penis in her urethra and do what she asked for
I want low WS content or none at all, but will settle for low since it's on the listing already.

[[Category:Must be true|part 6]]
[[Category:Must be true|part 6]]

Latest revision as of 22:51, 28 March 2021

I considered my options for a second as I looked around our kid’s upstairs bathroom. The sink vanity was covered with all kinds of colorful toothbrushes and some bath toys that were no longer in use since Kyle had outgrown them. However, in a single mother household, mom never had time to worry about the cleanliness of our bathroom. She always left that to us kids, and as a result those items had stayed there for years now.

The closest thing we would do to cleaning in here was sometimes pick up the discarded clothes someone tossed on the floor before taking a bath or showering whenever it was laundry day. It looked like this room was due in for another such cleaning too. There were plenty of clothes of an 8 an 14 year old boy as well as a 10 year old girl scattered about everywhere, and of course neither gender really cared if their underwear was seen laying about the bathroom floor or counters either. It most certainly gave off a messy lived-in feel, and it smelled musty and very heavily of young human, but there was still a, err… mostly clean path to the toilet tucked into the back corner of the room next to the shower that took up most of the far wall.

I had said that she wouldn’t pee until I got her on the toilet, so I should be able to test the boundaries of my powers if I decide to be a little bit mean with her here. However, I ultimately decide that’s a bad idea. She would probably hate it if I did that.

I hoped for a second my stray thought there wouldn’t cause my strange power here to influence her behavior, but I figured since I didn’t say it out loud then it should be fine.

“Uhh… ehhh… Eliot?” Jodi called my name with a very worried voice. It snapped me back to reality. I was standing there just thinking. Can’t just leave this girl about to burst hanging here like that.

I carried her over to the toilet and carefully put her down on the seat. It was a good thing Aimie had used it last and the seat wasn’t up.

“Oh no!” Jodi moaned as I was putting her down. I heard the sound of large liquid droplets hitting the water like a faucet set to low into a basin of water. It didn’t sound like the normal urine stream at all though.

Jodi’s butt was still a little too small to be supported by the toilet seat alone, so her legs automatically parted a little to keep her from falling in. That’s when I saw that both her hands were still covering her privates and she looked like she was about to cry. She didn’t move her hands from there the entire time she was peeing, probably because she just felt helpless since it had already started.

I realized it then as I was listening to the final drops of her tapering off urine stream. I had not said she wouldn’t pee until I got her to the toilet, I had said she wouldn’t wet herself. That means if I had’t taken off her pants and underwear, she would probably have peed her pants. Since I did though, my power had to find some other way for her to wet herself when I got her on the toilet, and it wound up to be wetting her hands.

“Uhhh… it’s Ok, I can help you clean this up.” I told her and started looking around for something to wipe her hands with. That’s when I spotted something that gave me an incredibly perverted idea. A pair of Aimie’s panties were laying right there on the floor, and I wouldn’t have to reach that far to get to them.

This was incredibly perverted. I probably wouldn’t have even thought about this before today. Is this the result of me calling myself a major pedophile with Jordan before? Something about the way I phrased it must have included more than just me liking to have sex with kids younger than me. It also made me a total pervert. It’s kinda scary how much this power can actually be used to change myself.

“Aren’t those girl’s underwear?” Jodi asked. That was when I realized I had picked up those underwear while I was deep in thought. And, now that I was holding them, I just had to follow through with my messed up plan.

“Yeah, I thought they might be more gentle on your hands while I was cleaning them.” I told her and got her to give me her hands. She definitely thought this was weird, but she went along with it anyway.

I stuck my hand inside of my 10 year old sister’s panties and used them like a cloth to clean off Jodi’s pee-covered 6 year old fingers. After I got her fingers sufficiently dry, I got her to spread her legs as far to the sides of the toilet as I could, putting her girl privates on full display while I gently rubbed my little sister’s panties against her slightly damp crotch.

I could actually feel the pre-cum drooling against my thigh as I continued on with this ridiculous situation. I started to realize this entire thing was getting me extremely turned on. I was seriously touching my first ever girl pussy after all. It wasn’t just that though, it was also the smell. I could smell my younger siblings’ scent all over this room due to the discarded clothes everywhere.

It was nothing like the revolting and heady adult smell, the smell of little kid sweat was actually something that was not that unpleasant and could even trigger a pleasant sense of nostalgia in completely normal adults. To someone who had just become a major pedophile like me though, the biggest thought it triggered in my mind was that it was too bad Kyle was a boy and it would be so much better if the scents that filled this room were of my 2 little sisters instead of a little sister and little brother.

Well, maybe this new set of powers could actually do something about that whenever I found the chance. Kyle would definitely at least stay a tomboy though, and he… or rather she would definitely keep sharing my room too.

Wow! This isn’t good! Thoughts about gender changing and then fucking my tomboy little sister are distracting me from the pleasure of touching a girl between the legs for the first time. I can’t have that!

It seemed like I had gotten all the pee off her skin a long time ago, but that didn’t mean I had to stop. I tossed the panties aside, on top of Kyle’s sweat shirt which was sitting next to my knee. After that, I reached out both hands to continue touching Jodi’s pussy.

I lightly pinched both her labia at once, and then traced her slit up and down with my thumb. This was really a girl’s privates! I had a little sister living with me all this time, but of course mom as she was up till now would have killed me if I tried to get Aimie to show me in any way.

Now, it’s time to state my ultimate curiosity. What is inside those folds of a girl’s privates? I’d always known girls had a slit down there, but what did it look like beneath that slit?

I gently pulled it apart with my fingers, just a little bit, and saw nothing but pink folds.

“Umm…” Jodi made a nervous sound and started fidgeting with my hands on her pussy and my gaze so intense on what I was seeing.

I panicked and pulled my hands away, feeling like she was about to object. I only realized afterward I could probably have used my ability somehow to make her perfectly fine with what I was doing, but decided against it. My goal was to have sex with her after all, and for that I couldn’t just keep touching her with my fingers all day.

“Uhhh… hey! I just had an idea!” I said as I started pushing my pants down. “You wanted to see what a boy’s penis looked like, right? How about I show you how boys pee?” I asked as I pushed my pants and underwear down. I saw the very large wet spot on the leg of my boxer shorts, and a long drooling strand of the stuff connected me to the retreating garment until it was half-way down my thighs.

After I got them off, kicked the removed garments off to the side and stood up, revealing my 4.5 inch drooling snake to Jodi. It had already started to grow and was starting to reach it’s mature thickness, but it was still not the intimidating monster of an adult’s penis.

Of course, since I had told Jodi that she didn’t even know boys and girls were different down there, she gasped as soon as she saw it. “What’s that!?” She asked in a completely shocked tone and pointed. She squeaked when her finger actually brushed across the slimy tip and withdrew her hand.

“That’s my penis, this is what a boy’s privates look like.” I told her.

Jodi gasped again. “Really!?” She said, sounding extremely excited. She practically had stars in her eyes as she was looking at it. Another burble of pre-cum actually dribbled out as it and dropped to the floor right before her eyes, earning yet another gasp from Jodi. “It’s leaking!” She said.

“Y… yeah.” I said. “Don’t worry, it’s not pee or anything. It’s totally not gross. My penis just does that sometimes in order to make the head all moist and slippery.

“Really?” She said and then tentatively reached out and touched the head of my penis with her palm. She immediately pulled it back.

“Eeeew! It’s slimy!” She said, and then immediately started wiping it on her thigh.

“Y… yeah, but you like gross things, right?” I asked in a panic. I knew my ability would make this change the way she thought about things, but I figured it all worked out since this way she would like sex more. Sex WAS pretty gross after all.

“Hehe, yeah!” She said. “Your penis is so cool! Is that where you pee from?”

“Y… yeah.” I said.

“Cool!” She said again. “Hey, wait! Hey! Does that mean you can stick your penis inside where I pee from and then pee inside my bladder? Then I can pee all over again!”

Wait, what? That’s definitely very gross! Did saying she liked gross things go a little bit too far? Also, that’s basically sex, isn’t it? She just practically asked for it, although in the most sexually ignorant terms possible.

The bigger problem is though, I’m really not sure it works that way. I don’t remember the anatomical portion of my sex-ed class too well, but I’m pretty sure I heard the vagina is a different hole from the urethra.

Note from Jemini

This one was going a little long, so even though I hadn't gotten to all the results of the voting I decided to cut it here.

Peeing on her privates, nuzzling her pussy with your penis, and sticking it in her vagina without giving her any true information on what you're doing are all still on the palate for next round. But, in addition, we've got to deal with the decision point here. (Also, peeing anywhere else will be assumed to morph and take up the peeing on her privates option, since that's the decision point this round was worked down to.)

This is a top result only vote

  • Semen comes out instead of pee when it's in a girl 7 votes
  • Stick it in her urethra and pee in her bladder 9 votes

Due to the violently different nature of these 2 options that each got high votes, I am going to lag the results again. Next page will NOT contain any actual pee. It will only contain talk about it. What it WILL contain though is all the other stuff I was unable to get to last time, including shoving it in Jodi's vagina.
