PW/1: Difference between revisions

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m Typos and rewording mainly, no plot was changed
RonaldMcDonald (talk | contribs)
m Added pages category ( for more accurate page counting in story listings
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{{tab}}[[PW/Crew#Security_Officer_-_Ensign_Marrak.28M.29|Ensign Marrak]], seeing that I was sleeping and unarmed, put his phaser away. [[PW/Crew#First_Officer_-_Commander_Jacob_Berlin.28M.29|Command Berlin]] tapped his comm badge, it chirped, and he said, "Commander Berlin to [[PW/Crew#Captain_-_Captain_George_Monroe.28M.29|Captain Monroe]], has the time rift change since something went through and nothing appeared?... you know what I mean."
{{tab}}[[PW/Crew#Security_Officer_-_Ensign_Marrak.28M.29|Ensign Marrak]], seeing that I was sleeping and unarmed, put his phaser away. [[PW/Crew#First_Officer_-_Commander_Jacob_Berlin.28M.29|Command Berlin]] tapped his comm badge, it chirped, and he said, "Commander Berlin to [[PW/Crew#Captain_-_Captain_George_Monroe.28M.29|Captain Monroe]], has the time rift change since something went through and nothing appeared?... you know what I mean."

Latest revision as of 20:27, 1 April 2022

Ensign Marrak, seeing that I was sleeping and unarmed, put his phaser away. Command Berlin tapped his comm badge, it chirped, and he said, "Commander Berlin to Captain Monroe, has the time rift change since something went through and nothing appeared?... you know what I mean."

"Ensign Williams?" said Monroe.

Williams looked at his console and said, "It has changed three times since the shuttle came through, twice since nothing came through."

Monroe said, "You hear that?"

"Yeah..." said Berlin, "that means, we have a child with no way home, unless magically she is from our time." Monroe was a bit caught off-guard.

"Alright, get back up here... and bring the child." Said Monroe. Berlin went back to the bridge, carrying me. He arrived at the bridge and Monroe said, "Harrison, set a course for the Federation, we need to send a message to Starfleet Command."

"Aye, aye, sir." Tim Harrison said, and set a course.

"Warp 9, engage!" Harrison went to warp, headed for the Federation. Monroe stood up and walked over to Berlin, he said, "Bring her to sickbay, tell Jennings to keep her asleep." Berlin left with me and went to sickbay, he gave me to Doctor Jennings and told her everything that happened, she put me in a bed and gave me something, using a hypospray, to make me stay asleep.

A few hours later, Jennings was no longer in sick bay, I woke up, I guess it didn't work as well as she had hoped. I didn't know where I was, so I was kind of freaking out, but I remained calm on the outside. I hopped out of the bed, noticed that I was still wearing my pajamas, and walked towards the door.

I didn't see a handle, but as I walked toward it, it opened, I was a little startled, but it didn't seem like crazy technology, they have that in grocery stores. I walked into the hallway, it was very gray, I had yet to see anyone. I wondered where I was, then I started thinking of possibilities:

I was dreaming - but I wouldn't have thought of it.

I was someone else - yeah, but I look the same, and I feel the same.

I was kidnapped - that actually seemed highly likely, which kind of scared me.

I was taken by the government because my brother thought the Earth was flat - yep, that's what happened, I was kidnapped because my stupid brother is a flat Earther. - The only problem with that, is that I don't have a brother...

I was never really here, something traumatic happened, and this is just the memories that I placed here to block the traumatic event................. °_° .............. back to the story...

I walked cautiously through the halls, then I noticed, that I was walking in circles. I heard someone talking, I ran the other way, they didn't see me, but I didn't stop running. I needed to find an exit, but how was I gonna do that? I went into a room, it appeared to be someone's bedroom, so people lived here?

I saw a window, and almost peed my pants, was this a real window? I looked out the window and saw nothing but stars. Unless we were somehow sideways, I was looking up, and it was night time, then I am in space, I probably was abducted by aliens. I hoped the aliens were nice, and not gonna try and eat me.

I looked out the window for at least five minutes, wondering if I was seeing correctly. I left the room and went into another room a few doors down, this was not a bedroom. I walked in and saw what appeared to be space shuttles, but like super fancy ones, this must be their shuttle bay.

Maybe I could take a shuttle and head back to Earth, if I had a shuttle, with their technology, I would be able to get back within a day or two, after all, they just abducted me within 24 hours, I couldn't have slept for that long. I ran towards a shuttle and got in, it was so fancy, just buttons, no joysticks or anything to control it.

I had no idea how to fly a normal plane, but at least here, all the buttons were labeled, so I turned the shuttle on. I pressed a button and was soon floating above the ground, I went really slow and slowly maneuvered out toward the shuttle bay door. Then I noticed, the shuttle bay doors, were closed.

I scanned the list of buttons on my helm, I pressed the button to open shuttle bay doors, but someone said something. Warning! Do not open shuttle bay doors while you are at Warp! Warning! I had no idea where "Warp" was, and also I had no idea who said that, because I did not see anyone.

I was getting kind of freaked out, and I was not allowed to leave because we were at Warp, wherever that was. I turned off the shuttle, it landed in the middle of the shuttle bay, I just left it there, I didn't put it back. I left the shuttle, I needed to find out how long till we would leave warp.

I left the shuttle bay, and someone saw me, it was a woman, I decided, since she saw me anyway, to ask her some questions. "How long till we leave Warp?" I asked, "Oh, and are you aliens gonna eat me?"

She looked confused, she tapped her comm badge, "Doctor Jennings to Captain Monroe, we have a problem, the girl woke up."

"I'm on my way." Said someone, who I didn't see. Jennings picked me up and brought me back to sickbay, despite how hard I tried to break free. She sat me down on a bed in sickbay, and started scanning me with something, it looked like a laser pointer for your cat.

She finished scanning me and put the laser pointer in the back of a calculator. Captain Monroe came in and I said, "You guys look like humans, I guess we have a similar species, I hope you aren't gonna try and eat me." Monroe seemed a little flustered.

"Umm, we are not gonna try and eat you..." he turned to Jennings and whispered, though I was able to hear it, barely, "Should we tell her?" Jennings shrugged and walked away. Monroe turned back to me and said, "What time was it when you went to bed?"

"10 PM" I said.

"I mean, what day?" He asked.

"Sunday" I said.

"No, not of the week." He said.

"Oh, sorry, September 4th." I said.

"Umm... what year?" He asked.

"I would assume this year, I didn't sleep that long, did I?" I asked.

"That's what we are trying to find out..." he said.

"Umm... twenty twenty-two..." I said, "Ten PM, September fourth, twenty twenty-two." He looked shocked, I wondered how long I slept, he smiled and just pretended that everything was normal.

"Well, welcome to the U.S.S. Gunther." He said.

"Umm, U.S.S.?" I asked. U.S.S. was what the United States used for their ships in the navy or whatever, I think it means United States Ship.

"Uhh, yeah... United Space Ship..." He said, not knowing about the United States using it too, he just assumed that I didn't know what it meant. He decided to start over or something, because he asked, "What is your name?"

"Natalie," He appeared to have been waiting for a last name as well, so I said, "uhh... Hendricks..."

"Nice to meet you Natalie, I am Captain George Monroe of the Federation Starship Gunther." He said, "You can call me Captain Monroe." He smiled and told Jennings, "Get her some better clothes, then bring her to the bridge, we are going to tell her everything, it's not like we can get her back."

When he said 'it's not like we can get her back.' I got really freaked out, these aliens couldn't even bring me back? Captain Monroe left and Jennings scanned me again with her laser pointer.

After finding my measurements, she tapped some things on her console, then asked, "What would you like to wear?"

Assuming correctly, that I had to be specific, I said, "A hot pink t-shirt, and a blue skirt." Then she left to find a replicator, though I didn't know why she left. After seeing that they were nice aliens, I trusted them, and decided to stay here and not roam off, I waited for her to come back.

She finally came back with a my clothing, she told me to undress. Despite it being embarrassing, she didn't seem to be intending to move, so I stood up and undressed completely, not even leaving my underwear. She took my discarded clothes and gave me my new clothes that she replicated, then it occurred to me that she didn't replicate underwear for me, but when I looked up, she had already left to go recycle them into energy using a replicator.

I wondered where she went, but I decided it was fine, the skirt was long enough, I should be fine. I put them on, the skirt went to my mid-thighs, it was a very thin skater skirt, not thin enough to see through though.

It's short length kind of worried me, since I was not wearing panties, but I soon decided that it was fine. Jennings came back, smiled and said that I was cute, she grabbed my hand and led me to the bridge.

We arrived at the bridge, and Captain Monroe was waiting for us. He grabbed my hand and brought me to his ready room, he told me to sit down, so I did. He sat next to me on a couch in the room and turned to face me.

"Natalie, you are from Earth, 2022; We are from Earth too, but we are from 2384." He waited to see my reaction, I was completely shocked, my eyes went wide, my mouth fell open, wow, I was asleep for a long time.
