Offline/You arrive at camp with Emma: Difference between revisions

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[[Offline/Look away man! It's your sister!|Look away man! It's your sister!]]
[[Offline/Look away man! It's your sister!|Look away man! It's your sister!]]

[[Category:Offline]][[Category:Offline Emma]]
[[Category:Offline/Emma/Day 1]]

Latest revision as of 04:36, 21 December 2022

A few twists and turns later and a cabin makes itself visible through the trees. You've practically driven into the middle of camp by the time you notice it.

The old trail leading in came through thick, dense forest, but the camp itself is on the edge of much thinner brush on rocky land before the river. There's a lot of thin grass and weeds that have taken over the clearings of the camp, but your uncle was prepared for that. Before you can even disembark from the bus, he's pulled out a monstrosity of a weedwacker from his jeep and brings it to life to mow down the offending bits of nature in his way.

The wooden cabins are loosely grouped, and although there doesn't appear to be a reason why some are closer or farther than others, there definitely was some sort of logic to it all at some point. There's one large fire pit near the center along with a couple smaller ones and even a burning barrel in front of particular cabins. There's a pair of outhouses set amongst the cabins and another pushed back into the bush. The gentle sound of the river in the distance is in no way discernable over the sound of your uncle's whacking, but you can remember it from when you were last here.

It's somewhat surreal to be back again, and equally so to know that you're stuck here for a week, but a part of you is excited. Having your own cabin should be pretty sweet, even if you're sharing.

You grab your bags from under the bus and try to run off without your sister in a last ditch attempt to get away with going solo, but mom asks for you to grab Emma's stuff before you can round the bus. So you lug two sets of sleep gear along with your own bag down an invisible path into the forest and away from your relatives, your sister close behind. The bush is even thicker than last time when you were idly wandering through the wilderness, but at least this time you know where this path takes you.

After a couple minutes, the commotion behind you (save for the weedwacker) is completely drowned out by the forest. But your tiny cabin is right where you left it in a thinned out clearing. You open the door to the maybe 7 by 10 foot box that you're now forced to share with your sister. You're not really sure of the actual dimensions, but it seems smaller than when you were here last. In fact, you've been in larger tents before. You can tell that laying down one way you would barely be able to stretch your arms over your head. Laying the other way you could but without much room to spare. You're not disappointed, but it's not exactly how you remember it either.

Surprisingly Emma doesn't have much to say as she takes in the limited floor space and sparse features of this shack. A window resides on each of the short walls, the door being centered on the long wall and helping to split the cabin in half. A missing wood stove is opposite the door, only it's metal chimney still present near the roof. There were probably beds, maybe even bunk beds, setup here at some point, but they've long since been removed. Your uncle did warn everyone that the camp had been stripped of most anything useful and that you'd be roughing it despite the cabins so most people brought either foam or air mattresses with their sleeping bags. Having to sleep on the floor is still a tad demoralizing.

You drop Emma's stuff on one side and then yours on the other. You're still bitter about having your little sister here with you so you don't have much to say to her. She asks you the odd question while you unpack mats and bags but you try to stick to one word answers, wanting to punish her a little.

Mom and dad show up after a couple minutes, exactly the kind of thing you were trying to avoid. Mom wants to see where you've dragged your little sister to. You whine and complain trying to be as unwelcoming as possible just so they'll leave, but your sis is weirdly bubbly. Apparently she likes the idea of sleeping out here, for once getting to do the thing her big teenage brother gets to. Although mom doesn't look impressed, dad helps usher her away if only so they can get their own sleeping arrangements sorted out.

With your parents gone you pull a notebook from your bag and start doodling. You try to pretend she isn't here, but your sister is so good at annoying you just by being in your presence. It's not her fault of course; it's yours. If not for you, she wouldn't be with you. She truly would be better off at camp since she actually enjoys playing with your younger cousins, being fairly close to her age. Instead you're stuck with her now, arguably Mom's cunning way to 'keep you out of trouble', whether she knows that or not.

Your sis pulls a bag of slime from her backpack and plays by herself on her bed while you doodle. You figure she's trying to give you the silent treatment after you ignored several minutes of her nattering. Remarkably you kill an hour together without saying a word, both of you equally as stubborn. But eventually Emma can't do it anymore.

"I'm going back to camp," she announces.

"Fine," you respond without looking up.

Head down, refusing to look at her, the door opens and closes and you're finally alone. You throw your notebook aside and slump against the wall. You can only actively ignore your sister for so long. It gets exhausting after a while. And that thought makes you admit to yourself that you really need to make the best of this situation, because forcing yourself to brood all week isn't going to be very fun.

Moments later the door opens. "Justice?"


"I don't know how to get back."

Your sis looks a little upset, clearly scared by the prospect of getting lost in the woods and her strange new surroundings. You sigh, feeling sorry for her, then leave with your sis to bring her back to camp safely.

You lead Emma back to the clearing that is the main camp and she barely thanks you before running after someone she spots entering a distant cabin. Shoving your hands in your pockets you look around at the chaos underway. Having arrived later in the day there's a common sense of urgency in the air to get the camp sorted out. Most of the kids are just goofing around, but the adults are split between tidying the camp, making sense of the cabins and trying to put a meal together. The big pit already has a fire going and some people are spreading out food and supplies over one of only two visible picnic tables. You'd rather just goof off, but it's determined that you are an "adult" in this instance, and seeing as you're just standing off to one side you're quickly ordered around and assigned a task. You start lugging smaller rocks and debris off to one side and out of the way already regretting having come back to camp. But after a simple camp dinner of hotdogs and smores are served around the campfire your mood improves slightly.

Uncle Dave has his guitar out and is happily strumming away with mediocre vocals as entertainment for the near fully congregated family (with very few unable or unwilling to join) thoroughly enjoying the fruition of his dream to the fullest. Everyone is staying up late tonight, the adults drinking and the kids running around like wild animals. One by one the kids slowly give in to their inevitable exhaustion and you're tasked with bringing your hyperactive sister back to your cabin.

As soon as you get a glimpse of your cabin you direct your sister to it. "There," you point through the darkness. "I'm heading back to camp."

"What? Wait! You can't leave me! I don't have a flashlight! What if bigfoot finds me?"

"There's no such... Fine." You know how the conversation with your mom is going to go if you put up a fight, so you don't bother arguing and just head inside with Emma.

You lay down on your bed and pull out the only novel you brought with you, laying your flashlight on your chest. Your sis starts babbling about how cool the camp is but that this cabin is really small and that her friend nearly drowned rafting somewhere and blah, blah, blah. You do your best to tune her out and focus on the words in front of you.

"Justice...? Justice!"

"What?!" you yell back, then realize that your sister is standing right beside you. And then you notice that she's wearing nothing but a pair of panties.

"Why are y-"

"Can I borrow your flashlight? I can't see."

You sit up, pointing the flashlight around the room. "See what?"

"I'm trying to get changed," she explains.

You light up her mostly naked body. "Yeah, I noticed."

"Ugh. Fine."

She stomps the few steps required to grab her bag then brings it over to you, placing it directly on your legs. Now closer to the only light source, which is still pointed at her body, she leans down to rummage and ends up spilling much of her bag's contents over your bed.

Baggies of slime, beanie babies, makeup, toiletries, and eventually even some clothes are tossed all around you. Meanwhile you stare somewhat uncomfortably at your panty clad little sister. You hardly spend any time with her at home, or anywhere else for that matter. You're both very different with dissimilar schedules and interests and your age gap doesn't help to bring you any closer either. So although you live in the same house you don't see much of each other. But right now you're seeing almost all of your little sister's oddly cute bare little body lit up in the darkness. She looks... better than she used to.

You can hardly even remember seeing her naked and that was back when you had the occasional bath together. But you haven't taken a bath in forever, and she looks nothing like what you remember either. She's definitely still a kid, but she's thinned out and her form has lengthened. Her chest is flat as a board but you can see where curves will eventually take hold. Her panties seem to be on the small side, probably thanks to a growth spurt that her wardrobe hasn't adjusted for, but the delicate undergarment sits low on her hips in a weirdly alluring way. Her butt looks small but her tight panties stretch around her cheeks to help give it shape, especially from the side.

Keep staring at your little sis

Look away man! It's your sister!