God's Compensation/Lore/Fog: Difference between revisions

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Has the ability to make a single person more suggestible or gullible to one thing they have to say. This will only prevent the person from utilizing their critical facilities and will not cause them to accept obvious falsehoods. Unlike with the trust aura, the person will regain the ability to doubt this suggestion once the power is lifted, but only if they are given reason to think about it.
Has the ability to make a single person more suggestible or gullible to one thing they have to say. This will only prevent the person from utilizing their critical facilities and will not cause them to accept obvious falsehoods. Unlike with the trust aura, the person will regain the ability to doubt this suggestion once the power is lifted, but only if they are given reason to think about it.

Example: Anyone age 18-32 can use this power and say they are 15-17. The person they are using this on will accept this until they see your driver's licence saying otherwise, or hear you drop a date that is outside the chronology for that age range, or you or someone else says something else that places doubt to the age you reported to them.
Example: Anyone age 18-32 can use this power and say they are 14-17. The person they are using this on will accept this until they see this person's driver's licence saying otherwise, or hear them drop a date that is outside the chronology for that age range, or they or someone else says something else that places doubt to the age reported.

Can use the basic form of this power on up to five people at one time, or can prevent a single person from seeing something as odd. This power does not function on preventing someone from noticing all together, and it does not prevent them from reacting to something that they are repulsed by on a gut level. Once the effects of the fog are removed, they might ponder over what they saw or heard and it might bother them if they are so inclined.
Can use the basic form of this power on up to five people at one time, or can prevent a single person from seeing something as odd. This power does not function on preventing someone from noticing all together, and it does not prevent them from reacting to something that they are repulsed by on a gut level. Once the effects of the fog are removed, they might ponder over what they saw or heard and it might bother them if they are so inclined.

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1. Can tone down this power so that it is at the same level as a Demigod for the "Basic" and "Intermediate" applications of the skill.
1. Can tone down this power so that it is at the same level as a Demigod for the "Basic" and "Intermediate" applications of the skill.

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1.Can cause a single person to go into a complete catatonic state. They will not react to anything done to them or done in front of them. They will merely stare blankly with slumped shoulders unless someone physically grabs them and re-positions them, or the deity who fogged them issues them a direct and stern command. When it comes to following commands from the deity, they cannot follow complicated orders. They can perform the following actions if ordered by the deity.
1.Can cause a single person to go into a complete catatonic state. They will not react to anything done to them or done in front of them. They will merely stare blankly with slumped shoulders unless someone physically grabs them and re-positions them, or the deity who fogged them issues them a direct and stern command. When it comes to following commands from the deity, they cannot follow complicated orders. They can perform the following actions if ordered by the deity.

-Follow. (the deity or another specified person.)
*Follow. (the deity or another specified person.)
-Stay. (remain in that place)
*Stay. (remain in that place)
-Sit. (sit down)
*Sit. (sit down)
-Stand. (stand up)
*Stand. (stand up)
-Eat. (eat food that is directly in front of them)
*Eat. (eat food that is directly in front of them)
-Attack. (flail arms about and scratch and bite a specified target)
*Attack. (flail arms about and scratch and bite a specified target)
-Guard. (remain in place unless approached by someone other than the deity. If approached, attack)
*Guard. (remain in place unless approached by someone other than the deity. If approached, attack)
-Pee/poop. (Will hold in urine and feces as long as possible until they involuntarily wet/soil themselves unless ordered to pee or poop.)
*Pee/poop. (Will hold in urine and feces as long as possible until they involuntarily wet/soil themselves unless ordered to pee or poop.)
-Hold. (Grab and hold on to a specified target that is directly in front of them. Cannot compensate well if target resists)
*Hold. (Grab and hold on to a specified target that is directly in front of them. Cannot compensate well if target resists)
-Hold still. (Will be like a statue in whatever their present position is unless physically manipulated to change position)
*Hold still. (Will be like a statue in whatever their present position is unless physically manipulated to change position)
-Position. (So long as commands are given individually, I.E. lift arm/lower arm, the individual can be ordered to change a detail about their physical position)
*Position. (So long as commands are given individually, I.E. lift arm/lower arm, the individual can be ordered to change a detail about their physical position)

2. Can cause a moderate size group of up to 100 people (1 person is an option) to uncritically accept absolutely anything the deity tells them. This effect continues after the fog effects are lifted until they are given reason to re-evaluate what the deity said. Unless they have clear counter-evidence to what they are told, they will attempt to resist being corrected.
2. Can cause a moderate size group of up to 100 people (1 person is an option) to uncritically accept absolutely anything the deity tells them. This effect continues after the fog effects are lifted until they are given reason to re-evaluate what the deity said. Unless they have clear counter-evidence to what they are told, they will attempt to resist being corrected.

1. Can tone down power to use the basic and intermediate forms of this power as would be available to a demigod or lesser-god.
1. Can tone down power to use the basic and intermediate forms of this power as would be available to a demigod or lesser-god.

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1. Use the focused form of the Lesser-God's power on up to 100 people at once, or the non-focused form on up to 3000 or as many as he/she has direct line of sight on. (whichever is the lower number)
1. Use the focused form of the Lesser-God's power on up to 100 people at once, or the non-focused form on up to 3000 or as many as he/she has direct line of sight on. (whichever is the lower number)
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2. Can cause groups of up to 20 to fail to perceive something in the same manner as the intermediate power of a minor-god.
2. Can cause groups of up to 20 to fail to perceive something in the same manner as the intermediate power of a minor-god.

1. Can tone down power down to and including the level of a lesser-god in the basic and intermediate areas. (cannot use powers as a demigod.)
1. Can tone down power down to and including the level of a lesser-god in the basic and intermediate areas. (cannot use powers as a demigod.)

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3. Can combine the minor-god's "fail to perceive" power in combination with a powered up version of the lesser-god's "fail to notice as important" power to make up to 40 near-by people fail to perceive an event while an additional 500 further in distance will see and remember the event but block it out of their memory. (the memory is repressed but present, the memory might be dredged up if the individual is presented with evidence that the event happened and they are also badgered adamantly that they witnessed the event.) All other individuals who view the event will be under the minor-god's powered up version of the by-stander effect. This applies to any individual who views the event and might be bothered to care.
3. Can combine the minor-god's "fail to perceive" power in combination with a powered up version of the lesser-god's "fail to notice as important" power to make up to 40 near-by people fail to perceive an event while an additional 500 further in distance will see and remember the event but block it out of their memory. (the memory is repressed but present, the memory might be dredged up if the individual is presented with evidence that the event happened and they are also badgered adamantly that they witnessed the event.) All other individuals who view the event will be under the minor-god's powered up version of the by-stander effect. This applies to any individual who views the event and might be bothered to care.

Can access all advanced powers of lower dieties and can tone down their powers enough to pass as a demigod if so desired.
Can access all advanced powers of lower dieties and can tone down their powers enough to pass as a demigod if so desired.

[[Category:God's Compensation|`Lore/Fog]]
[[Category:God's Compensation|`Lore/Fog]]
[[Category:God's Compensation/Lore|Fog]]
[[Category:God's Compensation/Lore|Fog]]

Latest revision as of 01:13, 4 June 2016

Using "Fog" allows a deity to hamper the mental processes of another person. The degree to witch this can be accomplished depends both on the skill level and power of the deity using the fog ability. Any deity who has the "basic" level of skill can only use their fog ability at its full potential power. Toning it down to a level equivalent to a lower tier deity requires intermediate or advanced levels of skill.



Has the ability to make a single person more suggestible or gullible to one thing they have to say. This will only prevent the person from utilizing their critical facilities and will not cause them to accept obvious falsehoods. Unlike with the trust aura, the person will regain the ability to doubt this suggestion once the power is lifted, but only if they are given reason to think about it.

Example: Anyone age 18-32 can use this power and say they are 14-17. The person they are using this on will accept this until they see this person's driver's licence saying otherwise, or hear them drop a date that is outside the chronology for that age range, or they or someone else says something else that places doubt to the age reported.


Can use the basic form of this power on up to five people at one time, or can prevent a single person from seeing something as odd. This power does not function on preventing someone from noticing all together, and it does not prevent them from reacting to something that they are repulsed by on a gut level. Once the effects of the fog are removed, they might ponder over what they saw or heard and it might bother them if they are so inclined.

Example: In terms of having sex with a child, they might dismiss pants on the floor and the sound of a child moaning as the child was messy while changing, and the child is now whining/crying for some reason. If they make visual contact, this power has absolutely no effect. In fact, it may make their reaction worse. If an innocent excuse for whatever they are seeing/hearing/smelling exists, they will assume the innocent scenario before the repugnant scenario. However, if the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the repugnant scenario then they will instantly skip straight toward the worst case scenario they can imagine due to their slowed use of critical facilities and act accordingly.


Can monitor the other person's mental state using the deity's empathy power, and react accordingly in order to prevent the power of fog from over-correcting and creating an undesirable reaction.



There are two means by witch this power can be used. A focused form for a single person, or a general form for multiple people.

1. Can cause a single person to become complacent and non-protesting to almost anything the deity does short of causing them bodily harm or taking extremely threatening action against one of their loved ones such as killing, maiming, or doing something the loved one is violently protesting against that can not viably be excused as being for their own good. (a parent would allow the deity to have sex with their child if the child is complaint, but will not sit idly by while the deity rapes their protesting child.) So long as it does not cross this line, any extreme actions the deity took while they were under the effects of this fog will be dismissed as a dream or a real feeling fantasy. They may doubt this though if they are presented with evidence that the experience was real after they are out from under the effects of the fog.

If the deity asks the person to do something, they will not see an issue with it and accept it as normal so long as it does not cross the afore mentioned limitations that will cause them to protest.

2. Can make a small group of up to 20 people (1 person is an option) more suggestible or gullible to the point that they will go along with most things they are told to do that do not have immediately visible negative consequences, and they will believe some pretty incredible things told to them so long as obvious counter-evidence is not available to them. (Knowing better counts as obvious counter-evidence.) An affected person will continue to believe what they are told after the fogging ends until they are given reason to engage their brain on the subject again, witch will immediately end the effect.


1. Can tone down this power so that it is at the same level as a Demigod for the "Basic" and "Intermediate" applications of the skill.

2. Can use the demigod's intermediate level power on up to 10 people at once.

3. Can cause 1 person who has never been exposed to the deity's fog power before to fail to notice something as "important." They will see, internalize, and remember what they see, but nothing that the deity might be doing will strike them as something that they need to get involved with. If it was something that would break the effect of the focused basic form of this power, they will act on the knowledge of what happened the very moment they are out from under the effects of the fog. If it is something that would be dismissed under the demigod's intermediate level fogging, they will never think about it again. If it falls between those two extremes, they might make some excuse that says they didn't see what they saw but it might bother them when they next interact with the participating parties.

4. Can use application #3 on up to 5 people who have previously been exposed to the non-focused version of the basic form of this power so long as the deity speaks with these 5 people and gives them a somewhat credible excuse for what is going on that fits with what they were told previously. Does not work if they were snapped out of the effect by having their brain engaged.

5. Can use application #3 on up to 5 people who have previously been exposed to the focused version of the basic form of this power exactly as it would apply to a single target.


1. Can use the advanced form of the Demigod's power.

2. Can use a combination of fogging, empathy, and the right words to brain-wash a person to act in a certain way even with the deity exercising no power over them at all. (This effect might occur naturally with other applications of the deity's power, including empathy alone, fogging alone, or no powers at all and just a lot of the right words at the right time, but this allows them to do it by choice and with a relative degree of ease and get it done a lot quicker.)

3. Can use a specialized application of fogging to trigger a psychological phenomenon known as "the bystander effect." That is, a group of people who stand around and watch an atrocity that they have every means of stopping, and not a single one of them tries to break it up or get help. Every single person there thinks someone else is going to do something to stop it so they don't act. By using empathy to identify those most likely to act, the deity fogs just those people (can individually target up to 50 in this manner) to prevent them from acting. The result is that the deity can do anything they want with the crowd watching and nobody will stop it. However, every single one of them will report what happened to the authorities, talk about it on social media, or even form a lynch-mob to chase after the deity after the event is over if nothing else is done. (Other god powers can be used while the crowd is still transfixed in order to get a more favorable outcome)



1.Can cause a single person to go into a complete catatonic state. They will not react to anything done to them or done in front of them. They will merely stare blankly with slumped shoulders unless someone physically grabs them and re-positions them, or the deity who fogged them issues them a direct and stern command. When it comes to following commands from the deity, they cannot follow complicated orders. They can perform the following actions if ordered by the deity.

  • Follow. (the deity or another specified person.)
  • Stay. (remain in that place)
  • Sit. (sit down)
  • Stand. (stand up)
  • Eat. (eat food that is directly in front of them)
  • Attack. (flail arms about and scratch and bite a specified target)
  • Guard. (remain in place unless approached by someone other than the deity. If approached, attack)
  • Pee/poop. (Will hold in urine and feces as long as possible until they involuntarily wet/soil themselves unless ordered to pee or poop.)
  • Hold. (Grab and hold on to a specified target that is directly in front of them. Cannot compensate well if target resists)
  • Hold still. (Will be like a statue in whatever their present position is unless physically manipulated to change position)
  • Position. (So long as commands are given individually, I.E. lift arm/lower arm, the individual can be ordered to change a detail about their physical position)

2. Can cause a moderate size group of up to 100 people (1 person is an option) to uncritically accept absolutely anything the deity tells them. This effect continues after the fog effects are lifted until they are given reason to re-evaluate what the deity said. Unless they have clear counter-evidence to what they are told, they will attempt to resist being corrected.


1. Can tone down power to use the basic and intermediate forms of this power as would be available to a demigod or lesser-god.

2. Can cause up to 10 people to fail to notice something as happening at all. With this power, the deity can walk up to a father who is sitting with his daughter in his lap, pull off the daughter's pants, and brutally rape her as she clings to her daddy's neck and begs for his help then sit her on his face and feed him their cum from her snatch. Meanwhile, in his mind she is still just sitting there and nothing is happening. At most, if he starts to notice the daughter getting especially physical with him as she grabs him to get his attention he might think that the daughter is being tickled by the deity and she is reacting in a way that she shouldn't to such a mild stimulus and he might scold her about that. Otherwise, he might calmly ask her about how school was that day while the deity is in the middle of doing everything.

After the fog is lifted, they will not remember anything. If said daughter in the above scenario says what happened, they will likely think she is making the whole thing up. If she shows him her pussy still leaking cum along with bruises from the experience, they will believe she was raped but not that it just happened as she described. They will believe that was something she made up because of the trauma. They will be sure that their memory in witch nothing significant happened is the correct version of things and need extraordinary evidence to make them doubt their version of things. While under the effects of this fog, the memories of the event are never encoded in the first place and therefore cannot be regained.

3. Can trigger something like the by-stander effect from the advanced lesser-god power, except that the specifically targeted fogged bystanders, witch can include up to 500 people, will not be distressed by the events and will not take follow-up action until they have time to think about what they just saw.


Can use the lower-tier gods' advanced powers. (brain-washing is the only one that does not have a more powerful form here already)



1. Use the focused form of the Lesser-God's power on up to 100 people at once, or the non-focused form on up to 3000 or as many as he/she has direct line of sight on. (whichever is the lower number)

2. Can cause groups of up to 20 to fail to perceive something in the same manner as the intermediate power of a minor-god.


1. Can tone down power down to and including the level of a lesser-god in the basic and intermediate areas. (cannot use powers as a demigod.)

2. Can use the "fail to perceive" power of a minor-god on groups of up to 100.

3. Can combine the minor-god's "fail to perceive" power in combination with a powered up version of the lesser-god's "fail to notice as important" power to make up to 40 near-by people fail to perceive an event while an additional 500 further in distance will see and remember the event but block it out of their memory. (the memory is repressed but present, the memory might be dredged up if the individual is presented with evidence that the event happened and they are also badgered adamantly that they witnessed the event.) All other individuals who view the event will be under the minor-god's powered up version of the by-stander effect. This applies to any individual who views the event and might be bothered to care.


Can access all advanced powers of lower dieties and can tone down their powers enough to pass as a demigod if so desired.