God's Compensation/Lore/Trust aura (demigod): Difference between revisions

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Those exposed to this aura will hesitate to think ill of the deity's intentions, and will not think as critically about his words. This effect though can be shaken if the listener can identify that they just told a lie or violated the trust of the person they were talking to. The effects of the aura can be reinstated after it fails in accordance with how strong the aura is and how badly it was shaken.
Those exposed to this aura will hesitate to think ill of the deity's intentions, and will not think as critically about his words. This effect though can be shaken if the listener can identify that they just told a lie or violated the trust of the person they were talking to. The effects of the aura can be reinstated after it fails in accordance with how strong the aura is and how badly it was shaken.

A demigod's aura is weak. Their aura will cause strangers to treat the deity like they know them, but the level of trust actually granted to them will depend on the demigod's actions and behavior. If the demigod is already familiar with the person they are using the aura on, they will be treated with a little more trust than they would usually be granted by each individual they are familiar with. For instance, if you have shown yourself to be untrustworthy to them in the past, they might overlook some minor violations of trust. If you have not had any violations of trust, they will consider you trustworthy. If you have shown yourself somewhat worthy of their trust, they will trust you with larger tasks than they might trust someone else in your position with.
A demigod's aura is weak. Their aura will cause strangers to treat the deity like they know them, but the level of trust actually granted to them will depend on the demigod's actions and behavior. If the demigod is already familiar with the person they are using the aura on, they will be treated with a little more trust than they would usually be granted based on their track record. For instance, if the demigod has shown himself to be untrustworthy to them in the past, they might overlook some minor violations of trust. If the demigod has not had any violations of the individual's trust, they will consider you trustworthy and might let their guard down on certain subjects. If the demigod has shown themselves to be somewhat worthy of trust, they will be treated with a higher degree of trust and might be given some important tasks beyond the level of trust they actually earned.

The Demigod's aura will not grant any shutdown in rationality when someone tries to figure out whether or not they are lying, the person's normal rational facilities for catching a lie will be fully engaged. If they are found to have lied or taken an action that violates a person's trust, the level to witch the aura's influence is shaken depends on the severity of the violation. If the aura's effects are shaken, the deity will also be treated with all the normal ire one would have for whatever type of transgression occurred.
The Demigod's aura will not grant any shutdown in rationality when someone tries to figure out whether or not they are lying, the person's normal rational facilities for catching a lie will be fully engaged. If they are found to have lied or taken an action that violates a person's trust, the level to witch the aura's influence is shaken depends on the severity of the violation. If the aura's effects are shaken, the deity will also be treated with all the normal ire one would have for whatever type of transgression occurred.

Latest revision as of 00:28, 28 April 2016

Those exposed to this aura will hesitate to think ill of the deity's intentions, and will not think as critically about his words. This effect though can be shaken if the listener can identify that they just told a lie or violated the trust of the person they were talking to. The effects of the aura can be reinstated after it fails in accordance with how strong the aura is and how badly it was shaken.

A demigod's aura is weak. Their aura will cause strangers to treat the deity like they know them, but the level of trust actually granted to them will depend on the demigod's actions and behavior. If the demigod is already familiar with the person they are using the aura on, they will be treated with a little more trust than they would usually be granted based on their track record. For instance, if the demigod has shown himself to be untrustworthy to them in the past, they might overlook some minor violations of trust. If the demigod has not had any violations of the individual's trust, they will consider you trustworthy and might let their guard down on certain subjects. If the demigod has shown themselves to be somewhat worthy of trust, they will be treated with a higher degree of trust and might be given some important tasks beyond the level of trust they actually earned.

The Demigod's aura will not grant any shutdown in rationality when someone tries to figure out whether or not they are lying, the person's normal rational facilities for catching a lie will be fully engaged. If they are found to have lied or taken an action that violates a person's trust, the level to witch the aura's influence is shaken depends on the severity of the violation. If the aura's effects are shaken, the deity will also be treated with all the normal ire one would have for whatever type of transgression occurred.

White lies

A small lie without consequence will not shake a person's trust by themselves regardless of number, but it can compound with minor lies for the purpose of upgrading severity.

Minor lies

A small lie that has some negative consequence for the person who hears and acts on it, or a lie about the character of another person that would not be considered malicious will render all parties present immune from the aura's effects for 2 hours unless they can justify and explain their actions to those present. Multiple unjustified instances of lies at this level in a short period of time will be regarded as a single example of Flagrant or malicious lies for the purpose of how badly trust will be shaken.

For the purpose of minor lies, a "short period of time" for the purpose of advancing severity is 2 hours.

Minor trust violations

Failing to get a task you are asked to do and perfectly capable of doing completed when you have promised you would do so, or doing the task blatantly wrong in some way, will be regarded the same as a minor lie.

An example of doing a task wrong would be if you were asked to babysit and fed the kids a lot of candy or in some other way permitted them to perform some kind of non-harmful activity that was against the parent's wishes.

For the purpose of minor trust violations, a "short period of time" for the purpose of advancing severity is 8 hours, or having all the violations over a longer period of time discovered all at once.

Flagrant or malicious lies

A lie that is obvious and clearly not meant as a joke, such as attempts to avoid suspicion or negative attention through lying, or lies that are meant to make someone doubt the character of someone else or designed to prompt actions that are clearly not in the best interest of the one hearing it will, if it is a one time instance, shake the effects of the aura for 8 hours unless the demigod can justify and explain their actions to those present. If they can explain their actions in a way that is satisfactory to those present, this will be regarded as a minor lie if a sufficient explanation can be given. However, if there are multiple lies of this severity and nature caught in a short period of time, it will be regarded as a severe trust violation.

For the purpose of flagrant or malicious lies, a "short period of time" is regarded as 24 hours.

Large trust violations

Being caught stealing, destroying items of minor value to the owner, or performing a task you were asked to do in a way that is horribly wrong, will all be considered the same as a flagrant or malicious lie.

An example of doing a task horribly wrong would be if you were asked to babysit and you had no idea where one or more of the children were when the parents got home, and you do not seem to care about the fact that you don't know. Another example would be if the child came to preventable harm while in your care. (this example would be upgraded to the next level of severity if the two were combined.)

For the purpose of large trust violations, a "short period of time" for the purpose of advancing severity is a month.

Severe trust violations

Lies that could potentially cause a threat to life or safety, maliciously causing physical harm, stealing or destroying items of great monetary or emotional value, or being found to have performed what would be regarded as a severe criminal act in a society are all severe violations of trust, and any individuals violated in this way will have a level of distrust for the deity that will render them completely immune to the trust aura until their negative emotions can be fully addressed and the deity is restored to the violated person's good graces. The amount of time this will take depends on the severity of the individual case, but it will likely involve both time and careful words from the deity to address the violation.

The time factor will never be shorter than 4 days, and can extend up to 10 years depending on the severity of the action. During that time, the deity can perform actions to win back their trust, but these actions will not see results until after the time factor has also been reached. They can still interact with the violated individual, but the violated individual will be completely immune to the deity's trust aura during this time.