Tomboy's Folly/June 17th: Difference between revisions

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Mike shrugged and wiggled to get comfy, wrapping his arms around Riley's waist. The boys fell asleep both hugging Riley tightly, their now flaccid cocks still shoved up inside her tight tomboy body.
Mike shrugged and wiggled to get comfy, wrapping his arms around Riley's waist. The boys fell asleep both hugging Riley tightly, their now flaccid cocks still shoved up inside her tight tomboy body.

  [[Tomboy's Folly/June 18th|June 18th]]
  [[Tomboy's Folly/June 18th|June 18th]]

Latest revision as of 17:21, 11 October 2021

Saturday, June 17th (day 3 of the hiking trip)

Thomas awoke first, his first sight being that of Riley's peaceful face as she slept gently in the circle of his arms. It was not quite dawn, as very little light filtered in through the tent flap. Thomas hugged Riley's sleeping body tightly to his chest, enjoying the feeling of having her sleeping in his arms.

With his arms wrapped around her back, he watched her sleep for a bit. Thomas knew he was awake now and wouldn't be able to get back to sleep... and the stiffy he'd awoken with wasn't helping, nor was the cute little girl sleeping in his arms. Unable to help himself, he ran her hand down Riley's back and slipped it under the lip of her pajama bottoms, groping her tight little bum. Riley stirred in his arms, and let out a deep sigh. She kept on sleeping however, and after a moment's pause to see if she'd woken up Thomas grew emboldened. He pulled her bottoms down over her butt, admiring its plump shape. Sliding his hand between her cheeks, and ran a finger down to her slit and rubbed along it gently.

Riley's breath caught as he rimmed her little pussy gently, feeling her growing wetter from his touch. Unable to hold back anymore, Thomas pulled Riley's pajama bottoms down to her ankles and off one of her lithe little legs. He bent her leg at the knee and pulled it up over his side, getting her groin up closer to his. Pulling down his own pants, Thomas seized his dick and lined it up with Riley's puffy love slot, rubbing the tip up and down her slit without penetrating her. Riley was breathing harder now, but as far as Thomas could tell she was still sleeping. He wondered if she'd wake up when he put it in her...


Riley dreamed of running through the forest. She rounded a bend, giggling and laughing when she came across a naked boy she didn't know sitting on a fallen log. "Hello!" he said friendly. "I'm going to fuck you, mmkay?" Riley tried to respond, but no sound came out. He snapped his fingers and her pants suddenly vanished. "Come here." he commanded, and she found herself walking over to the boy, unable to stop herself. "Pull your panties down for me." he demanded, and she did as he asked. The unknown boy grabbed her hips and pulled her forward, spearing his prick onto her waiting pussy.

Riley gasped in her dream as the mysterious boy fucked her cunt fast and hard. He giggled as he fucked her, digging hard fingernails into her flesh. Riley gasped again as his dick grew twice as large before her eyes, spitting her cunny open more and bulging out her tummy. It grew again, and again.. until Riley was sure it was going to split her in half, but it didn't somehow. "Good pet." the boy whispered. "We will fuck until the end of time..." Riley tried to say something but still couldn't. The boy grinned and poked her nose. While light flared from his touch, and the dream melted away...


Riley awoke groggily. It took her a moment to realize Thomas was pounding her preteen snatch with his boy cock. "Nnnn..." she mumbled and moaned. "Oh, you finally woke up?" he whispered, nibbling on one of her nipples he'd exposed by unbuttoning her pajama top. "Wh-Wha..." Riley said, her mind spinning as Thomas' cock burrowed in and out of her cunt.

"Oh.. Mmmph.. Ahh... C-Couldn't even w-wait for me to wake up?" she moaned, clearly not minding his advances. Riley gasped as Thomas sucked on her neck, leaving a red mark. His dick continued to stir up her insides as she panted in his arms. Thomas pulled her crooked leg back more, using the leverage to force his cock as deep as possible into her 10 year old cunny. "Hah... I couldn't help myself..." Thomas mumbled, his face beet red with sex high.

Riley giggled despite herself - Thomas' face was all screwed up like a hopeful puppy. "Hehe, f-fine... I really don't mind.. Mmm..." Riley let out another moan as Thomas' little prick burrowed deep inside her kiddie cunny. Her back arched and pressed up against Thomas' belly. "Mmm.. You're so hot, Riley..!" Thomas moaned, groping at Riley's flat chest with both hands, massaging her little nipples with quick circular motions.

Riley panted hard, writhing against Thomas in the throws of passion. The last traces of aphrodisiacs from last night had faded from her mind while she slept, but it hardly mattered.. Thomas seemed to know just how to push her buttons, and she was puddy in his arms, her little hips twitching with each thrust inside her baby cunny.

Thomas moaned long and deep, Riley's tight insides pushing him over the edge. He thrust into her hard, his balls slapping her butt as he came deep inside her little womb. Riley gasped as his hot semen shot inside her belly once more, and orgasmed. Thomas pulled on her leg harder, using the leverage to grind his boy meat in as deep inside Riley's immature fuck canal as he could manage.

They lie pressed up tightly together in the sleeping bag for some time, enjoying their post-coital bliss. Thomas kissed Riley's cheek, and she tilted her head back to smile warmly up at him. "That felt really nice.." she whispered to her. Thomas gently slid his flaccid prick out of Riley's slightly gaping love hole.

Putting a hand under her chin, he tilted her head back to kiss her deeply. Riley kissed him back warmly, enjoying the feeling of his lips against hers. Thomas slid his tongue into her mouth to twine around hers. When he broke the kiss, Riley panted hard, her lip twinging a bit from the workout they were getting. "I... I l-love you..." Thomas said in a quiet, but firm voice, meeting her gaze and holding it. "I.. I think I also lo-"

They both jumped as a bugle sounded, rousing the camp. "Crap!" Riley exclaimed, looking at the light coming in from the tent flap. They'd been going at it for longer than she'd thought! "H-Help me clean up!" Thomas hissed, tossing a packet of wet wipes to Riley. They cleaned each other's bodies off with the wipes, Thomas wiping Riley's reddened pussy off while she tried to wipe off his penis.

Working at cleaning cum off each other's thighs and groins quickly, they then grabbed their clothes and helped each other to dress. Thomas pulled Riley's undies up over her hips while she flailed around in the too-small tent. "S-Slow down..." he mumbled, "p-panicking won't h-help..!" Riley took some deep breaths, calming herself. She helped Thomas pull his tunic on over his head, then found her shorts and pulled them up over her undies.

Riley and Thomas stumbled out of the tent together, straightening each other's clothes as they quickly grabbed their mess kits and headed to join the other boys at the campfire. "Eyyy, you two are late." Mike greeted them as they sat down on his left side. "Morning..." Jeremy grumbled, not very awake yet. He nodded appreciation to the boy next to him as he passed Jeremy a steaming mug.

One of the older boys poured more hot cocoa for the rest of the group, passing the mugs down the line. Riley accepted a mug from Mike and sipped at it, recognizing it as the same mix that scoutmaster Brad had given her last night. She blushed slightly at the memory, hiding behind her bangs as she sipped the hot liquid slowly.

The scoutmaster was hard at work cooking bacon and pancakes for the group on a travel skillet over the low embers of the campfire. He stacked the finished flapjacks on a large player a boy was holding for him, pouring more mix onto the skillet. By the time he finished there was a massive amount of perfect cakey discs on the platter, and the boys began passing it around. Thomas was so hungry he took four - Riley took six, feeling absolutely famished.

As the boys ate and joked with each other, scoutmaster Brad's parade voice rose above the chatter. "Today we'll be hiking down into the valley on the other side of the peak." he explained. "The forest gets very thick, and there are parts of the path that need to be walked in single file. Keep an eye on your buddy, and use your emergency whistles if you get lost."

Riley and the boys finished eating, then divvied up the chores and set about dismantling the camp. Riley volunteered to fill in the latrine again so she could go with nobody watching. Riley squatted over the ditch and pulled her shorts and undies down, starting to pee. She was anxious the whole time she was peeing, her head swiveling like an owl looking everywhere expecting someone to be spying on her again...

Despite her fears, nobody came. Riley felt relieved both mentally and physically. She wiped herself and pulled her shorts back up to her hips, then filled in the latrine. Straightening her waistband, she rejoined the boys at camp in time to help Thomas finish packing up their tent. "You guys sleep good?" Mike called over, rolling up his own tent. "Oh, well enough..." Thomas said with a smirk at Riley.

"I'd sleep a hell of a lot better if Mike didn't snore so loudly.." Jeremy grumbled. "I don't snore!" he cried out indignantly. "You snore like a rusty chainsaw!" Jeremy retorted. "Do not!" Mike shouted. Smirking, Jeremy pulled out a hand-held rape recorder. "I have proof..." he said and clicked the play button. The sounds of loud, rugged snoring met their ears. "That's not me!" Mike protested, his face flushing red with embarrassment. Grinning, Jeremy held up a finger, and his own voice entered the recording. "Since he never believes me, this is the sound of Mike snoring on June 16th in our tent..." Mike rounded on his friend. "You recorded me sleeping!? Not cool, bro!!" Mike leaped on Jeremy, and they tussled on the ground. Riley and Thomas took one look at each other then burst out laughing, Thomas literally rolling on the ground while Riley doubled over and clutched her sides.

Mike had Jeremy pinned with the smaller boy gripping his wrists to keep him off him when they both stopped rough housing, hearing the other two guffawing their asses off. They smirked at each other and got to their feet, attacking their friends. Jeremy tickled Thomas behind the knees while Mike went for Riley's armpits. Riley squeaked and crossed her arms, and her shirt rode up, treating Mike to a view of her belly from just above her navel down to her waistline.

With a wide grin, Mike took advantage of the situation and attacked Riley's tummy, ticking her mercilessly. "St-Stop it, hahaha!" Riley cried, gasping for air. "I can do this all day!" Mike declared, smirking. "I have three little sisters. Surrender to the tickle master!" he commanded in a regal tone. "N-Never, ahahaha!" retorted Riley.

Thomas had pushed Jeremy off him by this point, and they sat down panting and laughing, their attention turning to Riley and Mike. "Don't just sit there, you dolts! H-Help me, hahaha!" Thomas only grinned at her. "Not our battle." he said, and Jeremy snickered. "Surrender to the tickle king!" Mike commanded in a regal tone. "No way! Hahah!~" Riley cried out. She flailed at him blindly, tears streaming from her eyes.

Mike smiles, showing teeth as he numbly dodges her wild blows. "Then you asked for it..!" Mike shifted his hands to tickle Riley's sides, and inadvertently pushed her tunic up enough to expose her nipples. Mike felt a strange feeling he'd felt before, and longed to reach out and grope at Riley's flat chest. He felt his penis twinge under his shorts. He'd felt this way before, he realized, when he'd accidentally walked in on Riley dressing the other day.

Mike felt very confused, shaking his head as if to clear it. He was 13 and a half years old and had thought he was very comfortable with his sexuality. He liked girls, had been on dates, even lost his virginity this year to a girl in his grade. He'd never felt like this about a boy before. Was he actually bi? He had no idea...

Riley's voice jogged him out of his pondering. "F-Fine, you win, Mike! Y-You're the tickle king, hahaha! I.. J-Just stop..!" Grinning, Mike held up his hands in victory. He tugged Riley's tunic back down to her waist and helped the gasping girl to her feet. "I'll get you for that later!" she said, giving him a light shove. Mike just grinned and slung an arm around her shoulder. Thomas groaned and got to his feet, coming over to throw his arm around her other shoulder with a warm smile on his young face.

Not wanting to be left out, Jeremy ambled on over and put his arms around Mike and Thomas' shoulders, though the smaller boy had to reach to do so. They huddled together in a boyish group hug. "To friends, now and forever!" Mike declared. "To friends!" the group echoed him, and they squeezed each other's shoulders with whoops.


They spent the better part of the morning hiking down into the valley thousands of feet below them. By the time they reached the bottom, all the boys including Riley were panting hard. As the group caught their breath, scoutmaster Brad reigned up and addressed the boys, hands on hips. Before them was a thick forest made up of smaller aspen trees that grew very close together, with some northern pines mixed in. The trail in front of them was tight and narrow, quickly bending out of sight a few dozen meters in.

"Alright, ladies! The hard part of today's adventure is done, but we've got another mile to go until we reach the midday rest spot!" Some of the boys groaned. "Oh stop complaining! All that's left is a leisurely walk through the woods! Now, single file! Stick with your buddy! Let's go, go, go!"

He clapped his hands and turned on his heels, setting off down the forest trail. The troop bunched up at the entrance, and Riley and the others hung back,deciding to bring up the rear. Of their small group, Mike set out first, with Jeremy hot on his heels. Thomas gestured to Riley with a grin. "Ladies first - after you!~" Riley rolled her eyes but didn't argue, setting off down the trail after Jeremy. Thomas grinned, having purposely went last so he could ogle Riley's bottom as she jogged down the trail.


They trudged through the forest for a bit before the line came to a stop, with Mike nearly colluding with the smaller boy in front of him. Word came down the line that a boy near the front had tripped and skinned his knee, and it was being seen to. They had a chance to catch their breath, and Riley relaxed, looking up at the trees. Mike and Jeremy were debating which bait would be best used to fish with when they reached the lake. Riley listened to the bird calls, enjoying the wind blowing through the trees on her skin. She was so relaxed that she jumped when she felt a hand squeeze her rump.

"If you stay quiet, nobody will hear..." Thomas whispered in her ear. Riley sighed. "You're such a perv..." she complained, but made no move to stop him. "Hehe, you know you like it..!" he said seductively, slipping his hand down the back of her shorts and into her undies, groping her bare bottom. She shivered as he ran a finger down her butt crack, enjoying the touch. She realized with a start that the fear of being discovered made this more exciting, wondering if it was the same for him.

Thomas was moving his hand down between her legs when Jeremy turned. "Moving again soon, pass it down." he said to Riley, then noticed her face was redder than usual. "You okay?" he asked. "Your face is red..." Thomas removed his hand from Riley's shorts, though Jeremy couldn't see that. "Oh, ha... It's just the cold air, no worries." she lied. Jeremy nodded and turned back to Mike. Blushing even more, Riley glared at Thomas, who just smirked and patted her bottom. She elbowed him then put her nose in the air cutely and started jogging with a huff.

They trudged on for nearly an hour before finally reaching the small clearing that would serve as their midday stop. The boys sighed in relief as they poured into the clearing, taking off their packs and sitting down with groans and sighs. "Good job, ladies!" scoutmaster Brad declared with a grin. "We made excellent time, so you've got over an hour to rest. Enjoy your free time!"

The boys relaxed, some played cards while others picked up sticks and began whittling. Riley volunteered to dig the latrine again, and was about to go when Mike asked, "Why do you keep volunteering to do that?" Riley stuck her tongue out at him. "Maybe I just want to be sure it's done right!" she teased, and popped between two thin aspen trees to go find a good spot. Finding a good spot close by, she dug a large latrine for the boys. With that done, she went a ways away and found a secluded spot to dig a smaller latrine just for her this time at a point between three trees.

Riley used the secret latrine she'd made, then covered it back up. She was pulling her shorts up and leaving when a hand clamped down on her left bicep and pulled her behind a nearby tree. She nearly punched her captor until she saw it was only Thomas. He pulled her up against him with his back to the tree, facing her away from him. Riley turned her head and scowled at him. "You big dummy!" she hissed at Thomas. "I nearly clobbered you!

Thomas only smirked at her. "I couldn't get you out of my mind..." he whispered seductively in her ear. Thomas reached around and rubbed her nipples through her shirt, making Riley let out a quiet moan. "Nnn... Ahh..!" Thomas rubbed her chest gently, thoroughly enjoying Riley's cute little moans and feeling his dick rise rapidly, tenting his shorts.

"Mmm... You're so cute, Riley.. can't h-help m-myself..!" Riley's legs tremble as Thomas creeps one of his hands down lower, sliding it down her shorts to caress her preteen cunny through the thin cloth of her panties. Riley moaned a bit louder, enjoying the feeling of Thomas hands molesting her young body. Thomas was panting hard as he groped Riley, and slipped a finger down her undies to play with her puffy slit, knowing just where to press to make her go crazy now.

Riley sighed and moaned into Thomas' advances, and he couldn't take it anymore. "F-Fuck, I love you, Riley!" Riley moaned again, feeling Thomas' little prick poke into her back as he unconsciously dry humped against her. "Y-You can p-put it in m-my hole..." she mumbled. Hearing this, Thomas stopped trying to hold back. Riley let out a squeak as Thomas spun her around and pressed her up against the tree, getting behind her. He grabbed at her waistband, pulling her shorts and undies down to her hips, exposing her plump preteen bottom. Thomas eyed it hungrily, and pulled her shorts down to her ankles. He yanked them off one of her legs over her boot, letting them dangle. Standing back up, he grabbed one of Riley's ass cheeks and squeezed hard, making her moan.

Thomas pulled down his own shorts and undies with shaking fingers, letting his painfully throbbing member flop out. Seizing both of Riley's butt cheeks this time, he dragged her little rump into position and lined up his boy cock, thrusting it between her lithe thighs without penetrating her. Moaning, Thomas rammed his cock forward, rubbing his shaft along Riley's puffy slit.

Thomas moaned deeply - Riley's thighs felt amazingly tight! Her little moans and squeaks of pleasure were driving him crazy. "Ahhh..! Oh, Riley... Mmmph! C-Can I p-put it in y-you now..?" Thomas almost whimpered. Riley nodded frantically, her loins on fire. "Y-Yes, y-yes!" Riley panted and writhed. "S-Stick it in m-me..!" Thomas kissed the back of her neck and tilted the tip of his cock up, gently pressing it past her pussy lips and into her 10 year old fuck hole.

Riley gasped as Thomas entered her slowly, shoving his entire rock hard length inside her. Thomas moaned in pleasure as he shoved the last of his dick inside her, doing her from behind like this making her already ultra-tight little cunny ever tighter. He began thrusting slowly, and Riley threw her arms around the tree for balance.


Over at the boy's latrine, Mike was finishing relieving himself when he heard the sound of a twig snap. Stopping to listen, he thought he heard hushed voices. Wondering who was there, he crept towards the sounds. Were some of the other boys planning to play a trick on him? Maybe Riley was going to try and get him back for his tickle attack earlier like he'd promised!

Mike crept around the trees quietly, used to moving silently when he went hunting with his dad. He heard a hushed noise and knew he was close. Peering around the tree he was crouched behind very slowly, he quickly pulled his head back, his face flushing beet red by what he just glimpsed. Shaking his head, he looked again, wanting to be sure he wasn't mistaken...

Mike watched as Thomas fucked Riley from behind. However, from his angel he could not see Riley very well and still thought she was a boy. He couldn't stop himself from staring, wondering again if he was bi... and were Thomas and Riley gay, then? Did that make him gay, too..?

He couldn't stop himself from putting his hand down his pants and pulling his erect penis out as he watched, jerking off while he watched. He was still so confused, but he didn't care anymore...


Riley was panting harder as Thomas picked up speed, jamming his little prick so deep inside her belly that he was nearly hitting her small cervix. Both of them were completely unaware that they were being watched.

"Ahh..! Nnngh..! H-Harder!" Riley cried, her voice carrying further than she'd intended. Thomas growled, ramming forward harder, letting his passion take him as he savagely hammered Riley, who hung onto the tree for dear life as Thomas went crazy, bucking into her like a wild beast. Riley wheezed, his prick stirring up her insides and slamming deeper into her immature womb. She moaned and squeezed her trembling legs together, cumming hard from Thomas' rear penetration. Her pussy walls clamped down on his prick, making Thomas go crazy with pleasure.

Thomas grabbed her by the hair and pulled her small head back to a slightly painful bend. Riley looked up into his wild face with wide eyes, and he brought his mouth to hers with such speed that their foreheads bumped together painfully. He kissed Riley deeply, and his cock exploded even deeper inside her. Thomas painted Riley's insides with hot, sticky semen as he came and came, shooting several more strings of cum into her preteen womb as he bucked against her hard. Riley nearly passed out from the tidal waves of pleasure washing over her as Thomas pumped her little pussy full, filling her up and gushing out from between their smashed together groins.

Mike panted hard behind the tree, ejaculating onto the ground beneath him as groaned. He'd watched Thomas fuck Riley and cum inside "him", and had cum to watching them do it.

Mike stumbled out of the woods, trying to calm himself. So what if those two were fucking - he'd seen far worse things on the internet than cousins having sex, after all! Mike shook his head, trying to clear it... He needed to find something to do to get his mind off this.

"Any of you older boys want to show the younger ones how to make trail signs?" Mike heard scoutmaster Brad's parade voice shout out. Perfect. Taking a deep breath, Mike trotted over and volunteered his assistance.


Riley gasped as Thomas filled her belly up with cum again. Her knees trembled as Thomas pulled his prick out of her slackened fuck hole. Thomas was breathing hard, trying to catch his breath.

They stood there for a moment before Thomas mumbled something. "W-What did you s-say?" Riley squeaked. Thomas cleared his throat and tried again. "S-Sorry... I got a bit carried away. D-Did I h-hurt you..?" he asked worriedly.

Riley let go of the tree and turned around to face her lover. "Huh? No, I'm fine... I think.. I kinda like it when you're aggressive like that, tehe.~" Thomas blinked at the younger girl. "B-But I pulled your hair... you.. liked it?" he asked confusedly. Riley shrugged. "I can't explain why, but please don't feel bad. You didn't do anything wrong - if you had I would said something!~"

Thomas gave her a shake smile, then looked down at the mess he'd made all over Riley's groin and thighs. "Crap, I didn't bring anything to clean this up with..." He cursed himself for getting so carried away. Riley sighed. "Ehh.. Just help me get my underwear and shorts back on. It'll cover the mess at least..." Thomas nodded and helped Riley pull her undies back up to her hips, covering her cummy cunny that was still dripping with his spunk.

Riley grimaced at the feeling of having something wet and sticky coating her groin under her clothes, but there was no helping it right now... Thomas pulled her shorts up to her thighs and stood up. "You go back first." Thomas suggested. "Then I'll go back a few minutes later so they don't think we were together." Riley nodded. "Alright. See you in a few minutes!~" She stood on her toes and kissed him on the cheek before heading back.


Riley returned to the rest camp, waving to and returning the greetings of those boys who greeted her. Seeing the trail sign lesson going on, she ambled over and took a seat next to Jeremy. Mike noticed her arrival and tried his best to ignore her. He focused on arranging trail signs while scoutmaster Brad explained their meanings.

Thomas returned a few minutes later and joined them for the end of the lesson, sitting on Jeremy's other side. They finished the lesson after the boys tried making the various signs themselves. Riley made a face - she still sucked at making trail signs. Thomas scooted over and tried to help her, but didn't have much success.

"Ah, it's fine.. I just can't get it - I give up..." Riley complained. "Heh, well you have plenty of other talents.~" Thomas said, trying to comfort her. They got to their feet and picked up their packs, joining the other boys. "Time to go, ladies!" scoutmaster Brad bellowed at the boys. He did a quick count, making sure no one was missing. Nodding, he spun on his heels. "We have several hours of hiking ahead of us, let's go!"


(Back in town...)

Meg was bored. It wasn't until Riley left for the trip that she realized just how hard it was to be away from her best friend for even a day. They'd been inseparable since their first day of school together years ago. Meg remembered that day as she lay on her back on her bed in the small bedroom she shared with Thomas.

They had both been shy that day. Megan hadn't really made any good friends the first year she attended that school alone. Her mother had been nagging her to try to make a friend that year, so when she saw a new girl sitting alone at the lunch table she'd made herself go over.

"Hi, my name's Megan Johnson! Nice to meet you!" Riley had shaken her hand and introduced herself, and they'd shared their lunches with each other. Before long they realized they shared nearly all the same interests and hobbies, and quickly became friends.

Meg smiled from the memory, lying on her back and wearing only panties and a bra in the hot stuffy room. A small fan blew her hair into her face as it cycled, but she didn't care. She sighed again, wondering what to do. "I guess this is why mom keeps saying I need more than one friend..." she grumbled.

As she moped, her door opened. She sat up about to protest that the intruder didn't knock first, then saw it was not her parents, but April. "Oh, it's just you..." she mumbled, and April chuckled. "Heh, it's nice to see you, too, little sissy!~" April sat on the small bed next to her baby sister, patting her leg. "You look like a part of you is missing..." April mused. "I knew the two of you were close but damn, you're acting like you can't exist without her."

Meg sighed. "I know, I know... Don't start - mom's been nattering at me about making more friends again since Riley left..." April chuckled, and traced the outline of Meg's panties, making her blush. April had been entering Meg's room and sleeping with her every night since Riley's departure.

"Come outside with me, love." April got to her feet. "Get dressed - we're going for a hike. Hurry up!" Meg groaned and put a pillow over her head. Megan heard April's muffled voice through the pillows. "If you don't have your shoes on in five minutes I'll drag you out in your underwear!" she heard the door open and shut.

Meg sighed and tossed the pillow off her bed. April would do it, too, Meg knew. Grumbling, she pulled on a pink t-shirt and a denim skirt, then left her room. Taking her hiking boots, she heard April bellow from outside. "One minute left!" Meg scowled. "I'll be there, keep your shirt on!" She stomped out of the house, ignoring the smug grin on April's face as she headed for the nearby trail entrance in their backyard.

They walked the trail in silence for a mile or so. This was a route Megan took quite often with Riley. Her face fell... she'd almost gotten her mind off Riley for a minute. Spotting a log, she sat down on it and put her elbows on her knees, resting her head on her hands. April sat next to her in silence, putting an arm around her shoulders. "She'll be back soon, Meg. In the meantime, you have me. Don't you like spending time with your big sister..?"

Meg looked up at April, started out of her gloom. "Oh, of course April! I miss you so much when you leave.. I'm sorry for being all down..." April leaned down and whispered in her ear. "I know something that can take your mind off your troubles..." April slid her hand down to her sister's muscular thigh, prying her leg open gently. Meg felt a blush creep up her neck to her cheeks. "W-We can't do.. 'that' h-here..!" she whispered.

"Nobody is around.. We could go behind a tree... C'mon let's go find a good spot!~" Megan squeaked as her big sister scooped her up in her arms, holding her under the knees and shoulder blades. Meg giggled as April carried her off the trail into the forest, walking a few hundred meters before finding a small clearing between the small, thick trees. Setting Megan down on her feet, April pulled a blanket out of her backpack, along with two small pillows.

"You planned this..." Megan complained, disliking her sister's manipulation. April only chuckled. "Of course! It got you out of the house and stopped you from moping, didn't it?~" Meg glared at her big sister. April laughed outright looked at her small sister trying to look all intimidating. "Ohhh, you look soooo cuuuute when you scowl like that!~" Meg tried to remain stern while her sister giggled, but she left a smile slowly creep its way onto her face.

Eventually she gave up and giggled. Seeing Meg's change in demeanor, April hooked her legs out from underneath her sister without warning. Megan squeaked as she fell on her rump on the blanket. April leaped on her, tugging her shirt up above her navel and blowing a raspberry into her bare belly. Meg laughed so hard her sides ached, squirming under sister. "S-S-Stoooopppp..! ! Aha hahaha!!!~"

Ignoring her little sister's protests, April slid a hand up Meg's thigh and under her skirt, cupping her youthful sex through her panties. She continued blowing into Meg's flat tummy to distract the girl as she slid her hand down Meg's panties, rubbing her hairless preteen slit. Megan failed harder under her big sister as her laughter gave way to moans and squeals of pleasure as April rubbed her cunny opening.

"Nnnggg..!" she moaned. "N-No fair, you distracted m-me..! Ahhh..." April smirked down at her baby sister as she molested her blossoming preteen body, moving her other hand up to cup one of the girl's budding breasts through her training bra. "Hehe, you know you love it!~" April swooned, feeling her own pussy growing wet as she continued to molest Megan.

April enjoyed watching Meg's cute reactions to being naughtily touched. She moved her right hand from squeezing Meg's boob and instead clasped one of the young girl's small hands, dragging it towards her and guiding the hand down her own pants. "Mmm... finger me like you would Riley. You can imagine I'm her if you want, I don't mind ehehe..." April moaned deeply as Meg began rubbing her adult cunt, doing just that - imagining she was touching Riley's immature sex.

"Ohhh.. Mmm... t-touch me, R-Riley..!" Megan moaned, imagining Riley's small fingers were slipping beneath her panties. April gasped - that her little sister was imagining she was touching her best friend made her even hotter. She slipped two fingers inside Megan's slicked-up cunt, rubbing her fingertips along Meg's inner pussy walls. Meg moaned louder, bucking into her big sister's palm as she imagined Riley was finger banging her.

Meg thought about Riley more as she fingered April and got fingered in return. She imagined Riley looming over her, picturing her tight bottom.. . her slender legs.. her flat chest... her plump hairless slit. April gasped, watching her sister get more and more aroused. She fingered her for a bit longer before pulling away, remembering her original plan...

"H-Huh?? Why'd you s-stop!?" Meg complained. April was pulling her pants and undies off and digging in her bag. "I want to try something different with you today..." she said slyly. April finally found the strap-on she'd packed and pulled it out, slipping it on. April gasped as the smaller giver's end thrust into her pussy, and she did up the straps on either side. Meg gulped as she stared at what April had put on. It wasn't too long - maybe 5 inches, but it had a decent girth to it. "Wh-What is that for..?" she asked timidly.

"I'd think you could figure that out..." April whispered in her little sister's ear, already grabbing for her panties. "U-Umm... Wh-What..!?" she gasped, her heart pounding in her small chest. All Meg could do was stare at the fleshy looking tip of the strap-on as her big sis roughly pulled her legs up into the air and divested her of her panties, pulling them up to her ankles. April scooted Megan closer to her, pressing the strap-on tip against her immature snatch.

"I picked out this toy just for you yesterday..." April whispered in her ear. "I'll be as gentle as I can, but this is your first time so it may hurt a bit. Just hold on and it'll get better, okay?" She kissed Meg on the cheek, smiling calmly into her small face. "O-Okay..." she mumbled, trying to smile back, though April noted that her chin trembled slightly. She kissed her little sister on the forehead, then pressed her hips down, popping the head of the strap-on past Megan's cunny lips.

Meg's eyes went wide as April slowly inserted the length of the strap-on, stopping about halfway down the shaft. "Are you alright..?" she asked Meg, who had her eyes clenched shut and a pained look on her small face. "I-I'm f-fine..!" she declared, her small body trembling. "K-Keep g-going..!" April leaned down and pressed her lips against Meg's own, then let her hips drop the rest of the way. Meg gasped as she took the entire length of the 5-inch strap-on inside her developing womb, feeling the tip bumping at her cervix.

"Ohhh... I'm finally penetrating my lil' sissy like a proper woman..!" April moaned. "I'm gonna start moving now, Meg.. try to relax, and I'll let you keep this strap-on when we're done. Imagine how it'll feel to use it on little Riley..." Megan moaned loudly at that, picturing Riley fucking her gently with the strap-on. April lifted her muscular hips up until the shaft was about halfway out of Meg's slippery fuck slit, then slammed them back down again. Megan gasped, panting harder as her big sister began bucking her hips into hers, forcing the strap-on deep inside her tummy with each thrust.

Megan felt her hands go to her growing breasts as her legs dangled in the air over her head. April gripped both of Meg's well-toned thighs for leverage as she fucked her little sister's brains out, moaning as each thrust forced the smaller, thicker head into her own dripping wet kitty. April nodded internally in approval as she noticed Meg begin to grope and rub her own breasts while taking the hard fucking without complaint. She saw a tear or two leak out and make tracks down Megan's heavily flushed face.

Determined to make her baby sister's first time as special as she could, April moved to holding both Meg's ankles with one hand so he could slip the other between her little legs. As it'd been exposed by the large penetrating strap-on, she found Meg's little bean easily and began rubbing it. Megan screamed in pleasure so loudly that she clapped her hands over her small mouth to muffle the sound as she came hard, her whole body shaking and twitching as she rode out her first penetrative orgasm while still speared on the fake dick.

April took one look at the lewd expression her little sister was making.. and she went over her edge orgasming hard and long. April moaned deeply as she came, wrapping her arms around Megan's small back and scooping her up into her arms. Both girls rode out their orgasm with their bodies pressed firmly together, panting and moaning in ecstasy.

Catching her breath, April gently lifted her younger sister off the strap on, noting that her preteen cunny was red and swollen. "D-Did I go too hard, sis?" she asked worriedly. Megan shook her head and kissed April on the lips. She kissed her little sis back, enjoying the pleasant buzzing sensation of having her lips pressed against Megan's smaller mouth. They kissed for a while, April holding Meg's smaller body tightly as they cuddled. Eventually, April reluctantly let her go. "We should clean up and get back..." she said huskily. Meg smiled warmly and nodded, already pulling back up her wet panties.


(Back on the mountain...)

The boys and Riley had been hiking through the narrow path in the dense aspen woods for several hours when the single file line of boys halted again. Riley grimaced as they came to a stop, feeling the mess held in by her undies slosh around again. It was a lot more noticeable when she stood still than when she was moving...

Word came down the line that an ankle had been sprained and the scoutmaster was dealing with it. Mike turned around to face Riley, stretching his long arms and trying not to stare any more than he could help it. The truth was that he hadn't been able to get his mind off what he'd seen Thomas and Riley doing in the woods all day...

Stealing himself, he decided that not knowing was worse and wanted to confront the problem head-on. Thomas was facing away a few feet behind Riley, and Jeremy was engaged in a heated discussion about hunting with the boy to his front. Mike cleared his throat. "Hey, Riley..?" he said hesitantly, making her look up at him. "Hmm? What's up, Mike..?" He swallowed hard, then whispered, "I wanna talk to you about something when we get to the campsite tonight." Riley nodded, a puzzled look on her small upturned face. "Sure thing." What did he want to talk about, she wondered... Mike nodded to her and faced front again.

Now that Mike was facing away again, Tomas turned back around and grabbed the back of Riley's shorts, pulling them away from her rump and slipping a cloth napkin down the back, trying to clean up some of the mess he'd made of his small lover. Riley blushed but let him do it. A few minutes later word came down the line that they were moving again, and Thomas withdrew his hands from her pants, leaving the cloth napkin inside Riley's undies. "Again... s-sorry..." he mumbled a sheepish look on his boyish face. "It's fine..." Riley whispered back. The napkin was helping quite a bit, and she felt her cheeks flushing, thinking about the fact that Thomas cared about her enough to want her to be comfortable. The line started moving again and they set out at a slow trot.


Riley was panting hard when they finally cleared the tight aspen grove. They'd been trudging uphill again for the last leg of today's journey, climbing over small rocks and larger bounders. The sun was just beginning to set the troop filed into the small clearing that would serve as their campgrounds for the night.

Riley pitched their tent while Thomas and Jeremy volunteered to go help get dinner ready. Mike watched Riley out of the corner of his eye as he set up his tent. He finished quickly, trying to get done before her. Clipping the last tent pole into place, Mike got to his feet and walked over to Riley. She'd done an immaculate job in her tent as usual, and he waited for her to finish before tapping her on the shoulder. When she turned up to him, Mike said, "C'mon, let's go dig the latrine." Riley nodded, getting to her feet and brushing dirt off her bottom. "Alright, sure!~"

Riley waited while Mike told scoutmaster Brad where they were going, then followed the older boy as he nimbly made his way through the tightly packed trees. Once again she wondered why he wanted to talk with her alone... Had he figured her out..?

The two kids found a good spot to dig a latrine for the camp. Mike handed her the shovel and she dug it out as he set up trail signs to let the other boys know where it was. Riley was just finishing digging the end of the trough, squatting over the hole, when Mike cleared his throat. "So... I saw you and Thomas... doing stuff in the woods today."

Riley yelped, jumped, cut her finger on the edge of the shovel, then yelped again. She sucked on her bleeding finger as she hid her face behind her bangs, blushing deeply and wondering what to say. "Are you okay?" Mike asked from behind her. Riley bobbed her head in nods without turning to face him. Inspecting her finger to make sure the bleeding had stopped, Riley carefully considered what to say.

There was a long silence before she could get the words out. "I-Umm... wh-what did y-you s-see..?" she asked timidly, her voice tiny. She heard Mike sit down a foot or so behind her, and reluctantly swiveled around to face him, still hiding her eyes behind her bangs, her head hunkered down between her shoulders. Mike tried to say something, failed, and tried again. "I, err... I n-needed to use the latrine, and I heard noises from deeper in the woods. I thought someone was trying to prank me so I snuck closer to see..."

Mike's voice trailed off, his heart thudding on his chest. Riley swallowed. Should she come clean to him? Could she trust him? Mike spoke up again, jostling Riley out of her racing mind and back to the present. "I, uhhh... I knew two boys could do that, but I never seen it before..." he mumbled, confusing Riley. Two boys..? He still thought she was a boy!?

Riley turned to face him and was about to open her mouth when Mike held up a hand. "L-Lemme finish before you s-say anything!" he pleaded and Riley closed her mouth again, waiting patiently. Mike cleared his throat and continued. "It all s-started for me when I accidentally saw you in your underwear a few days ago. I felt weird, and I've never liked a b-boy before, but... Well I thought I was straight you see but I guess if I like you that must mean I'm into boys, right..?" Mike shut up, his heart thudding frantically in his chest as he waited for Riley to respond.

Riley was very confused. Mike still thought she was a boy, and now he thought he liked boys because he.. liked her? She'd never heard of two boys doing that sex stuff together before... though she supposed if two girls could do it like she and Meg did in the shower, then boys could do it together too.. right? She considered what to say. She felt bad, making Mike think he liked boys because of her... Riley shook her head to clear it. This grand lie of hers was getting too confusing - maybe she would be better off just telling Mike the truth... Riley made up her mind: she would tell him the truth.

"M-Mike?" Her voice emerged as a timid squeak, making Mike scoot closer to her to hear. "C-Can you k-keep a s-secret..?" she mumbled. "O-Of course, Riley... Whatever it is, I won't tell a soul..!" Riley thought on this, then extended her left hand, holding her pinky out. "P-Pinky swear..?" she asked him. Mike held out his own pinky without hesitation and shook hers. "Pinky swear." he promised.

Letting her hand drop, Riley gulped. "I-I'm a girl, not a b-boy..!" she blurted out. Mike rocked back in his heels, stunned. "Y.. Yo.. You're a.. WHAT!?" he exclaimed in shock. "It's the truth..." Riley mumbled. "So you're not really attracted to boys if you like m-me..!" Mike gave her a funny look, eyeing her up. Then he smirked. "No you're not!" he said with a chuckle. Riley was either playing a joke on him or trying to make him feel better about his sexual confusion, he decided. "Nice try..."

Riley finally looked up at him from beneath her bangs. "Eh? But it's the truth?" she said confusedly. "I AM a girl..." Mike looked at her again, then he shook his head. "Nah, you can't be... You're more butch than half the other boys here! Next to you Jeremy looks like a wimp, haha!" He laughed outright at this thought.

Riley raised an eyebrow at him. "Girls can be butch too, you know!" she said, hands on her hips. "Yeah, sure they can. But it don't matter cuz you're a boy. So stop saying you're a girl! I ain't buying it!" Riley rolled her eyes at him. "Uggh, boys... What's it gonna take to convince you?" she demanded, making Mike chuckle. "Well you don't got any boobs so don't try to tell me that will convince me. Guess you'd have to flash me your privates to really prove it, wouldn't you?" he said jokingly. Riley sighed, exasperated. "If that's what it will take..."

Standing up, Riley hiked her shirt up past her navel to get it out of the way and seized her waistband. "Whoa, whoa..!" Mike began to protest, then his jaw dropped as her undies did, and he saw no penis beneath them. "Y-You... You are a girl..!?" Mike was so confused now. Not only was he looking at a puffy girl's pussy slit like his little sisters all had, but it was reddened and dripping. He reached a hand out without thinking and poked her slit. Riley gasped and pulled back, her heart pounding.

"S-Sorry!" Mike mumbled, and grabbed her arm to stop her from fleeing. "D-Don't g-go, I'm sorry I started you. I was just, err, started myself... I thought you were pranking me before..." Riley relaxed a bit, blushing as Mike held her arm and stared at her exposed and puffy preteen slit. "I-Is this eh-white stuff, ahh.. u-umm... D-Did Thomas cum inside you b-before..?" Riley nodded from behind her bangs, beet-red with embarrassment. "Y-Yeah... It f-feels g-good when he puts his p-penis inside m-me..."

Mike swallowed, realizing his dick was rapidly rising beneath his shorts. "C-Can I t-touch you th-there again..?" he asked her hesitantly. "U-Um... O-Okay... As long as you P-promise not to tell anyone..!" she replied, gulping. Still holding onto her arm, Mike gently reached forward with his free hand and played with her slick love slit, running a finger along it and prying it open with a pinching motion. Riley gasped as his fingers poked and prodded her secret spot.

Mike watched Riley's expression as he played with her swollen cunny, noting that her cheeks grew redder the more he rubbed her. "Does that feel good..?" Mike asked softly. Riley nodded from beneath her bangs, too flustered and embarrassed to address him. She suddenly realized that she didn't want him to stop...

Shuddering, Riley came from Mike's gentle rubbing, bucking her hips forward as her knees trembled. Mike watched in fascination as Riley's whole body shuddered from his actions, her girl juices dribbling out and dripping down her thighs onto the hard packed dirt beneath them.

Mike got to his feet as Riley finished riding out her cute little orgasm, her arm still in his grip. "Hey, Riley..." he said slowly, looking around at the forest nervously. "I still promise not to tell anyone your secret... b-but can you do something for me..." Riley, her orgasm over, glanced up at the older and taller boy. "H-Huh? What's that..?" she asked timidly. Mike pulled his pants down with the hand not gripping her arm, letting his throbbingly painful erect penis flop out. "S-Suck on my dick for a while? P-Please?"

Riley looked at Mike's cock. It was larger than Thomas', though nowhere near as big as scoutmaster Brad's had been. A few stray pubes had started to grow around Mike's groin. "I-Is that all..?" she asked, swallowing. Mike nodded. "Please? It.. It won't go down..." He said, feeling a flush creeping up his checks. Riley considered for a moment, then nodded. She gently tugged her arm in Mike's grip, and he let go. Getting down on her knees, she scooted up closer to Mike until her head was on a level with his groin.

Mike pressed his stiff boy cock down until it poked into Riley's cheek, holding it out for her. Riley, her face beet red, timidly opened her mouth and let Mike push it inside. Mike moaned in pleasure as Riley's small, warm mouth wrapped around his throbbing boyhood. He'd never had a blowjob before, and part of him couldn't believe he was finally getting one, let alone from a cute athletic tomboy like Riley!

Driven by desire, Mike placed his hands on the back of the little girl's head and pressed her skull towards him, until his whole length slipped inside. Riley let him do as he pleased, blushing as Mike jiggled her head in his grip, beginning to thrust. His cock tasted salty and felt warm as it slid along her tongue, the tip just barely popping into the back of her throat. She decided she liked how it tasted, and felt her body getting warm again in that funny way as he gently fucked her mouth.

Mike grunted and moaned, feeling Riley's tight little mouth squeezing his cock and sending waves of pleasure washing over him. Riley sucked obediently, using her small, nimble tongue to help get him off. He picked up speed, her small head jostled by his movements, not noticing that Riley's hands had gone to her pussy. Riley played with herself as Mike slammed his cock past her lips faster, his recently dropped balls slapping her chin with each thrust.

"Ohhhh f-fuck..! Damn Riley, your mouth feels incredible..!" Mike groaned, unable to last any longer. He practically hissed like a cobra as he slammed forward a final time, pressing the back of her head forward as he came, shooting salty warm boy-cum into Riley's mouth and down her throat. Riley sucked harder, hearing Mike moan as he came inside her little mouth, drinking it all up and swallowing. Mike bucked into her mouth a few more times unconsciously, dumping yet more strings of cum down her throat.

Finally he stopped bucking his hips and let her head go, panting hard. Riley pulled her head back, letting his shrinking dick flop out of her maw. Gasping for air, Riley beamed up at him. "D-Did that feel good..?" Mike reached down and ruffled her hair. "Ah.. Th-Thanks, Riley. That felt awesome!~" Riley beamed up at him, wiping her chin clean on her sleeve. "So are we good now?" she asked with a sly smile, standing up and pulling her undies and shorts up over her hips as she rose. "Y-Yea.. Of course. I won't tell anyone you're a girl." Mike agreed, still a bit dazed. “Great!~" Riley said happily, grabbing one of his hands. "C'mon, then - let's get back to the others!~"


Riley and Mike hurried back to camp together by the time they arrived, the sun had begun to set and the boys had a large campfire roaring and crackling. The coming knight was shaping up to be a cold one, and both Riley and Mike took a few moments to warm up their icy hands over the fire before taking the seats on logs dragged over left for them by Thomas and Jeremy respectively. Dinner tonight was refried beans and hot dogs. Plates were passed around while the kids sharpened sticks to cook the wieners on.

"Tomorrow marks the midway point for our trip." scoutmaster Brad proclaimed after everyone had begun eating. "You've all done very well so far, so give yourselves a pat on the back!" Some of the boys jokingly tried to pat their own backs, making the group chuckle. "The hard part is over, ladies! Lights out is in an hour, so do whatever you want till then.

Brad got to his feet, walking around the circle and clapping the boys on the shoulder or rustling their hair. When he got to Riley he tested a hand on her shoulder. Riley had just started to eat a third hot dog and had one end of the long wiener in her mouth when Brad leaned down and whispered in her ear. "My tent in twenty minutes..." She nearly choked on the hot dog when he said that. Taking it out of her mouth without biting it, she lowered her head and nodded. He patted her on the back and left them, heading for his tent.

"Are you alright?" Thomas asked, looking at her worriedly. "What'd he say?" Riley forced a smile onto her face. "I'm fine, it's nothing." she said quietly. "He just wants to, uh, talk to me about something...". She put her wiener down, her appetite gone. Wanting to think about something else for a little while, she quickly volunteered to help clean up when one of the older boys asked.

Jeremy launched into a ghost story about a group of boys who got lost in the woods while dinner was cleaned up. "...and they say to this day that you can still see a boy with a bright red cap wandering the mountains alone on cold nights like this one!" There were calls of disbelief and giggles from the other boys as Riley got to her feet and excused herself. She trudged off toward the scoutmaster's tent in silence as Mike began telling his own ghost story to the boys. Her heart was pounding as she drew up outside the extra large tent.

Taking a deep breath, Riley bent down to undo the zipper only to find the flap was already unzipped. Peeling it back, she walked inside. Like the last night, Brad was lounging in a camp chair and drinking from a steaming mug. "Zip up the flap behind you, there's a good girl." he said quietly. Riley timidly obeyed, then turned to face him. "Come sit on my lap." he said, patting his leg. Riley shuffled over without a word and sat down on the scoutmaster's lap. As she did, Brad clicked the remote in his hand to turn on the small sporty video camera he'd carefully positioned earlier on a nearby tent pole.

Scoutmaster Brad immediately placed a hand on Riley's thigh and began gently rubbing. "Do you want something to drink?" he asked the girl. Riley swallowed. "Y.. You're not g-gonna make me drink that st-stuff you g-gave me l-last night, are y-you..?" Brad chuckled softly. "No, no... this is just normal hot chocolate, I promise. I mean, unless you wanted some more of that aphrodisiac?" he said with a snicker. Riley shook her head emphatically. "Aww, okay then. Here, you can have some of mine." He held the cup up to her lips, and after a moment Riley took a sip hesitantly. She tasted only normal hot cocoa, and relaxed.

"I'm sorry I was so... rough last night. I lost control. It's been a while for me..." he said apologetically, rubbing more inwards on her thigh with his other hand. "I hope you weren't too sore today." Riley felt a blush creeping up her neck. "A-A little..." she mumbled, her heart thudding in her small chest. Brad slipped the hand rubbing her thigh down her pants and gently rimmed her puffy slit, making Riley gasp. "Mmmm... you're such a lewd girl, Riley Wendel." he cooed to her. "Have another sip of cocoa."

Riley obediently sipped from the camping mug he held up to her lips as he fondled her pussy with the hand down her pants. As Riley gasped, Brad put the mug in the cup holder on the folding camp chair and slid his other hand up her shirt to fondle her washboard-flat chest and tiny nipples. Riley moaned audibly as her nipples got hard while he played with them, then gasped as the hand in her pants shifted to push two fingers into her cunt. "That's a good girl..." Brad whispered as he molested her small, tight body. "You like being touched, don't you? Don't try to deny it..."

Riley gasped, her sex flush deepening as he fingered her, pulling at her erect nipples with the hand up her shirt. "Does that feel good? Speak up..." Riley moaned as he jammed a third finger inside her preteen snatch. "Y-Yes... Mmmph..!" she moaned, making Brad chuckle. "Heh, you're such a little slut, Riley! Ehehehe..." Riley's body shuddered as she came, panting hard as she unconsciously bucked against scoutmaster Brad's invading fingers as her back arched.

"That's a good girl.. let it all out..." Brad whispered in her ear, his breath making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end as he ran his lips along her neck. Brad withdrew his hand from her pants and wiped his fingers on her belly. Grabbing her under the armpits, he flipped her around so she was facing him and unzipped his pants, letting his long erect adult cock out to breathe. Reaching down, he unbuttoned the fly on Riley's shorts and peeled her undies aside to reveal her puffy vulva.

"You were fucked already today, weren't you?" he said with a smirk. "Did you try suckling his cock like I told you?" Riley looked down and gulped as Brad lined up the tip of his meaty cock with her bald slit. "Y-Yeah... He s-said he l-liked it..." Brad chuckled. "Good job, little one. You can show me what you learned when I'm done with your tight kiddie pussy..!"

Riley braced herself as Brad tilted his cock up and pressed her down. Riley covered her mouth with both hands as his adult dick parted her small folds and pressed inside her warm love hole. Brad moaned as he entered her through the gap in her fly, squeezing her bottom tightly through her shorts as he lowered the young girl's hips down more and more. Riley felt Brad's man meat sink into her tummy slowly, inch by inch, until she'd taken his entire length inside her ultra-tight preteen cunny.

"Fuuuuck, you're so tight..!" Brad moaned softly as he gently began bucking his hips upwards. Riley gasped through the hands over her mouth, feeling the large adult dick stirring up her insides as he took her. Brad grunted and squeezed her little bottom harder, feeling Riley's inner walls milking his cock so tightly that he felt like he was gonna pop! The little girl spread her legs open more, trying to reduce the pain from the over-large insertion.

"Ahh... You love my big, thick cock inside your little kiddie pussy, don't you Riley..?" Brad moaned. "You were born to be a little cock sleeve!~" Riley blushed as the scoutmaster talked dirty to her. She didn't want to admit it, but she realized she liked it when he talked to her that way. Without realizing it, Riley began bucking her hips against his intrusions, trying to get his big, thick penis even deeper inside her 10 year old baby hole.

"Ahh, I knew you liked it..!" Brad gasped, noticing her movements. "You're a cock-hungry kiddie slut, Riley, aren't you?~" Riley gasped and moaned, her young mind fixated on the sensation of his adult cock stirring up her insides. "Mmmph.. Y-Yes... Ngggph... F-Feels... S-So g-gooood.. in-s-side m-my p-pussy!!"

Brad grunted, grabbing her above the hips and slamming her small body down harder and faster. "F-Fuck! You're so damn lewd I can't stand it..!" He slammed into her tight little body, using her like a little sex doll as Riley hung onto him, moaning and squeaking adorably. "Ahhh! I won't last much longer in your nubile little kiddy slit!! I'm gonna fill you up soon, hope you're ready for a creampie, R-Riley..!"

Scoutmaster Brad moaned deeply as he slammed Riley down one final time, seen rocketing out of his cock to pour into the little girl's undeveloped womb, his tip nearly at her cervix. Riley's eyes rolled up and her tongue lolled out as he came inside her, and she was pushed over her edge. She came so violently that her neck jerked back, and she had to cover her mouth again to muffle her scream of pleasure. Brad dumped several more strings of thick man semen deep inside her tummy, grunting as he felt waves of intense pleasure wash over him from fucking the little preteen slut in his arms raw.

Riley collapsed against him, her body twitching involuntarily every few seconds so cutely it was driving scoutmaster Brad mad. He pulled the little tomboy off her cock, and a gobbet of semen fell out of her slackened love hole. He set Riley on the ground at his feet and placed her small head between his legs, moaning as he slapped his limp cock against her forehead. "F-Fuck that f-felt a-amazing..!" he moaned, his heart pounding. "You make an awesome cum dumpster, little girl!~" Panting, he asked her, "Did that f-feel good?" Riley nodded tiredly. "Heh, you're such a lewd little girl. Didn't even need the aphrodisiacs this time!~" Brad watched the lewd expression on her small face as he tried to slap his cock back up. He wasn't done with her yet!

It took him a minute or two of jerking it against her face to get it back up, giving Riley a time to rest. Once his cock was hard again, though, Brad slapped her cheek lightly with his palm. "Open that cute lil' mouth of yours, Riley..." he demanded. Without a word of protest, Riley did as he asked, and fastened her lips around the tip of his slimy cock. She tasted the now familiar salty taste of fresh semen as Brad moaned and shoved his entire length inside in one thrust, placing both hands on the back of her head.

Riley gagged as a thick cock was shoved down her throat, struggling slightly in his grip. He began thrusting, making sure to pull out far enough each time that she had a chance to breathe. Riley felt a bit oxygen-starved as he skull fucked her, but she relaxed and forced her body to accept the limited oxygen.

"Ahh, yes! Clean my cock off you little slut!" Brad moaned, slamming her head forward as he watched his dick disappear inside her small, tight mouth over and over again. Riley slid her hands down her shorts and into her undies, running her fingers along her puffy, cum-sickened pussy lips as Brad used her mouth for his own pleasure. She played with her buzzing over-stimulated cunny for several minutes as she obediently sucked on Brad's cock like she'd done for both Thomas and Mike earlier.

Brad couldn't take it anymore. He grunted and exploded inside Riley's tight throat, slamming her head all the way down to the hilt of his cock. His balls tapped her chin as they emptied what was left of his semen reservoir down her throat. Riley drank it all down like a good kiddie slut, swallowing obediently and causing her little throat to tighten up even more.

Brad gasped and pulled his cock out of Riley's mouth. She coughed and sputtered as Brad scooped her small body up and set her back down on his lap. "Good girl... very good girl..." he cooed. "You drank it all... Did it taste good?" he asked her with a smile. Gasping, Riley nodded. "It t-tasted kinda f-funny at first, b-but I kinda like it..." Brad chuckled and ruffled her hair. "You did great. I'll let you leave in a minute, but first... your next lesson."

Brad hooked his arm under her knees and pushed her legs up to her chest, grabbing the waistband of her shorts and undies from above her bottom and pulling them up to her hips, exposing her dripping, very red looking pussy and ass. He reached down and pried her tiny butt hole apart with two fingers. "Next time you sleep with your little boyfriend, tell him to stick it in here..." Riley blinked at him, started. 'I-In my butt!?" she exclaimed, shocked. "B-But I poop from there..!" Bad chuckled. "You're such a child... It's another hole that the penis can go inside. Try it... you'll like it, trust me!~"

Brad patted her on the head, and jammed a thumb up her butt. Riley winced and nodded, still a bit unsure. "O-Okay, if you s-say so..." Brad fingered her butt hole for a minute longer. Riley wasn't sure if she liked it or not, but it did feel a bit weird and different. "Ahh.. I promised to let to go, I'll stop.." Brad withdrew his finger from her ass, and let her legs drop. Standing Riley up on her feet, he pulled her shorts back up over her small hips and slapped her on the rump. "Okay, you can go. Remember what I said about your butt, and make sure to come see me again tomorrow night before lights out!"


Riley stumbled back towards her tent, shivering and feeling like she'd had a mountain shoved between her legs. The temperature was dropping rapidly and Riley could see her breath in the dim light cast by the rapidly sinking sun. Mike spotted her on the way back to her tent and fell into step with her.

"There you are! I was trying to find you - where were you?" Riley shrugged. "Around..." she said quietly. "Oh well, it doesn't matter. I wanted to talk to you. It's gonna be REALLY cold tonight, and a bunch of the boys are grouping up three people per tent for warmth." Riley nodded, rubbing her hands together and breathing on them to warm them up. "Anyways, Jeremy already found another tent to sleep in tonight. Something about wanting to get away from my snoring for one night..." he grumbled. "Since I, err... know your secret... I was going to ask if you'd be fine with me bunking with you and Thomas tonight. Thomas already agreed when I asked. So, what'd ya say?" he clapped the younger girl on the back.

"Uhh, sure that s-sounds f-fine." Riley said, her teeth chattering. "I'm a-already g- getting c-cold..!" Mike threw an arm around her thin shoulders. "Awesome! I radiate a lot of warmth, don't you worry haha!~" Riley rolled her eyes, though his warm arm did feel nice. They walked briskly to Riley's tent together, then hurried inside. Mike had already put his sleeping bag and backpack outside her tent. Riley scowled at him, hands on hips. "How'd you know I'd agree?" Mike smirked. "Thomas said you got cold the last time. Plus girls are always getting cold!" he said with stereotypical male confidence.

Riley longed to wipe that smug look off his face and gave him a shove. "Don't go treating me like a girl now you know!" she hissed. "Remember that I can do anything you can do! I've been less out of breath than you every day on this hike! That's right - I've seen you wheezing!" Mike held his hands up disarmingly, grinning. "Alright, alright, fair enough! Peace! Peace!" he said. Riley humphed and unzipped the tent. Mike guffawed as she crawled in, staring at her dumb before following her in.

Thomas helped Mike bring in his gear and set it up as Riley changed into her flannel pajamas inside her sleeping bag, huddled and shivering in the cold. Scoutmaster Brad went around calling "Lights out!" while Mike and Thomas wriggled up in their sleeping bags on either side of Riley. "Mike told me he knows you're a girl." Thomas said, making Riley glare at Mike again. "Mike seems to have said quite a lot..." Riley said. Both boys chuckled to her vexation. She tried holding her glare for a while but gave up as a smile slowly crept onto her face. She liked both boys far too much to stay mad at them.

"You want me to climb into your sleeping bag to keep you warm?" Mike offered. Thomas glared at him. "Hey now - she's MY girlfriend! I get to do that!" Riley felt her heart flutter when he said 'girlfriend'. Was that what they were now? She supposed it was... Riley was jerked out of her pondering by Thomas trying to climb in with her. About to protest his forwardness, she decided she was too cold to care. Thomas claimed in with her and lifted her on top of his belly, wrapping her arm around him. Riley sighed, feeling warmer already.

"Aww c'mon, I know she's your girlfriend but I wanna snuggle with her, too! Why don't you both come into my sleeping bag? It's much bigger.~" Riley rolled her eyes, and was about to open her mouth to protest them making all the decisions without her input when Thomas spoke first. "Yeah alright, that's fine. I hate to admit it, but I think we'd all be warmer together." Thomas picked up Riley and moved her into Mike's bed roll. Riley crossed her arms and pouted, dejected at being carried around like luggage, but too cold and tired to protest.

Mike zipped up the bag once Thomas and Riley were snuggly inside, with Riley sandwiched in between the two boys. "Warm enough now?" Thomas asked her. Riley nodded, sighing contently at last. "Yeah... My teeth finally stopped chattering like field mice!" The boys chuckled at this, and Thomas wrapped an arm around her waist... and around to grope her bottom, making the girl blush.

Mike found he couldn't help himself when he realized what Thomas was doing to Riley and put a hand on her inner thigh, looking into her small face. Studying her expression under the dim moonlight, Riley nodded small at him, her heart pounding and a deep flush creeping up her cheeks. Mike smiled warmly at her and moved his hand in lower, until it bumped up against the young girl's slit through the flannel fabric. Thomas had already slid the hand grasping her butt down the back of her pajama bottoms to grope her bare bottom.

"You're really cute..." Mike whispered in her ear as he slipped the hand on her groin down her waistband to pinch and pry at her puffy vagina. Not stopping his bottom groping, Thomas tilted Riley's head towards him and kissed her deeply, sliding his tongue into the younger girl's mouth. Riley closed her eyes and leaned into Thomas' kiss, feeling warmth flood her small body from the two boys' stimulations. Mike began fingering her pussy with his index finger and Thomas slid his hand down her butt crack until he found her bald cunny opening, shoving one of his own fingers in to join Mike's already plugging her lewd hole up.

Riley's mind spun as the two boys fingered her lil' cunt together, gasping as Thomas broke the kiss to nibble on her neck instead. "Nggghh..." she moaned, her body trembling as her mind was overwhelmed with feelings of lust and ecstasy. "Okay, she's warmed up enough..." Thomas muttered. "I can't wait any longer..." Mike withdrew his finger from Riley's cunt and Thomas rolled her on top of him, already humping at her belly with his erect boy cock. "Aww, c'mon I just started playing with her!" Mike complained as Thomas sized his 12 year old cock and lined it up with Riley's slutty cunny. "I get to go first, that was the deal!" Thomas snapped. "I know, but..." Mike muttered, annoyed at having to stop so soon.

"W-Wait..." Riley mumbled, remembering the scoutmaster's words. "M-Mike can put it in... in my butt if he wants..." she said, blushing deeply. "Eh? You mean anal?" Thomas asked, as Mike's eyes went wide. Riley nodded reluctantly. "Th-That was you can b-both, u-um... f-fuck me at the s-same t-time..." she stammered, unsure of what she was getting herself into. "Damn, you sure Riley?" Mike asked, his dick already about to blow his pants off. Anal sex was supposed to be even tighter than vaginal sex, he knew. He'd always kinda wanted to try it, but he'd heard a lot of girls didn't much care for it.

Riley nodded. "If it makes you two h-horny idiots stop f-fighting over me..." she muttered. "You don't gotta ask me twice..!" Mike said happily, yanking his pants down to his ankles to let his throbbing boy meat out of its cloth cage. "Fine with me..." Thomas said, then whispered in Riley's ear, "Kinda didn't want to share your pussy with him anyways, hehe..." His breath made the girl shiver. Part of her wanted to stop this before it got out of hand, but not a very big part. "Roll her bottom over here then." Mike said, and Thomas nodded. He wrapped an arm around Riley's back and rolled onto his side, not letting her small body slide off his chest.

"Umm, wait..." Mike said, thinking. "Aren't you supposed to use lube or something for anal? Do we have anything?" Thomas sighed impatiently. "Just use some spit, it'll be fine..." he growled, poking the head of his cock at Riley's baby hole opening, making the girl gasp. Mike shrugged and leaned down, spitting first on his cock and rubbing it around, then prying Riley's butt cheeks apart and spitting on her anus. He jammed his thumb into her bum making Riley wince. Rubbing his thumb around, Mike lubed her rectum up nice and good with his saliva before gripping his throbbing erection and pressing the head against her tight ring piece.

"Ready?" Mike asked Riley, who bit her bottom lip gently and nodded. "Here we go..!" Thomas said with a soft whoop, and thrust into her cunny. Less than a breath later, Mike shoves his slightly larger cock up Riley's bum. The girl's eyes boggled out as she was double penetrated by the two boy's cocks at the same time. She wheezed and her eyes rolled up as pain and pleasure mixed in his young mind. "Fuck that's tight!!" Mike groaned, pushing forward harder and getting another inch inside the poor girl's baby butt. "God, your pussy always milks my cock so good..!" Thomas moaned, already beginning his hammering movements.

Riley wrapped her arms around Thomas' torso and held on as she was hammered from both sides. The sensation of having two dicks inside her at once was all she could focus on as the boys fucked her hard and fast, their small boyish dicks completely plugging up her holes. "F-Fuck, your little bottom is so tight, Riley..!" Mike moaned, prying her butt cheeks apart as far as they could go with his hands so he could force his cock up her ass easier, his precum leaking out making the penetration easier. Thomas began rubbing her little bean as his dick shunted past her pussy lips over and over again, breathing hard as he humped into his little girlfriend. "I love you Riley..!" he moaned against the skin of her chest, making the girl shiver contentedly.

Riley's eyes rolled up as her young mind was overwhelmed by the sensations slamming through her preteen body. "Gahhh!" Mike grunted. "I'm gonna cum inside your butt, Riley!" Mike moaned as he finished first, unable to take her inner rectum walls squeezing his dick any longer. He sprayed his warm spunk up inside her ass, smacking her bottom lightly as he bucked into her a few more times. Thomas kept going for a bit longer before gasping and going over his edge, painting Riley's little womb with his seed once more. "Ohhhh Riley... Mmmm, yes..!" he moaned.

Riley collapsed against Thomas' chest as she passed out, the two boys' dicks still inside her ass and pussy, her insides full of their hot, thick boy cum. She mumbles incoherently as the boys gasped and tried to catch their breath. "Hmm? Did she pass out?" Mike asked, concerned. Thomas patted her on the head. "Ahh, it's fine. She does that sometimes. It just means she felt good!~" he chuckled. "Now what?" Mike asked. "Should we pull out..?" Thomas shook his head. "Eh? Why bother... we're all nice and toasty warm now. Might as well just sleep like this!~"

Mike shrugged and wiggled to get comfy, wrapping his arms around Riley's waist. The boys fell asleep both hugging Riley tightly, their now flaccid cocks still shoved up inside her tight tomboy body.

June 18th