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[[Category:Sexual Research Commission]]
[[Category:Sexual Research Commission]]
[[Category:Peters Family]]
[[Category:City of Grover]]
==Georgina Reagan==
<h2>Chapter 7: Interlude, Georgina Reagan</h2>
Georgina Reagan's life was perfect. She may have only been a sophomore, but she was the most popular girl at Grover High. Along with her two best friends Kattie Smith and Gwen Heron, they ruled the school. Everything in her life was perfect until that P-FANS program came out a few weeks ago. Obviously, she didn't get signed up for it, but it was all anyone was talking about. The whispers in the hall that used to carry gossip about anything and everything Georgina Reagan did or didn't do or say or wear now carried news about who might become a P-FANS girl and who had fucked one and who wanted to fuck one. Worse, there was only one here at Grover High, Tina Norbury and she was getting all of the attention. Georgina even caught her jock boyfriend Samuel Bennett talking about what he wanted to do with that bitch if he weren't dating. Word started going around that fucking a P-FAN girl probably didn't count as cheating since they were just like free whores or something. Georgina had to do something to take control of the situation even if it was drastic. That's how she ended up here in the principle's office sitting next to a worn out, cum soaked Tina. Principle Duvall merely stared them down for a few minutes.
Georgina Reagan's life was perfect. She may have only been in 7th grade, but she was the most popular girl at Grover Middle school. Along with her two best friends Kattie Smith and Gwen Heron, they ruled the school. Everything in her life was perfect until that P-FANS program came out a few weeks ago. Obviously, she didn't get signed up for it, but it was all anyone was talking about. The whispers in the hall that used to carry gossip about anything and everything Georgina Reagan did or didn't do or say or wear now carried news about who might become a P-FANS girl and who had fucked one and who wanted to fuck one. Worse, there was only one here at Grover Middle School, Tina Norbury and she was getting all of the attention. Georgina even caught her jock boyfriend Samuel Bennett talking about what he wanted to do with that bitch if he weren't dating. Word started going around that fucking a P-FAN girl probably didn't count as cheating since they were just like free whores or something. Georgina had to do something to take control of the situation even if it was drastic. That's how she ended up here in the principle's office sitting next to a worn out, cum soaked Tina. Principle Duvall merely stared them down for a few minutes.

Duvall finally broke his silence. "Witnesses say it was you who started the incident, Ms. Reagan."
Duvall finally broke his silence. "Witnesses say it was you who started the incident, Ms. Reagan."
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Georgina hugged her shoulders from behind. "Of course they do. They have to make sure you'll be able to handle it so they get as many guys from the office as they can to gangbang you. They do it with all the girls who sign themselves up, isn't that right?"
Georgina hugged her shoulders from behind. "Of course they do. They have to make sure you'll be able to handle it so they get as many guys from the office as they can to gangbang you. They do it with all the girls who sign themselves up, isn't that right?"

The receptionist stared back blankly at the middle school girl serving her friend to him. Eventually he caught what she meant. "Yes, of course. We need to document a baseline of your sexual appetite and endurance." He turned back to the other receptionist who was studying documents on the computer. "Steve, go get Dennis and Laura too. We need to run this young lady through the, uh orientation protocol."
The receptionist stared back blankly at the high school girl serving her friend to him. Eventually he caught what she meant. "Yes, of course. We need to document a baseline of your sexual appetite and endurance." He turned back to the other receptionist who was studying documents on the computer. "Steve, go get Dennis and Laura too. We need to run this young lady through the, uh orientation protocol."

"She already signed the form didn't she? What proto—"
"She already signed the form didn't she? What proto—"
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"We're gonna break her in."
"We're gonna break her in."

Kattie clapped excitedly and pushed out her chest, presenting her puffy nipples. The first receptionist, who never mentioned his name, unbuckled his kakis and Kattie got down on her hands and knees to stick her ass up in the air. Laura came in and claimed Kattie's mouth, making her eat her cunt out with the three men took turns fucking Kattie's pussy or ass. They each came in her once or twice before they had to let her go to get to school on time.
Kattie clapped excitedly and pushed out her chest, presenting her firm young breasts. The first receptionist, who never mentioned his name, unbuckled his kakis and Kattie got down on her hands and knees to stick her ass up in the air. Laura came in and claimed Kattie's mouth, making her eat her cunt out with the three men took turns fucking Kattie's pussy or ass. They each came in her once or twice before they had to let her go to get to school on time.

When the three Naturals walked through the halls that morning, the whole school was stunned. Hardly anyone so much as groped them all the way until lunch. In the cafeteria, the girls boyfriends avoided them, sitting at the jock's table, so it was just the Naturals and Tina twin brother. Georgina said it was weird to let him sit there, that only boyfriends could sit with them so unless he was her boyfriend which would be cool, he couldn't sit with them. Without hesitation, Tina declared Tim her boyfriend and that was settled. By the time school ended, no one had fucked them and Kattie was beyond horny. Georgina took them back to her house and called her dad to let him know they were waiting for him by the pool. For the first time ever, he got off work early to spend time with his daughter. He fucked the three preteens all over the house and Kylie got to watch this time, but her mother still made her keep her pants on.
When the three Naturals walked through the halls that morning, the whole school was stunned. Hardly anyone so much as groped them all the way until lunch. In the cafeteria, the girls boyfriends avoided them, sitting at the jock's table, so it was just the Naturals and Tina twin brother. Georgina said it was weird to let him sit there, that only boyfriends could sit with them so unless he was her boyfriend which would be cool, he couldn't sit with them. Without hesitation, Tina declared Tim her boyfriend and that was settled. By the time school ended, no one had fucked them and Kattie was beyond horny. Georgina took them back to her house and called her dad to let him know they were waiting for him by the pool. For the first time ever, he got off work early to spend time with his daughter. He fucked the three preteens all over the house and Kylie got to watch this time, but her mother still made her keep her pants on.
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A week later, more girls had joined the program, including almost half the cheer team. The first few girls were allowed to sit at the Naturals' table, but it soon took more to penetrate the inner circle. The boys had been scared off by the punishment the football team received after gangbanging Tina during lunch, but after Kattie spent a lunch period drinking cum, they quickly became more bold. An unspoken rule developed that if a girl was sitting at the Naturals' table, she was off limits, but if she sat at the table next to them, she was ready for action. Now if a girl wanted to get close to Georgina, she had to spend time at the orgy tables first.
A week later, more girls had joined the program, including most of the cheer team. The first few girls were allowed to sit at the Naturals' table, but it soon took more to penetrate the inner circle. The boys had been scared off by the punishment the football team received after gangbanging Tina during lunch, but after Kattie spent a lunch period drinking cum, they quickly became more bold. An unspoken rule developed that if a girl was sitting at the Naturals' table, she was off limits, but if she sat at the table next to them, she was ready for action. Now if a girl wanted to get close to Georgina, she had to spend time at the orgy tables first.
[[Sexual Research Commission/Peters/8|Next time, a return to Emily Peter's story...]]

Latest revision as of 14:46, 27 April 2022

Georgina Reagan

Georgina Reagan's life was perfect. She may have only been a sophomore, but she was the most popular girl at Grover High. Along with her two best friends Kattie Smith and Gwen Heron, they ruled the school. Everything in her life was perfect until that P-FANS program came out a few weeks ago. Obviously, she didn't get signed up for it, but it was all anyone was talking about. The whispers in the hall that used to carry gossip about anything and everything Georgina Reagan did or didn't do or say or wear now carried news about who might become a P-FANS girl and who had fucked one and who wanted to fuck one. Worse, there was only one here at Grover High, Tina Norbury and she was getting all of the attention. Georgina even caught her jock boyfriend Samuel Bennett talking about what he wanted to do with that bitch if he weren't dating. Word started going around that fucking a P-FAN girl probably didn't count as cheating since they were just like free whores or something. Georgina had to do something to take control of the situation even if it was drastic. That's how she ended up here in the principle's office sitting next to a worn out, cum soaked Tina. Principle Duvall merely stared them down for a few minutes.

Duvall finally broke his silence. "Witnesses say it was you who started the incident, Ms. Reagan."

"I didn't really do anything, sir." She looked completely innocent. "I was so scared when it started, but like I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner with this whore walking around the school."

"Young lady, we don't need that kind of language. Ms. Norbury's presence and participation in the P-FANS program has not caused any serious disruptions until today after you allegedly told your boyfriend Mr. Bennett he should engage in sex with Ms. Norbury in the middle of the cafeteria."

"I just said it would be funny. It's all part of the program, isn't it? Don't the rules say you can have sex with a P-FAN girl anytime, anywhere?"

"So long as she does not get hurt, yes. The program has been in place a month and until now, the students have all had the sense to not abuse that freedom. They have all been respectful of Ms. Norbury and her time and the school grounds. Isn't that right Ms. Norbury?"

"Yes, sir. I haven't had any issues until today. It took awhile to get used to everyone grabbing me in the halls when I walked by, but no one ever had sex with me when I needed to get to class or I was really busy."

"Bullshit!" Georgina called out. "You got everyone to leave you alone by fucking your twin brother 24/7! When ever someone would walk toward you he just stuck his dick inside you like he was claiming you. He's so casual about it too, walking around naked with you. How long have you been fucking Tim anyhow? Bet it was before the new laws. Your family has always been going to those nudist orgies, right?"

"That is enough, Ms. Reagan!" Duvall shut her down. "I already told you once to watch your tongue. The local nudists are a protected religious community. Until recently, public sex has been expressly forbidden and even still they are less promiscuous with girls in the P-FANS program than outside of their grounds. If you weren't in enough trouble right now I could interpret your allegations as hate speech."

"But sir I never did anything! I didn't even touch Tina! You should be punishing those boys who took it too far, not me."

"Those boys are getting their due as we speak, but I know you orchestrated this. I have reports which say you coerced your boyfriend to begin his assault on Ms. Norbury and later instigated the rest of the football team to follow suit. Do you deny this?"

"I just told him it wasn't cheating if he fucked a P-FANS girl as long as he asks me first."

"Language, third and last warning. That's the only thing you said before he and his buddies gangraped Ms. Norbury?"

"Well no. As soon as her stood up, he saw Tim was Fu—engaged in an act of incest with his sister Tina. I told him that shouldn't matter and she could at least give a—perform fellatio while she was, um seated upon her brother's intruding phallus. I just encouraged him to get over his homophobia."

"When did the other boys get involved?"

"Katie and Gwen told their boyfriends they could use her when Sam was done and they decided they didn't want to wait."

"Is that all?" Mr. Duvall lifted a notepad to consult it. "Witness say you pressured your friends to send their boyfriends over then shouted as they approached Ms. Norbury quote, 'Rape that bitch-ass whore. Leave her sore. Ride her so hard she'll need a wheelchair for a week.' Did you say that?"

"That doesn't even sound like me sir. I admit I did cheer, but everyone did. Isn't that normal when you witness a public act of coitus or does the SRC expect us to just ignore it when one of their participants performs an extraordinary uh, feat of multiple union? I was cheering to support Tina's marvelous demonstration of skill and endurance at least as much as the boys."

Mr. Duvall removed his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose before proceeding. "This says you repeatedly called her a 'dirty whore who's good for nothing but filling with sperm'. Is that what you call supportive?"

Georgina bit her lip and glanced over at Tina. The girl looked tired and bored and a little bit lost. The one thing she did not seem was hurt. She didn't look resentful either. After a moment's consideration, Georgina answered, "Of course I do. You don't keep up with slang do you? If you work with kids, you really should learn to speak our language. Calling someone a dirty whore is just like saying 'You go champ!' or what ever old people say cheer kids on and when I said she's a great sperm bank, that's just a way to say she's pretty. Isn't that right, Tina?"

The moment of truth. Tina stared at Georgina for a moment. "Yeah. She was being really supportive actually. I was really scared when all those guys climbed on top of me and started passing me around, but Georgie's words made me feel so much better and I knew I could do it."

Mr. Duvall froze. He had nothing left to say. He can't continue to prosecute this bully if her victim is corroborating her story now. How did she do that? Does she have some sort of hypnotic powers or is that just the power of a popular middle school girl? There are things in this world too frightening to think too deeply about. "I guess you're free to go. Just know I have called your parents already to let them know what happened here today."

Georgina walked out of the office with her arm locked with Tina's, trying not to cringe at the glob of cum now spread between both of their arms. Before entering the halls she whispered, "Congratulations, you're popular now. Just never call me Georgie again." As they walked out, the halls were now lined with bottomless boys, their hands tied behind their back unable to hide their shame or stop the other students fondling their junk. Georgina walked down the hall of boys with the girl who they were all on display for fucking senseless in the cafeteria. She waved at Sam as she passed him, but he pretended not to see her. Oh well, he'll get over it, especially when she shows him how he can play with her new fucktoy.


Everything seemed fairly normal when Georgina got home. She put her bag down in the foyer and walked through the sitting room to the TV room where her little sister Kylie was dancing along to some reality show with girls in bikinis. She can't help laugh when one of the girls in the show flashes someone and Kylie mimics the move.

"Georgina." Her mother's voice comes from the kitchen. She does not sound happy. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

Georgina continues in to the kitchen. "Mom, relax. It was just a little prank. Tina and I are even friends now so it's all good."

"Oh, it was just a prank and you made a new friend. That's great! We'll go out to celebrate. What are you hungry for?"

"Ooh let's go back to that steak place! Or would you rather do sea food? Let's get lobster!"

"Yeah, yeah alright. No!"

"What? Are you on a diet?"

"You think I don't know how this game is played? You're a Queen Bee. You're so popular you can hurt people and they'll thank you for it. That girl isn't your friend. She just traded her voice for a chance to get close to you."

"No, mom I—"


"What? What do you mean?"

"I said strip. Take off your clothes and put them on the chair there."


"I talked to your father and he immediately agreed how you should be punished for this. You've been a mean girl for a long time now and know we only have ourselves to blame, but now we could do something to fix it."

"What did you do?" Georgina stared her mom down. This was not happening. "Mom, What did you do?"

"We signed you up for the P-FANS program."

"No! You can't do this!"

"We already have."

"Call them back. Tell them you changed your mind. Do it. Call them right now!"

"You know it doesn't work like that. You're in the program now and you will be until you turn eighteen. Now strip. If you're not naked by the time your father gets home you'll be grounded until the end of the school year."

Georgina just stood there. The sound of Kylie's show spilled in from the next room. The announcer called out, "Up next after Girls Gone Wilder get ready for the season premier of You're in the Program. We're kicking it off with a family of three girls where the youngest isn't even out of diapers yet. You won't want to miss this!" Georgina slowly unbuttoned her shirt. She let it slide off her shoulders and folded it neatly. Tears began flowing down her face as she undid her bra.

"Mom, Mom, Mom!" Kylie's feet slapped against the tile floor as she ran into the kitchen. She stopped when she saw Georgina. "What's going on? Why are you taking your clothes off in the kitchen? Daddy's gonna be home soon, he'll see you."

Georgina didn't answer, she just started crying. Their mom just stood there with her arms folded, staring at Georgina.

Kylie looked back and forth between her mom and her sister. Neither of them would answer her and Georgina was down to her panties. Understanding dawned on her. "You're in the program! That's so cool! My friend Levi has a sister in the program and he says she sucks his little pecker every morning before school. I asked I could try sucking his pecker, but he said he'd only let girls in the program see it. Wow! You have hair on your vulva! Can I touch it?"

"No, go away!" Georgina finally spoke.

"Now now, you don't get to say 'no' anymore." Their mom corrected her. "Go on Kylie, touch her however you want."

Kylie reached out and gently pet her sister's fine pubic hair like it was a stray kitten that might run away. She was entranced by the light wisps of hair, stroking up and down. Her hand shot back like she'd been burned and she turned back to their mom. "Are you putting me in the program too?"

"No, we signed up Georgina because she did an awful thing to one of her school mates. As long as you behave, we won't sign you up."

"Oh. Okay." Kylie went back to petting her sister's pubes. She looked up to see her still sobbing and slipped a finger down her slit.

Georgina jumped back from the electric touch. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I wanted to make you feel better. Rubbing my button always makes me feel so much better."


"Let her." Their mother commanded.

Georgina spread her legs and Kylie found her clitoris. Georgina whined as her little sister molested her most sensitive spot. Her tears dried up, but she felt humiliated standing there in the kitchen. Outside, a familiar car beeped.

"Daddy!" Kylie placed a quick kiss on her sister's lower lips and ran to open the door for him. "Daddy, Daddy! Georgina's in the program!"

"I know sweet pea. I signed her up after your mother called me. Where is she?"

"She's in the kitchen. She's already naked. Are you gonna have sex with her?"

"I think so." He lifted her up and carried her back through to the TV room where his oldest daughter had wrapped herself in a blanket. "None of that." He put Kylie down and tore the blanket away, nearly tossing Georgina on the floor.

Georgina caught herself by throwing a foot on the ground, spreading her legs out wide. Before she had a chance to recover, her father's face was buried in her crotch. "Dad! What are you—Oh! Oh no. What, oh. That feels—Oh."

"He's good isn't he?" Her mother shamelessly reached a hand under her dress, into her panties.

Kylie mimicked her mom, shoving a hand down the front of her shorts. She watched as her dad expertly forced Georgina into ecstasy. Georgina's face looked funny with a confused mix of fear, embarrassment, and pleasure. Kylie got an idea and dropped her shorts and underwear.

"Keep your pants on young lady!" her mother admonished.

"But Mom!" Kylie whined, "I just wanted to—"

Her mother cut her off by yanking her shorts back up. "Your father is getting Georgina ready for her first time." She saw her oldest daughter's eyes go wide with realization. "This ordeal is supposed to be a punishment for her, but we still want to make sure she enjoys her first time as much as she can if it is going to be forced on her. We don't want you getting in the way."

"How do you know she's a virgin? The kids at school say she's a slut that's probably fucked the whole football team."

"She wouldn't have sent her boyfriend after another girl if she were fucking him."

"That makes sense." Kylie went back to watching her sister with a hand down her shorts. The live sex show had her bucking her hips into her hand by the time Georgina started screaming and flailing about, having been forced to orgasm by their dad.

Their father finally lifted his head from his daughter's crotch and coated a finger in the juices now pouring out of her. "I think she's ready. Let's get her upstairs."

Mrs. Reagan took out her phone to snap some photos. "Look how wet she is! She takes after her mother."

Kylie followed along as her father carried Georgina away, but when they reached the stairs her mother turned her away telling her to go watch her show. Kylie slunk back to the TV room in time to see the distressed toddler wet herself on national television. She's been deprived of her diaper, but Kylie was frustrated to see the network was still afraid to show too much. They blurred things out whenever the camera got a good view and kept the angles away from the good bits most of the time. Kylie knew nothing she would see on TV would be better than what she just got to watch on the couch. She noticed there was still a wet spot where her sister had leaked. She took off her pants, buried her nose in the couch, and rubbed her self off. She spent the rest of the afternoon and night like that, masturbating to the sounds coming down from her sister's bedroom and watching softcore porn.


"Good morning, darling!" Georgina's mom threw open the curtains and pulled the covers off of her.

"I'm not going to school." Georgina rolled over and threw an arm across her face. "You'll have to homeschool me now. There's no way I can go like this."

"You're going to school young lady. I've let you get away with whatever you want long enough. I don't know how to be a strict, no-fun mom and I don't want to be. I'm still your friend, I won't start making a bunch of rules in the house, but you have to go to school."

"Ugh. Fine, but we are not friends." Georgina got out of bed walked toward her closet. "Cool moms do not ruin their daughters lives like this." Realizing her mistake, she turns toward the bathroom. "The shame will probably kill me." She stepped into her rainfall shower, unbothered by her mother following her into the bathroom. "I am literally going to die of shame when I get to school and you will just have to know it was all your fault. You killed me mom. You killed me."

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. You're right, I'm sorry. What have I done? Maybe it's not too late. I'll call them. No, the Byrons tried that. But their daughter volunteered." Mrs. Reagan rambled on about this family and that who tried to get their daughters out of the program. "You were right. I'll have to homeschool you. You won't have to leave the house until your eighteen unless you want to. We'll get you the best tutors and, and" Mrs. Reagan fought to keep from crying.

Georgina got out of the shower and began toweling off. "No, you were right. I have to face this." She sat down at her vanity to brush out her hair. "It will probably kill me, but I have to face it. Go make some breakfast. It's my cheat day, I want bacon." Georgina watched her mother leave and started working on her makeup. She found a video online to show her how to contour her breasts, but realized she would need special makeup for that soon so it wouldn't rub off when she was getting railed.

Over breakfast, she started a new group chat with Kattie, Gwen, and Tina.

"get ready bitches, im picking you up early before school today" -Georgina

"k cool" -Kattie

"why what r we doing" -Gwen "wait. why is tina in this chat?" -Gwen

"we like her now shes r friend" -Georgina

"k cool. hi tina!" -Gwen

"Cool hi! You have my address? I can send it to you if you need it. I'm always ready super early, never have to worry what to wear! 😜" -Tina

"haha true! dont worry i know where you live see you soon" -Georgina

Mrs. Reagan drove by each of the girl's houses, picking them up and their first obvious question was always why Georgina was naked. She gave a drawn out explanation, made longer by starting over at each girl's house about how she saw how much fun Tina had yesterday that she just had to join the program as soon as she could so she stopped by the SRC office on her way home and signed up. She explained how she's already had such an amazing time and never knew how amazing her dad's tongue could be, they would all have to try it some time. She timed it perfectly so they were still enraptured by her story when they reached their destination and got out of the car. No one was thinking about where they were going until Georgina finished her story and opened the door to the SRC office. Tina went right in and Kattie followed but stopped in the threshold when Gwen spoke up.

"Why are we at the SRC office?"

Georgina rolled her eyes. "So you two can sign up for the program, obviously."

Kattie jumped up and down. "Cool!"

Gwen looked at her like she was crazy. "Not cool. I don't want to be a P-FANS girl."

Kattie grabbed Gwen's hand and tried to pull her inside. "C'mon, Georgina was just telling us how great it is."

"Every boy in school will be able to just line up and fuck us all day!"

"Exactly! Chad can only go so long with me before he tires out. If I had more guys, I might actually get off from sex. Georgina was right, watching Tina yesterday was so hot. I wish I had been smart enough to just sign up yesterday like her."

Georgina rested a hand on Gwen's shoulder, "We're not the Plastics anymore. We're the Naturals. If you don't do this, you can't sit with us."

Kattie dropped Gwen's hand. "Hold on. If we have to be naked, we can't wear pink on Wednesdays. If we don't wear pink on Wednesdays, we can't sit with us. How does this work."

"We don't wear pink on Wednesdays anymore Kattie. We're naked on Wednesdays now."

Kattie looked up while she thought it over for a minute. "Okay, got it."

Georgina ushered them into the office. It had only been open a few weeks and still had several moving boxes lying about. It used to be an administrative building for the preschool, but the SRC acquisitioned it for their branch office. For now, it was little more than a reception desk and a waiting room, still styled for young children save for the explicit posters and notices scattered across the walls.

"Welcome back Tina. And you must be Georgina. Happy to see more girls in here. If you two are here to sign up, just go ahead and strip and sign right here." One of the male receptionists behind the desk offered up two clipboards with registration forms on them.

Kattie quickly shed her clothes and grabbed a clipboard. Gwen took the form to look it over first. She set down the clipboard and grabbed the hem of her shirt. She lifted it up, exposing her stomach and paused. Kattie finished signing and turned around to see Gwen being all hesitant. She cocked her head in confusion.

Raising her shirt higher, Gwen exposed her bra then pulled it back down. "I can't do this."

Georgina stepped back from her. She stood with the other two naked girls behind her. "Then you can't sit with us. If you want to go back to being a loser, that's fine. Good bye."

Gwen ran out of the office crying.

The receptionist came out from the back and handed Kattie a copy of her registration form. "You're all set. Welcome to the P-FANS Program."

"Awesome. So do you like fuck me now or..."

Georgina hugged her shoulders from behind. "Of course they do. They have to make sure you'll be able to handle it so they get as many guys from the office as they can to gangbang you. They do it with all the girls who sign themselves up, isn't that right?"

The receptionist stared back blankly at the high school girl serving her friend to him. Eventually he caught what she meant. "Yes, of course. We need to document a baseline of your sexual appetite and endurance." He turned back to the other receptionist who was studying documents on the computer. "Steve, go get Dennis and Laura too. We need to run this young lady through the, uh orientation protocol."

"She already signed the form didn't she? What proto—"

"We're gonna break her in."

Kattie clapped excitedly and pushed out her chest, presenting her firm young breasts. The first receptionist, who never mentioned his name, unbuckled his kakis and Kattie got down on her hands and knees to stick her ass up in the air. Laura came in and claimed Kattie's mouth, making her eat her cunt out with the three men took turns fucking Kattie's pussy or ass. They each came in her once or twice before they had to let her go to get to school on time.

When the three Naturals walked through the halls that morning, the whole school was stunned. Hardly anyone so much as groped them all the way until lunch. In the cafeteria, the girls boyfriends avoided them, sitting at the jock's table, so it was just the Naturals and Tina twin brother. Georgina said it was weird to let him sit there, that only boyfriends could sit with them so unless he was her boyfriend which would be cool, he couldn't sit with them. Without hesitation, Tina declared Tim her boyfriend and that was settled. By the time school ended, no one had fucked them and Kattie was beyond horny. Georgina took them back to her house and called her dad to let him know they were waiting for him by the pool. For the first time ever, he got off work early to spend time with his daughter. He fucked the three preteens all over the house and Kylie got to watch this time, but her mother still made her keep her pants on.


A week later, more girls had joined the program, including most of the cheer team. The first few girls were allowed to sit at the Naturals' table, but it soon took more to penetrate the inner circle. The boys had been scared off by the punishment the football team received after gangbanging Tina during lunch, but after Kattie spent a lunch period drinking cum, they quickly became more bold. An unspoken rule developed that if a girl was sitting at the Naturals' table, she was off limits, but if she sat at the table next to them, she was ready for action. Now if a girl wanted to get close to Georgina, she had to spend time at the orgy tables first.