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''This story is dedicated to you, the reader; and to everyone who makes this site possible. I hope this story meets as many fantasies for you as it does me. -HG''

<div class="story-title">A Sweet Escape</div>
[[File:Sweet escape 2 - Copy.png|600px|center]]
<div class="author-name">A Loli Romance Novel by H.G. Collins</div>
<div class="tagline">What if we could run away together? That would be such a sweet escape!</div>

'''Chapter I'''
<div class="author-info">Visit my [[User:Hgcollins|ATF author page]] to read more of my work.</div>

My family isn’t exactly what you’d consider normal. I guess we are for the most part and we definitely used to be pretty normal and boring. But my older brother, Tony was the one to ruin that for us. You see, here in southern Texas, he’s been involved in the drug trade for years. After he graduated with a business degree from Texas A&M, he started out legit. He found a job with a small import/export company bringing electronics equipment into the states from Mexico. When the owner fell ill, my brother had to step up and ended up running a lot of the day to day business. About 6 month or so later, his boss had recovered, but decided after his health scare he was ready to retire.

<div style="font-size: 20px; text-align: center; font-style: italic;"><strong>Forward:</strong> Thank you for checking out my little erotic fiction novel. It’s a bit of a suspense thriller, but don’t worry, I tend to shy away from erotic stories that never get to the point. This story is dedicated to you, the reader; and to everyone who makes this site possible. I hope you enjoy!
<div style="text-align: center; font-family:Dawning of a New Day; font-size:45px; font-weight: bold;">-H.G. Collins</div>

When my brother found out, he made a deal with him to buy the company. He was able to finance it and within a few months, he signed the papers and officially became the owner of his boss’ company. It would be a few years after that when he was approached by an old friend from high school who worked for the cartel in Mexico. They wanted him to start shipping drugs along with the electronics equipment,

<div class="start-reading">[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 1|Start Reading "A Sweet Escape"]]</div>

At first, he was resistant. But after a while they became more and more persuasive—to the point of threatening him. He reluctantly gave in eventually and started doing it.

== '''Index''' ==

He wasn’t at all happy about the arrangement, at least not until the cash started rolling in. Being 10 years younger, I was only vaguely aware of what was going on.  When I turned 20, he bought his second business. It was another shipping company and of course, he started adding drugs to those shipping lines, too.

<div style="text-align:center">
''When his brother gets mixed up with a drug cartel, a man is forced to take his niece, Zoe on the run to keep her safe. She ends up staying safe from the cartel, but not from his desire to fuck the little girl's tight pussy. He turns things into a game to teach his niece how to be a good girlfriend. Things really heat up when the cartel finds their location and they have to start running. Their escape isn’t the only thing that heats up, though. . .

Around that same time, he and his long time girlfriend had a daughter named Zoe. Unfortunately, it wasn’t all good news. About a year after Zoe was born, her mother was killed in a car crash with a drunk driver. Ever since then, I of course stepped up and started helping out. Our parents did most of the heavy lifting, so it’s not like it was a huge imposition on me. There was one thing he didn’t let our parents worry about, though.

'''M/g, reluc, cons, anal, oral, ws'''

You see, they had their suspicions, but as far as they were concerned, he ran a successful import export business and that was the end of it. They didn’t know he was padding the technology with drugs. Especially now with his fiancé, Lena out of the picture. Tony worried about something happening to him. Working for a drug cartel isn’t exactly the safest line of work. And it’s not one that’s easy to get out of either.

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[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 1|Chapter 1]]

He had heard stories of things that happened to people that went against the cartel. Even if they suspected anything, it was enough. They would go after whole families if they had to just to make sure things went their way. Most of the worst stories came from south of the border. They worked to keep their operations on the US side as clean as possible. That’s one of the reasons they liked working with my brother. Clean money from a company that had been importing legally for years.
[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 2|Chapter 2]]

[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 3|Chapter 3]]

If things went south for the cartel, though, he made sure I would be able to protect Zoe. He put together an escape route, 2 suitcases he’s asked me to pack with clothes for a week, and a duffle back full of cash and a gun. He’d even had a panic room installed in his house. It was only natural to be afraid of the cartel, but I really didn’t think anything would happen. After all, he’d worked with them without issue for years. I was more concerned the DEA would come find him before anything else happened.
[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 4|Chapter 4]]

[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 5|Chapter 5]]

Not long after Zoe’s 7th birthday, however, I got the call I didn’t expect. He told me to grab the emergency suitcases, pick up Zoe from school and drive North to the motel 6 in Pueblo, Colorado. He instructed me to stay there and lay low with Zoe—only leave the room to pick up supplies. He didn’t explain further and I didn’t ask questions. He said he would be in touch and that was it.
[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 6|Chapter 6]]

[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 7|Chapter 7]]

I followed his instructions and picked Zoe up from school that day. That was the day where my story with Zoe really begins.
[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 8|Chapter 8]]

More Chapters Coming Soon!

She was excited I was picking her up that day. I always took her for ice cream and this day was no exception. The only difference was the drive would be about 7 hours. I told Zoe very little about the situation, not that I knew much to tell anyways. I just told her that her father asked me to take her on a trip.
[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 9|Chapter 9]]

[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 10|Chapter 10]]

When she asked if we could swing by the house and pick up her favorite stuffed animal, I didn’t see the harm in it. We would only be running in for a few minutes and leaving again. 
[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 11|Chapter 11]]

[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 12|Chapter 12]]

I drove to his neighborhood and put in the code to enter his gated community. When I drove up to his house, though, there were four black unfamiliar SUVs parked in the driveway and I could see several Hispanic men standing watch. These were obviously cartel guys. Whatever was going on, I knew at that moment it was serious.
[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 13|Chapter 13]]

[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 14|Chapter 14]]

I told Zoe we couldn’t stop and tried to give her an answer she would understand, but she wasn’t having it. Finally, I promised to buy her a new stuffed animal on our trip. This shut her up for the time being.
Aside from a few restroom stops, one stop for ice cream, and one visit to a store with plenty of stuffed animals to choose from, we made good time getting to the motel. I booked it for 3 nights, not sure exactly how long we’d be staying. By that time it was 1 am and Zoe was fast asleep.
I carried her to our room on the second floor and went back to my car to collect the rest of our things. I checked the duffle bag full of cash. I wasn’t sure, but I knew their must have been about a quarter of a million dollars in there. I knew exactly what was in the other 2 suitcases. I’d packed them myself. One had clothes and toiletries for me. The other had clothes for Zoe.
One thing I had neglected to pack was any pajamas. I deduced that was okay, though.  Being a bedwetter, Zoe wasn’t one to wear much to bed, and I could just wear my t-shirt and boxers.
With that thought, my attention turned to Zoe, who I knew would need to be changed into a pull-up so we didn’t have any issues with a wet hotel mattress. She was dressed in the same blue shirt and jeans she had worn to school that day.
She didn’t awaken as I undid the clasp of her pants and carefully lifted her small body to remove them. Next, I pulled off her light blue panties and revealed her bald, girlish pussy. It was a site I was vaguely familiar with. I’d seen her changing or in the bath plenty of times, but it was the first time I stopped to study it. I must admit I had sexual thoughts about little girls before. However, this was really the first time I hadn’t simply brushed it aside. Instead, I let them linger. For a moment, I wanted to take out my now swelling cock and allow it to grow fully erect as I rubbed it across her labia. I wanted to run my hands up her shirt and feel her perfect skin all the way up to her flat chest. Her lips looked so inviting, and I couldn’t help but imagine leaning down to kiss them and I ran a hand through her blonde hair.
I didn’t do any of that, of course. Not this night at least. Instead, I picked up the pull-up I had gotten out of the suitcase and pulled it up to replace her panties. Afterwards, I tucked her into bed and shortly after, climbed into the opposite hotel bed myself, trying not to think about my niece’s 7 year old body.
[[A Sweet Escape/Chapter 2|Chapter 2]]

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[[Category:A Sweet Escape]]
[[Category:A Sweet Escape]]

Latest revision as of 02:10, 26 November 2023

A Sweet Escape
Sweet escape 2 - Copy.png
A Loli Romance Novel by H.G. Collins
What if we could run away together? That would be such a sweet escape!
Visit my ATF author page to read more of my work.

Forward: Thank you for checking out my little erotic fiction novel. It’s a bit of a suspense thriller, but don’t worry, I tend to shy away from erotic stories that never get to the point. This story is dedicated to you, the reader; and to everyone who makes this site possible. I hope you enjoy!
-H.G. Collins


When his brother gets mixed up with a drug cartel, a man is forced to take his niece, Zoe on the run to keep her safe. She ends up staying safe from the cartel, but not from his desire to fuck the little girl's tight pussy. He turns things into a game to teach his niece how to be a good girlfriend. Things really heat up when the cartel finds their location and they have to start running. Their escape isn’t the only thing that heats up, though. . .

M/g, reluc, cons, anal, oral, ws

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

More Chapters Coming Soon!

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14
