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==Chapter 10==
<div class="chapter">Chapter 10</div>
I was really excited when Daddy told me I would be going somewhere with Jim again. It was still a few weeks away and I didn’t know where, but I hoped he would buy me lots of nice things again. Later that day though, Daddy told me I had to go somewhere else, too.
He was sending me to someone’s house to play with their daughter. It was kind of weird going to play with a girl I had never met, but it sounded pretty fun. I was allowed to get dressed and I got to take clothes and pajamas with me because I was going to stay for several days. School was on break for a week so Daddy told me I would have lots of time to play and make friends with the girl I was going to meet.
It was really weird, I didn’t know why Daddy was sending me to some other girl’s house that I didn’t even know. I was nervous and I hoped we would like each other. Daddy drove me there and dropped me off at this HUGE house! A nice lady answered the door and introduced herself as, Mrs. Cole and then she introduced me to her daughter, Hannah.
Hannah was a little smaller than me and didn’t say much. I didn’t say much at first either. Her mommy said she was shy, but Hannah waved and said hi.
We sat in the living room for a few minutes and started talking. She said she just had her birthday and turned six years old.
“Do you want to see my new doll house? Mommy and Daddy got it for me for my birthday!” She asked.
“Sure,” I said and followed her upstairs to her room. I was excited because I never had one so it was fun to get to play with hers. It was huge and she had lots of barbies to go with it. Getting to know each other was really easy. It kind of felt like we already knew each other and we enjoyed playing together.
Mrs. Cole came and got us when it was time for lunch and then she said we could go swimming afterwards. I didn’t have a suit but she told me I could just swim in my panties. That seemed kind of weird to me, but I didn’t care that much. It was more than I ever wore at home…
Hannah and I had a lot of fun splashing and swimming in the pool. They had a really nice pool, too with a big waterfall we could swim under. We swam for a while before finally going back inside to play in Hannah’s room again before dinner.
After we ate, Hannah’s mom took us upstairs and started a bubble bath for us. She started undressing Hannah and let me undress myself. Then, we got in the bath together.
“You girls look so cute together,” she told us as we settled in. Then she left us on our own.
We enjoyed playing in the bath together and used the bubbles to pretend we have boobies. Hannah may have been a few years younger, but playing with her was a lot of fun. It was like having a little sister.
Eventually, Her mom came back and washed our hair before she pulled as our and began to dry us off. Then we got in our pajamas. It felt a little weird because I hadn’t warn any in so long. I hadn’t even worn them when I was with Jim because we would just have sex in bed and fall asleep after. But it felt really nice to be like a normal girl again.
Hannah’s mom told us we could watch a movie before we went to bed, so we went downstairs and she made us popcorn. It was a cartoon and we. I liked it. Hannah did fall asleep, though. She woke up when Mrs. Cole started carrying her to bed. I got to sleep with Hannah in her bed which I thought was really fun. I slept really good that night, too. It felt nice to make a new friend.
<p class="center">***</p>
“Can we go swimming again?” Hannah asked when we were sitting down at breakfast. We had both decided that’s what we wanted to do when we woke up.
“Sure, girls,” we both celebrated to her answer. “You can swim for a little while after you’re done eating. Daddy will be back home from his business trip in a bit, but you can both swim until then.
I froze when she mentioned Hannah’s dad. Why couldn’t we keep swimming after he got back? I didn’t want to think about why, but I thought I had a pretty good idea. Maybe I was wrong, but why else would Daddy make me come here for his work? Hannah seemed happy about her dad coming home, though.
I was back in my panties again as we swam. I was a little worried because I didn’t have enough clean panties to keep swimming in, but Hannah’s mom told me she would wash them for me later.
The entire time I was trying to have fun with my new friend instead of thinking about her father coming home. It felt so nice to have a feel normal again. Of course I had friends at school and I would occasionally go to their houses, but never usually for this long before having to go home and service Daddy and my brothers again. They liked it better when I wasn’t out of the house for too long.
After a few hours of playing in their pool, Hannah’s mom called us out of the pool and that’s when I saw him. Hannah’s father walked out into the back yard and I realized—he was one of the men from the dinner party. He was the one with the big nose and and even bigger belly and of all the men from Daddy’s company that used me that night, I wanted to see him the least.
Hannah ran up in her two piece swimming suit and hugged him. He picked her up off the ground and hugged her back. I just stood there. I wished I could get back in the pool and hide under water. Even though, I had been swimming for the last day in panties, it made me feel uncomfortable to stand there wearing nothing else. He looked in my direction as he hugged Hannah and I could tell he wanted me.
“Come on inside girls,” Blake said, putting Hannah down and motioning to me. There was a big wet spot on the front of his shirt where Hannah hugged him. I didn’t want to go inside.
We grabbed our towels and followed him inside. Hannah’s mom told me to take off my panties so she could wash them.  I didn’t want to do that either, but I did. At least I had a towel to cover myself with. Soon that would be taken away from me, too.
“So, did you girls have fun getting to know each other?” Blake asked.
“Yeah, Naomi spent the night and we swam and watched a move and played with my new dollhouse,” Hannah answered excitedly.
“Well, I’m glad you girls are getting along well. I was hoping you two would be friends,” he went on. “Naomi is the daughter of one of the people I work with. From what I hear, she’s been a very busy girl helping out her family and the company, too. I wanted to have her stay here for the next few days so she can show you how big girls can help out their family.” Hannah was excited to hear that I would be staying for the next several days, but I knew what that really meant. Still, I tried to look excited for her. I was glad I could spend more time with her, at least.
“Speaking of that, Naomi is already dressed for the occasion, so why don’t we just get started?” That’s when he started to pull my towel away.
“But Naomi is naked!” Hannah giggled.
“That’s right, little girls can do a lot of neat things without their clothes on,” her father answered. “I’m going to use Naomi to show you and soon, you’ll start doing it, too.”
“That sounds weird,” Hannah wrinkled her nose. I wanted to argue, but I didn’t because I knew it would only make things worse. I felt bad for Hannah, too because I could tell she didn’t know what was coming.
Blake led both of us upstairs and into his bedroom. It was a lot bigger than my parent’s bedroom and their’s had windows that were really big. You could see their backyard, the field trees behind their house, and a lake not far away. The bedroom didn’t just have a bed either, it had chairs around a fireplace, too.
He yanked down the bed sheets and motioned for me to get on the bed, so I did.
“Alright, Hannah,” he pulled up a chair for her.” Take a seat and I’ll use Naomi here to show you all the ways a girl can be fucked.”
“What’s fucked mean?” Hannah looked confused. It reminded me of when Daddy and my brothers were teaching me all the sex words not that long ago.
“You’ll see,” her dad answered as he sat on the bed and started to rub my pussy.
“Why are you touching her there?”
“No more questions for now, Hannah. Just watch and you’ll learn everything soon enough.”
I looked over at Hannah, still wearing her two-piece swimsuit and a towel around her shoulders. I didn’t like that her daddy was probably going to start using her, too. I didn’t like that her daddy was going to use me to show her how to have sex either. She was so little and sweet and just sat there swinging her legs off the chair.
Then I saw her freeze and look a little scared. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw why. Her daddy was now naked from the waist down and was now pulling his shirt over his head. He wasn’t that old, but he was definitely overweight and unattractive. I think Hannah must have gotten her looks from her mother because she’s pretty.
“Alright, Naomi,” Hannah’s daddy hovered over me and I felt his stomach resting on me. “Let’s show my little girl how it’s done.”
I just laid there, tensing as I felt his cock push into me.
“Daddy! What are you doing?” I looked over at Hannah and she seemed alarmed.
“Shut up,” he said and started moving in and out of me. He was going slow, so it wasn’t too bad. But I still didn’t really like the feeling of his fat belly resting on top of me. I tried not to look too uncomfortable because it was bothering Hannah. Unfortunately, when I looked over at her, I think my face gave it away.
“Daddy, stop hurting her,” Hannah pushed at his side but he kept going. That’s when I heard the door open. The large man on top of me blocked my view, but I could hear Hannah’s mother talking.
“How are things going in here?” She said as she walked in.
“Daddy won’t stop hurting Naomi,” Hannah whined.
“He’s not hurting her, dear. They’re having sex. She is being a good little girl and letting Daddy fuck her young pussy,” her mother explained.
“But why?” it sounded like Hannah was crying but I couldn’t tell because she had turned to face her mother.
“Because it makes him feel good. Don’t you want Daddy to feel good?”
“Yes,” Hannah answered, still confused by the situation.
“Good girl,” Hannah’s mother answered and kissed her forehead. “I know it’s hard, sweetie, but this is the way it has to be. You’re going to make you’re daddy very happy and make lots of other men happy, too. Here, let’s get your swimsuit off of you.”
“I don’t want to,” she said. But I saw Hannah’s mother reach over and start to remove the six year old’s bikini. Then she sat down in the chair by the bed, pulled the Hannah onto her lap and started rubbing her body. She was naked now and I could see Hannah jump as her  mother moved her hand lower and started fingering her kitty.
Hannah’s daddy had been fucking me slowly, but he started moving a bit faster and he leaned down and started kissing me. I could tell he was going to cum soon. Sure enough, moments later I felt his hot, sticky juice shooting into my body and he started to slow down and eventually stopped. I was relieved when I felt his heavy body move off of me.
“Alright, Hannah,” he said looking over at her. “Get over here and lick Naomi’s cunt. Suck all my jizz out of her.” When I looked at her, Hannah was still in her mom’s and she was still running her finger along her slit.
“She shouldn’t have to do that today!” Her mother said. “Surely just watching is enough for now.”
“She’s going to have to get used to the taste sooner or later. It might as well be today.” Her daddy took her arm, pulled Hannah out of her mother’s lap and onto the bed.
“Go ahead and start licking her right here,” he pointed to where I could feel his cum dripping out of my pussy. “Then suck all my cum out of her. Don’t stop until I tell you.”
“Please, can I go play in my room? I don’t want to do this anymore,”  Hannah complained. Her father’s responded by pushing her head down in between my legs. I wanted to help and felt bad that I didn’t stick up for her, but I had learned by then that it wouldn’t do any good.
“Start licking,” he insisted. She whined and I could feel her tears start to fall in between my legs. After a few moments, I also felt her tongue lapping up the cum that had been left behind. She tried to pull away when she tasted it; but her daddy still had his hand on her head, making sure she kept going. Hannah only made muffled noises when she attempted to talk.
“What is this stuff? It’s nasty!” Hannah cried when she managed to get her head up. I could see cum dripping down her chin.
“It’s cum that shoots out of a man’s dick and you’re going to have to get used to it,” her daddy grumbled. “Don’t stop until I tell you.” He pushed her head back down in between my legs.
“Here, Mary,” Hannah’s father turned to his wife.  “Why don’t you suck my cock and get me ready for round 2 while Hannah is busy.” She was still watching us from the chair and got down on her knees by the side of the bed. He instructed Hannah to keep licking me and pulled his hand away.
She obeyed and continued licking me. From my place on the bed, I had a front row seat of Hannah’s mother as she started to suck her husband’s cock. I may not have cum when he was inside me, but I was starting to with Hannah licking and sucking the cum out of me. She stopped and looked up, alarmed when I caught myself letting out a little noise. I looked down and put my hand in her head to try to make her feel better.
She put her face back down continued. When I started to cum, she tried to stop again but her daddy was paying attention again and made sure she kept doing her job. I pushed myself towards her and felt guilty that it felt so good. It reminded me of all the times my daddy or my brothers had made me suck their cocks when I didn’t want to. I don’t think they ever felt guilty, though. Besides, I wasn’t making Hannah lick me, her daddy was.
“Alright, that’s enough. Go sit back down on the chair. My cock is ready for round two.” Hannah’s daddy told her. I looked down and saw her push herself to her knees on the bed. Cum had smeared across her face and mixed with my juices, too. I looked at her daddy’s hard cock and knew it was about to be inside me again.
“Good girl,” Hannah’s mother said and kissed her cheek when she climbed back into her lap. “I know it hard but you’re going to do so many great things for us.” Her mother sounded sad, even though she was encouraging her. She looked sad, too.
I stopped looking at them when Hannah’s daddy spoke again.
“Now that you’ve seen what a nice soft fuck is like,” he explained. “Now Naomi and I are going to show you what a nice hard fuck looks like.”
I braced my self for what I knew was coming. Then I felt the tip of his cock pushing into me again. This time, he didn’t hold back and thrusted as hard as he could.
I called out and my whole body started to move towards the head of the bed. He held me in place as he continued and I could feel the whole bed shaking underneath us. I was getting used to being fucked like that now that my daddy was doing it, but his overweight belly made it a lot more uncomfortable. He didn’t hold back even though I was a lot smaller.
My entire body shook with each thrust and I could feel his fat stomach resting on top of me as it moved back and forth. He grabbed a fist-full of my hair and pulled it—not hard enough to really hurt me, but enough for me to whine and move my head in response. Then he leaned over and pulled my legs open wider, forcing himself into me as hard and as fast as he could. There was nothing I could do but lay there and take it all while I waited for it to be over.
I don’t remember whether or not I started crying as he kept thrusting his body into me, but I know I saw Hannah crying really hard when it was over. She told me later that she didn’t like seeing her daddy hurt me. He moaned loudly when he started cumming and he didn’t slow down until his cock was completely drained. He kissed me up my neck before pulling out. Then just like before, it was Hannah’s job to suck out his semen.
He called to her and she reluctantly climbed back on the bed as tears continued to fall. I soon felt her  reluctant mouth on my kitty again. I was still breathing heavy, trying to relax after being fucked so hard.
“That’s my little girl,” I looked down and saw her daddy started rubbing her head and then ran his hand through her hair and down her bare back. I allowed myself to close my eyes, but quickly opened them when Hannah nearly screamed into my kitty. I looked down and saw the reason for her distress. He had started pushing his finger into her ass.
He kept one hand on her head, making sure she kept eating the cum out of me as she cried. I wished I could help her. Instead, I just had to lay there as I felt her tears fall onto me and watched her father finger the six year old’s ass. I didn’t like watching him do that to my friend and started crying, too.
When it was finally over, Hannah’s mother helped clean us up. While she did, Hannah had started whining and telling her how she didn’t want Daddy to keep doing stuff like that with her. But her mother kept telling her it was the way it had to be and that my family was really proud of me for doing it. I didn’t say anything, but it reminded me of similar things Daddy had said to me.
Once we were cleaned up, we were allowed to get dressed again and we both tried to forget about it as we started playing with the doll house again in Hannah’s room. Even though she was a few years younger, I really liked playing with Hannah. It’s too bad her daddy would start to like playing with her, too.
I was supposed to stay at their house for several more days and I knew her daddy would probably come back when he was hard again, ready to teach Hannah more.
[[Fun with Naomi/Part 11|Continue to Part 11]]

[[Category:Fun With Naomi]]
[[Category:Fun With Naomi]]

Latest revision as of 23:25, 28 December 2023

Chapter 10

I was really excited when Daddy told me I would be going somewhere with Jim again. It was still a few weeks away and I didn’t know where, but I hoped he would buy me lots of nice things again. Later that day though, Daddy told me I had to go somewhere else, too.

He was sending me to someone’s house to play with their daughter. It was kind of weird going to play with a girl I had never met, but it sounded pretty fun. I was allowed to get dressed and I got to take clothes and pajamas with me because I was going to stay for several days. School was on break for a week so Daddy told me I would have lots of time to play and make friends with the girl I was going to meet.

It was really weird, I didn’t know why Daddy was sending me to some other girl’s house that I didn’t even know. I was nervous and I hoped we would like each other. Daddy drove me there and dropped me off at this HUGE house! A nice lady answered the door and introduced herself as, Mrs. Cole and then she introduced me to her daughter, Hannah.

Hannah was a little smaller than me and didn’t say much. I didn’t say much at first either. Her mommy said she was shy, but Hannah waved and said hi.

We sat in the living room for a few minutes and started talking. She said she just had her birthday and turned six years old.

“Do you want to see my new doll house? Mommy and Daddy got it for me for my birthday!” She asked.

“Sure,” I said and followed her upstairs to her room. I was excited because I never had one so it was fun to get to play with hers. It was huge and she had lots of barbies to go with it. Getting to know each other was really easy. It kind of felt like we already knew each other and we enjoyed playing together.

Mrs. Cole came and got us when it was time for lunch and then she said we could go swimming afterwards. I didn’t have a suit but she told me I could just swim in my panties. That seemed kind of weird to me, but I didn’t care that much. It was more than I ever wore at home…

Hannah and I had a lot of fun splashing and swimming in the pool. They had a really nice pool, too with a big waterfall we could swim under. We swam for a while before finally going back inside to play in Hannah’s room again before dinner.

After we ate, Hannah’s mom took us upstairs and started a bubble bath for us. She started undressing Hannah and let me undress myself. Then, we got in the bath together.

“You girls look so cute together,” she told us as we settled in. Then she left us on our own.

We enjoyed playing in the bath together and used the bubbles to pretend we have boobies. Hannah may have been a few years younger, but playing with her was a lot of fun. It was like having a little sister.

Eventually, Her mom came back and washed our hair before she pulled as our and began to dry us off. Then we got in our pajamas. It felt a little weird because I hadn’t warn any in so long. I hadn’t even worn them when I was with Jim because we would just have sex in bed and fall asleep after. But it felt really nice to be like a normal girl again.

Hannah’s mom told us we could watch a movie before we went to bed, so we went downstairs and she made us popcorn. It was a cartoon and we. I liked it. Hannah did fall asleep, though. She woke up when Mrs. Cole started carrying her to bed. I got to sleep with Hannah in her bed which I thought was really fun. I slept really good that night, too. It felt nice to make a new friend.


“Can we go swimming again?” Hannah asked when we were sitting down at breakfast. We had both decided that’s what we wanted to do when we woke up.

“Sure, girls,” we both celebrated to her answer. “You can swim for a little while after you’re done eating. Daddy will be back home from his business trip in a bit, but you can both swim until then.

I froze when she mentioned Hannah’s dad. Why couldn’t we keep swimming after he got back? I didn’t want to think about why, but I thought I had a pretty good idea. Maybe I was wrong, but why else would Daddy make me come here for his work? Hannah seemed happy about her dad coming home, though.

I was back in my panties again as we swam. I was a little worried because I didn’t have enough clean panties to keep swimming in, but Hannah’s mom told me she would wash them for me later.

The entire time I was trying to have fun with my new friend instead of thinking about her father coming home. It felt so nice to have a feel normal again. Of course I had friends at school and I would occasionally go to their houses, but never usually for this long before having to go home and service Daddy and my brothers again. They liked it better when I wasn’t out of the house for too long.

After a few hours of playing in their pool, Hannah’s mom called us out of the pool and that’s when I saw him. Hannah’s father walked out into the back yard and I realized—he was one of the men from the dinner party. He was the one with the big nose and and even bigger belly and of all the men from Daddy’s company that used me that night, I wanted to see him the least.

Hannah ran up in her two piece swimming suit and hugged him. He picked her up off the ground and hugged her back. I just stood there. I wished I could get back in the pool and hide under water. Even though, I had been swimming for the last day in panties, it made me feel uncomfortable to stand there wearing nothing else. He looked in my direction as he hugged Hannah and I could tell he wanted me.

“Come on inside girls,” Blake said, putting Hannah down and motioning to me. There was a big wet spot on the front of his shirt where Hannah hugged him. I didn’t want to go inside.

We grabbed our towels and followed him inside. Hannah’s mom told me to take off my panties so she could wash them. I didn’t want to do that either, but I did. At least I had a towel to cover myself with. Soon that would be taken away from me, too.

“So, did you girls have fun getting to know each other?” Blake asked.

“Yeah, Naomi spent the night and we swam and watched a move and played with my new dollhouse,” Hannah answered excitedly.

“Well, I’m glad you girls are getting along well. I was hoping you two would be friends,” he went on. “Naomi is the daughter of one of the people I work with. From what I hear, she’s been a very busy girl helping out her family and the company, too. I wanted to have her stay here for the next few days so she can show you how big girls can help out their family.” Hannah was excited to hear that I would be staying for the next several days, but I knew what that really meant. Still, I tried to look excited for her. I was glad I could spend more time with her, at least.

“Speaking of that, Naomi is already dressed for the occasion, so why don’t we just get started?” That’s when he started to pull my towel away.

“But Naomi is naked!” Hannah giggled.

“That’s right, little girls can do a lot of neat things without their clothes on,” her father answered. “I’m going to use Naomi to show you and soon, you’ll start doing it, too.”

“That sounds weird,” Hannah wrinkled her nose. I wanted to argue, but I didn’t because I knew it would only make things worse. I felt bad for Hannah, too because I could tell she didn’t know what was coming.

Blake led both of us upstairs and into his bedroom. It was a lot bigger than my parent’s bedroom and their’s had windows that were really big. You could see their backyard, the field trees behind their house, and a lake not far away. The bedroom didn’t just have a bed either, it had chairs around a fireplace, too.

He yanked down the bed sheets and motioned for me to get on the bed, so I did.

“Alright, Hannah,” he pulled up a chair for her.” Take a seat and I’ll use Naomi here to show you all the ways a girl can be fucked.”

“What’s fucked mean?” Hannah looked confused. It reminded me of when Daddy and my brothers were teaching me all the sex words not that long ago.

“You’ll see,” her dad answered as he sat on the bed and started to rub my pussy.

“Why are you touching her there?”

“No more questions for now, Hannah. Just watch and you’ll learn everything soon enough.”

I looked over at Hannah, still wearing her two-piece swimsuit and a towel around her shoulders. I didn’t like that her daddy was probably going to start using her, too. I didn’t like that her daddy was going to use me to show her how to have sex either. She was so little and sweet and just sat there swinging her legs off the chair.

Then I saw her freeze and look a little scared. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw why. Her daddy was now naked from the waist down and was now pulling his shirt over his head. He wasn’t that old, but he was definitely overweight and unattractive. I think Hannah must have gotten her looks from her mother because she’s pretty.

“Alright, Naomi,” Hannah’s daddy hovered over me and I felt his stomach resting on me. “Let’s show my little girl how it’s done.”

I just laid there, tensing as I felt his cock push into me.

“Daddy! What are you doing?” I looked over at Hannah and she seemed alarmed.

“Shut up,” he said and started moving in and out of me. He was going slow, so it wasn’t too bad. But I still didn’t really like the feeling of his fat belly resting on top of me. I tried not to look too uncomfortable because it was bothering Hannah. Unfortunately, when I looked over at her, I think my face gave it away.

“Daddy, stop hurting her,” Hannah pushed at his side but he kept going. That’s when I heard the door open. The large man on top of me blocked my view, but I could hear Hannah’s mother talking.

“How are things going in here?” She said as she walked in.

“Daddy won’t stop hurting Naomi,” Hannah whined.

“He’s not hurting her, dear. They’re having sex. She is being a good little girl and letting Daddy fuck her young pussy,” her mother explained.

“But why?” it sounded like Hannah was crying but I couldn’t tell because she had turned to face her mother.

“Because it makes him feel good. Don’t you want Daddy to feel good?”

“Yes,” Hannah answered, still confused by the situation.

“Good girl,” Hannah’s mother answered and kissed her forehead. “I know it’s hard, sweetie, but this is the way it has to be. You’re going to make you’re daddy very happy and make lots of other men happy, too. Here, let’s get your swimsuit off of you.”

“I don’t want to,” she said. But I saw Hannah’s mother reach over and start to remove the six year old’s bikini. Then she sat down in the chair by the bed, pulled the Hannah onto her lap and started rubbing her body. She was naked now and I could see Hannah jump as her mother moved her hand lower and started fingering her kitty.

Hannah’s daddy had been fucking me slowly, but he started moving a bit faster and he leaned down and started kissing me. I could tell he was going to cum soon. Sure enough, moments later I felt his hot, sticky juice shooting into my body and he started to slow down and eventually stopped. I was relieved when I felt his heavy body move off of me.

“Alright, Hannah,” he said looking over at her. “Get over here and lick Naomi’s cunt. Suck all my jizz out of her.” When I looked at her, Hannah was still in her mom’s and she was still running her finger along her slit.

“She shouldn’t have to do that today!” Her mother said. “Surely just watching is enough for now.”

“She’s going to have to get used to the taste sooner or later. It might as well be today.” Her daddy took her arm, pulled Hannah out of her mother’s lap and onto the bed.

“Go ahead and start licking her right here,” he pointed to where I could feel his cum dripping out of my pussy. “Then suck all my cum out of her. Don’t stop until I tell you.”

“Please, can I go play in my room? I don’t want to do this anymore,” Hannah complained. Her father’s responded by pushing her head down in between my legs. I wanted to help and felt bad that I didn’t stick up for her, but I had learned by then that it wouldn’t do any good.

“Start licking,” he insisted. She whined and I could feel her tears start to fall in between my legs. After a few moments, I also felt her tongue lapping up the cum that had been left behind. She tried to pull away when she tasted it; but her daddy still had his hand on her head, making sure she kept going. Hannah only made muffled noises when she attempted to talk.

“What is this stuff? It’s nasty!” Hannah cried when she managed to get her head up. I could see cum dripping down her chin.

“It’s cum that shoots out of a man’s dick and you’re going to have to get used to it,” her daddy grumbled. “Don’t stop until I tell you.” He pushed her head back down in between my legs.

“Here, Mary,” Hannah’s father turned to his wife. “Why don’t you suck my cock and get me ready for round 2 while Hannah is busy.” She was still watching us from the chair and got down on her knees by the side of the bed. He instructed Hannah to keep licking me and pulled his hand away.

She obeyed and continued licking me. From my place on the bed, I had a front row seat of Hannah’s mother as she started to suck her husband’s cock. I may not have cum when he was inside me, but I was starting to with Hannah licking and sucking the cum out of me. She stopped and looked up, alarmed when I caught myself letting out a little noise. I looked down and put my hand in her head to try to make her feel better.

She put her face back down continued. When I started to cum, she tried to stop again but her daddy was paying attention again and made sure she kept doing her job. I pushed myself towards her and felt guilty that it felt so good. It reminded me of all the times my daddy or my brothers had made me suck their cocks when I didn’t want to. I don’t think they ever felt guilty, though. Besides, I wasn’t making Hannah lick me, her daddy was.

“Alright, that’s enough. Go sit back down on the chair. My cock is ready for round two.” Hannah’s daddy told her. I looked down and saw her push herself to her knees on the bed. Cum had smeared across her face and mixed with my juices, too. I looked at her daddy’s hard cock and knew it was about to be inside me again.

“Good girl,” Hannah’s mother said and kissed her cheek when she climbed back into her lap. “I know it hard but you’re going to do so many great things for us.” Her mother sounded sad, even though she was encouraging her. She looked sad, too.

I stopped looking at them when Hannah’s daddy spoke again.

“Now that you’ve seen what a nice soft fuck is like,” he explained. “Now Naomi and I are going to show you what a nice hard fuck looks like.”

I braced my self for what I knew was coming. Then I felt the tip of his cock pushing into me again. This time, he didn’t hold back and thrusted as hard as he could.

I called out and my whole body started to move towards the head of the bed. He held me in place as he continued and I could feel the whole bed shaking underneath us. I was getting used to being fucked like that now that my daddy was doing it, but his overweight belly made it a lot more uncomfortable. He didn’t hold back even though I was a lot smaller.

My entire body shook with each thrust and I could feel his fat stomach resting on top of me as it moved back and forth. He grabbed a fist-full of my hair and pulled it—not hard enough to really hurt me, but enough for me to whine and move my head in response. Then he leaned over and pulled my legs open wider, forcing himself into me as hard and as fast as he could. There was nothing I could do but lay there and take it all while I waited for it to be over.

I don’t remember whether or not I started crying as he kept thrusting his body into me, but I know I saw Hannah crying really hard when it was over. She told me later that she didn’t like seeing her daddy hurt me. He moaned loudly when he started cumming and he didn’t slow down until his cock was completely drained. He kissed me up my neck before pulling out. Then just like before, it was Hannah’s job to suck out his semen.

He called to her and she reluctantly climbed back on the bed as tears continued to fall. I soon felt her reluctant mouth on my kitty again. I was still breathing heavy, trying to relax after being fucked so hard.

“That’s my little girl,” I looked down and saw her daddy started rubbing her head and then ran his hand through her hair and down her bare back. I allowed myself to close my eyes, but quickly opened them when Hannah nearly screamed into my kitty. I looked down and saw the reason for her distress. He had started pushing his finger into her ass.

He kept one hand on her head, making sure she kept eating the cum out of me as she cried. I wished I could help her. Instead, I just had to lay there as I felt her tears fall onto me and watched her father finger the six year old’s ass. I didn’t like watching him do that to my friend and started crying, too.

When it was finally over, Hannah’s mother helped clean us up. While she did, Hannah had started whining and telling her how she didn’t want Daddy to keep doing stuff like that with her. But her mother kept telling her it was the way it had to be and that my family was really proud of me for doing it. I didn’t say anything, but it reminded me of similar things Daddy had said to me.

Once we were cleaned up, we were allowed to get dressed again and we both tried to forget about it as we started playing with the doll house again in Hannah’s room. Even though she was a few years younger, I really liked playing with Hannah. It’s too bad her daddy would start to like playing with her, too.

I was supposed to stay at their house for several more days and I knew her daddy would probably come back when he was hard again, ready to teach Hannah more.

Continue to Part 11