Must be true/part 42: Difference between revisions

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Great. THAT really didn’t go the direction I was expecting.
Great. THAT really didn’t go the direction I was expecting.

<poll show-results-before-voting>
'''Poll closed: poll results'''
What should I do? (Multiple winners)
Null vote: Do nothing. Just wait and see what they all do.
*Null vote: Do nothing. Just wait and see what they all do. '''3 votes
Say that nothing is wrong
*Say that this is normal '''8 votes'''
Say that none of them are worried
*Say that it doesn't make privates hurt or bleed to stick something inside them '''5 votes'''
Say that James didn't get hurt
Say that there's no blood
[[Must be true/part 43|Next]] in progress.
Say that this is normal
Say that it doesn't make privates hurt or bleed to stick something inside them

[[Category:Must be true]]
[[Category:Must be true]]

Latest revision as of 07:48, 15 August 2021

Alright, I think I know what I’m saying. Let’s try this out.

“So, because all the boys except me in town are really girls, none of the kids who don’t know what sex is know that boys are supposed to have penises. They don’t even know what a penis is and think boys having vulvas is normal. Those three haven’t ever seen my penis, so they don’t know about me having one either. So, if I stick my penis inside their vaginas without them seeing it with their eyes, they will think it’s just my finger or something.” I said.

My face blossomed into a smile as I thought about that one. “Yeah! That must be why all the people I’ve seen even after I said being naked was Ok were all wearing clothes. It makes sense. If all the boys are really actually girls then none of the adults would be angry about them seeing each other’s privates so being naked wouldn’t be something any kid would get in trouble for, but normally they would wear clothes. It’s just that nobody thinks it’s bad to take off your clothes and be naked.”

I had a huge grin as I finished saying that. It was only after I got done that I realized I’d just said all that out loud to an empty room. It definitely felt strange. I’d gotten so used to spinning elaborate lies that even when I was the only one here I started into these really elaborate explanations to justify whatever weird thing I was trying to make true with this power. Actually, the whole thing about clothing and nudity was more an observation, but I guess it’s true now.

I panicked a little when I realized what I’d just done. “Umm, actually, what I just said… no, all the stuff I just said was me trying to think out loud, it doesn’t count for my power. My power doesn’t… well, it doesn’t change things permanently unless I say it to someone. If I say it while nobody is there, it only changes things for a few hours and then goes back to however it was before.”

Ok. Well, what I just said just leaves everything up in the air. For one, I have absolutely no idea if my power actually does work without someone else being there to listen in the first place. Second, I do not know if my power can alter itself. This didn’t turn out to be all that great a test after all, huh? All I did was say things that actually could have even been true before I ever said anything. The least likely one to have already been true would probably be the one about those three not knowing I had a penis and having never seen me naked.

That got me to thinking. If what I just said about the kids is true even without me changing things, I wonder how many of the adults know that I’m a real boy with penis and everything. I should probably avoid speculating on that though. I don’t want to accidentally say something. Maybe they didn’t know, but maybe grandma and grandpa had to tell somebody about me when they were moving into the town.

Moving into the town, huh? Yeah, that’s right. Just like originally before the time-travel when we lived with grandma and grandpa before mom moved in here, me and Aimie were not born in this town. We moved into this house while mom was still pregnant with Kyle.

Wait, no… that’s only now since I came back in time. Originally, mom had Kyle while we were still living with grandma and grandpa. Now in this version where we moved back in time, she had Kyle only after we moved in here.

So, there are definitely changes to events and the way things work that happen without me using my power. It’s got to be in order to accommodate things I said before. That one about being Evelyn’s and her “brother’s” father though is definitely the one that went the most unexpected direction by making me go back in time in the first place.

Well, whatever. “Alright, they should all have found something to use as good blindfolds by now.” I said out loud. I probably didn’t have to, but this way it is guranteed that I won’t have to wait for them after going back out. I’m ready to get my aunt and “uncles” pregnant now without them even knowing I had sex with them at all.

I walked out of the bathroom and all of them were waiting in the hall. They were all already naked and holding long-sleve shirts in one hand. It was a pretty strange sight seeing my almost identical-looking twin “uncles” with their short buz-cut hair and perfectly flat chests, looking every single bit like boys even with their clothes off, except for the fact that they had a slit between their legs instead of a penis. Meanwhile, Misty who whas in the 4th grade had what looked like just the beginnings of a set of breasts coming in and her long sandy-blond hair was draping over her shoulders, making the sight of her slit between her legs far less incongruous with the rest of her body.

Of course, thanks to the stuff I had said, not a single one of them found any of this strange in the least. They all turned some happy looking faces at me as soon as I was in the hall.

“Hey, we’re gonna use these shirts as blind-folds!” Peet said.

“We asked mommy and daddy and they say we can use their bedroom for this game.” Misty said.

“Alright, I’ll show you the rest of how to play with the naked rules.” I said and then lead them all back into the girls’ room. “Misty can lay down on the bed over there since this is her room.” I said.

“Do I go up to my bed or do I have to use Trish’s bed?” Misty asked, indicating her own bed was the top bunk.

“Umm… the game would be easier if you were on the bottom bunk.” I said. At those words, she went over and laid down on my mother’s bed like she was going to sleep on top of the covers with her naked vulnerable-looking body on full display.

“Uhhh… no! Not like that!” I said. “That would work for the normal game, but for the naked version you need to turn around with your legs off the side of the bed so it’s easier to touch your privates.”

“O…kay?” Misty said, seeming a little unsure. She did what I told her anyway and scooted her butt right up to the edge of the bed.

“Alright. Now, for this version of the game, all of us are going to touch inside the other person’s privates, like, by touching right here!” I said as I reached a hand forward toward Misty’s slit, having lost all hesitation after already having sex with over five girls counting the ones before I warped back.

“Inside our privates? What do you mean inside our privates!?” James asked.

“Like this!” I said, now pushing my 7-year-old finger into my 10-year-old aunt’s vagina.

“Ow! Hey!” Misty complained.

“Wow! Your finger is in her privates!” Peet said.

“Is that her pee-hole?” James asked.

“No, that’s my other hole! I pee from a different spot!” Misty said. “I don’t know what that hole is called, but it’s different from where I pee from.”

“How do you know?” James challenged her.

“Because… well… just because! It’s different!” Misty said, getting some doubtful stares from the other two. “I tried peeing in the shower when I had my finger inside there, Ok!?” She barked. “Eliot! You don’t need to keep sticking your finger in!” She got huffy and threw my hand off of her.

She seemed pretty embarassed by the admission. But still, it seems like she had experimented with her privates by the sounds of it.

“Ok.” James said. She… I mean, ‘he’ did not seem completely convinced.

“I don’t think I have a hole there.” Peet said as ‘he’ was pushing ‘his’ hips forward and pulling ‘his’ vulva lips appart to try to get a better look at the inside of the very female privates ‘he’ had.

“Let me see.” I said and then knelt down in front of Peet’s spread-open crotch. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever had any of the girls I had sex with just hold themselves open like this. This gave me a whole new view of parts of a girl I had never seen with my eyes before.

The inside was a bunch of pink folds stretched smooth by Peet’s fingers. And, right in the middle of those folds, was a hole in the middle as plain as day. It cratered in at the middle, and then there was a little circle of skin that was just barely inside of it. In the center of that circle of skin though was a much darker pink of my now female uncle’s insides.

How could ‘he’ not see that though? I guess it was because ‘he’ was standing up and holding ‘his’ hips at a strange angle? Maybe ‘he’ just couldn’t see over some strange curve of the privates there or something?

“Yeah, you got a hole there!” James butted in. It was pretty easy to see from our angle, so ‘he’ had a little bit of a scoff to ‘his’ voice as ‘he’ belittled ‘his’ ‘brother’ for not being able to see something so obvious.

“Really?” Peet asked.

“Yeah, right here!” James said, and then immediately reached a hand between my face and Peet’s privates and stuck a finger straight on in to his ‘brother’s’ vagina.

“Ow!” Peet said and threw James’ rough hand off. “That hurt!”

“Uhh… well…” James stammered. The next thing we knew, Peet tackled ‘him’ to the floor and the twin ‘brothers’ were wrestling around. Not even a few seconds in, Peet’s aim became incredibly obvious as ‘he’ reared back a little in order to make space between James’ legs, and then shoved a finger up inside far more roughly than any of us had thus far.

“Hey, ow!” James complained.

Peet gave an elated and satisfied laugh of triumph as ‘he’ pulled ‘his’ hand back, but a moment later everything froze as ‘he’ saw ‘his’ finger covered in blood. He let out a gasp. “Oh no!”

Great. THAT really didn’t go the direction I was expecting.

Poll closed: poll results

  • Null vote: Do nothing. Just wait and see what they all do. 3 votes
  • Say that this is normal 8 votes
  • Say that it doesn't make privates hurt or bleed to stick something inside them 5 votes

Next in progress.